The Huron Signal, 1882-04-28, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL Loom env ileus. Fiiatame Mex, Ivorh l (ea'tie &mire) GODERICH. ONTARIO. And Is despatched to all partitive the surround- eouatry by the earliest mall. sad trial ns. adm4sia It has • know& creels - skier aiswepap•r la ibis part of rreourtb. sewsiant 4� M it la Ontario to the • vis most edium amity sad ��bg -- -. — r therefore a Tooas---glA in advisees p e pre -paid b�l publisher.; IILnl, if paid before x mouths. eftif set se paid. This rule will be strictly oafervod. !dead o► a Anv.n•talife.-Ilett cents ye Iles tar b insertion , three dents per Rai for wish mimeo matiaeertlan, eeYearl►yy half -yearly ateaote M redaeed� rets.. -- Me have also • area -elms )ebbing department to connection and possess- tl i•tie meet e*mptete out -fit and best facilities ttar tumble ma work • do shoes la thatline et lerlcp. are prepared prices that cannot be beaten, sad of . quality that c•a.ot be ■.rttas..4.— Firma Cash THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1880. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1881. • eaMAI►A'.1 TRL 4T I' RItJHTtt. eery I amersatS. W. gi.e helow the toil of rho mow_ ; 'Ito hl,entls tent into the eleetiun .f ti,,,,,, moved by Hon. E. Blahs with 1871+ very hateful; they sustawodacrush- rl to Canada's inde ins detest. The conservatives enter upon to take commercial trollies with foreign aha usi::: struggle ill tueob ooutidense lain with ..stalk hectoring; sill history .'.peat powers. The motion was voted duwu itself! As the (barley ..cid to the carpet - by a majority of 101 to 58, but Mr. bagger` "Dee allot s eighty uncertain. THE BONUS QUESTION. .A oomph of weeks ago we published an article on the bonus questieu, which excited considerable comment among the vesidents of Goderich. In it we laid down certain principles, and took excep- tioa to too great haste in grasping at busiwess offers, and the exhibiting of too pest anxiety to offer bonuses to business enterprises proposing to locate in oar tomo. The direct cause fur our utter- ances on that occasion was the fact that Messrs. Scutt & Bell, furniture tuanti- teeturera of Wingham, were Looking "for another location, while an applica- tion for a local bonus from the town of Wingham, to retain them, was pending. It is true that the application of Scott & Bell was withdrawn, at the Wingham public meeting, when is was discovered to be adverse to the public sentiment as .expressed by a number of prominent resi- dents at said meeting; but there is no -question that the offer,of • bonus from Goderich or any other town would be a lever fur the firm to use if the neater came up again for discussion in Wing - ham. Messrs. Scott I. Bell were corre- sponded with by the town clerk of Gode- rich, under instruction from the special cominittee of the Council, and in re- sponse, on Good Friday, Mr. Bell was present in Goderich at a n eating of the coinmittee. The matter was talked ti-t•i ver, and although no definite arrange- opininnent was arrived at, there wen many from Quio got highly elated over the prospect olmnon'getting the firm hereat any cost. We canm a,Nd not agree with the enthusiastic ones, h. f having • knowledge of towns and villag- bcoit es which had given bonuses that had prov- ' ed berdens, without corresponding, or, tic in fact, any benefits accruing. Mitchell col boaused an iron safe manufactory, and to received ' irreparable injury; Brussels bwnused a tire engine nuuufactory to the extent of $20,000. and has now every prospect of paying another $20,000 in law costs to get rid of the incubus; Sea - forth made a bad bid on a foundry; Elora has not yet recovered from the in- jury inflicted upon it by toe carpet manufactory. bonus; and scores of other instances could be recited showing that good had not accrued from the efforts of corporations to " buy themselves rich." The principle of booming is wrong. Of coarse there are times when good may obtain, as when a new nit way or some other project of a like na- ture is brought in, but, in the main, ben using industrial institutions is wrong, and no amount of specious arpfnmpra can make it right. Tho fact that there was a "nig,ter on the fence; '" id obvious in the Scott 6t :natter, in the light of rooyrt do- •velopments. In recent letters to the ,Mayor and Reeve of Goderich, the pro- posed remove] of the firm from Wing - •ham to Goderich appears to have�_�$$re�t� its -Quietus, owing to an allege�:"1I�diag .back" from the undertaking by e4 Winnt- ;}reg partner in the coneern. If our special committee are anxious to Im- prove the prospects of the town, thewr+s one way in which it can be done. 14 the railway question be taken up turd winked at; place the men best conver- sant with railway !natters e n the com- mittee, and let them do their utmost to m- lgpke connection with the Toronto, Gray.* Bruoe, or some other competi- tiete lira If increased railway facilities are,obtained, Goderich will not need to hold opts hatful of bonus bonds to tempt /manufacturers to locate hero. They will come then of their owe voli- tion, and in their own interests. An- other railway is what is wanted in Gode- rich, avid 'without it all the efforts that the present special committee, or any other oon aittee can pat forth to hiring an industries to build up the town will pimnetibcetive. Right effort, pro- perly put forth at the present time by oar prnmins nt,men, is what is wanted Then it was only a few seesths solo that to make dodanah what It ought to be - Bir John A Macdonald said is the city, the Lake Cit/,d 7iestern IMtan,.. wither mead .,f aha MTsi tower, that M was "s kerne rater up to the handle. Aro we to uaderetad that this was 'were Rta Joan A. II.A�OwaIJD skarsetena- slap trawl Added to this re the fact that ed die sl$quastApes,* of Mt. Blake oe iso speaking sheet the mew line of steam - the lriah jewilotione as "deseagnRw_ " a'i► between Oaaada and Bragfhad John said that "Bir Alexander Ilan had been Kir John's owe epesek was envu,ai, pet ince direct ee,.munwtioa with the spiteful and silly, ready yrmarkahlSSdy Governments of Frame sad Spain. with because of its jet/Sous nefsr'sace to the which Orem Reimers is tryiae to "goo. Wider of the Opposition. Yr. Blake's nsltniflo.st oration (for ea es -Jule. Cswrwol, a Conservatir• anmlbsr, term - ed it, in eh. face of the Premier. dw- pernging remarks). is is inkMeA every - whew and barn Watched the prp&er Merl of Canada m portiere De eft* *swab ever towelled it before Blake s.eoisded be creating a dsfecteun in the Tory ranks—some seven members Tis lasbeee ea �e tate. of that party voting for the tion, To Mr. Mills we are indebted fur • re which was, Ili every sense of the term, a view of Irish legislation which showed vote of want of confidence in the Gov- how the present denagds of the Irish ernment. A number of other Tory people are the natural result of preceding members approved of the ouot,on, out muses, and it )relaid is miserable to- day the fact is owing entirely to the cruel were kept loyal to the Government by lend unjust laws forced upon her by the the tightening of the party n ii' The !English Government. --!Ottawa Free following is the *ries of res..lotiotie Pte "That Canada) no longer occupies the Jeers* Jolla A. position of as Medinary uependency of the Crown. She another, over four Sir Joho says that Mr. Blake's speech millions of free men trained in the prin- oa the Irish question was demagogic. diple' of constitutional government. She When Sir John bewailed the hard times comprises oue half of the North Anieri can Continent, including seven Provin- ces federally under an Imperial charter, which recites that her Constitution is to be similar in principle to that of the United Kingdom; and she possesses exe- cutive and legislative authority over vast areas in the North-west, out of which a Province has already been created, and Itrelmets Mem. in time ..then will be found. "That special and increasing vespers- The Knights in the Cabinet handled Mr. Cestigan's resolutiuu expressing symnpethy with the Irish tenants, very gingerly. Mr. Blake having declined the shilling offered hint by the British Government, in the shape of knighthood, felt himself free to speak what was in his wind and heart in reprd to the Irish. His speech will find an echo is the hearts of all who sympathise with an oppressed people. —[Evening Telegram. auti lyingly declared that hs could bet- ter thorn, was that demagogic, When he said that he could produce "tall chim- u ys" everywhere; that villages would become town i and towns develops into cities -esu that demagogic! The reader may answer for himself.— (Advertiser. The speech of thel•aderof the 11p1,,,,,- .t Winnipeg. Tho vainters were or ASHrltel.0 IN 1111. 00,,Nf1 O! '1kgORTOAOIg /ALT OF A VAiJ. ♦HLIt YARN IN T.tY TOWNttdlt• — A Ysveddd R/rtl itrrusfnrred moos tat prairie from • l tion is by all odds even judging from a Yu,raut to Eui.-rso.i by, ,.er Selkirk, HURON. ,.weruf masons esanty summary one ..t the beetpre.- The Irtest news frou, Wi ,iiipo ruputts la calor wdbbi Vow; lanais:. tit eutatiunof the claim of Ireland to Home / the water .till rising at Emerson and w,uc will is piA.durtd sr u,e I. a er e, Rule that we have so far been, and its I Nivervlfi, snd people are leaving their .node by Jsasrr rtes. Th rat wilt I,e .old by effect iu the M.•ther Country. -(Moo- house. wed 1F411, ad of settlers war VuW.c ructlHouDl Jusu C. Cur, le, •uouuaeer, rt Iwtuall. n. tel, is iso village of Puri Al lrosl Herald. stopped west of W inwp e t by wrrhauts bur • tin ue.d.y. She & s' layer nay I. __ I no the Crest elneda Pacific, Cau.utl by the at It u'cha:k, u,ru•. Ibis luliemtl.g r.taWe ••M .r sada' lommgtoe. I Aminibnine breskinx up, and the "trail terse pr"pertr, vis 1'M wittu, kali of um ysouth half .1 rt summer Inn, in the fifth The character of Dr. Orton'swuuderiul in standing in three feet of rater. A �,� � walleye °t ibo townshiptownshipCommittee was further demonstrated I train with provisions has been dispatch- of AMAew, is the f‘'soar of Hares. woman - Committee ally acres of Land, in .re ur lees, of which we to their relief. x acres are clrarr.I. Ira ed. rod in a fair state of cultivation, and the r nstederis bleb Row terrain • cb.ld Meatt+tl1. `Irtui wooded w,tb hard wood sed heaalsek Iand Is capable of 1a•uy{ easily client Thi build)ae oaahW of a frame dw.fllsls bowel thought the Comuuttee had hail sutficent Children think Much more deeply Isxti. The sod it a clay loam ulster quality. Than we imagine; we should therefore This Cann 1. advsategooml) .,tushed. betas evidence in this u.dutry, when Dr. Or about I1 sill.'. trou the Iowa of h, other answer their questions w the best o1 our snd wtthia Wt a w Ie tit .'tit e. road. ten rejoined that he ro .. i to call w• ability, unless evidently asked in • *brit p l p leadet.e from Gwirr:, b to gime-Mine, anti side' litres, honour .ids and au ""(ir vt lniolit and t to explain to thuui ,vithiii 2 utiles of ti,.' i .herr w Port Albert. .rine! le committee has been rutin 7. try P rertrts of We Trn Kr cent wt. tM d.7 of mg all through. principle reasons fur thing. they see occurring Kir and the bol. .' (n one mail!: tl.eraftar. around them, said for the acts which you A portion of the pug, haws nwney may. at the your.elf perfonu. But ria their co- uptlon of alt.' purchr.er, re mail oat monoses K of the.4d Leeds. The smperty MU De pct id•nee in everyway in your jio or. A rep eu4fect w a reerrveA d. Thr utbare•a mother. should he more a innut.or than tt conA lfnne ole ret • ,ntII Isrfi ,u,ur the Justice. Nether, . r rather she ought to be nodh fur further yysair1ticulare aVPt1 to tis arc combined. You like to see your l...y tioueer, erthuVendur'sMblf.•itors. clever, doubtless, but du not make. u Fol .1Ouder/.:b, aha iMIt dry of April A. show child of him,. 1 o mot even let hen notice dv puarnrwvr. MO J. l', CuantE, know Jou think him clever, and discou Vendor's Yolloitor. AaotlOsiser. sibilitis devolve upon the Government and Parliament of Canada in connection with the development of her resources, the improvement of her condition, her general progress in the sale of nations, and her geographical situation, which render her even more responsible than the Government of the United Kingdom for the maintenance of international re- lations with the United States. "That having regard to these consid- erations, ,there is no possession of the Crown beyond the limits of the United Kingdom which is entitled to such an ample measure of self-government or so full en application of the principle of con- stitutional freedom as the Dominion of Canada. "That it would be for the interest of Canada to obtain freer access to the mar- kets of the world, sad that a more ex- tended interchange of commodities with other countries would augment the na- tional prosperity. "That in meat of the treaties of com- merce entered into by England, refer- ence has only been had to their effect on the United ]Kingdom, and the Colo- nies have been excluded from their operation—a fact which has been attend- ed with unfortunate results to Canada, especially as relates to France. That the condition of Canada, and the system on which her ditties of cus- toms have been and are new imposed, vary widely from those existing in the United Kingdom, and often, in relation to the basis and. negotiation ef commer- cial arrangements, with other States or British puosessiona, views and consider- ations, which do not apply te the ease of, or harmonize with, the policy of the United Kingdom, which it is , difficult for the Government of the Unite' King- dom to advance, and which can be best realized and presented bythe Govern- ment of Canada througa negotiation named by her for the purpose of provid- ing separate trade conventions with countries with whilll-Canada has or may expect dis1inet trades. " ,pie complication and delays in- vWrlYd in the reference to the Depart- ments of the Government of the United llibngdoarof point. arising in the tour* of trade negotiations, enhance the dill, - cultism of the situation and diminish the chances of success that have already re - lofted in lose to Canada. "That it is expedient to obtain all lgwewq powers to enable Her Majesty, t rough her representative, the Gover- nor General 'of Canada, acting by and with the advise of the Queens Prity Council for Canada, to enter by an agent or representative of Oanada into direct soiEgunioation with any British ism - .or foreign state for the p ose of negotiating commercial --sjringements tending to the advantage of Canada,sub- jeetto the prior consent or to the sub- sequent approval of the Parliament of Canada, signified by Act." Ms. Rosuteolr, of New York, has evidently constituted himself keeper of the great American eagle. On Tuesday pe treated the Russia iieprsesntatives of . the following bit of hifalutin. "When I oxine here I found the Ameri- an Eagle druggel and drowsy; her blood poisroed with political pyiernia; . wing wet with the mildew of mos- archy,ind her 1 k-611ed with Lowell garbage... ,1 reused her from her ignoble &amber; brushed the dew from her magnificent piaosri gave her voice the music of freedom, and sent her with her magaiboege win` to fMi the tempest and soar to the inn." Fee, Faw, Fuel ' M stems 5 f�eseerMl Rights. Of all the silly articles the Mati has printed for so..e time, the silliest was an attack .,n Mr. Blake for moving his resolutions in favor .d Canada having the right to make her own commercial treaties. The resolutions are denounced as being "superguews, hypocritical and sedition." Coming from the organ of the party that attained to power on the strength of the N. P. which was the hoisting of the flats a/Canada's commer- cial independence, this is rather nch. Me treat/ea, sad should these aorta- l/Sem fail, he tam the promise .f her ila- *ny'e Government that hm will hes duly e srediwd with power to make treaties soesislly ler Cossda. if negotiations can be aueeemfelly eoadu ted. This 1. the whole ears, sad Mr. Blake comply do sires in have setablishod as a nght that whisk was in this instance greeted ss a hen, - (Telegram this mooting. At the close of the evi dent Dr. Orkin pr.pose.l to call Mr. N. C. V1�&Barn in relation tothe minima bus- hiess. Mr. Tree remarked that he A Week arsameeat. Some conservative journals mustthink the people of C)ntarin are wanting in common sense when they tell them that the course pursued by Sir John Macdon- ald on the boundary question is one that will give to Ontario mere terrirory than she *Lima What Ontario wants is what the award gee* her, and she wants ne tomfooling about it. Tho toric are on the wrong side on this question and no amount of special pleading and tugging at their boot straps will lift them ever to the other.—[World. OOM MUNIOATIONB. We do not hold ourselves responsible for he opinion* of our Correspondents. Contribu- tees to this department must confine them - rives to public questions, and be brief. ♦ SeWaisreaae of Thinly Tears Aare. To the Editor of Tae SI°wAL Dos Sia,—In the _Vila of last Sa- I tarda)', 1 read there words, "there is nothing that brings peopletogethersoon- er than a hole nonsense. A truism which brought to soy mind one such in- cident of the most ludicrous and yet most successful sort I ever met with, and if you will kindly permit me apace, I shall relate it for the ainusetnent of your readers, some of whom will yet remem- ber and take another laugh over it. On the day before the meeting of tbe Unit- ed Coineils of Huron, Perth and Breves June, 1864 a general meeting of the s3ttlement had been called to discs the merits of the then proposed railway There was a large meeting in theSquare, with delegates from Buffide, Brantford, Paris and Toronto. The latter, how- ever, came to oppose the salmons. At the supper which was given to the strang- ers in the evening, it was rather ware - frilly arranged to set certain of our townsmen in certain places to entertain the guests. Mr. John Clark, the Crown Laud agent, was placed between the Mayer of Bolo and me of their Al- dermen, and soon after the hot whiskey hast hegan to work, Clark remarked to his neighbors that they mast have a queer sort of editors in Buffalo, or they certainly were a queer sort of folk alto- 5alsniere� too Ief.` get• His neighbors of emirs*, want- ed te know what he meant, when with - The Irish resoletions adopted by the j slut a smile on his face, he drew a then Canadian Commons declare that the 1 recent Buffalo paper from his pocket, and pointed to a certain paragraph in it, asking if Nat was really true, placing the paper in their hands. Both gentle- men read the paragraph, and handed it back, saving that they saw nothing wrung mit; when Clarkarose, and with- out a grin un his face read aG,ud that Buffalo had so many " hundreds of beautiful houses, and so many thou - 'ands of inhabitants, all having their gable ends to the street" There was actually silence for a moment, and then there was no more railriad talk that night Mr. Clement, from Brantford, a gentleman just as fund of fun as Clark was, gave a story about hens, but after that it did not take Enoch of a joke to give cause fon another cheer and anoth- er drink. One stout gentleman, a Reeve from Stratford. could net sit over five nfintutes on his chair at a time when he we• -1d rise and propose the same toast, "The Mayor of Buffalo," at (east a dozen of times, and without being in the Leet disconcerted that no one join- ed him, for every body was too much engaged on his own hook, take a sip himself, and duan again. Well, Sir, the next morning there had to be bit- ten, id course, and the "Gable ends" o'er again, and before noon the United Council, with only one dissentient vice, voted just d,nolde the amount of what our corresponding committee had led the strangers to expect ONE Wao was Passau. Dish in Canada are the most loyal, con- tented and happy of her Majesty's sub- jects in the colony. This deck net agree with the opinions expressed by the Mail and its evening echo, both of which journals delight in maligning the Irish. The other day one of them declared that all national societies established by Irish- men were disloyal at bottom — a slander of which several Irish societies in Toron- to are a perpetual repudiation. —(Tele- gram. A Wen Deserved Telhale. To whom should we look fur a display of sympathy for the Irish people in the Canadian Parliament if not the son of one of the most generous and patrotic Irishmen that ever lived in Canada, The Irish pe:.ple expected this from Mi. Blake, and they can now point with pride te the fact that when the *cession arose he was equal to it, and gave them the as- surance that Irish love liberty Irish eloquence, Irish genius, burns as bright- ly in Canada to -day as in the most famous periods in the history of Irish oratory.—[Ottawa Free Press. bet the Cheese. The disgust with the N. P. expressed by soros of our farmer -readers has dis- turbed the Howick Enterprise. "There ars no tall chimneys in Gorrie," said one of the farmers as • reason why he ahould be discontented with the N. I'. The Enterprise endeavors to prove there o Advices treat Winnipeg and other la tall chimney—namelya cheese factory. .0101 on the Red River show that mach This cheese factory we are informed by p a friend, was running six months before the last election. We should like the Enterprise to explain what the N. P. has done for the cheese industry. The duty on cheese was not changed by the N. P. Nine -tenths of our produce gees abroad, and the price here would be re- gulated by the expdrted produce if only one-tenth went abroad. Every man- ufactured article used by the dairyman was increased in price by the tariff. His cheese -cloth is subject to a vindictive tax of 60 per cent. and is all imported. And, to cap the climax, the N. P. Gov- ernment has just put a heavy tax on dairy salt. —[Globe. Yi.ed la IN West. Oar JMa1 Peer Meat&, When the Shields payment for the settlement of the Hewson -Macdonald claim was discussed a few weeks ago by the Globe Sir John Macdonald, in his defenee of himself in Parliament, made an ostentatious show of his poverty. He was "only a poor man," he said, and his followers have from time to time pat forward the same story that Sir John, though so long in power, is stili poor. In this 'connection the question has been raised, L Sir John • peer man and if so, ought he to be poor f An evening paper discussing this question, which hes been much talked of about the lobbies of late. gives the following statement of the Premier's annual re- ceipts:- As Prime DI imager fN e1e Seer anal abeyance.. l,f♦p Franc the Trutt aid Leasee .. AIMS Interneto. Mag gratuity .. {Jose Income from rata, etc 1,000 Total per year ODOM But in addition to this it appears that during the past thrive yams the country has paid traveling and other ezp�wies of Sir John's amounting to $3,000 per annum. All the residents of Ottawa are familiar with the het the Premier has but a small family, lives plainly, gives few entertainments and these on a comparatively small scale_ if those Matementa be true what becomes of the poor man story 1 The majority of the people of Canada would think themselves rieh if the each had half this annual in- come, and then will read with some sur- prise Sit John a plaintive talk about be- nt( a poor men damage has already been done, and more is expected from floods. At Emerson, a portion of the town was inundated, and a new $70,000 bridge carried away; but this is slight in comparison with the damage at Winnipeg. The tine now bridge over the Red River at that point has been dirtied away by the gorge and consequent flood. Fears were enter- tained for the magnificent Louise bridge of the Canada Pacific, but it still stands, though a portion of the piers was car- ried away, a portion of the city badge being sunk between its piers. The breakwater of the draw swept away, and telegraph communication with the south entirely cut off. Wednesday night was an anxious one for Winnipeg. During Wednesday afternoon the river rem 8; feet, getting within six feet of the Rank- ings of the bridge, laving bet little margin for ice to. get under. At noon No. 6 warehouse was surrounded. The street was flooded up to the Winnipeg and Western Transportation sac.. Tb. lower part of Notre Danis -street was flooded for a considerable distance, the water covering the entire width of the street The water seemed to be slightly receding, but as the lee was jammed there enuld hardly he any certainty that the falling would continue. A gentleman who arrived from West Lynne. reports all the principal streets under caster Ashdown's hardware store, Westbrook• & FairrJiild'., and Harrison & Oolos' implement warehous- es are flooded. People are being con- veyed to and from Mayor Carney's hotel in bests The )nem of Mr Bradley,tbe custom house odeer, is surrounded by water six feet deep Everything s flnet- ing around. The water te sheet three inches below the top of the telegraph poles in the valley ado the twahwey track The Enema Coescil hes de. cider,' to have a ferry to convey pmsn- gets across the river, rho bridge having been swept away thee. The water w Aid rising there at the nate of an inch per hoar, and the Emer- msiaso far the worst is to eosse. D► twenn fit. Vincent and Emmeen there is three feet of wafer oe the Omsk The fit. Paul and Manitona line r wksilel out a mile ands half of /t. V1scoe, sod two leesinetives are et the trash. LAi'R A train lord of immigvaats hag arrived rage 1 pertness in conversation, for that too often borders on impertinence. Never permit -him to contradict you. If he contradicts his mother, may he not, when old enough ti. go out, be gouty at table of very great rudeness 1 At the same time, mothers should never deserve con- tradiction. When you have occasion to reprove, beware of doing so angrily. It is far better to speak gently and 'make the child feel ashamed of himself, be- cause shame breeds sorrow and coutri- tion, and this in its turn, the desire to behave better in the time to come. WARY MILE aa a BEvssaoa- Milk that is heated to much above • hundred degrees Fahrenheit loses for time • de- gree of its sweetness and its density. Nu one who, fatigued by over-exertion of body and mind, has ever experienced the reviving influence of a tumbler of this beverage, heated as hat as it can be sipped w'!1 willingly forgo r resort to it because of ita having been rendered somewhat leas accepable to the palate. Thepromptnese with which its cordial influence is felt is indeed surprising. Some portion of it seems to be digested and appropriated alin.et immediately; and many who fancy that they need alcoholic stimulants when exhausted by fatigue will End in aha simple draught an equivalent that shall be abundantly satisfying and more enduring in its ef- fects. A wnt has been trued by a MrsLyncb claiming $3000 damages, for falling and breaking her leg on • defective sidewalk on Carson street, Toronto. A 1AITLAMD Ht)TKL, 1.71 ONT. GODERiCH LHERIFF'S SALLY OF LANDS. Cocain or Hraor, i Ply virtue of • writ en WIT' i inert Fades. Issued a at of Her Majesty's Court of the County of iluron, and to inc directed against the lands and Tenements of !limb Mclwnakl cod May Jane Mclktuald at the salt of William Cosa. 1 have seised surd take In execution all the right, title and Interest and equity aredemp- ilon. of t e shove aimed def.t�te Is and to the north half of lot number ten, to the third °mementos of the township of Morria, in Use Coasty of Huron. contalaing 100 acres of tared more or ler: which lands and tone mental shall offer for sale, at my °face In tate Court House, in the Town of Goderich. on FRIDAY. THE Rh DAY or JUNK. sett, at rho hoar of twelve of tie sleek, soma ROBERT GIBBONS, f3Mrttof Hares. Sheriff's Ogee. Goderich. March Stk. ltrtt tri.-lJt 1882 SPRING 1882 The subscriber would draw the stteattea of the publle w his STOCK OF SEEDS. The largest that has ever bees tar tser late Ooderleb. oomprtsiag: Red Clever Head, Al sack aid N bite Cwvsr, Pea Vlore Cle- ver. Timothy sod, Flax ose& demesrl•a and Millett. lleekwbeat, Loot Me- dea. � dea, sad several other itlnd. of seed wise/ Ale Crows Peas. Marrowfat.. and other grades. Every description of seed oeta A U Use of garden and Geld seeds ooh of Swede Turnips, Mammoth Maagolds, Rei .ad White Carrots; also sordes pa.� eem- pprrMeL aa's "UW. Gem.- sad W ether varlMiss; Eerly and Sweet Cern- .54 alibillebl garden rods ea every i..ertptlea, all Irani .ad geed hon the celebrated firm of J. A. Braes it ('o.. Hamilton, Ont. 1 have also e■ band a Targe quantity of ground ell Bake w►Nk cannot he surpamed for cattle food_ Call early and mere a choles. Terme the most reasoaab4 is the Crede. The above new .ad first-class house, close to S. s L O A INT - the Medway Station and convenient to the Corer of Hamilton and Victoria elr.ots town. s second to sone in Ontario for cum fort and accommodation. L bested by Hot Ooderfoi l� Ate. PLOW POINTS 11 *ALMS SUTRA, dw1E■ING SATE. Croquet Lawn and garden on the promisee. Hot and cold niers at all hours, for travellers.ASSEY PLOW POINTS CAN BE Ao n Omnibus to and from bore and cars con- Irl had u tri. *tautly in attendance. Jr. Bronman, Pro- premier of the Subscriber. praetor. !tial TfiREE FOR $11_00_ FOR SALE. THE NsUBSCI(IBER, FINDING L That his Aide titteation will be required that summer 1n the management of the BIG HOUSIt, will dispose of that property known "WINTER BRJNCH," situated on the Main Grovel Road, soosisting of a capital house of ten roto.. with veran- dab on two sides. large tin v'ng house 60122. stabling for ten horses, wood shed etc., togeth- er witb'one and • half acres excellent garden, well fenced. The premises are all new and In fleet -clams order. To a good nun no rerson- able otter will be refused. Appy to J. J. WRIGHT, I'..iwy F♦Rr, 4 toderieb, P. O. April 21s1.lteY. Itt�1. Ho , FOR He ' MANITOBA The Great Western Railway will run their excursions to MANITOBA and DAKOTA points during May and June every t., weeks, commencing TUES- DAY May, 2dd, 1881. Fares Reduoed. For information, tickets, etc., apply to GEO. B. JOHNSTON Special Agent Great Western Railway t }r (luderi°h. tent. Godertok. April. 4it MEL 1836. 3 lexical. DR. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, 0.1, 1412 (I R McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- IAN, SURGEON, lac.. Graduate of Tor• onto Univerelty. Licentiate of else Royal Col- lege or Pblhetaao, Ltsdoa, Sngl.ed. /cc., lac., M. C. P. 88 Oatsrto. 0nee and residenoe �to Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street, - DR. MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- 0I1PN. Coroner. te. Once and reetds•ee on Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria irss . 1111. HG. ACKID, D., PHYS1- MM. , eiaa. Surgeon and Aoeoneher. Graduate ot Toronto Ualverslty. Omoeopposite Comer - Pin Ila Oassssw's Beak, I.aekaew. 1f net 1. Mies, esquire at the Beak. qty, DRS. argeoas, Acme/hers. Ste. OarSHANNON k HAMILTON, Jail. Oodertcb. US S w beer - II • 1101. AMEN 1EAD V.R., (BUOC=SSOR yt1Oallsge atOrs�K d (marts ye sishissaedresideme es Newgate memo tour deem ossa etOsIberue demi, N. B. --Borten ekmkWM as to used sem mL Censorial. AR=[NIGHT PRACTICAL BAR - = a L.rr�e'�tetsad ara r t by eisvtng �s ass J ISM PNOP .1'/ AVO Ont. 11N. Real Estate. UMW AND LOT! NOS IS ANDa Mese: sr ear iesnows* Thaws W Amp. et 10 ,ems i.'ss� selbsaged dam ,r ow N's 111.1. rer Jmita. seetteame J. W. WEATRERALD, Corner of North Street and the Square Goderich, April M. 1feet. 1iM SEED OATS --SEED OATS JUST TO HAND_ 500 BUSHELS WHITE RUSSIAN 500 BUSHELS WHITE AUSTRALIAN (:all and .ee tarot before purchasing wise - where SmallProfits & Quick Retains ]B MY JdOTTO_ 1000 Buhels of God Feediflg Oats ON HAND. H. SPEly E, April 11th 11Sr Godench. 1145611 ALLAN LINE or ROYAL MAIL liTEAMSHIP$ LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, GLAS- GOW. LAS- GOW. WINTER SERVICE HAILING FROM HALIFAX EVERY SAT- URDAY. • SHORTEST SRA 'ROUTE. Cabin, Intermediate sed Steerage Tickets .t LOWER RATS&. Stet ,Panengrrs ate booked to Londe*. caratansae Qaeeoetows, Derry, Belfast. Galway Ula'low, at same rued ea to $60 CABIN, HALIFAX, PORTLAND or BOSTON, to LiTZP.POOL $100 ILITURN, armee Reoms. Under Name.) WIlerTBIR BbZLZNC}B: Pel -7 . n,11sMaa R s. m.1 Mar. Seth, Mailbag g Pertvtsa, PertMad, April 118. Raltfax. Apet Nova s sSxo,othe Boston ,b p. si.l April 13th. Hal_ pell CrrAses.. Psrtisad, April 45th, Halifax. End — -7, dames K p. In.) A pill 17th. )fit. tta �. Portimd. M. «8, Halifax May For tickets ase every information apply to H. A RMaTRONO. Asyut. Montreal UMW* tfel �. 0 Ise Onisetsh MRS. 1ftNOCI Brae b amWatthe assess so M v1eh er. that she ham ♦Srrim ali Sour *1 18s , amtt Meass.4�4. a,eth�to W vtaws of • eft, instmer�W bawls o.surd 1851 s ease glen SATISPA0TION i1e BOTH STYLE AND MAKE. wsbet.ss te be erneree with a veldt tram her gatrom sad rho ladles gay. MRS. WARNOCR.