HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-28, Page 31HHE HURU.\ b1UNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 28. INso. Worts of Wisdom. Nt�se is the uiusic of industry. The greatest factor of eloquence is win- cy. Int to' respect stray hairs, especially •1111`•1111`awn. A%otien. like the irousntitIt, shapes as it smite". The toe t.vble.l things are sweetness and light. Lifbculty what'll/is strung, but it is then the weak desert. Beware, oh beware of the neither of a lean that despises • women. Wounds of the heart are the ouly ones that are healed by the opening. Jealousy ie the sentiment of property, but env, a the instinct of theft. Lite is w short that it le the worst of stupidities to waste an hour of it. It is • host degraded nature that will betray an hunotable confidence. The clue of our destiny, wander where we will, hes at the cradle foot. When nature is sovereign there is no need of austerity and slf•denial. Kisses by people who no longer love each other are merely collated yawns. In love, women go to the length of folly an l uteri to this extreme of sil li- nty. If common sense has not the brillency 1 the mutt, it has thu fixity of the stars. In the present age mortality is a fig- urative rule, while custum is a practical law. Little wen is are tamed audsublued by misfortune, but great muds rise above iL To have the reputation of a bitter ton - rue get jour enemies and invitation to dinner. Experencie is trophy cuntpueed of all the weapons that w• have been wound ed with. Habit is able. We wave • thread of .t each day, and it becomes so strong we annot break it. Mae has sill more desire for b• auty than the knowledge of it; hence the cap- rices of the world. It is better to, do the most trifling ;hag in the world for half an bout than '.eo tusk half an hour a trifling thing. The smiver•e is but one great city, full 1 behoved ones, divine and human, by natty endeared to each other. Platonic love is like •march -out in time if poses, there is much music and good feel of dust. but no danger. Tie Gore racier,. The other day a stout woman, armed with on uabrelle, and leading a small urchin, talledeat the office of a New York boys' story paper. "L this the place where they fight In- diana,'" n- dia' she inquired of the, gentleman in charge. "Is this the lecalit the brave boy eharges up the canyon and speeds a bullet to the heart of the dusky red -skin and she jerked the ur- chin aroend by the ear, and her umbrella down ou the desk. m r y where r' broeght "We publish stories fur boys," replied the young man evasively. "I want to know if these are the pre- r:lees on which the daring lad springs t:pon his fiery mustang and, darting through the circle of thunderstruck avails, cuts' thei captive's cords and hears hint aw.l Before the wondering Indians have recovered f^o tt their ;tston- ishment ' That's the information I'm after, I want to know if that sort of thing is perpetrated here ?" and she swung time umbrella around her head and laan^he:l s craek at the young man's head. • `Idon't remember those specific acts," ;-r•otested the young man. "I want to knew 1 this is the precinct where the adventurous boy jumps on the back of a buffalo, and with unerring aim picks off one by one the bloodthirsty pursuers who bite the dust at every crack of his faithful rifle ! I'm looking Ler the place where this sort of thing happens " and this time she brought the unlucky young man a tremendous whack across the back. "I think - " commenced the dodging lain. "I'm in search of the elwp in which the boy road agent holds the gnivering stage driver i,owerlese with his glitter- ing eye, while he robs the male passen ,ten with an adroitnosa bora of tried and long experience, and kisses the 'hand of the lady -passengers with • gal- lantry of bearing that bespeaks noble o;Ftlhand a cbiralrogp nature'" scream- ed the woman, drivingtbe young msain- t the corner 'i'm looking for the Apartment in which the business is tr$ntascted 'm end down (wane the um- brella with trip hammer force on young man's head. ..Cpon ©y soul, ma :au wretched youth. •'I want to be introduced to tie ors m witch you keep the boy tweets of the Alerts% ! Show ins th bins full iof the bey ,lrttlyt fees :of die j'airio ' Pont. lett ie me the barf4# full of boy piribs of the Spanish main 1" and with eaoh de- mand eh! dtttpped the umbrella on the roes( n'a sk.11, until he "kipped nett the Moak, and sought safety in a to oboes; anion' •'F.1 faith nth'' elle pouted, graspte( the untie by the ear and leading., itis. eV, i11 teach em to make it ` good or dame Want to en fight Indiana any moi► i Aa1N to Sea Voersd ei$td the pinnacle of the sosntaie and scatter the ff�r with the Medi*( hod* of oa- r,uated .leilW1 WtIit shy Met I in a ,mus*dike , eenttallwttnn t Propose ti. 'patio upon the tared anti with is riugin4 word of command send a broadside into a richly laiden galley, and thou mercifully spare the beautiful maiden in the robin that she way be- come your bride I Eh ! Goole to do it any more T With each question she hatuwued the yelping urchin until his bones were sore •ud he protested his permanent abandon- ment of all the glories enumerated. -Then come along,' said she, taking him by the collar. "Let me catch you around with any more ramrods and car- ving knives, and you'll think the let -p- ing, curling, resistless prairie fire lurain swept with a ferocious roar of triush across the trembling plains and ledged in your pantaloons to stay.—{Brooklyu Eagle. MART - Who had that little Iamb 11•teeth as white as snow: she always brushed them twice a.day With "1'$Aa&MSY' you know.HidYew to Get sof aa Cowrie este Steller. "Rheumatism" says Mr. A. MOF•ul, proprietor of the City Hotel, Kingston, "used to hold its own pretty well, but 'the day's of that here are o'er.' St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remedy ham completelyely 'niquered the rheumat- ism,at- ism, and no man need suffer from it lon- ger. I had it Madly until a short time ,.too, but I used St. Jacobs 04 and was cured, and so can any one be cured, and in a similar manner." The following is the common sense treatment for a burse out of condition (in fact all horses require like treatment this tune of year,) • good Pinging Ball followed by a course of strung tonic w inPowder. Theare both to be had Lock's Tunic Compound and Blood Mix- ture, as each package contains a tho- ruughly good purging ball and over A pound of atrung Tonic Powder. Ask your druggist about it. lieu. Rhyne., agent fur Guderich. Nseesed Langs. From J. A Abercrombie, of Brant- ford, Ont. Gentlemen,—It gives the much pleasure to hear witness to a cure effected by Dr. WrtrrAS'S BALSAM or WILD Casaxr. My wife having been afflicted for a number of years with dis- eased lungs I was prompted to try Wis- tar's Balsam. I did so, and to my at - meet satisfaction, for it effected a perma- nent cure in her for which I heartily re- cotnmend it to the public at large as a true and meat reliable cure for diseases of the lungs. In conclusion I beg to ask you to accept my thanks, also my hearty wishes for your success with your valuable remedy, believing it to be the the only medicine adapted to such cases. 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by deal- ers generally. Newepepee haws. We call the special attentiun of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : L A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning • paler does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out oftordoe, and state the reasons for ie n . being taken. Any neglect to do so the postmaster responsible to the publishers or payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- continued, he trust pay all orrearages, or the publieher may continue to send it until pwymeht is Made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken front the otfico ur not. There can be nu legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any pmrsuu who takes a paper from the pose-uttitie, whether directed to his name ur another, or whether he has sub- scribed ur not, is ruspolisible fur the lay. 4. If a subscriber orders hit; paper to be stepped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the host -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a inapt must pay for , wlat he urea. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals from the post -Whoa, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima _facia evidence of intentional fraud. The tftterty D1.eagard ■*Wooler. Heis generally under five -and- twenty, for we do not allude to old batehelors. He louses well but not anxiously. It does not so much matter to him if his gloves are unbuttoned, or if the parting of his back h.ir is not quite straight. His whole manner is that of a man who owns him• self; who has one to think of when he does anything, or wears anything or says anything. He consorts with gay fellows who smoke a great deal, and he emokesa great deal himself. He d"oeen't mind own- ing to having been nut. very late last night. and being unable to find a place for his latch key when he reached home. He ohanve.s his boarding frequently,and is generally ahead of his Wary. He laughs at enagaged fellows, and pities married ones. He is off -hand in his man- ner, and pays great attention in n way to the Last new pretty girl. He patronizes the burlesque opera, goes alone with bouquets to fling to the ino3t facirating performer. Even there he is tickle; and the sylp with black hair. who is his idol one night is quite forgotten the nest, for the blonde in blue and silver. On the whclehe is extremely happy —hail bright - or eyes fresher lips and nicer hair than any other kind of man you meet, and seems to have "disen''aged" and "not in love" written in every dimple. the i .mired A cough or cold contracted iu the month of April if not speedily arrtwted is liable to stick to one during the whole summer. Dr. Cargoes s Pulmonary Cough Drops speedily cure Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Paiu and oppression of the Chest, and all Thrust, Chest and Lung affections. In large bottles at 50 cents. Geo. Rhynes, agent forGoderich. rbespiallae la a wonderful thing, yet se natural, so rcoaonable. Why t If you have feel• infra of goneneaa; too weak and dragging to rally; too nervous to sleep; an appe- tite hardly sufficient to keep body and soul together: headache, with pains across the back; the whsle system relax- ed; perhaps oowghs and sore lungsoand will use one to six bottles of Dr. G. L Austin's Phosphutine as the case may demand; it will not fail to make you an enthusiastic friend. Why do we say thus'! Because Pbospohatino supplies a want. the eery p,-ep rtisa Me system is/eat- ing rad ye.irwine .for. It is nut a medi- cine, but nutriment instantly converted into hloo.i, bone and r :•ne. It is also delicious to the taste. Pry it. 'fhe re- sult is as certain as that cause and effect go hand in hand. All druggists. Lew: toss & Co.. Sole agents for the Demi • niun, 55 Front St. East, Toronto. PERCHERONBT HORSES LAROF The new treatment for rapidly condi- tioning Horses, Zncd's'l'onic Compound and Bloat Mixture. Each package con- tains a good Purgititg Ball which is given to the animal previous to using the strong tonic powder. This is the coit mon sense treatment. and will accomplish more in one week than the old system of Spices, Feeds and Condition Powders would du in a month, ask your druggist about it. Geo. Rhynas, agent, (ieale- ich. Importing and Breeding ESTABLISHMENT -- at tela — WORLD. YQSICAL INSTRUIBNTB AN1) SEIN !L4CfflNES The .dwur,borwo'tld iotiu)ate to the ;,.o- ple of tluderlch that h." has decided to gip • tip business in his line owing to ill health. nod that be is now'prepared toive exeception- ally good b r alt,.. Ati wanting PIANOS, ORG A'>NR or SEWING MCHINES advantage toe 11 at once. will and it to their as this is a GENUINE chola mg lisle. J. W. WEATHERALD. ttl:3lt. The Great American Remedy ,dor CO tUGH& COLD& ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROATssarrstolr s in owin& zukin j air w..61.M 1/2=yslses 1p the mos ss�wswt wank* (how s mos for 1.111• saleawp•ot .wtwll. Bossy awe le this � Ado heard` GRAY'S 'pen` y a. sous f.w•ta. ! loos ... paeesw, M sneer /..r. d Ow tm.ad ell tY ap ere.a � aro` •t •SYRUP pew.. (w IetH 1>ir oe . swwe� . Dann( sawn oleosr.pa- th aremi aor a r~ "° SPRUCED s . r a test- a. yt& sows,• rood. a s r • ,.e/.► thew 5 5 5 5 4 Ott/ t. /riwk p tks-y ear atea wee.. GUM. pia •d fro. rhe 9eea 1w a p r e .. ..:=131111011 owpl.fa tape IWwMw Its remarkable in relieving certain forms of Bronchitis, and its almost specific e ect in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now well known to the public at large. ao d by all rrtpueMr ah..wata Pre" w and AO amt. a both. 114 uses " d !w thew" *mai has ear J5,,4 d iYwb /herb, aid sur wrepp.r sidled. art ahs r.pfasM.L KERRY, WATSON' tt CO., • lies. Propr+' .*u.•a Easseu.o.ri RED )<owwtaL GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and S tLT WELL MEN t 1.011.Eit; tot STA' 1'N manulae tared on shortest notice. II kinds of Repairing executed under th personal supervision of the Proprietors wh We Cowra.ceo to insert Mack's Mag• nectic Medicine because we are assured that the Arm was composed of reliable and honorable gentlemen, and also, be- cause the medicine was recommended as being all and more than the advertise- ment claimed. We are infortped by druggists that a is the hest selling arti- cle they have, and thatit gives satisfac- tion to their customers. See advertlett went in another minion. M. W. DUNHAM Wayne, Du Page County, IIlinote. 13.8. A. 130 miles west of Chicago.) During, the pee 17 months S00 /TAIL. LIONS AND MARR8 hare been imported from France to this establishment, being WORE than the eemeined Importations of off other importers of Dowft Horses from a..1 porta or Europe for nay one year. One-fifth of the entire number of Import- ed French Horses to Atnertca can be seen on p his farm His have Included the the UnI Prize Winners of remise! Exposition, Parte. 1878, and nearly all the Prise Horses of the cheat shows of Fraise sinoe Mia tmpor• catmint began. They also curried off the honors at tha Centennial, 1&16; and, at the Great ("Merton Pair, 1881, err. DanAaw✓a Herd of PERCHERONI. (in eoarpetttion with the tamest and /*west oollectlon of Clydes- dales ever shorn, eensisting of the prfte win - wen at the Great Shows of Beaune and En- gland.) lanawarded the Grow raw" Seepstakes I'rize of 01,000 and Grund Gold Medal. 100 PAIS CAT.IZOGDZ sews T'REI, nn r. platen:fen. Cementite seer 40 MIMI. t rat 'ens nod ohs Marry .f the Perchevew reeoo. Outer " CATALOG UE 3." EwERT LARGE BREEDER dr EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD NEW. A P**CBHROM ITALLION BEOAUSE ` ort mal de nc.n. 6tratexi that when brv.d to the emnmon mares of the country the produce 1s morn na:lr,roa, are o.Met keepers. better work.. ere, and sell for mon, money on the marble than any other class of flumes. If you are suffering with a ('ouch or severe Cold, do not, trifle with yourself by trusting your life to Losentes snit worthless enugh inixtares, hut buy at onoe a bottle of Allen's hung Balsam; it it reaches to the seat of the disease and immures it root and branch; it does net alleviate end afford temp very rtsl,ef, Al does most cough mixlttres gold at oenta per bottle, but it makes a perinea entcure in all esies, if usednccordinZbn the dtreetiene. "Tweets -fuer start lspsrlesee FEESII ARPdYkLSI CANNED CAF.:; BEEF, • L,-1cf To:1OUE, ENGLISH BRAWN PATTED TONr,l't:, 1 EE1' 111~1 Maya an eminent phyEieian, conviaaeer/s me that the onlx tray to Mb terve&a exhaestiota, and weakness of the sesunl *dela, is to repair `the waste 11y ileIng btaia and nerve foods, and oL I.tl e remedies compounded, Magnetic ]b cine is the best. Sec advertisement la soother adman. Sold' iiL Gederit:li. by Jaa witsmn, drug- lin demeh threw • rad light oy lie falls ap Jeft�ger►_the other nits til tolls tjteglfea taws eatsraeet was trasltse[ at thtf WO the 'lark's.1 tngtwl titre theme folk. ARM Pra,wical Workni en. JUST REOEIIVED AT D. FERGUSON'S A SPLiY.NDID ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES, nl I1'1111.F: 1-' I "1lIE NEASI Speci Barallis Teas at Very Lo Pncos .o5c. p'or tb ar.d upwards. If you wont a really fine Tea try my 50o. Young Hyman •1 is a splendid article and worth more money. I have also just opened out a cora plate assortment of 1 Crockery&Glassware Including Stone and China Tea Sets. Childrens' Tuy Tea Sotto, Ladies and Gents Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts Lamps & Lamp Goods in Great Variety AND AT VERT LOW PRICES. Call and be Convinced utar!o Steel Barb Faure Co. Limited I Lieesaed wader the Glidden relent) MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB Four -Pointed Steel Fencing Wire. 541 & 57 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO. A. J. SOMERVILLE, Tice -Pres. and Man. Director. R. W. MoI ENZIE, Sole Agent for Oodorieli. DOMINION CARRIAGE WOR C-ODERICH, Morton & Cressm P. O. Box 103. 1787 AGENTS. °"'krd. ltlg 1'ay.cmyloyarLith or . l'uuatant o or Capital required. J'Aves I. & CO. Mo - real. Quebe USX CHICKEN FRS > s §ALMON AND LOBSTER. A FINE ASSORTMENT t.; Christie Erne, ' i Co': trrsmrrii torn CAKES, TEAM, • SUGARS as Pure Spioes. TRY TliiE rt. Cfias. rte s•sr•rt•s ,epe.ww tM Lappin • M„Ll .155.4 TBE WAY IT WU.L AFFECT TGV. It excites espectoration and eau Fe* the lungs to throw off the phlegm or mucous; ehaasesthss .err.riowr end p.rifr. the ?,/.reit heels the irri- tated parts; gives strength to the digestive organs; brings the hoer mos proper action, Red imparts strength to the whole system. Srru Ii TUC I11116JIATF A'1, :11T1$FA(TORY IF - Fr, -T that tt ,. ,,,rrnn,.(1 r brvek ep *A, wo.t efidrr..ep mirk aro a freekenr. tune, if riot of hes, Inng standing %f i4 wii'r].N,l tto o(Y5 'snit ,srlararTMg. arts tit Tnt: eon eon- Ar•mr1 raw* rf r'�°,ww1gv,wptiow! 1r i. ,rnrmnfed sot to prndoer ewtfvenew r which is the ewe with moat remedies), or affect the head, gait contains no °pins in any form. 1t ;.wnerwwh+i rn h. p.,f stip hornier to the most lMiesta child, slthoutrh it is an .erive and7,' imiorhl remedy 7 for Jnr ori wee rfenee.bv ('•+.**phew the stem reelneAtat.a� e when Auag R Lees t3auAr will prevent it tt only taken is time. Physician. baring eoo- .nmptivm patients, and who. baring s4fei1.4 to ear. them with their mon .Mise. we weeY rontmmend to giro Ai eri a Ltiti BALSAM trial. Sold by ea Alumna, W.1~. Hart & Co. 1'1(01'it1E10R8 Or THE Goderich Mills LATE PiPSA"B.) skits, return their thanks lo the prd.tic for tea uberat psprows r«•elvd doing the psm year. sad to mate they are p ephred to de CRI 3TINcs- on the shortest notice. °r for tis convenience of parties tieing at a diereses will mechanic' heists at their wows sten Late W. V. Ifitbiart 's,) Nissen's Berk. admit St. S,J iM*. one -Highest price paid for what wee TO PARS ERS R',• w,an every farmer reeding a carriage to call and see our NEW PLATFORM CARRIAGE The beat Open and top booties always in stock. v Repairie the ng t Mock ever oft'erod in t promptly attc ded to. MORTON 8i CR.Ess1VIA. 1831-3s. Shop opposite Conferee Hotel, Godes ich. ,t5 to $20 1,74 tRal Re"." ANN ft.... J. ow. I'Orrtswd hetes T'axxri,ere �ttesitiori' Herbed Fence'A ire e'ot.'1•ac",d f"• n any quantity at very lowest prices I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire stet barb ga!vasisedatterben t1vi,1,5 which reunaL+rale($. t Vee Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW :)IFTS NO WEEDS NO WASTE LARDS. Tor sale by G H . PARSONS, . , •(t DW ARC. OODERTCTI: