HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-28, Page 1E° O COU ? Y NEWS TiRTY-Y'Ot'ItTH YRAH.1 WHOLE NUMBER UAL f GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, A1'1UL 28, ! s.S2. GENER E �NTE��.�GENCE i McGILI ICt1IN*Y BROS. Punt, SIM A Yk.AR 1N ADVANCE. Sew AdvertWnNaM wj Or Yale J. .1. Wright. N lattlsnd lintel John Brohman. and of Thanks -Wm. Meanings. rick House to hent -O. N. Davis. Io! for Manitoba--4Jeo. H. Johnston. !all's Hair Itcnewer.--J. C. Ayer a lo, aw Student Wanted. --Seeger a Morton. .1 boarders Wanted--" W. W., SIGNAL Office. eammt tlg pvt bale of the Season—J. C. Defier a Co. or i me Dentistry.• lu NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- . TIST. Office and resideaoe, West Street Wee doors below Bank of Montreal. Oode- Ick 1762 l.'DWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- II' J Trotter & Cneaaar, the O1i3ON, (late with ending Dentists of Toronto.) All operations di lastly and carefully performed. Rooms, Bea- rer Block. ('LINTON.dirPatlents trona a iManee will please retake appointment la ad- le ante by mail. 1512 She People's Column. Iv AW STUDENT WANTED.—SAL- L Apply to HEMMER & MOR- PI MOR- Airy pal. TON, B•rrlsters. Goderich. 183LIt t 'IlHANKS. --IT AFFORDS ME MUCH Pleasure to acknowledgethe very w tPhe firs has been aad fair eadJu rod and r in which paid by loss at • the Canada Firer and Marine Ins., through Mr. Aunt Mcll. AL.LEs their general .,gent h I most Aeartilr recommend all requiring in enrnnce to call upon Mr. Allen and take a policy 1a this Company, M. HENNING. Ooderlc h, April 21, 1*82. 11-1535. BOARDERS WANTED—TWO RE- speotable boarders (male) can find snit - able aocommodstlon in a private family. Ad- dress W. W.,'.'IONAL Office. 1825. n BRICK HOUSE TO RENT—ON Ninth Street, adjoining the R (stzy OI- fice, st present occupied by Mn. McGaw. Large. Roomy and oomtortable. Hard and t Sort water on the premises. For particulars apply to G. N. DAVIS. IIIM- i CARRIAGE AND BLACKSMITH shops tor sale or to rent. in the village of Blyth. There are on the premises a good dwilling house. stable, and one carriage and blot kamlth shop. each I0tAn and two stories s high. Will be sold on ver reasonable terms. ABlyrth. OnL, April ink GMh Ont 132411. MO RENT. — A COMFORTABLE 1. House ..n South Street, o ontelning $ rooms, kitchen and paisley, with hard and soft water. Apply to OEO. McMAHON. UMW. Q+1 WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, W 1 postage tree for ttte balance of 188( Subs rlbe at once, rid get full benefit of the offer. Legal. a Iawls .t LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chaaoery &c. Deice In the Court Hoene, Goderich. Ina Lewis. M.A., B.C.L. X. N. Lawns. 135& hIARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR Vf Mentes. Attorneys, Solicitors. etc Goderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudfoot. 1761 BL DOYLE, BARRISTER A ND . Attorn.,, Solicitor la Cheesier,. arc., Goderich, Orel. 1751. `'l EAGER & MORTON, BA RR I S - AJ TERN. &c., to.. Ooderich and WI�sm. C. Seeger Jr., Goderich. .1. A. Morton. Wing - h,. 1751. `v MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND 1J. Solicitor. Omoe—COraer of West Street and Market Square. over George Acheson's, lioderlch. 1751. ECAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T - (,AW. Solicitor in Chncery, Convey- ancer. lilt. OMoe over Sbeppard'e bookstore, • Oodertch. Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751-y (`1AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, . '.JJ Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., :ioderlcb and I m. M. C. Cameron. Q. t'.: P. Holt. M. O. camerae Goderich. W. R. lfse.ro. Wierhaa. 1751. Loans anb 3neurance. MONEY.—PRIVATE FUNDS TO Zvi tend on easy terms In sums to suit bor. row At.Ez. mg ALLAN. Goderich. Nov. 17tb 1381. 15111.. ore. idia500,000 TO 'LOAN APPLY TO NIDD CAMERON. HOLT a CAMERON Gode- icb. ES- seO LEND N TATE TTeress favorable.