HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-12, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, Flt•ll)AY. MAY 12 1882. M It. HLAKE'el kr EECH. ; was t.. make a Tory in:sturity in the er,uutry a Torry majority in the House. % reweave INS. I..t4a W t«y ..r►rp. !Lawn item could not atferd to vote for esu,ades,y, a marmite dishonest and fraudulent. I The Goren ntueut darts not attempt the the some thing with the other Provinces, sir. Kale t•.•.w the t.. r. ill 4.;i r bad and It. aperaled to the members from commented "it the fact that the .r. -id thaw Provinces to deal with Ontario as readiin of this "III 114'd i1 'I to. Ye•.1 they would wish to bo treated them without ..my 101114t.. ..nil aI...•'.0 ♦.'Y selves. But all this was not enough, ndlesitire of the cuw.0 p•ulsur•1. It r . ( slid t�. Government had taken care that they should havu the power of ap- pointing their men se retu g officers, and to du their "dirty work." He drew a vivid picture of the recent Tory din- ner, anti of the handwliting which ought to hats, la•ell on the wall letting the Pre- mier luow flat the constituencies which had returned his supporters in 1878 w..n1d aur return them again. The leader of the Government had determin- ed en appoiuticg creaturre of his own AS ruturiint .•ki.ers, ro idiot they could accomplish h.it his le},ulatiun had failed 1.• di.. lle el..rell Ly moving an de. ud.00, t. • jr.IBlake resumed his seat :5t 10:3'), having spoken four hours. Me n 1s atletttively listened to through- out mot ftergnontly greeted with loud ap- plause. p- p!aase. prt'OIaawd to dee. tethr electi•i. ,aa by elacieg the neussnati••m of selurt, i,. etli- YCre eit1.itt tee menet emeriti .,t ti,e liuverum5eut, Inale.t•1 of ru.lulrii t the select:e of .tiro who fr..w thru' 1 •.i:,ua :night 1.e atq.ia.4e•i t.t act ice a jt.lwial teenier. lie pointed out tl, .i.•t teat the 1 iiiguaeir id mho prea.ublu . ...r lii{1 did not patio. es. the remote; . I..u.p.s !lode. aid thsu pr. Bets.:..� to 55.51 .ate hew the iierv.a.•d reerwo itoi u, nrt:ea- untry might have Wen Itiicih Ad.litio1al member,. might have been t.i the eons tie* of E.«1, Kent, Leu,blou, Itnice and Slim -tee mal a u5r,otatr give.. n. the county of Dulferin. This uunld 1,.rr 'flea big bolts without 11:,' ui..elt.tl of the county hound... eireli 4555 "premien as that, ase anything lido it, v Auld de- mand but a s:uglo cham�r in Al: soap of ( int..rio, and require 5.55 suit cutting and carving up as was peptised it this Bill. Tbe bases which tie her. gentle - C -4 ir entle- i-4ir Jodi iai l r'r t:,eSC wide- eprea,i changes Acro tui, m.:rrow alto- gether, and it was apparent that the political map of Ontario hail been altered in such a manner eswould lie most benefi- cial to the li.•verutueut. The principle which W83 now proposed to apply to On- tario 11.W never been applied before, ex• (ept in a limited demur, and in 1872 the lea.ler of the Guvernmeut had in- timated, and it had been pro -echoed vu that side of the House, that the experi- ment would not be repeated. Proper time should have been given for the con- sideration of an important measure of this kind,more especially as the Govern- ment itself was directly affected by 11, in consequence of the hearing it would have upon the appnwching election. The Government was judge to well as party, and this of all measures was tae which should have been hrou,dht down early in the tte•m;•••t. Another reason for full co. ion w.15 that thi% ' ;i :- -r • prm- p,,.•• (. different set of jurors lel., :...re I r• • the Goveniieit he! !ant al,, ... .1 packed jury," Mr. i y- ne.. 'eked. sotto torr, and Sir.lohn made ,•-glass ..f his tilt •..J , okeil laughingly acnes. .lir. Blake continu- ing, condemned the manner' in which the Bill had been prepared,and in scath- ing lsogua;ge ridiculed the changes trade even aper the introduction of the Bill to bolster up the Tory members of Par- !iament. Messrs. Rykert and Reason challenged Mr. Blake to moot them in their cotatituencieu, a challenge which et withve reply that they were braes smo egg men to have their fixed ve constituencies to suit themselves. The Bill was not a(7OCU SRAZIL.) I k,vernmeilt Bill for the redistribution ' The New Compound, its won - of Ontario, but was framed for low party 1 Iderful affinity to tl:o Digestive ends, and aims to use the majority for' Apparatus and the Liver, increas- party purpres. It was a sad commen- I ing the dissolvingvices. reliev. tory o.