HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-21, Page 7„,.•,rant3r4,7,-r. .,•tin
THE HURON SIGNAL, 1t1iI DA . APRIL .1, 1882.
Fun anb Tanal.
It is a difficult thing for • dog without
a tail to show his muster how mush 1,e
thinks of hint.
Chickens ase a peculiar fruit. They
should be pulled only in the dark of the
moon and atter sunset
Huggins never uses an umbrella. the
rain rainy untinp he cuts «elfish fur
fast and says he a then sure of be
wg dry all day.
When you sin a banana peel resting
un the sidewalk, and s fat utast uucuu-
soious1y approaching, the indiatlous
point te an early (all.
At a ehurulr festival, it is the girl with
the large a`.p.ttte who gets eiuIK wall.
In fact, ate takes the t....e -and the
young wan peva fur it.
A clove is only the bud e( a Bower.
One might suppose it were a rose -bud,
so much is iia fragrance retied uu by
men who gut out betwwu the acts.
Her gentle hint: Young lady (*widow.
lystarting)--"My goodness :" Ywog
gentleman (late star) er) - "W hat's the
matter 1” Young lady (glanoiltg at the
shook)-"Nuthing; I thought I heard the
milk man. "
A Connecticut pastor declined an ad-
dition of $100 to his salary, for the rea-
son, among others, that the hardest part
of his labors heretofore had been the
collection of his salary, and it wouid kill
him to try to collect 100 men.
"The aeayest ratan I ever met," says
Josh Billiugs, "u a henpecked husband
when he is away from home. Nature
seldom make a phool; shesimpl furnish-
es the raw tnatetials and lets the fellow
finish the job to suit howbeit."
The following letter was recetv.d by
an undertaker from an afflicted widow-
er. -"My waif is did, and wants to be
b.ried to -morrow at Wolter klock, U
now weir to dig Mols-by the side of
my other two waifs -Ise it be dup."
"Bridget,." said the mistress to her
servant, "put a little nutmeg in the cus-
tard this afteraooa." And Bridget
picked out the smallest Nutmeg she
could Bad and threw it in the custard,
where it was feud entire at the eveiiiug
A woman at Manette, Ohio, oa read -
•,1' somebody having committed
suicide by means of a towel, remarked
that .1 a did not understand hew it
(s•• •. , u doom; but an hour afterward
lava was found choked to death in exact-
ly the semi manner. Si. what a
woman will de when you rolee bier cur-
Mir air sadass.
The best way to tell a real ustrich
plume from a ewnterteit u to prim it.
At spring dinners crisp lettuce and
strawberries will be served with the fiaht
The physicians have come out strongly
against the dotted veils now worn again.
Qwon Victoria remains faithful to
Butt ideal material of elderly ladies,
black silk.
Many people are much distressed be-
cause authority says diamonds are very
The o.iy was of paring the 'mile and
shaving the head of rumor, is for lovely
women never te repeat one word she
A neted\New York artist rnvolves
from the depths of his artiste o.naciuus-
nem that a large peke bonnet and an aq-
uiline nose are made fur each other.
A fashionable hair dresser of London
announces a new sesthetio color for the
hair, supplied by a glittering red bronze
powder, which imparts the fashionable
golden red or Titian red shade.
It is asserted over and over. that anx-
iety shortens life, but when a chap sees
another fellow feeding his girl sandwiches
at a picnic is he going to sit down and
sit down and bid his soul be calm' Not
by a boot -jack!
A Mary4md man vho wanted to do
something in memory of his wife has er-
ected a church spin and put. four big
tells in it. The people in that locality
will keep that woman's memory green
for years to come.
A great number of bridesmaids is now
considered vulgar, and the aristocratic
bride has not above tour if she be an
English girl, though twelve maidens
were not unseal at a fashionable wedding
a few years ago.
During the pwt year reveral different
women who have been dumb for years
have suddenly regained their speech.
When a man gets that way its good-bye
to gab forever. An earthquake can't
bring a yell.
The Principes of Wales is described u
being very slight and tall, with nose,
cheek and chin u delicately molded u
1 done by a sculptor's hand in marble.
There is no color in her face and she is
very spirituelle. And though she is 37,
she looks not over 24
The ailleaced bride of Prince Leopold
is down en thio Court Chronicle records
as Helen, although her correct name is
Helens, but as her Majesty's classical ear
rebels against the Greek pronounciation
of the word Hel-era, she has changed it
to Bolen to avoid further discussion.
The Queen of Holland will give her
sister, the Princess Hole., for a mar -
nage present a splendid sleigh in the
form of a swan, and painted in the style
of Watteau. It is lined with with quilt-
ed bine sattn. On an average, the hin-
nies will find enough snow for the sleigh
shoot ones is five years in England.
Then is w muck extravagance in wed-
dings nowadays that all except the
wealthiest men be *tarried privately.
Ever the posted maple think army ase -
not here a wedding without flowers
music and a dinner or supper, which
torts enough to set them up in house-
keeping if the money wore expended for
that parpot.
The new treatase.t for rapidly condi-
tioningReuses, Zoed's Tome O.mpotnd
and Bend Mixture. Each kagr own -
Mina a gad ArgjmR Bag which is give
to the animal using bas
•tr'ose tante powAsr. "Ids is the Mss
mon seers treatoIatsail will aeeeingilh
more i, me weak thea the old system
of RprI.rude hos, Fds aad Conditionsr,
a Powde
woa3 do is a Month. ask year ���
shoot it Goo Rhy... ag..1. itwde-
Dee.1s ea beg.
Bees that have been wintered in cellars
should be allowed W remain there, if
they will do so quietly, until late in Ap-
tie, cold for thea to the
fieldswhen i.-
turn, .•.d so satinet entirely avoid
"spring dwindling;." Nu doubt tnauy
bees ail' eves out and drop unto the
cellar bottom as spring advances. But
there is nu ones. to hurry there out
so lung as they do not have su offensive
odor caused by soiling their combs of
or hit r. If 11 lit found necessary to
take them out to fly, du w om a waruo,
suuu) fav, and after they Irate fl„was,
take thea, back t.. ILe cellar tv remain
until they are put iii their suluturr stand
The cellar rt.u►t Ise .alai t perfett!y dark
until the bees are bit., .y shut out.
Let epilog my Iwcs were taken from
the c,:. i .uou the Y7t6 day of April after
a con.tiiuo•,i cuubn0trlent of five months
a nl t wruty days. They were in excel-
lent couiitiur and bees front nearly ev-
ery stock went to the fields mid reunited
loaded with puller within an hour aper
the hives sen set up in their summer
As sown as the bees erre taken trust
the cellar, the bottom boards of their
hives should be cleaned and of dead Nn
and smoothly scraped and all ve.tilaiicn
thoroughly closed with pieces ut thin
(ward and luting except the entrees, at
the bottom of the hire, which, if bas s l
any r of ordinary strength Udell lits
left open as in sumsser. Bees that harm
been wintarwd at fluor eaesmer stasis
will need for same ears army pompe' m
tb. seas,,, at the lint ap$/wet► sof warm
• Riser.
An Ohio szchaega Mean this eanmpls
of the kind of a man who thiaks mac of
his tobacco than he does .4 bus wife.
Where w the boy that will Brow up as
disgustingly selfish
Only • short tinss ago, while we eat in
as Osceola .tors, we sew a tarn and his
wife from the coaatry trading; The wo-
man had the appomrsnee of being 1 hard-
working, indtrtnotr, intelligent lady.
Bho we; examining a piece of calico or
akar cheap dress -goods.
The clerk said, "Shall I cut off ten
The pale-faoed, overworked woman
turned to her husband, and is a timid,
frightened manner asked him if she
might buy a dress she needed it, and the
cost would be len than s dollar.
':No," he grunted, "I can't afford it;"
and yet he had just paid as much fur a
great plug of navy and a paper or two of
smoking tobaccos).
The poor, illy clad, but neat woman
subsided as though this was no new ex-
perience, while her rough, coarse, and
animal husband bit off a mouthful of the
weed, and ordered her to get ready for
Row so Spoil a Ra sb .d.
Snarl at him.
Henpeck him.
Find fault with him.
Keep an untidy house.
Quarrel with him for trifles.
Humor him half to death.
floes him out of his boots.
Always have the last word.
Be extra cress on wash day.
Never have meals ready in time.
Run bills without his knowledge.
Let him sew buttons on he shirts
Pay no attention to household
es -
An Earl died in London the other day
at the age of twenty-su who had drunk
life's cup of sin and shame te the very
leas. Heir to a great name, possessor of
a princely income, married to one of the
most beautiful women in England, all
was not sufficient to keep him from the
reckless course of dissipation which even-
tually killed him, and his memory was
only saved from the still further iufamy
of dying in the house of an actress of
questionable character by his friends
conveying him to his own mansion when
on the verge of death. We refer to the
death of this unfortunate nobleman,
however, not se much for the purpoes of
pointing out his sins as to show the ini-
quities of the church patronage system.
This young man had no less than thirty-
nine "livings" is his gift -"thirty-nine
parishes." remarks a contemporary, "de-
pendent for the selection of their spirit-
ual guides on the choice of a mere youth,
who had corns in po.amsion of the right
in the Name wayhis mansions and
parks, horses anse settle, descended to
him." The sooner the Church of Eng-
land finds some way of riding herself of
the incubus of such patrons" the bet-
ter it will be both for her own position
and the progress of the work which she
has at heart. -(Witness.
is • wonderful thing, yet w natural. sn
rokdosable. Why 1 If yos have feel-
ings of gormless; too weak and dragging
to ray; too aQrars to sloop; aa appe-
tit. hardly salient to kesp holy and
soul together: beanie, with pais
Wren the bask; ths whale system relax-
ed; perhaps coughs sold sore lungs, and
will see one to in bottles at Dr. G. L
Austin • Pliosphatine as the mat asap
dammed, it will net fail to make you as
wlkusi.stie freed. Why do ws eaF
that 1 Bemuse PhosphaLne supplies a
want, 1A w>ry ropes tr the tipsters u lack -
.n0 surf ,..'incl for. It is not • seal -
ciao, Inst atdolikIRat flllie""ly eoeveried
Inas bbond, hews and titans lh L sacro
dslitives to the tees Try it The re-
sult is w commis as that nam and ant
oe hind in bend. All draegitta Len-
ora it Co . Nolo ageing for tae DOsei-
niOs. fib Frost fit. Tomato
(berseal. Tu i'('1 .t(If..i( 11, [BE
ChareueI, laid flat while cold en a
burn causes the pain W abate iututediate-
ly; by leaving it on fee an guar the bunt
seems almost healed wheel the -heat is
superficial. Th. charcoal is a value for
many other purpu.ea Tainted ,neat,
surrounded with it, is sweeteued; strewn
ever heaps of decomposing pelta, ur ever
dead aniwais. it preveuts any unpleas-
ant d .air. Foul water is purified by it.
It is r great disiufeotant, and aweetelia
offensive air if placed in shallow trays
around apartments It is w very por-
ous in it. "minute interior spaces," it
absorbs and ooucleuses gases most rapid-
ly Ono cubic inch of fresh charcoal
will absorb nearly one hundred inches
of gaseous moonlit. Charcoal forms an
unrivalled pueltice for malignant wounds,
and sures, often corroding away the
dead dash reducing it one quarter in as
hours. In oases of what we call proud
flesh it u invaluable. 1 have seen nmor-
tifiation arrested by it. It gives no
disagreeable odor, arrodos no metal,
hurts no texture, injures no color, is a
simple and safe sweetener and disinfec-
tant A teaspoonful of charcoal, in halt
a glass of water, often relieves a Bead- I
ache; rt atessim the gases and relieves
the &in..ded Itlremarh, try pressing
anaiest the serves. which . t t,.ud from
the stomach of the head Char void
almoras a b .orad tram its weight of
gee nor wind is • stt.t.meh or t.,wsis, and
n tame way it wins the Med►. It
often 'abuse. eines• `sae pen, or
Imam berg
The Iii. wore re eah....d
gime ty
ee im =ammo
Ir >�d sea. f,
___lies threw pa.& of alio front .
eheai It sawn tam two mei sat up
a slobs (lm wash` sails plrwbnahl v be
• immi.r llstery it Naty d.
Re ham meal • f the moo r ured up
m balms that ensu sew beta .itfht• rest,
tas..wiqr~ pet se the -p-.or of a
Wiliii tie. jury. vitamin .ad lawyers
lint a 1st of eattabbe time, and the mo-
wer wee .sus t, rtl by twenty -freer
hoem 1w Ne reiase,ss of a t oo-
seeens . These seems to be no doubt
that the primmer 'book the mks. -
lt is said that me thou dutrew('
Irish ladies wb.• had rocoired no ret.t
for 1.o years. end 'alio was living in
Kiegston in the dampest poverty, ova
visited one day by use of her fanner.'
wives, who called tin her professedly to
bring her a basket of eg>a► Great was
dm surprise of the distremsd proprietor
en opening one of the eggs laid at the
l bottom of the basket to find that it con-
itained a roll of bank notes.
It transpires that $428 of public
money was raid for printing and 0:prais-
ing certain Tory members' speeches on
the railway contract last year. -
5. The courts have decided. that refus-
ing to take a newspaper and periodicals
from the post -Aloe, or removing and
leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia
evidence of intentional fraud.
If you waat to get rich mount a mule,
because when you are on a mule you are
better of
GIRLS FOR Tse WttsT. - Last week
Mrs. Davidson, wife of the late proprie-
tor of the Commercial hotel, Seeforth,
took with her to Emerson, nix girls from
this neighborhood, who are to assist in
connection with the hotel they intend
running. The girls are guaranteed $1O
a month fon two months, and passage
paid, at the end of which time they will
be paid current wages there, with
the option of leaving to do better, if
they can.
A lie.eral aaaaeprde.
Never was there such a rush for Drug
Stores as ix now at ours for a Trial B. t -
tle of Dr. King's News Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All
persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi-
tis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any
affection of the Throat and Lungs, can
get a trial bottle of this great remedy
free, bin calling at your drug store.
Free er h•4
All persons wishing to test the merits of
a great remedy -one that will positively
cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection
of the Throat and' Lungs -are requested
to call at your drug stare and get a trial
bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, free of east, which will
show you what a regular dollar -size
bottle will do.
wemas's tree meed.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
This none an deny, especially when aa•
sistanee is rendered whenonersorely af-
flicted with dismiss, more particularly those
oomplainta and weaknesses so common to
our female population. Every woman
should know that Electric Bitten are
woman's true friend, and will poaitively
restore her to health, ectal when all
other remedies fail, A tingle trial al-
ways proves our assertion. They ars
plee.mnt te the taste and only (soot fifty
wets a beetle. Sold by all druggista.
Fresh seeds to lass .01 pee/ agse
Complete Stock
The address -label on the first page will
show each subscriber the stale of his
s....Ullt r itlt Talk D1t:'AL, .,11.1 (it
way Ise blula.t) that t.ti. u au up
I,roprit.tr.w.a.0 1"r .n.,.uIr au al
tercet i•'., w t14r
There ate .alar t.turee iu o•tr b..oka,
else, wt,uti'night rely appropriate
be :•djuate.. before t lir end of this
"1 tae no ..,au sic, Ili Mg," bas born r IM
1)' arlp it.e,t 1.1. J• all, red dila iu-
).inctte4i i. , t, upwn
6.1111r119,0 da. b.i.i,rrs. • 111•vn siwper
A e..td to the wise is srfirient, ami ■e
r ill a. t' 1t.. Inure at l'rruelll, 181 66
detest dunning.
...roan t • .b
flute 1.r v.- le • .. ie dine( t.• a r..Men
mt.., isuu. tl. ,• ,u 110.r bray. 01411111it
.,1 r;te•u,� dr 11 .. 0.4 iuu;L k,wause his
all•alite uvuwu,ls r . Ion I.•t ti.e artificial
b e..tancy it 'evil te.- liar after effects
ut ., hush kit. 1. las iuot0 111144'181.10 than
Ied..le: It is Ni.e du•wliul pntrlise that is
favi sendn,lc .hetuaruls to their graver.
A tumedt for all this i8 found las the
truce friend of temppeeras e, -the beet and
purest of 811 ni.sines,- Eitel vic Bit-
ten. tote by '.eo. B.hynas at 50 cents.
tedfeati Arises Salve.
Tim best Halve in the world for Cub,
Brumes, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sure., Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chil-
U. us, coons, and all Skin Eruptions,
and p.mitisely cures Piles. It is guatan-
(4.ei to Kite perfect satisfaction, or
w." ry refundeol Price 25 cents per
box. For wile by (leo. Rhynes. 1830 ly.
Cathartic . Pills
Oema`e the choicest cathartic principles
ismsdiems, in proportions accurately ad-
justed to secure activinr, certainty, and
uaIlormft� of effect. They are the result
eaf yesn of a reful 'tidy and practical ex-
periment, and are the most effectual rem-
edy yet discovered for diseases caused by
derangement of the stomach, liver, and
bowels. which require prompt and .1.e -
teal treatment. Arses Poeta are spe-
cially applicable to this clam of diseases.
They act directly on the digestive and
aastatilative processes, and rretore rego-
i.r hsaith as action.intheireir Thextensive .by
b G os, end
, is one of the many
proofs of their value as a safe, sure, sad
perfectly reliable purgative medicine.
ling compounded of the concentrated
virtues of purely vegetable substances,
they are positively free from calomel or
any injurious properties, and can be
admiwtered to children with perfect
Ara's PILLS are an effectual cure for
Constipation or Costiveness, ladl-
e, Dyspepsia, of Appetite,d.ewloStomach
Breath, Maid.
Rem, Headaoha_of �.Nmbness, B ss, Ja
Rheumatism. Eruptions and Min
trues Ooi a, GlTensors.es, fib•`~
Dyss.t.ry, emit, Pt1:e° DVorrd•ramof
the Liver, and all other dfsesaes result
ing from • disordered state of the diva -
Rye apparatus.
As a Dinner Pill they have no equal.
While gentle in their action, these
PILL. are the most thorough and search-
ing cathartic that an be employed, and
never give pain unless the bowels are in-
flamed, and then their influence is heal-
ing. They stimulate the appetite sod
digestive organs; they operate to purify
mad enrich the blood, and impart te.
sewed health and vigor to the whole
Predigest sad A.abttsl Chenteta.
Lowell, Mas.
SOLD BY ., . Dapeeie , .y.arw>Qta.
• Dummies. Cossrwere sad Aam.wrs
Itmovaan's •ew:me Om is
ededera ewer r.ti.v, eider I. w
TAW 111712111A111 191
CRAMPS, 1001767,111.
/Obi TM7O4T
AiYW, COLDS, apt
ARtia 1.11151111ALLT IRs
1177317 J01171,
71eOIT Aldi
PAr71'7 fad t=,
rer7 de are* e0,
I•twv 100816=0041 IO give .ui+..
11"11111111811118114"8.111111 f4' WiTLIL ORM ea
ILMILIIIITJOI lb 00., Propaistin
TC1111011T% CET.
Begs to announce to the people of Goderich and this section of Huron, that he has
purchased from Mr. A. Phillihu stook of Groceries, eta, and will
continue the busin in the old stand, un the
Corner of Maoris and, Bruce !treats.
Hstiug Delight the goods for ash, and as I intend to make all my purchases from
wholesale men for caah also, I will be in a position to sell at
Very Low Prices for Cub.
My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the beet brands of teas, good sugars,
and everything in the grooery line from the best producers. Bacon, Spiced Mists,
etc.,alwt ys on hand in season. 1 am determined to please, both in qualttyand price.
Cafl at the stand, Victoria street, oppoaite the Fair Ground, near D. K.
8trachan's hop.
Uederiich, March 9th, 1882.
tl•s aa.Ot CD Ile
To the uld staid in the Albion Blocs. formerly oc'sptrd by Lin, wben Its will be please
to wcltwme all Ms olid customers sad the pelt& ocean'. A large Quantity of_`
Extensive Premiss and SpleadW New Stock.
G-_ )3_A_ IR, TR, Y
Hamilton on Street, (loderich.
rood aasortmeat of k*tchra, teed -,nest Dia .K Rases *see P5.. Offer• epi► as 'fy
b; ('hairs (h&Lr. cane and food tratrdt. Cuytr,srda f►4-'e.. da, >Wltaan•e, Wass -Asa
Lo Ingr.. Sofas, What -Nets. Forting ^l.s.re.
N. 11. A complete sarortatent of Callas sad ahro.da Wirer lave dishes Hear... for hire
•t i e.•unable rates.
Pig•t ere Framing a specialty.—A call soi.ciu.d. 1711
NTILE3 es.
C011ik Brushes aid of all .Kinds Cheap
RHYNAS' the Druggist
Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell on the Front Door
For the next three months 1 will sell furniture at the following prices, for cash:
Low Cupboards at $ a 00
sofas.. .from .....................11 0
ltedsteads from , 1 75 up.
1 75 up.
Fel/ leaf Tablesat - 2 50
Washstands tram 90 cis up.
Bureausfrom. ................. :...................,...... 800 u
sideboards from 8 50 u p
Everything else• at similar raft,.
9'h.se prices can't be Beaten In tour. 1 invite mime... ion. 1 nn, boun 1 to sell. as I intend
rrmoring to Dakota in the spring. i have alae a lot of,machinery uses in cabinet making
whion f will sell at a very low price.
All accounts due John .4. Hall en l J. O. Rall must be settled at inc.c
TAS (31-. G�AZ12a,,
.1t the Market
w. have 11 meet esu got es sorrel lag wbIra 01401 ("marl ,n r t ,.
as ,.eeaay.a.seel *s.h.. or.e.ela, bet sbg bre eve •tett, 6,111 ,
,.Neese Ye saleable meieis. weer please ape tae nrket tee will , sJr.ru. to 5.... .
ret dsus. Nin .. .t teget .t ail'.• •".
lave bees made the set frt et a some wa.ia. t0L Nut 1804. they Aaron e/ trb$4'I • . 1 10.•
lo ippleamM. .m•pgM la all the elNart styles v
et .ii type, ire 'b. .i
/ Toe 0..... . e,..,, ., , r
lath MMM 1as et new bona the hetet elere aa.1.•ee.•.11.
Mg 6 081 ewe *5 esSaw �p�. awe Me nit • eapporecd ler . r. 1., •. •• III ,
np•alMeaaa.ehb j ssa}v.YM.i taut west Um eh, ld.a.1lsr..,8 ft AI.,
WIWIt at 'tam. eve d Ib rime, hall nes. are WW1? aYRl.et • r ...
a4tat rbe)p•a�a..►a IaM bat a imam
tars NMarepoet et ..06 of 14' ••4'..w.,, •r:•.
sear ee.s/ltei wr�M�`��li.r.at54. aatbwt b .ay ens guest A t e m M.. 1. n, , , •
neo Iwo Il r. erAsr Y Itigd
aw , seg ►en t..t ten Nwe viae a 1..-.r ,..,,
ran ++Ml� ai rs ta.a.am et t� 1111114111 on . bst wive st ears es ...a
1 14' ear,.- - -v
se 41•14,1 SA ief/rseorMtri9
•s 1 ''rat. SS.t s ,
1Q'lrll<i Q e
.—With ery ords, Inc 9S, we mud Ft FE
set of oar fear peasism Graces, l
with every order Incfor S0, a hand -
snme ene,.eh,l lltrelwr. With every order for 100, • h ,81.0 tr
tffs�as aid
V sad w $ teary order Inc 930, we will seed FREE 1 splendid
bar/ Odd.Phad Webb Camas
t Ashlar*.
k. The
din B.
d Tip-
es Mc
r cnn-
,l Mc -
r pi/':
I not
pro -