The Huron Signal, 1882-04-28, Page 6I i r 2— HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 28. list BOOTSAND SHOES She Poet's Corner. L.agesltsw. all AW .ta$ET or XA1Ota IROM Dia SOWS. Act, list to the lit bag present. {Psalm of Lite, /letter bathyal and forgotten than living la skeane and dishonor. 4Coarttddp of Miles Mondial. challenge the passing hour like guards that Keepsolltary witch on tower and Mega (To -morrow. Use an inaailpa-TiTe not h* .t ion heltaq been' hint by alOet, ev •pe. He has written mu • , many of h works having loon translated into other language& I hd we but use 1t as we ought, This world would school each wandering thought To its high state. (Copias de Manrkque. Each thing in its place is beet. -The Builders. From labor there shall come forth rest. 1Tu a Child. Mass lass is the world's lackeyed pride. (Leek of Umbel!. Heaven teas near by water as by land. {Sir Humphrey Gilbert. Into each life some rain must tall. Someday mast be dark and dreary. [The Rainy Day. Joy and temperance and repose, Slam the door un the doctor's nose. Poetic Aphorisms. Know how sublime athing it la, To suffer and be strong. -[The Light of the Slam l.ovest thou God es thou uughteet, Then 'ovoid thou likewise thy brethren. --{Children of the Lord's Supper. Mao is unjust, but God Windt. -+Evangeline. Nothing that is can pause or slay. -(Kerarnoe, Our to -days and yesterdays Are the blocks with which we build. -(The Builders. Pride goeth forth on horseback graved gay, Rut cometh back on foot and bagsitahleay. [The Bell of Atri. Quite overlooking yourself and the rest In ex- alting your hero. 1('ourtahipof Niles Standish. Relentless 'warps the stroke of tats. The strongest tall. {Copies de Manrlgne, ricep, rlogp today, tormenting cares Of earth and folly born. (Gleam of Sunshine. Think of the brother no 111, But throw a well over bis fallings. tT',a• • . , Lord's Supper. FY' ,t t Wua....utnot o.: undone. [The gtianfeh Student. Visions of childhood. stay, 0 stay ! l -o were so sweet and wild --(Voioeeof the Nitrol. What seem to us but sad funeral tapas, May be liieaven'e distant lamps. -{Reeignatiuu. 'Xeellethall the rest, He who followetb love's behest. ---{The building of the Skip. Youth le lovely, age is lonely. (Hiawatha. Zeal to st:meet than fear or love. -Males ons Wayside Ian. CHARLES R. DARWIN. .esti .f she World's Great Ne easist-Elia seal Selection had Evolution -A Ltrlo- 11me Devoted t. ideate. On the 20th ult., Charles Robert Dar- win, the great scientist and distinguish- ed naturslist,died st his residene. Down House, near Orpington, Englant For some time he had been indispose but ,ntinned to work until the lar On Tuesday be was taken ill with pains in the chest and faintness, which increased on Wednesday. On Thursday he died, ful- ly conscious until the last. ' 1118 CAREER AND THZORY. No name will stand out more promin- ently among the celebrities of the Vic- torian Era than that of Darwin. He was one of the few great men who dare to think for themselves and dare to ex- prees their thoughts. As a consequence he has been misrepresented, condemned and sneered at by others, whose know- ledge and acquaintance with scientific facts was of the meat limited kind, and who read, not to investigate, both to de- fend iron bound theories. No greater complaint has been pais' the man than the fact that in spite of malignant burles- que and ignorant criticism he has given his name to a theory, which is now ac- cepted by every scientist as an indisput- able fact. TRE DARWINIAN TREORY. in its widest signification, the Evolution theory of Darwin is an hypotheeia which regard. all nature, physical and biolog- ical, as the result of a development from the general to the special, from the sim- ple to the complex; at the same time -viewing human pregrees, the growth of language, literature moral and religious sentiments, science anti art, as but the higher ultimata results of the same nat- ural laws, acting through endless varia- tions. It is a theory of evolution. It holds the evolving of new races and through these of a new species, nud dues not allow for any se(ondary causes, oe any creative influence. Subsidary to this Mr. Darwin iutrodttces the theory of natural selection. According to this nature selects and perpetrates the indi- viduals of a epecies,'be was. .t (1yia 1 out, and the fittest surviving. Tlel theory has been bitterly denounce.) in the pita hot is now accepted as +roe by every scientist in the world. fir neR+1 v Ch1ea Robert Ilitrwin, Id. Ds, R.S.1, was MAI at 1lorewahory, Eng., Febru- ary 12th, 1809. He war educated WM at the Khrewstiory grammar school; he then went to the University of Edie- burgh, and neat to Christ Church, Cam- bridge, where he umlauted R. A in 11432 and N.A. tit 1$37. no was the natura- list seleated to sail in fiie Beagler in the lie>rthern sena, when dist weasel made its memorable surveys. He served without glary. se great was his lore for the work, ta!jnaGI 104+1 d he.}its cousinon h1ow .11 fro , 1104 ttd10uder ret. The bright spring drys, because warm- er than winter, delude children s,th the tdea that punster has ogee, and this de - tuition often keeps the doctors uncia - manly busy/ in the early spring 'eoliths. A little more care and exercise of com- mon serlss,woukt peso it half the cases, of sickeegn It, p* ilkpro$4s chilt!ret8 with rubbers. Theis are slot expensive, and with a little cant I wake ene pair 04 small rubbers servo two children as each in torn, reaches the age of two, or four or six years. The larger rubbers for school children being more used, usually do not wear so long, Few parents properly teach children the use of head -covering. It would be a safe rule to imprees upon them that some covering on the head should always bo worn out of door,, when the air is cool er damp, as well no the bright sunshine, at any season of year --in *hurt, fix tho, habit of putting something on the head whenever [they step out of doors. If found burdensome, oo is waren day in the shade, it may be temporally removed but always be near at hand; Also some light coat or shawl fat protection eat of. doors as the weather changes, while the thick outer garments worn during the severest winter weather are unsuited t• spring months, it is most unreasonable to pass from the heal/ wraps to none at all. I suggest extra flannel linings in winter cloaks, to be put in when the cold- est weather approaches, and taken out when spring comes. I beet. seen the water -pried ulster" worn by school chil dern during spring and fall, and on rainy f.aeiumer days, made into romfortablf wraps fur winter by basting in colored cotton-flanuel lini,i;;e. 1 have .e; a ether ulster, of the same thin cl th worn tlfiough Ira seasons without change by school Orbs who cannot be expected to to make healthy women, having had their vitality so over faked by the effort to keep warm, because of i...tuliicient clothing. Some warin April days tempt the in- experietteid to like tinder -flannels, but it is seldom safe in April to remove the winter tunnels unless thinner ones are substituted. For the ehiliiren it seems most seasonable, if the weather favors the change, to leave off llaaiaela un Sat- urday night, when the weekly bath is taken. But in our family the flannels worn during the daya are always taken off at bed -time for an all-night airing and the winter under -flannels (home made garment' of 'wool), preceded in fall and followed in spring by long -cleaved high -necked garments, of unbleached cotton, with thintler ones fir rummer. We must be guided by the weather rath- er than by the calendar in our changes of garments; and put on and resume the flanntaa if a cold snap 'comes un, • even though it may last but a few Clays. If this is not done the needed warmth of clothing should bo sought by putting on extra outer garments- sacks and skirts. A great proportion of our colds reatilt from insufficient clothing, but many are caused by remaining in unheated rooms in cool weather. If the bright sunshine and warm air maks a fire burdensome at MAti.:. zA Arrangt'nents ',•'� been, made by ,,he (keitWester*Railway, to run sr. a e zcur Wm.i rains through Mani- toba anis Ddko a, wifh:.ut change of cars, in `large 01 % . special agent. Tt,t' firs'. Es• cursion leaves ht til:e 01 the Londo 1 Huron at.d BruceRailway, on WEt.DNEBDAY, MARCH 1st, to be followed by An Excursion every Wt,dnes- day during March and April. Baggage cheokti;, h. For all inforniatiol) . _ares or freight rats, a o -i alit' OT b inter'to EO... OHMS •' Special Agent Greet Western Itti:t,.t• G•odrrr• ,e'. • l-:'111 Godericti. Jaw lit psi FOR RHEHPMATISM, Neuralgia, Solstice, La ube�e, Backache, Soreness eltJk Cbesf, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprain:, Burns and Sca/ds, Genera/ Bodily PiQMNr Tooth, Earaad Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all otwar Pains and Aches. No Pr'esrausa sit smut equals se ls 611. Jsm era as s safe, sure, simple sad chewy Eat.ntal Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 (Seats, asd every on,. eu/er- tng with pain can haus chow sad padeit usasttt of fta eb as ntrwrtlosa fa =It+.e Te�a sog 801D BY ALL DYIiA5I8T8 AIDDLLE= A. VOGELER. & CO.. a- asilisre., Md., U- m A. SEBGMILLER Chilled Plow —AND— AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Having purchased the Goderich Foundrryy. am fitting the premises for the manatactur 'of CHILLED PLOWS and AGRICULTURA IMPLEMENTS on a large scale. Mill Work General Repairing and Jobbing will be con tinued. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. Runciman is the only man authorize to collect payments and give receipts en be half of Inc late Arm of Rnnciman R Co,. an all persons indebted are requested to Hover themelvra a••sordisie S. SEE('MILLER, Proprietor. ay, mornings often chilly. We think it will c ,nn be bedtime, and it is hardly worth while to build a fire. So we go to bed with cold feet and Ina chilled condition, An.l are all ''out of sorts" next day. mi dd theand evenings are To the Medical Prefeaalee, nod 011 •+^•••a 1t may rises.. NCE Phos{{ahatine, or Nerve Food, .t Plena• , — phate Blemetttt'aeeti upon tientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Aunt -in, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- eons Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human , system. Plimppleitine is not a Mrtlecine, but a Nutriment, being's it (entwine no Vegetable or M ineral Poisons, Opiates, , anti.� titnulasts, but situp! ly the PhosphatlO d Garlrie' Elementsircotles found in our daily fixed. A single bottle is sufficient tot nvince. All Drttggista, self it. $1 00 ist]rr hettlt "T.oWbltlt' & ! Co., wile agents for the "13tMfinttlftt, iib Fr ent Street Bast. Toronto. Pellicle liar!' art nthre right to be6oin remain d commit suicide. If th becomes week And falls tc FL s{)ehltlt renieely the !rouble' 1 Reel {eetsstlr. No home shows Ae witho•tr 'a tw'dtle - of .laggard a 1eUuw 1 Id, in .sew of me- cadent. ta cident. There is no t,r.•l,.'ar.ttr,n, ,tiered dtawppeepair, and gloomy and mis- esable, than illy have to take poison ana stomach perform its functions, Burdock jai.xtd Hers -will 1,11. DI tae tYl► l y sn l' TO The Great Cleansing Fluid. MRS. -Vit LOOK • in. ah .i10646 cing Iles gr -at lc ,outtt•.ina to her teany hien , and patron* in 11 4er[ch sad vicinity. that she has secured the ens right and prlrllrge t.i tr r;w:ttgu,aad w, . fib` trcirxrC's ';;;iVLEANSING & ll Y )11Pi1 ..--='- tiolosi pit vee Gent ere `00"10 )1 re Heim Phar. m, No. fi71 Deet N . Chiaapfet ill-, ie now in bee arty - MOW" yam, and Antes that she hes saf- feMed with Onss.mption for about ten Mint, wit. (r' 4111 by eine Otiesians,1111 of whore pensiehiseed her cite Itatelote She had given spa* dsver ie ov- eriDg. Seven bottles', Dr. ialies Sow Dt .nv.ry for 1 easetTresseptatelv steed her ik'ubelr � WV a rectal and AMMO ,._ w, •`!'ftp aorll e'1e " Rt+9nss', PengRt"r: i,n A 1t' a $4 �'D' ''•f ving grease• and roil from isn't/lung eeleything.from the Anent tahric to the rment worn or if the grQM.is lets trove setureted ,gyrase or fait or any h'n1/, it Mw. toe a trifling'•oct. he made to Irak as as pow It cleans all articles without c gin, for -stew•. IK elesiv..M Ili t0111,171111 stTvfstwl ty a nig 1 tee wwt.r NO n.r d ra annd to Tnrnnfn n. any ./titre elver 10 have flour trtbrn deao r and tb.l.i ii t lir tadrlle't., it the tpor lost �I R' A R t e' oil Inerr i0staily, H.' A.:1 ow ttt. s't^.n mourns r 7o $72 tAeaa _44'.tt•�a1 1 �":6 Awes R (`e Agresti, lgwtae ANCHOtt LINE. VViTR1► STATE8MAIL STEAMERS Ian Weekly to andlos ' Naw Voest as tlt,atuew. v15 .ON&oao HN (4h10 Prises,,ie01p lied. ciente, Mau gi tui Wee% t (`ails, {Id !M um Tickets, TSSS Steamers Ball every Saturday Mend Naw YORK Aga 1.01% DON Meier?. cabin i•assage, AM and N !]'K. Returns, $100an.l 111, message sage pusssagers boekrd at low rates. Passenger accommodations nue/cell.d. 41181•ATI/I0OMI ON MAIN DIOg. Passe gets booked at low, et rates to or from Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden. Denmark. F.or Houle of 'Tours in Gotland.-Rate*.Plans apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. New York. (h lb SRA. E. W ARNOCE. (Hamilton St ler♦ 1 •(tuderlch. AFTER 4 SEASON'S TRIAL At the Oldl bI hd Site Store in Town, endless Variety, In • and the meet deunuwio buys To suit the MY S 1s now coesplete. and I take pleasu num Large 84+ aried Stock G STOCK informing my customers that at no pre ve I had such a • 's at prreeot. I have [aimed the Stabderd of Quality and G,wered the Price until a positive Lest that ase 1101111h value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. it it (JUSTOM WOO"T7' and will be wade up of every grade still receives uty prompt and careful attention, ui the mutt approved styles by first -claw workmen,- and of the ery twat material ubtaivable,, t'mtdensed-Fire 4 i n d l e r s aro the best in use. delaR Tway with real oil ur shoo inge. Each k Oldie'. will horn e.•ven minutes. los enough to ignite hurl wood. Ttn•) a 1N/s fel; !oat whlie rrsie and w n soil' .ca Lytta. $fill et . 1'SNTY CENTS 1'{7x; gtiNDliE1�� W • No diffcrcnce in price or qua1ty. James Reale. Lades mulMisse; Neel PIaIed Free o('charge. At time ,,of ppurcchhase if so desired. Maker and seller, Ooderich. _ 1 ) \ J�/ r i N Crabh's Block, Cur. -East Street anal the Square St. Catherines Diurserie s. aifl'iRLLrltijo IN 1836. flaring fully tented MOORE'S EARLY & BRIGHTON two new grapes. 