HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-12, Page 4s THE HURON sEGYAL, FRIDAY, MAY It 182. P06t'8 Q,UIll61'. table, while tears attxxd m his eyes. Maesttag flews Mm Preload. I very tine, but et erything looks spotless sod bright. The chairs have 'u __- - "It's the first time I've been treated like The cable brings startling Haws from particular plaeas, and any body feels Leal aasrsrea's �Iea ea a geutlawaa fur yoara 1 wasn't atwa7s Ireland iu the .rued sass runatiru, at at liberty W draw the sofa out whop it rr ruta♦ma eraanutsw i like this --maybe you won't believe ilea, JubIII, .,u Saturday aveutug, td tb. pleases him. There is tit: primness about tears beer thought my last summer's dream', `but 1 lived in rs gust a bouts as thio newly -appointed Chief Secretary for Ira- the place. 1'. is a 1ova.y home -place Irl e a rarutar "clueing -out clay,"laud, Earl Cavundtsh, and of Uudt•r 84a' for indulgence and repose. That is the wiadtlg5 rem t disuuar.ging masusmet 1 twee, and owned it, tun, 'Teas drink did rotary Burke. Oen need not be sur find of a hews that Is needed; a room CCtameed ins to old clothes, 1 say. it, Miss --it all came front that --drink. prised to hear lea oceurranee nes created kind efia the freedom of bacheauroom ranee they are, worn and%aimed uut and tat- � and the excesses that go with it. I IUUUUI1/a cull iudisuaut cxcIto iueut with the eft relining influuure of WO- ld teted• don't kuuw when I've asked a blessing, thruugghuut lievat Britau,. Lord tai- msii. The fatal urrur that is sty fre- (As gas bed and the cases and tie dour, Cyan went to Ireland es the repro; quently wade, is to mistaking so fen While min.luts, rather rakishly flattered, 1 or said a prayer before, but this -seemed wnG►Wvo el Mr. Gpwlst"ue's p,uhcy pickle pphito pr res fat' the soft relin- ing soefable near on the floor. I te taks nue back to the time when 1 wa+t auwerty and couciliati nl, rod it t, Po- mo a- ing influenlxt. There's my welt j lace still eucered nub fa- 1 a Christian gentleman- 1 began W culiarly distressinz and outrageous that vo it - drink for my health, and then I was like the envoy of peace ahuuld have been an The It* question pucka more hope- voile - a fortune, and turned onto fraud: one going down hill 1 couldn't rWp, countered by the pointer( of the sawasm• fol, cud seams se though Mr. (iliuletone But 1 wore it that night at the Travers', Assasaivatlen is detested by every uo were going to adept the course advueat- Wittoal daamd with the sweutrumahroad. I had a younb wife and two beautiful sole wind, sud the tutburat of indigos- ed by Mr. Iltakd in the Course a 11u) • Hero's s bunting, a sane br.etded; 1 children, but the thought of thein cuuld tion against those who have had to de of C°131"1"16'la what speaking emu Jl1 Hems a nuts' clo.h, made up rather plain; only hold me back fors time. An uncle with this dastardly deed will be full of Costigati a resolutions. And the old muslin, looking au faded. -a very rich reran -used to plead with vehemence, but nut wore so than the .. -_ • me but I would only listen in silence `and go back to the old ways as bad as ever. Oh ! if there is a devil, Miss -- and I du believe there is -he had me bound hand and foot. 1 don't wauli to be helped -1 had got w low as that, and when my uncle offered to give me ten thousand dollars if I would keep sober for five years, I just laughed in his face, and told hint if he should offer eye ten tames ten thousand dollars 1 couldn t stop. Well, it killed Minnie -she was a delicate little woman, anyhow - then her people took the cnildren, and the saloon -keeper my house, and, well, here I am what you see me -racked with rheumatism, -Id faint with hunger. Some day," ht..e his voice sank aluwat to a moan, they'll find my dead body in the ditch, and bury it like a dog's, that'll be the end.. "_;o, no !" cried Angie "not the end. Oh, think of the after life. Hew'date you go so unprepared ? Her energy startled him into life. He raised his dull .-yea and hacked at her. "How can I help myself" "Oh, it's never too late while life lasts," cried Angie. "Stay here, and we' will watch over you. My father is a good man, and we will help you." The tramp looked at 'ler incredulous- i ly fee a moment. then et the table, then bent over and smelled of the violets. tt•hen he raised his head his expression was that of a little child. "I'11 stay," he said, earne.•tiy. "Oh, do help nye :" They did help hint -working aS' only Christians can work for an immortal s••uL The poor old man was led to true repentance, and fought a gallant tight fur his soul but the wasted body could en- dure little. He died before the snows came, holding Angie's hand and gazing into her eyrie. Just before he sunk away he sini:ed brightly, pointing up- ward, then nodded his head with a fer- vent "Thank you, it's all right now !" attd was gone to his account. -Church and Home. t is silly. I know, to remember. But some thoughts are so loath to go, Yet 111 be twenty-three next September. And a girl can't wait always you know. Well life is pet•uliar and puzzling. But I don't find much game an the hunt. But 1 always will keep that new muslin With the strawberry strain down the .'.0 t. ANGIE'S TRAMP. Medicines takeu into the Atowath in ceuceotrat.d lune such as Pilo and Powders, ..re most injurious. The great substitute fur these aauseuua little Calo- mel pills is Dr. Carson's Stomach sad Constipation Bitters. They cleanse the bowels, stimulate the Liver and Kid• neys, nett cure all atumach diw,rders, such as Dyspepsia and Ind,gtstkh nasn large buttes at 50 cents y , agent. rase And with such au aggreasivr big stale. 1 remember the lase time 1 wore it. At that picnic where we taught trout. And 1 caught on a thorn buaki and tore it. And of course all the shirring Genie out; And to finish the wreck niore completely, Tom McCrary, the blundering old dear. must needs upset* his berries discreetly - The avalanche struck me just herr. Poor Tom: in far-off Celorado some He's at work, in gully or diteb; But it never will prove El leirude Ton isn't the kiud to get rich. And should he return dear old fellow. With his limited income int:reseed. I've certain 1'd be sero and yellow. And he would be forty at least, davian da John Colton, a sailor on the schooner fie should guard, however, against sweeping, and therefore unjust, esu Canada, of St. Catharines, fell Event aloft, sures 1'he peolJe of Ireland west netfracturing the base of his skull. He died two hour afterward:. be indiscriminatingly coudeu.ned because of the misdeeds of one or of a few. The A GFNTLExA� Ani div, write+ : "I people of Ireland are not all criminate, l as some sewn to think. There is as lit- tle ordinary crime in Ireland as in Eng- land. As for thn Land League, we be- lieve it will be found that neither it nor its leaders are responsible fur this occur- rence. There are desperate uteu in Ire- land, as there are in every country, bet the Land League programme is not their programme, and Irish leaders of the Par• nell stamp are not suflicientty violeut to be their leaders. Doubtless there will be renewed out cry against Mr. (lladateee s ;p,uhey of Irish conciliation. "If old Beaconsfield had been at "the helm" they will say, "he would have mon down these trial/ agitators with "grapeshot before this:" It is Mr. Gladstone's glory that he has not done so. His policy of conciliation is nut woug, and this assassination, while profoundly to be denounced and regrett- ed, dues not prove anything whatever asj' the right or wrung of his p•dicy Assass- ination may take place uuderany policy. The difficulties of Governuteut do uut decrease as the world grows older. The Inah•prublem is by no weans the least difficult, ant it is to be deep:y regretted that it should be complicated afresh by this crime and inexcusable aasaeeinatiun at Dublin. -London Advertiser. SEEGMII LEP. Chilled Plow ._AND- AGRIGULTURAL WORKS. , ,Sit Catherines Nurseries, AFTER 4 SEASON'S TRIAL. e1AMES HEAIpE'S Condensed Fire Kindlera are tee bele in use, doing away with coal uii ven minutes. t longl eo ughto Ignite tont ll burn wool Thyare l They arc nuri.e from the beet serer reale and will out suit ladies' lauds. Sold at TWENTY CENTS PEI' HUNDRED. No difference In prireor quality. %Tian' ed Beale. Maker and seller, (ndetich. flat fns purehased the Uoderlcb Foundry KiTAnl.1+Ht:p 1� ire l(i• ase lining the premises for the manufactur of t'it11.S.ttlip�l.0\1'Sand AOkICt'LTl'RA •_,- IMPLEMENTS. un a large scale. Mill Work General Repairing cud Jobbing will he eon prat inti fully teatcd tin uevl. work .;.. g�`a'lu� MOORS S EARLY & BRIGHTON f^i tunriman iI the only man authorize a A ve ra•rlptr un be two new grape*. 1111.hhr.ltatineoe wiUt &dense my ppointed.to tilMOORE'S EAgIrRLYll is the bbe dee very early black grape 7 rt below in Canada. It has etuod thirty titterers • BRIGHTON Is a delicious rel grape, ripening just after Moore's Early. T1.cy are Doth large in bunch and berry, and !cry productive. 1 will mail both to any redress. postpaid, to. receipt of 21. or either fur til. -(gents *ant-!. heartily thauk you for the great ,oup 1 Mr. U. t• gg11 have gained through the eseol} our w'••1 t°alf ut ihr'ialeettrwauf Itilacitusn d! (o., an derful rejuvenator, 4.0111'11 ne Meek.e I all persons indebted are reuuestet to goer Medicine. l tuft• restore.l--feel ' themsrtv,.a accutdiagl). like a yuune her .e.o, the u Proprietor. meet in nuoiher column. ase S. SEEOMILLEIL ng volt. 1' 1 dvertist Such an exquisite t orning ! The air laden with sweet ecer:ts and sounds --the grass with gems of dew -drops. Angie sat at her vine -wreathed window, chin upon hand, attempting t„ read, but t.e., .. •euty about her. tO ee.w.y. A quaver- ing voice below arrested her attention, and brought her thoughts, with a sud- den jar, to earth again. "Please, Miss, I'ln hungry." Angie lo•,ked dow.t. 'A tramp :' she thought, impatiently, then aloud, "Haven't you had any breakfast ?" "No,'ut, nor supper last night, and only apples and turnips for dinner. I am hungry. .And, as if newly aroused to the fact, he crossed his arms over his empty stomach and leaned over upon hia staff. Angie leaked at hint again, less impa- tiently. "What a dried up; wlzenod little man he is ." she thought, "I do believe he is hungrybut-a tramp ?" She rose, shut her book witi: a sigh, and ran lightly down the at:: re He stood where she had left him, as solemn, a- ;,.!tient as ever. "Step around to the side door," she said briskly, "and I'll give you some= thing."' He stuttered a word of thanks, and shuffled slowly around the house. An- gie met hint upon the square porch, and set out a chair for him. He accepted it, slowly and stiffly lowering himself into it. "There's no !neat," said Angie, "but can give you plenty of ages and milk.' His dull eyes brightened. "Oh'. Miss, that just suits me; milk and eggs :•' and he chuckled to himself like a pleased child. Angie soon reappeared with a email table, upon which she proceeded to ar- range with delicate nicety a bowl of fresh milk, seine boiled eggs in da.zeling- ly white shells, and a few slices of fine bread. She could do nothing other than daintily, and when she had placed the dishes to her satisfaction, she disap- peared for a m„nient, and soon returned bringing a small vase of English violets. A MARVEL OF INGENUITY. Waal a slates Ges-Mau of Waterloo Slade. For the last three or four years there has lived and quietly pursued his daily w.,rk, unknown and unnoticed amongst us, a German immigrant, who has in his leisure hours completed a work which is; at ease a marvel of ingenuity and' a monument of patient later. His name is Schmidt, and he is a bookbinder by trade. On Monday evening last a dozen ec or sof the gentlemen of the town were invited by him to call at his house and witness an exhibition of the result of several years labor and Study. Shown into an upper room we waited a few momenta before a curtain which had a miniature stage, perhaps two and s half feet high to its floor, and ten to twelve feet wide. When the curtain 1 rose, the land of Palestine, with the city of Jerusalem, the temple, and many of the scenes of Christ's life appeared in carved and properly colored workman- ship before us. Shepherds stood watch- ing their flocks disporting on the green turf, the river Jordan was seen, its bil- lows rising and falling. thruugh the feathery palms, Jacobs well and the women were there At a signal, the machinery was set in motion and far off, among the distant hills could be seen the procession of the Eastern sages corn- ing, led by the star to the place in the foreground where the cradled Christ ('are et the Stands. A well -formed hand, white and edit, with tapering fingers and polished uails, is $ rare gift; but where nature has de- nied those possessions it is easy, by proper attention, to give at least soft- ness and delicacy of appearance to the hand and improve the symmetry of the nails. An exchange recommends the wearing .f kid or soft leather gloves at every opportunity, light being prefer- able on account of the unctuous sub- stances with which they are prepared, although not so healthy, and the appli- cation of a warm bran poultice once a week. They should be washed in tepid water, as cold water hardens and pre- disposes them to roughness and chaps, while water beyond a certain heatmitkes then! shriveled and wrinkle. in drying them they ought to be rubbed with a moderately coarse towel, as frinction always producee -a aoft and polished ivory appearing surface. The soaps to bo prefe Ted arelsuch as are freed from She had leughod and half hesitated alkaline impurities. The beauty of the w#ten she took them frgnt her Daven- port. "How ridiculuug !" for a tramp. I don't taro, Ill do it. Poor man ! he has had little enough sweetness in this world. Let me show him what refine- ment means. for once,' She placed the violets upon the little nails depends on the treatment they re- ceive. They ought to be cut in a circu- lar form, and the tvhite'ted portion at the root, neat the vessels which supply the nail with nutriment for its growth and preservation, should be always visible. When the nails :ire disposed to break, some simple pomade should lye table, then ,delicately seated herself up- frequently applied and salt freely itself on the upper step, half turned away- its the daily (lice she dare not leave him alone with the [spoons ! But to her surprise he did not immediately fell to, with a clatter; and constrained by curiosity, she glanced up. impossible ! Her tramp had bared his head, and with meekly folded hands was asking a whispered Messing upon the food. She stared in amazement, and :actually flushed at the thought of her unworthy suspicions. Soon he raised his head, tisk np the vase and smelled off the violets with a look of intense, delight upon his small, pinched features, then, with supreme satisfaction, he took a slice of hr• a 1, broke it (faintly into the milk, and ate, without vnlganty,,, though with all the ardor of a half stare: i d man. Angie dropped her heed anal though, "He has seen better days. Ii m I treated him decently, and en glad 1 thought at the violate. Fever old attires ! whatever brought him to this par r' He seemed g&lnrntt to disk* bee thoughts; for after a little he said, ma- ll, "Miss, oft-ll"Miss, I can never f.rrget all this.. .+eing his hand neer the tempting little JACDISWL F'OA 910 BUILDERS. K IN T Ai L BRICK YARD. i A (want 113 of god white brick on gaud an for sale at r. *+unable ratts. The 'other Fiber is now carryingon the brick making business at the Kintail kilns, and will give all order. which way he erns him tb most prompt ur:cution. The brick is of find class quality, and the terms are reasonable Address JOHN K. McGREGOR, Kintail . J heirD s to ennonnce to received public that he has EDI( Just RUEUNATISN, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lu nbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, StreH- -ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and al/ other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jarmo OIL in a safe awe, .(.a}te and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but (11.pely trtal outlay of :0 Coats. and *eery ...suffer- ing :gth pale can hays cbeap and po1lUv• pros.( of I. (lake Directions to =lens Legisag-. SOLD BYALL D B EDDELLEB8 IN NZDIOINE. A. VOGiELEit & CO.. Ji.ilM.r.r Md., U. a. A. ALLANLINE Garden Seeds, of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, GLAS- GOW. WINTER SERVICE SAILING FROM LHAIJF HALIFAX left their gifts and vrended I EVERY SAT- lay. At length they arrived, made their SHORTEST SEA ROUTE. Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at their way back till lost sight of among the distant hills. In like manner, fur nearly two hours, scene after scene of the Saviour's life was depicted and en- acted by puppet figures, with It ina'vel- eus realism that reminded seine of the spectators of the w ender:ul Passion •HALIFAX. PORTLAND or HOS ION. to Play Bit the finest „f all was the LIVERPOOL. $100 RETURN. last dread scene of Calvary. The lightn- ing flashed, the thumper relied, the rocks es cOnside I'ooner, Under saloon.) graves, hef fell shattered •,re our e} -es, aves, till then unnoticed, open in ar- -v _Tiger. l'?, BgILIZTC3-8 : ious places, the sheeted dead st.n,tl up Polymid i tttoston G a. x1.) 310r.: nth, Halifax and the veil of the temple was rent from Perttvtaa, Yortlanterepril Rth, lfalitrx, Apri top to bottom exhibiting within the 'so µyo,;nn, Poston :, p. m.1 April 13th, Hal - mercyPlaces, the sacred vessels. :std the ifnx, t:en, •ire. mercy sea'. S�'ores , f (!her scenes in tercasa'au. Peruser',. April SOth, Halifax. which Ap til :2nd• the have no s life were a.ri a tow a Suffice Part.ian, Roston to p. me April th, Italifax, we have no space 'te!et'ibr. Suthce it :oat to say that the man wtio+'ccs,:d carve out ' S*mAprilrattan. Ph.orticnd, Stay tt,i• Halifax May these hundreds of tigvres, principally Fortbth.i..hcieandevery information apply t with a i;irk knife and a little c' ut•ed 11.-\R5!STBONG. mature, is n nlechauieal genius of nn or• i -heti, Montreal Telegraph dilyary sort. Wtth Herr Schmidt 'the eset-3m. Offlec Galerieb work has been truly- a 1a':r.r of love; in a'; -' -- ---_41.------ -- sense a religious w, r He has given 1 LOWEST RATES. Steerage Passengers are booked to London, Cardin Bristol. Queenstown. Derry. Belfast. Galway and Gla -Bowe at same ratty se to Liverpool $50 CABI, tit all kinds. D W. BEADLE, ST. CATHrgIA/N, Oat. 1•trle•3IIt V I C K's Illustrated Floral Guide Per 1809 Is a. Elegant i..s .r 1:)e rases. awe game than Wee ILnra*I..w oes of f the cel ,ford rl ers, Plants and Vegetable*, ant lode. tions for growing. 1t is handsome enough for the ('en- tre Tabe or a Holiday Present, Feud on your name and Poet (flue address", with 10 cent*. and f will send you a copy. postage paid. Thr» Is not a quarter of its cwt. It is printed in both Engtiah and German. It you afterward, order seeds deduct the to ctn. ulcer's IMMO* are the best In the world. The Eton**. GUI:E will tell you how to get and grow them. Ykk's Plower and Vegetable Garde.. Ira rages, 6 Colored Plates, '00 Engravings. Fur 50 Cents in paper corers . S1.00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. se - Pages, a ('olored Plat iu eterynu be and many fine Engravings trice 111.1.S a year: rive Copies for 1.1.00. Specimen Nurnberg sent for 10 cents; 1 trial copies lot 13 cents. Address. J.ttlIL* S WK. R.eiestler. yf• i & angor Seeds Of all kinds and at bottom pri.ws. Also a eery large stock of Arlt class ADAM f1'ALkEIi, 11 Tavistock, Onta- rio, writes, in February. IS68, that after trying, many Cough and Lune remedies for a severe cold which he has suffered with for three years, he procured At. Lt'i'e Leen Batetew and wax Irving mueli benefited by it. in a letter still later. he said his night sweats were all ;;one and he w is rapidly recovering -his ap- petite was much better and he felt like comturtably in the arm fila and rest •nes heels on the rnantle prince would a new man ►,i heathenish in the extreme. What it -. --ee. --- I wanted is less (nock p,rirtmees. Stier seem awee.rat♦ttw tae be ('cared. I solid comfort. We !tate w •: �r 1111.115 e ea mem inw•hichrd. gt-eo,lecall un• p f h 1Ea 182. s gloat study to t.;.• g+!t in . the r 'T : Baeyer 3 Magazine■ ¢spiels, and has it all in melte n- ver- r bathe, -'tt• lot .. :• Hero. ILLVl3TR11T. i.r and (.raiser. .,� - eerie:l, always goo 1. always Im- prottag. -1 ttam.rK F'RANCI. AuAtttt�� r. To the frac', liberal, a:t-.e:.., and Bo- Ilnry'a.1fn(insin .the ttioat 1s,Itcalal° IHna- yCrated periodical In the wnrhl. LegirrsNga/xty heniian mind, it 1+ ?tui .y ip alhng, the fourth t olnme with the December Nmwber. &lumber of houses that a: c deltberately 11 repo xnh. went 1s abeam in American Iltere- ture and art: and its marked success in Eng - turned inti private 11 risol.s through a Isnd where it has already a ,:ircnbtiow larg- o - - - ' s er than that of any English magazine a' the ferns hie•' ri yonlf 17ame r ns ran meg in r, 'r voloMen for MEd will sequence of everything haring to he In e1'''ry reepet•t suryass their pechseeseore. just so. To throw .,neself .•n the etabor- 11ARPER'S I'ERIf7DiCALS. atel t soda Iti`h ne.. 1)( is ,,e - would be secrilidge. To t'.ir.g r ne.elf mere - false lean .•t A1•. if1e.' 31,,nee , c .• with a 1 tt i h hen.; GROCE RIES. to u t- 1 1 h 1 r i, ern t o the moat eminent writ,•r+ and art lets n( timet brittle: yet no culnfntt is derived (foie it in cur.- tarn Th.• forthanniwg y gO ftp n h , Ia Call chest -cable climate of olio y t t every die ohould n•member this Dr. 11: West!, is a I,lesacl c,eme:lt. it ie ti11- M'istaa'a BSealetry WILDCRERR\' ilat I el w141gnnshiteasl4 the 'meet% of Aar. proton iiaelf to 1 ,. * p.;sitive cure for 1 era. Whmit t it retl mat wean eg111111111ption• asthma, oachitis, and and throws o overeat and hat without all Heppe iiisosees It hies *weir t+e lives hooking to see what be w'mes of theta. even after all re•pe had tied. Nagy of our moat tntelltRent families would as Poon be without wooloa *th- ief iR winter, as to not base Wlster's Maissiat always nn hand, for it never teas 10 immediately relieve all e..rtnesa elm threat and lunge. A single dues taken at bed tune will geatl7worm the Mnodl. Ams refresb.ag Mem r, and by mown. ing an ordinary cough or cold will be and opens parcels and letters. dropping gen... Ask your druggist and year them on the lkwtr. no the tenet %Muni frauds cenceating the meat of Wietar's place far them. .1 girl'* work lies neat a Ilsleam, and be wise. f,0 cent. and *1 dainty basket heaped with bright cre• a Mottle iJold 1,v dealer-, imerallv eels and sill Nothing in the r..,,m is many There is a broad table ea the how. strewn with papers, 1Agiettnes, womalt'a work, with a litter of me leaves drop- yt ping over them like a central vase. There is a wide ...fa. . f th. lays of the Georges fresh coveted in chintz, 1 with ferns and hate hells for totems. and a tired arae pee den these with a great nuftled pill•'w tinder his shoulders Per Year: 'htl;- .leg�A[Z�,INF. rrAR!"