HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-12, Page 5eft bra are....rehribtolollogr0101111ra 61 99001119,
..rise flll..L
Two ecstasies sad a bait MD.
Of Ira tied t. wart will eboelde•I I hos.
A wdmas, bs. dant. br;west sad r . 1gA
With plaek el P .Naals Oaf
Ns lay..fdr.a gaga"' Sahla&
AL bales., • taltats. a sista/sad.
A'd tape/ as N0 birds ilia /e
Ascot skim. lfsaskt et they ksw.
Sire •u t9 7 f.111 a: tw,llj iI l�J
Droned with Chao is the etsaaoh l/s'
A pratti lady ibis 554 whist.
las bsal alei *err dais lig it. •
lAsgalaS is. as l la the ektde
Doves?lry7rsand lemeLls.
Wkile se 1 has seer, her Inver e t ! L
Aad s.aU7 tame away the filet I
Ube Muria lrs, ”Tis a slot that we
Are neither *flow fans ly.
flrtt.1 old Paritanie stout
That la tied sets Plym r►th 11
Fun anb Fancy.
Then lived a young man down Rtleigb,
Who shooakt he would be very }Weigh
T Uses old stool
To the tall of a mule;
Hut be very soon found out his !sleigh.
"Remo people" says Alphonse Karr
"are always Ending fault with nature for
putting thorns on roar; I always thank
her for having put roses on thous.
A man who carried a pistol fur twelve
years accidently wounded himself and
four other persona with it, and the only
time be ever had really occasion to men
be forgot all about it and knocked a rob-
ber down with his Bat.
"Ithr'ew this of in ten minutes," soft-
ly said the poet placing a manuscript on
the editonl table. The editor said that
when it came to speed no long haired
poet should distance him; so be threw it
of in len than ten seconds -off the
A gentleman was staying at a country
house hearing a groat clatter below ene
tsoniltsg, be looked uut and saw a couple
groaahs heMinc one of the savant maids
on a horsewhish they led with difficulty
cavi 'hind the yard He asked them
what it all meant. "Well you see sir
said they "we're going to take the horse
to market to be sold and we want, to be
arse • +ty that he has carried s lady."
. e t•' . make and the bleb cease.
• ,..lit with libelling the Trish
ever_ •e ,: can get a chance, the Mian
mast needs make a tierce on.bwght on
Mr. Blake because he took op the Irish
cause. This is carrying the came pretty
far. Mr. Blake is charged, on account
• f his speech on the Irish resolutions,with
insulting and bullying, and the speech
itself is described as being "s mats of
impertinent clap -trap from beginning to
end." We are also told that lir. Blake
did his best te injure the Irish cause by
••blatant and offensive rhetoric;" that
"no enemy of Ireland could hove done
more mischief to its euase than Mr.
Blake attempted by his buncombe lec-
ture," and that his great effort was "a
tirade of virulent abuse against Eng-
land." It seems from all this that it is
not uuly the studied determination o;
the Moil te denounce everything that is
Irish, but that all wise venture to say e
word in defence of Ireland's cause are to
be beaten back with the baton of vulgar
. abuse. -{Telegram.
Waal some sl err tlisekmages.ay abeam 111.
as INDsrmrsutr vlaw.
One of the wont features about the
gerryu sanderiug is that every Cluaservs-
ties number wholalelected will feel that
he will be looked spun. no matter huw
straight his election may be, as having
been dragged into Parliament at the tail
of the Redistribution bill. The Comet!
vi}tive snajerity is large enough as it is,
nM only for the good of the Government
but for the good of the country ; sad it
is just as neoessary that then should be
a strouu Opposition as Viet there should
be a strong Administration. -(Telegram
A NOS -PARTISAN 01'111101i.
Whatever the quarrels between the
party politici-urs mly he, or however
fiercely the factions may tight against
sack other. it roust be *imitated by all
right thinking men that it is a melan.
°holy thin Alms the powers of the j ar-
liament of the country aro used for the
perpetuation of one party in office. This
is the view taken of the Redistribution
hill by non -partizans. That a political
party should use itaoontrulof perlialueut
to so manipulate the boundaries ul the
constituencies as to strengthen its sup-
porters and weaken all opponents, is
deeply to be regretted. It is no credit
to a party to win an election when it has
played with loaded dice. -{Ex.
This monstrosity, however, unless we
aro mistaken, will have one geed effect.
It will teach Reformers who connived at
the defeat of Liberal caedidates in 1878
the reed on which they leaned wheu they
expected anything like political justice
from Sir John Macdonald. "The leu -
pard cannot change his spots ;" is a max-
im of which the Gerrymandering Bill is
not the tint example. We certainly ex-
pect every man who, tour years ago was
lukewarm. to stand to his colors at the
Doming election, and to assist iu punish-
ing this last outrage on the rights of On-
tario. Nor can even Conservatives af-
ford to disregard this. grow injustice.
Once establish the principle that a Gov-
ernment may cut and carve constituen-
cies as it pleases, and there is no safety
under any Administration whatever. -
[Guelph Mercury.
It remains to be seen whether the pee-
ple of Ontario are thus to be driven. Ifo
such scheming and .. trickery proves suc-
cessful, it is abuut time, say we, that On.
tario step out of Confederation and man-
age her own affairs. We've got the men,
and we've got the money, too, and we see
no reason why the Province elhould not
prosper under a local regime, and let Sir
John of Vancouver, Tupper of Nova
Scotia, and the Bleus of Quebec run the
other Provinces as a Confederation, if
they please. Confederation we have al-
ways favored. Right is right, but out-
rage, foul and roust unnatural, against
the life and programa and prosperity of
this Province, we ought to resist, even
to breaking the bonds of the Coniedera-
tion pact. It depends upon the intelli-
gent voters of this Province whether they
will rise superior to party now, or pave
the way for as bitter and as rancorous a
political struggle as ever bas been wit-
nessed in Canada. -[Brantford Exposi-
11.. ed.lre.rielel.,11 the Ent page will
s►•tw emit subsea abet the date ot1 bis
amount with Thr SUJAL, and (it
nosy he kinte:l; that this is an ap
pruprist. Ammon fur makiur an ei-
n em
is the
Theeo ern other
in seer books,
tab. , what. 'night very appropriate
ly be adjusted before the end of this
"Oce Mali mail anything," has been wine
ly j..iwtl spun all, sad this
jendinis is eepesially kindiug qua
*11 who du busiuees with newspaper
A aunt- tot the wise is sasei.et, and
will .ay no stere at present, for
detest dunning.
19814Y - War had that little iamb
1i.4 teeth so white as snow;
:the always brashal them twice apst.y
With "raa w.un' you know,
The Melees„ oast Haply itimore.
BeassvILLs, dud., Jan. 11, 1882.
1 roeeutly haul a very difienit case of
Consumption. I treated it in tile moat
scientific manner possihle, but to no ef-
fect; patient grew gr-lu.11ly worse.
Rasher than give up, and as'a last re-
sort, I decided, much against my wish,
to use a remedy that had cured one of
toy former patients. Greatly to toy sur -
print. the patient began to gait and in
a mach shorter time than I dared to
ever expect, she was ,umpletely cured.
The name of this remarkable re nedy is
Dr. Kings NI*, Discovery for Consump-
tion. I now use it altotgether in my
ro tics. -[Leading M. D., Evansville.
bottles free at Rhyne.' drug stere.
lear.e six. Si. (6)
ter. flake's Treaty sight's sill.
The resolutions proposed by Mr.
Blake are long and cover the whole
ground of Canadian aspiration for lar-
ger liberty and the possession of national
rights. The resolutions were very near-
ly passing without objection of any sort,
when Sir John suddenly asked to see
them. After a rapid glance over the
paper, he sprang to his feet and made a
rambling attempt at a speech. I have
already referred to Sir John's failing
powers. It was positively painful to
listen to him to -day. He got off some
queer parsdaxea. For instance, he de-
clared that the resolution would cut the
tie between Canada and England, and
in the next breath, he asserted that Mr.
