The Huron Signal, 1882-04-28, Page 51 e, ry ,r. it a• de to 1p in - eh ur he re N- as d, ad of he rot lag ase A. Wit of o ds v7 Ms. tl. kia`d the tin 1 of one the oil , at a. 12 et 10. late m& » OM. their tt Ag Red %sr oral rash I Oa Usk Call rest itith I& Is BE r. tar. 176 TS D IAN IAN 718 h. It AT - 1 at Ina. 'est. to to fiat M lel- flay to sk ad ri a/ ow - Nos ter W. 8. Wilson who has been down with typ'wid fryer, is new able to be about. We have uow gut a town bell. The vitiators subscribed end bough; tl . It weighs about one hundred ifs. The new teen in front of the I'reshy- teriaa church 'a almost onmpletal. It improves the appearance of the Alae Tory mech. Leo O w& There have been several oases of in- fh►mnutiun and bad colds about here of lata. PI$$OAALJG. - - Mr. Win. Melllaunw has returned home frau, visiting friends in the state of New York. ---Miss Currie, of Goderich, has been the guest of Mrs. J. J. Wright, of the Point Farm. HAia AT IT. —sprung work has beau begun in real earnest—Mr. Harry Hor- ton got in the first peas on the 17th at 6 a. in., and a few days before Mr. Hugh Chisholtn sowed the first oats on his farm on Butternut Row. In twelve months Mr. Chisholm has got about 60 sons of his now farm under cultis- t ion. OSITUaav ---On Sunday evening last, at the Bible Christian Church, Rev. Mr. Broad, in a few remarks, announced the death of Mary, unly child of the former pastor, Rev, lir. )(Jason. Many of her young friends who knew her when she resided here would be happy to know that she died happy trusting in the Lord Jesus. In the lou of hu dough - tor, Rev. Mr. Matson has the sytupathy of a large circle of friends in this Iecali- ty. Dtullop. Farms for sale advertised cheaply in i Tan SinitAi. Advertisements of lost, I found, or wanted, only 26 Dents for one insertion. Mn. O'Brien, of Ruscommtm, Mich., rOe Miss McFarlane, at • ne time a re- sident of this section, is the guest of Mr A. C. McDonald. Hors AGAiri. -- After a sojourn of seven week* is Toronto, Mr. Lrohibald H. ion• of the lino of Hodge a Haynes, I..r rrterned, and ,tettletl dug,: ;•, Lusi- r,t.. a r • mill. He is couch improved u, t:••,.•... Atoll spirita. 11.. •.vtionts down with the measles keep our "sick committee" on the hop Chose(Chose(g to ever ears ass d oar *Meet nurses sueesabed to Mama, from sheer anxiety. The other nurses miss her advice, but are booking after her, and are we aglad to hear that she is getting better. 11 cases of measles have been dieeherred M eared, 10 ars laid op, and 8 saese ars convalescing.'The "tonic" as a remedy hos been largely used, and Sir Astley Cooper and Holloiray are in oho shade. AassasI.cer Ci llet.eT[D. ---After etight- een day: work, Mr. George McKee, township assessor, has finished his work. His duties were heavier than usual, this year having had to ask 36 questions at each house. The number of births dur- ing the year was 44: deaths 23. Fall plowing for spring work, 4,t$Ot; acres. There are 4,438 scree in fall wheat. He is pleased to see great improvements in buildings and feucer, during the past year, and observe careful and scientific ! , farming among many of our intelligent yeoman. The population has increased 142. He holds great hope out to our young men, in saying that there are rot *goodly cumber of handsome, active girls in the township who do not care about Msnitebh weather, and are willing to make sur own Colborne lads happy and helpful partners in lite. ♦ Valuable &script. It is related of Franklin that from the window of his office in Philadelphia he noticed a mechanic, among a number of others, at work. on a house which was being erected close by, who appeared to be in a merry humor, and who had a kind and cheerful smile fur every one he met. Let the day be ever so cold, gloomy, or sunless, the ,happy smile danced like a sunbeam on his cheerful countenance. Meeting him one day, Franklin in requested to know the sec- ret of his happy flow of spirits. "It's no secret, doctor," the man replied. I've got one of the beat wives, and when I go to work she always gives rue a kind word of encouragement and s blessing, with a parting kiss; and when I go home she is sure to meet me with a smile and a kiss of welcome; and then tea is sure to be ready; sad as we chat in the even- ingt I find she has been doing so many little things during the day to please me that I cannot find it in my heart to speak an unkind word or going an un- kind look to anybody. And Franklin adds: "What an influence, then, bath wo- man over the heart of man, to soften it, and make it the fountain of cheerful emotions. Speak gently, then; a happy smile and a kind word of greeting after the toils of the day are over cost noth- ing, and far towards making home happy " seeseowlodW tivoort. State of the weather for the week ending April 96th, 1882. April 19th --Wind at 10 p. m. S. W., fresh, foggy. No. of miles wind trav- elled is td hours 987. Began to rain at 4s m., need at 4.90 p. m., amount of rtinfall 9.5 cubic inches. Thunder and lightning during the afternoon. 100, --Wind at 10 p. a N.W.moder- ate . cloudy. leo. of miles wind travelledin 9‘ bars 80R Meowing meetly all day, snow molted es it tell. 21st.—Wind at 10 p. m. N., light, elear. White frost Agnes borealis. No of mils wind travellsi in 94 boors 643. 99.d— Wind at 10 p. m N t . fresh, elioad fro o of silos woad Ntra•- ellsd la. I4 heave0L 9 'Dred— Wksd et IO p. m. N., frisk =doer, asst. 11.. of miles wind is 1M loess OK 1ti --Wind et 10 p• es 1. L , it ffbt, also, frost. Ns d miles weed toss ed is ft bow dig, eta -sow at to p. en. S. clear, frost. $u of miLs wind tesvelleil e 14 hoots MIL 0. H. llM.o.o.,u.. Observe. ('n1erieh, April I01b, i001 THE /HURON SIGNAL, FRIIIAY, APRIL 28, 1842. CRM IRA1 tL. ) T• Now Compoei d. Its woJ- /seal affinity to thy Digestive Apparatus and the Live:, increas- ing the dissolving awes, reliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful result. ofD,vs Indigestion, and the 7ORPID JI.I'l1AR. makes gapers as ovary day necessity in 7 louse. It gently and psedUly Biliousness, CCoa tl yen a, Head- ache, Sick Headache, D. 'ross air ter lilating;Wtnd on the :itch. $.artbara. Paths la the 134...o and Back. Want o! App.elte, Want Ori Darier; Low 8ylrltg Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car rtes off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Czzt this out and take it to your a r• 1&x j bo stet a 10 cont as ileal., es l ]aa r • ti*»ttle rfor& 75 trials, a> ad fllJs'Darn. rahouiit. tmgmglarltV a peweema Moose ot. Ytls.E•T sad OHEAP&$TI.bitca. or, to the world -the BERT bes.,ttse hones gain, but f: nus a Miley potelled our - over ti,. note, rsduWwg *inti,. and toning too ore** the CHEAPEST te- tt soots 110 WORE than teietor sad ams nes w11 N Nu WOO of two of any of raw foo o. Mowers as well for Harmer o yes Gaoling. 'I hresLingYs. chorea Corn -pt :ter; G anise. a Euggits etc. u for Wagons. GUARANTEED to oowtatw NO Pertroloorn. Sold by a ll dea>ers. Our Art f (yip&. W flops netts L..e.iop mailed Moe. MICA MANOFACTURINO CO. SIM Hudson Alto Now Tort.. Cleveland. O. awe Ctttoago. It. $AWUELR'l"ER1 a CO. Ttronto,Ont. ••.,•. . -. n,,, ow ,fin rn..•,-1,,. Tis RIOG>id>tT BALE Or THI 8EA8ON. J. C. DETLOR&CO e Have doMod to oilier their satire stock of elsartag Wore. foe web. Mur the ne=t Illi days they will sell at prima that will astonish all. COM AND BEE THE BARGFAINB- And you will be sore les bay. Their Mock la now oomplete, obeli- Mr. J. C. Dotter hevlug; m- outh purohesed la Montreal ea lu.taewr eruct of Stale and Fancy DGoods at lowest Cask Prices, dple value is Velveteen. Pete by the woo at than regular wholesale prlum. (wale end see those cheap prints. Bargains ,u cheek and Lanny sttlrtlags„ and browu ducks. Bigger bargains In brown Holland. The biggest BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Mull Lines in the latest styles 1a Parasols, lanes, Ydgiagr and Ymbruideries at motels halt price. (aeadtau and &etch Twesda heath Wonted Coat loos. Ladles Clothe and (Tbterim s at unheard of Prima These meet be add. sad the p: -ices at which they are placed must clear them out L a time. Hosiery at prices to clear. Ha* at paalc prlcee. A special line. of Tbwols Masa) et nearly bolt prior. s0 dozen 1- Button pl(r1ed�Oluvas import- ed direct. at _pork I. than rotator pines et TweedJ. 0_ Vesta & price Ouderleh, ♦pro ZTse Rom ori HAIR RESTORER 'The Gem of Hair Preparations. It removes Dandruff, hoops the scalp cess, and renders the hair soft, silky and glossy ; promoting tie growth and cawing it to seems a beautiful, health and natural appearsaoo It Restores Grey Roar, is s Splendid Dressing and an Excel- lent remyud fur Headache. E lice 50 Cents PEr Bottle For Sae by GEORGE MMUS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Market Square, Goierich. TRRY 172.'==R should have a oop of the LIFE 8NL LECTIIRES HON. GEO. BROWN, edited by HON. A. MACKEINT ZIE- !Ready for delivery to a new days. Orders Oaken by frena S'in.eppexd HURON SCHOOL BOOK DEPOT, GODERICH. SPRING and SUMMERSUITS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By casual observation, wr And all land speculators have a clear head and watch the ups and downs of property. ,bus making large fortunes. But the whole ar•ret ia, they keep the system in a healthy condition by the nae of TUE 111111111 OF TMC VALISE MOa47TG We can safely asy that hundreds come to tis for the great lung and blood portlier before going west. Regi the folowing statement. We could give tbomasnds of the tame kind If it were necessary. I oertl that i was troubled with Catarrh in the 1 gathering of phlegm Iu the throat choking and coughing at night for years, so f could not sleep. often troubled with dull, Me- lee' lialee' feelings. pains in the cheat and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors. end alvtng up all hope* I tried the Ptut s or Tog VVAU.ZT. and am saw able to do my work alter seven vear's Meknes." MDR. JAM='S McNICIL. 902 Sisson. Street. London, Ost. -The above atatemeayof my wife's is cor- rect. Jams McNeil.. For sale by all drnggtats, manufactured by Prof. A. M Sit Teves. Loddon, Oat. 8empte ■eekagehII ors Ivo for In sed be bad la tie.erte of tie drowns: Join 21..d, Joe. Whom. I. .e.. Nag. ems. midi. A. IdfSL 11114 $66. week is year Own tows. Term. and *outfit free. Address H. IIsurto t oo. Porthiod liaise SEEDS FOR 1882. Thanking the put vers I pieseare in stain, that i havos basdYke BETTER STOCK THAN EVER of abed* Wiest. Bes1s7, Peas, Oats. Tars. Clever and Timothy, Pea Vias Clover. A toile Loewe. and Lows gran. IUPORTEO RACK OATS A int slam essetment of FiELD, GARDEN ! TLOWRR RINDS mew with Brest ecr. ,rem ties best seed bases r CNPTN'S Sr POISE CMN. NEW TOE POTnams-H..► cams 1111111111711 UMW eg.�"w=i�` • �. ape .. Wil. .�sr' 1'has. al.rilr. Wr NT - ==.11.... JAMES McNAIR. IEE TTG -H D U NZO p let [!.elks. Et Fashionable Tailor, West Street, Godericb. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. SEEDS SEEDS ' JU&lT BUCLITED AT THE Medical Ball, Godericrr., large and well amsrtd Meek of fresh Ga den, Field and Flower Seeds, Both in bulk and io packets_ Purchased from one of theamid ost reliable seed loom, o in the Dominion. and will be sold at Cul be Primme. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs Chemicals, Dye Blue* Mom and Cattle Medicine* Toilet Artiolea, k.c. sr Physicians' Preecriptlons carefully dispensed• WI MILLINERY. Miss Jessie Wilson Takes pleasure is Worming the lslthe w Oederlob owl vigil*, that re opened out on Saturday, April the 8th A LAROi S"NOCKe3 r.• TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED_GOODS. A fall sad Sae amwta•eat of PLOITER,S LAND FEAMERS. Aad everytbittgio tail amps el =.1.66./r.L'w ' z c t 1882 -SPRING -1828 Our Sprig LnipollaUolls_are Now in Snick Every Department is Now Complete. COLBORNE BROS. It affords as pleasure, through this Circular, to thank our numerous Customers for the very liberal patronage .xtended to us during the two and a half years whidt we have been in business. Our sales are increasing daily, a sufficient proof that we do our I,usinesa right', and give our customers good value for their money. Our Spring Goods aro now all in stock, and present a completeue.'iti far in advance of anything we have shown before. To meat the growing requirements of our business, our purchases have beau larger than heretofore in every department. We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the New Designs, OfflOCc111 Linc is Gag DRESS GOODS n Great Variety, in plain all wools, watered, brocaded and checked, from 1 24 In Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Competition We are showing a large range of Cettons, Linens, Shirting', Ducks, Denims, Ultima Tweeds, All -Wool Tweeds and Coatings. Bilks • and Satins, Plain and Watered, IN BLACK AND COLORS. IN SKILL WIRE OUR STOCK IS VERY COYPLB?B PARASOLS, HOSIERY & GLOVES SPLENDID VALUK. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. The wt s sse stwlidr luvdw Is ningoW oesise. esti 1 MO ism r a etemase r raw Oke Highest price Paid for Butter & Eggs C ZROR INT= =ROS_, CODFRICB. Ari Desins iu Wall PaperL Now is the time. if you wish one or two nice rooms at home, to see Butler's room papers. He bas over 20,000 Rolls ofthe Latest Designs Beautiful colors, and at price, lees than very much inferior goods. Call and sec them, they are tae boot value in town. and must be sold. The Pallems and fashis, 14.t �T.T'TZdER' JAZ 'SAUNERS. & SON. VARIETY STORE. NES GOODS_ WALL I APERB WIN W BLIND ooptimamt,s B&d_ 8tc NEW DE8IG T8 LOW PRIC 7fi_ TQYS AND FANCY GOODS. 'BrhbVFS AAP' rIstock 21IITWARE. TiNWORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. f-11:43 Oheapeat House Under The Bun STEW GOODS I --ARRIVING A'1 -- V O irrwwrl�a.ed��OaMa V 'I�m/r A LARUL PTOCK Iso SELECT FROM. THE LARGEST OCK OF PRINTS. WL HAV' VER SHOWN. FULL LINES mV' DREB CFOODB_ We would cell _peetal att.ntien te eartllittok ('ashes,.. IN hie*. for vales, eaanot be e=osllod T1 -A. =f11340(I.RliIwee*IaWtaresIG1_ Ori and Workmanship m.ssiw peel- : it. e:a1i,5T. Goer. Sao. of Loads. :or_� BOOTS &SH OES LATEBT AND BRBT STYLES. MOr' dT wOadup Owe =.._s.m Mobfn tae 'Nobler test ,l oseey Aare • primed WOW. in the rho,. &res ORDERED WOZtZ ♦ �'aOI A..TT. .g Woo w si is 0 iigy Netamer�t, iitmod. Hawke( ares meelarge det determined 4. 'w ib Pt.btt. ,bar be.sk tLL� LL PBROFI�is nWILL BE on ITTO0, PLAIN AND FANCY PR/NT ltd EXECUTED WITH .�••m—� r. ••. •.=t d.'sr 10 J N tw�, s f)r.g tee" '" /IrOwtlsm .sob rerssiv. owe gset.l atbittes NEATNE88 AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW ZI.s* bot the hod of aW.ii&I ...d and first clams workmen estplwyd RATES AT "THE SIGNAL Off/CE " ! "' eh>...i � �` .�. ,«� DOWNING & WEDDUP. i 1>