!.R'S lIARAR.. Tile THREE: above publications Ary TWO above named HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE AIIPEICS 3fAtiA7iNF: i ARPY:itt+ 1'ttl'NO I'EOt'i,F: , \ OD Ha* great )trst*s 1s_ fall atng a ABI'EF:'� F'ItANI(LiN iit)l'.\kF: 11- mane Mr arts /��eI assren AHARRY, one dear i .2 Nuntbersb, 10 b s icinityr. that she has *net the sole right I aefayefereof riff relyr^Airre As the 1'n fled sad t+rivIlege to ttWeF�liltsragM snip )Stolt* or Canada. 1 t ilei l OD I 00 6 MRS. WARNOCK TEAS A speciality. 13 VAR•IETITS ON HAND. t 25, 40, 50, 60, and ?5c. Per Lb.' 6 lbs. For $1.0055 T i yThez-x�._ 1 hate just revered the lariiest stock of Crockery, Glassware. and Chinaware ever offered in (ioderich, alt at bottom prices. Please call and get my prices before purchas- ing. and save your money. o; •posed largely of powdered Lina or nen- cease LstbeSESTandCHEArESTlubrtca- tor, In the ern/id-the BEST benzene noose not than', but Gama a highly polished ser raoo over tee arils, reducing friction and lightening the draft: tt•• CHEAPESTbo- 7.1,0150it omits NO MORE then in$srior brands, Ind on. box wit do the work of two or any other snake. AnsweTS as Y tor HarveaU r t. ):lit Gearing, 1 Meshing Ha - chines. ('ora-Ptantem (arrfaecs Haggles etc., as !Jr Wagons. GUARANTEED to 0antsie NO Petroleum. Sold by all dealers 1V (air Twee,: rprlopeiia ,1 Thfags Worth 1Cleuremi rn Vied free. i�IIICA MANUFACTURINOCO. i 223 Hudson/It., Hew Yore. Cleveland. O. and Chicago. 1:1. SAMUCL FOCERs & CO. jprentO,Ont. .7•• -its tor ten wetntnion. CANNED GOODS LUMBER. .,f all L!n•iv. G. Ha OI.d= THE SQUARE. UNCLE TO The Great Cleansing Fluid. The Totowa of the,! egezi$Phegin with me p� �lgg M lase and •ember of ~hew. peps � �. It win be wttbe• t new MN entree le bugle with is Mallise. well tie�us'Ei jj @spewrs ref ptt Howie purl-home, i �ggt�� fosses. for r ttWet en ILA AlP • krilalt AnalylSwt eat ( � j� ajl (so .. inettatlre. frena J rot. town, !'loth. NAS. Peedttarree should be ,rade by Peet (Mee M2o*ey Orders r I at. to *voidrept (+sin�cee ooff IOW.. rs! f herr t the .ry+vess all er AA RPOu E Addr •At*PVR eIRIPSTIMMIt. Yew Vert I)R. LUCYAN'S CLEANSING & RENOVATING FLUID, for re greo r d soil from, anytbiesf sal •sv11taint tis Same tabr,c to the ensreset areas. No or 1f the goods lore hems saturated wxb oil, grease of dertersay tae K ciao, tors trilling oast. as mob is leek M hvdse D ew. It leases 8/1 the color. that wee of water. Ns needle where else to have ended when ft Mie the rest, in your our t1',tttN(lt'K:" Millinery ltnrelltr`r, `+e end eee ter HEMLOCK, ELIA, BASSWOOD, &C. IN BOARDS, PLANK; SCANTLING and .IOISTS. BILLS CUT , TO ORDER. CUSTOM WORK DONE. ARCHII:.tLD HODGE, -ase milt. iyunlop P. 0. WEDGE A. HAYNES t'aw mil!. it Sbep"ardtnn P. 0. uANCIA('T('!MD iC TOIIONTo. ,d1 permanent, sure cure toe Dtme.aie, .It�1)1*- d Uncal t et the Ratan" Madder I�k111rI1ru��0/�r1, IrEcru Dalai W t. Ned teatimowfa:bi t as be *Waisted tree. Pad, MA armee Ded-wed rgisA ldpal Fe for ,»e Note Asn!M • W. T. Bray. Winslaws: John a. Teaaset ALS Lwespw. ►)r Mitt H. Msrtyn, 111. 1). Int: 11 atm A• Co. Clinton; J. R. ft* • O. 11. Hewsnr, HspLMb1: A. A Fi.0 The ('rat sal Drag More Jark.na. HeMM1l• Not. Jobe Rree Vele; Lamaism It Haalkes $72 ;1.7'..f.,-.41:„(1' V:0'11164" err Or toe Augusta. Nein, 1IM•tfa 11