HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-19, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 19, ied2 The Preebytery of Rerun mut at Sun- holibeleniter, Mr. Thirteen', ef Brew: at meeting read mid confirmed. Cii• char letters were read fomi the Presley - tries of Linde'', Ottawa mei QUIPJ0C, lying melee ef their nitration to au ly, at the next wisetiag uf the General ,satenbly, foe leave to receive certain limiters, therein' named, into she Pres- iyterum church. ;Miami of 13Ikaevale, in the Presbytery of daitland, favor of Mr. Hartley, of tosigerville. The call owl unanimmee P,800 stiptincl, anti msmw. Mr. Roas, of Brussels, appeared to re- oresent the Presbytery ef !Maitland, and gerville were repretented by delegates. After all the documents bearing tenni the case bad been read, and the dele- acceptance of the call, and the Presby- tery agree to his trunaletion. Mr. Denby was appointed inaiderator of Rodgerville session during the vaceney, and Mr. titewart, convener of the Pres- bytery's Howe Misaitin Committee, was charged viith the duty of finding supply fur the pulpit, A letter front 11r. Boudreau was reed, declining the call from the Grand Bend cengregatitin. The call was therefore set aside by the Presbytery. Mr. Stew- art wax instructed to correspond with the Secretary of the French Evangelize - thin Committee, with a view to securing suitable candidates fur the field, and in the meantime to provide 'supply for the Englialespeaking portion of the people, The list of delegates to the General Assembly was completed by the addition of the follewing 'names: -Moser's. A. D. :McDonald and Joseph McCoy, minis- ters; and Messrs. M. Y. McLean and Mr. Keith, elders. A memorial from certain members of the Manchester coneregation was sent hack tu be transmitted in the regular way, viz: L-threugh the session of 1:an- chit ter. Mr. Thomson was granted three months' leave of eibsence, owing to ill - health. - The Presbytery then adjourned to meet in Bayfield, on the second Tuesday Agriculture In Munn. The fullowing is the report for the Ceunty of Hurtin in the first returns of the Ontario Bureau of Statistics: Fall wheat is in • Tory good and pro- mising condition throuvheet the entire oitinty,its appearance being considerable above the average at this time of the yser. The crop is good on all kinds of soil, but particularly on light sandy hams and well -drained clays; low-lying lands, if undrained, heve suffered con- siderably. On cold, low lands, or on heavy clays not thereughly untler-draio- ed, damage has been wroUght by wilds:. (reds, and especielly by those of March and April. No liarm has yet been done by worms or insects. Only a alight acreage will require to lie phiughed up, and this telly upon improperly drained Nu winter rye is grown in Huron. I Very serious damage hes beea done t • It clever by winter and &nettle frosts. It ticularly on flat and undrained lands. A good deal has beeu ploughed up. and the indicatiens are that scarcely half a crop will be obtained. All kinds of stock have wintered well, horses particularly so. A few cases of epizootic are reported among horses, but no other diseases have made their ap- The supply of fodder thrtitielhout the winter was not more than sufficient, but there was little actual seircity. On ac- count of the niildness of the winter the usual amount of feed was not required. Good progress had been made with spring work at the date of the returns, And the expectation was thst it would be pretty generally completed ;thou': the 1st of May. Ploughing was beeun about the 1st of April, and seeding itbout the 10th or 15th. Vegetation is backward and the spring lete. Fruit trees in general are in good cenditien; a few peaches and young ap- ples have been killed. No considerable quantity 1.f wheat remains in the hands of fat -Leers; enousth only for home censumpt ion. The same thing may be said of hey. Oats are rather more plentiful. Fat cattle are nearly all sold out, but there are a considerable number of store cattle, mostly two years and under. GENERAL RRMSRES : "We are expect- ing heavy crops." "About an average quantity of wheat "town; more of oats and br rley." "The pre-eminent requi- site for fall wheat is dry land " "Pigs are scarce, as we Newt grow pees to advantage, owing to the bug.- "Fall wheat in drills stands the fnest much better then when *own brevadcast.- "Fanners contented and prespemita.- •'Tho high prices rif cern and barley have hindered the fattening of (little." "Since the advent of cheese) factories hotter has increased in price. THE DUBLIN HORROR. The Lying l• As Algernon anter, More than three hundred members et the House of Commons, .th a propor- tionately large contingent from the House of Lords, went dean to Cleats - wort h yesterday woruing by special tiam, to be Kenna at the tenteel et Loril Frederick Cavendish. In the trails iLeuzeahoefa theiPnbrineeh Wills* and the Queen, and ell thilerge•abrinet)reMintisintifersthi: town. With Mr. GLadstone, whe looked mere and wearied, were his twe eons, %11.l411:1 Henry aim Herbert, who were to be /moment among the private ineurn- ers, being 'nearly related to Ladv Frede- rick throiigh their mother, wiv, was a niece of the late Lord Lyttleten, the fialter of the former. The Rev. Stephen curete, the Rev. and lion. Albert Lyt- for Chatsworth on Monday .night, and arrived there in time to comfort their afilitosed relative when the corpse was 'The feelinelof sorrow in the w le end ef London is deep env! universal. Many of the houses of the nobility mid the 'upper ten, especinlly thine in Picca- dilly and the neighborhood ef Devon- shire Howie, have had their .vintlew shutters ciieed mid the blinds el, sely drae ii down all day. In nearly all the shop,. roand about the &huffier* have been up. and an some oi the churches the bell tolled at ,the Unae axed fur the funeral. St. •lames', Piccadilly, St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Mary Abbot's, Kensington, and others displayed flags helf-inast hiOt. Above the porch of Devonshire House and from one of the drawing/twin wiudows ol Lord Frede- rick's residence in Carlton house Ter- race, the uaual lugubriously hideous hatchinents were displayed. At the Church of All Saints, Margaret -street, to wheals congregation Lord and Lady Frederick were objecta of love and ad- miration, prayers a -ere desired at every sereice fur the comforting of the widow and relatives of the deceased. Such a sensation has nut been created in Len - don's aristocratic circles since the death of the Prince Consort. THE TUNKRAL. The hody arrived from Ireland on Teeeday, mieerted by a large number of the tenantry, all clad in mourning, their horses also bearing crape rosettes. *At the gate* of Chatsworth peek were as- sembled another company on hart, and the sad procession wound up the long avenue till it reached the house. Here it was met by the Duke of Devenshire, the Marquis of Hartington, Lied Lyt- tleton, the Rev. Stephen Gladstone, and the ladies of ,the The ceffin was reverently borne into a spacious room, fitted up for use as a chapel, and hung in all the sable trappings of mourning. Every winffiry was obscured; the only light being artificial. On a bier in the centre WAS laid the coffin. flanked by huge catmielabra, from which the waxen tapers diffosed a mild and soothing light. Round the room were placed at intervals other groups of candles, wholes radiance served to render everything dear and distinct. The bier was handsomely up holstered in violet aad black, the pall being violet silk with a broad white bor- der running routed it, and a narrow cross of white silk extending over full length and breadth. The late lord's hatchment hung from a oulumn close by, and on either side stood mutes with staves draped in violet and black. The urder atlow the widow and the other rehitives the deceased to indulge their grief, when the coffin was opened and their eyes reatet1 on the well-known features of him wheui they. had so loved ii life The interval was spent in devo- Slat Physinsosestedlear It is generally ronsidervoil a pretty dif- ficult teak to outdo • physician, hut the haltering will prove conelosively where nine were eompletely outdone. Mrs. Helen Plierviz, 331 Gayton , Chicago, wan treated few Csensumption by nine physicians, and all pronounced her came 'meltable eleven bottles of Dr King's New Disoovery for C,oriatimption comple- tely cured her. Doubting ones, pleasitt them her • and tereivintwo rem- issive*. T bottles free at Rhynaa's LTINii STATIC. On the coffin lid, contrastine in their wax, in whiteness with the sombre huts uf the pall, were the usual dorsi offer- ings. For those the wonderful conser- vatories of Chatssorah had poured birth their riches in profusion. Canielias, azaleas, lilies of the rarest, noes of the richest and tnest delicate had heen deft- ly intertwinel into designs of the mint tasteful description. A large cross of pure white liliet and camehae, with one red rose in the centre, was his wiciew's offering ; the Queen's was a wreath of fabulous a -Mee, while not less prized was one of gnat beauty, the gift of the Irish- woman ef Linden. The number of such offerings was infinite, and every day up to the very hour of the fenced saw more arrive. A constane streani of persona of every degree passed through the hell and chapel. Adniission ems dt- nied to none, however humble, or hew - ever peer their clothes ; to be known as one of the tenintrye was passport suffic- ient. On all sides the mourning was sincere ; in many cases the tears shed showed how the sorrowing ones loved him. Amid the general silence, broken only by the sound of the plashing water of the fountains outeirle, could e heard at given intervals the selemn eill rif the church bell at Riensor. varied oc- casionally by a muffled peal of the whole six, whose wearied melody, as it wAs swelled out in fialleat harmony, now died away in faintest echoes. seemed "full of farewells to the dying," and as giving went te the lose -suppreased anguish of a soul hewed down by a crushing sorrow. of the Church Freehand were duly celehreted by the Reverend the Vitmr, assisted by Rev. Stephen Gladstone and Hen. A. Lyttleton, the services being 4.1 the simplest postmark. The ladies et the family attended, including Lady Frederick Cavendish, ?hese fortitude continued unbreken till the last, and when the lid Wks about to be plamod on the enffin and the feature. ef her loved husband were about to be hid to her for ever, she rime from her knees, and with to his, and hurstmg into team wan lov ingle led beim the room. There were few dry eyes ernong those who witnessed the herrowing The reffin was re minted on the shoulders of rut o! the le laintry and ta and cams sd there k the hell whi, 1- was lintel with the tsetse and friends olf the 411110411111- i el. It passed through the lordlg pier !tel. ut hoses. *yawl Ilse 'nem ef the tetiantry awl laborers uu the rotate, who 1 tilled the bread and ample terrace. About ferty of the tenantry, clad in 111114 Wilitit tit. mini.* or.; tat Iii u naked • *lotto, la tit, le III...1 bill lino si.•i, To , hint succeeded the Marquis el* !Luting- ' tee, Lord Edward Cacenditill, mother I is: the deceased, Mr Glauclatene, the ttle tibere et the Cabinet, and t.105 mem- bets .4 Perlimetnit walking four abreast. The processions moved solemnly and "'MY &long the terraces and down the •seilue to the church ,if &tenser. Thou - manila lined the nted, and hearloe pawlea bv every1 hat in the crowd was lifted III silent respect to the dead. It , was a sight such as none had ever seen before. 1.4.14(11 I.. malty merits., even royelty itself, footled such a collec- , tion of remarkable inen as Chatsworth, bad never beheld, their presenee Mos 00- I heeded. All cles sere t.t•Ill the hearse and its noble burden, en the bereaved parent mid the mourning rela- IN PEAuX. Through a prirtedi of the lovely vil- lege the cortege dragged its slew length along. Each garden showed All &WI:- muthers, and children. The stillness was eppressive. Even the 'measured and doleful tolling of the bell was a re- lief to the nionotrineus tramp of those -I who formed the funeral process* . At the lich-gate the white -robed clergy mid choir met the cerse and the mighty train filed int* the churchyard, where every coign of advantage was seized lin by the spectators. Even the four steps whence springs the shaft of the fernier cross, now superseded by a sun dial, swarmed with bey. and girls, some of thein Sun- day scholars ef the deceased or of Lady I Frederick. Under the pointed doorway I of the old south perch`the sad burden i was carried as the choir sane "Jesus! Lives," the well-known hymn ef sorrow tempered by the glorious hime of the re- surection to a life of blies. A few chant -1 e 1 antiphons and the body is committed to the dust where Frederick Cavendish I sleeps with his fathers, not the !mat worthy of the neble line whence he , sprung. The vast essemblage broke up, the Duke end his sens returning to com- fort those who were mourning at home and the legielaters to the busy hum of ; St. Stephen's. Wort Mentioning. When anything wrieth Keying is speken in that terse and pointed way that bears the impress ef holiest conviction, we hke to have pet knew the nature of ' the communication. Of such a nature I is the following from Mr. W. F. Heist, Camden P. 0., Lincoln Co., Ontario. Mr. Heist says: "With great joy over my restored health, I would write a few lines concerning that wonderfulremedy, St. Jacobs Oil. ki'or the last Mx years I have been using various medicines in- ternally and externally, but nothing would help me. Finally I procured a bottle bf St. Jacobs Oil, which cured me after a few applications. My mother- in-law. who has also been a great suf- ferer from rheumatiem, wallah° relieved by the use of the great German Reme- dy. St. Jacobs Oil is a great blessing to suffeeing humanity, and I shall do everything in my pewer te, make known its merits. Tsr• Good Things. The Liberal party will go into thenezt general election with enthusiaem. With all thetiaedicapping of theconstituencies against them, they have the advantage the polls under the leadership of the ab- lest man in Canada. who, in the full vig- or of life, is prepared te lend every en- ergy to the confest. In the face of every earl -nese the Reformers of Canada pur- pose to give a good account kof theinsel- ves, come the elections when they may. :Medicines taken into the Stemach in concentrated form such as Pills ahd Powders, ere most injurious. The great substitute for these nauseoue little Calo- mel pills is Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They cleanse the bowele, stimulate the Liver and Kid- neys, and cure all stomach diserders, such as Dyspepsia and Indigestioe. In large bottle.. at 50 cents. Cee. RI:ynas, agent. During the late Hoed at'West Lynne the Times, edited by Mr. Joseph Ten- nant, formerly of London, kept its nu- merous readers pester] 413 to how the waters were reging, under adverse cir- cumstances. The Emersen internatienel thus refers to the matter :--His faithful foremen, Walter Scott (another Linden bey) in -high-water boots." and his "devil" perched on a dry ge,itis box. were hard at work retinue; the hand press when the Internatiomal ran the prow of its boat through the open deer. In the apring (late year almost every ono requires, a wood Bboa Purifier, more especially in the mnnth of May We would earnestly advise rier readers to try Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters. A few tinges will noon convince yea that it is the hest remedy known fir affection'. of the Stomach, Rowels, Liver and Kidneys. In hirer bottles at 50 cents G. Rhyme', agent. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. IWhy suffer from Indiana:Am and Dyr pepsia when Bunlock Blood Bitters will bottle only costs 10 cents. ' Weteirite. Cie tee If yuur children I are sett...ring with this distressing nuilady ' and nearly coughing themselves boleath, !send to your Druggist and' buy a With, of Aelete's Lunn iteuresi, and relief, we CAR twutideutly &inure yeu, will be immediate and sure. Says an eminent physician, cenvinces me that the only way to cure nervous exhaustion, and weakness of the sexual organs. is to repair the *este by giving brain and nerve foods, aud of all tt remedies compounded, Magnetic Medi- cine is the best. See advertisement in Jas. Wilson, druggist. —1m MUSICAL INSTRUIBITS SEWING MACIIINES. The •utacritier would intimate to the peo- that he is now prepared to give exeeePtion- ally good bargains. All wanting ORGANS er SEWING MACHINES PERCHERON HORSES Importing and Breedizg ESTABLISHMENT TOMILLMEN end SALT WELL MEN New ROLLERS and PLT PNn, in andfae tarsi! en nhortent nett. e ARM Practical Workmen.. P 0 Bog 14/1 M. W. DUNHAM Warne, Du Page County, Illinois, H. A. ilSd miles asset of Chicago./ Dwrirog the pen /7 menthe MO STAL. LIONS AND MARES hare been imported frono France to this establishment. beim* mottr than the tombined importations of ail other importers of Draft Hooves from all ports of Europe fur anp one pear. One-fifth of the etitire number ot Import- ed French Horses in America can tie seen on his farm His Importations hers included this Prize Winners of the Universal Exposition Paris. 187111, and nearty au the Prise Horses of the Great Shaven( Frame since Ids impor- tations began They also carried off the honors at the Centennial, 1876; and, at the &rota Chicano Pair. laS I. Mr. Ditiehasn's Herd of PERCHERONS, (in competition with the la meat and finest collection of Clydes- dales over shown, consisting of the pr, win- ners at the Great Shows of Bootland and En- gland.) ws. awarded the Grand Sweepstakes of $1,000 and Grand Gold Medal. 100 PAGE' CAI:41.00M tem* 111,2 fre• shens and tho h the Perchers.) NEWS • PICACHLSON STALLION BECAUSE!tilfat'w:ifl.tain tda dr, Dia gammon manse of the country the produce Is more uniform. are easier keepers, better wort. - tel. and sell for more money on the manna Sham Kay ether clan of Hones. IMO Sagrami reprweew.t... Lees. ie wee,' mime TEE VAT IT WILL ATTEOT :c;oe4 neetoration and eau Fes the Icings to throw off the phlegm or mucous; chasm* the 4,crmom and purvies tIte blood: heals the irri- tated tarts: Steme etrength to the digestive organs: brings the hirer to its proper action. nod imparts strength to de, whole system. Tle•-T thee et se telemeter' t.. break W. themes. tharenrog .0,•910 in Stew hoer/ hose,. if not of too Inns standing it is waresared 10 ono not to produce entireness 'which is the Me contains no opium in any form. /I revesermted 4n he pn-feeth• hornless to the most delinte remedy for restoring the 'Teton.. nem ism sumptive patients. and who. baring tailed to core them sr. t tlbeir own smadieine, we would Nolel Ss all Drueeists. PROPRIETOR8 Or TR E Goderich Mills JUST R ECEIVED. D. FERGUSON'S A SPLENOID ASSORTMENT OF • FRESH GROCERIES SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Special Bargaills ill Teas at Very Low Prices 25c. per tb met upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try my 50c. Young Hyson it is a splendid article and worth more money. I have also just opened out a com plete assortment of Crockery Glassware, Including Stone and China Tee Sets. Childrens' Toy Tea Setts, Lsdies and Gents Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts. Lasups 8: Lamp Goods in Grvat Variety AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. Call and be Convinced Ontario Stool Barb Fence Co. Limited. itcemsed under the Glidden Patent MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB Four -Pointed Steel Fencing Wire, 55 dr 57 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO.: A. J. SOMERVILLE, Vice -Pres. and Man. Director. ewe Agent for Goderich. DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS. nee e, return their thanks to the piihlir for ' the potermawe romel Ted diming the post ; pear. anti to state they are prepared to do 1.,,,,..hOrtMet TIOI 41T for the rem Tenienee of parterre It•ing at distance will Pie grins at their town store Morton & Cressman. PIPHigleeet price peel for wheat alitt , 1 We ,vant every farmer Leeding a carriage to all and see our NEW PLATFORM CARRIAGES The bent earring,. made for a farmer. We have the largest stock ever offered in the w Open and top buggies always in stock. Repairing promptly attended to. 1831-3m. Shop opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. Barbed Fence Wirt. contracted for a any qaantity al vary lowest prices I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. W ire 311..1 barb otil ',ionized after beng t w which cannot seeleoff. 'Use Barbed. Wire for Fences. NO SNOW lIFTS NO WEEDS NO WASTE LANDS. Fre sale hY 11111111.111110111