HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-19, Page 7ri11E HURON SIGNAL, (FRIDAY, MAY 191882. Fun ana Fancy. 1 MIMe l3lorba of Edisaom, An Austin young mut wu.seo tow- SelLivapeLtiuu is the uuly utuaus to lug hurriedly out of a beet.., louse, p•eserve us (nm self conceit. shush he had entered to diet employs It is a "rood thing to learnt cent ion ►,y went as sele•inan. "Did the buss en' the misfortune of others. gage you as • salesman t' "Nth; he want - Despatch Is the soul of business, and rd me to travel," wee the mubiguuus teethed the sound of despatch. reply. A hliud met was alleging in the street and a gentleman passing threw hiui a shilling, which he immediately picked up. The geutleutmt in surprise, sold, "I thought you were blind." The man lookel at the board that wit round his neck, and said '"Well, 1w Wnw.d if they haven't put thio wrung ti ,ket on me this morning, I'm deaf and d.' ib." The addition of "ah" to a sentence in exhortation is considered hy suite as es- sential aid, but sometimes it has a very ludicrous effect, .s in the epee of a man who maid, though iu the earl) part of cuui vte::it to perf,r..t ..us within her W l3uJ tot Make int thy friend tot. cheap to thee, nor thyself to thy friend. We hand folks over to Greer lilert•y, but show mete ourselves. Then d t, hurne and happiuesa lies dinar .u.a� rtes iu atelier. iuv pp K t He who has net religion fur a resting place is without a pi low. WOMAN'e tineas. -It lies in whatever eiriuuuat motes and her own nature and abilities prompt her t.. d.., whether it be in duwesUc, busier.►, •a iu profits/Mimi circles. Every duty wL. ii a w.oian is life he hast been opposed sphere. twenty years he had been living 'pit the 11 tui - "Habit" is hard to ot'ur- Lord's side -ah A gentleman, lately bossting of the neatitrss and regularity of his wife, said: "If 1 get up in the night, pitch dark, I tan Lind my clothes, down 1• my very gloves, in all their proper places. I was tip this morning briers daylight," he continued (putting his hand into his pocket for his handkerchief', "and here he pulled out, out his handker- chief, but his wife's nightcap. Fanny Fern (Mn. Parton) thus speaks of the troubles of a married lady who was endeavouring to be literary: -"Let me see -where did 1 leave orf 1 "The setting sun, with ray resplendent, was gelding' [ Mamma ! mamma ' I want cou.e. li you take orf the brat letter it dile., not change " a hit." If you take off her the whole "f ' it" remains. If you tale orf another is it not " t" totally uael up. All of which co to show that if you wlel' t.. get rid of a. " habit" you must throw it off altogeth- er. How easy it is to detect ill ethers the faults we are guilty of ourselves ! if we are given to being envious, it is weuder- ful hew quick we see that sin in ethers. It we are selhsh, how selfish everyone else appears ; and so on through the list of suns which mankind is heir to We may net admit even to ourselves that we are victims to these especial failings, but some bread and molasses, mamma] of when we find ourselves detecting these the Inverness church steeple, when-- faults in our friends we had better (Where's my Sunday waistcoat -do you know f) -when was seen approaching a horseman --(Mistress 1 I'm bothered en- tirely. The potatoes are all out; there's neer a one fur dinner) -and shouting •'Liberty or Death !"-(I'm the butcher, rniam and I wants to know whether you're for sausages or mutton chops. it which crisis the harassed lady throws olewn her pen, exclaiming, "I sec it's in win for a ,married woman to try to cul- tivate her intellect rRARLE8 DICKEN6. . Imi-sI. Catbered rials ■N N er1.s. It is with language as with people, oil know them b sight, v�u • are aptto mistake theist.-[Someboxly s she has had the time which he wanted. Luggage. The discovery that there has been a When you meet with real talent and secret excites jealousy, and l.wiseue native, too, o oo, encurage it. That's what 1 the ties o1 affection on either side. say. -Scenes. Without perfect and entire confidence, m It is enough for a an to u.tderstand married happiness is seldom lasting. his own business, and not to Interfere with other peoples. --[Christmas Carol. No man of sens.t who hu been gener- ally improved, and has unproved himself can be celled quite uneducted as to any- thing. -;Little Dorrit. Gratitude and devotion are Christian eualities. -- [Pictures fruul Italy. Inculcate habits of self-deni►l and tentment, and teach good doctrines of en- larging benevolence. -[American Notes when you y Y watch closely our own thoughts and actions, and see if these very sins are not among eur own, and because un - owned and unacknowledged, all the greater. To (IUR sUBRCRIBRits. The address -label on the first page will show each subacriner the .tate hot (lis a000uut with Tea t;tu`IAL, 5114 (II nay be hinted) that this is ase ap propriety season for weskit!, an al- tetatiuu in the figure& There are other figures is .Ar boos, a' which alight very appr..pr ire 1) ue n'ijuatud before the end of this month. "Owe nu man anything," has barn wise ly enjoined upon all, and this iso junction ie. especially biudsug upon all who do business with newspaper men. A won' to the wise is sufticlent, and we will say no more at present, for we detest dunning. 4 NIT- Who tad that little lamb Hud teeth as white as snow; She always brushed them twits alloy With -TcsaattKT" you know. To MAaa Hosia HAPPY. ---To make home truly happy there should be no • conceal- ments ; for they are the canker -worms. Let a woman tell her troubles and tellies freely to her husband, and he will assist her out of theme. He is her other self, not her judge and master. If a Iran conhde•in kis wife, her penetratieu •and quick wit will often see things th;tt escaped him. We are in the world all day ; our winds are occupied by many details; but she sits at home often alone, or with but an infant compan- ion. She thinks over what her husband has told het, and sees it in many lights ; The Doctor's Last seep Resort. EVANYVILLK Ind., Jan.11, 1882. . 1 rues .atly hail a very difficult case of Co -Ism -lotion. I treated it in the mows scientitic manner possible, but to no ef- fect; 'satiate grew gradually worse. (father than give up, and •s a last re- sort, I decided, much against spy wish, to use a remedy that had cured one of may former patients. Greatly to my sur- prise, the patient began to gain, and in a much shorter tiune than I dared to ever expect, she was completely cured. The name of this reinarkahle remedy is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. I now use it altutgether in my practice. -[Leading M. D., Evansville. Trial bottles -free at lthynes' drug store. Largo size $1. 'G)1 Peewee --T' 5 pass t:dnj is RU "irate. ! taws Nr There he goes again direct to a 'ahem ',„:=1,74..e and pours down another heavy draught of strong 4lrttik, not so touch because his ae holes appetite demands it, but for the artificial f�Mass Zat buoyancy it produces -the after effectsaea of which leave him mere miserable than I y?tr e e e before: it is this dreadful practise that at eau sees in relietrin daily sending thousands to their graves. Iia remarkable pin g A renedv f"r all this is found in the ! certain forms of Bronchitis, and its Reflect upon your present blessing, of which every roan has many. not "11 your oast misfortunes, of which all sten have some. -[Sketches by Beg When you don't know the (meaning of an expression, why don't vett seek fur in- formation- [Dombey and Son. There is one quality which all sten have in common with angels -blessed up- I the office er not. There can be no legal puttunities of exercising, if they will, ; dtacontinuance until the payment is cholas Nicklebl. •I male' • W :.ASO N'S PlitLet•HI Ier1O? DRUG STORE. SEE -SSEEDS! Freest; ae• 1s iii balk t* pee( es. Complete StocK. T7e6 Great American Ramiy for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, L088 OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIONS. t ww re seri less Ae �eesa,e sus. s elfee AOC 111441,.. welo ) D.Isa M e 1.e&.... Atm So nod Rpm= bee dente -„i,l 1 fad wahabY Own Per {rrpw o•• Zs t ► U GRAY'S has a/prepares- flow w .. hosedj flothe Ge&.. wooer / ef ee rarest.., fate of &it sad al I W ,)ewes a!Aro. t .a. a w d t a f SYRUP Pines la I Wend, Lasa of Ley Di. Newspaper Laws. -- We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to give notice fry letter (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes 'the postmaster responsible to the publishers fur payment. 2. 11 any person orders his paper dis- continued, e must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from bole a wiz o. pro prrtlee areprs- 'er"& rods Myr. fD e,..�r--.t 1 tt>•LM- RED ep ca>•rrLt - al a a t/w-. SPRi10E'pL*, race. q v/en wtltp 'lu)lw d palate *.she. GUM. CHEAP GROCERIES 1 SEAN SWIFT Begs to atutounce t' the people of Goderich and this section of Huron, that h.: 1.as w purchased fr Mr. A. business Phillipehis in the old Groceries, , and theill ontinuy the Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets. Haring bought the goods for cash, and es 1 intend to snake all my purchases fl •e. wholesale men for cash oleo. I will be m a posit' Very Low Prices for Cash My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the best brands of teas,, ood sugars, sad everything in the grocery line from the best producers. Bacon, t'ptcwd Meats. etc„alwa s on hand in season. I am determined to please, both in quality and prix. pchan'a1 at the esho 1'ictoria street, opposite the Fur �1r^ near DT_ 8trechan s machine shop. S"���//�V/%� �LL:1 � Gederich, March 9th, 1882. trite friend of temperance, -the best and purest of all medicines, -Electric Bit- ters. Seltl hy .e(J. Rhyme' at 50 cents. A cough in. cold contracted in the month of April if not speedily emoted is liable to stick to sue during the whole sutrMner. Dr. Cargoes's Pulmonary Cough Drops speedily cure i;uughs. Cells, Brom:160s, Pain and oppression of the Chest, and all Threat, Chest and Lung affections. In large bottles at 501 cents. Gel. Rhynas,agent forGederich. mercy. --p ill Self-preservation is the first law of I 3. Any person who takes a paper from tutus. -[Oliver Twist. I the post -office, whether directed' to his I Serve, Tetter, Chaptt'."d fl-vt.•1., Shd- e er another or whether he has aul,-' bl-tilw, Corns, aa -1 311 S <• , Er r•' o i'• almost specific e,Qect in curing oh- ?tinate hacking (houghs, is noir resell known to the public at large. lewd by all r'aspe•la•a• Weida" Prier, :S and' Dmot e a bo' Oa.-Oa.-oor.Y1- file wide " Sara, ard, eade Meade Sark, gad our wrapper waisted"' are .PSas oar 0reVl•tered- IiERRY, TV.t7'SOV (t CU., w•Wleea/e Druggists, Solo P"aye.etore ant Yunefa Y _ Modred. wt ten to the Shelf. Mr. Thus. Claydon, Shelburne, Ont., I writes: "I have leen suffering with al lunge hack for the past thirty years, and tried everything I heard of without. suc- ee.a. Not long age I was persuaded to use St. Jacobs Oil. I purchased a bot- tle, and, stranee to say, before I had used it all. I atria' perfectly cured. I can co.nsidentic recommend it t' any one aflii'tool. No one can speak too highly of e• ,.,,., ;•. Mc W: E. Weeeklev, ale -,r "zl,e;hnrnt•, thus nienti,uts a most nes tor ,.f 'i's ,•'cperiru',': "1 hay, ba u suffers•,'vith lheu•,•:,ti,ou for year. 1 sea.; 1:1141 111, With it 1•-1•ole alta•'''; 1, 01 r• 11114Y i1'' and 1 coil,- ,1.v e.yshotr. Ja:l„b' Oil produced the .tulckssz relief that I ever experienced. i ell. etf tiny rt3 .tlunend it to es •-v *u!r• rrr; Ii eklra'...rufra Nolte. !t,•,r s.01. • ill (1n• H•'1'''' :,.a. '',.••,s The Bruises, I-lccrs. 'tit it net, Fetrr Detestation of the high is the invulun- l scribe'1 or not, is responsible for the pay. tory )follati4;e of low. -[A Tale of two; 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to ('ilia 1 be stopped at a certain tune, and the A man in any station can do his duty, ; ublisher continues to send, the sub - and doing it can earn his own respects.- ! giber is bound to pay for ,it if he takes The Seven Poor Travelers. it (Jilt of the post -office. This proceeds Cultivate habits of punctuality and upon the ground that a man must pay for method. - [Our mutual Friend. what he uses. The men who learn endurance are 5. The courts have decided.that refus- they whom the world • would brother.- , ing t„ take a newspaper and periodicals Barnaby Rudge. from the post -office, or removing and We count by changes and events with- leaving theta uncalled for, is primer ffu•ia ul us. Not. by years. -[The Battle of !evidence of intentional fraud. Life. Trifles make the sunt of life. -[Acid t'oppertield- A contemplative man can always em- ploy himself in rneditatinn.-[Pickwick Phestt,hatine, or Nerve Food, `ciPllios- d'apers. hate Element based ep,on --�__ entific Facts, Formulated by Profeaaer Austin, • LIrrae.Tutnoe.-More depends upon M.D. of Boston, Mau., cures Pulmnn little things than we think It is said I ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- that Voltaire when five years old learned vett" Attacks, ertigo and Neuralgia an infidel poem, and he Never wasI and all wasting diseased of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Metlecine, hilt a Nntrintent, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, N ircotics, and no Stimulants, but limp ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sufficient to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. iOWDFN & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Front Street Salt. Toronto. To the Medical Profession. and all w gam It way rimers. able to free himself freul its effects. Scott, the commentator, when despair- ing, read a hymn of Dr. Watts and was turned from a life of idleness and sin to one of usefulness. Cowper about to drown himself was moved the wrong way by his driver and went home to write: ' -God moves in a mysterious way." The rebuke of a teacher arouse3 Dr. Clarke to a great action, who had been slow np to that time in acquiring knowledge. (11e Bull ;the great violinist, rescued from suicide by drowning and taken to the near residence of a wealthy lady, became her protege and soon required fame. Robt. Moffatt the distinguished mission- ary, reading the placard announcing a tmtatonary meeting, was led to devote himself to work for the heathen. One step downwards often leads men to the I greatest guilt. It is little words orectiens that make ,r mar our lives. -[Congre- gationalist. and positively cure. ' of . ,? is (•t t. t s- teed to give pori -et ct' .1 cation, or ,r:,. • i rest. the:':. stoney refunded - Sul. For sale by • , 1810 lv. Every day the Manitoba people are feeling the iron heel of the syndicate more heavily. They are going to have w Pmeincial fair in Winnipeg nest fall; and application was made for cheap round trip tickets from Ontario. All the meds from St. Paul east mode the necessary concessions, but the syndicate lines refused to arrange der return tickets at reduced rates. The psepie are bound nook and ernp to the useneply and must grin and bear it. There N slept it is told of tl nooded p., was se ed for ea strong as habit. _ sae slways cis - es that wbasbe preserls iM used t+ ` nether. s dents •f one pneht sed pet Q FOR �O , ANITOBA The Greet Western Railway will run their excursions to MANITOBA and DAKOTA points during May and June every -two weeks, commending TITEH- DAY May, 2nd,1881. Fa r f 1 educed. For information, tickets, etc., apply t' GEO. B. JOHNSTON, neeetal Arent Oteat N aatere Ratlwsy ffoderteh.Ont . Goderich. April. Ilk 11K1. 1 -. JAMES PMAiLL, AHCHiTRCT, Ac oleos, Crwbb's in • E en wL, find. ,lets Plane sail sen correct- .fer'a wa"oa's work 1a eaeen4 r w' Law PLOW POINTS MASSKY PLOW POiNTS CAN BE tied at tllo prosnitoa of the Nshrwthet T7EiRig1a FOR •1-00- J. W. WRATHRRALD. (•aster of }forth Street sal lbw Bina,. ped.rtei aPre ft tsps: 1426 7<D DI.tAteta��CYiDnw7'. which HAcvwan's Y,,Lt.ow OIL is gguuaran- rola to cure or relieve tither in Moe if iiA.T. woes lw TAILS flITEM ALLY f91 =OUP, COUGHS, CRAMPS, SORB THROA ir; ASTHMA, COLDS, &r. APPLIED EITUUSALLY ►O/ 2HEUMATIsMS 7rKURALGL4, cHTLBLAINS, cALLOU8 LUMPS DWZI.LnreR, STIFF JOINTS, GALLS, FROST BITE, £AMENEY,4, CORNY, CONTRACTIONS BRUISES, "'VERA GO, ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAIN IN BACH, SPRAINS, PAIN w• SIDE, eft Ferry bottle avowed to sow ,slobes tits or looney refunded. tYa111117171111111111711t 1 "UMISITT�L Nle/ US. _.�nYB h 00., fryl••� TOROIrTO, ORT. Extensive- Premises and Splendid New Stock. G. BARRY CA.BIIIET IAKER au' U}II3ERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good assortment of Kitchen, Bed -room, IHn!ug itoom and' Parlor Furniture, such as le Ides, "'lairs ,hair, cane and wood seatedl, Cupboards, lied -steads, Mattresses. Wash -stn, Lounges, Sofas, What -Nuts, Looking Glassesl N. B. -A complete assortmt•nl of Collins and Shrouds atwaye on hand (also Hearses for hire at reasonable rates. Picture Framing • artrciany.--.1 call solicited. 1751 Ayer's HairVigor 9 • BOOTS&SHOES 7:Dcrwrn5-1-1g '�Teddup Beg to announce to the Public that they Late opened business in the above St roe in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large end well asserted stock of Spring gand Su Publicc the benefit figures, we are determined o give QUICK SALES STALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR IITTOO1 +,-T-Please call and eiamige our goods before purchasing elsewhere. ri Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. tts2rCUstom work will receive our special attention. 1:"5 -None but the best of material, used and first-class workmen employed. el" -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Goderich, March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL. VITALITY AND COLO:.. IT is a moat stgreeable,dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual. for preterving, the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth. faded or gray, light. and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cure.i. It checks falling of the hair immedi- ately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed ; while to brash}•, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and etrenetli. and renders it pliable. The Vtoon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff : and. by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties. it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool. clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The Vloon is inrnmparable. It iscolor- less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not "nil white cambric. it imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and Ulan article for the toilet it is economi- cal and unsurpassed in its excellence. PREPARED BY DR. 1. C. AYER ti CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. aual) 117 ALL DS09015T1 s?sRT'uIRI. Areista-0 1E J thISIOII1 �C��IIIIIIII fl►� �IIl � illl�s (i.('tt ( Dug g I :.; • - Night Dell cn the Front Coo grilril'r 0 i Prescriptions a Speciality - Hews to aegnaint the tidies of ri.dertebt N1 vicinity, that she ie now...bowleg Sprii,i and Slimmer 111111p, .4t her •hon. Hamilton ttreet• In ,reser 5nd • hesutiful variety. Abs hat ..w•twwd the we. ?Ices Wit rity milliner. can and ...wren that l B.A.T : T OTZO IN BOTH STYLE AND MAKE. ilk. b, 0.. to be rarofed wets visa from her samosa and the Sebes grmwaRr• I!iWILT PLAIN AND FANCY •P\ Rit TING EXECUTED .Ail H li, I TNESS AND - f t;l`. r' 1 L , h , • 1 , RATcS AI' "i -HE 6IGitiAL OFr10E." LANSAnte /Onley ee. -� Northern Pacific R.R. res MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, ane MONTANA BIG CROP AGAIN IN 1881 weaves- sewtesse Pena ; Lowe ensunae pAsreTs.w FFSee.4 h 11TTLt•a No Inns erten vetws ten - P. M. NuwtliaeT. Ose la•s iter IMmse e.r pass !,. PaL•t. MME* stat►"_-......,...e1lks►ew:.. ►ra�Mi+.u. <:Jr.,.... __.- . ONL CEN Pei 7 t'fow 89 Silver Threads Among ,the 4 Lila flee. . ,aid. • The Old Cabin -linins. 93 11er Itrrrht Smile Haunts Me 6 The Little Ones se Home. 8111. 7 01d Blast .les. 94 Sunday Night When the rar- 8 Homo Sweet Home. tors OuIL 12 se. Tbst My Graves Rept 95 95 TheswiG7pS7' We inarnGreen. mg 13 Ousters ter'. Clock. 102 'TL bat • 1,1tt 1e Faded Flower 18 Where Was Moet When the 103 Toneh the "tare Ueon7, My Light Wait Ort? Pretty f.onlew 22 Old Yolks at Some--R5►nee 104 The O tri I Lott Behind Me. Ribber. 106 Little Bntterrnp 94 sweet BH and B a. 106 1115HIS and Hie Conine 90 Whna' Firma end t. till Toe'u Remember Me. 107 Corry Me Back v. Old vir 39 ltQ9ke4 In the Cradle of the teeny Deen 109 Kitty W.IL 10 Kathleen Mavoernee1L 111 When the Swallow. Rowe- ll 1 Dreamt I Dwelt In ruble ward lily. Haile. 116 1 As Wafting. Ude. near. lA may Ton and I Wen Vnanr, 115 Take Y Bee17 Three k t° Ii" me sed XS Cottage b th. (tea. Mother. 15 We Parted by tee RI...r aid.. 120 tome. We by My Rids Little S I When 1 Saw Sweet Petite Darling. nose. 191 Rhe Me. rather. Kw Vonr 97 Yasrta•. 5eer'.t. Darling,. 43 I C.saet Call Hee Mother. 123 A news. fres Mother. 4e Take tela fewer to r? M other. Grave 49 A Segel lervf loans,-0esIa 124 75. 0111 I.eg Cable ma the Female /ttstt'lse-00mla 1e 196 7'M an not To -A.7. Bubb. C eemose ra.•s-•Com H omsts Oeasaaesass-- 114 The en one sv1. M tatabs std 1..a Cala is Me 116 The Darling [ w qtr 1b y TbwOt tiMMa 141 Wooden widow Ie tN 0uN s b7 45. Ow DDew.s....,14•111• lson olewteaDe76 % De.! the Ite.tu- Yf tasw.k7 Roma. Geed 79 nese AA V rear and Yet le Pae. SO 71. *'.srt .t IMebw RRL a4 1111 a An 5wnM T.dght 96 Lissom moths Yeekw.5 Mrd. 100 Cure for Rnn,l.l-Cnmh 11)5 1 Cannot Ming the Old Po,,. 110 I'm Lonely aloes My Mother Olid. 172 Tenting on the Old Camp rlronn4. 173 Glove Furtattnn-CnSle 174 Flirtation of thewtll-t ante 116 Don't Toa Go, Tommy. Don't Go. 1140 Willis, We Hare Missed Ton. 154 Over the Hills to the Poor Rosea. 183 Don't be Angry with Me. Dee- ling. erline. 1.48 The Old Pillage Rob not en the Green. 1Rn Darling Minnie tee. 190 slat rllrtation-Ommie. 11,1 Wirt al don of the Fan -Comte. 190 Thou Haat Learned to I..?. Another. 204 Ton Were Palm hot t'11 Fnr• give Yen. 209 OM bog Cabin In the Dell. 209 Whlepr Softly, Mother's D7(ng. til Will Yon Gore Ms When I'm 0141 213 Gathering Ph.11e by the RM star. 215 87 the Red Rea Waves. 218 Come Into the Garden. Maed, 2114 Where Theri • . W NI Theses • Wa?. 219 God Mem My Bey at sea. 220 Aenf. tansies 222 ahers.w, Marsh to the Seta 994 Come 5Ird1A Come. 225 New t 157 Me Down to ateq, 228 aver of 1 fano. 1121.1 lave Amoy the Roma 252 014 Ars .'Steir Ir snug hr Ned Darryl 24e Tb. Mennen Ge n Ml1•li►fa tµ4 emOb. tIsg h 244 limas, by tb• Rr•g t IAtlaa 240 Peer Mt w G.ntles.Ir1L 249 teohoia . Darling Mt Lel 151 Pat My Little "beam Awe?. 251 pompe, Nellie Gray. 265 141t1e !sten Jag. 267 o.ed•hye. ewrethwal lea Bolt. r. n 7 • 149 Sew". OUr th Charlie 143 WherDentise Art r7 lie 144 otter. A loved W 146 TMay Leek but Madill 149 Rahn oaf Gilesd. , Rest 1• the 150 ?Wires Always Parlor roe Tis. 152 r?. No Metter New. to Wonder. 15* Pelt foe Um .dere. 154 Nearer. Me God, to Thew 109 Yeses'. to M 0old, Odd (Donne. 159 h7 a Cad WnM WIMPS Tee Cae. W. sem 'molten .1 ere above asap. wee now ..le -teen. fee 10 slate, SO foe 90 emits, end 104 toeeat•. 250 'm.111.011 ad apt -wain as noes A+werw •, w".111 Mrw.t tele ,tan 18 •d t5.. e•'f1 ,Kowa, core • nip bf the a.5bee w nae 1 Ill L al..s•dn ratetnrw.. oe shoots sea *was geo.1• lean lyses flee. ,41n,.,. taken ',,,.,,tilt,,,. JAMES LEE & CO., MONTRE1L, P. ...1164101011,` SO11141461,