HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-12, Page 24 HURON SIGNAL'THU "'lin ffr1oN rLurrEgY. I' Tutt Qulwrvstive con I idate was very Blake will payee to the Irish people! loves rota/ IHew M me I ere cam a dy totic Torry uuttlnwit 1 an:etuuste in his refer*»c to soup throughout Canada wtth what venom the ' ere the \sleit at abate OtLa?turtb et ; o„s oesiou held at W tWth••ut ou i kitukegs, on Ti.esday. In every city in Tory papers hate Ireland 4114411 the Irish. loathe Bquanrei Outari., rue kitchen* were open during__ OODERICH. ONTARIO, I'hersslay u( Iasi week to select . p pe Aadtsd the t three winters, and in (:ederieh, Etspwnaa= in thii, isms w l be found esPatebed to all pae4e of We eurrwwad candidate t.. ounteat the lLJmg at the Piot oeYtry 0ytlse•tllesttisallaadtselw neat .&fissura- Mr. Farrow, M P., •ass during the put qua it curt over the detail* of u terrible tragedy which aOetawe, . a sanitise el the aubi- :1,000 to fend our pay,:. t.eewrred in Dublin, on Saturday last.Iiom uses et shouse were conut•iring to - -- -' On that evening Lou' Frederick Crven- deposs tic a t member. do ember 11 *tale Mr. PurWrsaidtlnatthe triumph dish, Chief Secretary for Ireland, and of the Reformers et the neat election nosing had the wttwtiun become slut 111r. T. flavilanal Burk*, Under Sem- tseant a "return to the exodus," there Mr. Potter, the dentate.' .4 Southnary, were wswinate.i in Phteujx Park, was a perceptible titter in the auiience Lord Caveudlsh had lust arrived in Dub - Hotels, IMO s invited to "Conte over to Thu goad man looked in wonderment aeeieeis (Wistenam) and help us, by lin, and been *wont in as Chief Swcre- over his spectacles, and appeared to be with the view of incepting autcilia- a promiment polttrsan of that town. tslry, Y K shocked at the levity of his hearers tory measures for the government ••f r b.dsec Mr. Porter poured oil on the 7K When Porter is Lela Chet sine* the N. Ireland. The gu�iarsinatjou is a dark troubled waters or not it u nut fur ca to P. five person* have leftGoderich for the say, but the intention was that hu should States dotal, and seems to be of •pert with the "drop Lute Wiughant by accident," said to every one who went in Madotal,evil star which seems to guide kenzie's time, he will see where the be present at the meeting. Dr. Holmes laugh came in '.poor Erin's destiny. Indignation is r,t BrasseL, and Idle. F. W. John/ten, of greet at the fiendish act, and none more ¶1I) HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY . , 1882 lamp flieselis• 001 'newspaper lt bas wspa ear Is UM met et _ i! -ese jeans/de ted t�ois!t. Y t dere, the totwaalag w••wes• In dittes to tba above, • amtly and fl wade paper It ie *herders • - deslr�ttbie ad rer f a,ep wisdiww, T R*s --$1.64 in advance,papaws Y�•ald ►e pub isbers; $1.76, if paid eture elk aesthe. M if not so paid. This rule will be strictly or Aav$zTtstno.- Hight esau ye Ilse tor Miit @ emelt .nt•ee neat Mouttn.throe mats Per --yearly tui .a4 gjterl coatrwcts at reduced rates. Jas Fel es.-• A'e have •lso•Mt-crass 3ebbleg department In can necttem.aY_)Poo��rr��r► tag the most oomplete out -et asibmit tar taming out work In Ooderiolam apsgsred ars de bootees@ in that line at prtaestbalteasrtot be beaten, and of a quality that csasot be earpawed.