The Huron Signal, 1882-05-19, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 19 N3 WEST MIDDLESEX. glaahaslast/. Reasaslassles.f '. W. tees. Gtalt u-, May 16. -To-day witnessed one of Ole boost Reform gstbet ins* ever assembled iu West Middlesex. The priaapsi object of the Convention was the eeleotAun uta oandidste to cutest the Ridiug in the sj[pr..schtug election fur the Duoiniun lit/UN of Common•. At en early hour the Town Hall was Oiled with enthusiastic delegates from all parts of thu Riding, in addition to a Liege number of other promineut mem- bers .4 the party. The chair was occu- pied by Mt. Was. Kepley, of Strathruy, 'r'essdeut ..f the Return. Association, Mr. Juhu S. Saul, of $trsthroy, acting as Secretary. Among others upon the platform were Messrs. Geo. W. Roes, Y P., and John Watterworth. M. P. Th. Convention was of the most un- enimuue description, and proved to be a perfect ovation for Mr. Rees, who hate ea ably and brilliantly represented the Riding in the House of Ottumwa. There were present in all about 110 regular delegates. On motion of Mr. D. M. Cameron the list ..f delegates as sent in was received an ourre.t. Mr. John Watterworth, M. P. P., •uggesteed that as no other neat. had been meutioned in connection with the candidature than that of Mr. Roes, his :rumination be made unanimous by the Ceovention. he thought an express- ion of the views of the representatives of Euphemia and Adelaide, two munici- palities added to West Middlesex by the 4lerryrnander, should be heard. Ap- plause.) ) Mr. Roberta, Reeve of Eaphemin, ,felt that the Convention meant business, and he oou!d say the saws of his municipali- ty. Amid deafening cheers he then nom- inated Mr. Rosa as the candidate. Mr. T. 0. Currie, Reeve of Adelaide, took great pleasure in seconding the nomination, feeling confident that Me. Roes would be elected by a large tnajor- .ty, and that he would continue in the future, as he had u, floe past, to guard ! he interests and defend the righta of the R,Ding. .\.1..{16 juncture the enthusiasm be- ..traw unho tusded, and the eutare Cos- ,: • •o to their feet, declaring the ..t. ,t unanimously carried. Cheer soft.. tee. followed, and it was several tnuu•o... before the echoes of applause died away. , Mr. Russ, in ruing to accept the nomi- e nation, cordially thstgked the delegates Y. for the honor ey had done him. He considered it a high honor at the present crisis to be the standard bearer of Lit- eral principles in West Midddletex. Be was glad to be their leader, because he had feared that the Liberal party in this riding might have been overawed or discouraged on:,acoount of the recant action of the Dominion Government, but instead of this he wale more than pleased to see that Sir John had not gerrymandered the courage of the Re- fortners of Weed Middlesex. Cheers.) He believed that this latest device—the gerrymander—like all others of the Evil One, would oome to naught. (laugh- ter.) He said he would endeavor before the campaign was over to show what his clews were of the party that had perpe t rated this great wrong ---a wrontr which lois opponent, Mr. N. Currie, by his pre- sence in the Capital, had aided in carry- ing out in order to best suit his own de- signs in this riding. But so flagrant was the outrage that he felt it would yet work mischief for the very party by whom it was originated. He said.there was much in the present political situa- tion to incite the Reform party to great efforts. The growth of the .Canadian nation was something to be witnessed with pleasure and satisfa3tton, but that development must be fostered by wise government. Honesty, justice and fair play should he at the foundation of all legislation in this growing country. Legislators should labor for the welfare of the future. He would like to ask even Conservatives themselves if the Government of Sir John Macdonald had been characterised by the principles of cotnmou honesty. He had no doubt as to what were the views of the delegates