HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-12, Page 1• c***).' DEVOTED Y" c LINTY NEWS THIRTY-FOURTH yK l I. WHOLE NOMMHh:lt 11'3.>. • new Adverttseaseats %Call Paper. -Janina tattle. The Oreat Harlington Itau:c. Helfer•. Strayed. John Tann. Alma Line. -Harry Armstrong. r'atlt•:tic P11b J. C. Ayer 3 t'u. Murtaiage Sale. - Seeger 5. Murton. (iox'.erich High School. I1. 1. Stracg. Court of Itevielon. J. A. McDoetagh. Fur Sale or to hent. -Geo. 11. Johnston. Farm for Sale by -%Solan. John Muscly. sro.en and Tinware. -James Saunders & Ron. Dentistry. NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- h doors b lo.v Hunk of Montreal, oie r. 011osand residence. West oddo- Itch 17571 L'DWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- D (MON, date with Trotter & Caesar, the Iceding Dentists of Toronto.% All operations neatly and careful) performed. Rooms. Bea - ...r 111u. k. CLI, roN. trPatieuta from a +stance will please make appointment in ad- s,. r by nisi). 18.12 She People's Column. IDRESSMAKING. - THE MISSES H1$S5T take this opportunity of an- r•uunciag to Hu ladies of Goderich and vieln- i y that they have secured ruonts over Geo rg- A.Lewun'a store, where they wall carry un the business of dress anti mantle making. Rav- ing had several years experience as fashion. able dressmakers• they feel confident that the can r y give osrfect satisfaction, to all who may favor them with their orders. Apprent- ices wanted. lll7ri-Im FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -THE 1' premises known as the Tecumseth Halt Wu with Mock. containing one steam pan 60ft and one iron pan 50ft in length, with *lltuther oppor:uui•ies for making salt in good ruining orer. Working Capaett 100bla per daday clear prtoprice ft. wtpply Sille toGto. barrel. 190a P. O. Box 70. Ooderich. L"ARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION. - That valuable tarm known as pert of 1,1 8, Maitland con.. will be sold by public auction, if not previously disposedof. on ifunday, the tab of May. The tarn] compri- ses IA ares part of which is an excellent or- chard of eight acres. the rernalnder being pas- ture toad. It is situated about 2t miles from Godes**. stud has erected upon it two driv- ing homes and a stable, cowshed and necess- ary out -buildings. For further particulars arp1yto W. Y. WALK[a, :t1 Notre Marne s•reet. Montreal, or to John Muscly, (lode- -Leh. WANTED 6, W ANTED T �r d . References requir- Legal Notices. 8 en and $10 per ERV.1NT W - t Immediately a ggeeneral servant. Must be good cook and laundress P • ltsrraane, en agem t, - month. Apply to on. OAartow. May tth 1882 1881 Strayed Animals. • HEIFEICS STRAYED. -$TRAYS Frain the premises of subscriber, lot [Ofh cum.t , western division of ('olborn )neAbows white e w thof roain aboul. lost t the ckltann head. and the other red. with some whit spots. Information leading to their recover will be suitably rewarded by the owue Jon* Tirrix,Y7arlow P. 0. - 18111 -it Loan_ S _ _ ant) insurance. l' fONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS T 1 lend on easy terms in suets to suit bor rowers. ALex. Mel) ALLAN. Ouderieh, Nov. 17th 11 L 1413-1ta. *500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO lei*CAMERON, HOLT bt CAMERON, Gode 1759. 15,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES e TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. 1. DOYLE, Goderich. _ 1731 60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Farm or first-class Town •t8pee cent. Apply to R. ftADCLIF EProperty5 GODERICII, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 12, !,$,S . AND GENERAL INTELLIGENC NEWS ABOUT HOME l[cG11.LICUD1)Y BROS. PCatls saw 11.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ENTRANCE ExAHINATtoa.- -The exam- I Mi. ti. II. Johnston,. agent G. W. R. Alain illeamem nation fur admission to the G School, here., un th'r71t1t • xnagal of the St. Paul e 29th and :10th of .E Alanitobx Ry., that all is clear and June, Person intending t.. try for the I trains again running reguh].ly. The exarnivatiun should scud their names f in rid rtxb ntfunns us !,n hes recery 1 t l D ".� chlel'samang ye talo ' H h 5ch 1 ilii Au' teith he'll urn WN TOPICS. n note,., Ig ex, sillbe held to the Centtul i from th (' b1 a e e{(ram rat he 1 1I a. ei y I Si: yeah expert n, in photographing. •z- I .t dare the 26th Inst. i day tow Deli inst., as advertised. plains why r. p Geo. i E Reboot'. 51 r. E. L. r J I wen's manager, succeeds eo admirablvuhin Tlt turning out strictly that class work. Copy- - ing and enlarging done is all sizes. Notice is hereby given that under a writ of !"ca Ex, the property known as the Park Hogue, will be sold at my otnue, by Sheriff's G sale un Saturday the 1316 day of May next, at _ the hour of 11 o'clock noon. Robert Gibbons. The artot picture taking to greatly advan- cpeed slime int the likeness Benjamin West undertook to has the newer( wand llbest appliances a his studio, and if you want a goo.) photo.' give - him a cal. PrtoTe TION 50x Tint WoRwiNa MAN. - James Saunders & .yon, protects the interests of the workibgman, by giving their goods at low prices, and treats all alike, who have the ware at lh to owesthin town, are selling have and large stork of wall paper and baby carriages, for which no reasonable offer will be refused. The Cheapest Rouse under the Sun." TOs 111 (treat Western excursion will leave Tues - to Mr. Strang before , .01 amount TO LEND IN ANY cent. 1'rmi ate undi.borrowers Apply o at o64 and MOxTO.N, Ooderlch, ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 11 amount of Private Funds fur investment vt lowest rates on prsiclaas Mortgages. Apply to (JARROW & PROUDFW'r. DANS FREE OF CHARGE. - J Money to lend et lowest rates, free of any costs or charges. SEAGER 4 MORTON. opposlts Colborne Hotel. Goderich. 23rd March 1881. 17 79. t PER CENf. -THE -CANADA V Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farm security, at six per cent. Ful particmarsAlvan upon application to HUGH HAMILTON, C. 1.. agent, Ooderfch. 17!15. gi20,0e0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgogee purchased, no Commission charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable, N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one de if title is satisfactory--DAVISON & JOHN. 9TON. Barristers. dee.. Guderich. 1731 rD RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, I v Lite and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing Ono-elass Companies. Also agent for the CANADA Little 8TrCg t.'tst•RAN(-g Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or Farm Property. in any way to suit the borrow- er. Office -Gm -stairs) Kav's block. Goderich. • 1837-21. TO LET. - TWO COMFORTABLE Houses on Stanley street. aeleaceut to the Weare. For further particulars apply to Mon. gtootxos, Stanley St. 1837.21 1ARRIAGE AND BLACKSMITH 'hops for meteor to rent, in the village of Myth. There are on the premises • good rriage and blacksmth shop. click e'40i8e, and and one ctwo stores blgh. WO! be said on ter reasonable terms. A•mrms e. HAMILTON, 131rthe Ont. Myth. Ont., April 13th. 18*2. 1831 -it. r e0 gENT. -- A COMFORTABLE 1 liouac o., south Street. containing 8 r.oms. kitchen and pantry, with hart and s3tt water. Apply to GEJ. , c.11al1oN. 1833-tf. , C. WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL t rJ restage free for the balance of 1881. -rl.seribeat once, and get full benefit of this .offer /CORT(AGE SALE OF 33 LOTS IN lel PORT ALBERT. Hy Verdict of the power of sale •ontainsd in a Mortgage from Elizabeth B. Weise and Julius Weise to the Vendor Iwhich Mortgage will be produced at the time of sale./ there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by J. C. Currie. Auctioneer, at hisauction rooms. In the Town of (loderich, on the 6th of June, 1881 as W2 o'clock, noon. 35 contiguous lots, in the South part of the town plot or Port Albert. know as the property owned by Mrs. Julius Wise. It contains 17 acres of excellent level land, 1 with nearly new frame dwelling house, and good orchard. The property is in every - way ae mast desirable une for a residence. market garden or small farm. Very liberal and easy terns of payment will be given. Title perfect, and tmmesiiate p,essesslon dr^^ For paste -Mars a�,p1 signed. Dated 5th May 1821. y t•, the under J. C, cuestas. SaAugx 4- MORTON 1838 -td Auctioneer. Barristers Goderich NOTICE TO CREDIT; iRS. We regret to learn of the continued illness of Mia Aitkins. The cows are pasturing on the square. Where are the authorities ! Mr. W. E. Doyle, of Alpena, Mich.1. is in Gown visiting relatives. Mr. W. Knight, the knight of the razor-, has gone prospecting to Mani- toba. Rev. J. W. Sutton, M. E. pastor, has leased the large brick residence of Mrs. Cattle. On Monday last, Mr. P. O'Dea snow- ed us a strawberry plant Wee down With luscious fruit. Mr. Morton, of the fine of Morton & Creasman, has been dangerously ill u congestion of the lungs. The first load of lumber for Willi e Lindsay f'.ut came to hand last 11 an enlarged and unproved form It has new adopted the eight•paste style and is a first clam newspaper from a literary and mechanical standpoint. It bean evidence of prosperity, and We wish it a lung cuutinuauce of the same. Mr. Henry Martin, who recently re- moved to Exeter, received a heavy blow on the head from a bedstead which he wa.a handling. The blew happened to fall upon a spot where a tumor had been cut out, and it was feared that the con- sequences might be serious. We are glad to hear that he is not now much the worse for the accident. Mr. Jaynes A. McLaren, an old Gude- rich boy, now traveller for Orr, Harvey to Co., wholesale hoot and shoe dealers of Hamilton, gave us a call on Saturday. During his four years residence in tee Ambitious city, Mr. McLaren has "stretched" in height,and the strapping young six f Iter was hardly recognized by old friends. He likes Hatuilton. week- t . 1 CONSERVATIVE MEPlTIN We are asked to request parties driv- ing into the courthouse square to close the gates when entering; and leaving. Otherwise cattle get Into the enclosure and injure the young trees and do other dame to ns visittiinng the Parrk aro desired tell cies* the gate after then, un every occassion, for fl the same reas,m. It should be the wish f I of every law abiding person to keep our ; parks neat and clean. 1 (;oop C.arrts.-Mr. R'. McLean gene- rally manages to buy the best cattle that are to be bought, and those delivered here fur him this week were no excep- on to the rule, as the following will how: -R. Waite, -2 steers and cow, 4750 s.; R. Scott, cow, 1400; J. Brown, 2 P steers, 28.10; E. Lear, 7 head, 10260; T. w Elliott. 2 head, 2860; W. Ball, 4 head, 6370; W. Ball, 5 head, 7530; John Gov - Mr. I i ler, 4 head, 5300; H. Radford, 5 head, 0 6210; Jas. Campbell, cow, 1410. -[New ( f Era. ( e We regret to learn that Mr. W. Hib• tt bard, son of Hon. John Hibbard, Ameri- h can Consul at this port, who recently be .t'"Murray arrived on Wednesday last fram Blind River ray the schooner Ni- na. We hal the pleasure of seeing the ti smiling face of Capt. A. E. MacGregor I a on Saturday last, on the first trip of the I lb Manitoba. RHUBARB.- Mr. Wm. McCaig has oar thanks for a gift of early rhubarb. It was the largest and best we have seen this season. 33RD BATT. --The 33rd Huron battal- lieu will go into camp at Carling's farm, London, on the 14th of June, and re- main there„12 days. The Goderich SIuxAL is down un t118 bonus system, and with good reason. It. Is unjust in principle, and very often in- judicious In practice. Sometimes the results are beeefisial. We have supported the granting of a tonus to two iudustriea of this town, sad still believe. it was G. prudent to do it ao the time. Neverthe- ' lea the thing is wrx.ng 01 most oases, and we would wrongly favor an act to take away the power filen tuunicipslitiee • of b,nusine iudeetries or even except - of fug them from taaatton. The tub that ton cannot stand on its bottom, has not bet- e4 - n' enough to stand on. l f a malt's Maine's will not pay well enough to enable hint to lay his taxes, it u too poor a trade to put money into, and if it will pay Nell euaegh for that purpose the town ought not to pauperize him by its misplaced charity. The trouble hes been that if one town wits not bonus, another will, and 'human unhealthy rival- ry is kept up that results in less, injustice and injury eventually to meet of the parties cmcerned. Let the power grant- ing bonuses be taken away. ---(Waterloo Chronicle. Mr, Poster Iirrsre be Lipner', or (:edeetels is tddrrs b) tae Tory ('aadidate Mr. Robert Porter, the candidate the Conservative party in South Ida held a meeting in Victoria Hall on Tu day evening. There was a good attend- ance of the electors. on inotiorit Mr. F. W. Johnston was called to the chair, and briefly introduced the speaker of the evening. Mr. Porter, on coining forward, was warmly greeted by his friends. He o�tened this remarks by 'paying a high tribute to the geographical pusitiou of Goderich, its beautiful appearance, and its continental reputation as a sump resort. He was before the electors as candidate for their suffrages, and t meeting was called so that he nlig have an opportunity of becominst a quainted wit%, the electors, as he was str.tnger to many of them. At the 1 election, he said, the question befo the electors which decided th - fate , the party then in power was the N. P At that time it was on its trial, and w to a certain extent a shatter of specul tion. During the past three years however, it had been tried, and no it was once more to bo weighed in th balance. The speaker then went on t dilate un the beauties of the pr./teeth. system, and cited the ''States and Bel glum as examples of how countries coal ler Lis ht c- a The following is the report of school ant Inspector Miller on. the evening clasaee » trader the auspices of the Mechanics In ,s atitute, and is highly complimentary. Godericbt May ebth 1882. an. Silt, -I have the humor to enablers re- a- port on examination of pupils who at - tended classes in gook -keeping and' w • Drawing during this year. e I think the results ace very satisfactory o to pupils and teachers, and I think the e Directors of Goderich Mechanics' Insti- tute are to be congratulated on their first effort in this spheres of action. j have the honor to be sir, your abed'% servant. .T. R. Miller, 1. P: S. Duewl.4o. Lt A. Andrews, 2nd M. Cookm•runf M. Weehaate.• Instigate teeming- tLresrs, be developed by means of a protective tariff. Canada had prospered under the N. P., money was. plentiful, aad work was easy to obtain. Ile challenged the mechanics arid laborers, if during the aat year they had not been able to ge ork whenever they felt like working This challenge brought from the work ng men ..f the audience a grand• chore f "No, No, No ! and it aeemed that se ar as this item was concerned the speak r had ventured ata unfortunate aner- on.) Continuing, Mr. Porter said that e was sorry Goderich had not felt the neficent working of the N. P., and oped times would improve. After ex - oiling the good that had Seegmiller, 3rd K. Bali: 000K-KBEPpyec, - lat •1'. A.Rhynas, 2nd Janice- Heade, e1314 Geo. B. Moore,. 4th R. 11 Merida, 5th A. Weatherald, 6th Bella IratcheU Average 57%. The Goderich District meeting in con- h e nection with the Methodist Church of -1i Canada, will be held in Clinton, on the bra 23rd "and 24th inst. - def The town band has postponed its con- ho cert until about the middle of June, I cee when they hope to be able to offer a po programme. 1 wh At Wingham, on last Wednesday, he John Reid was tined $500 and senten-1 ced to intpriaonment for one month for , wh the illicit manufacture of wLisky. ' W. Dr. Roseburgh, of Toronto, the well- known oculist, will be at the residence1 f Mr. J. R. Miller, Guderich, on Satur- 1 day, the 20th inst., and will receive nt to San Antonia, Texas, for h salth, has not been benefitted greatl the change. On Saturday last h ether. -Mr. Fred Hibbard, of Chicago t for San Antonio to bring the inveli me. Consul Hibbard, purposes pro ding at once to Chicago fur the pur ose of removing his son, u, G.derich ere he hopes ice will, improve i alth. Aec[,ueNT, -1 In Saturday evening ile sitting in the house reading, Mr. L. Newt is M:,4 gnu t(. Inge ie country as a whole, from his standpoint, he alluded to the increased import trade, d and quoted figures from the Trade and Nayigatiun returns to show that the N. - P. had not discriteinited against Great . i Britain. The surplus was then held up e as an illustration of what had been brought about by the protective tariff. He did nut intend to go into all the sub- jects on the present occasion. Ample/ opponent would be given him to seal with th - fa pursuance of Chapter one hultdred and Patients. , seven. section thirty four, of the Revised -ta- totes of Ontario. Notice is hereby iv en that In the supplementary estimates Mr. S. Platt figures for $22,500, this being the amount awarded him by the High Court of arbitrator%) in a suit of Platt vs, hos the Crown. aqa Legal. all creditors and others haring claims against the estate M John Paamore late of the town -- IS of Goderich. in the County of Huron. and LA Attorneys. BARRISTERS,'cey &csmith, Province deceased. Ontario.wagon departed this lifehon r Office io the Court House. G,derleh. about the fifteenth day of April last are re - IRS !Awls. M.A.. B.t•.t. E. N. Lswre, ltld). HARROW & PROP-DFO(1T, BAR quare- to send by Trost, prepaid, or to deliver to Messrs. (:arrow & f'roudfoot, Selicllors for Emily Pasmorc. of the town of (;odcrieh. aforesaid. widow, the Executrix of the last !OSIERS, AttorneS, !oliettors, etc Will and Testament of the saitl deceased, on (loderieb. J. T. (Jarrow, %%. Woodrum. 1731 or before the flfteenth day of June next, a statement containing their names end ad- L. DOY' dresses, end full particulars of their claims of • Attorney. Solicitor in Chancey Qc., i any. f mentioned. the Raid Goiterich„Ont. J. Ener Executrix will data fast! 1751, Exe.•utpita-fllproceed todiatribate.the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties en- -1 EAGER TBR �MORTON, B� R,R�I�S- laimstnf�whi.-h noticritha� aheenlRl‘1,r% nuiae r•� lJr., t J. A. Morton, q'tttgy BLE, BARRISTER AND the Re( uritis•, r held by n and that C, 8sager h ' haat. 1731. \�+ MALCOMSON, BAI.RisTER AND ► J Solicitor. Of !ci•-_Const at %Vest street ane) Market square, over tieorgr Acnraon's. Goderich. 1731. CAMPION , ATTORNEY - A T- . LAW. Solicitor in Chancery Convey- aaoer. Re. iQWIse over Sheppard'', chancery, iinder(uh, T►rtt. Any amount el money to Man as lowest rates of interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Banissert4 eeltelfass In Chaneerv, are„ 0. Cameron. !d, d Cameron, E. t'j.���� ,acme. G,.terich. W. F. Isles a �ba• 1751. 3 ebical. DR. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, (Let. 1812 t R. MCDONAGH M.D., PHYSIC. lf. IA N. st'ROEON, kr., Oradttate of Tor- reon University, Licentiate of the Royal ('ol- . of 'bi.lclra s, 1.0114011, England. i . C. 1� 1' Ontario. OR oe and resider". t to Malley'% Hotel. Hamilton street,od- enen. 172-e6rn DR i11cLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- L, (*eraser. (Ore and reeidenee as Entre torn•%, set•sa/ deer west of Victoria *Ret. 1751. O. MACK/D. M. D., PHYBP sad Aossgeber,Oredust Ni• e . t'1*' la VEII! SHANNON R HAIttiLTON, tngeela+w� residence. near the Jail. ttederieh. 0. C. ada*wosl, J. C. Mann: root. Net. Y.B. , (SUCCESSOR of Oaterto T�- tan Vevy ate ofe ana�aa f• e chis en Vow tetlretl,MAriwlOmeettit d ��� Hwte1. N. R. items, .!alai b to spend nes.. 1,M. hits*" 111.. 1 C. t'i RRiE,THF. PEOPLES ACC ","-FTP 00d..r!..t, ft,,. 1181 shot a required: and the Bald Executrix will aot be !.able teethe sale tweets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose elalm. notice shall not have been reneived by her said Solicitors at the time of mach distri- bution. Solicitor for l' mily' Pamtore, E(x Tut ri x. Dated at Goderi. h. this Inn May A. D. 188:. IRtlit ORTGAGE SALE OF A VALU- OvF A HFIELiAMA FARM IN Th F. E ('t)tUNTN'H05 HURON. under End by virtue of a tower of Rale ron• tallied in a certain in'lentnre of mortgage whieh will be pioduced at the time of sale, made by .tames Finn. There will be sold by public auction, h John (', Currie, auctioneer, at Delonggs Hetet-. In the rinse* of Port Al- bert, on Taesday. Ilse mut day of Way Inas, at 12 oclock, noon. the following valuable farm property. viz The South gulf of the South half of lot number three to the fifth cnneesslon, western division of the township of Ashaeld, in the County of Huron. eontain- taa Arty acres of land. more nr les. of wbk•h 30 sires are cleared, fen •cyte and in a fair Mat. of ctiItivstk,n. and the reutv,ind„ria Miah land wooded with hard "sod and Armlock. and iwe s rapabta ofwtlty eloared. Thr buildingemssiete of • dwetim.t house 18x11. The maks egg teas et good timidity. fhb farnt M v ataaeemdlr Mewed. being 12 mines from the Saga el ti.wterieh, wtbia half a mtle et the gran„1 rmd. fears nederlea b Ktitearettne. and 1mew e1ebVI sof Mit7falra1811/K�M1Rsai�s►771tr�a eos,wlwwfeotsrttatag7M)er.taAlllsaeyt-%k r A1aae'WOW way. et the eaaoaiei atala f t iaf ir�la2�,{y�� 7a11dt D. 1Med. "r..tae. efff O awAow ♦i*Mraele/r. Vender's s161M1M.- begat tnr te ear K ROA A. 4. A art r • I !'1 ODERiCH HIGH SCHOOL the next cotesttee *Ai be herd lathe (:oatrdl PMWet day the ahead Mk tt sad 0*•• ant. eaehday, Int*mditt� irIsStd to metier the Hoed Master eetIA* yea Tuapat�ter net later utas the M6 Inst. any Teethe,' Intrtrwretlon rewarding the elimination we the school. Apg(y. to N r wriemeO, P. A. 'eta" nowt Master overcome with dizzi- ness, which was quickly followed by blood spurting from mouth Medical air' wo was at once called in, when an examine tion indicated that he had byes inemean burst a blend teasel in his stomach. The accident, it wa.s tirst thought. would be quite serious, 'but we are pleased to learn that he is now able to get about the se. and seen expecte to be about in. ure meetings, when he uld have an opportunity of meeting his opponent face to face on the plat- yform throughout the riding -an oppor- tunity which he earnestly desired. Be- fore concluding, however, he would re- fer to the resolution which Hen. Mr. Blake Lad introduced in the House, asking for enlarged powers to Canada in the making of treaties. He thought this was a step to ward independence; and the severing of the ties that bound us to Britain. Independence eventually meant- annexation, and - annexation meant the destruction ,of Canadian sen- timent, and the building up 1,1 a great ion on this continent which would hoe oestrous to the we)fareof thepeace and nnony of the world. He was Heit- h born a Scotehnian but his wife and family and all that he held roar and dear, were Canadian. For Ibis reason he was opposed to the cornmercial tt4aties resedution. The Tupper-Onderdonk contract was explain - A Mrs. Lynn, of Saginaw, while on a visit to relatives in Goderich, met with a sad bereavement in the death of her little eight menthe old babe, by conges- tion of the lungs. Mr. Roderick Fetzer (134) won the picture put up ey Mrs. Walker recently for competition. Mrs. Walker desires to return her thanks tet all her friends, who kindly assisted her on the oc(c"- l� The Misses Reset hat c opened a tlr:se- ntaking estsbhahment in the 'seems egret• treeiu Geo. Acheson's store, They have a re fret ARB(•e Dee. -On Monuay last it is es- timated that between seven and eight hundred shade trees were planted here. One prudent hetien was the planting of a large number by the tewu, along the front of the cemetery. Although all eat planted are net likely to grow, if a fair di percentage of them do, the people will ha he fully repaid for their outlay. It is an iat ouraging sign to nee farmers also ing an interest in the ivatter. Many th his vicinity- going extensively into i•htntinu alone the fr•.nt of their nines. -(New Era, putatien for good work, and will doubt- G. H. 5. L. S. - A special meeting Of et' eta the of a ne lean get n Large share of fashionable cus- the Goderich H. S. L k.ciett was held tom. on Tuesday at 4 f• m.. to consider the Ret. W. Craig, of Clinton, will occupy ;ehteul.hchx leti;a the .4 whether t.Clinton tee H. `.ie DSOs i the pulpit meniiug and Peening in St, by the sneaker, from the Tu reel ndpoint, and Brayley was made to he scrapegoat for Sir. Charles ie. the ir. The iucreaae•d receipts were fit referred to and the country con - George a church on Sunday next Rev -1 rely t'' take fart in a public contestt gra i ce "'What abas out the incte._i ez R. Hick. of G elericb, will exchange put -1 spirited discussion took place. Some vui its with R 1 members sere CoLt eg Hoeoes. -We are elease(f to. l)ntLers opirosed "u3444 any challenge but evaded direct answer to the quu.- learn that our young friends D. Meted -whatever. It Wee finally liege -sad and IncBurp tion by again referring to surplus. tulated ripest Cie good showing. IA p ev. Ir. Craig t n ttheo.;ca- re in fever of sending a fop. penditures ? I The speaker admitted Sion mal chalit•tije aa soon as cams -yoked that the expenditures lied Ojai increased, livray and J. C. Robertson, have suc- ceeded in carrying orf the Classical prizes in their respective yearn at University Collette. 1 cerrild that the -Secretary- of the Grade- He was not itoing to deal largely with rich Society Should curreepnn 1 with the the pahlie questions en the present nc- Secrt•tary of that of Cleitou, in order 1 cation, but was anxious t.. meet Mr. h t at a contest may he arranged for, I Cameron face to face. (ironical Hear The contract far the foot bridge acrossj ( ham t -r tl. --In aur tam ta,u •, .o 1,10 I electors to (•.trader the N. - -- - the Maitland at Saigon', Las been gicPtl pre,l.er column. ue ana"nn(••, P. the key - hear, and afplanse.1 He wished the Go$eriolt Towaship. y Hotrfasvitiz,. klay 1st,- 913$1 I Ret•. C. R. Matthewa,.of St. Stitephan's parsonage, who ie anindeiatiguable worker, sunshine or rain, Ilea been obliged by illness to seek the. Seaside. rt is said that his plane -during his ab- sence, will be supplied by stu(.aaata front Huron College. COUNCIL Council mat to -(fag punt'. ant to adjournment. Members. all pre- sent, minutes of last meeting read and passed. By-law No. 4e present year, passed. Moved by .1. Cox, seconded by J. Peacock, that Mesara. Crabb, Bur, Furse and Brincombe be allewed to per- form their statute Taber on the lane on which they wrought it last year--Car- tied Moved by J. Peacock,,. seconded by J. Istithwait, that J. Kirkpatrick and F. Kedaly be allowed to. work their statute labor on the lane whore, their property lies --Carried. Moved by J. Whitely, seconded by J. Peacock, that the assessor be paid $15 extra for- filling up seven columns on the assessment roll, more than formerly -Carried. Moved J. Laithwait, seconded h' .1. Peacock, that the sum of $:'.59 he gratttetf to each roast commissioner for quad improve- ment for the present year -Carried. Mored by J. Cox, seconded by Jr White- ly, that the petition of Geo. Miller and fifty-nine others asking a grant for cut ting a shill on Bide road between lots 311 and 36, 13th con., he complied with. and a sum of $125 bo granted to be ex- (p,eeended under the tuperintesdence of the lieet•e --Carried. 1 -oder • the head of indigence the-6,llaw•irig minas were grant- & 11-tn. Colline, indigent, $18.75; Rubt. Bray, indigent, $[0. Expenses con- nected with wending Jojta Chambers tit Toronto hospital, *27:. The fellow ing accounts were paid: Sf,.r oftice,print- ing, $15.97; T. Wetheesld and ethers for surveying on tide road, lst con.. $8.80; J. Pestes, repairing bride 4th can., $'2; Thee. eleyors, undcrdrain on Maitland can., 31.5(1; astesser Salary, $fir,; Alex Taylor, repeiring culvert II. R., 50 cents The Council adjourned to meet stain en the 26th inet.--.f.ts, i'ATTON, Clerk. e l the death atone of the arch at the coati to Mr. Sands, ane' t. to be finishex, to -1 of the late :1r. Jahn McIntosh, father i tion, and it and the deve)opmont fried is in this v'' day. The old bridge will be close3 up . of the Resat's. Macintosh, merchants of of the North West w the else- Mr. Stsnky fr..n] Lucan was Visiting and the building the new bridge prow- this town, wleo diet] on 4th May, at. th vicinity [amt week. Cured with r. tions that should g v•e•tte that 'e 112 '5 Mr. John Bryson and family of St Mor. i auvanced age of 74 years. Mr. Mein - W. Rm. W. H. Murney, of (3o.(erich, bah, one of the oldest pioneer farmers D. I. L of ()uteri. Kest, called ton ns in the County ..f Heron, WAS a native of the .•%her day on his way home from the Atwrdesnsltim, �c..ttan(;, who cauls to performance of the and of this � a rappees �ersou eat their vote,[ Ig t the funeral "boo -lutes of his father. wed linX trip. He was a devou, and th.• coining (renters( In South Hur(en. Urenge ;ieaitinel forest.,, l.enet-recta ntemhee of the R. C. Charch,. I (fleet hes If the electors believed the Hon. Mr. Blake was the greatest statesman in Canada ( hear, hear,j and t•,were,l head and shouldera over all others, than the i duty of attend h en tnty shoo,, 4, years ago n Itis k 1 1 Qiitattret is badly behind the age A loving husband and father, and a tree Au elector wisL...i t.. ask 31r. Pt Her m friend st d• NON tttl*stes• On Tuesday Kr. Stet► gn'nen.wt w tghb r. Hw a .tUest out ats.ut his Inainnations e.t. tM wife and fyell l hate, annexation question.dua. a gtteaber ig the town ermined of , large number friends, both ! The chairman and e rhe sympathy r f a the meeting d e d- /amtob tiodettch to ex vsent ery t and Protestants. About ell the question wall out of order, u Wale "Ir *node of atre••*Meru", m moon baa el.naideralwe to learn from nth, alto he trwlk a torryy serer. attack Mr. Johnston diol not wish to tat �� yet. •.f Brig its direase, and 1►ithn' he tallied, an unfair 1 -- - e at vantage of (•.1. death ha,1 set its seal urn his brow apevking at the meet Mr. Alexander McIntosh f th tear foreman of the hiaeharnith it du cemneeion with the f(ee•gntiller oit/igd plow Works, I;•dorieh. hdt ..n Wet{twa- day last fee Renton Herber, Mich., wWher he es to take charge of the blacksmith shop in eonnecti•.n with the Resta§ Harbor Plow Work,. the Matti. Mt /Ilanefsetet-y of the 13eagtailler Chill. 44 PlOa .•r a prat His funeral was one t f the tee rile, nevertheless largest that he spent about ten rntnntee in letting ever entered the R. t'. Church hers, the electors knew that he was the Tory The Requiem Mass was celebrate., by nominee for Wee! Huron. Father Wetter.. The choir sang under Mr. Platt then paid a tribute to the the leadership •d the Sister* .•f St. ele,.l'tenee of Mr. furter, and flored a ,1 • rote of thanks to that gentleman, See - onel,d by Mr. D. 11. Ritchie. The rneetittg cleeed with cheer* for theQueen Hon Edt l t Father Lnnn n,t ret' $eaf„rih, performer} the funeral a l-oe uies of his kinsman at the :hatch and )rather Mae - (hath at the arc,.. Rocniasttar t as nee! . war .lase. Blake and Sir Jobe hi.txlou nt(1 Helens pawed thr,ugh the village on Friday last re tout„ to Ahrens. Mr. Rtd.ert $tnthere left a few awe aq.. f.r Ottawa, to attend the Normal h.s.,l. Thu teactut awl pupala t4 Is-lf4at Sche (,1, have l.lantel a number ..f shade trees around the srinr,l yen,, whirl wi11 in :t few years add )au.► to the apliear- anee of the play gr(,un) and to tet:.• ceta- f•.rt of the pupils, kir. David iiar'c:ay. .0 Illi alai re apected citizen of this , cried ten Monday evening Hie remains were Int . ' ngannow Cemetery I,a W Mr. Si f ownslItip; has at a MISS of ne1 Est - tarn, Pet eipmplet dwelling. II is a credit to Mr. Plunkett nor "t4 sniot JO