-Teresa Coni FRIDAY, MAY 12th MIL Gudench, were anxious, it seemed, to play Brutus and Camilla to Mr. Farrow's Julius Caesar. But the cunspu•acy was nipped in the bud, and Mr. Farrow re- ceived the nomination. However, when the rwperts from the municipalities cause before the convention, it was discovered that the Refurmers had gained w largely in the North Riding ajuce 1878, that it was iwpolaible to count upon it as being any longer • safe Conservative constitu- ency, and 14r. Farrow was immediately telegraphed to, that he might use his en- deavors to have the second reading of the Res -distribution Bill postponed, is or- der to enable Dr. Holmes to reach Ot- tawa and explain the situation. This accounts for the fact that the Ger- rymandering Bill was nut brought down for second reading on Fri- day, aid we now wait patiently to see if the importunities of the North Huron Tories will have any effect w far as the further gerrymandering of Huron is con- cerned The plan of division submitted to the Government by the North Huron Convention was as follows: IVIIAT MR. PORTER DID NOT EXPLAIN. Mr. Robert Porter, has much cause to feel pleased at the good tun) cut to his meeting at Victoria Hall un Tuesday evening. The Conservatives were out in full force, and a goodly number of Reformers were among the audience. The Tories went to hear their champion speak, be the subject what it might; the Reformers attended in the hope that Mr. Porter would define his position on live issues, and explain certain anoma- lies which now exist. Of the questions which it was hoped Mr. Porter would take up, but did not, are the following : I. To explain how it was that Mr. Porter, a resident of South Perth for electoral purposes, came before the peo- ple of Goderich and Colborne as the Tory osndidats for their representation when no convention had been held since the gerrymandering of South Huron; and despite the fact that the Conserva- tives of Goderich and Culbtp'ne, by their representatives in convention at Sea - forth, had nominated Dr. Coleman as their standard bearer 2. Did Mr. Porter approve of the ger- rymandering of Huron by the placing of Stephen in Middlesex, Uaborne in Perth, and the southern portion "f Lucknow in Bruce 1 3. Was Mr. Porter in harmony with the idea of being legislated out of South Hurn, where he Lad been for so many e yearn a prominent resident ; and was he in sympathy with the Government which had deprived hien of the opportunity of polling his vote for the min of his choice in South Huron 1 4. Could Mr. Porter point to any tall chimneys or other evidences of prosperi- ty in Goderieh created by the benign influence of the N. P.? " 5. When had the exodusto the United M. HURON Howick Tureberry Morrie Winygham Brussels Myth. Wroxeter W. HURON Asia:tem E, Wawanwb W. .. Colborne • Goderich (ioderich t p. (Clinton. Si. HURON Mullett McKillop Hay Exeter Seaforth .,tenle' Hayfield. Tucker.mithl Tats platform of the Tory tweeting on Tuesday last, looked very touch like a political graveyard, if the number of defeated candidates be taken into ac- count. "Politically dead" secarel to be written all around. First of the de- ceased politicians wa• Mr. Robt. Porter, the defeated of South Huron; then there was Mr. SalnVel Platt, the defeated of Centre Huron; next was Mr. John Davison the defeated of West Huron, and hard by was Mr. David Hood Ritchie, the defeated of South Huron. Mr. F. W. Johnston, a candidate for the politi- cal necropolis in West Huron, occupied the chair. There was an odor of politi- cal graves, tombstones and epitaphs throughout. By the Star of last weak we find that a meeting was held in Mr. Johnston's law office, at which the candidature of Mr. Rubt. Porter as nominee for South Huron was endorsed by the Goderich Tories. The Goderich Conservatives are said to be a numerous nosy, and hew it cemes that they all got into Mr. John- ston's office to endorse the nomination is • conundrum which we leave our readers to solve. The probability is that tight or teal of the tail end of the Conservative party attended the meeting and took upon themselves to endorse Mr. Porter, regardless of the fact that they were only a small end of the party, and not empowered to act for all. This is another instance of the tail attempt- ing to wag the dog, instead of the dog wagging the