HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-26, Page 1-
M jI1.1�e 51 Y1•.Alt 1!f <D7
MN aeyeHMNNaIa
t,uriherue- R. Bewley.
Vented-- Mrs Oraeme ('atnerou.
tattles Auution Sale -J. C. Currie.
I.)era Hair Vigor -J. C. Ayer! Cu.
,Vest Hanoi KIectlou-M. C. Cameron.
Unix of Montreal D. Glow, Manager.
A. TIBC. Otticeanti resideuue, West Street 1
lime doors below Bank of Montreal, Gude-
14 Cesar. the
GEON, Ilate with Trotter At
ea':, g Dentists of Torontu.I All operations ,I
t.•u,.) and carefullyppeurturmed. Rouwa, Bea- J
Flout, CLINTON. s4Pattents from a
.e,e1140 wUl Weise snake appointment In ad- 1
.ut-e y taa0. 1812
She Peoples Column.
1' A good general' servant in a family of
:..'... Good wages will be paid. Apply to
Mi.-. Gaming UAMiWt0N, Kest Street. 1840.
Corporation of the County of
w.11 meet in the Court Room in the town of
uudertch, un Tuesday, Mit of June. Ac- �
t ouata against the t'uune I must be sent In 1
eters the tint session of the second day of ,
Wag. PETER ADAMdoN, Cu. C,erk. 1
y 22nd 1de t. 1840-2t
11 Having completed her studies In music '
.oder Prof. t, ppi of London, and having re- 1
. rived a tertineste, is now prepared to re- i
t elve • limited number of pupils for Plano
instruotbn. Miss tleegmtiler Is also prepared
to take orders for Crayon Portraits. tianatat:-
non 1s every case gnsrnateed. Residence,
tenser Oambria 2to•d and Newg•to' Street,
1 Hoe.e oil St. Patrick's Street. containing
seven rooms and woodshed. Hard and soft
water o• the premises. and the entire place
in the best condition. Cuuvenieet to the
square. Also two brick cottages. near the
s'.aUon. Apply to Jolts Buss E1 RIDGE.
Newgate street. Goderich.
RiCH. not less than 8 to 10 rooms. Meat
nsakely toagsted, and cheap. State
Price it. L Box 118 Lucknoive full w,Ont, Address
From the premises of subscriber. lot 3,
division of Colborne.
9th cos., western
About the 22nd of April. Iosttyeerting heifers.
One is white with roan about the neck and
head, sad the other red. with some white
epees. Information leading to their recovery
will be suitably rewarded by the owner.
Join Tlrrut, Carlow P. O. 1836 -it
BISSET take this opportunity of an-
nouncing to tht ladies of Ooderiob and vicin-
ity th..t shay have secured rooms over George
Aahesos's store, where they will carry on the
business of drew and mantle making. Hsv-
tng had several years experience u fashion-
able dressmakers, they feel confident that
they can give perfect satisfaction, to all who
tnay favor them with their orders. Apprent-
icas waatod. 18 -1m
Loans anb 3neurance
�v11 lend on (Daisy terms In sums to suit bor-
owers. ALES. 11cD ALLAN.
Goderich, Nov. 17th 1881. 1813-Im.
. 1758.
75.000 TO LEND ON REAL E8 -
TATK. Terms (avertible. Apply to B. L.
OYLK. Goderich. 1751
on good Farm or Wig -class Town Property
t 8 per cent. Apply to R. R A DCLIFFE. 1751
amount to suit borrowers at 6 to M per
mil. Private funds. Apply to SEAoER and
[°arrow. Goderich.
amount of Privater-. Mornds iia AMOt
lowest rtes � �.� Apply
) Money to lend at lowest reset tree of
say costa or charger+. SKAOI:R it MORTON,
opppooaelte Colborne Hotel.
tioderlch, 23rd March 1881. 1779.
Landed Credit Company te prepared to
end money on good Farm security, at six per
unL Full particulars given upon application
o HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Goderich,
5' n Farm and Town Property at lowest te-
rcet. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission
barged Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
1. B. -Borrowers can obtain money In one day
f title Is satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHh-
ITON, Barristers. Ro.. Goderich. 1751
. Life and Accident Insurance Agent.