Galt was making foreign treaties at the
present time. If the one is true the
ether must be false. Sir John's speech,
I am sorry to say, was neither satisfac-
tory to his followers nor to his oppon-
ente. The best proof that Blake had
touched the right oord was given in the
speeches of DeCosmos, Ouimot and
Coureol. The brat came out straight
for independence and declared he would
vote for the resolutions, as they were in
the right direction. He only wished
thep went further, and demanded nation-
al independence outright. -[London
Advertiser, Ottawa Correspondent.
A l cowoeu: I NTuxleATtO!t. -Th a Lancet
says that Lallemand, Perrin, and Duroy,
have found notable qualities of . alcohol
in the blood et intoxicating animals. M.
Orehent, in continuing these experi-
ments, has endeavored to ascertain what
l= proportion of aloohol in the blood s mi-
to produce and maintain symptom'
of lntoxieation. Seven ounces of alcohol
(90'drengtb) were given to s dog, in two
rices, at an interval of half an hoar. At
the same time the animal was made to
breathe though s flask containing abso-
lute alcohol, to efset the infinities
at pulmonary exhalation. At the end of
an hour, about two and a quarter venom
of blood were drawn from the teetotal
artery. It was found to eoatmin about
eight minims of absolute mleobel, whink
oorreuponds to one pert of aloohol to 197
of blood. The animal was profoundly in-
Gulls is MIS Grove.
There he goes again direct to a saloon
and pours down another heavy draught
of strong drink, nut so much because his
appetite deunands it, but for the artificial
bis wan• v it prod ices --the after effects
of w!uch leave hint more Miserable than
before; it is this dmi. Ifni practise that is
dai'v sendia: thousands to their graves.
A rr ,i ch 1,1- all t!us is found in the
true friend of temper inc.,,--'he beat and
purest of all niedt.1les,-Electric Bit-
ters. Sold by '.e'..:t',yoa. at 50 cents.
A w41gh or cold contra' te,l in the
mouth •.f April if not spee'itly arrested
is lial.!e to, stick no o,,a durin.t t4,e whole
strilawr. Dr. Carw,n.'s t''11nlonary
C..1.1'011 Drops secs".lily env.). •.'ouuhs,
Coble. Bronchitis, Pain a:n.l oppression
of th'. Chest, shod .di 'rhr.att, Ch••st and
Lana alfectiitns. Ili ',tree bottles et 50
cents. Geo. Rhythm,ayent forC'ide,ich.
Fresh amodain balk or p ae4aptes.
Complete StocK.
... ,: !ireat American Remedy far
' t "'1/1i4 COLI8, ABTlI1 1t.
l: ': '1.'. CHI TIQ LOSS OF
J'111:0.17' AFFECTIONS.
P Y,.. +4 fro Nu Wart low twit. (Dill-
ard• 11..ww.4 Doesa15io. �r�.t/w~ !�+t
.ail roarAwerter tosrsp ir.a
-.Ma Aber ee.jlatwsta A rMt4a.
Ill Ma 0s.•s a#i.....d11trer the and Aarwsr fere
-+,4A sat Matt the west aeihrbie „niers tiro Ju:
ledkl ee I Provera.
leery ens 1 a 154•
has °'°• aAGRAY'Sr ts.wt ,aa t h e
lia ret1W
hypos el .r pirates,
facts of the and ill Ma
Syr awliewir
ant sae
Ptars Is
eases of
Lit.) Dr
SYRUP loan', ist44
lir • Is case.
or .. •. lesiva
are t.r
It rm .e 1) serve•.
.h • 4.411'i. th13 'thio
i.,Jw ,•. Lurs-
j,t� J . stied• lilt, yore -
Mir eon- p�ored at a
•sY SPRUCE 4per0,0it'...ap.
pwI1e t.r
t r pine eonti.lna
•r rim air s a rg d
tom thew e Y
.' otriak gran fineat
a :rot senile j ricked
1,n� tits GLM.to
Sprites a •.piste
toot•. -- tritons.
Pe remarkable ppo:Feras relieving
a.rta:;.i j rine of Brrmehi.•i., •tnrl i'.•
alntn.af. specific elect in a:tri,: q .1.
mt(n. is A'U'l,•in(/ ('uv/J!.s. is to • •c,.
knoaa to the p ihii.- (ff trlrr•e.
'et t ty all ns; wf.Me can...t. I" tc•, ".!, et n.,
.r0 rd- r t,o•tt..
:tau .. d. • ,Y•,.:. nr r.d
r..... (•;:.-..
.eu•r /e. q4,4,-...: . X.re.a.J .., .
444 •,,aw•t- ,• •'� Of W .e,w•i.. ( 4
1 -ERR )r W.1 7'..(: t' .f
Soo t' - -444,4 and Y.••ot ..c err.
weak, es.
p sc forest
Iden .a ate /steps.
Mr. Thus. Clayd..n, 1ht•Ibuni Ont.,
writes: "I have been suferiuq wit11'a
Woe b ick for the p.lst thirty years, and
tried everything I heard of, without suc-
cess. Not long azo I was p.er.ana'led to
use SI. Jacobs 0.1. I pur•ehas&•d a bot-
tle, and strange t • say, b.:fore I had
used it a11, 1 oras prrtectly city., 1. T e en
octalIent!t• r,co:nete', n•it t-, ::�,9• .....e
A tfildttxl. • No imp c.n 0' lou
of its el o-its.'W. E. 1Veeuklt•v,
also of 1i,:•il.nrne, tilos menti.•'. a mat-
ter of his .•x r,:i ace: •'1 h.tv.. 1....';t a
sutfere, with .112'01:111 • " a: s. I
was lass o.• rv,t') a Meir.•,. /V:4 a sh.:rt
ills:' a':o, till I 1 c411 trolly say that St.
Jaw•.bi Oil prr.•duc.r1 the tlot.'sr•r• r, -lief
that I eve. 4.1C)1enc.,.1. 1
✓ eeo•lis.0 it to every 40 Serer
Itarkks's !railer %all c•.
T::e hest stirs in t110 w•.rl:l f..r Co:a.
Bruises, Ulcers, St1t It sea n, Fever
Sores, Teeter, C!ct1r.-y1 111.,,1•,
Wain., ti urns, ;►n l ./,1 Sint E 4 411.41.s,
Rohl '..atti.••ty Word+ f ..ea. It i; 4 4.:rn-
tae•l t ane ;ts f hlti,f, '••'u, lir
money rtf uu 1.* 1 i'ric•e i ...Ws. per
box'. For 411" h; 4.t l:'Iyn..". it3) It-.
Mr. Charles Wilmot of the Newcastle'
fish hatchery. arrived at Belleville, on
Monday, with 200,000 whitetiih fry and
50,000 salmonitruut fry, which were de-
posited in the bay. Another consigment ,
for the uorthent lakes is expected
Newspaper Law.
We call the special attention of post-
masters and subscribers to the following
synopsis of the newspaper laws :
1.'1 postmasters required to give
notice by letter (returning a paper does
not answer the law) when it subscriber
does not take his papier out of the office,
and state the reasons for its not being
taken. Any neglect to do so makes the
r responsible to the publishers
or payment.
2. If any person orders his paper dis-
continued, he must pay all arrearages,
or the publisher may continue to send it
until payment is made, and collect the
whole amount, whether it be taken from
the ofioe or not. There osn be no legal
discontinuance until the payment is
3. Any person who takes a paper from
the post -office, whether directed to his
name or another, or whether he has sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for the pay.
4. If a subscriber orders his paper to
be stopped at a certain time, and the
publidter continues to send, the sub-
scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes
it out of the post -os. This proceeds
uppoonn the ground theta man must pay for
whit he nose.
b. The courts Tuve decided that refus-
ing to take a newspaper and periodicals
from the post -office, or removing and
leaving them uncalled for, is polus feria
widows of inteettionel head.
In the mouth of April swat evervetie
requires a good and rfliable Blood Puri-
fier. We limy of I Mae .o safe end'e(-
hates! es Dr. tlmnee's Stomach and
Constipation Bitter They act directly
se all the .esreticos, their purgative
action carrying of all issperitw from the
7=they Wilmot* the Liver and
4s, purify Ib. Btoasaeh,ed.anse the
Bowen, and give .!..oath and tone to
the whole system. Try a course of this
valuable, safe mad reliable vegetable pre-
test, Dr. Garsos's Storesoh and
tlonet'patios Bitten. in large bottles
at 50 tont. (len. Rhyme. agent for
Psrtosce M resew and rse.adea'
'lltousaads of dollars can be sved by
using per judgment in taking care of
the health of yourself and family. 11110a
are Billions, have sallow completion,
poor appetite, low and depressed spirits,
and generally debilitated, do not delay a
moment, bat go at mace and proean a
bottle of those wonderful Medea Bit-
ten, which never fail to cure, and that
for the trifling au n of fifty emits. -(Tei
bone. Sold by Geo. Mynas at 50e. [6
-Darras. CostetAnrys and Acosta?'
wbkb HscvaaD's Ytnaow Ott. is
seed re saws or reboil shier V MAw or
��TM= 1111EUYIT PI/
PAIN M Rook[.
itwrT heti. pawns ed ro give saris .
des or more
sDElrr .1115 EAI/ NTRL PMI Us
T.>�47,X * 00, P rops4stole
NNS 14',ak�IICK
/toga to mamas* the ladies of (ioderirl ad
vicinity. that she is now showing
cl, ail Suer Misery
At her shop. Hamilton Street. is waist and
betettrwl variety. Site las seenred the ser.
, vi. t s of a tit, milltwer, and feels e.awtwl that
she tan Rtvr
Begs to announce to the people of Ooderia/I and this section of Huron,that he r
pareesssd from )(r. A• Phillips kis stock of Groceries, Ma, anwill
matinee the bosinses in the old stead, os the
Corner of Victoria. aa& Bruce Streets.
Having bought the goods for cash, and as I intend to make my purchases from
whelemale men for Dash 'deo, I will be in a pesiti siIi to sea at
Vary Low Priest fee Gab.
My stock will always be trash. I will keep the best brands of tees, Rood supra,
and everything in the grrta4`terry line from the best pr.doo.rs. Bacon, Spiced Meats,
etc. ,ales on hand in . I mm determined to please, both in quality and Qnet
Call at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair (Trosnd, near D. K.
Strachan's machine shop. D_ SWIFT_
Goderich, ][arch 9th, 1882. -�--+
G:Re'Cl1:lt'Y BUIMUS
the old stand in the Albion Block. formerly occupied bi�htaa where he will be tittle"'
, to welcome all his old customers and the palette sesmall7. A large quantity 0l`
r lt:\V, FRESH G ROC Nm R llF: S
D. C. STR.' CH A N.
Extensive Premises and Splendid hew Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
*good sasortmest of Kitchen, lied -room. Dining Root/t and Parlor Furniture. such as Ta
hies, Chairs ���attr ogle and wood seated). Cupboards. Bed -steads. Mattresses. Wash -sten
Lounge., Sofas, Wirt -Note. Locking (:lasses.
N. 14.-A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on hand falso Hearst. for hire
at reasonable rates.
Picture Framing a specialty. -A can ,olicited. 1751
Is a compound of the virtues of sats
barilla, stillsngts mandrake, yellow
dock, with the iodide of potash and iron,
all powerful blood -making, blood -cleans-
ing, and life enataining elements. It is
the purest, safest, and most effectual
alterative a-ailable to the public. The
sciences of medicine and chemistry have
never produced a remedy so potent to
cure all diseases resulting from impure
blood. It cures Mcro?ula and an
scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas,
plesor St. Anthony'snd gruF�
Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter.
Humors, Salt Rheum Scald -head,
Ring -worm, Ulcers, sores, Rheu-
matism, Mercurial Disease, Neu-
ralgia, Female Weaknesses and
Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections
of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaola-
tion, and General Debility.
By its searching and cleansing q'ali-
ties it purges out tt a foul oorrup.ions
which contaminate the blood and cause
derangement and decay. It stimulates
the vital functions, restores and pre-
serves health, and infuses new life and
vigor throughout the whole system. No
sufferer from any disease of the blood
need despair who will give ATRn's
1;A, 11'AI:1LLA a fair trial.
It is folly to experiment with the nu-
merous low-priced mixtures, without
medicinal virtues, offered as blood -puri-
fiers, while disease becomes more firmly'
seated. AYBRS SARSAPARILLA is a medi-
cine of such concentrated curative power,
that it is by far the hest, cheapest, and
most reliable blood -purifier known.
Physicians know Ha composition, and
prmcrihe it. It has been widely used for
forty years, and has won the unquali-
fied confidence of millions whom it has
Practical and Anatlyttetal Obemdrae.
Lowell, Mas.
IMO ay ALL sare.isea trvot.oRk-
She be .e.1. be fevered with a .1. 0 teem leer
remiss. and the ladies sseer.il,.
.innve LA110$ Ass tear's new
,.� Northern Pacific R.R.
law Pam: teem rim: Ream roto Iwm'oe.-
aewr, Remeces Fats am 7weimrr to g.vnota
Min Pial arosimees. AMMO
R. M. NAW meistr. ons. um Asv
In■wae r ewe ST. Pato. Noss
=)C 7X isig Weddup
lis : to announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stria
in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton: Having purchased a large and
well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determined
to give the Public the benetit.
., fr Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere.
t.,•" -Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
!' Custom work will receive sur special attention.
.'s. None bat the best of material used and first-class workmen employed.
t`' Repairing neatly dons on the shortest'Botice.
tl0,1erich, March9, 1882. DOWNING & WEDDUP
v l obi E% a t,
&&o,. a.
1111111h B�'ll�hc
(11111 11(1111111M 011 all bIS Lk')
RHYNAS' the Duggist.
Prescriptions a Speciality
Night Bell on the Front Door
I`tRaers tits afro sed 54.75 In Chani and
we w1U d 4 nae a oar
WIO[RL .satrr1 N0 Axis crap(
sarnxo w*xoals.
Arm Ihie .1t sed ee.60 pd we win
.wad Ira psalmla. cse re eat atm lass
Yr4by£ DOLD sxxerrA01Sl0 awe
*steers tib any sad 51.60 is Car. sed
we winger yr . LADIaa' 00111 1111.•
YRS WAT4.7 reeier.s4. rwr.N.Ni.
es. ateese$ se . by M rtrt, sad well
Werra eser o ur rear err ter IL
Siders Or .rep sed a -.rte end we win
rod yr see .1 ear spheral 1 Lt; Y• A •
Arab waTtlHR.•• by wt,eh ret ret tie
. • WINO 1.jLst a reuses w woo at.. reed
e4vteah Thar .ye ram Wrier sod
L*M,,vs ttte .rep egad 51171. .rd wee 1et ase •4 vow 1.A01Se' MN.1PRtltn.•l Gawk ay..," r•M.el.et.
Serra ibis .x9 oM nth ad we vim
mall roe rue et G s 9 C T
PULL MS 111711T11103 CASS PATIO?
Llys* GOLD WATCHER. .5.taate.e.
Basan ire elle awl 11.71. are we ant
eel lIee.a,
barer be of ere woreI
qq aDOT 1110111111. PLATItD Sa-
Rears tt►. YI .ad OLIO w. watt
woyr rt ylret v e� UNION
m 04)47•111114
.4 P6O*Ania ser elelee Y1
Orr 51511504 Jereley.
skews rite.l a art 11.101. err seed
we win ws lo we ed est 101.14, Su..t..D
OOLD 5J'Aws CBA:sa
Re yrs ISO s'I, sad 1113 SO na w}L as1 ■
ss • rl seed tor. fe 1 d-, 11 .77!0. r►1
• AAS n1TAU 4112' 1.101:1 t.•.th:N- 1
" w
sereneeed Vele sate. 4 1