HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-28, Page 7Household }tints. There are four teacupfuls of dour iu a pseud. Peas don't boil mellow with •.rt the help of fat of nem, kind. Maoceruni is very nutritious in step, es it is [wade of the of wheat. You require very little butchers' Mkat the day yes have pea soup, as it contains the same uUtrirent. Always parboil unions for mixtures, or else they way be half raw %lieu the other vegetables are cooked. Bean soup is very nourishing. Don't put bread in your pea soup, if it is to be used the second ty. .0 the bread will have turned sour Wash your puddiu..-cloth with a little soda as soon as used -- never nail onto. In selec.ing beef, press your finger on it. If it retails' the imprint of the finger reject it. There ie a great deal uC muurirhment in bones. Eggs and fish nuke a good brain foot(. Wash your vegetables. especially pe- t.atoes,before cutting them. Never buy a chickens with yellow legs, if you want a tender one. Suet paste is exceedingly wholesumeif it is well beilod. Infrying basun, turn it frequently till it nice and crisp. In mincing suet, usea little flour to pre- vent softer portions form adhering to - gather. When cleaning haddtrckalwaya remove the scales against the grain, but do not use hot water as it deutsoys the flavor of the fish. Never bake fish in a hasty oven. Herring contain as much nourishment as salmon, acid are much cheaper. Kidney are difficult of digestion. Power et flaselesimess The beat bred people never think et themselves -or do not appear to do s, - but only of the pleasure they give to others, In all French history no wo- man too: it ltronser fascination for rli- ever %,-rete within her reach thea ifa- dau< ii •u, r.. :the w (led beaati- fel; t.. her portraits proved that her beauty was urs to he compared with that of many le« charming women. And even when «traeuen of person had long passed away, and she was an old woman, her away over the hearts of ether was as powerful as ever. What was her se- cret 1 It was this one thing suis -her venuine ass unaffected interest to the goad and ill fortunes of her friends. She was ever ready with her sympathy sad counsel. Authors came to her mai rad her their books; painters casae to her with their pictures; statesmen with their projects. Khe was sweet and simple, unconaci.wal), as a rose is sweet She really oared for the happiness sad suo- rs« (d others, and they felt the genuine nen of her sympathy. It sunuundered her with an uidme:lel charm. Let any girl tzy Madame Recamiers eapenumat. Let het go into society thinking/ nothieg of the admiration she may win; bort everything of the happiness she cola can- er. It matters little whether her face is beautiful. or her toilet etetly. Ile - tore the of three months she will be a happy girl herself; for the world tikes unahine and sympathy, and turns to theta as the Sowers that bask in the sun e,f .June. John Piengstsu's 553Ilayt. th Juane not a ship as she lies on e stocks. One door never shuts but another opens. lie wbo hath a trade hath au «tateLimeys,Lis, paid for, keep out cold, silts on credit soon grow old. Grumbling makes the loaf no larger. Monday gained'to-day (Sunday; is a less. No grains without pains. Much laughter, little wit. A [mist hour with God is worth a life- time with man. He who keeps off the ice will not slip through - Every aprat hrough.Everyaprat nowdays thinks itself a herring. Better ..lip with the font than tongue. Exercise is the best fire for cold limbs. Eat/ends have no pockets. Tilt, HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 28, 1882. 7 esmulaMMIlanaMmeraMIMIIIII Fun dna T tncy. • '""oath ArnimSalve. The beat salve in the world fur Cuts, Not atsi4aMe for a eiothee (leas -1 Bruises, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever curd of woof. Buses, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChB - blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, Every mart has his flit if hs can uuly and positively cures Piles. It is guatau- hold it. teed to tee rfeo t llLilafaAtiOfl or A btoweuug: "1 tall you the truth, 1 assert un," said Brown, quite earnest- ly. "Would that your truth were equal to our your assurance, ' replied Tugs, .1Su nobody could doubt your word." dull old lady bating told that a cm - taut lawyer was "lying the point of exclaimed:death," exclaimed: "Lear nap, even death won't .stop that man's lying T' A lady with a young infant was re- otllntly presented with handsome basket barring on it* lining the words, "Wel- come, Little Stranger. ' The basket was greedy admired, especially the painted lettere iu green Ulla gold, but the nurse, an Irish woman, put in a veto against the salutation, "fur sure that was wrong, for the baby is out a stranger, but one of the family.-' A DrNoes QUANDARYQUANDARYSI T1ao. A jute turuuleeturer in Dundee consigned K• talo to a house, and they laya long tinge undisposed of. At lengthe re- ceived a letter front the consignees, in- timating that the goods were in ',tutu quo; and, tuutakiitg this for 1 he name of aa plane be joyfully inferused a Dona- hoe that the geode were now in Matta Qv.,, where he hoped they would speedi- ly find a purchaser. "But 1 never heard of that place," said his neighbor. "Nor I either," replied the manufactu- rer; "I looked at the snap. but couldna find it; and I just concluded it's a oma' (ours up the ktntra '" When Rewhenyi was playing one of the softest paesaget in Schubert's serenade at Scranton, Pa., the other night, a man in the gallery took a handful of peanuts out of hi• pocket anti'legan to eat the sante in a particularly boisterous man- ner, whereupon the fiddler stopped bis bow and [bade a little speech, thus :- "Ladle: and t:entlemeu, now make me a little opeech. That peanut eater me very much annoy, and I think he enjoy hi•.sself airy much as nobody else in the hol[[[e. 'it' hen he get through with -his peanut solo go on." The speech was loudly a ,plaudetl, and the peanut fiend was mashed for the evening. In the month of April amort everyone' requires a goad and rtliable Blood Puri- fier. We know of sone so safe and of-' fectartl as Dr. Canon's Stomach and. Censtipatiou Bitters. They act directly' nn all the secretion'', their purgative action carrying off all impurities front the system, they invigorate the Liver and Kidneys, purify the Stomach,cleanse the Bowels, and give strength gold tone to the whole system. Try a course of this valuable, safe and reliable vegetable pre - partition, Dr. Caon'■ Stomach and Constipation Bitten. In large beetles at 50 cents..Geis. Rhynes, agent for Goderich. ntoney ref1�und Price 25 cents per Ira. Yu/ sale by Geu. Rhynes. 1830 ly. Harper's Weekly. ZLL138TRALTBjD_ Norpe's Weekly _tarda at the head of Ase artcan Illustrated weekly Journals. By Ha un - position in punting., its addrable U- Iustratlous, its carefully chosen aerials, short stories. sketches, and peens. contributed b the foremost artiste and authors of the day, it carries Instruction and autertaiameutto Lhua- saods of American homes. It will always be the aim of the puhllshers So make Harper's Wedgy twin most popular and attractive family newspaper In the world. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per wear: HARPER'S WEEKLY $ 4 00 HARMER'S MAUAZINE 100 HAxPMR'8 BAZAR. 4 es The THRICE above publications ... 10 w Any TWO above named 700 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ... 150 IiAIWER'S MAUAZINE 1 S 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE f " HARPER'S E'RANKLi 4 SQUARE LI- BRARY, ode year ttlINumbers)10 M Positfree w arr art embfbers in the United States or Caamde. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the drat Number fur Januaryof each year. When uu time is mentionedt will be understood t..at t i.e subscriber wishes to commence with Hi, Number next atter the receipt of order. Tor last Twelve Annual Volumes of Haw PLR'e WatKLY, In neat cloth bindiag, will be sent 1'y [nail. postage paid, or by express, tree of eape•oee wronded the freight does not ex- ceed one dollar per volume) for $7.00 each. Chu Oases fur each vofnme. suitable for bind i t . will be sent by mail, postpaid, uo re- ceipt 0111.0D each. I(.•i.r.ttan. e a should be made by Post (moe Mout > larder or Draft, to ovoid chance of kiss. .\'ewain ip.-ra are not to ropy this advertise- ment without the repress order of HARPER & Address 'stares. a akeirsiewie. New York. Weasaa's Tem Friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none eon deny, especially when as- sistance is rendered when one is sorely af- flicted with diseaae,utore particularly those complaints and weaknesses so common to our female population. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even When all other remedies Sail, A single trial al- ways proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste and only coat fifty Dents a bottle. '!fold by all druggists. A Gemini! Siasapeole. Never was there such a rush for Drug Stores as see now at ours for a Trial Bot- tle of Dr. Kings News Discovery for Cotsumptlm, Coughs and Golds. All persons acted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Reassesses, Severe Coughs, or any election of the Throat and Lungs, can gat a tried bottle of this great remedy free, by sailing st your drug store. Free of feet. All woollier/tithing wishing to test the menta of a great ressedp--oce that will positively ear* Cw9wpws, Coughs, Gees, AStlstl' , Btasehltiq or say sfLetioa elf the Throat sod Lwa--.1► requested to call at your dreg store sad pt a trial bottle of Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption. friss of cat, which will sheer you whet a regular dollsr•tir bottle will do. IT IS NOT WHAT YOU EAT, BUT what you digest, that taa*Nalas the the alevines of Uselessly. There may he Dapt K 9esrM WILS ON'S r'rE81'1l PTiOI4 DR UG STORE. SEEDS! SEEDS Sill Fresh seede In bulk or packace . Complete StocK. A P7*A RA TUI le � Into Mortal to .e ole ad ily wss*.f the Md y. Sere W NLL .VR'e Phespbeigg sad Caltaava is ladieat.d to R- estoreIt Dios/ATI V E TRiN)Ib-sle W011- A('H. LIVER dad PANCREAR-to their nor oral wevklag power. Why is the disenr iy of the north pole like an illicit whiskey menirfaetr.ry Ikocauet• •.a...rhe,•ort' 1882. nae been 1m to_:stint use by public for over tore yr::rs. and is the best proparotlon ever in- vea:cd for RESTORING GT:tV HAIR TO ITN YOUTHFUL COLO!: D LIFE. /) It tcpplies the natu- ral trod and color to the batt glunds without at.tlnlug the skin. It wtU rr.,,e and thicken tho growth of lb* hair, pre- vent Ito hlsneh int; and e State Assayer ar d Chemist cf Mats. and l� ding Phyr;- Clans enders() fal tin_ of'.. .t n.1 thus r.rd AV r:: RALDN 8S. ) ! I rCCC.T.- , It minis ltiltidg. r,.r.- IIle..'1l1 it Nona tout Dandruff. As t' a +I�:: D1lESSING t_ a3a la ver; desirable. (riving 'at the Emir a silken' sonars; triumph which all admire. It in keeps tho tho head clean. (:... ewer t and h. stilly. Harper's Xagaziae. ZLZ.VBTRST3ED_ "Alw�s varied. always road. *leap, tm- prnving. --CILA RLes PRA wets AOAne, Jr. Harper's Magastse. the moat popular illus- trated periodical in the world. begins its duty fourth volume with bks Deemsber Nu,Rber. It repreeenta what Is beat In American litera- ture sad art ; and Its marked mosses In Rad land where it has ahead s eireaiatsoa emc- ee tem ee than that of any I tag( nagaatse at the same class- hes brought tate its esrvtee the most ,aIsent writers and ambits of Oreat Bri- tain. The forthcoming volumes for loaf witi la every vesper •t purpose their predecessors. HA11PER'S P=RIGDICALS. HAi1J'KW1 A JB�slso Per Wear 1M OS ARS i.1 bast. in s0 alight Owed The volnmee orf the M IVolno r twit• with the =bfur r J aa. ad Daer.bsr of seely year. =ors Is end. 11 will be wider- that ider that N wt lies N h basia with �br% wa _ wows, by ma* eases. for Madill/pi. es Ahhid,e110MAwd ' istrsiiirk ter Volume I » I taeitiMye, teem nriq law 5..155e, tai sae ltll►e, Cloth. 00. esaglaee e shonld ire made by fMet ONce Dry Order or to avoid chance alum.1NVa ore *or M any Hieesdferf fee worosf� the ersrraa order ./ H awrtw Marmara adders, IV4w►tw A afeTltAlle 7Nb BICICIIIG M` DYE WHISKERS w1:1 a'.an qc the Lenard to a Blt(.tl or tI:LACK at dlscrr tion. Belt, r; in! one preparation 11 is ractl_, apt ;hel.� and precisions a permanent eo:7t that will not wash off. PREPARED BY R. P. NALL I, Ct, NASHUA, Set/ hr ell Drams to Dedham. !V OUR aUBBCIUBIEHS. The address -label ea the first pegs will allow each subscriber the state of his axruuut with Talk FilanaL, and (it may be lttnled) that this is an ap pruprieteO for teatime an al- teratioa in the figures. There are other tiger« iu our books, also, which might very appropriate ly Ile adjusted before the end of this mouth. "Ode no not auythiug," has been wise ly cupolated upon all, and this in- juuctiwt is especially binding upon all who do business with newspaper wed. A word to the wise is sufficient, and we will say no more at present, for we detest dunning. Colas te Nis Grave. There he goes again direct to a saloon and pours down another heavy draught of strong drink, not sl much because hia appetite demands it, but for the artificial buoyancy it produces -the after effects of which leave hint more miserable than before; it is this dreadful practise that is daily sending thousands to their graves. A remedy for all this is found in the true friend of temperance, -the best mud purest of all mediciues,-Electric Bit- ters. Sold by !.ea,. Khynas at 50 cents. !Manses far roamers sad Mechanics. Thousands of dollars can be saved by using proper judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you are Billious, have sallow completion, poor appetite, low and depressed Spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottle of thu.ie wonderful Electric Bit- ters, which never fail to cure, and that fur the trifling s i u of fifty cents. -(Tri- bune. Sold by Geo. lily Mai at 500. [6j Tike Deeter'e Last Sappy Reess4• EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 11, 1882. I recently had a v dry ditfibnit case of Consumption. I treated it in the moat scientific manlier passible, but to no ef- fect; patient grew gradually worse. Rather than give up, and ma a last re sort, I decided, nvoc)1 akvinst my wish. to use a femedv that had cured one : wy former patients. (;reatiy to sty so. prise. the patient began to gain, and in a much shorter time than I dared to ever expect, she was 7.ompletely cured. The name "f thin remarkable remedy is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consautp- tion. I now use it altotgether in my practice" -[Leading M. D., Evansville. Trial bottles free at Ithynas' drug store. large size $1. (6) 1889. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLEI All ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY -IS PAGES._... SUITED TO MOTS AND GIRLS OF FP.OM SIX TO SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE. Vol. =E. toss November 41= NOW ll' MR TIME TO SIMINRIRE. Te Yot au 1'KooLc has been from the drat ucceasful beyond anticipation. -N. F. Etwa- iap 1'bat. It 4•t it distinct purpose to -which it steadily adheres -that. namely. of supplanting the vic- ious ysyera for the voung whit a paper mese atirsetive, as well as more wholesome. -Bose tea .toe race[ . . For neatness. elegance of en,Tfaving, and contents generally. it is unsurpassed by any publication of the kind yet brought 10 out 00- that.- Pittsburg (Janette. its weekly vitt* are eagerly looked for. not ody by the children, but also by parents wbo areaaiious W provide pure literature for their gtrtsaad boys.- Christian Adroeutc. Buffalo. N. Y. A weakly paper for children which parent (•.; net fear to let their children road at th rsmah fireside,- Hartford Daily Ti,new. Jam the paper to take the eye and secure attention of the boys and girls. --Sprisg- t •'cr t'•lna. CHEAP GROCERIES 1 DEgN SWIFT Begs to altneuoce to the people of Goderich aid this section of Huron, that be has purchased from W. X. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will eoattnue t'•e business in the old stand, on the Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets. Having bought the goods fee cask, and as I intend to make all nay purchases from wholesale men fur csah also, I will be to a position to sell at Very Luw Priors for Gaels. My stook will always be fresh. 1 will keep the best brands of teas, good sugars, and everything in the grocery linoleum the best producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats, eta , alwa s on hand in season. I am determined to please, both in guahtyand price }ft(htl1 at tke'staud, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, near D. K. Strachan's machine shop. ' Goderich, March 9th, 1882. �_ swIFT_ AT THS OLD I'AND. TER3.11B_ M•AITEI a 11•1116 4: ra.PLE 1- ...Se. Per Tear. restage Prepaid. i ri�ut.� Nt sta:::,,. FourCena each. rite It. um! Vo;t:me for 1861 will be read early in Notembei.. Brice $3.00; pottage pre- paid. Cover for 1 ot'> 0 PLOPL, for 1881. 35 .en's; purist -y.17 tin 4 •.•'ditional. Remdtantrn stinni.i 7r made by Poet -Office Money Order or i Irate. ; o ovoid chance of loss. rtrrpopers r. no.' to copy this advertise- ment .rithow' the express order of JIMMIES .t. RRPTHLIrf. A,ldreas• HARPER et• BROTHERS. New YOUR iracrimene Dsrsaras Cosssww7s and Amassers wYcb HACYAan s Ysuow Ott is Lusm- asad 50 awe overarm either In Yam or isY� TAm N UMtit P00 (tsoVP,i" core Ng, MAW* SOAR THROAT, • MA, COLDS, kMu AMID IXTTMAULT PM 1.117V1LAYIZM. JI=RA LOIA, CRILIALAIRS. CALLOD/ LUMPS 111121LLYNOS, iwI1f JOINTS, SALL; . 1PROST RITs, to g. CORNS, • s 4C!T JSRUIWJig, LVM>LAOO, ylfa, RIS IMRS. PAIN IN RACK, SPRAINS, PALM ai• SID; , Rimy Mettis grassed to give .blsa a res w twtaty riNai MOSIRMIN 7Am the 500TH. PIM Na :eitaasvnlr•oa ftiguliesie HEAT a.e GIRAZINB LANDS ARE t.otitl0 eye Ncrthern Pacific R.R. tee r."N;:ESOTA, DAKOTA, Art) MONTANA. BiG CROP AGAIN IN 1881 D. C. STR1C1i..N fits atltOl'LU HL't GROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block. formerly occupied by him. where he will be please to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A largo quantity of NEW, FRESH GtROCERIES1 LN CHEAP AR THE (HE APEST. D, C_ STRACHAN Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G_ BARRY CABIIIET G9KER au' TJNIIERTAKER Hamilyon Street, Goderich. A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room. IHuing Room and .I'arlor Furniture, such as 'Pa byes. C•hairalhatr, cane and woo., seated,. Cupboards. Bed -steads• Mattresses, trash -stun Lounges. Sofas. What -Nota, Loukiug Glasse*. N. li. A complete ansa: '"ant of Calsis and Slirouds always on haled (also Hearses fur hire at'reasuualle rates. Picture Framing a .pecialty.-A }all solicited. 1751 TOILET st:TTS, Cogs Brushes oI' all Kinds Cheap RHYNAS' the Druggist Prescriptions a Speciality - . Night Bell on the Front Door GENUINE BRAGAINS. For the next three months I will sell furniture at the following prices, fur cash: Low Cupboards at $ 4 500 Gla'ntonCppbesrda ..... ... :.... ........ .... ... ... 7 50 Louugea from ,. 5 00 up. Iledetcads from ............... ........................................ 1 757up. Fall leaf Tables at2 Waattataads from ........................................... ....... 9 0 e t a up. Bureana hem .............. .. .... 500 up. Nldetmards from 850 up. Rverytling else at similar rate. a. These pri et •11 be beaten in town. 1 invite Inspection: 1 am hound to sell. an i intend reproving I, 1.ak.ot. in the'spring. i have also is lot of machinery used to ''ahinct match g which 1 will sell ata tory low pri.e. ACCOUNTS. All accounts doe Joint t .(. Hall sul .1 t;. i4 1 +.o.st 11,' settl : once. TAS G. C+MAS.a..i .4t the Market. • W ENT . REouoao FARE AHO Fsstosfr To SrTTLERa •K Fos Fuc IrnORwATIOR, hec*Eea R. M. NEWPORT. Ot.. Uwe AOT_ ■e.,-o...e Poets. ST. PAUL. Mnua JVI�VV' VI�Ib V`I� 1 `N�IP�°I 1882_ Harper's Bazar. �yLVBTRATb:D Thos Iwpular Journal is a rare .sorb;natio o f, 11. cal uta, art. and tf'W" Its attlrie poems, a,.d carry. are 4 kurupe and Adeemed; the kogl.eat artistic - nets pertaining to know sniped to Msr aces and. IL" .res brlll.aot t.' v( Istat• HAbPERPer 1seS PVue t,OD1CALS HAgMVP BAZAR .. HARPiit„ ltwt►AE1xt a H A RP_lii'N N' EEtLY. . 4 w IP The T EE above publications Any T O ►Ove 5001U4 . T H A !ern YOU140 P1tOPLF: 1 H pb}t .r MAGA NE a ce notPZwi 1'(N"N(: MEWLS. Ek►RPCR'14 FRA\YLIN 10Qt'ARE LI- BRARY, oris year OS Nanshav E. Poise, tree fe art rwblrlMr. fa Me NMI* yr (Imied. lostRusibri Mir Jae Mt Wsti yeaThe Volemesegtbe Razor begin r. i le • erMs uee5A91�so centra of paws Oat Iasi!inlirsthaffai��t [sothe a ellatain wy Aw• will ha -I--� wtree eweyeane1 ex - boric x_ h eases file mob saleable for biaithst. will be spat by postpaid. on mre- vase p es each. II(Blaaces should be soft Dong OMet or Draft. to aimed ser of lees art set Id ropyf s wererefr- Awwtothe erlttvte coder a/ HaRPws t tMreis SSOR►0'fa A stNTlrtla, Wow verb i Wore i155OM01110 11 Ls. �- des ass 13 artist Ily Ossa aw.e. Um 111 Oossolftbow1 ChM. Id There W_ps lies the II ,lL 7eOswamis �im. J.esw w.ss soft 5 w w1r�i..�� 1 T.A Bsmsmbw Y. rlgirse to bas Gaels or w pip ltssal . n.vs..uwa t 1 nraa4.999.��... 1 Deets d 94.00. :D Ws sr4 1 sew Tewaa B°w. w bio. sl... WI. Irb 1 5.w ewers Resat. 0.4a. *1 lr.mttr. 4wr.a 4 .L....s 95s 44 llaS�il a r wot0sa X5N5 •4 aesiest. 04mmawem4as.- ie 1141 tag Odds In. the 10 iir 6� ta. Oemaa. try IletelfdieeTheeedit Ms hewed Dora. oak � Me mem PMI 115.4 K 14. Yale *Ysss as the bee* -Ilmstse 77 Mycose ges0•ky Item*. Roe4 WI Ties Ar. S. New and TetPas ae AO Tl4 Sword et Sisab r Rill 0 1'111, M An (Imbibe Tswlg►t, we 05 toes le lir Reettwe Pied. M War Thready hewing tee sal q lbw arid[ am/L II.ante Y• Far - • wive h i05 Tb.Swt•a•55.u.rst . ler 'T0 am • Una Pa4st Plower lee T?..00 5. Here eerily, Sy 1004 The eel= lstsslnw(et�swla4 law may 105 910 a�halsrw, sal cls 0, 10p7 sod Ms Mom e. 014 150- 111 1ltee 5w.0e.. Rom. 11 71A7:06.141:$101:peakii:albstsui" erwr1 .1 t1ar. (1*t•....a1115Ily 5148 U55e111 Kb. Toe111namY..M •114Os*s.. litee.A51.* .lit 14444 WI...�. Int 1tow, 1♦s R. 148 Toa iffy 1.045. (rel 0505.'[ (gh TMI.•� MI•al fi65e Parke free Toe. •.ma r .1» 151 r,.ag1 amass Aew, . 15 P.11 tae I e Eben. 1i1 Marste Yr 0od• to flew les Rass.'s la de Cola. ce14 Ammo. 101 nay • Lha wog wl.a To. Ossi 100 190 172 171 174 171 110 181 186 I00 101 1,00 1 104 4M Me 211 110 215 1 m1 217 Cars for Scandal -Com 1. 1 C.asot stag tb•Old 1' toasty Blase Yy Tills as es the Old ester (Leen4. (31e.e T l,tatlne-('ntai. n,rt.ina of tee Wbtp-. bier.. Deal Toe ao. Tomn.t, :••... t nue W nay. 41...I Toro. Over tlr HnL to 15. Po + g ar 11 �t be tory with lice tide M TOM Plates sehnel raw th• OMparTas xenon, Ler get ►Ifrtatlee-Cnv.te. ,Uttar ten of the Pas-(eo,t••. Tina Mass t.an.•d • -- *oat,. Tes whet. Pal.. (ret ; Cipher Cn5e is ti• 0e.. ArtsSotly Y;ryw'e will s 4s.. 1(• Irma 1'w x Maes11.11. y 15. lea TmOesnany:7▪ 1: ma warm >MM0-. s1Y�50Ce4�. r 'w •• 1 Assam tis Mersa OM Arm r�,ta , to mac n• T Mno?.Is,.rw nam (In11.05npt+cr. •run N for m•+ar•, ' IU tet a seNl•.r i� r' I%irelag lows h • rs. yr/ .11MgiM..e.•r 1..444• grown Jnr hasariy* Rwaet drat - Res Rola SOS55 N 218 5 er H It 011 'la Ws stn ..red be of .i• shoes 11411110, Tar own .Mei-then. err 10...t.. 00 tee 10 emits, .sot lap, «, Ike M.... 11M for 01.05..11 pasinaid ie tach Remember. sr. w111 en ren hoe, N• in of Gas. -o - lar in sial ((peer segs ly lbs samba, la we5Noa valuable ,.*•logoo et snags sod .g. -ret.' e'wrl• 1 . neo - 5s•a.p• tallow .1 P. O. 1902 1111111. LAMES LEE a CO., MONTREAL, V mR, n. r• t r H a