1 tatingl adv my patrons to plant them.You will' not be dis- appointed. MOORE'S EARLY is the best very early black grape yet grown inr ('anada It ha, atetd thirty degrtvs below zerounbnrt.. BiRIGHTON is a delicious red grape, ripening Just atter Mooro's Early. They are both large to bunch at -d berry, and very productive. 1 will mail Loth to any address, postpaid, on receipt art ;2, or either tot il. Agents wanted. D, W, BEADLE, ST. CATHEEINRV, ONT. 131DSut. Illustrated Floral Guide Ye* ISM la as Deanat Seek .f las Poiret,, two Colored state* of Hewer,, and Mee gleam IMO Illustrations of the choiiast Flow- etePLwtsland Vegetables. J Dlreatlegslor alga fed tbdi Oen- 'gentile ora of ay ! tete!ttt• elemljoayour saw and Past Office 'Adman, with 10 ceate, and I will seed you a copy. peewee paid. This it not a quarter of ita oast. it is printed h troth Engtish sed °armee. it you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cta. �MIt'N 8LKD% are the beat in the world. The FtORAt. Gctoa will tell you how to get and grow lower M/`t may'_•let•ak'IeweraM v.g+rat.le t:atrdea,'�'Pages, 6Colored Pytte ..`00 Engra• ForZd-50 tanta to paper covers: ii -Win ele o t cloth - In German or F.ngltah.#A' IIEPENEEk7;1106.1:114 tiig'�TIcY'a lllsatrared Ilensily Msaasine T:D` trir Pages, a Colored Plate in every numbe land many fine Engravings. Price 51.25 a year; Five Copies for WOO. Specimen Numbers TO BUY YOUR, sent for 10 cents; 3 trial copies for Ili cents. AddrJAWM.ICK torltea.ter. V. Farmers' Hardawre kms.. ,' .:. THE ARItTY STORE. I hose just received a +arse stock of Wg,�PFER, GREET T DOtW BLIND T:.APFR, CAR- PET PELT, ETC_, 1 TC_ t 1,ave also oe heed a large Kock of all kinds of BRAC TAPIR, CHARIOT HOR8ES, EaAGONS, and CROQUET SETTS. All bisds of repslre'doso to Lonelier, Sofas, and Chale. Chairs sesta apet In. Carpet and oilclothN�laid. and t5 7�3 Ebci�6 t lilacs, JLeK'ELI/. r ceased see HARDWARE! --GO TO. TO BUILDERS. l t rl-R KINTAIL BRICK YARD. Builders' Hardware YO1' R a A quantity of good white brick on hand an for sale at reasonable rates, The subscriber is now carrying 0n the brickKNIVES ■ making business at Inc Kintail kilns, and will give all orders which may be sent him th most prompt attention. The brick is of fret class quality, and the terms aro reasonable Address JOHN K. 311 (: REGOR, Kintail In fact, everything you want in his line HE IS BOUND TO SELL CHEAP This Spring and Sumner. See his FENCE R'IRE, the best yet. LUMBER. R_ W_ McKENZ2E_ HEMLOCK, ELM, BASSWOOD, &C. iN BOARDS, PLANK, SCANTLING and Jo1Wr*t. BILLS CUT., TO ORDER. CUSTOM WORK ,PONE. "AR'HIi:ALD HOD(iE, �uw mil!, Dunlop P. O. HOD({E & HAYNES lieppardton P. 0. .Instar♦. ; Saw tail:. GREAT BARGAINS! i\ BOOTS AND SHOES! GREAT CLEARN& SAIF FOR 30 DAYS AT CAM' ti!W'SJO i1 AND SHOD EMP)RIUM. TAR Parties winitogrebeirprvAi should earl at mere. }laving secured Orli class wor tine!, am peppered to wtanufartors to order. - 1 1/4 el* tok 1 ° r # NAI4L/AiJrURK:1) lX Toson'O. r0•der ityt.Ftke 1515, ,y ,. A IIt6 are re a+ on, of Nothing but First Class Material t ase d, a� GOodr,.4 et Guaraxiteed._ ,.. TV, VMS ensu . . 1 n, t 1 a Kat i- .. w -- -4 Aeli ib Ai -11 WM CAMPBELL. ptatnta Pain In all of Reek. Hol(n, etc. (triages Gravel. (Warrtt of the Rlaidee M( Mi JP11110010r, Peat and tesltsoniala slit het obtained from ( ting) ' r t rnnfr • W T !tray, Win Ts.," gf. A4 13I DI s •ices•. atetwpiAPSlrALDBYCRirril t� , aeisses son et TI YOUR MANI elnhese 11 Myth ' e{ ; A -..� t t f.nwtaaoe ilaralltM IVO 323111G Mt.0 'l'HR'(UICE fit• •THp! HCRoN SIdNALI Nofttl Rtryet, (ioderieli