Representing fireteleas Companies. Also agent
for the CANADA Livs STOCK xeu(RANCE Co.
Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or
Farm Property, in any way to suit the borrow-
er. Gmoe-4up.alMle) Ear's hock. Goderich.
[ szgs premises known as the Tecumseth
Galt Well with Block. containing ono steam
pan 8081 and one iron pan 10ft in length. with
alopther oppo:. unities for making salt in good
mining seder. Working capacity 100bis per
day, present price of salt t40c per barrel. 716 a
.'ay clear profit. Apply tolls°. B. JOHNSTON,
P. 0. HOE 70. Ooderfch
I 1$uae on south Street, containing 8
.,..ass. kitchen and pantry, with hard and
wit Water. Apply to GEA. McMABON.
Legal 'Notices.
"A chlel's amang ye, takin' notes,
Au' faith he'll prent it."
Sallow. has elected himself to the proud
position of people's phigogrepher in Weet Hu-
ron. and although be doesn't want the votes of
his constltueata is willing to reo.Ive the bene,
tit of their Influence at his rooms, Market
Square corner.
Mrs. D. Ferguson is visiting at Detroit.
The political canvasser is abroad. The
woods is full of 'em.
Even the ladies are discussing and de-
nouncing the gerrymander.
Mrs Anderson, of Winghain, is the
guest of Mrs Grierson, Brock St.
Rev. Father O'Connor will officiate at
St Peters during the absence of Father
Mr. James Macbride, now of Bay
City,has been visiting his mother and
friends here.
W. S. Hart has received a car of
Westeru corn for seed, and this popular
grain will likely go off like "hot cakes."
Mr. W. Macara, barrister, of Winni-
peg is spending a few weeks in town.
He looks well, and Likes his IVestern
Our townsman, Mr. F. Jordan, re-
turned from the Northwest on Thursday
afternoon looking as bright as a new
SaoETHoa-vs.-Mr. Hawley's valua-
ble bull Beaconsfield 2ad will improve
grade stork during the treason. See ad-
vertisement. '
The picnic under the auspices of the
Roman Catholics et Wawanosh will be
held at Wingham on Thursday, June
1st. A good time is expected.
Mr. Joseph Kidd barely escaped from
being severely hurt, by his horse run-
ning away on Tuesday afternoon, be-
ing dashed against a telegraph post.
The carriage a new one is -quite a
We understand that Mr. George Hys-
lop, marble cutter, formerly of Gode-
rich, died of small pox at Chicago re-
cently. lis widowed mother lives in
town, and passed through a heavy be-
reavement in the loss of another ion last
By Verdict of the power of sale contained
In a Mortgage from Elisabeth B. Weise and
Julius Weise to the Vendor (which Mortgage
will be produced at the time of rale.) there
will be offered for sale by Public Auction. by
J. C. Currie. Auctioneer, at bisauction rooms,
in the Town of Goderich. on the 5th of June,
1882 as 11 o'clock. noon, 35 contiguous Iota, in
the South part of the town plot of Port Albert,
know as the property owted by hire. Julius
Wise. It contains 17 acres of excellent level
land. 1 with nearly new frame dwelling house.
and good orchard. The property U in every -
way as most desirable one for a residence.
market garden or small farm. Very liberal,
and easy terms of payment will be given.
Tide perfect, and immediate possession
given. For paiticulats apply to the under-
signed. Dated 5th May 1881.
Auctioneer. Barristers,
1838 -td Goderich.
1 t postage Are for the balance of 1m1.
-'nbscribe at once, and get full benefit of this
Glorious Gathering; on Tuesday.
uss�tathis iastrowd (but h added,
amu) we won the battle by a majority of
84. Applause.) If he accepted the
11.1'. trainer.. roc the t'eis.es -tet. nes nomination for West Huron, victory
fee the Local LegIabelure Thele retara ; would crown their banner. He was net
a Y.reg.tre fameDasletia. the uuly roan of the 23,000 people of
The Rafe:niers of West Huron turned Wcet Huron, who would carry the
out iu tremendous foroe on Tuesday. Rating. There were ethers who could do
We doubt if as large and enthusiastic a it in the interest of good Government. But
gathering of truly representative men he had been urged by many of his political
has ever been seen in this section. Every friends, and [Luny who formerly hail not
municipality rent its full quota of dale- been his political friends, to run tor
gates, and from distant townships old West Huron. On this very day he had
and well -tried Reformers were there to been tnet by a dozen Conservatives who
back up the regular delegates in their said that if he ran, they would poll their
good work. The sister town of Clinton votes for a Reformer for the first time
nobly sent ten men over and above its in their life. (Cheers.) He had an ever
allotted number of delegates, and near- living and abiding faith its the honor and
ly every municipality could have been integrity of the people, and although
doubly represented on the door, had the in a seeming minority of 117 he had no
good inen and true who accompanied the doubt but that victory would perch upon
delegates a place on the front seats. their tanner. (Applause.) We are enter -
NO BALLOT.; ERRE NEEDED, int/ upon a contest that will need every
The greatest unanimity prevailed, and vote; but we can appeal to every inde-
every roan seemed to be of une mind and pendent man to lay aside every preju-
purpose. Every motion trade was car- dice, and vote fur honest government.
rind unanitnously. Down at Ottawa strange things are done.
Chas. Girvin, Esq., Reeve of West A majority never contained less inde-
Wawanosh, occupied the chair, and all pendent and more corrupt men than
the officers of the association were pre- had that which ranged themselves with
sent. The following were the delegates: the Government during the last four
Town of Goderich.-J. T. Garruw, years. If some of the things done there
C. Seager, Satu l Pollock, Horace Hor- had been done in other sour tries, there
ton, Jas. Saunders, A. MCD. Allan,Capt. would have been no quiet meeting in
Gibson, .Joseph Williams, W. R. Rob- Protest such as this, butdrawn bayonets.
ertson, Jas. bmaill, John Syohie, .Fred. (Hear, hear.) But we are a lung auffer-
Seegtiiller, H. Rothwell, Sam'1 Sloane, ing people. A constituent has written
Robt. Walker, Jas. Wilkinson Jas. Yates, to him recently that this was a time for
T. McGillicuddy, P. O'Dea, John Mose- revolution; but the speaker was content
ly, J. P., Loftus E. Dancey, D. C. Mc- to leave it to the people at the polls.
Kay, W. G. Smith, Hugh Hamilton, He then pointed out a number of jobs
Alex. Wallace, Jas. Shephard, E. Mar- done during the past four years, describ-
tui, G H Parsons. how Joe Whitehead had been bled
Goderich Township. Harvey Hincks, by unscrupulous Tory journalists te the
Jus. McClusky, Jas. Torrance, M. Gor- extent 4.$33,003, and been recouped by
don, H. Elford, F. Tivitt, D. Persia, the Government. He also instanced the
Sam'! Barr, Jas. Duuos°, J. L. Curtis, Moylan claim, and the Yankee Ctarke's
S. Pharis, John Porter, Wm. Hendee- $25,000 -bribe tor getting an American
sun, Jos. Inyard John Wimp. Arch. fellow citizen to turn traitor to his
McAllister, Capt. J
ohn .\icD.,nald, Jno. country in the Halifiax Fishery Award
Torrance, Jno. Wiggington, Mei. Mc- matter. Sir Charles Tupper was known
Dougall, Jas. Young, Wm. Wise, Thos. as the "Great Stretcher." His friends
Crick. called Sir Charles a• great statesman.
'township of Ashfield. -Wm. Mal- This reminded him that Napoleon once
lough, 'P. E. Findlay, Francis Scott, said that Talleyrand was a great states -
Thos. Anderson, Jas. Ma:
taffy, Ed. roan because he was a great liar. (Ltugh-
O'Connor, Jos. Griffin, D. McMurchy, ter.) He referred to the Hollow street
Jas. Orahsm, D. T. Mckenzie, Donald omcetransaction, the car wheel job, and
McIntyre, John G. Murdock; Jas Mun- the two Onderdonk jobs, in all of which
ro, Wm. McKay, Thos. Hunter, B. Mal- Sir Charles Tupper had been shamefully
lough, Hugh Girvin, Capt. Jos. Mal- concerned. He also mentioned the Nor -
lough, Ge,. Harris, Thos Disher, Benj. them Railway affiair, and showed up the
Hengestine, D. B. Buchanan, John Mc- Girouard tie claim, and said that in these
Lennon. and other transactions the Government
East Wawanosh.-Jas. Brown, 11,14. had acted the part of public thieves.
McGowan, Win., King, Hiram Campbell, Are you prepared to give then your con --
Henry Whiteman, .las Henry,_id
enry, Wm. ence 1 (No, Ne, No !) He was persuad-
Carr, Robt. Currie, Jas. Wilson, Thos. ed that these men, some of whom have
Gibbons, Alex. Young, Win. Boads, been decorated by the Queen, will be
Enoch Shorts. .wept from power with the force and'
West Wswanosh.-David Mcllwain, suddenness of a whirlwind. (Great cheer -
Chas Girvin, Peter McCann, Jus Ward, ing. ). Referring to the expenditures he
hugh Moreland, Thos McKenzie, Jas showed that while in 1873 the expendi.
Ruse, Alex. Stewart, Robt. Lock` rt, ture was $23,500,000, Sir Leunkrd stat -
Walter Stewart, M. Sproule, Ind. Gaunt, ed that he could reduce it by a million
Arch. Anderson, James Gaunt, John in 1878. This year the expenditure is
•5'asltington. $28,500,000, or $5,000,000 more, three
Clinton. -Dr. Worthington, .l. T. bills saddling that extra amount upon
Wilkie, John McWVhirl.er, Jas Young, us. But the day is coming when we
A. Kennedy, D. F. McPherson, 1 will meet these men and overwhelm
Holmes, K. R Walker, Jae. Shipley, them, and they will be buried unwept.
Dr. Williams, S. W. C. Searle, Horace unhohoredanduneung. (Cheers,) de then
Foster, B. Switzer. Thos. Watson, Wm. alluded to the nepotism of the members
Coate, Robt Coats. of the government, and showed hew the
Colborne. - %Von. Robertson, Wm. Popes, the Tilley., the Tellers and their
Walters, Donald McKmnoo, R. B. near and distant relations fattened at
Scott, Donald Cummings, John Buell- the public crib. Mr. Cameron then
anon, N. Morrish, Jas. Sends, John stated that he would not have been be -
Robertson, Jas. Symington, Jas. Liak- fore the convention had it not been for
later, Thos. Morrish. D. McGillivray, the gerrymandering. In his fifteen
Win. Young, John Morns, Ilse. Cowan. years of Parliamentary experience he
Immediately after the roll call, the knew of no bill which had less exouse.
nomination of a candidate to represent They gave us our new members, and
that was the excuse for breaking up the
boundaries of fifty-six constituencies.
Had such. a thing been done in the Mar-
itime prorinces, the people there would
have been up in arms. (Neer,, hear.) If
the Government returns with a majority
of sesta, they will not have a majority of
the votes of Ontario, but their Ontario
supporters will be mainly representative.
of an act of Parliament. He showed the
hollowness of the representation by pop-
ulation plea, by contrasting the uneven
population of a score of constituencies.
He briefly referred to the boundary
awsrd,and pointed out that every French
member except two voted against the
ratification of the Boundary award. He
t bef are the Liberal party, and drew four seats to our repreeentetion, in P . -
,rth tremendous applause. He appre-
ciated the nomina ion South Huron
had a claim upon him and he en it; but
he would not rue for South Huron, and
it he did not run for West Huron he
wnald not run at all. (Great cheering,
the audience ruing to their feet in their
enthessam.) After he had oonsulted
the people of Routh Huron, and got
their consent, he would stand for the
West. (Cheers.) He had been asked to
run in North Middlesex. A prominenttwi
Cservatrve in Biddulph had written
him saying that he would support him,
and that he (Cameron) could turn Bid-
dulph's Conservative majority of 230 in-
to a Reform majority of 100. (Applause.)
But he would stand by West Huron, if
the people of the South consented- A
candidate cannot win alone; every man
must ',wk.. If we unfurl the banner of
Reform and good Government it will not
be furled until after five o'clock on the
20th of .tune, when it will Rost over M. C.
Unseen as West Huron's member. The
a�+ concluded amidst tremendous
s (7oI. Rowas then formally tendered
e nomination for the Loral Legislature
Flag. -On Thursday afternoon the
roof of an old building belonging to the
Seegmiller Plow Co., and used for the
storing of patterns, took fire. The
flames were quickly got under way, and
after a liberal sprinkling of water upon
the spectators. the engine was housed.
Accouters, - Master Fred Price,
NOTICE TO CREDITORS. while playing cricket at Clinton on the
24th had the misfortune to break his
In pursuance of (Ampt•tr one hundred and arm near the wrist. We understand
seven, section thirty four, of the Revised stn
tutes of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that
all creditors and others having claims against
the estate of John Pasmore late of the town
of Goderich, in the County of Huron, and
Province of Ontario wagon maker and black-
smith, deceased, who departed this life on or
about the fifteenth day of April last, are re-
quired to send by post, prepaid. or to deliver
to Masers. Darrow R I'roudfoot, Solicitors for
Emily i'asmore, of he town of Goderich,
aforesaid. widow, the Executrix of the last
Will and Testament of the said deceased, on
or before the fifteenth dayof June next. a
statement containing ther names and ad-
dresses, and full particulars of their claims of
the securities, Rainy. held by them, and that
after theaald date lastly mentioned, the said
Executrix will proceed to distribute the meets
of the said deceased amongst the parties en-
titled thereto. regard being had only to the
calms of which notice has been given as
above required; and the said Executrix will
not be liable for the said assets or any pari
thereof to any person or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been received by
her said Solicitors at the time of such distri-
Solicitor for Emily P►tmore, Executrix.
Dated at Goderit h. this Mb May A. 1)1237-4t
• Attorneys, Solicitors In Chancery &c.
Office in, the Court House, Goderich.
IRA LEwts, M.A., B.C.L. 1:. N. 'aww[•s.
i RISTERS, Attorneys. Solicitors, etc
Goderich. J. T. Darrow, W. Proudfoot. 175t
Attorney, Solicitor In Chkc.
Goderloh. Ont
TIRE Re., kc., Goderich and Wl
1'. Seager Jr.. Oederich. J. A. Morton,netnl-
ham. 1751.
and Market Square, over George heson's.
Goderich. 1751.
1J. LAW. Solicitor is Chaacery, Convey-
ancer, to Ores ever Shard's bookst e
tied/mum, Oct Aux yeeat of cone
loan at ewes eats or Iasermit. 1751-7.
l� Berrtstera, Sollciton In Chancery, &c.,
WbemM. C. Cameron, Q.
M. O, 00 ren, Goderich. W. E.
Maters.. 1751.
1 t
J<. JAN, SURGEON, arta, Graduate of Tor-
-late Unlvetefte. Limerititt�ate of the ReJa1 Ool-
Lensea. t land. sac ta.
Opposite Bailey's Hotel.Hamilton street, 'iod
1egs K
M. C. Ontario. ()mos and residence
erlek. 17116 -*n
11.7 (RON. Coroner. te. Omoe aad residence
Arum, Attest, mooed door west of Victoria
Street. 1711.
H G. , aim, bsr Orade•te
et IL Os Val ry� 1.s7`*events1
fCp ., Cast Bs*k. 1711-7.
P1 - rMteesa,
meeting was to get the consent of Mr.
M. C. Cameron to contest West Huron
at the coming election. In this they
had been sucoesaful, and the great en-
thusiasm exhibited by this meeting prov
ed conclusively that the best nun in the
riding had received the unanimous nomi-
nation. Mr. Cameron had claims u
South Huron, and South Huron
claims upon Mr. Cameron and if the
matter could be arranged, Me Cameron
was pledged to accept the nomination
for West Huron. For Mr. Cameron to
accept a noutinati.et ineant the securing
of victory at the polis (Hear, hear.)
Now was the time for a bold front te be
shown. It was true the Reform leaders
had faced heavy odds in the
House; they brutd a majority against
them so large that it could not be
broken, and though they charged on the
serried columns time and again, despite
their valor they had been forded back.
Then it waa that the Reform leaders
made up their luluds that the final ap
peal trust be made to the people. But
at the eleventh hour the gerrymandering
bill was brought down by Sir John, the
effort is made to stifle public opinion,
the "Grits are hived," and an attempt -
an abortive attempt it would prove -
it made to legislate some of the best
of the Liberal politicians from public
life. Sir John had packed the jury by
act of parliament in his own interest,
regardless of the fact that nibmember
should have a voaoe or vote in parlia
ment os.a question in which he was per
sonally interested. Must of fhe Tory
members of Ontario were personally in iii
terestedin the ulrylnandenng Act, yet
they voted and spoke, in favor of it.
But, nutwithatanding the carving up of
the constituencies, he firmly believed
Right and Truth would prevail, and
deceit srul trickery would meet its own
reward: The corrupt acts of the present
Government enumerated by Mr. Came-
ron were only a moiety of their iniqui-
ties, and the abilities of Sir John Mac-
donald -and he had abilities --could
not compensate for his wrong -doing.
Sir John Macdonald. although a clever
[Lien was not a good man, and no Con-
servative in Canada would say he was a
good mail: But even Conservatives
admitted that Edward Blake was a good
and true, as well as s clever man, an
°rater and a statesman. Hear, hear.) Mowat Oliver had been ridiculed
fur being a "Christian statesman"- and
he was proud to say that he was a
Christian statesman and an honorable,
upright. God-fearing gentleman in es'ery
sense the term implied. (Cheers.) The
N, P: had snatched a verdict from
Reformersthe Reformers in 18;8, but they
could now go to the country on
living ist Yes such as provincial rigies,the
meintenatsoe of our provincial., bound-
aries, and the restitution of our count
lines. Ontario was the milk cow, and
paid the heavy pert of bill to keep con-
federation together, but Quebec' always
managed to get the cream and left only
the skim milk and
Ontario. The Gov-
ernment of our local affairs was guaran-
teed us at confederation, ea Ontarionever would have entered ire But a .ii
blow was now stck at nur provincial
autonomy by the disallows:ace of the
thenstreams hill. The speaker then gave a
comprehensive synopsis of the streams
bill and the boundary question, and
plainly showed where the inalienable
rights of Ontario had been infringed on.
He concluded by expresaieg hu firm
belief that Liberalism would triumph at
the ballot -box in the three Hurons on
June 20th, despite the gerrymandering
(Loud and prolonged applause.)
The following resolutiowere carried
Moved by Dr. Worthington,of Clinton
s000nded by Win. Malloegb, of Ashfield,
"That this Convention.of the Reformers
of West Huron tender one hearty thanka
to Hon. E. Blake and Hon. Oliver
Mowat, and the mea who so bravely
stotdbythem inthe noble fight in defence
of their rights and liberties of the people
of this Province and,eur Dominion, and
we pledge ourselves... spare no warts
to return representatives from this Rid-
rng who will support these gentlemen
and the glorious castes in which the Re-
form party is now engaged."
Moved by Mr.. Forrester, ion Clinton,
seconded by Mt. McKibhon, of Hut
Wawanosh, "That we consider the gerry
manderinq of nearly suit] cnnstituenciee
eloquently described the glorious pros -
in this Provisos, in older to add but
that Miss Hattie Price, who was thrown
out of a buggy by the wheel of the
vehicle breaking down, is not much in-
Watson, the South Street florist, is
"up to his elbows" in work. His sup-
ply of bedding out plants is not yet
done, and this week is just the time to
put out geraniams, petunias, verbenas,
eta See Watson early, and get some
of his Dlanta before the best stock is
extended notice of the demise of this
well-known and highly respected clergy-
man has been crowded out, but will ap-
pear next week. Tho deceased was
uncle to Father Watters, and had a rep-
utation for benevolence and kindness of
heart amongst high and low.
"The Society of Christian Endeavor,"
a gathering of young people in connec-
tith the North Street Methodist church,
Under and by virtue of • power of sale con-
tained in a certain indenture of mo
which will be p,odaxd at the time of e,
made by James Finn. There will be sold by
public auction. byJohn C. Currie, auctioneer,
at Delon 's HoteIn the village of Port Al-
bert, on 7w - • the lets day of My, 1M1,
at 1 o'clock,operty, noon,ithefollowing
osouthnhalf ofea thei
farm props
South halt of lot number three it the fifth
conceaalon, western division of the township
ot uron. eontain-
log fiftyeacres of land, more ofld, in the County orllege, of which
30 scree are cleared, fen ted, and in a fair
state of cnitivstten, and the remainder is bush
land, wooded with hardwood and hemlock,
and Is capable of being amity cleared. The
bnlldln oen.bta of • frame dwstUag house
Mxtt. The soil le • clay loam of good quality.
This farm is advantageously situated, being
about 12 miles from the tows of Goderich,
and within half • mile of the gravel road
leading from Goderich to Kincardine, and
within 2 miles of the village of Port Albert.
Terms of sate: Ten per cent on the d• of
sale and the halance in one month the
A on of the purchase money may. at he
•pales of the pureeaser, remain an mortgage
oat the said lands. The v pets will be put
npp subject to a rsserved b d.- The other oon-
dttio•. of oak ars similar to Ns standing
eHays• ti . J. Eli I2 m-
!� I7s1
w HEAD V.S. ($UCC' >R
et MAW% Te-
ri 11.7510/1/ ss/
Betsy�s few+ sass e
-nevem .radiad ea to +sense
eeaditioas of dais of tae High noun of Jsstks.
For farther �iculerw eepp ly te the sue -
Datedor the sartes Panel
Dated st GodeeiOk. this 15Th yet April A.
D. 11M.
OaRanw d' PRntmroor- J. f CURRtt
Vendor's Solicitor. An baser.
held a wool on r-riday evening, aid a West Huron in the Commons was pro
very pleasant time was spent. We are
informedthat theSociety is in a flourish-
ing state, and is doing a good work in
developing the talents of the younger
people of the congregation of Dr. Wil-
liam's church.
TEA Msenteo.-The hrst tea meeting
since the advent of the new pastor, Rev.
J. W. Sutton, will be held in the M. E.
church, on Tuesday evening, May 30th.
The speakers of the evening will include
Rev. Dr. Williams, Rev. Dr. Ure, Rev.
J. A. Turnbull, B. A., J. Mitchell and
T. McGillicuddy. The proceeds will be
applied to the reduction of the church
debt, As the affair will also be a formal
welcome to tha new pastor, it will be
doubtless largely attended.
ceeded with.
On motion of Dr. Worthiagtoa, of
Clinton, seconded by Joseph Oran,
Deputy -Reeve of Ashfield, M. C. CAM-
ERON, of Goderich, received the unam-
Inousiy nominated, amidst loud and pro-
longed cheering.
A deputation consisting of Gal. Rees,
M.P.P., Mr. J. T. Garner, Mr. D. A.
Forrester, Mayor of Chnton, Mr. Mal -
lough and Mr. J. Griffin, of Ashfield,
and Dr. Worthington, was teen appoint-
ed to wait upon Mr. C,.sarort and tender
him the unanimous nomination.
During the absence of the deputation,
it was moved by R. Harrison. of Ash-
field, seconded by John Moseley, of
Goderich, that Col. A. 11. RO88 be tbs
candidate for West Huron is the Loaf
Legislature Ths motion was carted
with great cheering.
On the arrival of Mr. Cumetou the
large assetnblsre rose as owe elan, sad
three times th reseed a "tiger" pealed frost
every throat. it was a greed ovation.
The chairutan then again notified Mr.
Cameron of the action of the Cetnventi•is,
and again the members cheered.
Kr. Cameron, in reply, . dd he felt
different on this modems than at Ray
other of he Eve or six times upon which
he had received a eosiestisa H. was
almost at a los ss to went line et action
he should adopt. Althoegh • resident
of Ooderieh he had long been identified
with South Huron. Wien he left Ot•
terra he bad his mind ewes up not to
take either riding of Huron. Of course
South Hume wee now a tolerably safe
riding. (Cheers and tahter.) in old
tines he liked a fight eat ewe tine
refused the nosieetios ie Centre Huron.
but refused it top down to Routh He-
ron, where under the shade of a spread-
ing beeehnet-trot in 187' the first Ke -
torn oonveetioa was held in that «erI7
mead wed ennutiteeecy. (Cheers.) n.
then thought it a tovlore hope, for he
was in an apparent minority of 187, but
with vigor and energy, and supported by
Saturday last a local board was formed
here as follows: --Chas. Seeger jr. ,Pres. ;
H. Cooke, Vice. Pres.; Alex. McD. Al-
lan, Sea ; Dr. Taylor, Medical Supervis-
or; and Messrs. T. B. VenEvery, Dan.
Gordon, H. Clucas; J. C. Currie and J.
McBride an Exeoutive committee. The
succi tions issues life policies, based up-
on the tables of mortality, at cost, as
well as indeminity certificates in case of
sickness or accident.
Mrs. Henley. an old settler, died last
week, aged 67 years. She at one time
taught a select melted here. She was
tomb esteemed by all who knew her.
Mr. Ben. Williams, son of Rev. Dr.
Williams, who has been home on • visit,
leaves today to resums his position in a
wholesale house in Rochester. At likes
bis adopted city.
Mr. W. H. McCutcheon, formerly of
Winghas-and well known of bis Ingot of
ser readers. bas d Winn
in the Brunswickswick Roeoe, 1pK,anal
by retnrned to Ontario Mr. MoOut-
oheon, we are glad to learn, has cleared
over $25.000 by his hotel speculation in
Winnipeg. Ile was in town a coopla of
days this week visiting friends here
The Canada Fire and Marine Insur-
ance Company hereby give notice that
they have transterreti their Fire insur-
ance business tt the Citizens' insurance
Company of Canada, who aasums all
claims arising under their current poli-
cies. The business will be carried on
without interruption at the office et the
undersigned. Amex. MeD. 2 ALLAN,
Creamy* igawRAW'E Co. Or CANADA,
Established 1884, President, Sir Hugh
Allen, (Allan Sta mphlp Co'y.) Losses
paid to date, $1, 000.00; Govern-
ment Deposit, $114,000.00; Seom'tity to
Policy holden, $1,270,3%143. GERALD
Y. Heat, General Manager.
liament, and more especially as perpe
trwted under: the pretence of carrying out
the grand old Retorn principle of reps*
aentatien by population, -while really an
unblushing but we trust, abortive at
tempt, to. 'Hire the Grits' and rob the
Liberal,. of Ontario n1 tet fair repre-
sentation ie the Commons, ss -a blow at
true representative fov.eiment, sad de-
serving of our strongest dlsepproval and
Moved by Mr. .1. Washington, of
Wbst Wawannsh, seconded by Mr. El
ford, of Goderich t•osuship, "That this
Conventiona its disapproval n4
the oonduct o the Dominion Govern
mint in refining te. 'edify the unanimous
award of the arbiteation duly appointed
to fix the disputedlbounder4es of ([nano
and we consider each rdusal, in the fact
et so enanimntss an spard, and, too. in
the fees of the Ordarin-Ceuncil of the
31st July, 18'Z1., stating that the award
of the arhittralors, or a majority n4 them,
should be taken as Mal end ortnclusive,
as deserving of the leaest condemnation
at the perils by awry loyal son of On-
tario .
The meeting dosed with rouain%cheers
and was received with loud cheers as he for Mr. Cameron, Osi. Ross, Ron. Ed -
rose to reply. ward Blake. Hon Oliver Mnwat and the
He said the principal business of this Queen.