(REAL Apply to BL L. DOY LE. Ooderiob 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND sIF on good Perm or astacW. Town 't6per eeat Aool1IntRADCWPPR 1 EWS ABOUT HONE. "A NIeI's masses ye. Iakt ' asses. ha' faith Isr'll sweat it." ?MN TOPIC& Mr. James Shaw, of Moline., Illinois, Osrtnotet. ----Mr. Jelin Disbars died was in town during the week. Mr. at Lake Francis, MAO., ..n the 38th of Shaw in much pleased with Goderich as last month, at the early age of 23 years. a summer report, and duunq the past He at one time resided here, with his few years members of his family have parents Mr. and Mrs. Maker Dick ..n. s ret many months here, en eying the He died of :,nsumptioa, the seeds of clear, pure bracing air of La e Huron. which wens 'owe whale o•oping with 1N lessen why each beautiful Piss I the 33rd volunteers to Leaden. Hu Mud out u C. L Jobassa's slier! V be- GvreaD THEIR POINT. —At the Let father in tenting to • (rand m 4rwn tt��ssGeo. H Itobsos. tits mes�ag�r, MA five amuses held here the case of Becket vs. Nx year.' experience is *ret aLesestablish Johnston was decided by the presiding sari: "Hs died so easily that it was like rite, and always trios to do his Deet !falling •alae Thu aftarnons we con- signed want Justice with a verdi t fur plaintiff e signed tis pour retrains to the narrow go ,o bed appointed ter all, and the breeze of R. Balinese the prairie sweeps over the last resting The Pbotosrapher plsos of our poor boy." While in Gude- Mw Carey }baa returned to town rich he belonged to the Sum of Temper - Mr. Salta u laid up with inflammatory Temper- ance and to L O. L. 153. The former eumatutu. body has sent to the bereaved parents resolutions of condolence. you • good photo Rev. Mr. Hicks ufhcated at Kincar ne en last Sunday. Clarke's new tug was successfully unched on Friday morning. Dr. and Mrs. MacLean were in Sarnia est week, attending the funeral of Mrs. idol. Messrs. Garrow..1- Pruudfo ot, defend- ant's solicitors, appealed the case, and the full Court of Common Pleas have reversed the former judgment, with casts for defendant. CHANGE or BosiNR't+. —Mr. H. Pryor, of St. Thomas, has succeeded Mr. Per- na* in the stove 004 tinware business, on West street, upposite the post office. Mr. Pryor is a praotical man, and in a week or so will resume the manufactur- ing and repairing department. In the meantime he is going to clear out the stock at very low rates. Klaw/LA law/LAWNS HAsa0L—The I epurt r says: Peter Flett is rushing the new pile work m a tanner that is highly credit- able. The jab when finished will be a gad one. Capt. Barker is inspecting the work. Government Engineer Gray was in town on Tuesday for the purpose of making a report on the harbor. We understand that he purpeses recommend- ing the driving of all the old piles, from Burden's warehouse to the budge, on the north side, to the water's edge, and then to face the front with new ppiling— in all nearly 800 feet. A row of anchor piles will oe driven back of the cubs now standing, the cribs to be filled in with brush and stone. This will Put thst portion of the harbor in first-class re- pair. The whole will cost at least $6,000. It sa expected that the work will be pro- ceeded with at once. Some of our townspeople- who left to. We regret to learn that Mrs. William sh their fortunes in Manitoba are re- Green was injured so severely bytho urning. stage in which site left Goderich for Kincardine, being overturned, that she Mies Susie Payne lute been spending a could not accompany her husband to his eek among her friends in Brucefield home. She remained with her dangh- nd Hensel. ter, Mn. J. Jentle', of Kincardine, and W. L. Horton has bought out the will soon be able to return. None of lit beanies& formerly carried on by the other passengers received any in- to. D. Shannon. jury. Collector Cavan, en Saturday las., An exchange says: —A rumor which esized an illicit still and a quantity of hu been current for several days to the pirits near Wingham. effect that Mr. John Leckie, of Brussels, The steamer Quotes.: celled at Gude- had died in the Northwest 1. foundation - The steamer lest week, with 400 men for the lees. Mr. Leckie was sick for some ew railroad at Manitoba. time after he reached „Winnipeg, but is The con regatiol of St. George's are now wholly recovered, and is on his way osntean Latin the erection of a buildi to en 'Appelle, in which district he has P g ng taken ups large tract of land and in - or Sunday School purposes. tends making improvements. The re - Mr. John Sturdy, of Winghsm, was port also that the team of horses which n town this week. Wingham appears he sold and the purchaser ..f them had to have rejuveatod oar old townsman. been lest and frozen on the plains dur- Mr. C. Seeger acted as junior county ing a recent blizzard is also incorrect. Judge at Dungannon and Seaforth dur- ACCIDENT. —The Clinton New Era it the put week instead of Judge says: A lady in town met with a some - Tome. what singular accident a few days since. ArroINrnsNT. —Thus. Miller, of Mor- A person had been vaccinating her child - ns township, has been appointed Clerk ren, and still held in their hand a needle of the Ninth Division Court, in room of with which the operation had been par- r. A. L Gibson resigned. formed, when the lady in question was The North-Western floods have damp- ace►dentally struck on the knuckle with ened the ardor of intending emigrants, the point of the needle, which inflicted and a number are postponing their a slight wound. Soon however, the travelling until a drier spell. hand and arm began to swell up, incapa- citing her for the discharge of her house - Another consignment of new type was hold duties, and it was not until after received at Tne SIGNAL offioe this week. a week of suffering, that the arm became Our job department has been very active well again. during the past few months. THE MA1TLAND Hord.—This hotel, The steamer Quebec, of the Beatty which is situated at the foot of East Line, was the first passenger boat to call street, immediately opposite the Grand I Goderich this season. She calved Trunk station, has recently been pur- here on Saturday morning last. chased by Mr. John Brohman of Guelph, W. G. Macdonald has passed his ex- and has been fitted up in first class style amination before the faculty of Victoria by the new proprietor. Everything University, and has received the degree ible to place the "Maitland" on a "u' of M. D. and Master of Surgery. 1 footing has been done, and there MONEY TO LEND iN ANY amount to salt borrowers at 6 to M per Dent. Private fonds. Apply to names sad Mosrron. Godertoh. Mr. W. Ralph has gone to push his fortune in the U. S. He was very much respected by all who knew him, and we hope to hear of his good fortune in the future. APPOINTMENT. -Captain William Cox, Capt. Alexander Murray McGregor, Engineer John McCallum, (iodench, are omitted as assessors in the Maritime Court, under the act of 1877. OATs.—Mr. James Spence had on hand last week, an immense quantity of seed oats, White Russian and White Australian. He has some yet left, and also a large supply of good feeding mita A young man on Trafalgar street shot at a cantankerous cat with a pistol. He missed the cat but sent the bullet through the panel of a neighbor's door. Pistol practice is becoming common in town. MONEY TO LEND A LAsag 1.s1 mount of Private Funds fir hvetdleswt tit JADy to (JARROW PRUR)OT IOAKS FREE OF CHARGE. / Mosey to teed at lowest rash tree of say eases er oticrgea BEAOER & MORTON. P� air Colbor a Motet aodeeleb. l2ed Mare\ 105I . MIL PER CC* f. --THE CANADA II Landed Credit Cwtpany •• P.'t'salei W Pars lend mosey on good V rsecurity, si t>ti Mr neat. Pell minimal/re given epos to HUGH HAMiLTON, C. L. ascot, Rel. Dr. Ure and Mrs Ure left for Ottawa on Monday. The Doctor will solemnize the marriage of .john Carroll Maodoneld, son of the late Sheriff Mac- donald, and Mies Dunlevie, of the same city, which event took place on Wednes- day last. We lave received from the pubhaher, W. E. Savage, of Detroit, formerly of Goderich, the initial number of the Amide , a Catholic illustrated paper for young ju.t to mly got uunmake it a success. Mr. W. McLean, the well known drover, was in this neighborhood last week, buying cattle for shipment to the old country during May and June. Ile has secured nearly fifteen hundred head in different parts of the country. [Kin - c irdiue Reporter. rouuded by as litany fond friends(s you have here. Many years may pass before we may be able to greet you again, and there are thoughts hovering over our farewell that make it uncertain whether we shall all see yon again. And we hope that Sur lives may be so spent in the service of God that there will be a happy and eter- nal reunion of our fnendship itt that Brownlee Alex Dawson Chrs.E. Horsy, home beyond the grave. Oeo. Howatt, Wm. Moffatt, John Signed en behalf .if the congregation. J. C. MARTIN, R. PARANN. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. The 1'aert at the fiederlch spring Asslae.. Mr. Justin) Ilt.rton, presiding. ?Ik'iT DAT. The court opened at 4 o'clock. The following is the panel of rise GRAND JURY. (:eo. E. Cresswell, foreman, William Rev. Mr. Francis made a feeling reply thanking his friends for the token of their fnendship tendered hint, and testifying to the uprightness and Christian conduct of the Quarterly Board -of the Church. He also bespoke a kind reception and generous treatment for his successor. Short speeches were made by Messrs. J. Mitchell and D. McGillicuddy, of G.derich, and Mr. Peck, d Stanley, all eulogistic of Rev. Mr. Francis as a tried and worthy friend, and after the entire company had given a parting shake of the hand to their late pastor, the meeting dispersed. Liquor Lite sees Create* 1a West waren. The following is a list of the liquor licenses granted in West Huron by the License Commissioner, for the License year of, 1882-3:— TOWN or GODERICH.—Hotels.—Wm. Cox, British Exchange; John McBride, Albion; John C. Martin, Colborne; Jas. Bailey, Union; Wm. Craig, Ocean House Thos. Whitely, Western; John Brehman, Maitland House; David Curry, Wood- bine. Shop Licenses.—Henry Cook, George Grant, Win. Horton. Cuirrort.—Hotels.—Michael Kelly,R. Road House; Peter McLaren, Queens; Isaae Rattenbury; Rattenburry House; James Moore, Commercial; Archibald Kennedy, Royal; Sam!. Pike, Central; Geo. Swartz, for three months. Shop License.—Nicholas Robson. WixoHAw.— Hotels John Donley, Dingley House; Simon Merrifield, Cen- tral; James Johnston, Queens; John L bturdy, Royal; Wm. Dulnage, Brun- swick, Wm. Hutton, British, three months. Shop Licenses.—Chas. E. Black, J. Hallett, for three months. CoLaosxL—Hotels— Hen. f Martin, Wm. Lasham, Fred. Horton, Jas. Mc - Dom h, Joseph Horten, J. Millar, J. J. is every reason to believe that the energy Wright for six month& and enterprise of Mr. Brahman will he Aeaniteu.—hotels—iohn Martin, R. rewarded. The saline baths in eonnec- H DeLong, Alex. Young, Alex. McCrse tien with the hotel is a distinvt feature Thos. Smiley, three month.. of the "Maitland" accommodation. aril Weer WAWANOTH. —Thos, Nicholson, during the summer months they will be John Lougheed, three months carried on to the fullest extend. Hectare Bell. The Seaforth Expositor says:—Dr. .1. I Ttsxaassv.—J. McDonald. H. Duncan, who has had charge of the Eur WAwaxosa,—Win. Wiley. THE. "ONTARIO" SAFE. practise of Dr. Campbell in this town I BLYm. —Net oonsidered by the Board for several months, has left for Thanes- vending new census about to be taken of The ►egh«ser sad her carne Recoveredville, where he takes the practice of an said village. with noialt Raasge• old and retiring physician of that place. • We aro glad to learn that he has pro- cured an excellent practice, which he will not only retain but increase. Dur ing his short stay here hi.•i gentlemanly and courteous runner, combined with his professional skill, made him a uni- versai favorite with all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and the people of Thameaville are fortunate, in- deed, in securing such an acquisition to their community. THE THREE LINKS. oL•ederlrh sedge 1. e. e. F. {'hilt their lila- tem Ili ethrea by rpeetal Traits. The 63rd anniversary of the establish- ment of Oddfeblowship in America was celebrated by Clinton Lodge on Wed- nesday evening. Thirty-five Goderich brethren took a special train, and were met at the Clinton station by the Clin- ton Lodge, who escorted thein to the halL The chair was taken by the Noble Grand, Bro. White, and the meeting opened by prayer and praise. Bro. Junes led the choir, end Mrs. Newton was organist. Rev. Mr. Gray spoke upon the object.. and aims of the Order as seen by an outsider, and was very well received. Bre. P. G., F. W. Johnston then de- livered an address on the working of tho Order, and was followed by Bro. W. H. Ball, in a humorous strain. Bro. Man- ning, chaplain of Clinton Lodge, gave a stirring speech, a th,raugh expesihon of the principles of the Order, and appro- priate remarks were made by other brethren, interspersed with songs from the choir. After the. usual votes of thanks, the meeting was closed by the oheplain pronouncing the benediction. Before leaving for home the visitors were entertained to coffee and sandwich- es by their hospitable brethren of Clin- ton. Then the party left for the sta- tion, where a final parting was made. The excursionists returned home at the "wee oma' hours," and ,voted the trip a most enjoyable one, and the Clinton brethren first-class fellows. Such visite as these tend to etrengten the ties of fnendship and brotherhood, and will be popular is the time to come. Rev. Dr. Williams will preach a ser- mon to the Oddfellowa on Sunday morn- ing next. The brethren will attend in a body. McKenzie. Robt. McMordie, Henry Ottway, Jonathan Picard, David Tip - lady, Arthur Woodman, James Bissett, Edwin Gaunt, James Higinbotham, John Irvine, John Manson, James Me - Whinney,, Alex. Nichol, W. C. Potter, Janes Stevens, James Warrell. The grand jury having been sworn and the proclamation read, His Lord• ship delivered his addresses. The following cases were then called: Denholm v. Collor.—Action on note and account. Verdict fior plff, by con- sent (subject tou the award of Daniel Mc- • Donald,sq ) for $200. Doyle for plff: Garrow &&&&dfoot for deft. McKeown v. Thompson.—Action for an account. Verdict for plff qy consent for $150 with esre half of full costa. Garrow 8 Proudfoot fur plff; Doyle for deft. Hayes v. Jackson.—An- action for money lent. His Lordship dispensed with jury. Deft. called, but did not appear. Verdict for plff. for $468 with costs. y Garrow d- Proudfoot for plff; deft not represented by counsel. Glasgow v. Ryan—Action on pro- raissory note. Verdict by conaenil as against Francis G. Kyan for $4.81 and in favor of deft. John Ryan, with oosta; and the verdict for plff to be also with costo, Seager for plff; F. Love for deft. Ceart adjourned ai 5 p. in. IVIW. 40,000 PRIVATE FU'NTOUO D es Yaws and Tees Property tdIstsS Is.. torose Martgwes verdured. es eWRad. OeaveyIf Pow N. ora ofgaitibanOrl Ito P.ADCLIITK, )FIRE, MARINE, in the list of names of thee who have the single yualificatton of the College of Physicians, as given by the Edinburgh Aeetaweet, we rib erve the name of Dr. Campbell. of Seaford'. The doctor will anon have a very long tail to lila professional kite. At tfte examination of the candi-totes and probationers of the London Confer- ence of the Methodist Church of Canada, held in Paris last week. Eight. candi- dates, end thirty-two probationers pre- I ing. Rented themselves for examination. We After some singing from the excellent are glad to notice that the Rev. w, S choir of the church, Mr.T. McGillicuddy Jamieson, •.! gra-eels; Joseph 5. C.ek, wee called to the chair, and in a brief of Bayfield; E. H.Irris.ut of Bernie; were awarded certificates, Mr. Conk taking a high standing. Mr. Wm. B. Cuyler, of Bowie, succeeded in his preliminar ex- A PASTOR'S FAREWELL. We are glad to be able to state that the loss by theschooner Ontario running ashore six miles this side of Kincardine on Wednesday, the 20th inst.. will be comparatively light. The wrecking tug Erie Belle carne up on Saturday, and that evening she pro- ceeded to where the Ontario was on the sand, and just a few lengtha from shore, taking up thirty er forty men, to aid in the work of lightening the vessel. The schooners Star and Jennie Rutnball Were towed up to help in the work The Bands were hired at 25 cents an hour. On examination it seemed pro- bable that the Outarto could nut be helped for one or two days. and the men were taken. to Kincardine. They were then offered $1 a day, and board for waiting time, and 50 cents an hour for actual work, but this was refused by the majority who claimed 25 cents an hour for every hour kept from home. The insurance Company refused to keep them at so exorbitant it figure, in the The Grand .inry came into Court Walt face of a pr.hable delay of two or three no bill ; gsinst Charles Wesley Graham days, and about twenty of the tun were for embczzleme:tt. packed back to Gederich on Sunday 'rbc Grand .1 ury time into Court with night, each receiving ifi for his days a true Lill against Mary Ann Flynn, for trip on the lake. mean![ On Tuesday and We.lnesday the work i The Gran.l Jury came into Court. with of lightening the vessel was proceeded a true Lill against 1Yin Itone and James with, shovels and pails being used, and I Brine, for lar any after being relieve 1 of about half of her McIntosh c Dicllcunigle Action of cargo by the Jenny Kimball and the ejectment. Judgment for plff with costs Star, the tug drew tho Ontario orf, amid 1 X the rejoicing of e11 nn the scene The Garrow I" itenvn for Off ; Holmetehd stranded schooner, after first teaching for deft bottom, most here been driven about ) iu7trit DAV. 2,500 feet into shore, over a bottom of Thursday. boulders and sand. She draws 9 feet, ('"'tot 'opened at 9 am. and we* aruck in (1 feet. of water, al- The Queen v. Thos. Low Wilson though not imbedded in the sand The Prisoner was arraigned for forgery, and tug could not come very near her, and pleaded not guilty. He afterwards with - had to play out 2,200 feet of cable I drew the plea, and pleaded guilty. O' - in order to grip her. A casual 'Connor f.•r frown . Malconson and Holt examination revealed hut little injury M for deft the schooner. Her stern has been a! Breen v. Reed tenon to set aside little damaged, hut she kept out the : a conveyance as fraudulent.. Thie case water, and we are informed that net a was hems tried as we go to press. Ywhel.1 wheat was injured. — The Erie (delle towed her down ort ing thirteen different varieties. The gar'd we have for you, and we desire tit Wednesday, when the whom/Mt was em -- - seeds will be distributed early nett add to our words thr bestowal of this :.sled. Me was then taken to Peet Mr. lire. t.'urrell, of , 1•'t li, Lake is week, and it to he hoped that parents %nisll gift. Though small in intrin•tc' Herm, where she will be put nn dry Range, has now got his tine stallion and friends of the children will nasist in vale,. yet we hope yob will regenl it a.' dock and carefully overhaul, , "Voang Kits Tern" t n the rounds, sod esiiEting the interest of the young in a mirk of esteem .fid atletrtion, 1 rhe crew of the /Mtari,t also wring, , a consequent improvement in ear hnraw the matter of flower raisinY We hop, your future lot. may he am for rhes extra rate ..1 Ter.^ . likely.t.verse Address sad Freaea$aslsa N rev. C. A. Preach. - ()n Weenteday evening the members of the M. 1':, cenrregatiou met at the church to hid a funnel farewell to their late pastor. Rev. 0, A. Francis, and wel- come his successor, Rev. .1. W. Sutton. The last named gentleman was called away unexpectedly ..n Wednesday morn ing, and was not able to be present. much to the disappointment of the meet - Von. Archdeacon Elwood left on ?Raaday last to attend the martin( of the Provincial Synod at Montreal. Re purposes sbtppioq elf at Oshawa on his INN, to visit his daughter Mrs. Reith, of town. The Archdeacon will he 01gr *bout three weeks. Bnslseen Psewestsi - The -Breedon Alga thus refers to a mast "moiler" prone this taws: -"We west pleased to ram *be Mand of Mr. At.bey WgdVdell, kite ell Gedletiell. Mr. Waddell polN- ss. pies iMo mil estate sod isenssyse entg while here.' The same pew says. —"We east oar old and reapsslsd friend of the Ctiaton New Rro, who is on his way to Turtle Mountain. and says be S *,nowt[ to heertm• lath ol,l farmer " hart Moor AVIA. Ixlae"rss�jlRi 111111116 iN�wrrn►Nt M, either la Tensa ate El . stl . . thr=. IAMBS flMAILL. AKOiirrucr, &,, t �s.r�,,.�,�\ 1 =!soler et. Ge r dept. PIsate m L a itOwa or► et. rr: + end rwsstn•Y work hct- setrwwM cad .s watt speech alluded to his long and intimate acquaintance with Mr. Francis, and also expressed the hope that the success which had so far attended that gentle - EcOND DAT. Tuesday, 9.30 a. m. Rouse v. Kerr. --Action for malicious prosecution. Verdict for $250 for plff. Garrow and holt for plff; Doyle for deft. Field v. McConnell—Action for tres- pass. Action dismissed with cuts. . Garrow & Proudfoot for plff ; Doyle for deft_ The Queen v. Thomas Carter—The Grand Jury came into Court with a true bill against prisoner for having a pistol on his person with intent. Also a true bill against prisoner foe shooting with intent. Coert adjourned until '2:30 p.m. Defier & Co. v. Platt ----Action on pro- missory notes. Verdict for plffs for $1,144.58. Garrow & Proudfoot for plffs ; Doyle and Holt for deft. The -Grand Jury came into Court with a true bill against Thome, Low Wilson, for forgery. The Grand Jury also brought in a true bill against Charles Johnetun. for lar- ceny. Court adjourned outfit it a.m. tomor- row. amination as a candidate for the Mints- nien would ba amtinued. try. It in a good sign when a Church is I Rey. J. A. Turnbull, then delivered a able to secure sl large a class of young short and ;minted speech, in which be men from its own ranks to supply the I referred to the fnendship and brotherly vacancies that occur, as well es to en- feeling existing between Mr. Francis large its territory. and himself. and the two cYongregstisms, and ale; spoke highly of Rev. Mr. Fran - F',. sass FOE SUNDAY lent n. CHM- ria as a man and a Christian. He ern - num. The Superintendent of Kee:, cleded by reading the following address, Church Sunday f.Iphptl is intredacinq a I at the proper moment handing an Mre- novel feature into the pr<►oeodiaype of hu I lope containing a number of bank notes charge. He has purchased a a.naidera- i to the ntainenu Wm quantity of flower seeds, consisting of the most popular flowering annuals, and will dtstributethem among the scltel• era of Knee church 5 S. who will agree to sow them rid grow flowers. in Au- gust or September a concert and Bower show wail be held, when prizes will he Fri 11# Rm.. 0. A. Flvlari.c Dealt Perna, We, in behalf of the congregation on this the eve, of your de- parture from our midst, wooed take this opportunity of ezpreseing the high vitt mation we have elw.ys entortatne.1 of awarded to the children growing the , vow, and the sincere regret that our a. beet Bowers from the s.eo given them. ' arctations are on the brink 1 Ming see- n, is thus hoped that a taste for flowers ereil When. in tutor,. ye&rs, and pro - will be erected and fostered amongst hably far away, Gond recollects ins may the children, and as the cnrnpetitioe will , conte int; your mind of this place and btu open fan Moya and girls, y< ung sad i the many happy meeting) yon have ha I nl•i. the interest in the n:attcr will he with friends, you may rest assume that goners! Mr. James Vi.'., of Peel:env- there are many herr t•' night who eon ter, N. Y., heat wham the seeds werealso with pleasure recollect your envie, got, gwnerosaiy ted the order. I' disposition, - admit consists of ages contain -1 ImRSosge fats to 'teem) the deep re - THIRD t)fr Y. Wednesday. Curt opened at 9 a.m. The Queen v. Thomas Carter—Pris- oner was arraigned for shooting with in- tent, and pleaded not guilty. With the consent of the Crown officer, the prison- er withdrow his plea, and pleaded guilty of a common assault. Sentence de- ferred. The Queen v. Thomas. Carter—Pris- oner was charged with having a pistol on his person with intent, and pleaded nut guilty, but immediately afterward withdrew this plea, and pleaded guilty. The Queen v. John Edmund Barnes -- Prisoner was arraigned for forgery, and pleaded not guilty. Verdict not guilty. O'Connor for Crown ;. Malcomsen for pri sooner. The Queen v. Charles Johnston --Lar- ceny .'f beehive. Verdict not guilty. O'Cunuor for Crown ; (.arrowet Proud - foot for prisoner. Wright v. Schofield --Action of eject ment. Judgment for plff for all the pre- mises except the house, and for the deft, Wm. Schofield, for the dwelling house, and costs of the suit to plff e.gstnst him. The wife was net a necessary party and she is given costs, and the 114lion is dis- missed against her. c E. 1 e Nos. fR1C>t: