HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-19, Page 6The Fifty -Dollar Bill.
wife and eight children, totally desti-
"And whose fault is that 'I" said Mrs.
"Will you not contribute something
toward relieving their destitute condi
hour urged Mrs. Orshos, opening 4e
book and holding the pencil ready or
"Certainly not," said Mrs. Dean.
"1'ye no money to span."
"But I was told—"
"O' yes --about the money that was
drawn out of the savings -bank said
M. Dean. "But 1 intend to keep that
money for myself, Mrs. Graham."
"He that giveth to the poor lendeth
to the Lord," softly spoke Mra. Gra-
"Y.rt, yes -I know '" sard Mrs. Dean.
"But nobody interprets the Bible liter-
ally, nowadays."
Mrs. Graham took her depart ive, se-
knowledging within herself that her er-
rand was a failure, and Mrs. Dean, left
to herself at last, indulged in a nap,
with the knitting -work in her lap- a nap
wherein she dreamed that the fifty-dol-
lsr bill had taken to itself lege and waa
running away froui a crowd of pursuer's,
herself attiring the number.
When she waked up, roused by the
noise id coal being poured Mani the
stove, a candle was ' burniug and Mr.
Dean was laughing at her.
"Why, Betsey," said he, "I thought
you never were going to wake again i
Here you sat, with the fire dead out,
and I've had to kindle it up again."
"Bless me '" said Mrs. Dean, "I must
have been asleep quite a while. liut"-
as she started up she sew that the old
wall -pocket up}n•sit" was empty -
"where is that old number of the (7:n-
kereiflt Clarion!"
Mrs. Dean sat alone in her littl3 kit-
chen. She never used her parlor.
Thum was the extravagance of an extra
tire to be considered -the fact that the
bust rag carpet, woven by her own skil-
ful haids,rnust not be worn out teo reck-
leesly, the dread possibility of sunshine
fading out those chair covers. Mrs.
D 1 was an economist. She believed
in oinking everything last as long as it
possibly could. And so she made the
kitchen her headquarters, and eat there
knitting, t#ith her feet comfortably
balanced on the stone hearth, the sauce-
pan of apples bubbling softly away at
the back, and the sound of her hus-
band's axe ringing from the back shed
as he cut and split the kindling wood,
piled up there in well -swooned lugs.
She was a little, wrinkled faced wom-
an of fifty, with stiff ribbon bows to her
cap, hair that seemed dried up instead
of silvered, and keen blue eyes that
twinkled as if they had discovered the
secret of perpetual motion. To save
money was her chief end and aim in life.
The very mittens she was knitting were
W be *old at the village store in exchange
for t ca, s,igar, sp ices, and all such urees-
nary groceries. "A penny • saved is as
guI)1 as a penny earned.," was the golden
rule by which she shaped her life.
• I'm _•1811 1 t,n,k that money out of
the sat iu_i batik yesterday," said Mrs.
Dean to herself, as the brigh', needles
clicked merrily away. "People says it
isn't quite safe. And one can't be too
careful. But then, again, there's the
danger of burglars --thrush, to be sure,
no burglar," she added with a culupla-
o•nt, inward chuckle, "would ever think
of looking in the folds of the old 17inker-
coal pock-
et on tau wall. li a the bureau drawers,
and the trunks, and the locked -up
chests that they/ aitn for. A fifty -dollar
bill ! a clean, crisp, new fifty -dollar bill !
And all savings, too, out of the house
Just theit-tl1crc sounded a knock at
the do•,r, and in came old Dr. Bridg-
man, rubicund with the touch of the
March wind, and muffled up in the furs
of the wild animals which, from time to
time he himself had phot.
"Good day, Mrs. Dean, good day :"
said lie. "No, thank you; I can't sit
down. I'm. a deal too busy for that.
But I heard yesterday that you took
fifty dollars out of the savings bank ?"
"Yes," said Mrs. Dean, her face in-
voluntarily hardening, "I did
meat or two of silence, "the,. 'a a lee. A STRONG PR
sun in almost everything He d`•s, if we --1
d but ll th it" F At the Oldest Established Shoat Store tit 'P•,• 0,
And all the theolouisus its Id
could nut have improved upon
of this simple, unlettered old
[Saturday might.
Vas bons w«n.
