HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-19, Page 1TVIIITY-POCRTII YEAH.
• MeGILLICV BROEI. Pvistmousns
New advertisements
-K-O. Sheppard.
Tuntat nerd aautuel tiloette.
To the Ladles Mise Stewart.
To ken John Breckenridge.
t 'le.t..mg Sale John Achesen.
Miss Neale Seegmiller.
Paine. s Wanted E. R. Watson.
.kee ••• ilUr Vigor .1. t'. Ayer& ('
'Meg Ruck Island and Pacific Railway.
VAI', i, c Stone rehouse ()arrow ce Proud -
lirke House 'Wanted Address -IL L." box
IIS 1 ueknow.
I4T. Oiler and residence. West Street
!tree .1 .ors below Bank of Montreal, (lode -
eels 1764
Strayed Animals. I NEWS ABOUT HOME!
Front the premises of subscriber, lot 3.
ilth con.. western dietitian of Colborne.
About the ttiel of April. lostlyearliag heifers.
tIne is white with man about tbe neck and
head. and the other red with some white
apots. leading to their recovery
will be 'suitably re warded by the owner.
imp( 'firm. Carlow P. 0. 1/311-4t
Loans ani 3nsurance.
‘k300,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
T C.\ 3dIERON. Oodm
"A chiel to amine ye. takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it."
Toe great rush for wall paper et wholesale
price% still continues at tattle's Book Store.
sallow's photograph gallery is now in West
Huron, and don't you forget it. He is prepar-
ed to take the photewpf Grits and Tories, and
their wive. and theirlittle ones, in the most
approved style of the art. and at reaaunable
Six year* experience in photographing. ex-
Imel on may terms in awn* 10 butt bor- pains who Geo. B. Robson. Mr. le L. John -
Atex. McD ALLAN. slim is managersucceeds so admirably. in
leiderteh. Nov. 171.11 1681. 1413-1m. turnirw oat strutI first class work. copying
and enlarging done n all sixes.
We are pleased to state that Mr.
Morton is progressing favorably.
DEON. late with Trotter & Caesar, the M Ca tf De
lessitng Dentists of Toronto All operations
neatly carefully perforated. Rooms. Bea-
r lite k. ('LIN roN. teePatienta from a
will in_ete appointinent in "'d-
iner by trail. 1812
The People's Column.
• ib use painters Apply at once 10 1:. R.
AT -o'.. Goderieb. 1938-1t
ilav in; immoietei st tut les in music
under itrof. Sippi of London. efld having ro-
e lee 1 a certificate. le now prepared to r
e 'a, limited number of pupils for Piano
test rit -.ion. M is* enagm iller is also prepared
to take orders for Crayon Portraits. SatIsfac.
t on itt every case guaranteed. Residence.
corner Cambria Road and Newirate Street.
11 .use on St. Patrick's Street. concalming
seven r iants and woodshrd. Hard and soh
water au the pretniees. and the entire place
in the best condition. Convenient to the
eptire. .klso two brick cottages, near the
satin. Apply to Jogs 1110:21CILNUIDCE,
No vrgate Street, Ooderich.
1.) RICH. not less than 8 to 10 rooms. Must
ne nicely !witted. and cheap. State hie rat
price and give full particulars. .14iiress
"R. I..- Box 118 Lucknow. Ont.
11 BISSET take this opportunity of an -
n mincing to t ladies of Goderich and vicin-
ity that they have secured room') over George
Acheson's store. where they will carry on the
batinta4 of drees and mantle making. Hav-
ing het several years experience as fashion-
aale dresemskere, they feel confident that
tIeyean give perfect satiefaction, t- all who
may favor them with 'brie orders. Apprent-
b es wanted.
$741.000 TO LEND ON REAL ES -
1,10Y LE. Goderich. 1761
- -
• 8 per sent. ADM), to.R. RADCLIFFE. 1761
111 amount to *Mt borrowers at 6 to per
TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L.
on good Faro or nrst•ciame Towa Proptrty
cent. Private funda. Apply to Sgatalek and
Mown's. Goderich.