• the breasts of the last four years 1 ing almost instantly the dreadful This 15111 showed that the Minuteruliets ; results ofDyspepsia, Indigestion, did not feel confident and were seeking by I and the TORPID LIVER, makes legislation t., make upfor the loss indict- Zopesa an every day necessity in ed bythe misdeeds of the last feuryeais. every hoose. It acts gently and speedily in A similar attempt had been made in BILovsness, Costiveness. Head - 1R72, but it had not succeeded any more ache, Sick Headache, Distress a than this would succeed. He was con- ter Eating,Wind on the S' tach. vinced that the people of Ontario would Heartburn, Pains in the S'Lo and resent, as they did on the well-known Back, Want of Appetite. Want of previous occasion, an abutte of high trust. Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car ries offall surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this nut and take it to your Druggist and get a 1 cent Sample, ora large bot- je for 75 cents, ano tell yournei.-h or about it. I N iURANC& CARD. itItITiSH AMS..C'O'Y, TosoNTo-IL.tublishe Isis PiI,ENIX INS. l'O'Y, of Lo.nux IKaglandl- Established 1782. HARTFORD INS. CO'Y. of 51aerruttD, Coss - Established Isl*. Rinks taken in the above first-class Offices, al the lowest rates by HORRACE HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraiser for the CANADA l'KR. LOAN •sD SAVINGS C(YY TojWMTo. Money to Iwrn on first -claw security. roes 7 to per ('end.-Clarges Moderate. HORACE HORTON. Grderich Sept. 10. I»O. SEEDS FOR I882.JI McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ Thanking the p.Wie for R tarots 1 lace * • 1 rn pkaa.ure inst•ilag that Yaave un band a bi A N 11 II A( 1 U it E It S BETTER STOCK THAN EVER Of of eboloe Wheat. Birley, Pena, Oats, Tares l'lut er and Timothy, Pea Vine (lover. Atalku Lsocrne a •.d Lawn Gram. IMPORTED BUCK OATS A Aral ease assortment of FIELD, GARDEN t FLOWER SEEDS selected with groat care front the best seed houses is the country. The hon. gentleman would find that though he might transfer tiien's bodies, he c.euld not transfer their minds, and that though he might transfer vot- ers, in Many cases he would transfer their votes against himself. It was his duty to appeal, not to conspirators who had concocted this measure, but tet gen- tlemen from other Provinces who knew the ties of county boundaries, and to ask them to apply to the Provinces of Ontario the principles they would like to have applied to themselves. The t aunty boundaries by the Bill were violated moat flagrantly. He again quoted the remarks made by Sir John in 1872, relative to the desirablihty of maintaining county boundaries, and said the right hon. gentleman declared he still held these views, but justified his present action on the ground that Mr. Mowat had not followed these princi- plea. The excuse would be absurd even I if true; but the argument was founded on an otter and entire misunderstand- i ing of Mr. Mowat's Bill, which had re- cognized throughout the principle of Traci( .ilark Registered. municipal county representation. Mr. Blake afterwards took up the plea of I ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. COMPTON'S SURPRISE MRN. The beat field corn yet introduced. NEW pOTA TOE WHITE ROME, MT. PATRICK. and WHITE ELEPHANT. Also • good selection of ail other varieties. CARTER'S MAMMOTH MANGOLOS The best and heaviest cropper grown. N. lt. Thorough cultivation and good seed ensures meows in farming. If you want any of the above, 1 have them all genuine. JAMES McNAIR• 101 Hamilton St. LARDINE OIL AND CYLINDER OIL. roar Meds and three diplomas awarded them { year at the leading Exhibi- in the Dominion MANUFACTURERS. And all mea running tnachinery will save moa•J b using our oils. Our LA RI)INE and CYLINDAR OIL has no equal. Facto speak loader thee words, and the public can find out that the foregoing assertions are true, by try ing one ample of our. Oils price; etc.. on ap- plication to McColl Bros & Co Toronto. The lardlae U for sale la Goderlch by R. W. MCKENZIE, G. H. PARSONS; C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN. 1+115-0 ni. THS BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON. J. C. DETLOR & CO Have decided to offer their entire stook of clearing priues, for crab. For the nett 00 days they will sell at prices that will astonish all. COD.¢E AND SEE' THE BARC+AINS_ And you will be son te buy. Their steak is sow complete, their Mr. J. C. Detlor having re - mostly pwreiased is Montreal an immense stock of stale and Fancy Dry Goods at Lowest Cash Prices. MD le vale in Valvetees. Prints by the plea at ler than regular wholesale prices. ('one sad bee those cheap prints. Bargains in check and fancy shirting;, and brows decks. Bigger bargains In brown Holland. The biggest BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS if1d1 Liar is the latest styles in Parasols, laces, Edgings and Embrolderise at nearly half price. Canadian and Scotch Tweeds. French Wonted Coatings. Ladles Clothe and UIsterings at tlaheard of Prices. Thar goods mast he sold. and the prices at which they are placed must clear them eel in a short time. Hosiery at prices to clear. Hata at panic prices. A special this of Towels (pure Uses) at nearly halt prioe. 50 dozen 2 -Button Kid Gloves, import- ed direct. at 15 per cent. ler than regular prices. 50 Tweed Vests at 81.50 regular price $3.00. Goderteb. April 13th len. J- 0_ IDETL6R 8i 00.. •Tse Romixzioss. -4 HAIR RESTORER The C3 -em ofHair Preparations. It removes Dandruff, keeps the scalp clean, and renders the hair soft, silky and glossy ; proutoting the growth and causing it to assume a beautiful, healthy and natural appearance. It Restores Grey Hair, is a Splendid Dressing and an Excel- lent remedy fur Headache. Price 50 Cerits Per Bottle For Sale by GEORGE RHYNAS, Pharm tc. tit:cal Chemist, Market Square Go'.erich. equalizing population, and showed that while ..mo constituencies had 12,000 or 13,000 of a population, others had up- wards r f 25,000, and this sometimes in adjoining counties; in other cares the population of the very smallest consti- tuencies, such as Monck, Haldimand and North Leeds has been reduced. He went over in detail many of the changes to show how it was proposed to "hive" the Ores, and strengthen adjoining cem- stituenciee held by Tories, giving the political effect of earth change. As in- stance after instance of the iniquity of the Bill was brought out the speaker was loudly cheered by his political friends, while his opponents with the exception of an odd interruption from Mr. Plumb, maintained a melancholy %donee. The shameless gerrymandering in Bruce was particularly condemned, and it was pointed oet that only Sir John's pretended principle of equalizing the population was shameleeal] violated in the arrangement of the North and West Ridings, but is the latter con ti- toeocy, by drawing from North and Seth Bruoe and North Huron. • Riding whish, on the basis of the election of 1878, would give a Reform majority of about 1,000. in twenty-five oases were municipalities carried hoes one county into another, and trete-one net of fifty changes had been made in Western On- tario, where it was expected the battle would be principally fought- In ten constituencies where the Reforamrs pm d been "hived" the majorities would fellows :—011 the basis ell the election of 1876—North Brant, 713; Sociis Oxford, 688; !forth Oxford,l,l00; West Ontario, 663; East Bisseoe, fps$; South Middles=, 681; West Breve, 986; Orlstt'e Berne, 446; West :1giis, 46*; Hakes, 990; a total in threaten eorbieseeneise el 6,463, a 'amine i e el *,000 Teta as oessiored with an 4nral n.sbsr of etortitosesiss in which the Tories had bees iropt to- gether Th. ^bjses of thio legislation By casual observation. we And all land speculators have • clear head and watch the ups and downs of property, thus making large fortunes. But the whole secret ill they keep the system ilia healthy condition by the use of TAS riser AS TME VALLRY 111.11111 1S. We ran safely nay that hundreds ermine to us for the great long and blood purtfer before going wed. Read the foliowing statement. We could give thousands of the tame kind if it were neeeeeary. "f certify that 1 was tronble1 with Catarrh in the head, gathering of phlegm to tkethrost, choking and coughing at night for years. so 1 conld not sleep, awn troebses with dell, Me- lee. feelings. prise in the chert ..lid back. After giving hnndreda of dollars to Anton, and giving ep all hopes. 1 tried the Paton or Mx VV Ai.i.rr. and am now able to do my work after ae%en rear's sieknesa" MRS. JASIFft M,NEiL, SIM Intone Street. London. t)nt. EVERY RE.i-=)ER ...brand Lave a copy of the LIFE A11D LEDTV'RES HON. GEO. BROWN, edited bu HON. A MACKENZZE- Ready for delivery in • few days. Orders taken by The Cheapest House 'Under The Bill, JAS SAUNDERS & SON. DEALERS IN— STOVES & TINWARE FACT GOODS and WALL PAPER: Havtag engaged the services of MR. THOS. D. JOHNSON who bas bad w atte e.y.m-.' a 1... ALL; in wKINDin c OFe .n now ORK . On Shortest Notice Satisfaction gsurenteed. In Fancest Novelties.l i we have mew s,r,ia' everreek APoRS l the WALL P WINDOW BI.IND, FANO Y BASH 1 Tom_ And a choice lot of 3Mot123.= CARI.elt3 - VERY CHEAP. NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OPTiCIt. 1882 -SPRING -1828 ODP Sprig !portallons_are Now 10 StccY Every Department is Now Complete. COLBORNE BROS. It *Fords us pleasure, through this Circular, to thank our numerous Custom. for the very liberal patronage extended et us during the two and a half years who we have been in business. Our sales are increasing daily, a sufficient proof that we do our business riki and give our customers good %slue for their money. Our Spring Goods are now all in stock, and presort a completene,ts far in &demo • of anything we have shown before. To meet the griming requirements ef our business, our purchases have le, larger thaw heretofore in every department. We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the New Desi r G -lo_ Sheppard HURON SCHO iL 13O1)K REPOT, GOULRICH. -The shove atatementf of my wife's is cor- rect. Jars. MCNMIL. For Mae by all druggists, manufactured by Prof. A. M Mhrleve.. London, Out. Sample IN cis• ave for 91.00. Can be had in og. b of the foliowin` Amniote: Jobs Ilts.m. ass. wlbw. V. ierdein, 4h1s.t . teas. _.J. ,V ■sena. 710 13O MANITOBA Our 10 Cent Lige is Great Vue FRESH GOOD: n Great Variety, in plain all wools, watered, brocaded and checked, 1os,u 1 In Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Competitic!. We are ale ming a large range of Cottons, Linens, Shirtings, Ducks, Deuinn, 1 Tweeds, All -Wool Tweeds and (tontines. Silks and Satins, Plain and Wat are IN BLACK AND COLORS. IN SMALL WARE OUR .NOCK IS VERY OOIiP[I:l';n' SPRING auk SUMMER SUITSS ALL THE. LATESTSTYLES HIGH D U NLO P The Great Western Railway will run Meir excursions to MANITOBA sad DAKOTA points during Mar and June every two weeks, n ornmencing TIIEB- DAT May, 2nd, 1881. Fares eduoed. For inf.rmatsee, tickets, etc , apply to GEO. B. JOHNSTON Isp•GMl Agent Grail wasters Renewort. 1101.106. April. It 1E11 1111M. Fashionable Tailor, West Street, Goderich. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. � I ADM Rs*AILi, A ROoed s Oede HITECT,opri!tt W �f�' Meek.Meek.K�Mir. at. cvveetd attsrtr'wart tw ucsab ea4 MILLINERY. PARASOLS, HOSIERY & GLOVE Miss Jessie Wilson • Takes pleasure is informing the ladies of Godeeich and vielaity. that she opened out on Saturday, April the 8th A LARGE STOCK OF SPLENDID VALUE. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Highest price Paid for Butter & Egg' C LRC RNP ==CCal -, (,(1111(1 Art Deians Ill Wall Pap r Nr,w :a the time, if you wish one or two Mee rooms et home, 155 .. ewe,' '.• nem pap. He has over • 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Desig , s, Beautiful colon. and at prices leas than Very- much inferior goods. I'ii:l .ind sec them, the) are the boat %slue in town. and must Is• -..Id. TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED GOODS. A fell and One assortment of FLOWS AND FEATHERS- Med.i.cal C+ocieri :h, Th 11161 *tog llaar Pa11iius sash Fashioos, 1to ..t 1:37.7'T1...1.='R'S_ NEW G O O D S ARRIVING AT— TO=N 1 1 AIME STOCK TO SELECT FBoN1 THE LARGEST STOCK OF PRINTS. WE HAVE RIKR MHOWN. FUT"T, LINES OF DRESS C+OODS_ We would call special attentien to our R1ack ('ashmeres, which, for valve. cannot be excelled TIA'I LIOIIR, G,_ A full assortment of Scotch, iriab and l'anaglea weeds n the latent styles. TN and Each noawad. uearaateed. /. Ctla.IT, e.esse. 11.ate .t L•.d.■ SEEDS' SEEDS! JUST RECEIVED AT THE A.d everything In the shape of STEST Nov12z S The ladies are eerdially invited t. iasge,et geed., sal 1 will teem .e Ism. and well .canted work of fresh Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, It a plum to show the ' Roth 1. hulk and to packet,. PerchetaeA trout one of the eldest anal wool reliable red b., es La the IroastaIon. and will be told at ('•ta'osee 1'rl.wa LATEST AND BEST STYLES. I, JORD, Ohemaist and moist. Op.I)P. 1D NV -ORS A PBOIALTY_ WbsMaal• sad Rosati Dealer In Drugs, Caersteele. Dye Red% Bases and onium. tirdtdaae 7MIet Articles. to rPbysleiar' Prear•rletMea rarehtliv 1111111111111 'I set of retch Ball; soke; stet, Bids Icor Vyn and, dish pkin , P. use, elle and des. Mr. lima c- iias tie; e11; les, ISM lu- ait dr. int Ir. Ir. 51. ra. n rs til e, n r. d t;. i 1