' r world
the faith Sir Richard Cartirright said, with re-
fereuo• to the Bill under the cons derst-
fumer ion, which violated every principle the
i 0 bl. u,ol soh
Thoma Fiddler, t f Pilot o
is a native of Manitoba, slat that to
forty year$ he never renteutle'. reen•g
the snow au deep as it was during the
pat winter.
There is three feet of water i'i coyote
of the &tures at Grand Valley. h is re-
ported that a large atneuet of goods has
been destroyed. One lnerchant has 'aid
3,000 bushels of wheat dams;aeol•
Ono consoling feature in connection
with the flood on Red River is that
while it affects thoeu along its banks it
does not hinder farmers iu their seeding
operations throughout the Provutce.
Twenty Mounted Police recruits are
encamped near Fort Osborne, .,oat out-
side the city limits, and are vv. ante for
the Ontario dcb.ehnteua. Vt '11 they
arrive the party will start fo` ,tit E1 -
lice :end Qu'Appelle.
Lieutenant -Governor (.'aueh' i, . hlutk
et the foot of Broadway in touipletel)
r. 'ills i •.hindic
,ntrvducer (Sir John MaLdunald, he did
"it was last week's paper," said Mr.
Dean, calmly. "We had both of us
reel it, so 1 just took it to kindle the
"You burned it up?"
"Yes," said Mr. Dean; "I burned it
lip. Why shouldn't 1 1"
For half on hour Mrs. Darn sat silent
and never spoke a word. And her first
uttera»ee was:
"It's the Lord's judgment • upon me !"
Mrs. Dean was a resolute wotnan, full
t to her table -
surrounded by lusts
habitations are all swaug,etl, :'11.1 what
few articles of furniture they poasesa are
piled out upon the and.
The Pilot Mound Siy,od says oat for
the hast few nights the prairie has been
brilliantly illuminated with pre'. w dreg
and burning straw stacks. The farmers
.burn their str iw to get rid of it, and the
prairie is tired to burn old gnus and
wolf s illow iii l make -easier cook break-
n xi. ess Variety,
'diuw taste and the at est ecouumie buys
to suit the most f I
out say held,) but the every principle STOCKhat rho bun. geatlettutt,ompnod n SPRING
that Huusr. Ie was a cowardltrercher
ons wetasure; one regarding w telt
not risible to mascot%e that any man .
of h..nor could intrduce ,her. hear• iiuw a•ru1dete, and I take pinna int Ifurwiug up customers that at no
Be was not surprised however, that she lf" virus time have I had such a
hon. gentleman should bring down such '
s measure. It was gaits consistent with
his long career of dishonest &lid duhou•
rabin alts.
Mr. Howell--Yvu supported hum 10
he did.
Sir Richeed Cartwrigtit - No, sir ; I
did ant. (•did not support the heru of
the double shuffle. I did not support
the man who took clues' frust Sir Francis
Hiucks. (Cheers. The object of the
measure, he continued, u as clear as
coon -day. It was a measure to enable
one-third of the population of tt11uiuu
to control two-thirds of the seats. A
301 which siren thetked CooservaUves
what the hat. gentleman called e.l ivy
arge & Varied Stock
u i
everythingIA* at present. 1 have raised the Standard of Quality and I..a tired the Price
t • fact that no such value in foot wear can 1:e got elsewhere.
rIIle mo WORK
1. 1w land
of every rade still receives uiy prompt and careful atteu'1`ie. soot will a up
iu the most appruved f the very beatts by mater altobtainable. workmen, ^ ad•
ll 1411)1'UI �!113111)tand weukuurd lautuien : that coa` 11(� �111111�Se1 �ooi� ljjjahise .• 1)11'll
til iepresuntatieu. Yat he shut y
t lie tact that there are thirty consul=
.specs• 111 (Milnes, .illi ■ti average pop-
1 1
of character. She wen
drawer, took out a sheet of paper and
wrote to Dr. Bridgman, inclosing a dol-
lar toward lame Dick Bodley's cart and
horse. She sent another dollar to Mrs.
G. Graham for the poor little O'Haras,
and promised t i donate a barrel of rus-
sets, a bushel of potatoes and some of
her husband's cast-off clothes to cut
over for the children. And she sent for
Helen Hurst to come and see her.
"I can't lend you ten dollars, icy
dear," said she, "because I haven't got
it. But I'll tell you what 1 will slot. I'll
let you snake your home here as long as
you please. There's a nice spare roots,
and it's an eighth of a mile • nearer than
Mrs. Swipes' to the district school."
"0, how very, very good you are
said Helen, her eyes swimming with
grateful team.
"Good !" cried Mrs. Dean. "I'm just
beginning to see what a selfish, greedy
creature I've been all my life. But
ypu're welcome, my dear, and your
board shall not cost you a cent. -
She opened her parlor, shook out the
curtains and built a fire in the air -tight
wood -stove.
"Dean likes Ole parlor," said she,
"We aro taking up a subscription to
get little lame Dick BOdley a cart and
donkey, -so that he can go around ped-
,1t.n'a tinware, ' said the doctor. "It's
pretty hard for any one afflicted as he is
to get along, and if you can help us a
"But I can't," Interposed Mrs. Dean,
breathlessly. "Tho stoney was an in-
vestment. I do .'t propose to cut it up
into little bits."
"It's a deed of charity, Mrs. Dean,"
said the good ol.l man, "to help lame
Dick Bodley."
"I dare say, • said Mrs. Dean, a little
irritably. "But I never pretended to
be a charitaole character."
The old doctor went assay, and the
next visitor was Helen Hurst,' a rosy
girl of eighteen.
"Excuse we ,for interrupting you,
Mrs. Dear.,.' said she, "but Larry John-
son was at the' bink yesterday, and he
tells me that you drew out your
Honey !"
"Was :ill creation there thought
Mrs. l h•an.
But she said nothing. only knit away
until het needles seemed to glance and
glitter like points of tire.
"I ani trying to get a boarding place
tit Mrs Suints," added Helen, coloring,
"so as to be near the district school,
where I am to teach this spring. But
Mrs. Swipes requires payment in all
Vance by the month, and unfortunately
we have used up all our slender means
in provi line my outfit. A teacaer, you
know, must be dressed decently to com-
mand the respect of her pupils. But if
you would kindly lend Inc ten dollars--"
"I never lend," said Mrs. Duan, curt-
": will l'e sure 10 piay Il 11p when 1
receive my first quarter's salary," plead-
ed Helen ":end I don't know of any
one else to go to." .
',its altogether against my princi-
ples," said Mrs. Dean. with her face as
hard as if it had been carved out of
Helen Hurst ere pt out, feeling humil-
iated and disapp ointett beyond all ex-
Mrs. Dt.an chuckled at her owl:
shrewdness; hut she hardly had time to
stir up the apples in the saurepan be-
fore Mn. Graham entered with a little
leather -covered memorandum -book and
'1 an, lookintt for chant.ahle people,
Mrs. Dean said the 'Squire's wife,
with a laugh.
"Then you've
said Mrs. Dean, frigidly.
''Poor Patrick O'Hara was killed yes-
terday, in the machinery of the rolling -
said Mrs. Graham, ignoring her
nei thhnr'a response "He has left n
t.rrutille hada tsq,uletiou of 1'2,000,
. early 10,0.10 too small, according to Ii
lie principle.applicrl to the Detentes ;
et the hill 'mete North Leeds and ..
•;r, grille 500 smaller than it was before.
He tr, hear). The hon. geetleinati said
the ,rowing population afinuTa Ire respec-
ted. Now, Atkhit$tuu VAS a cuanty
lately in access of F ru!itenac, and al-
though a country increesing in growth,
while Fruntenae wwsaleVseeatng, Adding-
ton was left untouched. a hon.
,{eutlanan iMr. :lowed' saw gewet ne-
cessity for disteartnlW wise utuisterous
inequality ext,ting in North Wentworth.
Yet North Wentworth had tea unit the
,ante population as Frotttsnace•s county i
he never dreamed, for obvious reasons,
,f disturbing: Oo the saute p tiple tour
roeint,ers shuitld he given in Hun.n, in-
stead of -to Middlesex, a the former had
increased much more ra idly than the
latter. ;Hear, hear . Yet the Hutt.
alinister talked of respecting the growth
toterioh Township.,
One of those waccountable incidents
which sometimes occur and v. Lich to all
miloukei• •afterwards WOWS like the
baseless fabric uf a vision or a mythical
Ghost apparition, happened on the term
of Mr. Charles Naftel, Lake Shore (toad.
Mr. Naftel was to the; house when he
heard a sound as of the rushing of
mighty waters, or the fierce swooplug of
a windstorm among the forest trees. He
went to the door and a dark cloud in the
heavens, which he at first supposed to be
composed of leaves and fragments et
trees caste eddying twwards the earth.
An leu. nieniber-There is no Minis-
ter here.
Sic Richard Cartwright. - I don't
want the Sliuisters here, though 1 ata
glad to see they are ashamed of the
measure. Ciaeera : The per le of
Ontario, even with aII 'suet wheltaimc
The came masa closerandoloser, until Mr• p;eft,rnt majority in the Local Lt ala
Naftel;discerneditw'asaliving elatisufbird lure, were petieit and 1'�ug-suffertuit,
by the millions; at least birds iunumer- yet that' might be driven tato far. The
able to the ordinary human cuwpruhe° hon. gentleman depended a good deal
Sion. They were apparently the size of upon the returns of 1878, but there had (a) TO
the common sparrow and disappeared as been nave t
At time of purehnse if se desired.iiiiite.iii.f 18,000 as agaiust 60 coostitu- ikk the west with an average papulatieti ,.I V2,0IXI 'kr •t3,000. No11111 6/1.1111 and
Crabb& Block, Cor. East Street and the Square
I have just received a lance std 'REErT
I have also on baud a large stock of all kinds of ,.
All kinds of repairs ,tone 1,, 1Aunges, Sofas, and ('hairs. ('hairs
.•aned and perforated seats put in. Carpet and oil -cloth laid, and
rirt,ire framing a bottom
O N,
�. C- R Variety :store. Nast Rt.
hen local changes and a
mysteriously as they coma They game large reserve vete which went unpo11led,
and went in the moat singular wamivr' and as once before when the friends of
A little girl'that was in the held asked the hon. gentleman foren..k„ theta, they
her father if he had ecu the great lot of nti,ht find that cocfideice without an
birds, declaring she was so frightened object. If the men of Ontario" did not
that she was going to run to the house, resist, they were not the men their fath-
but they disappeared so quickly her ere wine. (Cheers.) The hon member
alarm; xisted only for a monent.-
[Ex' for West Durham had shown clearly how
it was perfectly possible t" equalize re-
wrteswa•trat Report. presentation and yet keep Intact the
State sof the weather- for the week municipal boundaries. That statemettt
of facts had not been met: Ontario, it
May 3rd -Wind at 10 p. tn. S., fresh, was once said, would one day be feints
ending May 9th, 1882.
aluady. No. uf miles wind travelled in a danger of fulfillment.h cow of, and the prophecy
couldas alp
24 hours 11110.
4th -Wind at 10 p. 01. N. E., light,
feost, clear. No. of stiles wind travel-
led iu 24 hours 240. Foggy all the
5th -Wind at 10 p. m. N. E., light,
cloudy, frost. No. of miles wind travel-
led in 24 hours 482.
Gth- Wind at 10 p. nt. E., light, clou-
dy. frost. No of stiles wind travelled
in 24 hours '256
rest art -
7th -Wind at 10 p. m. res top
ly clear. No. of miles wind travelled in
24 hours 2945
8th.- Wind at 10 p. ul. S., light, fog-
gy, sLowery since not`u. No. of utiles
"because it has such nice south windows, wind travelled in 24 hours 350. Amount
and I don't see why we ahouldn.t enjoy
She baked a fresh batch of ginger-
bread, and sent a loaf to old Mrs•
Mudge; she took out a basket of hick-
orynuts for poor little Harry Jones, who
was trying to crack dried up pignuts on
the stone by the roadside; she renewed
her subscription to the church chari-
"1 can't be very liberal," she said;
"but I nut determined to do what I
"That's right, my dear --that's right
said her husband. "We shall be pros-
perous, never tear. I'm awfully- sorry
about burning up your fifty -dollar bill;
but, if it's going to open your heart like
this, it's the best thing that could have
happened to uta...
Mrs. Dean was sweeping nut the kit-
chen. She tootled around with a senile
as she solved the wide -leaved table
which always stolid under the wall -pock-
et, and took down the pocket itaelf, a
rude structure of splints, lined with red
cambric and tied with cords and tassels
of red worsted, to dust it out.
"Yes," she said, "i am rfraid I was
getting to be a little miserly, and -
Why, what's this i"
Mr. Dean oto aped and picked up a
slip of crumpled dark -green paper,
which had fallen out from the wall -
pocket as his wife hinted it upside down
and tapped her finger against it t• re-
move all possible dust.
"it's the fifty -dollar hill "' aid he,
with mouth and eyes opened in unison.
"It must have stippled down from the
folds of the newspaper and lodged
here. •
"The Ltrd has sent it hack to •s,;'
said Mrs. Dean. i everently : "and Re
has sent a lesson, wise and merciful.
with it"
"Well.' raid Mr. Dean. after a n o.
of rainfall 1.8 cubic inches
9th -Wind at 10 p. ta. E., light air,
cloudy. No. of miles wind travelled in
24 hours 129. Foggy at the'foienoou.
(1. N. MACDONALD, Observer.
Godericlt, May 10th, 18&.
C1t.. the wrong
fr 1 '!ia S`Ai 'tf3
or -
M z�'
say again that if this fraud and trickery
was not checkmated by the electors of s ,
large and great Province, then they de-
served to see their rights disregarded,
and to see hon.. gentlemen make a foot-
ball of their liberties. Cheers.
Thousands suffer untold miseries from
Nervous Weakness, Pain in the back,
and other distressing symtoms ariaing
from disordered Kitineys. Burdock
Blood Bitten is the Sovereign remedy.
Triad bottles 10 cents.
tin Friday ii¢ht after the House rose.
the Liberal members of the press gallery
presented Mr. Blake with a heautifuf
bouquet of flowers, at the sae 0 time ex- - -
pressing their admir*tion of his great
abilities and the Hunner in which he 'thd undo adwene Celo maend cs upheld !i,I1 (r�� BARGA1Nst e
. / 1.
the principal of freedom and mnstitu• I _
bion+tl Government. 9i r. Rieke made a
Farmers' Hardware
Builders' Hardware
}ill 1; ---
In fact. everything you want in his lint.
This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WiRE, the best yet.
R_ W.. Mci-C=1 rZ=E_
There is probably ne newspaper man
of ext erience in the country who does
not hold secrets of importance in his
mind, w!tich, if made public, would
create :t sensation, but would stamp him
as being unreliable, and consequently
untit fat his profession. The great race
for precedence in the publication 01
news impells him 11do his utnwat to
uutatrip his contemporaries, but a high-
er feeling, the dictates of honor, keeps
sacred the. trusts reposed. Frequently
persons would like t.. kmoty the author-
ship of certain matters published. sad
whether his efforts are dirceted to
" pumping" the managing editor or the
galley boy, his effortsare equally ns fruit-
less. Every compositor on a paper, ns a
rule, knows the handwriting he sets up,
but if any other persons think they can
learn it from him -well, let them try.
Are you a martyr to headache!' Suf-
fer no longer. A remedy is found in
Burdock Blond Bitters. It regulates the
Ifosre1s, cleanses the system, allays ner-
vous irritation and restores health Rid
vigor. Sample bottle 10 tent..
Washington, Mny 14. Then- .s reason
tit believe the previous diapetcli*s con-
cerning (luitean were entirely erroneous.
it is now stated positively that the four
judges were in thorough harmony in
reaching their decision, not for a minute
dif Bring ingeneral on thesters by wkiob a
decision was r•eseeed, although each had
had individual opinions nn the various
plintsuf law and their application. The
decision will be announced May 22nd.
it affirms the aentenee of the ennrt be-
low and nverrulee all the exceptions.
That din o es of llaiteau's las elates.
He will be hanged June :doth.
Au those pain' at and distressing dis-
eases and irregularities pernliar to the
female sex may be promptly eared by
Burdock Bhe,d Rsltess. It regulates
every organ to a healthy action_
short but eloquent speech, thanking his
friends in the ksllery for their kindness I -
pd sympathy. The affair was about the
M r. Bl: impromptu events the and
Mr. Blake felt greatly plcaserl- and the l�
Liberal members present enjoyed the t
occasion highly.
•n a taking a.
Parcell waatuag chea;l goods shoe:d call at once. Having secured flr.t o ISM Nor
i stn pr,•p,tred to 11111.1111r111 ,are to order.
Nothing but First Class Material Used,
FRESH 1.4"A. CGo . Fit Guara=teed_
teud•eki. Feb . tots. tat
Christie Brown & Co'l
Pure pioee.
Chas. A. Nairn.
Posters, Circulars, Cards. Sc.
vertb Street, Oederich