111 amount of P !este nds for investment
at lowest ratee on rflest-cla:iblortgagtet Apply
to ()AIM° & PROUDFOO f.
1..4 Money Li lend tat lowest rates. free of
any costa or charges. SEAGER de MORTON.
opposite Colborne Hotel.
Ooderich, 23rd March 1881. 1771
11. Leaded Credit Company le prepared to
lend mane/ on good t'arm 'courtly. at six per
cent. Fait particulars given upon application
to CUR NIIL roN. e. L. agent, Guderieh.
VP on Farm and Town .Property at lowest in-
ert -est. Mortgoges purchased. no Commiasion
charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. R-Borrowera can obtain money in one day
it title is satisfactory.- DAVISON & JOHN-
STON. Barrieters. &c.. Goderich. 1751
R. Life and Accident Insurance .kgent.
prcaen t ng first -class Corn panies. Also agent
for the Cavena Live STOCK INSITRANcit (o.
Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town or
Farm Property, in any way to suit the borrow -
or. Office --(up-stairs) Kar's block. Ooderich.
Legal Notices.
1,101t SALE OR TO RENT. ----THE
Urge premises known as the Tecumseth
SAD Well with Block. containing one steam I
By Verdict of the power of sale contained
in a Mortgage from Elizabeth B. Weiee and
Julius Weise to the Vendor (which Mortgage
will be produced at the time of sale.) there'
will be offered for sale by Public Auction. by
J. C. Currie. Auctioneer. at hisauetion rooms,
in the Town, of Goderich. on the Mb of June.
12 as 12 o'cloek. noon, 35 contiguous lots, in
the South part of the town plot of Port Albert,
know as the property owted by Mrs. Julius
%Vise. It contains 17 acres of excellent level
lane. 1 with nearly new frame dwelling house,
and good orchsrd. The property is in every -
way al most desirable one for a residence.
mailtet garden or small farm. Very liberal.
and easy terms of payment will he given.
Title perfect. and immediate possession
given. For petticulars apply to the under-
signed. Date -1 5th Mey lee/
pan filft an one Iron pan 5011 in length, with
.sidgother opportunities for making salt in good
mining order. Working capacity 100ble per
clay, present price of salt 80... per barrel. ell a
day clear profit. Apply toGio. JOlisSTuN,
P. O. Box 70. tioderie
That valuable farm known as part of
ta a Maitland con.. will be sold by public
al,7tIon. if not previously disposed of. on
)(onlay. the of May. The farm cotnpri-
sea 9) a -res part of which is an excellent or-
cherii of eight acres. the reinsinder being pas-
tlre land. It is situated about 2f miles from
Goderiely and hes erected upon it two driv-
ing houeaand . .table, cowshed and necem-
ary nu• -buildings. For further parte-Mars
a;tply to W. S. Wstiere„ it.:1 No.': Dame
n•rwo. Montreal. or to John Mosely. (lode- j iot-ttcf• moicroe
tch. A uct ioneer. Barristers.
1.138-tsi Goderich.
House on South Street. containing 8 NOTICE Ti CREDITORS.
recites. kitchen and pantry, with herd and
soft water. Apply to (.1110. MeMA HON.1
In pursusace of Chapter one hundred and
seven. section thirty four. of the Revised Sta-
tutes of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that
all creditors and others having claims against
the estate of John Paamore late of the town
of (Roderic:h. in the ('ounty of Huron. afid
Province of Ontario, wagon maker and black-
smith. deeeased, who departed this life on or
Legal. quirts' totiend by poet. prepaid. or to deliver
about the fifteenth day of April hest are re -
x_ to Mosel's. UMW, & Proudfoot, Sol icttors for
Emily ['ampere. of the town of Goderich.
aforesaid. widow. the Executrix of the last
Will end Testament of the said deceased. on
or before the fifteenth day of June next. a
statement containing their names and ad-
dresses, nnti full particulars of their claim% of
the securitim, if any, held by them, and that
AD.11()W & PROUDF0( )T, B A R titter t he said date lastly mentioned. the cued
HISTEIL9, Atternare, Solicitors, etc Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets
Goderich. J. T. Garrow. W. Proudfoot. 1751 of the paid deceased amongst the parties en-
titled thereto. regard being had only to the
claims of whieh notice has been given ea
above required; and the said Exeeutrix will
not be liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to any person or persons of who9e
claim., notice ehall not have been received by
her,aid Solicitors at the time of each distri-
Solicitor for Emily Pasmore, Executrix.
Dated at Oodert. h. this Ith May A. D. 1881
0, peataire free for the balance of VW.
eubeertbe at once, and get fall benefit of this
I A Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery &c.
OHIce in Inc Court House, Goderich.
IRA Ltrivh.. M.A.. B.C.L. E. N. Leer's.
. Attorney. Solicitor in chancery. &e.,
ooderieh, Ont. 1751.
kJ TERM, Ice., Ike- Goiter: di and Winatam.
C. Bearer Jr.. tIoderich. J. A. Morton. Wirer -
ham 1751.
. Hollo140t. MOO --CornPr of West erect
and Market Square. over George acherertes.
Oodetich. 1711.
1.4. LAW. Solicitor in Clx&DeOry, _Convey -
sneer. &e. Offloe over Sheppard. booloMore.
Goderich, OnL Any amount of mossy to
loan at lowest rates of interest. 1711-y.
V Barristers, Solicitors in Chamsery. &e.,
3edertokaad Wingham. M. C. Cameros, Q.
O.: P. Heti, 29.0. Cameron, oodeneh. W g.
Mtwara. Whghasi. tow
.11 Oat. lets
Xi. IAN. SURGEON, Ike GraititutU• of Tor-
onto Ualveroity. 1.1cientlatei of the Royal Col.
lege of Physicians, Loadea, England. fte .
K. C. P. S,. Ontario Ojee and residence
Oppoolas Bailors Hotel. Hamilton street, tiod-
mite. 17116 -em
0110/4, °onset Aka. Mee and reekteeoe
11reme Meek essead deer west ot Vioterla
Merest. 17St.
dr;irectoita=amiltig= erbium
te Caner
roe it Ossasseal Beak. letintew. If Agt ta
nook easysIne at the saaL nous.
rm. • • C. V!'
oj AIXIMIKKAD 1/01111811.71!
ftemea see se to
Under and by virtue of a power of sale eon-
tained in a certain indentnre of mortgage
which w111 be pt. -Awed at the time of sae.
made by James Finn. There will be sold by
public auction. by John C. carrel. auctioneer,
st Debars Sete!, in the village of Port Al-
bert. on Torsday. tbs. lath day of May, 18111
at 12 o'clock. noon, the following valuable
farm property. le The south half of the
South half of lot number three in the fifth
oeseeesion. western division of the township
of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, contain -
Inc fifty acres of land. more or less, of which
311 scree are oletited. Mew& and in a fear
state of eultivstion. and the remainderi. bash
land, wooded with hardwood and hemlock.
sad is meabie et being easily cleared. Th.
building eanetste of is tramp elwellinit hem*
Melt The soil im a clay loam of good quality.
This farm is advantageously situated. beteg
about 12 ranee from the tows of Goderiele
and within half a mile of Ow) gravel read,
leading from Oodertch to Klaestrdtas. aad
within 2 miles of the vilicage of Port Albert.
sale ad the balease one essallb
Terme or. tirtibasc,tf
=low of the meat* my. at the
ea =agile iallaThile ram" ellseiret
• its a ressived
UTZ et b. tale
way. 11110-
y of ApP11 A.
D. left
SIRSOW & Pasouspornw J. 1' roams.
Vender's Itiallessisr A netteaser.
Ibe out entruses win he hem
aio. ear. anti Irri
at 11
Ms taw
tusesinattem er the
.orf $A.
rs. p Macintosh, o troit, is
visiting her old home.
Miss Bertha Trainor is taking a holi-
day trip to Straehrey.
Mr. Bernard Trainor is on the &pun-
flu.staff, Brantford.
Mr. Henry Robiuscm returned from
Manitoba, about three weeks ago.
Mr. Abraham Smith left on Tuesday
for the 'North-west, OR a prospecting
Bio Fttoi. -A fifty-two pound sturgeon
was am )nget the catch of one of our fish -
boats this week.
Last Thursday-, was the Feast of the
Aseension, and services were held in both
Catholic and Episcopal churches.
Four Kunsta were removed from Dick -
son's County Boarding House yesterday,
to the Central Prison by bailiff English.
Miss Carrie Simmons accompanies her
sister, Mrs. Young, te Saginaw city,
Mich.,, where they will in future re-
Get pour neighbor, if be does itt
subscribe for it, to try Ties SooNai f•or
the eampaign. Tw.o months for 23
Btu Eou -The first of the season in
the big egg line has been Mr. Henry
Camfibell who handed use hen egg measur-
ing 7 x t in circumference. Next
Mr. J. F. Galbraith, of the Nelsine
vide, Man.. Mountaineer, and minn of
couucillor Sloane, was in town during
the week. He is a genial soul, a sound
Liberal, and an enthusiastic North-west
art, the popular Goderich niilliner,
has opened a branch store in Kintail,
under the management of Miss H. Wil-
son. We understand that . the venture
is proving quite succesafu
Geo. B. Johnston has been appointed
agent for the Chicago, Burlington &
Quinoey Route, at this point, and is
prepared to give all information that
may be desired by intending passen-
The Park House property was sold by
the Sheriff on Saturday last for $1,425.
Mr. Francis Smeath, builder, was the
purchaser. He has a bargain, for al-
though the building is net a first class
one, the site is one of the prettiest on
the continent.
SUDDEN DEATH. -On Tuesday evening
the 16th inst., Mrs. John Wise,
of Port Albert, who for some time back
has been in poor health , and has been using
laudnum, took an (overdose of that drug,
and notwithatauding medical esaistance,,
died on Wednesday.
PASSED. -We are glad to be able to
announce that our yuung townsman, Mr.
W. B. Dickson,of ()arrow & Proudfoot's
law office, passed his second intermed-
iate examination before the Ontario
Law Society in a highly creditable man-
ner, keeping well to the front.
Reeginillery having completed her stud-
ies in music and crayon drawing, is go-
ing to teach both thou branches. We
can recommend our talented yoirrig
friend to the people of Goderich, from a
personal knowledge of her proticiency in
both accomplishments.
On Tuesday Hon. John Hibbard, I'.
S. Consul, accompanied by Mrs. Hib-
bard, pr. iceeded t ft Port Huron to
meet their son, Mr. W. B. Hibbard,
who has been spending a portion of the
winter in San Antonio, Texas, for the
benefit of his health. The invalid was
met between Stratford and Port Huron,
and brought to Goderich, where it is
hoped our pure bracing air, and tender
care, will benefit him during the summer
Sroirriect -- -Mr. Henry Shaw, travel-
ling representative of R. H. Kilby, of
Montreal, was in town last Wednesday.
Mr. Shaw carries a purger and more val
liable stock of samples than perhaps any
other men in his line, and as his firm
deals mainly in sporting goods, his
spread of samples are very interesting.
Everything needed by a sportsman, even
the most complete camping outfit, is rep-
resented in the capacious trunks of the
genial Harry Shaw.
Parerrot. Aeetorwr - Mn. Thos.
Diane, sr.. was knocked down and
stunned by a runaway hone on Wednes-
day eveeine, about 6 o'elock. The ani-
mal belonged to Mr Jaa. A. Elliott,
au l bolted Jost as that gentleman was
about to dog into the rig, near the tow
Wks. The gig was broils anst
pa., and the bone .-
West Mr* Mina was
usitalsaranosior the •11114. mar OW DMA
Eleisk idea i. mieroniterod
the runaway boss, with the elem. ea.
suit We ars ploosed to state that al-
though the eke& was. severe one, and
her heed is braised, still no serious re-
sults are anticipated The vehicle was
Nestle broke.
The communication which eppeers in
this issue in reference to petitioning the
Iftheir morning train too Goderich, says
. T. R. authorities to change the time
the Clinton New Era, is one which we
trust will accomplish its purpose. Aa
the train runs at present one can neither
visit Goderich on business or pleasure,
and have any time there, and the pro-
posed change would be to the interest
of the railway as well as for the conven-
ience of people hereabout*. We believe
a petition is already in circulation, and
is being largely signed.
Paosurrons. --Once again we are called
upon to noticethe marked success attend -
Mg Mr. S. F. Washington in the study of
law. He has passed most creditably his
second intermediate examination. He
commenced his career in Messrs. Seeger
& Mort(on's office here, and has risen,
step by step, until ho has attained the
important position of managing clerk in
a large Toronto firm. Mears. Watson,
Thorne (1- Srnellie. In all Mr. Wash-
ington's examinations he has distinguish-
ed himself, and we predict for hint a
billiant future.
METHODIST CHI:Hi-H. --The Port Hope
Guide says;.The annual sermons of this
church were preached yesterday, by the
Rev. Dr. Williams, of Goderich. Dr.
Williams was stationed in Port Hope
about twelve years age, and is held. in
the highest . esteem not only by the
Methodist community but by our citi-
zens generally. He was greeted by full
congregations both morning and eeen-
ing. The sermons, which were based
upon 1st Peter, i: 3-4, arid Eph. ii. 13,
respectively, were beautiful and force-
ful expositions of Divine truth. An in-
tensely interesting( open meeting of the
Sabbath School was held in the after -
mien, when the young people and the
large congregation which joined them
were delighted with the music and ad-
dresses of the R4IV. Dr. and the pastor.
Houss RANSACKED. -The following is
from the Clinton Neic Era: Mr. John
Steep being away in Manitoba, Mrs.
Steep has been visiting her daughter in
Goderich (the wife of Rev. J. A. Turn-
bull,) for a short time, the house here
beinieclosed up. Last week it watedis-
covered that an entry had been made
into the house by forcing in one of the
windows, and everything turned topey-
turvy in the search for valuables -bur-
eaus being forced open and a thorough
ransack of the house made. After the
diacevery, things were straightened up
and the house locked up, when a few
days since it was found that a second
entry had been made, with similar re-
sults. %hether anything has been stol-
an or not is unknown, as Mrs. Steep on-
ly returned home yEsterday, having been
notified of the occurrence.
on South street,not far front the Square,
Mr. A. Watson's green house is a popu-
lar resort with lovers of floriculture. Mr.
Watson has spent many years in the
growing of flowers, and has all the
names, either scientific or vulgar, of his
many plants oon his tongue. He is an
enthusiast in his calling, and deliehts
in being among his beautiful flowers.
The sight presented by the long ranges
of plants in his green house well repaid
us for our visit. oon Tuesday. A apeci-
men of the Amarylit was in bloom, and
a handsomer flower is seldom seen. Mr.
Watson hes an immense collection of
foliage planta, and his flowering gem-
niums comprise all the best sorts. A
visit to the green house is recommended
to all who would like to get a choice of
brat -chum stock. "What will we say ?"
asked the reporter of Mr. Watson, as
they stood beneath the glass roof, with
long rows of plants and flowers. like
gaily uniformed soldiers, ranged about
them. "Tell them that 1 have plenty
of plants, and am anxious to sell them,
said tho veteran florist. And now hav-
ing done so, we hope the public will die
their duty.
IRFORTEo Houses. There have been
mere entire horses lost in crossing the
Atlantic during the past nine months,
than was ever known during the same
Period before, and unfortunately, Hu-
ron men have been among the heaviest
losers, and to the list we must add the
name of another well-known horseman,
who is the latest sufferer, Mr. John
Mason. A Rivet time ago he ordered
a horse from Scotland, and on Saturday
he went to Toronto expecting to bring
neck his importation with him, but he
was astonished to lenrn there, that his
and two others, belonging to a Mr.
Montgomery, who • was bringing over
eight, had to be thrown overboard dur-
ing the voyage, which was unusually
stormy and long -21 days. Mr. Ma-
son's horse was insured, but he will still
lose heavily nn it. Not daunted at his
misfortune, however, Mr. Mason bought
of Montgomery a splendid yearling and
also a two year old, both pure and well
bred Clydesdales, and these arrived here
for him on Tuesday morning. The
stockmen of Huron have sustained
heavy leases lately. but their persever-
ance amidst these difficulties will doubt-
less meet with due reward. - [New Era.
If yeti devote your time to study you
will avoid all the irkoomoness of hfir; nor
will you long for the approach of night,
being tired of the day ; nor will re be
a burden to yourself. mve your society
iteuepportable to othera.
ham.» Keegan was run over and kill
od M Rt. Jerome Railway station. He
get off to talk to a friend, tripped, and
IPA in front of the ear.
The Ernie/won deputation is said to
have obtained a grant of $30,000 fawn
the Government towards the rebuilding
of the hridge at that place
I by the friends of the young couple. Wo
give the list few the benefit of our lady
Epthusiaistio Reform Gather-
•..0-l.&necrepates le W. 4. l'aserroo....r •
11/11140111 Mils tartans frees tastaalin.
! readers:
• Sofa cushion, Miss Annie Doyle; set of
underclothing, Mrs. Jas. Doyle; 2 watch
pockets, Mrs. Mack; tidy, Miss K. Ball;
breakfast and dinner set, Mrs. Cooke;
tee set, Mrs. D. Ferguson; cake basket,
Mr. J. McKidd; butter dish,' Hilda
Mieerhouse; bread plate; Kenny Moor
'liaise; majolica pitcher and plate, Wyn
nie Moosliouse; pickle bottle with stand,
Mr. and Mra. \‘. T. Welsh; bitter, dish
and napkins, Miss Polley; pair napkin
rings, Miss J. Cooke; butter knife, P.
Moorhouse-, bracelet, Mr. G. Moorhouse,
bracket, Miss J, Ferguson; pickle bottle
and stand Miss Ball; pickle bottle and
stand M. R. Fraser; s' ver tea set, Mrs.
Moorhiosse; idea knives and forks, Mr.
J. Doyle: butter cooler, Mrs. 'Ririe; Pic-
kle forks, Mass Newcombe; tidy, Miss
Bond; bracket, Miss Mabel Moorhouse
idoz. silver teaspoons, M ra. Straubell
gold pencil case, a friend; pair vases,
Misses Kate and Nellie Morrie; cheese
dish, Miss Kerr; sardine dish, Mr. Clu
cas, cake basket, Mrs. Black; 2 portrait
frames, Coral Vivian; napkin ring. Mr
W. Gooding; silver tea 901, Mr. and Mrs
Jennings, Pinconnine; napkin ring, Mr.
G. B. Cox; cabinet of silver ware, Mr.
Moorebouse, pair vases, Mr. Alex.
•iaunclers, vol. Moore's poems, Mrs.
Campaigne; pair vases, Mrs. E. L. John
son; silver spoon holder witk beU,Mesuirs
Horton, J. Robinson, C. Nairn sad
G. Rhynas; silver salts, Mr. Jas. DoYle,
4doz. egg spootts, Mn. Fraser; napkin
rings, Miss Mulleibreakfaist cruet, Mr.
Joeh. Thomas; pickle stand. Mr. E Van
Every; fruit dish on stapd, Messirs.J.ancl
H'. Deacon, and Miss S. Riggs; clock,
V. 11. Squier, pichle stand, Mr. Ridley;
card receiver, Col. and Mrs. Rose; cruet
stand, Mr. H. Horton; pair wool mats.
Miw McGregor;Mrs. Beeton's Efousehald
Cooking, Mr. Jas. Robinson; set toilet
nate, Mrs. T. Sovaee, Buffalo; pair
water pitehers, Min Logan; box hanker -
chiefs, Mr. C. Andrews; letter pocket,
Miss L Johnson: flower stand, MraCapt
McIntosh, Detroit; music stand, Mr. R.
Hayes; satchel, Mr. Fred. Bond; crumb,
ray and brush, the Misses Trainer; pair
ases, Mr. C. McGregor, Owen Sound; 1
oz. table napkins, 111Pru R. B. Smith; a
toss cross, Miss Rothwell; boquet holder
Mrs.. T. Savage, Buffalo; flower stand,
Mrs. Hays; toilet set, Mrs. Megaw ; jewel
case, glove box, hankerchief box, Mn.
D. Currie; ldoz. majolica plates, Mra
G. Parsons; silver syrup pitcher, Mr.
Reid; pair majolica water pitchers, Mr
and Mrs. Holt; leo uets, Miss Bingham-
heese dish, Mr. To.n. Miller; i,dozen
esert plates, Miss Mablell Meothiame;
water candle, Mr. D: Strachan.
es a most inviting spread, and was par
.ken (if by a numerous compa»y. The
ealth of the hrido andgroom wasitiven,
nol it, with cognate toaats, were pithily
Perhaps no Vetter proof of the enthu-
siasm of the Liberals of this gerrymette ,
tiered county could be given than the
warmth of the weIcinne accorded to the
niemlm r fee the old constituency of
South Huron en his return on Saturday
from his parlisnientary duties.
No formal notice of the gathering had
been given; indeed, the whole &their was
one of those spontaneous outbursts of
enthusiasm which occasionally occur,and
which are more Impressive than moreprerentioua,
pretentious, cut and dried arrangements.
Lied anythiug like a public notice been
given even three hours beforehand,
hundreds mere, who knew nothing of
the hour of the member's home -coming,
would have been there to join in the
rousing cheers which made the welkin
ring at the station on Saturday night.
The band turned out to join in the
welcome. and struck up a stirring air
as the train drew toward the station, the
platform of which was crowded by a
good-natured audience, eager to get the
first glimpse of the Liberal member.
As the well-known countenance ..f Mr
Cameron came into the torch light, three'
cheers and a Wier from the throats of the
assembled ctowd fell upon his car, and
he then, fur the first time, learned of
the ovation which awaited him.
After greeting a few personal friends,
the returnine member got into a carriage,m
and led by the band, an impromptu
procession was formed, which proceeded I,
to the Referui .Association Rooms.
Mr. Cameron spoke frim the balcony.
He was glad to be so heartily weleomed
upon his return from' fighting, the
beasts at Ephesus.' He had been doing
a lot of fig ting against large numbersthere,
there, who would -attempt anything. He
alluded to the scandalous gerrymander-
ing, which he denounced. Coming up
in the train, lie had looked out of the
window for South Huron, but he could
not see it. (Cheers and laughter). It
now extended from Dan to Beersheba,
from Exeter to McKillop and Stanley. d
Some of the old riding was in West II
Huron ; he hardly knew where West
Huron was now, but he would find it out
before the election was over. (Hear,
hear:. The time would come when he
would address the electors more fully
on the doings at Ottawa, and show up
the iniquitous conduct of the Govern-
ment, who were lost to all sense of hon.
or and fair play. The Ridings of Hur-
n were not lost yet. ‘Hear, hear-. II
'With a united front the success of the
Reform cause is assures'; and notwith- ,w
standing all the efforts of the Tories, the
Liberal party would not be legislated out "
of political life. (Applause.
Cheers were then given for Mr.Cainer-
on, Hien. Edward Blake and the Queen,
and this impromptu, but highly puccess-
ful and enthusiastic gathering dispersed.. P
Judging by the spirit of the meeting,
the Reformers of this place were never r
in better fettle.
and wittily 'responded to by gentlemen
resent. The generous hospitality of,
he bride's parents lent not a little to the
Leasure of the guests.
At 11.30 the bridal party took car -
hetes and were driven to the station,
where a large concourse of friends had
assembled to bid the happy couple god
speed on their wedding trip. They will
visit London, Sarnia, Detroit and other
points before settling down to the re-
alities of wedded life in Goderich. The
editorial slipper of THE Star( sr. flies
after the happy min
State of the weather for the week
ending May 16th, 18e2.
May 10th -Wind at. It) p. ni. N. E.,
brisk gale. clieudy. No. of miles wind
travelled in 24 hours 603. Began, to
rain et 9 a. 111.. ceased at 9.30 p.
amoent ef rainfall 9.5 cubic inches.
I lth-- Wind at 10 p. m.. N. E., brink,
cloudy, raining. No. ref milea wind
travelled in 24 hours 324. Began to
rrin at 7:25 p. re.
121h -Wind at 10 p. tn. N. E.. brisk,
cloudy. No. miles wind travelled in 94
hours 530. Ceased raining at 5 p. m.,
amount of rainfall 3.5 cubic inches.
13th -Wind at 10 p. m. N. E., light,
cleudy. No. of miles wind travelled in
24 hours 370.
14th -Wind at 10 p. ne. N., fresh,
clear, frost. ?ie. of miles wind travelled
in 24 hour 5:38.
15th- Wind at 10 i,. m. N. fresh
A Low Gathering at the 11114serehense.
torte Marriage.
The wedding bells rang out gaily on
Wednesday morning, on the occasion of
the nuptials of two of our best known
residents Mr. Graham Moorhouse and
denrietta Louise eldest daughter of Major
Cooke. The happy affair came off in St.
George's church at 10 o'clock , and the Sae -
red edifice was filled before that hour by a
well-dressed and quietly expectant
audience, composed principally of ladies,
to see the bridal party, and hear the
solemn words which would rusk° man
and wife of the young couple standing at
the marriage altar. Promptly at ten
o'clock tho wedding party entered the
church, and the organist, Miss Nellie
Grant, playea the Bridal March from
" Lohonglin,” by Wagner, as the bride
and groom elect, accompanied by their
friends. passed up the aisle. The im-
pressive ceremony of the church of Eng-
land was perf ormed by Ven. Archdeacim
Elwood, assisted by Rev. R. Hicks.
Major Cooke gave the bride away. After
entering their names en the church
register as man end wife the newly
married pair left the church as the or- elenr, frost. . No. of miles wind travelled
on pealed „,,t ii menieinahonea Wed. in 24 hours612.
ding March." - 16th- Wind at 10 it in. S. W., light,
The bridesmaids were Miss .fenny c. lowly No. oof miles wind travelled in
Cooke, sister cif the bride; Mies Annie i 24 hours 161
G. N. MA. DoNatn, l ibserier.
Doyle, (laughter of Mr. Jamee Doyle 1
( lederich. May lith, 11162.
and Miss Mabel Moorheuse, sister of
the bridegroom. Mr. John Mackid, of
Detroit, Mr. Ed. Vanevery and Master
Henry Cooke, the brebie brother, assist-
ed the groom.
The bride was attired in a peacock
blue caahnene travelling dress, trim.
mod with satin, and bonnet to match,
and the vetdict of the sight -seers was
that "she looked just lovely
The Mimes Cooke end Doyle were each
dressed in a handsome grey onlored
striped silk. with white hats and cream
plisse.. Miss Mabel lffismarhouse were a
pa1e blue caahmers, trimmed with seri
Lace. All the Ladies carried bougaita of
!immediately after the wedding, Mrs.
Moorhouse received the congratulations
of a host of ?newts, at hew father's rsai•
donee, standing beneath a heautiful nrst
horseshoe, the gift of Mra. 7444., Mc•
Inteeh, of Detroit. The wedding pre •
sent* were numerous, and included
much silver and were greatly adm:rad
it..I Ttebbonse elates a at .
San Francisco, May 13. --- Ferns ooy,
Sir Roger Tichhorne. the Calfornis
claimant n.entioned some months ago
in these despatches is again in the city.
His attorney says recently he ham hope
put in connection with three /*mons,
residents of this State. f..rrnerly in the
employ of the Tichborme faintly. *,,Ivne
Chas. Burden wsa page to. Sir Edward
Doughty, Tichborneo's uncle. recent Puh
tic Administrator of San Jocquin cenntry.
Another ix a woman living in Alameda
county, who was in the employ of the
family for twelve years and married in
1/153 in Tichborne's private chapel. The
third is a man formerly emplcyed as a
gardener for Henry Tichborne. These
three met Ferris at his attorney's office
last Saturday, and after conversation re-
cognized and acknowledge:I him as Rigor
Tick nerne. Arrangements are now being
made for Tichborne So visit lefedboon,
his tonne' IPItrt•tol AdIrjw • living
in Paris