tail. The upshot of the cpaspiracy is that Bruce and Huron have been kept back, probably for fnrther "carving" purpoees, up to, the time of writing. Whether the division, as proposed by the North Huron Tories, be adopted or set. their pitiful appeal to Ottawa for assistance is a virtual acknowledgment by them that the days of Toryism are numbered in that riding. The Reform Cunventien for the nomi- nation of a candidate to contest the constituency, and which was to have been held en Thursday, May llth, has been postponed, pending the settlement States ceased ? and why was it that so of the riding boundaries. many of his hearers had relatives, friends rills Attltav1 clearness,. and acquaintances in Dakota, Minnow- A special despatch from Ottawa, receiv- ta, Michigan and other American States ea w we go to grew, state that Huron since 1878 1 6. Why was it that the trade of the Canadian ports on Like Huron had fel- above baste len off, and Mr. Lee, Captain Danosy and others of our ship owners had their vessels tied up in pe.rt for want of freights 1 7. How came it that under the N. P. the Beatty Line of steamers, which in past years had two and sometimes three boats per week calling at Goderich and doing a large trade, are now touching position of • member of parliament, who this port with only one boat per week, the snnexationista of Canada really are. and claim that the freight dues net lay An elector un Teeaday night, desired to even for One boat ? . ask the Tory candidate a question on 8. Did Mr. Porter approve o1 the this polnt,but with characteristic unfair- dissallowance of Proeincial legislation, nese neither the chairman nor the and favor the movement to deprive On ' candidate would listen to him. What tario of her autonomyMr. Porter couldn't deny was this: that 9. Was Mr. Porter prepared to lend the chief spirits in the annexation move - has been again gerrymandered, on the K"I10 ARE THE ANNEXATION- ? Mr- Porter chewed a woful ignorance of Canadian political history, when he hinted at the Reformers of Canada being in favor of annexation. Mr. Por- te: ought to know, if he aspires to the his voice and vote to ti.e ill.ut of Quo- went were leading Conservatives. Was bec, see as to lower Ontario in the scale nut Joseph How, Sir John's right hand of Provinces, by upholding the action of man ,frees Nova Scotia, an annexation - Sir John Macdonald in the natter of the ist notf-ratification of the Boundary Award! Are not lair A. T. Galt (Thu, it is said, 10. Was Mr. Porter itlpfaver of the will shortly succeed Tilley as Minister continuance of the,Senate,.as at present df Finance, and "Look to Washington" constituted, and did he approve of spend- Macdougall, a former member of • Tory Wel!: Mr. Robert Porter stated en in =140,000 per annum to perpetuate Government, avowed anncxatii.nists 1 Tuesday evening that the resolution, for that used*** chamber 1 I Mr. Porter should read up a little extension of powers for Canadian corn - 11. Did the wrenching of a surplus of more of contemporary history, and not mercial treaties meant independence,and $4,000,000 by taxation, from the charge the Reformers with sins commit- independence meant annexation and an - people of Canada by Sir Leonard . Til- ted not by their leaders, but by promin- vexation meant destroying the vitality ley, exhibit any closer financial calcul•- ent members of his own political party. of Canadian enterprise and the enervat tion on the part of that gentleman, than If Sir A. T. Galt, whose name is affix- ingof theCanadian people, together with did the deficit of Sir Richard Cartwright ed to a declaration in favor of annexa- the creating of a great and powerful during the depressed state of trade in tion, were to take Sir Lennard Tilley's country which would be inimical to the 1877-781 and would we tolerate