The Huron Signal, 1882-04-21, Page 44
•,�atxtil are est 1•tiday ]fiesnlag, b7 Mc
Litt t suvi sew et their North*
And 1s despatched to all parts of the surround-
ing conatry by the earliest mails aad tstattta
1alias admirion it has • cire al-
oin any other a pact t. this part ed
` e�Oe
ve, :renames e
Y therefore a
Trams. 41.30 in advance poeta�e pre -paid
publishers; 8173, It paid before s1a months;
ass if not so paid. This rule will be strictly
R•Tee or AD%EHTlaNO.--Eight ceou pe
line for r
eaekeubweuentlnsertfea Ye�arrlllyy,eats t Insertion ; three eper Il Pearl,
sued quarterly (note at redutsd� Wrates.
Jos rtgy1se.— .Ye have aleoaarst-elees
.obbing department in connection, and paesem
ing the most complete out -fit and beat facilities
ter turning out work in Uodericb, are prepared
to de business in that line at prices tbatoannot
be beater, and of a quality that cannot be
s orpaaaed. -- Teras Casa
as aai
most desirable
tr FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1881.
Drxfxo the year just past every town
in the County of Huron has lost in pop-
ulation. And yet there are .cine local
'Cones who will howl ab.,nt"good times."
Tea Militia department rapports
home industry by sending for $50,000
worth of clutkiug te England. At every
joint the hyptocrisy of the Government
sa manifesting itself. It is full of pre -
guises promises and nothing more.
conn 4 our standing before Hits. The trial start of the immense unglue
Tits huos& realm are ag•ivat the IN MEMORIAM. cert1O
N. P. in a bo. A leading maker in
Guelph declares th sinus the new
tariff he has not cleared as much to three
Agars as be formerly did not one. This
odious duty on harness also fad's heavily
upon the fanner.
Cr to date nineteen of the present
Ministerial following in the House of
Ceremons have declined to face the mu-
sic at the reit election. Isn't there a
proverb lying around somewhere, in ef-
fect that "The rate always desert • sink
inint(stip- "
Ws learn that 11131 Italian immigranta
whc recently landed at New York had
an average financial 'deeding of ten
cents. But the season is early, and the
dark eyed, .allow -visaged, Tong -haired,
monkey -owning, barrel-organed,nmellow-
toed, broad-shnldered, labor -hating,
musie-loving,hurdy-gurdied sons of "fair
Italie" will probably have a bettershow-
ing of wealth before "the leaves begin
to turn."
THE Synod of Hamilton and London
bas appointed a deputation to wait upon
the Ontario Government with the view
of having the Bible used as • text book
in Public Schools of the Province, it be-
ing however, distinctly understood- that
any Public School Board for local rea-
sons may exempt such school section
from the operation .f the Act contem-
plated. The question is to be brought
before the attention r.f other denomit.a-
Tis New Era gives an article this
week os "Clinton's Progress," .oepiled
from the report of the town aamastirs.
From it we learn that the per pro-
perty, has fallen front $38,300 in 1881 to
$34,700 in 1882; the taxable inor ae
from $11,500 to $11,000; the number of
dogs from 182 to 122; and to cap the
climax the population has decrewaed. but
tbe"'Neu• Era lu•sn't say yb how many.
Isn't the above showing a kind of none
grossly' "progress?' it is high time the
howling about the great progress et Clin-
ton ceased, when we take arch facts as
the above (rain the New Era's own state-
Thos. McGlUlsoddy, of Ooderieb, delivered
• lecture to Knox Church. Brussels. en Mon-
day evening last, taking for his subject"Back-
boee." His lecture is spoken of as being good.
but we believe bad he treated, the subject
jawbone" with the same consideration as he
did the former, that it would have been much
more satisfactory. lHeaforth Bun.
We would prefer to leave the elucida-
tion of the subject suggested to our face-
tious friend of the Nun. Samson once
forcibly lectured the Philistines on "the
jawbone of an ass," a subject, by the way,
which the editor of the San could deliver
without notes, as he would have it in
his head.
Tae resolutions offered by Mr. M. C.
Cameron, the talented representative of
South Huron, were a declaration of the
right of each Province to manage its
own exclusive local affairs without dicta-
tion from outside parties. The making
of all laws relating to property is the
right of the Local Legislature under the
B. N. A. Act. When that right is denied,
a blow is struck at Confederation. On-
tario is too rich, tau powerful, too ad-
vanced, to submit to haying its local
affairs revised by persona so distinguish-
ed for fair-mindedness and lackof jealousy
as the Bien" of Quebec,and so intelligent
and tapable of understanding as the
Bunsters of British Columbia.
silly fling at Cartwright and Cameron
when he endeavored to hold then: up to
ridicule for buying Dominion lands in
Manitoba, while denouncing the Gov-
ernment policy. The very fact of these
two gentlemen purchasing the lands,
proved the aeundneu of their argument
that the policy of the Government was
in the interest of wealthy speculators
rather than that of the actual settler.
They further proved the correctness of
their contention by selling their proper-
ty at a large profit to a gentlemen, who,
in tern, made enormously out of his
sales. The Premier doubtless would
like to sell valuable lands at a song only
to Tory ;peculators. It is the Govern-
ment that foolishly sell, and not the
investors who wisely buy, who deserve
CAPTAIN DroitoaE, • l..arid-Leaguer,
who has been imprisoned recently in Ire-
land for refusing to give security for
future good behaviour, at one time re-
sided in Kingston. When we first knew
him, Dugmore had a mania for row
boats and yachts. From these frivoli-
ties he gradually weaned himself, get
married, and took • religious freak. He
became very High-Churchy in his ideas,
took an active interest in establishing a
ritualistic chapel, called Grace Church in
the Limestone city, and took part in the
services as an acolyte. He was looked
upon as a crank at that time, but
although eccentric, was considered per-
fectly harmless it seems he has now
I1commie the last attribute, and joined
the Land Lingua.
J vwTN's has a raped transit course out
West The F•ird brothers who killed
Jesus James, the outlaw, were indicted
for murder by the grand jury. The
prieseers were brought into court, plead-
ed guilty and were sentenced to be hang-
ed the lieth of May ?Since the sentence
was passed on them it is stated that, ex-
ecutive clemency has been extended to
sem, an uneondittofal pardon having
lean granted by Os Governor of the
Mate. The Ford brothers will, there -
fors, not be hanged. but, if the spirit of
lawletta*I t still obtains in Missouri, the
opt*cgs are that they will have to leave
tIN, opaw of their put exploit, or an
sfpertunity of dying indult beets,
at the hands of Jess Jaw' sympathis-
es. will be their porting
EMOR1A I nook the follew
both ship ed Jesus Christ, trod ' of the atermont Cotton Co., at t, of a all
Mum.'" by ser. Or testi h sill ring you u and v
abs sate Asia t•.msser• f eternal Miss for the Man ..f Celvery I greatest satistaet►ott This segue, u 1,000
On Sundry evening hut there lies a fer ye know not when the time w I the Dominion. Its ey wheel ♦ y
harm' asml He11 b to thefull enjoyment I was made Friday even*, p
has awed, "Take heed, watch end pia,? horse power, aud is one of the ulriw bft
large attendance at the North street bin- I c,yypsst I any unto ono, I any to on. I anis
d eight
thodist church to byar the funeral ser- ; *etch,for in such an tour re ye In London'hest, un Datut ay
mon by lass. Dr. 11 ..'iMtur m eunuecti"O think not the eon of Mau ueth." I fatal shooting ,dray ,.eeurrwl, toe vtut11u
with the d*wth ..f the 4t• John Pas I Continuing, the rev. speaker said :— being an old wan moaned Patrick Lh L
nero. Th. text was fruw Mark stiff -3J: Mr. John Psstn,ne, whose swddeu and gay, and tit. murderer ryuwig eau won-
o n-
lamnent d death gives specialty to the I ed Code, wlo had beau drinking • good
service of the "vetting, was 48 native ddent The f;ortles resided iu the mule
North Devon, England, "lid was in the I house, aud afturau :altercation, the .deed
fifty-first year Itf his age. He carte to was ss.wtuittnd, Code was under the lie
Canada about thirty years ago, and has fiueucu of liquor at the time.
livl•ol in Goderioh fur twenty-eight years. At aft early hour on Saturday muntiug
He has lived among you, going in and Dr. Kincaid, M. P. Y. ot l'uterbort',uIet
with a pie/Wel but uut s•rieus scuttiuut
while returning fruw a prufessional vast.
The doctor sew driving down a hill
near Lakefieid, when the reach of hu
baggy broke, a portion of it sticking in
the ground,upett the bu.cgy,throwute the
doctor out, and dislocating his shoulder.
Tile Government intend sending out
all their surveyuut parties before the
close of this weak, w that the laying
out of the tewut:htle iu the Kurth -s es:
will not for delayed. Supplies have been
sent to the vicinity of Qu'Appelle for
distribution. The Government land
ces on the litre of the C. P. 11. will rot
be permanently heated ter sumo 1854,0.
In the meantiute, ,gouts will do their
business under canvass.
Th. Daily News, in an editorial, says
"If Canada has the richt to enter into
commerical relations with France so have
all other colonies. If they can make ar-
rangements which in practice would be
disadvantag•oes to our own trade, the
integrity of the Empire would be violat-
ed, and the first important step towards
independence of the Coleuies would be
taken. The questtou is a large cusp and
it is commercially and politically desir-
able that it be seriously reconsidered b. -
fon steps are taken which cannot be re-
The popular opinion in the Dominion
appears to he that the railway sub idy
business has been overdone, and that
protection has increased all the oxp ences
of living without producing the great in-
dustrial development that was predicted
for it. The emigration k. the United
States is as large as ever, wages Tuve nut
improved, and the farmer and the (lay
laborer are being bled to sustain a brood
of infant industries which, following the
vicious example set un this side .f the
St, Lawrence, have been called into a
sickly existeue.
(loon Hsatrs.—Habits of temperance,
economy, truthfulness, honesty, generos-
ity, once throughly engrafted upon the
life of an individual, will accomplish for
him what years of se.king,and effort
without them would fail to produce.
They will *pen wide for him the gate of
.uooetts• of honor, ..1 respect, of affee-
tion, through which so many seek in
vain to enter. Working spontaneously
and almost eleansciuusly as they will
after constant and intelligent culture,
they release the power that proiuo.d
them for still higher efforts; they form a
foundation on which to build, without
fear of overthrow, all the finest traits of
excellence; they prepare the way fur pro-
gressive virtue and beauty of goodness
which is so tare.
Take r• heed, watch sad pray; for ye know
sot when the time Is.
The drift of the text was that men
should stake r watchful preparation for
death a duty—it was a piece of fully and
wiekeduess to defer preparation fer
death. The fact was, that all men were
in leve with lute, and reminders, such out es a business man and neighbor, and
as are occasionally sent, were needed to his bwtn cut down in tlw noon of bis
arouse men from their unwatchful state. ttiautt.vd and in the moil.' of his use -
There is nothing akin to the life of man. fulness. The commune mourns his
there is noue other like unto it. The les; the chur.:h mourns his bas, aud,
life of a plant and the life of an annual
can be cutuprehended, but the life of ran
eon nut be thought not. it stands al•'te
and pr' -eminent, and it was no sent'
upon then. Mr. Paswors was convert -
der men was in love with life. 'file M 16 er li yearn ago, and apt out in
ibilities of the human mind had not the l,oratiit of at religious 111e; united
with the Methodist church and served
for some time in the office of steward.
He was never very demonstrative in bis
rebgieus life: yet the sincerity of his
devotion, and nxedaese of purpose was
mover questioned. Retiring in his dis-
p.s.sttien, and Boniest in his profession,
kind hearted and sympathising, he
was honored by thou that knew him, a
proof 4 which was hu occupancy of the
position of school trustee for fourteen
consecutive yarn A week ago last
Thursday John Pasmore left his home
with a prospect of life before hint equal
to any of his age. His business is trans-
acted, and he starts on his homeward
journey. No warning voice is heard—res
cenaciousnessof danger disturbs him, for
none is expected. Thoughts of busi-
ness and of home occupy his mind, and
his heart glows with the thought of soon
being in the bosom of his family. When
within a mile and half from home, in the
passing of • minute, he is thrown from
his carriage. After a while he is brought
to his home, lingers till Saturday morn-
ing. and then passes to the "House not
made with hands." He was conscious
to the last, which is • great satisfactteu
and alleviation to ht. family. I was
with him in the early rnorn oaf Friday,
and found him resting in Jesus, and so
he eentinued till the last. Full of faith
in the Crucified, and in the certain and
glorious hope of • resurrection to eternal•
life, he mingled his ashes with their na-
tive earth. Our sympathies aro with
the bereaved wife and children. How
suddenly has the beantiful dream of
married life come to an end. Prayer
and hhnatian sympathy is all that is left
to us. In the darkness and silence of
this sad affliction, while we,cannot share
the burden, let us lighten it by our sym-
pathy, and let the bereaved ones he
cheered by our prayer'. Beloved friends,
members of the church of Christ, of all
encampments, we sorrow not as those
that have no hope. Amid this scene of
bereavement and sorrow there comes
down a vice of sweetest melody, and
Divine•t authority to relieve our de-
spondency and chase away our gloom,
"I am the resurrection and the life."
IN Thursday's Mail we observe the
replies of some of the Huron agricultur-
ists to the questions of the Orton coin -
minas. Mr. Webster, of Ashfield, a de-
cent man, but a mighty strong Conser-
vative, is one of those who testify ; Mr.
Davie Weir, Deputy -Reeve of Howick,
whose name is synonymous with ultra
Toryism, is another ; and yet another is
Mr. James Johnston—"Steel Rails Jim-
my"—an ardent advocate of the N.P..
aad who would undertake to extra•t
sunbeams from cucumbers, if the leaders
of the Tory party so willed. Mr. Thos.
Farrow has thoroughly coached Doctor-
" Agricnitoorwlist" Orton in the platter
of Whom to send the questions to. It
u quite true that a Reformer is ueca-
sionally stumbled upon by the committee,
but nut often. But the -doughty Doctor
has now hit upon a new way to frustrate
the Grits, and when we instance the
case of Mr. Young, Reeve of Colborne,
our readers will have an idea of how the
thing works. That gentleman received
a set of the questions to answer,but they
were printed iu French ! He intends to
answer them in Gaelic, and then what
will the "agricultural quack" say 1
Advice N 1f.rthwessers.
When you go to the Prairie Province, my son.
These three dreadful monsters most carefully
They're working in patnership,fools are their
And many a poor simple fellow they slay.
The shark meets you first, when you land
fresh and green,
And sells you • lot that you havn't yet seen.
Then he asks you to visit the bar room hard
by, •
Wbere he brings on his pal -fatal Winnipeg
When he's been introduced to your stomach
and brain.
You start and wander around on the plain.
Jack Frost the third partner, here makes you
• call,
And next morning the coroner finds- that's
all. Grip.
abuse all, his friends and family how
down in narrow under the sudden aid
terrible bereavement that has fallen
6eeu found out or computed. Men are
very apt too forget their intersete; they
do nut leve to think of death, and are
not on gu,d terms with Gal. No men
eau forget the itnportauce of death,
however. The meet us al-
most at every corner; in our dwellings,
somehow, the portraits of the dead are
often more numerous than the living.
But, notwithstanding all these warnings
and reminders, .nett lives& if they• were
aoneee.aity to think of death. Each tine
thinks, "It may overtake other.; it will
net overtake me." Death was a com-
mon thing, ani perhaps men had now
become familiar with it. It was every-
where—like light and sight, the full
value of which we did not fully estimate
until we were deprived of them. There
were few who did nut delight to
think of • lung life. Some world live
long for usefulness; some that they might
enjoy worldly pleasure; others that they
might have ample opportunity t,. study
the Book of Life. Children thought
men, of death than gruw.i people.
Adults were up to the eye. in the cares,
and worrying'', awl auxietiap of life.
The father and mother could not bear
to think of being taken from the chil-
dren, whose stay and support they were;
the .business man wanted to get rich,
and coasidered it wasting time to think
of death; the young man studied lsw,
medicine or Itter,ttur., and so earnest
WWI he in pursuit of knowledge that he
could give no thought, to religion. But
death will come—after many years, or
by illness, er suddenly, as in the case of
our dear bather, like a tree riven by
lightning stroke. The true sigaificanee
of death u only fully felt in the presence
of death. It brings; moral character and
conduct to a final test It brings u In-
to judgment for thought, word and deed,
and *very element of character. It
brings • man into the presence of God.
Then is no good reason why death
should nut be thought of. Mat should
put himasld in such a condition that
there would be no cause for fear. If
calmly pandered, it would 1.e found that
to defer preparation for death to the
eleventh hour was the greatest of follies.
Death is such a soletnu thing that all
should prepare for it. The undertond
of death was in the air, just as the un-
dertone of the great deep could be heard
along the shore; and as the sea touched
the shore, so doth was the great other
world which touches that in which we
live. Man was here working out a cer-
tain process. We sometimes sing,
The 'sees sad Use Women of Canada.
The address to the Queen whieh the
Marquis of Lorne has undertaken to
present to her Majesty, bears the signa-
ture of forty-five thousand women.
Every province in the Dominion is re-
presented, "not alone by the wealthy
and vreat but the poor and lowly, with-
out distinction of position .r creed."
The address says that "from ocean to
ocean, over a distance of three thousand
miles, through forest and plain, the wel-
come address has travelled and been
readily signed by 'willing hands." The
address expresses thee' loyalty and love
of the women of Canada, although as
far as we can learn, there bas been no
calling in question either the one or the
other, so that it is difficult to see upon
what ground these amumncee of their
sentiments are specially called for.
However, if the address should be the
means of taking up the attention of her
Majesty in examining the handwriting
and trying to make out the names, it
will not have been presented in vain.
It is incidentally remarked by the ladies
that they much regret carelessness, blots
and soforth, but that "it was impossi-
ble to ovoid them," and that "some
pegw .re worn from the natural eunosi-
ty et our sax to look over all the
mem& - There t frankness in the ad-
mission, anyway
No room for mirth or trilling here,
For wordly hope or worldly fear.
If life so soon be gone;
if now the judge is at the door.
And all mankind mnet stand before
The inexorable throne!
If webelieved so, it wouldkeep us steady
in our being. We put the emphasis in
the wrong place if we fail to prepare for
the exigency of the future. Our future
should be our most important concern.
Man is destined to live forever, and the
contemplation of that fact has a ten-
dency to make us shrink from trilling.
Then are vet outcomes, and the man
who prepares is the wise man. The
emphasis in the right place would regu-
late the energies and abilities of every I
man, for wise forethought was the gate
to the rich inheritance. Some present
Coder an , by vat a u: a power ot sale owe
wised 1■ ..errata ind•'it nae of w -it
wbluh will Is multi .d at t t u.c of
uy4 by Jnm•r lain. r..,
p• auotboai bi Js.'t t r ,:e• . tit, ass 's
at IWbtog's 11 k�',. i.t'' • rge es t
bort. on' 51. , dig d'ttal trap.
fat 1: o'clock. nooat ni prosiest., of ttheto sea taliRE J f De
linth halt tit 1 •. '' meleeft.- .t n tee Aftb
w. verba We .den Alc.tden ..f ' v towaskip
of Atsheeld. In tl:.• t'eut.ty ,, 1. loom, cuetale-
in. fifty wcev* of Lane. slum e. 1••tts, of w lee
711 acres are clears'.. trn'ed. and 1e n fair
state or cult Iv• Lein, se I the n•atunderle boob
land, wooded n to !.-t t o. i acid h.•rulock,
and is catnep• of 1n•''•ta oasiiy clean: i. The's .o1 a tram., dwelling home
Iss11. The soul u w ctrl hate of .moil quality.
'flies farm is ads-. t' , ,null, 0111 -Jed. being
of Gt.derich.
within lhalf ales aiut Iret.lut„.n gravel road,
leading from G,sd•er,c`t to Eluterdine. and
within 2 miles ..f t!..• v :Inge or Port Albert.
Torts+ of rale' 'f. 0 1 .r tent on the day of
sale aud the tem' '. one molal: 11 emitter.
A portion of 11.c ;0irs•ha.e muue7 may at the
option of the pure-ni ver, rrinalu iso courtinge
on the said handl, proper' s will be put
til, melee,' town .•t•'..1 laid. The other oo•
doom. of sale :'n ',anther to the standee(
conditions of loo's o' the High ....ono( Justice.
For ferh••t pmrtleolan apply to eke auc-
urtioneer. er the \ .-odor'• Rullciiors.
I)at.d at Go till !a t h.. l.`dh of April A.
D. I1M11.
GsnaowdtP: , ,.r,. Nara.
Crndu.'t• ''• ':•
of. -( uetloneer.
1r. eurrie's •plate• .f •raagemea.
Mr. Currie, the nominee for West
Middlesex, rose to speak, when the
Orangemen began to interrograte him,
and the chairman again threatened ex-
pulaion. Silence having been secured,
Mr. Currie went un to say the Orange
party had been the bane of the Conser-
vative party, that they and their whims
had made the Conservative element in
the Local House the insignificant and
powerless thing it was, and that having
ruined the party in the Local they wen
trying to do the same thing for the Com-
mons in the furtherance of aims which
they could never accomplish. At the
same time the speaker kindly attributed
the course 4 the Orangemen to misguid-
ance and ignorance.—Ex.
Parnell hats notified the Governor of
Kilmainham Gaol that family affairs
necewsitate the extension of his parole
t• -night had put the emphasis in the ! for a week.
wrong place, and thelkct should at ones The persecution .of the Jews contin-
be rectified. Man does notknow what a nes. In Southern Russia whole villages
day will bring forth. As a tree falls, Be have been laid waste, and 18,000 Jews
will it lie. Think, therefore, wisely of I are hotneleu.
death- not to fear it, but to he prepared It is expected that the U. S. Congress
to meet God. Many a man on a sick will shortly consider the question of re-
tied has welcomed the approach of death ducing the letter postage to two cents
with pleasure, so that he would be freed
from pain, and step into the light of Per } es-
zGod's love. Living without preparation John Richards of Mount Carnten,Pa.,
for death is unwise in any event, and no 'rent all his money in drink and then
prudent man would be guilty of the folly. deserted his family. His wife became
The prudential reasons which men ap- frantic, and saturated her clothing with
ply to worldly affairs, which are of oil, set it afire and was burned to a crisp.
minor importance, should be carried nut TheDominion Governmenthas granted
in that matter of greatest moment -tile $5,000 to the exhibition to be held in
spiritual welfare. Why place immortal- Kingston. The Exhibition Dairymen's
ity at a less count than ordinary busi- Association will hold their annual show
noes transactions? At three o'clock in the in connection with the Exhibition.
afternoon a great interest is taken by On the llth inst., Mr. Courtice, of
Liminess men lest the bank deers should Goderich township, left for Aberdeen,
be closed when paper was liable to pro- Dakota, and on the evening of that day,
test. if such M tha case in worldly I Mr. W. Wade,and wife,of the base line,
matters, should men of thought and can- left by the same train.
dor be willing to launch into eternity Mr. Tooly, M. P. P. for Emit Middle -
without preparation? A man surely sex, has also determined to retire, and
dies not prise himself, if he ieaves his the Conservatives of the riding on Satur-
great future at • harard. If preparation day decided on Mr. Thomas Rutledge, of
for death is put off to the last moment London township, as their candidate.
what are the chances 1 Half those who Mr. Lowrie, Mayorof s.rnis,telegraphs
die, died without eonscieusneap;they had I as that the reports as to the prevalence
intended to prepare for death, hut death of typhoid fever in Sarnia are greatly
spine upon them soddenly, or when they ezaggerat.d. Typhoid, he amerce, is not
were unconscious through the failure of is not men common in Hernia than in
their physionl power, sad 0447 paned other towns in the Province.
away without the ability to prepare. Zxaggorat•d rumours have been in cir-
T4.n was nothing so pitiable as to culaticm relative to lessf life from
stand by the dying bed of a wicked 111. of
in Newmarket. There have
The stoner with • wasted life, when dy- Dees about tan deaths in two weskit
ing, admits the knowledge of Go A great many have been ill but about
Th.Qom. toil two t• anubbod J•• and f e netwsity for pr.=en
Marts Carlo Pablo*.h r+fon1 ng w M, me ' Ne
God. lest he u unable. titninty per coot wi11 recover.
magnificent basket of exotics which they „Lie ,sad weakened p•,wen, t ,the Tb• bill to rattly the sale of t4eweetora
desired to present ker with. I bl•sainp ,.1 the, ppmmtnes, ewd pwNgs bion of the Gerernment read to the
The oldest registrar in the Domini** - from life to dsmte hke a ran asleep is a Canada ?loge Railway Ryndroat• haw
is Mr. Walsh, registrar of Norfolk !ship going down. He dies aad sakes received its third reeding to the Quebec
County, who has hold his present nes- no sign. There is a chancel while therm ".ably. A series of amendente mev
ition fur seventy two years, and has bees i is life, bet it is • fearful risk to 1•t sal- •d 1i7 the (►ppotdtien were voted down.
altogether eighty two is the -lie*, having ; rates gr' to the dying hoer. No wean The Que'en's assailant, Mci.ean. was
acted fer ten yeen as deputy before his I can jointly himself for neglecting the placed on tram at Windsor en an 'whet -
appointment t• the higher position. I gnat salvation. and yet it es done ever] mint charging him with high treason.
rad Evidence was given by the snpenntend•
tints of two lunatic asylums that hi www
not responsible for his acts, and tee jar?
returned a verdict of "Not Guilty.'
on th. Ramona of enmities
During this lengthy peri he has never
been incapacitated by sickness for s no-
els day, and he still attends to his duties
regularly Mr. Walsh is now ninety
four sear* of age
day ('hitt deed to save all human-
kind, ere we should all go 1' HIM and
detain Him until the blessing °omit. Let
go the frivolities of the world. (hi to
(ledt and sok hart to lie t••a tete a lull
Cot wry or Hem's, 1 Hl virtue of a Writ
ver wrr : t Flee ►'rc10., ass lbileu
of Her Majesty's Court of the C maty of
Huron, and to dile. ted against the Lads
and Tenements of Bain McDonald sad Mary
Jane McDonald at the suit of William Costs.
I hare be re•t• and Irl.,., in execution all the
right. title and inter. st and equity cf redemp
tion, of the ovuo'.l defendants in and
to the north hell of lot number ten 1. Ube
third concession of the township of Meerb, la
the County of Hoc .n, containing 100 gene of
land, ir••n• or las..: which land.. and tene-
ments 1 shall offer 'or rola at my ,Aloe In the
Court House, In the Town of (:nderlel, M
FRIDAY. THkiith 11\Y OF JUNE. next, at
the hoar of twdye of the clock. noon.
Sber-tffof Hares.
Sheriff'so*it•e. (oderich.
Marek el h. lel. lel
1882 SPRING 1882
The subs, riber would draw the attention or
t►•• public W his
Tba lar'g•et that has ever beer broaabt tato
Goderich. rompr:sls4: ]iced Clover ft•ed, A1 -
sack aad w bite (-.ober. lie Pea Vise Clo-
ver, Timothy seed. Orchard Gram, ilia Beed.
Huagurianand Milieu. Buckwheat Na-
tton,dad eternal other kinds et aped
Ads. Crowe I'eaa Met
arrowfate, aad her
of garden
and field tion useeds
01 Swede Turnips. Mammoth Meagolde, Red
aad Whits Carrots: also garden peas, eon
p(er{{Me1as(� Melasa's "Little Gem. aad all ether
,arietlap• Marty and Sweet Oars: en4 Rowen l
garden seeds of every desertptloa, alt fresh
.sd geed. from the celebrated Asap of J. A.
Brace & Co.. Hamilton Ont. I bays also on
hand • large quantity aground e11 Bake whisk
cannot be surpassed for cattle food. (all
early and secure • choice. Term the most
reasonable is the trade.
Paxton Heed says: "The Welsh lan-
guage is se literal that the competent
'hearer or reader instantly realises from
its words, things." He dors, Paxton;
he does fur • fact. Take any ordinariy.
word, for initence, like ' w';eelltarrow,
translate it into the purest kind oUWelsh,
sad then look at it through a micr sceps.
It would look lies a monster of the
deep, an .tcto@1ts, ma frightful as to Cause
a Mexican dog to turn white in a single
night. Yes, iudus.i; any cnnipetent
reader will "realise from Welsh words,
things"—great horrid, thetiand-legged
things, with hairy clee s acd soft, snaky
feeler running out in front. Next a
a case of delirium t savours there,is really
nothing soulful as the Welsh languge.
It is rare sport to hold it up between two
sticks and see it squirm.
A L.,nden, Eng. , special says: All Lon-
don was horrified recently at the report
(published by the Inspector pf Factories)
on the hake -houses of the metropolis.
1 roan defective drainage, from butter
made of Thames mud and fosil-oil whis-
ky Londoners have suffered and still suf-
fur. But they did not think that their
dai'.e bread would he found to be an ob-
ject worthy to mingle in thehell-broth of
the witches' caldron in "Macbeth". Yet
what does Mr. Lickman tell us? Dust,
cobwebs, insects innumerable, even
stabled hones, may be found in the pub-
lic bakeries. Chickens an roosting above
the baking troughs, Liquid manure is
running around the flour stake. Buns are
laid out to cool over open sewers. With
all this, and more; does he officially
double us up in qualms of agony.
The report of the Great Western
Railway Company has been issued. It
is impossible to mistake the attitude of
the directors towards the agitation for
fusion, and their suspicions of Mr.
Tyler's proposal. They have resolved
to resign if the shareholders nurse tn ac-
cept Mr. Tyler's indefinite offer. The
report says that the Western has been
asked to agree t ,-day to lovas its reed
in a year or two, supporeing that the
Dominion Government meanwhile sanc-
tions the agreement, and the Grand
Trunk feels disp used then to ratify the
arrangement. In other word., to give
the Grand Trunk a valuable option ever
an indefinite period without a semblance
of equivalent therefor. Meantime what
would be the condition of the Western'?
It would have sold its Indep.notones
without receiving payment for it It
would be estranged from and mistrusted
by those with whom it does its main
business and from whom it derives the
hulk of its income. Herein probably
lies the whole secret of the renewed
agitation for arrangements with the On-
tario and Qeebec. So tar from getting
ad from the Grand Trunk, it would of
necessity be the policy of that Company
to starve the Western that they Inht
eventually secure it on terms very lifer-
ent from thou now so rte•entatiosely
paraded It is impassible to believe
that the s►arsbulden will for a ssem•nt
seriously eeetomplate takisg so least -
doss • Nap •s e8. seesplaeee of this
propre•tirin Pheald tory doesrstine to
incur the maks and fess the dangers
pointed est, the dinettes Mast ask to
be relieved of the r•spoaedbility whieh
most attach to the conduce and policy
the iresperienee of the Company'. alkire
oblige them nn -.toe -wail♦ to a nndemn
Corner of Hamilton and Victoria streets,
Goderlsh. IAAe
1 had at the premixes of the Subscriber.
Corner of North Street aad the Square
Goderich. April 70, MEL 1835
Uons from C. It. 1)UNSFORD, Esq ie sell
by Public Ausllen.-a his residence, Beak d
Montreal, Goderich. on
Wednesday, April 28th, 1882
The whole n' ha, Household r'arniture. Car-
pets, ke., consisting of complete Drawing
Room, Parlor. Inning Room, Hed Room Per -
Miner. Carpets, Mirrors, Ornaments. C ook-
e`ry, Glassware, &c.
Kele commencer sharp at 1 o'clock p.m.
sale positive and without any reserve.
J. C. CURRIE, Auctioneer.
Goderich, April 1, 1AM. 1* -id
('ail and see them before purchasing else
Small Profits it Quick Returns
1000 Bushels of Good Feeding Oa1x
April lath 11182. 1S36 -1t
Cabin. Interwiedfato and Sewerage Tickets at
rnwrwr puma
steerage Paseengen are booked to Lesdoa.
Cardiff, Bristol, Queenstown. Derry. rie3luet
Galway and Gls-,row, at same rues se t.
$50 CABIN,
6100 RITUSN.
time. Rooms, Uatdd.r 0.lo...)
W I N TRR V2L22Q Ca. s
t'oly.sWaa. Hasan Ram.) Marr. MI. Hattan
April 1st.
Peruvian, Portland. Aprti Mho Halifax. Apra
Nov. Scotian. Ranee -I p. mot AprU lite, Iial-
'ttar, April int8
teresemaa notruese. A pin *h. Halifax.parpiA u 'fad
• Bomantt p. m 1 April l th Halite:.April IMI.
Ssrttatattaa. Portland. May 118, Halifax Mad
For tickets end every Infermatl.a WRY 10
le A
\ me.. >r•et real T.l.gyspa
IW tea
nae• nossosb