The Huron Signal, 1882-05-26, Page 22
Lhe Poet's tomer.
The Flees Where iM Mid Me see.
da the balbow, by the pollard. wks,.o the crop
le tail .ad rank.
Of tea Mel' Imet GM Me awls arowlns
where 1110110mble mot the brushwood stray
Orr e'er*** bank.Aad t ppeti terks iM shelters se the tree.
s faun 1..see Mee
Ia thsseerss sail therms,
Iholl ft Verpaams 1 tiara say hma atddr.
While %Me tears comes thick sad hot,
IASLM. hi WIth.IM(--
Tis oho place when theotd hares died.
There's Ms hest PPM the Miaow, there's his
klde use lbe .hear.
A baueggever beat him to the rein; '
New, err IR q leve mad oars, I've sn empty
rel sad bare;
1 Mall asvertdde ay gallant bone again !
Ren he laid him oat at speed,
Wm' he beteg to heves load.
Hew he oa rted 1a hie mettle -and his pride!
Not • Ryer of the bunt
Was beside him la the front.
At the place when the old hone died!
Wee he trowel 1 hardly think It. Did he
dip i I cannot tell,
M e had run for forty minutes in the vale,
Me was reaching at his bridle, be was going
strew* s°d weU,
Aad he never seemed to falter or to fall;
Thongb I sometimes fancy too,
Tbst his daring spirit knew
The task beyond the compass of his stride;
Yet he faced it, true and brave,
And dropped into his grave.
At the place where the old horse died.
1 was w• in bait a minute, but he never seem-
ed to stir
Though 1 scored hi:n with my rowels in the
In himlife hedged not felt before the insult
of the spur.
And 1 knew that 1t was over. once for all,
Wien motionless he lay
In his cheerless bed of clay.
Huddled op without an effort on his side -
Twee a hard and bitter stroke,
For his honest back was broke,
At the place where the old horse died.
gtdusteea 1 am, however, advised that
their progress would have hems AMY
mislay were tt not that capitellgts herr
Nato to embark their means suitor
takings which which would he hoPmed if
net destroyed by a is the trade
sad demi pildy adigaW b yes r 1671+.
In ardor, *seetsm% to with* tis p.seM
expre..irtg *Mit � es
this policy, toad at- the masse time he
stmtitrleopentipn the seesaw, low the
Co of the eelsma y i ti et s the
so of ,t N «) ' to
saw this & msa� to be Oisselead at
an early day.
With a neigh so faint and feeble that it touch.
ed me likes groan.
"Farewell," he seemed to murmur, "ere I
Then set his teeth, and stretched his limbs,
and w 1 stood alore,
While the merry chase went heedless
sweeping by.
Ain !womanly and weak
it the tear was on my cheek
Or a brotherhood that death could thus
divide 1
If. sickened and amazed.
Throughja wotul mist and gazed,
On the plates where the old horse died.
Tbereare men both good and wise who hold
that, in a future state,
Dumb creatures we have cherished here be-
Shall give us joyous greeting when we pass
the golden gate:
It is folly that i hope i t may be so t
For never man had friend
More enduring to the end,
Truer mate in every turn of time and tide'
Could 1 think wed meet again.
1t would lighten half my pain
At the place where the old hcrse died.
ills Lteelleaey'a Speech to the Members of
the Mouse of Commons and the Senate,
Yesterday the fourth session of the
fourth Parliament 4.1 the Dominion was
proro4uod. The following is the Gover-
nor -General's speech: -
Hoa Gautier/or; , f'nc
Genflemeo of t).( 11. ire o f (.'o!nmonn:
I desire to convey to you my beat
thanks fur the earnestness and assiduity
which you have shown 01 the perfor-
mance of your parliamentary duties, and
I am glad to believe that 00 returning
to your homes you will Lind the country
everywhere enjoyiin4 large measure of
The Civil Service Act will, I trust, be
productive of the best results. It will
improve the organization and add to the
usefulness of that service already so effi-
The measures relating to the extradi-
tion of fugitive offenders, to the winding
up of insolvent balk insurance compan-
ies. and trading o,rporatious, and for
amending the criminal law, are all of an
important nature.
The appropriatio•i is aid of railway
enterprise will tend Greatly to open a
vast tract of fertile co';ntry hitherto .d -
Float inaccessible t., the settler.
The annual grant for the encourage-
ment of the seafisheruseu will be of great
value to tha$t important branch of Vie
national intustriea.
The removal of the off tea and
coffee will lessen the dost ..f those impor-
tant articles of food to the people, and
the repeal of the• stamp tax on bills of cent convention at 6t- Meryl. where the advantage from a party standpoint.
exchange and promissory notes will be representative of a 1efur:a. Journal was _i Such, at all events, was the object of tire
appreciated by the commercial commun- excluded. Government. But though unjust, this
ity as a relief from an irksome burden; Captain Campbell -No hole nd our- i action would afford the people an early
while the transmission of newepapersand ner Nosiness hen. gentlemen. iLattgh- opportunity to get rid of the worst Gov -
periodicals from postage will be accepted ter.) ornmnt that had ever cursed this coun-
as a boon by the whole country. AN a1ZLLNT sPCaa.t. try. He touchtfd upon the N. P., a
Our manufacturer., already in a pros- Mr. Trow, in accepting the aomnation policy of taxation upon the people,which
pemus condition, will be further aided assured the delegates that the heartiness I enabled sugar and other monopolists to
by the abolition of the duties un metals of their reorptsr.n was quiet bdyuad Sia s
I ases enormous fortunes in this coun-
and other raw mate inset' ed in their expectation. Wbde in Ottawa he had 1111 try, and then retire to the Old Country
several draductiune. written to revers) persons in the riding, 1 anerect palatial residences. He said
It is satisfactory to know that the statin,; that wh,/ever might be the noes- it appeared to him that the old fight fur
Rousing Reform Convention a$
Fullerton Corners.
James Frew, AL F., O..alaeaaty sheers
candidate r►r the Cemmess
FCLIAPc Cottages, May 19. - A don-
vention fifths Rebrmers of South Perth
was held ion this afternoon, in the
Village Hall. The opinion was freely
expressed that a gathering so chamcfsr-
ized by the spirit of unanimity bad
never before been held within the Rid -
in,. It was in every respect creditable
to the Liberrls of South Path. Not
one delegate chosen to represent the
various municipalities was absent. The
hall was crowded to the doors
Mr. Hugh Campbell, of Mitchell, Pre-
sident of the Reform Association, was
called to the chair. He did the Riding
was new about to enter upon a contest,
and was pleased to see so huge and en-
thusiastic a gathering present
Mr. J. J. Crabb., Mayor of St. Marys,
acted as Secretary.
Among those present, in addition to
the delegates, were Messrs. Jas. Trey,
M. P., for South Perth: A. Bishop,
M P. P. for South Huron; George R.
Pattullo, Woodstock; A. Matheson,
Stratford, and J. H. Rae, of Mitchell.
Messrs John E. Harding, of St.
Mirys, and Dr. Hedge, of Mitchell,were
appointed a committee on credentials,
were appointed the following
I'1CLitiATL' CliZatNT:
aa the , aiui ad ei eillsny whieli4Pin
tcsuesrvatives wilitld break. Added �o•
fee eras tie sale d the eouatry to the
amountAU ahem
the .tetanal
boasted toe peeepnMiyo ul
omegas", tin by they dare sof tnational
As pas•
ey felt thist, they
send avb01ore Mtdhsr�Puy, end M the
"Oktle are Mimi" Them was no tee
.mUMy ti* thane* the «mpktajon of
derail Pulaski, ala the
tolik e?1000wL*as cosside.i-
Oro il w-lrYMs is the Hours told hha
ZIAms they wanted without used -
with the South Riding. He
believed that the newly -added town-
ship of Osborne would furnish him many
warm friends-sson d the right stamp.
He felt tattered to see present so largean seesmbly of the leading members of
party ty in South Perth. Throughout
the country unwaviring confidence was
expressed in the leadership of Hon. Mr.
Blake. Speaking of the Hen. Mr. Mao-
kor as, Mr. Trow said that a new days
ago be Mt grieved beyond measure to
observe the heattie.s taunt to which he
had ham subjected by Sir John. Mr.
Mackenzie had requested by motion that
a certain portion of the township of Ste -
field, gerrymandered from East York, be
returned to him. Sir John would not
comply; did not even deign to answer,
but voted it dawn at once by the brute
majority at his beck, exhibiting through -
a spirit of bitter animosity. 11 touched
his heart far more than the loss of East -
hope. After all his years of faithful ser-
vice to the country this was the treat-
ment Mr. Mackenzie received from the
present party in power in his hours of
failing heoltb.
A voice --What better could you ex-
pect from them?
Mr. ?tow went en to expose the ma-
chine -like regularity with which the sup-
porters of the Government voted down
every resolution brought by the Opposi-
tion. They have endeavored to deprive
the people of their just rights in order to
strengthen their own positions In pnef
of this statement he cited the numerous
glaring examples. During the session he
had seen Mr. Guest, his opponent in this
contest, at the House in close convener -
tion with the leader of the party. '•M r.
Guest then declared that he had nothing
that not sieg!pap,►
e to
Perth. Dad they oche ad
Alt isa/tr
rli ittt.rlelate that the Domiuittn
G.ieanintent has out k4luwei the ese«-
e set by the Outarle (luvenntteut in
Uinging down a bill amending the par-
ent Pradios iu award to the taking of
MP' ono* iu oho aunt& The Ontario
amendment G. the Ad idioms agnesties
to edam iodated t.f misspelling them to
take what is to these a meaningless oath,
hat the shauge only applies toanloaass,
criminal mottos ballot within the jnris-
*idioe of the Dolriaiows laws. It is ..f
greater importance that the *vid.uo. of
&spsosltial shusld be available in criminal
eases than it is that itch inklbe available
is aril ewes •
A Iporrespendent of the Guelph Mer-
cury says: -While in :7uss•essation the
other day with an old time couervative
he said to your correst.oudiet:-"Well,
I have wlppeted the Tory party fur 22
years, but I shall not support the is this
time." "You (.elft meati to say you are
go:ngtovote for Ilse'Iriiri' quened3e.r
corresndeut. "%VeilIam,"said he "and
it will he the first time I even voted for
the Reform party." Another gentlemp
who was standing beanie hint said, "That's
my ease exactly. met t i will c. to iigaiuit it
chiefly oh the gr.•uod of sats-monop ly."
And filet's the Caere exactly with thous-
ands of the Can adieu peoplo.
Hibbert -W. A. Allison, Daniel Gal- to do with polities, though he changed.
lsgher. Andrew McLellan, D. Mitchell, mind very suddenly after the ain-
John Relaney, Thos. Gourley, Alex.Mc- der, red that he waseoirg Norrth-wth-w est,
as that would be more profitable.
Fullarton-R IL Bain, R. B. Gill, A voice -He's right, there. (Lnught-
F. Anderson, Jas. Smith, Wm. Tien, ; et.
Trow-"Perhaps he will think so
T. Currelley, J. McIntyre. before he gets through this campaign."
Downie -Geo. Feline, O. Smith P. He apeeker) said he was bound to win
Muir, W. Roger, D. Flannagan, James , the election if there was any possibility
Dunn. of doing it by fair means. He felt quite
Usborne-JasAder, C. Monteith, Jas confident as to the result He exposed
Ballantyne, D. McGinnis, Jobn Esse", the extravagance of the Government in
Jas. Gilmour, S. Routley.
Blanchard -Dr. Irvine, P. McVan°ell,
Thos. Pears, Capt. Campbell, W. Feed,
Wm. Carmichael, Chas. Bellamy.
St. Marys -H. E. Wilson, J. D.
and the robbery of the rights and terri-
McBonJ. E. Harding,
M. C. C.KMoscnp, tory of Ontario. In conclusion, he said
R. 1lfitcli D. De Campbell,.W. Dr. !lodge, he intended to go heartly into the cam-
psign, and asked his hearers to rally to
the ranks of Reform in his support, the
the nominee of the Convention. (Ap-
plause. )
Moved by Dr. Irwin of Kirkton set:
ended by Mr. J. Elder of Usborne,
"That the members of this Convention
express their hearty thanks to the noble
band of patriots, led by the Hon. Ed-
ward Blake, who have so bravely stood
up for the rights and liberties of the peo-
ple of this Dominion during the last
P'arlirment, and whose devotion to their
country's in terest is the admiration of
all lovers of high-minded statesmanship;
knd we pledge ourselves to do all we
the able and su:cesful, leaders'bi . . f honorably can to secure the election of
Hon. E. Blake. (Applause.) . /inch cafididates as will carry out the
THE NOMINATION t•NActxo; i principles and policy of the Reform
Mr. John E.Barding then nomination ; party in the House of Commons." Car
Mr. James Trow, M. 1'., as the candi- Tied.
date for the approaching Dominion elee- SHORT, STIRRING SPEECHES.
tions. Captain Campbell, of Blan:hard, ' Mr. Bishop, M. P. P. did this was
seconded the nominati'D' the time for work, not talk. He report -
No other names were mentioned by ed very favorably on the state of the Re -
the Convention, and the delegates rose 1 form party in Unborn°. He pronounced
to there feet, to ,n a,.+e, declaring the 1 the conduct of Sir John in connection
nomination unanitnous, amid great en- with the gerrymander as cowardly, and
thusiuslu and rounds of applause. i traitorous to the best interest of Onta-
OPEN AND 8TItaIGHTrt.RWALI•. rio. He was surprised to see Sir John
The attention of the l'resideot hating a attempt to tie the hands of Hon. Edward
been willed to the fact that there was Blake behind his back and then smite
present the representative of a Conner- him below the belt. At the close of this
vative paper, he said the convention slid I election he hoped to hear three rousing
not ituend 10 transact anything they cheers announcing the victory of Mr.
would the ashamed id. Trow in South Perth.
Mr. Hartung -We dont dei that kind , Mr. Geo. R. Pattulo condemned the
of business at our sneetinifs. All isepen Government for springing the elections
and above board. Let the newspaper upon the country one year before the
luau remain. ,App''eaul�ee..) 1 proper expiration of the present Perlia-'
The Chairman satd,they carried on no ; went. It was wholly unjustifiable from
such proceedings as took place at a re- a public stand -point, but might prove of
the payment of old, humbugging claims
and in general management of public
business; condemned the unwarranted
disallowance of Province logislation,
George Rily, W m.Fraacis, John Whyte,
Thus. McDonald, %%nm. Kerr.
!tie FtuLNIMt WLL&'t'wl'b.
The President said he missed from the
Convention the familiar faces of many
old friends from S,•uth Easthope, a ger-
rymandered township, but in their places
he was glad to welcome new friends from
Usborne township. Said he, in con=
eluding: They will loyally' engage with
us in the fight, and with us 1lhrticipate
in the crowning success which is certain.
The gerrymander has been forced upon
this Riding, but it will p.o:e none of our
funeral. We g , fc rwarj in this cam-
paign strengthened and encouraged by
buoyant state of the revenue will permit
these reductions, amounting to about a
million and a quarter of dollars, to be
made without inconvenience.
During the recess my Ministers will
oontinue their off. wts to secure fa vocable
commercial arrangements with France
and Spain. In these endeavours the
High Commissioner will receive the same
hearty sappott from Her Majesty's Gov•
ernment and the Iinpenal diplomacy as
has already been given to him. Such
support must greatly strengthen Canada Pr,vidence any longer. ; Renewed the party would saactson the outrage at
in any negotiations entered into for the Lnghter.) The Let that the miaow 1 the polls. The great object of the men- I A FINE ASSORTMENT
improvement of her trade with foreign seems to bettat the !oilier their day of I moot wee to stave the "old man of the
ooustrir. It has been the more readily reaming is put of. so mach smaller * i party," Sir John Macdonald. He
sesorded that Her Majesty's Govern- the probability of their •neoa & The , Mratgly the mny sinks• us
tarot rel on no preference being given last Browning .tort of the presort Gov- temente of this miserable Bill, and held C h r . t t I e E r o
byCana against the trade or products ernment Las surprised even their own th t the isoprene' is. now before the
We Mother Country. friends. Man Csuuervetires. as well people was : "$hall Responsible Govern- BISCUITS ANI'
in of the convention, be would throw the principles of Responsible Govern -
in all his energy and intuevce to. elect , mint had to be fought over agtsin in this
He thanked theta from the bottom of Province. The Conservative party had
his heart, and would enter as once epos , turned back the dial of time folly twen•
the campaign. The elections, he said. I ty-five year*, as was shown in the dis-
hed toren sprung upon the areatry a ! ammo( ce of Provincial Legislation ny
year e.. Ener than should bate been the the Dominion Government. The ger-
ms,. Some allege that the reason fur I ,iender tended to destroy the very
this action on the port of the Govern- principles of Representative Govern-
ment was because the wheat crop .sigh tet. The wire -pullers of the Conserve.
prove a failure. (Laughter. + Others titre party were responsible for this me. -
claim that the Government enn..t tenet sure, but he would wait to see whether
.1 ltew Catechism in
Q. --What is rheunaatistn 1
A.-Rheuinatiam is humorous sensa-
tion that causes suou to rub their joints
with St. Jacobs Oil, play practical jokes,
throw things around, wear crutches and
stay inclement, swathed in red flannel. -
[Drayton (C.) New Era.
Q.- What is St, Jacobs Oil 1
A. -A p.eeulier substance of a very
penotreting nature, which causes pheu-
matisnl to leave the system astonishing-
ly quick, -insuring evenness of temper
thereby, :and ability t.. do ones work
satisfaetie e;y. It banishes crutehus, re-
tires tt ti.'els, produces happiness, and
brings us down Gia serene old age with.
out the uiaityrdont of pain. -(Exchange.
At the Established Shue Ston in TMs,
Endless Variety,
to pit the most lailltde,Mtlaate sad the most *cones* kart ,
Is now complete, and I take plewire in informing my customers and et IIN PI*
view time have I had such a
. 011t and 1lalr-dretrer, hem to return
hanks to the pnbtir near pi> ;an and
ulicHe a eontInman, , . 01.10111. lie tan
always be found t . his Slav rel,; .'r -ser, near
l'os Oltice Goderich. t;53
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the 1� unti
it is a positive fact that ne such value in fool weer can h. got
of every grade still receives nay prompt end careful attention, and will be nude ep
in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, a nd
of the very beat material obtainable.
I )lld FE'N ofI�is aid IiSSe� Boo��K«I �
At time of purchase if so desired.
E_ D Q —w r 1 I
Crabb's Block, Cur, East Street knd the Square.
I have just received a large stock of
1 have also on hand a large stock of all kinds of
All kinds of repairs done to Lounges, Sofas. and ('hairs. Chairs
recanedd aan_C
d perforated seats put in. Carpet and oil -cloth laid, and
. picture6c
RO BE iarietr Store, East St.
Cathartic Pills
Combine the choicest cathartic principles
in medicine, in proportions accurately ad-
justed to secure activity, certainty, and
uniformity of effect. They are the result
of years of careful study and practical ex-
periment, and are the most effectual rem-
edy yet discovered for diseases caused by
derangement of the stomach, liver, and
bowels, which require prompt and effec-
tual treatment. Ave s Piias are spe-
cially applicable to this class of diseases.
They act directly on the digestive and
assimilative processes, and restore regu-
lar healthy action. Their extensive use
byphysicians in their practice, and by
all civilized nations, is one of the many
proofs of their value as a safe, sure. and
perfectly reliable purgative medicine.
Being compounded of the concentrated
virtues of purely vegetable substances,
they are positively free from calomel or
any injurious properties, and can be
administered to children with perfect
safety. Arm's PILL. are an effectual cure for
Constipation or Costiveness, Indi-
gestion, Dyspepsia, Lo.. of Appetite,
Foal Stomach and Breath, Dirst-
ness, Headache, Loss of Memory,
Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice,
Rheumatism, Eruptionsand SkinppTamers,
Neural Colic, Orlpea. Diarrheas"
Dysentery, (Soot, Piles, Disorder. of
the Liver, and all other diseases ,result-
ing from a disordered state of the diges-
tive apparatus.
As a Dinner Pill they have no equal.
While gentle in their action, these
Ptl.0 are the roost thorough and search-
ing cathartic that can be employed, and
never give pain unless the bowels are is
flamed and then their influence is heel-
ing. They stimulate the appetite and
digestive organs; they operate to purity
and enrich the blood, and impart re-
newed health and vigor to the whole
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell. Mass.
tFdr &ilr Z•e l '% -seg "tlt�
tel' w� "iii 100.-
/ i J-4Pz._
Farmers' Hardware
Builders' Hardware
LI fact, everything yu want in his lino:
This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WIRE, the best yet.
LT NCH :it:•:(it E.
Previous to stock taking at
Parties wanting cheap goods should call at once. Haying seemed prat rims weir
am prepare* to manufacture to order.
F. RN EN Nothing but First Class Material Used,
' ES els. 0-ood. Z'it 3"''LZarctra.tee
S lb! t! N AND '. OBS' 'R. WM CAMPBELL.
Gessflewten Qf the Ho'oteof (om mint, :
I thank you in Her Majesty's name
for the supplies you have granted, which
ttrN be expended with all due attention
Bah QiuWmen of the 14t, tk:
Qewtewten of 11,e 110110 of Common.: :
I heartily amgfiitulate you on the ra-
pid and sucomidel development of oar
taasufacturin0,t agrielaltersi, and other
as Reformers. written le him mea- mete prevail in this country. SheFl party
planning bitterly of the Redistribution or role r
Rill in which, as well shown by the gets- I tt. i suss cheers oonel.isd ibm ani-
tata-m indignation, Datives had ov r—-(Advertiesr.
stepped carrying to
their own milt in the campaign them
was every rseson to believe that •assess
ter the Liberals was certain. The fool-
ing was speeding that this last attempt
to legislate the people out of their rights
%lay seise from i.dieestios and Dy
pepsin when B.rdeek Bteod Bitters will
positively oars these siimads t A trial
b:t is esb .ods 10 Best.
(loderkb. Feby. rah. 1iet
Pure p:oee. I
TRY THEM Posters, Circulars, Cards. ace
Chas. A . Nairn.
!teeth Street, (Iodate&