a Town place to -morrow, would not Mr. Porter, welfare of the world, and a lot of other Council which would stake a boast of who so vigorously denounced that sen- buncombe to the same effect, he simply having a large surplus at the end of the tiuent on Tuesday, endorse the change l "bit off more than he could chew," -to year, which had been piled up by raising use a Westernism. He (lid not start on the taxes of the ratepayers, when a Tea President of the Port Ho pe Con- a sound proposition, and every secceed- lesser rate could have been levied, and tllervative Association has publicly with- fag proposition was a fallacy which he, both ends made to meet 1 drawu froom that organization. He says "r no one else, could argue out to a 12. Can Mr. Porter point to, any town he supporta the N. P. , but that the con. or village in Huron which has net de- duct of the Denitni'n Government on the creased in pr•pwlatien daring the past Boundary Award and the Gerrymander - years, notwithstanding the beneficial' jog Bill is more than he can stand. working of the N. P. -the Tory "cure- h is such honest winded sten as Mr. all 1" Powers who will ensure the return of the But Mr. Porter did net spode to Reformers to power •t the next election. these matters. He devoted himself to __ _ high-sounding phrases and stale plats- , Tis Prince Edward Island Tury Gov. tudes concerning the beauties of the otnrnent has met with • reverse. The protective policy at a distance and die- Administration supported, and the Op. anee lent enchantment to hie view, position opposed, the National Policy. His spessoh throughout was nicely wont- This is the forerunner of large Reform (I, and given with emotion and studied gains in the Dmmiiloa election There return, ba' Weed tie Aloha ring ars sex seats in Prince F,dward Island to las hoer,. The , for the Commons, anal the Liberals et M Mr. Tartar, { pert to get foot of then}, All the Mar bet that he itfese Proviso -a ed) ge Reform at tis. Paw manor c411111st onl'rrtve.r the S.uur.ley of last week a gebtlen►•!a hula U...terich ttusi hos horse to the poet of Mr. Habkirk s v. r,.udsh. The •n►- oval got frilthtvi ed at t w heelbarrow and started, taking the post with him. The buggy was lett at a harness ►hop in a de - mut -ahead condition. Tt,u horse eso•p•d with a few alight scratches. Mr. Parker, blacksmith, of thi' place, insde and put oft to ohs of Mr. Thomas Ail. with.* draught !Peones, a pair of shoes weighing eight pounds null two ounces each. The old home .vent sway as light as a tee•. filar old. Carlota. WM are glad to learn that Mr. Jobst Young, wle, has been attending Queens College, Kingston, tear the ict•t four years, etas snccectied in getting ii first scholarship ,8100!. He also r tWO CLAIM prises arid los ti 1. JULT IIIYIU1TI01--1888 thoroughly deprecate it than the Sons Fizz, AT, --on Frida; night hest a and daughters of Ireland. Softie there roan sutured the barn of Mr. 9h..was are sof other nation•Ijtiss who would brand the whole nation of Irishtnen be- cause of this dark deed, but they are mistaken in their assumption that the many are responsible for the acts of the few, and that murder and rapine is • national trait of Iriah character. As well might Americans be classed with Guinean, and Scotchrnan with McLean, as to place the loyal hearted Irish 00 a par with the cowardly assassins of Cav- endish and Burke. Tum Conservative candidate also blun- dered on Tuesday when he appealed to the waggon makers, blacksmith% and carpenters to bear him out in the state- ment that the increased tariff had given them more work, and more money for their labor. The Conservative carpenters present didn't cheer; the Reform. car- penters looked upon the speaker as being either a knave or a -fool. The testimony sf our waggon makers is dead against the