assembled. (Applause and cries of "Nu ! No 1") In proof of what he had stated he pointed to the BARGAIN WITH TES ?ACM.' MYNndt'ATE, •transaction that was neither honest nor in the interesta of the settlers of the Northwest, the people of Ontario, or the Dominion at large. It was one of the many acts which he felt confidect the independent electors of Canada would resent at the polls. He next dealt in a forcible manner with TUB Bot (()ABY AwABU tttIgaTION referring to the salient features of the case since the time of the arbitration in 1878. Plainly, it was the intention of Sir John and the present Government not to ratify that award, but to rob On- tario of some 64,000,000 acres of land The Liberal Party in the House had opposed such an unjust procedure, but Sir John, led on by French influence was powerful enough to bear down opp position and over -ride the rights of On- tario. (Applause.) Having referred briefly, but in scathing terma, to the violation of principles in connection with the Disallowance question, Mr. Ross proceeded to arraign the present Government on THE rHARO1 OT IIT%AVAOA1fCB rounds et applause mid infighter. He set.l that nearly ever Conservative wee n. r far Oilcan., had had Lu pori- tiou strcugtheited by the re -distribution of fast.. «eel, cull it be by charoe or aoetdeot, the situsi if nearly every Liberal member was weakened 1 Was that 1 est legi.lstiou 1 He stiZmatised it as cowardly lejislatien, adopted be- muse the present tloaerumeht ars afraid W face the public opinion and honest sentiment of the people of Ontario. [Loud applause.] He calmed TIIa HOLLOW ParTtiaTIONs of Sir loam that this measure was in ae- ourdaeoe with the principles of represen- tation bt population. and contrasted his coiduo with the upright nurse adopted by Hou • r. Mowat. He believed that the West Hiding col Middlesex, by • large majority, wo .1.1 ,how these mangle that. they cannot tr.tl with the rights uur iuuuu the tutelltt;eo,,,, of the indh pen.tm,t electorate.Its to the i,u prosel that he should stand for the South 1Ci.hu{ of Middlesex, he said that there a..uld be no glory in winning • victory there. He desired to engage in a warner conflict. The temple in West Middlesex had always stood by him and he would stand by them. He was net sure what the new townships would do, but hoped they would prove them- selves strong in the contest. Adelaide andEuphemia delegates- We will! We will. (Applause.) Mr. Roes in oontinuing,asked his sup- p..rters to keep themselves thoroughly ported on the questions of the day and armed with facts. He placed himself in their hands, and upon their effects in a great measure depended the result. He asked them torenumber that a candidate, however hard he worked, oculd not elect hiniself,and when they went Pt the polls, is roll up a triumphant majority for the Liberal party in the West Riding of Middlesex. (Long and continued ap phone.) The Windsor school board has decid- ed to class the public schools for two weals on account of the stnallpux. INSURANCE CARD. (alt Atilt. CO'T. ToaowTo-t•tahILM PHG NIX iNS. CO'Y, et Los DOS (=•gland).- Eetabii.hed IT82. H.\ RTFOIt1) INS. CO'Y, of titawroto, Coss Established lilt Risks taken in the above Ant -dam Omoea at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The awdereigned is aloe Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN Lao SAVINGS CO -T Totoaro. Money to tan on first-class security, roe T to $ per Cent.—Chargee moderate. HORACE MORTON. Ooderleb Sept la, I888. SBC)SA. (-RCM BRAZIL.) The New Componnc!, its woe- deriul affinity to the Di;-crtive Apparatus and the Live:; increas- ing the dissolving Juices, relic,. fng almost instantly the dreadful results ofllvspepsia, Indigestion. and the TORPID LIVER. maL-cs Zopesa an every day necessity in Ivory house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, I)1.7t-_'.s af- ter Eating,Wind on the ' Lich, Heartburn, Fains in the Si and Back. Want of Appetite. Want 01 Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this nut and take it to yowl Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample ora large bot�je for 78 cents, and tell your neighbor about it. in the management of public affairs. Four years ago On 18781 Sir Leonard Tilley told the people that he could car- ry nn the Government with an aootlay of twenty-two and one half millions of dol- lars Per annum, but new he comes to Parliament and asks fortwenty•nine and one-half millions, or an increase a seven million dollars. Mr.. Mackenzie was G able to earry on the overnment with an outlay which increased at the rate of $36,000 per year. bet 'seder the present floveranient v. find the expenditure ad- vancing at the ewermoes rate of $,000 000 per annum. $n much for promises ..f economy. (A). Bet the Government have &Me worse than this. By a system of .idalght vlllany Sir John is endeavoring to snatch a verdict frees the people of this *,entry, and so rn another Ave years' less* taal power earing the result of honest 'Corse they have new perpetrated. Twc oraatnafntatwo (ITRAne. He exprieed the infamous features of this Bill, interweaving esany satirical atlesiese that repeatedly drew forth e TO THE LADIEBI Although too busy to write a long ad- vsstiwtneut, I am at the service of the ladies of Goderich and vicinity for making up fashionable millinery, etc., es abort notice. M188 STEWART, The Square. CLEARING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES AT JOHN ACHESON'S As I em determined to go out of MO BRANCH OF MY BUSINESS. 1 will sell the balance of my stack CHEAP. T O HN AC11 SON_ The Cheapest House Under The Sun JAS SAUNDERS & SON. -DEALERS IN— STOVES & TINWARE FACT GOODS and WALL PAPER Marini; *ugliest t thein services of the of dHR. ahoTin Cal). na tOHNSON nowt red10 bad ache rears expev fenALL KINDS OF TTTWORK. On Shortest Notice Satolsfact weeaau k all the later goy 1 Goods. we have new arrivals WALL PAP'RS WINDOW BLIND FANC Y BAdSETS_ And a choice lot of CA g,=AC- -.=S_ $nim123Y VERY CHEAP. NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OrrICK. THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON. J. C. DETLOR& CO • Have decided $ odler their entire stook of prices, for Dash. For the peat 10 days the will sell at esu that will astonish sIL COME AND 8�.. THE BARGAINS_ Aad yea will be sure le bay. Their stook is now complete, their Mr. J. C. Detlor haying re. essay purchased is Mostreal an immense stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods at Lowest Cash Prices-, Splendid value In Velveteen. Prints by the piece at less than regular 'thalassic priers. Come and see these cheap prints. ltsrsaias In check sad fancy shirtings, sad aroma decks. Bigger bargains is brows Holland. The biggest BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Till Lias in titillates( styles in Parasols, Laos, Edgings and Embroideries at nearly half prior. Comedian and &etck Tweeds. French Worsted Coatings• Ladies Cloths and Uleterings at Uahmrd of Priem. Thews goods mast be sold. and the prices at which they ore placed must slsar them eat in a short time. Hosiery at prices to dear. Hsu at panic prices. A meatal Has o(Tewels (pure Nees) at nearly half price. 60 dozen 2 -Batton Kid Gloves, import- e� lfrect, et II paw cent, less than regular prices. 90 Tweed Vesta at 8i1.60.regular price 03.00. Qetlertsb, Apriilath 1882. 5_ C. DNITI..OR do CO_ TTse 3=0/1-1.13:15.0=1. HAIR RESTORER 'The G -em of I lair Preparations. It removes Dandruff, keeps the scalp clean, and renders the hair soft, silky and glossy ; promoting the growth and causing it to assume a beautiful, healthy and natural ass ce. It Restores Grey Hair, is a Splendid Dressing and an Excel- lent rem y for Headache. Price 50 Certs PEr Bottle For Sale 1st GEORGE RHYNAS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Market Square, Goderich. =_ 7=RY R�1�ER should have a copy of the LIFE AND LECTURES HON. GEO. BROWN, edited by HON. A. MACKENZIE- Grady for dei'very in'a few days. Orders taken by Geo_ S h.ppard HURON SCHOOL BOOK DEPOT, GODERICH. SPRING aid SOMMER StiITS LATEST STYLES Trude Mark RepiaWreel ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. Icy resect ohservatton, we find ail land specnister. have • clear bend and snatch the sae and downs of preperty. thus making Inge fortunes. Hat tis wllie secret Is. they keep flu• system In a health, condition bY tbs me el TEE PRISE OF TIM 'ALERT ■1Oa871L We can esfely say that iia Bred• su es for vest est lawsad Weed going n Meased give themes& of the armswest. the Alliterq ~ Wad nd If It a ll !seesaw* wee trembled with (biretta V the ga�� et is thethreat shoaling sat. it y es abatis( sacs steel', Mhodile at with mbearks tuba dean sad AfttergiOyler b et deems to dettora sod evenly up 1 tried the Peas* ev nee V ALLN?mod sew •Mr to de my week Mier °ossa reset Mini. rtHmwe Mo NEid. alit Sarret.landes.One. 'Tits shove •tst.me.Qef sa► wife's Is me- rest - Janes McNssi. Per tale M a0 drwgai.ts, tasattbettied by Prof A. M Sbrievea [eose Oat. SaWpM rest26 etr See for t1.M (]aa M In pederl b d the retiewiaa drseglstr �a1a . , dna, wHna. I. Js.stan Oce. • naso sada. A. tNA 1. 1882 -SPRING -1828 Our Sprig JmportatiOES are Now iu tock Every DepartmeaS is Now Complete. HTTG-ET 'DUNLOP Fashionable Tailor, West Street, G.,derich. COLBORNE BROS. It affords us pleasure, through this Circular, to thank our numerous Customers for the very liberal patronage extended to us during the two and a half years which we have been in business. Our sales are increasing daily, a sufficient proof that we do our business right, and give our customers good value for their money. Our Spring Goods are now all in stock, and present a completeness far iu advance of anything we have shown before. To meet the growing requirements of our business, our purchases have been larger than heretofore in every department. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the New Designs. Our 10 Ceul Linc is Great Vue. FRESH GOODS MILLINERY. Miss Jessie Wilson Takes plea,.ur.• in informing the ladies of liederich and vicinity. that she opened out on Saturday, April the 8th A LARGE eToca Or n Great Variety, in plain all wools, watered, brocaded and checkedd, from 1 2d In Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Competition We are showing a large range of Cottons, Linens, Shirtings, Ducks, Denims, Union Tweeds, All -Wool Tweeds and Coatings. Silks and Satins, Plain and Watered, IN BLACK AND COLORS. IN SMALL WARE OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE PARASOLS, HOSIERY & GLOVES TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED GOODS. 4 t fen and Sae ssenrttast .f FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, And everytaiag in nae shall. or 1.1.A.TEST NO v .r...L.a=1=S, SPLENDID VALUE CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Highest price Paid for Butter & Eggs C O I. RO RN = R o S_, DODERICE. Tbs malts an e.eeeufesy I•vit.d to meow weds, sad 1 wan tem It s p$essare se strew the LATEST AND BEST STYLES. ORD7E1P.ED WOR$ A P'DOZAT.TY_ Art ligsians ill Wall Papers. Now is the time. If you wish one or two nice moms at home, to see Butler's room papers. He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs, ite.an"f,a coinerar d at pr.. -es less than very much inferior goods. Cal and ser them, they are the boa; value in town. and must be sold. Th P atN�f Sprier Briar Pallcrns and Fashions, At $Z?Tz.+ER'S_ SEEDS, SLEDS! JUST T RBCIIIVRD AT THE ivted.ical Haus, c od.erich., .4 large sad well .•Bored stork of fresh Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Baia to hulk and to r•wlieta. Purchased from one of the oldest sad meet r.ttehle need ►.we is the i►oeninion. and will M .nM at Catalogs* Prkwa P. JORDAN, Chest and Druggist. W1asMsal• and limed Dealer inDrew, Ch.miosls, Dy. Wath tins. sad Caen.. M.rtletns TToUM AKlals. da. d�Phpelsbaas' I4esertettsss caretaim dl.Oraead. r .oast -9, 11.• 41.4,0 MIN& tress. ' i.116aliiilla MRW 'si+Clw PrW- 6.55 ou.