HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-19, Page 4IIORON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1882
for the eLetiin; Year I MI 1111TIO "1882
pabUM.% .eery rrtdas Montag,by Mr '
etua uour Biwa., ea their Gem North St
Ng th. assent
Sassion1.despeio'.4 w ea parte of tax . aremid
pea..s tax kee it
mail. sod I ear e
lassoed edsata ea 11 W a Wager
• Y7 stater a.r lewdest
et ot
L ist twrryy Mwes aof[ d lik iiMMp o
la=relish/. ).arcade La •.esatlaJs
•lag. as It Mea, tie to.aeoteg
ea/ betas In addition totes above, a arwt-olea'
easily and tirade peter tet Is tLotefore •
most v astr'able ad wdww-
Tears. $toile In &avenue, postage pre-pstd
1y pabUsb.r.;$1.1a, if paid before six
{LM lido l w pad. This rale will be strictly
.Tea or AuesNTWRe. Eight coats pe
Ona af..rttas ; three ovate per ids. ter
srap..gesat lnaartlor. Y.arly, halt -yearly
aT+ serttt ooatraute &treduoed rates.
JliRi g !du.-- A'c have at.o•first-class
l/ebbing department in cosonectlusad possess -
eg the damn complete out -St sad beet facilities
ter turning out work In Goderich, are prepared
M de b,Maeat la that line et pry that cannot
be beaten, and of a quality tial osmium be
ssrpawd. --forma Cask
— _-- deep grave, has aroused the disgust of
FRIDAY, MAY 19th 1882. s 'ms of tbe more respectal le Conan •
tiess, wise are ashamed of the present
humiliating pwsitiou of affairs.
Scores of old -tune Conservatives aro
8o:ki.og to the standard of " Ontario's
A ghts and Fair Play," mud the three
Herons will swing into line with good
Liberal majorities in June.
THS ILs(7JY) .'&
{ Tux Chatiottetuwn, P. It l., Patriot, likely to destroy our young Cunfedera- re{ oft, the "fuer*• '
t'uxi than w destroy.
just cause to wY ware .duly elected as •1 ass ;Ai (}RADE "C NON
writs are now en their wee to the con- prooewdinlp „f the sestou, says ►t tram
Use three heats Owwa stage that telt, which has hero closely watching the I Jf' J t
pr largo }oruuu u the inhabitants
)t t
Proviuv., for twhevtugg that they are
deprived ..t their due sdare of represen-
tatiou iu the Parliament of Canada, the
more w, when it is remembered that the
Art referred to. deliberately applies •
principle of d atriba:tiou to Ontario,
which it utterly ignores in every other
portion of the Dominion.
With the suacurwt washes fur your
welfare, personally and politically. Be-
lieve me. Yours very faithfully,
RlctraaD J. CART& a1GNT.
'Mummies, uad tLat the eleotioes will I
come off about the Wilt ••t Julie. The
(iwerusaat, theemigk Ike organs, have
endesvered to lull the Liberals into •
false security by pretending that the
elections were ant at head. But tl
Reform party ie on the alert, and no
snap sardiet will be got from the people
atter .11
In Huron time Liberal party wets
never in bearer a,irit. The disgraceful
double -shuttle gerryuuutdering, destroy-
ing as it did even the prostates RIR this
three Tery candidates who kaki been
duly nominated in oourentioos assembl-
ed, and burylug tau of them in ane
leeward -owed "during the present session
of Parliament teat m the discuasiuu of
say question that real utroe in those who
deliberate upou it ability. knowledge,
breadth of view, sod wide sympathy ,the
Son. Edward Blake stands head and
shoulders uvur the ablest of the mem-
bers of the present Government.
REFORM ('UN f'E'VTIV 1-.'.
Reform conventions for the selecting
of candidates to contest East, West and
South Hurou in the Liberal interest sit
the Doming elections ars as follows:—
EAST HURON - At Wroxeter, use
Saturday next, 20th May.
WEST HURON—At Goderich, on
Tuesday, May 22nd.
SOUTH HURON—At Seslorth on
Friday, May 26.
Perhaps one of the meanest acts ever
perpetrated on a political candidate was
Mr.P last k by his quare
Tax "open letter" from Bir Richard
Cartwright to the electors of Centre Hu-
ron, will not some amiss to the electors
of any riding in the gerrymandered
counties of Ontario. The question of
the iniquitous carving up of fifty-four
constituencies to "hive" the Grits, and
the obliteration of county boundaries
done utter wee by the present government in clearly
dote friends, the Goderich tail of Tories. 15.3111concisely dealt with. We inviteOn his arrival in Goderich he was taken seder to "read, study and inwardly di -
in hand by Mesrt. Johnston, Campbell, gest' every paragraph in Sir Richard's
Platt, et al, and made to believe that be
was their choice beyond all others, and Ur to the present time no clue has
that no effort would he spared by them been discovered that is likely to lead to
to secure to him a seat in Parliament.
His candidature was endorsed in Mr.
Johnston's office by the cabal, meetings
were called at Carlow and is Goderich,
and fulsome laudation, and frothy pro-
fesaions of ardent service to elect him
was his portion galore—at leant w far as
he could :ee. But there was another
aide to their shield which Mr. Porter
knew not of. At the sate time while
the members of the cabal were pulling
the wool over the eyes of the "unsophis-
ticated rustic" from Ushorne (as Mr.
Porter delights to call himself en the
platform), they were conspiring to bury
him under a majority of 700 " hived"
Grits in South Huron, that acenstituency
might be opened to one of their number.
On the Thursday preceding Mr. Port-
er's Goderich meeting, the Conservative
convention to nominate a candidate for
North Huron was held, and at it
Mr. F. W. Johnston was present. He
there met Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, per-
haps the cutest Tory politician in all the
Hurons. A compact was made between
the lawyer and the doctor—and when a
lawyer and a dooctor combine, heaven
help the layman. The result of the con-
spiracy was the re -carving of the county
into East, West and South Huron. Mr.
Porter was placed under an adverse vote
' of 700 in South Huron, Mr. Farrow was
put under the thumb of Dr. Holmes in
the East, and the West Riding was
opened for Mr. Fred. W. Johnston or
his sntilinp( co -laborer in the final gerry-
mandering—Mr. Samuel Platt. Of
course it isn't our funeral - -it's Porter's
but we feel constrained to make the
exposure so that Reformers and Conser-
vatives alike may see that the conspir-
ators care neither for friends nor oppon-
ents when they have axes to grind for
themselves. To say the least, it Looks a
trifle inconsistent that Mr. Johnston
should endorse the nomination of Mr.
Porter, on behalf of G.sdench, that he
should act as Mr. Porter's chalrrone at
the Smith's Hill and t:ederich meetings,
and that he should eller aid and aasist-
ance to that gentleman iu this district, at
t}►,e identical tune when he was conspir-
ing to take from the endorsed -by -Mr. -
Johnston candidate for South Huron the
onlyTory municipalities the constituency
contained. Mr. Platt's endorsatiou of swallow the gerryutandening, and in his l reaching changes in our
Mr. Porter at the Goderich mevtt ,e is of last Sunday evenings' discourse he han• "rganizatin may become
ff til b t
WRu kW.d Purist in South 11 Lineal
Address et e1r Rseberd Caetwrlstbt. a. r„
se rhe .d a•wetaaeaw in Center
Te *be slrcturs •1 (,entre Heroic
()tttriasetee:—Within a few days the
C,s.titeeney to which you haws belong-
ed fur the past tan years will 'Ave ceas-
ed to exist.
1 do nut knew that you lave much
rwun to be surprised at this detenuin-
You have been guilty during the
whole of the above period of the most
unswerving devot to the principles
which you c,nncientianaly believed must
likely to advance the true interests of
you eta itry, and you have further de
liberate!), aggravated yusr effenoe by
selecting • representative who is person-
ally exceedingly obnoxious w the faction
uuw in power.
For thus presumiug to avert your
rights as free men, In wket was hereto-
fore supposed to be a free country, you
have been sentenced to politacal extinc-
tion, and the very name of the Riding
of Centre Huron is to be henceforward
blotted out of the list of Canadian con-
Moreover, as it appears that the
whole County of Huron is in danger of
being given over to Reform influences,
the same upright and impartial assembly
which has decreed your extinction has
decided to remove two townships, con-
taining several thousands of your fellow-
theendish and Mr. Burks.The lice aro I citizens (with whom you have bees so-
p° custemed to act m all municipal and
local matters), from the Cusnty et Hu-
ron to Perth and Middlesex, In order, I
presume, to justify the decision which
has assigned to Middlesex, with an ac-
tual population of 72.33b, increasing at
the rate of 5,566 in the last decade, four
representatives, while at the same tome
it passes ever the claims of Huron with
an actual pupulation of 76,968, (increas-
ing at the rate of 10,802 during the
sate period) to • similar representation,
and which is now endeavouring so to
sub -divide the remaining Municipalities
of Huron, as to ensure that this County.
which in 1878 had • total Reform major-
ity of 452, and which, in 1879, returned
three Reform Members to the Local
Legislature by a total majority of 630,
may return two supporters of Sir John
A. Macdonald at the next General Elec-
tions. •
Under such circumstances, it remains
only to express my own deep and abid-
ing sense of the chivalrous generosity
which induce you to elect roe then au
entire stranger to the conatitnency, to a
seat in Parliament at the very darkest
hour of depression of the Referm party
and which, still more recently, led you
again to tender me the nomination for
the Riding; and secundlyjto invite your
attention, as-alsu the attention of other
Reformers throughout Canada, t.. the
danger which now threatens our present
system of constitutional government.
It has long been known to every con-
stitutional student that our present sys-
tem of electing representatives was
theoretically defective and exposed to
serious danger, which would become
formidable should the several constitu-
encies ever happen t•, be so divided that
a minority of the voters should centro
a majority of the seats in Parliament,
The above is from tbe Seaforth Site. and should thereupon proceed to abuse
the power which accident, or worse, had
for a time entrusted to their hands.
Hitherto, to the credit of our people
be it said, no Government has been re
dishonest and an indifferent to the force
of public opinion as to attempt openly
and shamelessly, by virtue of Act of
Parliament, to disfranchise large bodies
of their political opponents, ,and it has
been reserved for Sir John A Macdon-
ald and the unscrupulous faction of
which he is the head, to make the at-
tempt in Canada.
To what extent this cowardly out-
rage may succeed it is as yet impossible
to say, but whether it succeed or fail, it
will be none the les the duty of all true
13efonnens to consider what measures
should be taken to render such attempts
impoeib'e in the future.
it may he that very
at fault, and give evidenceof desponden-
cy is the natter. The wanner in which
the assassins have been enabled to cover
up their tracks would Indicate that they
aro well backed by atone powerful or-
ganization of conspirators. Every loyal
subject will earssstly hope that justice
will not be utterly balked by the perpe-
trators of the dark deed and their con-
Torg local Tory prints are bristling
against the statement made in Tea
SIGNAL last week that Mr. Porter was
invited to go to Winghain to the Tory
North Huros Convention, w that mat-
ters could be made smooth for Mr.
Farrow's nntniaation. Neither of the
sheets know what they are talking about.
We now state that Mr. Porter received
•a beseeching letter from Mr.. H. W. C.
Meyer, the Tory secretary for North
Huron, to attend the Winghain conven-
tion in the interest of Mr. Farrow. We
challenge a denial of the correspondence
from the gentlemen named. If our
Tory friends are not now satisfied, we
will publish Mr. Meyer's letter to Mr.
"There to nothing narrow or crabbed about
Mr. Porter, and any one must be plcaeed
with him on the public platform. Indeed it is
doubtful whether therein a member at pres-
ent in tho house of Commons who could no
well compare with Cicero or 1)emostl.enr,,
an the nominee for South Huron, who, should
he be returned. will be an honor not only to
his own constituency. but will reflectluetreon
the country as a whole."
J. H. Colb.nir. 1 t Vier. tea , FIRST CLASS, "
Mitchell;'lpd \' ke. 1'ra ., it. Me(iilli- 1'KOF IUNAL will teats •t the s.r
c iddy, S oc'rtnrt, (pro. Shell mrd: Trera = °or.meflaa0, MM ti, h tslAuub eat the
W. R Mille Direr►ors—M.s.n. Whiles, D p.,..
l'owtI ltuadal. Jul? led. et r
Rios, Jat. heppard and W. Proud(' eat Tt,e pruterlosal e&•u[eas ou ter snick.•
A vote ..t torn►e wasrinsed t a end aperowlll a is at the tin `lut.,u eat the
uitor by Mr. 1) Mdidhcuddy Th. uarotnatw. ter arwa.cleocl patois "A'
Mr. IV. }t. biller, and carates utinay u- ta,rdfea.iunsl ex i1 5 aA.r th. t(wc oedue of the
nuM,, ,n i. d b Mr. I It to adi.peesbts that os.,n .'eau aLoaa:d
Moo'rd by Mr. Rite, sec Y n wry the tieeretary .cx Wer rbaa tb. Ist of
Mel ilbenetdy that the iks of this Js n. eat their taeottoe to l.r.eno themeslve•
for xadainatww. sad fur., r1 .1r n ,esrara
wt uiesae of Mamas er a nim s. r. i.e.
Forma of tofu-. to he ►. r.•t b .web (e•dn
date pre•,OOsil. sa be ,b' a .. d ua •pplleetiw
M rloetwl an hon. rary w tae wecretan.
Roan/ of Directors fur the present year. Ira 1i, ry de.reog w pav .be luierdadiaie
Carried Ltaoui'a,l' mint se ivartl• uirr w state the
to Iiigb rt. hind at which the/ .Ladse to write ate
A vete of thanks was also tendered t.. uptiuorl sow which v hi. b ihrl .uteed to
the retinni Ei,sni of Dorotwrs (er their tst..
PWr1 it A1lAMWN,
efficient servicer during the pits' yam• t«r>'. l:dertch P.O.
The meeting then adjourned,
I♦ tattered Merge.
•' Among the charges he made was (mei
to the effect that the officers to be ap-
pointed by the Government connected
with thea mans etnsnt of the electors
would conspire to defraud Reform oleo-
tors."- -[Citixen.
' Well, is the charge not natural l
If the Government did not intend to
use their own creatures for sinister pur-
poses, why alter the law which made re-
sponsible gentlemen --teaistrars and
sheriffs returning officers 1"—{Ottaws
Fres Press.
Tbe *Nasal Report .1 the 1Nermer..
The annual meeting of the uneuiber'
of the Mechanics' Institute WAS held in
the reading nom on Friday .remit$
last. There w'as a good attendance and
Otto the minutes of the last annual
meeting had been read by the Secretary,
the report of the Directors for the past
year was read and adopted, as follows:—
Th the Members of the Goderich Mechanics
titeeitete :
lea submitting this, the annual report
fur the year ending May 1st, 188'2, your
directors have pleasure iu announcing
an improved and fairly prosperous con•
clition of affairs. The re.uuvalin January
last to the pleasant rooms occupied now
by the Institute, caused an increased ex-
penditure, not anticipated when the
Present board assumed office, but the
I al
meeting be tendered w Mr. Alex. Mur -
tam, the retiringPresident, and that he
member u
general satisfaction expressed with the
change, and the fact that the working
expense are now much les (fully $76
per annum) justifies our action.
During the year • number of public
entertainments have been held, with a
view to affording pleasing and profitable
recreation to the public, and aiding the
finances of the lustitute. But while
thew have netted us but little profit,
the excellent tone of the programmes
offered, has been warmly commended
by the patrons of each.
We notice with pleasure that there
has been considerable increase in the
lady members of the Institute.
The total membership for the year is
147. The board would acknowledge
with thanks the liberal grant from the
tuw■ Council of $100, the Kraut from
Government of $400, and also through
the kindness of Huron Ledge I. O. 0. F.
we received the net profits of an excur-
sion to Brantford, amounting to over
In the light of the latest gerrymander-
ing, continent is unnecessary ; but it
really looks very much as if Cicero De-
urosthenes Porter is not wanted at Ot-
tawa by the Tory leaders, and they have
emphasized theiropinionby handicapping
him with 700 of a solid Grit majority.
Cicero Demosthenes Porter can burrow
another sententious sentence from the
English classics, and exclaim,'"Save me
from my friends."
Dit. WILD, the well known preacher
of Toronto, was a welcome guest at the
Conservative convention last fall, and
occupied a seat on the platform. iFhe
Brod street divine, however, cannot
wide and far -
whole political
necessary to
dled that ini uit in the followin ° ec ii. o Je
a graft with that of Mr. Johnston, and, 9 Y g For the moment our attention will in -
in the light of subsequent scents, will vig-
orous fashion:—"I have not much to do evitably be concentrated on the best
not have a tendency to elevate him in with John A's Gerrymandering Bill. I methods ,if defeating this infamous plot
the estimation of the defeated of South stn net troubled about it as I am not to disfranchise a largo portion of nthe
Huron or the public generally. ExitR"trig to run for office. Politicians will duh ryhatd.t► soon asutheI eh eat of the
Porter. " Alas ! poser Yorick. 't
learn, despite any such hill, that the immediate contest is over, Reformers all
people have hearts and judgments, and throughout the Dominion will be pre-
REEcx WILLIAM CAMPBELL denies that. will just do what they think right with- pared to consider the grate qustions
out rulers' dictating to them as in this which thta act of fraud and tyranny has
he ever alluded to the "Tory foot beingK introduced Int., the } elitical arena. As
on the Grit neck." Reeve Campbell I matter. Our fathers fought for the lib- regards the future, I myself feel san-
says so many hasty and foolish things erties and previleges that we now enjoy. guine that in this, as in many similar
that he must be excused from remember -1 Let us see that we do not lose any of case's, the very means on which our op-
ponentsi all of them. Reeve Campbell's de- them so impudently depend to secure
l a dishonourable rict.ry, will prove the
nial does net after the truth of the state- means of consolidating the whole Re -
anent we made, and these who know bun THE hist shot in the interest of Re- I form party an one loan, and of bringing
beet will give him all the credit he de- toren in the corning campaign in Huron, I over to its side many, who. up to this
serves for uttering the remark. At any !will be
e fired WEHu- time. hthave hesitated d with which txlrty to
1 at roxeter, In East e
rate, Reeve Campbell is evidently I re" morrow Saturday!. On that day u
ednfoiter neweremselavnsd waniderwhleoashesavtc hanmtour-
ashamed of the utterance, and hawks(',the Ontario's Rights men will meek to which it was our inn/iodate duty to die -
thus gained our }sunt, we will let the select their standard bearer fnr the emit- cuss.
matter (Imp, on condition that he doss
Sot repeat it when the blood surges tisk
wildly to hie head sn politic it coigne
ream/. --- — —
Tat (:sir• have been "hived" in
Mouth Huron to the vitent of abont 700
ing conflict, and it is expected that a
lar(e sun influential gathering will be
present The name ,4 Dr. Sloan, of
Dlytb. . u,nhdently mentioned as the
aiming roan, and, as he has done good
ssrvxr in days of adversity, we know of
no reason why Fist Huron should not
al a majority, and Mr. Robert Porter endorse his nomination, now that the
the da(atal.d of Routh Huron, and lir. Reding has every chance of being waled
Timothy Coleman, the glucose candi- t.. Reform ()no thing iscertain, be the
•tato ter Centre Huron, have Mon bund nominee whom he may, unanimity will
in the on. grave. pnhtically speaking prevail in the Reform ranks, and East
Whit will the SeaIerth Nue, my, now? Huron will civ• a god account of itself.
One thing is clear if. aa Is possible,
and as its authors intend, the result t.f
this scandalous measure shindy' prove to
he, that by its mans a minority of the
voters of Ontario aro enabled to return
a niaiority of the nominal represents
tiv.s cad Ontano in the Dominion Parlia-
ment, the whole moral foundation of
.assess trwtag Arsaa4-
Twenty-6veelectois of the city, who
heretofore have voted on Tory ticket, in
one polling divisit.n, y esterday subscrib-
ed their names to the Liberal rolL In
every ward of this city old -tine Conser-
vative are docking to the Liberal stand-
ard. They do see because they believe a
great Liberal party is riaing out of this
contest. A party that will overthrow the
monopoly monster; &Ladish the taxes en
bread, fuel, light and clothing: restore
Duriag the year the Librsry and
Reading Room have been removed to
the new premises and it now situated in
the commodious, well -lighted and well -
ventilated rooms on the corner of East
street and Market Square. At New
Years the services of Mie Lewis were
secured fit the caretaking of the Insti-
tute; and the cleanliness of the rooms.
the neatness with whi.;h the books soot
periodicals are kept, the methodical
manner in which the entries are made
and the general improvement in the
working of the Institute testify that an
excellent election was made. At the be-
ginning of the year the number of
volumes in the library was 768, and we
are now pleased to state that this num-
ber has been increased to 1003. The
following statement gives the nuuiLer •.f
volumes in the different departments of
literature now in the library: -
Ont•.Tw o► Ht•aut. • 11. t latus of a sent
to, woT i Farr to as. ,ssiiva u
of Her MUe•'tl'., four o. the l'ounty of
Hurou. audio we , r.-. 1, 4 SFalost the lands
514 Trnedacntw d 11ug1. M. lw",al.t and Iruy
Jane 11.1ti,w1,1 Althe wolfs of It'llliani fasts.
1 ha%e twined and iakru to executtu. all the
right. title and interest and equity cf redemp-
tion. of the aM•e 1 1)' it defendants la aad
to the worth half of lot uuuther len 1a the
third converien of alta• township of Morris, is
the County of Ilun,u, .-ontainta` 100 acres of
land. rr"r" or Ise: whkh land, and tsee-
ments I shalt oRer fur sole. at my .stn to the
Court Hower. la the Town u( tinderkk. ea
FIt11tA1'. THE Rb UAi' OF Jl'NL. SCSI, u
oke hour of l *rive of the elo.-k. twos.
Sheri .t Huroa.
Sheriffs Geer. Go/crick. tl llt.
March Silo. 1s.3.
. This KKR t:odertcb. Ont. 1751.
tt' 11 bold ors first sitting on
P•ovineial autonomy; refor, the 14a1'1 I gRIDAY, M.AY 26, 1882_
laws; protect civil rights: secure emitter- Commas, as at w u'. lock. a. m.
cul freedom; purify t'arh,uaret. :utd (t: wt.... tntervstrd are requested to at -
place all vise.s on the saute boon...! ht•- J. A. Mct►ONAOH.
fore the law. [Ex. Wax (mk-
Hamilton reformers have nominated)
. Irving and Dennis Moore as their Thr st" ve new aril flits rheas bos.e. clo.r to
candidates for the House of Commons. the Itslway 11atbn sed tvavroleet Lo the
Winnipeg is excited at the doings of Iowa. V sr't'eod to ease is Ontario, for com-
and •ux.mmudale heated by Hot
11 U\T
fire bugs to whom are attribute the re- 1 fort)irtuon..
cent fires in that city. One McCarthy, t 11 idling RATlea. sWtl//fisc BATE.
who is suspected of the crime, and lis (?upset lawn sad garden on the prrales.
been remanded, had a narrow escape Ha awd(twaibsousld daoand lm athuallda bohosts ars. fandor trwveileea
I An to can cen-
stonily a •iteddsoee. Jou. Hron 1'r
(mnt lynching.
Mr. Dennis More the well-known pnetwr% LAIL
stove manufacture of Hamilton, will f Real Estate.
prove a very s 'lig candidate for the
Liberal party, and will ge the pulls on
the popular cry, "Free coal and raw
materal for the manufacturers.'
Mr. Rymal, M. 1'., was recently pre-
sented by his Reform associates in Par-
llallient with a g,dd watch and chain.
Mr Itynial is retiring from political life
after twenty-five years rf attire service
in the Reform ranks. All feel that his
Te, corner of Via—loci, sad East .trots, a
the town of Gudericb, for dale cheap. or will be
in hanged for farm property. For particulars
w JAS. 8111•Antonia'.J. Antltt. office CratersUiock, or J. C. ('rime. auctioneer._
1 That his ...bele atteletlon will be required
withdrawal will be a great Loss to the this sum ser in the oanagrrmeut of tbe BIG
Country. HOUSE, w,;l depose of that property' known
In Palestine, Ind., Hesaner's w:. on "WINTER BRA2,TC13,"
waw blown up by dynamite on Saturday, sauatrd un the Mata Gravel Road, oealatinx
May 13th ult., by radical temperance of a capital hou.e of ten rocas, wttk versa
doh oo two side.• large Artving how
men. An old man upstairs had his leg standing for neo hirers. wood sial 4e., tsteth-
Rio orapl+y 7q broken. This is the the third time the er w Al one and a half acre* excellent garden.
Fiction 179 saloon has Leen blown up. An iudi_r a- welt fcner t TLr rrrrmisea are all new and In
} asst. lass order. To • toss iso newt.
History17 1 item invetin_ was h.'.t and a reward I able utter will be refusal. Apply to
Mia ellaneona. 173 fur the pert etrators uttered. 1 J. J. WRIGHT,
Poetry and Drama 24 I A statement ban beau ging the rounds 1 (3.4 r,ah Y. O.
Periodical lit. and gen lit ... 141 of our exchanges t .tit, effect that the I Aped21st.11s1. I.
Science and Art and Mechanics 146 Btitish shilling waw or,y worth twenty --ANCHOR -- _ —
Voyages and Travels 1'48 cents. : each isnot the ,case. An en- LINE.
quire was recently ucu,•at. the office of UNITED STATICS MAILTTEAMKRS
100:3 the Receiver Ge.ner..l. Tor,ato, when it 1
and in the evadingr. In are ma>tazlnes was found that eau snci1 order had em et. i ,oil tt rc ty to and from
Klin i oRK AN nIi LAsaow, vr• LO%DONDIdanT
8, and newspapers 14. ated from Ottawa. Thu English shilling • t shin Pag
asse_ /e fooRearmstoRearmsllloto 145.
We consider the librars and reading is legal tender except at Post (Pike ay.,- ;coon 1 ('ab,n. i40. Itetttrn Tiekete, $75.
roam nowplaced en an excellent basis, into hank. An Eai •lish crown n still tenni;. pa -ct mm atlo s ut low raid.
g l Peaoen{ter a.-cummodsllons unexcelled.
and ample opportunity isefferedthe rest- wortheixty cents; a shilling, twenty- • AL.LSTATLk(IGYa 01 )LAIN Dawe.
dents of Goderich, so that access may be four cense; a six pence, twelve c,•nts: andPaengers booked at lowest rates to or from
ad to the st literature of the day at a three penny piece,six cents. The florin is.('('ri'ai')• Ital), Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
the lowest possible cast. It is, there- or two shilling pisco, uetcoter, is ,mly "
fort, hoped that full encouragement worth forty-five. For H«ok of ••Tours in Pcotland." It tea Plans
rail 7.s.,..,,..
applywIiENUkitHONBROTI'161t11.will he given to the Institute, in orderWhile Canon Murphy w a preaching New York.
that the management may here their I w ]tFL .E. W tRNOCK, Hamilton St
hands so strengthened that they may be 1agni,r,,"ttlitiii D blm tages 'nt M Tn la rvin last (iaferich.
enabled to make still further improve- I cif,: apei, ;lc :t as ueticrd t.. salsa his hand SALE 141' TEN)lf:)t 0 1' All 1lIQR
sots in the future. ( his head suddenly, reel, and frit over i Valuable Stone Warehouse
Vho so
RvRNING t'LAMRte. I in the pulpit. ``event/ members of the.
Evening Classes, in the subject of ceneregation, among thein a ph)•sic'ah, i r, ndeo w,ll be re,•eived by the nnder-
K)k-kee ing and drawing, were estab- (rushed to his assistance, when it was s.gned up to
dished during the year alt connection dtscuyered that he wan dead. inc , J v L Y 18T, 1882,
greatest eon, and
rusue•l among the for the i reloise of lot 1007 and E. nalf 1095
c m_rettUU11, and t he termination.
were r,inning numbers in the town of (ioderteh,
brought to an abrupt termination. I'h f• known as the Seymour tt'an•house property7.
Y op`{"wite the extensive floor muds, of Ogilvie
icians announced that his death was I R ilutchison. There are Public Highways on
caused by appoplexy. r Iwo sides of the property, in addition to which
it fronts directly upon the docks at (toderloh
At a recent meeting of the tluarterly , )►a,•n Ir trepnodnitin Itilte unsuilwa"► ynd 'I lin !Halor Rtanti-
e Gra
Board of the Canada Methodist Church, fa,- ring or Narebouu purpotws.
Bayfield Circuit, the returns from each ' The owners are non resident anti for flat
appointment show that the circuit is in a eraser are wnSlnu. w scall It a f►Ir price cats
ke obtained, but no tender will necesaartly
healthy financial conditinn, only ens ap- be secrpted.
pointment out of six having any de- The title is perfect Tern,e of payment to
ficiency. The board passed a resolution' i ted at Goderieb all an0trow t)'RocUtroar,
GpDERICH, May 6, lft+(L'.
expressing their regret that they were so
To George Sheppard, fisc. omen to lose their present pester, the 13th May Itti2. I Foliciton.
Goderich Mechanics Institute: Rev. J. Livingstone, and thanking him -
for the able manner in which he had
Sir v conducted the business of this circuit
i floor rot papa who at- for the last three yeah Rev. J. S
Cook, junior pastor, was invited back
for a second year.
The trefic over the Midland in In all
classes of freight usually heavy )just now. I
The lumber freights in particular have
run upbeyond anything before exper-
ienced in the history of the mad, and it
taxer the rolling stock of the mad to the 1
Roos assn, o.-- 1 W. A. Rhynas: 2 utast t t., handle i'. in fact, the bevy
Jas. Heade: 3 Gen. 5 Moore; 4 R. D. trains passing south over the main hoe
Moms; ft A. Weetherald: 6 B. Mitchell. aro almost beyond the power of the en -
Tour ohed t servant, gine+ t., haul. Many of the locomotives
1. R 1NIuu, I. P. t have a double set of hands, and no soon -
Th. fimaneial pain .n of the Institute. er do they arrive at Port Hope than they i
will be shown in detail the treasurer's immediately return with rolling stock G.
rwpoetthe stepping points- Every deacriinn
In tetinng from the directorate of the "f car u premed into service, sod the
Institute, your beard would thank you loads ser. oiled nnwually hiIIh, and are
for the confidence shown by electing fedi of corresp. nein. weight. Even with its
book-keeping I
with the Institute. The board was
fortunate in securing the services e(
Mr. E. F. Moore as teacher of the
},took -keeping claws and Mr. Young as
drawing master. The large number of
pupils, with the very punctual attend-
ance evinced the marked interest taken
in these classes. Prizes to the amount
of $20 have been awarded to the moat
succesaful of the pupils, under a written
examination conducted by Mrs. 3. R.
Miller, I. P. S., and the success of these
classes is shown by his report as follows:
Si 1 have the honor t. enclose re-
port en examination p p
tended classes in book-keeping anti
drawing during the year. i think the
results are very satisfactory to pupils
and teachers, and i think the Directors
of Goderich Mechanics' Institute are to
be congratulated on their first effort in
this new sphere of action
Ditawimi.-1 A. Ar.drews: 2 M. Cooke
and M. Seagrniller. 3 K Rall.
to the position, and wuN very hat wish• eyuiFpmens of forty three lotwmutovet,
es for the future prespenty of the In• Midland a nocesitated to pot oa ;
statute. We remain yours truly, new ..ns, which sr. amvinr every
GM. SHEPPARD, tree. Reek
Fate. W Joesorr'oe, 1st Viee Preis
the authority of that L'arliament to in- Th. Treasurers' report exhibited a i
ielate for Ontario, at least, is swept good financial shelving, notwNJutani• I
away in view of the curse pursued ing the fact that donna the past year
by the L)omini..n Government and true- nearly 111100 had been disbursed in con•
timed by the Dominion Parliament in nection with the institute, and a }dans
dealing with the plain rights and pnvil- „f $42 27 remained to its credit a tae
agos of the Province .f (,0..' o, 1 can I tank, :aye le. o a at W
4Newt.iv. nothing twons .ewias r.r 1110141 I After tho sdept,en r•/ the treasnt'.e's (fie+ (ioeorleh
• RtR an.t Rale Arwe..r
hanks to the pwYk fns aegis
tin newel ..... ...
Cabin. Intermediate and Piet rage T.ekets al
owidaT RATES.
iterrag • l'amengrn are looked to London.
Cardiff, Retool, Qese*stnws, Derry, Belfast.
Galway and 6L••eow, at asase rates se to
1.1 verryy ,0000lt
From Quebec. PPM,tday
Peruvian ... May le
t'tn•asatee ... •• A
Sova stcattas. .. Jose t
1%d -wan
Sarmatian '• 17
Peru,tan . Jwly 1
Cirraetaa, - 5
learAIn1N. •' le
Partaua. M
tiartnat(ea, •
i'n ITnestas ... . A. t
Itervt l rias 13
C lermetea. „ IP
Peruvian. •• se
Tarlatan Pepe- r
i esriestla w
Polynesian ••
OM i
; 8•rvtintan »
rasa w i 1t1iPr..taa..
. Re , iMtl,biep ewer, .tsilw df WIN* le
'Joked Aick