F.P.; it ruining their business. The tax on coal and iron is, of course. a great blessing (1) to the blacksmiths! Mr. Porter resides in the quiet hamlet of Kirkton, in South Perth, reads the Mail, and therefore knows nothing about the real condition of the mechanics of this town. Mx. FRED JoHNsroN. as chairman of Mr. Porter's one-sided meeting, harped upon the "good times" on Tuesday evening. Reeve Wtn. Campbell, chair- man of the Finance Committee, sat chose at his elbow on the platform, and never mooed a muscle. Mr. Campbell could have told the voluble chairman and the amused audience that the town treasnrery, had paid out over ,11,000 as charity to the poor and unemployed during the past year, and Mr. Camp- bell's friends say he is a close financier. Tha "gond tunes" have not reached Goderich yet, and the reference to thein by the aspirant for West Buren was in keeping with the rest of the clap- trap indulged in by him in his brief and Epizootic among horses and measles very empty speech. I among children are prevalent. 1 Hautiltnii attempting to carry elf wtuo, oats. Being aroused by the dog, one of the lays seized a nate, went outside, and told the utas to •' speed,,' which he re- fused. Levelling his rite he tired, and the utas walked off quietly towards the woods. AN effort is about to be melee Wash- ing to erect a national Hospital at the United States capital, as an appropriate memorial of the high appreciation en- tertained of the valuable services of the late President Garfield, as well as the detestation and horror felt by the world of the crime by which his life was de- stroyed. It is thought the proponod memorial cannot but commend itself to the attention not only of Americans, but of all parties, of whatever nationali- ty who abhor a•uassination, and wish to show their respect for the cause of law and order. The American Consul at this point, Hon. John Hibbard, is au- thorized to sive full information, of the project,tu partdesiring it, and to receive and foward contributions for the object in question. STILL THEY Gu. -Mears. D. and G. McPhee, two of the most highly reatee- ed young nen of this place, started for Winnipeg last Tuesday. Feeling a deep regret for their departure, we wish them a safe journey and every success. Mrs, John Jardine arrived home un Saturday last. She line been visiting her brother in Kingston during the past week prior to her departure fur Uaketa, L'lR. 1' ,CLASS, GRADE "C" NoN. J. e'lloi'kballUNAI. will begla at tha Nor- utal tw:uuul.luruato, kt..twa), July Mk. at 2 y. w. luterutedtste at ,Lc hygb i chuub of for Court,. b.o..ds), Jlay anti, al Y p.m. The prugw ioiial . aaw.ua '0i ter at -M -clan certificates will be u a. tee ceae:lssieit W 1Lc sou-prutessioaal ctamot stick. I hr rtanlnaalUM for that-. ane, stades and "11,' will begin suer the turctu.1Ln of the professional eWananiaia.a. It is tadispeasably u.at candtdatea should autlty the Secretary not hoer emu the gat of Jane, of their itlitt.duun to present tbemsrl. e. fur ctatunwuoph and runtish the necerar) n'rttttaair* utcharacter andservice. Fero@ ut n, flu llu ' e given by tach oandr data pre v,euely, cin} Le ubtaltic d un application to nee secretary. 'roe-hersdeartagto gees the termediatr }ttamitatton Must to particularo elate the High School at which they desire write and the optional subject which they intend t„ take. }'ITER ADAMSON. Secretary. Uoderieh 1. 0. Dtlaloy. Miss Jennie Gardiner and the Misses McPhail, of Porter's Hill, were visiting friends here last week. A casualty befell our jovial friend, jolly Tum, at the forge a few days ago. A novice was striking for him, and the head of the handle flew off and fell upon his foot with great force. He will be laid up for a few days. The Sick Committee was promptly un hand to see after him, and a pair of crutches were lent hint by a recently discharged prtiet.t. Rrneors.--This disease has been overpowered by the force of the " tonic," and the week nurses of the- sick com- mittee are getting a touch needed rent. 801 ovine. Mr. Geo. Graham has changed his mind and he is not going to Manitoba as he intended. James Graham is moving his barn, and intends to put in a atone foundatein and make an underground cellar. Thomas Connell has just returned from his trip to Manitoba and Dakota. He has bought 160 acres in Dakota and intends moving there next week. Colborne. It is rumored that Mr. J. C. Le- Tousel has leased his farm to Mr. Mc- Millan, and intends raising tobacco. Can such really be the case Mr. R. Wannacott has leased the Wade property, which IA now in the hands of Molson's Bauk. Mrs. George Butt has returned front Michiga,i to her parent's home. She is veyy low with consumption. Rev T. Broad, B. C. Minister. intends leaving this circuit at next conference. It is not yet known who will fill his place. carries sok was th Let wee tires the adreelltfe We regret to announce the death of Miss Mary Emma, only daughter of Rev. T. Mason, of Lindsay. Mary was widely known here, and the bereaved parents have the sympathy of the com- munity. LeeQGrn. h 0, G. '1'. -At the Net regular meet - of I. 0. G. T., 213, the following officers were installed for the coming quarter : W. C. T,, Bm. W. McManus ; W. S., Bro. H. Horton ; W. F. S., Bro. P. Stewart ; W. T., Bro. J. Linklater ; W. M., Bro. J. Strong ; W. D. M., Sister Burke ; W. J. G., Suter fan ; W. 0. G., Bro. J. Hall ; P. M. C. T., Brc. A. Cowan. The attendance at last quarter was very good. The Temper- ance hall will be let for political meet- ings at a reasonable figure during the successful conclusion. Mr. Porter as- campaign. There wa. a large attendance of young semen too much, and should confine i people at the Presbyterian church last himself to facts. (Sunday to hear the special sermon reached by the Rev J. A. Turnbull, un A awna of the Tory papers are now B. A., on the scripture contained in hinting that Mr. Blake, by his speech on the Irish resolutions, is responsihle for the assassination of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke in Phoenix Park, Dublin, on Saturday last. if the journals are silly enough to believe the Irish resolutions had anything to do with the matter why dent they throw the MAelasr. blame !even the shoulders of Mr. Coati. gan and Sir John lllaedonald, the former for introducing the reselutions, and the latter for allowing them to paw, after Mr. Blake hail aelivered his mas- •erly speed Thu leaf attack upon Mr Matt R. 33. The discourse was a very suitable one, and at the close the preach- er made a strong plea for the Sunday ticheul. The new hymnal was used for the first time at the service. There was a fair attendance at the opening of the Sabbath school, and we expect to sea it largely attended during the wean Stothera lvavldaow. -Ott the rv.ninngg of the lett inn . at tis• resedea -e of the bride's fath- er. a the Rev. R. W. Leitch, Mr. Rambo, of Clinton, to Mies eare hs► R. sec- iii'mobter of Mr. Robert Ilavideoe, of DeNpeaase. Mata• Harris, --/a Wpseliaat. os t he 7th iaet., Mary Wined wVe of fir. Wm. Harriet Aidellakt epee fe yams sed 1 menet►. Dom• Mr. Wm. McArthur, is authorised to re' oeive subscriptions for 'IHS HI' MON S1UNAL' and give receipts therefor. Inspector Miller 'visited the Duugan- nou Public schuuls on Thursday, May 4th. Mr, Finlay, tailor, of this place, took his departure from here un Monday, May Lt, t.• seek his fortune in other clitsee. The Methodists of this place purpose holding a barser here, un the 24th of May. A concert will be given by the choir in the evening when a good pro- gramme will be provided FOR SALE. f11HE nt l;SCulBKR, FINDING The, mole attention will be required this sow oar u the 4.111 sgetnel t of the Bit; Mit sr., wit dksaw 0* at prupiity known wis "VITINT>3;ii I31=2ANCE3," situated on the Mu ,. t;ravel Read, consisting id a capital boom. ,.1 let. r..ums, wltb voran dal, ou tau saloon, b,, e dr v egg b..eseOOxYY, slahbug ter ten Lure's. w sed shed, etc., tunetb- er with one and halt sates rscelltat garde', well lased. 3 he premises are all maw sad In first -dams order. 1 u a good ova so reason- able oiler will he 'titian et. A v to J. J. W NoOtegr, ',s�tst aeasM 11.0. April 21st.11182. VOL SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. list NTT or HI' now. l By virtue of • Writ To carr : t Fiord raceme, sued su of Her Majesty's (hurt of the County of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of Hugh McDonald and Mary Jane McDonald at the suit at WUglam ('oats. 1 have seised and taken in exrcwtlos all the right. title and interest and equity et rrdemp dun, of the above monied detesdants la and to the north ball of lot number ten, In the third concession of the township of Morrie, in the county of Huron. rontaining 101 acres of land, wore or less: which lands and tene- ments 1 shall off' r for male, at my omt* in tbs Court HoWIPP , all the Town of Goderich, on FRIDAY. TICE lab D.11.OF JUNK. next, at the hour ,if twelve et the clock, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Siberia's' Herm. Sheriff's (Wee, Godcrlch. Marsh Sth, Plat I.M.tNS- ENTS ItT.a1NM&ST. -- -The members of 1882 SPRING 1882 the Methodist Church clear will give an entertaininritt here ou the evening ef The subscriber won't draw the artentian of the 24th inst. The programme will be the pul(ic to his good. and we trust there will be a large] attendance. It becomes our painful duty this week to record the death of the wife of Mr, Wad. Harris, of Arettield. Deceased had igen ill for some weeks at 11•ingham, and passed away en Sabbath last. The re- mains were conveyed here on Monday. On Wednesday evening, May 3rd, Miss Sarah Davidae.tt of this place was married to Mr. Stephen Stuthers, of Clinton. The happy couple ehurly afte• took their departure for Clinton, follow- ed by the best wishes of the community in general, and by the sad looks of wane of the young follows in particular, Presbyterian Sabbath school was re- opened in the 1/range Hall nn Sabbath last, with an attendance of thirty-nine schularu, and a flair number orf teachers. It is a pity that ti:'e ' .•.d people of the head of the Presbyterian cengregation here can't see to what extent they are standing in thein' own light by not erect- ing a new church in this village. Quarterly iueetiu„ services were held in the Methodist church here on Sab- bath last, Rev. Jas. Caswell, pastor, preached a very itnpreesive and appro- priate sermon from Leriticils xiv. 1-7. tea large and appreciative audience• and a large number remained to partake ,.f the Sacrament. Bazatr ----The Dungannon Ladies' Aid Society are making exteneive prepare- tjonA for it bazar. which they intend to open out on the _4th inst. Foremost amongst the many 'handsome anti useful articles offered for sale will he their fa- mous autograph sella, which will doubt - ices brio, a god price. y The small bey has tire.} of marbles; and ns- as the shades ..f toighit draw nigh he may be seen aroucd w ith a long pile surmounted by a spear threading "his sinuous path towards the creek in search of suckers. He is seen going in great number's; but an average of one sucker to two of the email boys is a very good catch. a:aderk b Markets. (lOOWcnl, May II. 1882. Wheat, (FallI 1! bush. 11 26 fir $1 28 Wheat, tSprin Its bush. .. 1 25 to 1 32 r 2:, us ti 50 042 10 044 0 75 07.i n 66 l4 W 0 Ift 0 11 0 11 1 00 . c 71 . 140 020 3 50 00 • la 7 2,'t 4 In Flour. P barrel.... . . Oats. i bush ........ . Pena• i bush . ........ Harley. r bush... .... Potatoes 81 bush . Hay, to tea ........... . Butter. IF v.... _ ....... lrggs, T dot. !unpacked) C eeee, Shorts. P cwt Bran. i cwt .... ('hop. ac cwt ... Wool Wood.. Hiders Sheepskins Dressed Hogs Heel as 0 76 M 065 M 1S 0. w 020 N 0 12 0 12 • 160 0 1N 150 " s l3 360 (0 " I ddlea '.7 yt.. THE COURT OF REYISIOI FOR TOWNSHIP OF CJLBORNE Will hold ata and sitting nu RIDAY, M A 919, 1887_ (oevtmeacing at 10 o'clock. a. m. All part tea Interested are requested to at- tend. J. A. McDONAOH. Man (71erk. MAiTLAND HOTEL, GODBRICH ONT. The above new aad first-class /MOM. clow ie the Railway Station and enwvenlent to Ude town, is Geese& to none in Ontario. for com- fort and aeeematodsitinn, ie heated by HM Aft, of aaul*R sums. awteenc mart. (lweset Lawn need garden en the promisee. Hot and rola meals at all hours, for travellers, An Omsehes to and trove haste sad ears css- e4aetly is att.wdasn.. Jno. Hropunaa Pro - akar tlonsoriat w, KNIGHT PIiLL1101IiCCA]mei Berstre AJ( ovalyss 1k ttod.•t rle0 Ns 1 oneviwtt paveev. 180 seer 14r (iAler STOCK OF SEEDS. The largest that has ever been brought iglu Goderich. coinprislag: Red (;lover Seed, Al - sack and %t bite }'.over, large Pea Vine Clo- ver. Timothy need, Orchard Gram, Flax Sexed, Hungarian and Millett. Buckwheat, Lost Na- tion. and several other kinds of aced wheat. Also t'rown Peas. Marrwwfats. and ober grades. Every description of weed mita A full line of garden and field seeds consisting of Swede Turnips. Mammoth Mangoles, Red and White Carrots; also garden pout, com- prising Mc Lesa's "Little Gem," and all other varieties; Early and Sweet Corn: and general garden seeds of every description, all fresh and goodfrom the celebrated firm of J. A. Bruce k l'n.. Hamilton, tint. 1 have also on hand a large quantity of around oU cake whish cannot M surpassed ter cattle food. Call early and secure a (-hole.. Terms the most reasonable in the trade. 8. SLOANE. Turner of Hamilton and Victoria streets, Guderich. hese ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL LONUSNIIKRRY, CLAS- GOW, SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS MAIL STEAMERS - SEASON 188e -- Cabin. intertnedialc and Steerage Tickets at oweer RATS& Stet rage Passengers are booked to London. Cardiff. Bristol, Queenstown, (terry, Belfast, Galway and Ola -stow, at same rates as to Liverpool .. $50 CABIN. MALIFAN, Pt11;T1.ANI) or BOSTON, to 1.1VI•:RPOO I.. $100 RETURN. Hasid* Rooms, Under Saloon.) SIIMMER SAIL.INa8: Front Quebec. ttaturday. May 13 20 1'ircassian.•27 Nova Scotian v June 3 Parisian " 10 Sarmatian " 17 Polynesian " 24 Tern vian July 1 Circassian " 8 Sardinian " 15 .. 29 Aug. 5 A .. 20 Sept' I'olynesian. Peruvian Parisian Sarmatian. Polynesian 1 Peru tan ('ircassian Sardinian Tarlatan Starma11an 1'08/r neair n. Pertivtan. Circassian. Sardinian. Parisian. Sarmatian" .. 21 Polynesian. " ! Pa•avian . Nev. Circassian it O ct. 7 " 14 For :i . ail every Information apply of H. ARMSTRONG. Agent. Moetreal Te.legrapb 1831-3m. ()Mee Oed.rleb. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATICS MAIL RTZ.AM)ZRa Sall Werk 1 y to mid hew Ynag mon GI. *MOW , via abia Pnaoagge. SO le $a0. Necon 1 Cabin. $40. Refers steerage peareagers booked at Panesget 1seds5oe •toesearenoons ow Mare Dam i'aaaengen honked at lowest rate' to or DM Germany. Italy, Norway, Swedes, Dwane!, he. ForRook of 'Tours la 8eotese&," t's.. apply to NRNDRRBON • ark lar Naw . Otee MRS K. WARNOCL111111. $is -�` %ilstate. 1 IOIIBE, AND LOIS NOS. al ASP 7l eeewr @f �/e1�fs ams r weoi.»irJL C. Ovwnra awed@ . Ike town of *lei a•hr ads PLOW POINTS MAai' PL(lw Poi reel clog BE fled at the premise a IRs f$ebeertbev 'r 1 11ro21. 11-00 J. W. WEATHKRALD, I oraar of North *fowl oral 0 ,e tsgwa' •. lost eneh Spell fn IML 11111.: