The Huron Signal, 1882-04-21, Page 1EVOTE 0 CO
sew Advrrtl.esrels
Seed Oats. -H. Spence.
Wait Paper. -renes Imrie.
Auction Sale. -J. ('. l'urrie.
Ila,: Renewer. Gro. lthy•es.
Plow Points. J. W. N'est herald.
Mortgage Sale. - Carrow k Pruudtuut.
Ayer'. Cathartic I'ilis. J. ('. Ayer & Co.
Ltn tee OU.-IIeColi Seca. a cwTorosto.
>l :e. Axle Ora•se. TBS el .• Co:
Tl. TOOT. Odle° and resideneed Simms, Simmsbre* doors below it ink of Montreal. Oode-
rlch 17611
I -i GSOM, We with Trotter & Caesar. the
Wading Deat lits of Toroete.l AL opetstton•
seat lMiperformed.te& CLINTON. M"Pe
tlente from •
stance will please make appointments in ad-
. alit, by sail
7 i s[cQf{1 A TLAR81`Rf VAN
"A •bierstnang ye, tetras' notes,
Aa' faith hell Went It.'
Tows TQ7105-
prevalence •t•Ortkae In the cities la
discussed at tie present ties.. and var-
are advanced r gMdtng the
Theis only on• strike upon
sad that 1 ter Sal-
k gallery It yea want to seg e
Miss Trentineer is grititig ell
London. , •
Ma. F. from
Assizes commence at the Court House Blvuxaes NtittIZ.Y.- On Mundy
in Goderich, on Monday 14th Inst., be- I afternoon we paid a visit to the green -
fore Mr. Justice Burton. There are 11 house of Mr. Bingham, and found that
criminal cases on the docket, the most gentleman "up to the elbows" in spring
serious of which is forgery. H. P. work. Mr. Bingham is the leading mar -
O'Connor will conduct the Crown bus- ket g•rdner of the section, end is never
iness content unless he is the first of the
On Fnday last the body of a droienod season with his early vegetables, etc.,
man wan found on the shore of Lake He has in his greenhouse a very large
Hu. abut three miles from Zurich. stock of choice bedding out and window
4iT6ebudy seems to have been in the tents, both in quantity and variety.
"rater for some time. Papers toured on hie stock of verben.n is .specially large,
Ida show his name to be David Thump- H• is growing an enormous supply of
.on,•of Harrisville, Mich vegetabla plants for transplanting such
Our stout friend, "Jim" Vivian, has as celery, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbages
decided not to leave Goderich, bet the etc., which will lie ready to be planted
"pop" business will go toi in Emerson, out at any time. Mr. Bingham will,
all the same, and will he conducted by during the season, keep a fell stook on
his brother, who is going lute the se- hand at his store, on the square, near
freshmen' trade largely. By the decal- the rnerket.
ion of Mr. Vivian in this reatter,.Goder- The " Longfellow Entertainment,"
is one shoed. under the auspices of the Mechanics
Perhaps you hare heard id the hair Institute, was held in the Temperance
vigor which would put a 'good Drop of Hall on Tuesday evening, and wan fairly
hair on a red hot- stove. Well Biome attended. The singing and other exer-
hasn't got any of that is stook. But he cites gave general sstiafacuon, and alto-
ther a pleasant evening was spent. Mr.
James Mitchell opened with a carefully
prepared synopsis of the life and work
mental pert of the programmewoe taken
part in bythe Misses Trainer, Miss M.
Wynne, Mia Roes, Mrs. Dunesford, and
Mimeo Rothwell and Robinson ; and
Mimes Hale and Oliver sod Messrs.
Duncan. T. McGillicuddy, H. I. Strang
D. McGillicuddy furnished the reading
selections. Aon. John Hibbard, Ameri.
can Consul, aoeed as chairman, sod May-
or Horton also occupied a seat op the
platform. The pianoi was a Nordheimer.
kindly furnished by Mies Platt. At the
Mose a vote of thanks was tendered to
all who had taker. pert in the entertain-
SunHowes are now being worn by
Goclerich ladies t
Mr. Chores Thompson has returned
from a business trip oast.
The Northern Lights were grandly
beautiful on tiunday night.
She People's Column. dr
tor se or to rent, in the village of
novo. here aro on the premise* • good DI
Iwe'lingg ouse. stable, and one carriage and
Mackemhh shop, each 4000, and two stories
lift,. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. aa
Aarras C. HAMILTON. Myth. Ont.
Myth, Ont., April 13th, 1rfB,- 1831-41.
1 House on South Street. containing $
route 4. kitchen and pinem with bard and w'
soft water. Apply to GiO. McMAHON.
watt. C
v ppe•arttags free tar the balance el 1S82.
y b* ribsaconce, and get full benefit of the
Attorneys. &elicitors 1n Chancery &c.
Odloe le the Coert House. G•derloh. lc
his Litwin. M.A.. D.C.L. E. N. Lassie. d
Atrow, W. 1781
Macrae,. Solicitor in Chancery.
Ooderick. Out.
Tger 1 . iderloGoderich J. A. Morton, VPs 1
C. meager 1`tod 1751.
. Solicitor. Otaoe---Corner of West Street 1
sad Market Sgeare. over George Achtessn's,
. LAW. Solicitor in Chasogr/ vey
anoer, no. Office over She s
Ooderich, Ont. Any a mosey 7 1
loan •t lowed rates oyis `
Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery,
ooderich and winohsm. M. C. Cameron, Q.
.; P. Hots. M. G. Cameron, Goderich. W. E.
)facer• 1731.
Loans ane, insurance.
lead on easy perms in sums to suit lege
rowers. ALax. MID Att.AN. 1
God^ricb. Nov. 17th 1381. 1313-51t `
C alatROto, HOLT k (%AM.K$O l; e-
kilt 56.
t75.000 EAL ES-
7TATii.. 7'etms favorable. R Apply to lb le
Y LE. Ooderich.
•eV t II erce &. Amok R RADCLIFFE.p11511
amount to suit borrowers ate to N per
cent. Private funds. Apply to Stauts nal
AIL asosetof Private feeds for investment
It lowest ria to (JARROW & P i*—o 18T A
money to lend at lot, •d rate.. free of
any costa or charges. SEA ;ER ,t MORTON,
opppccowseltp Colborne hotel.
()oderteb,'3rd M•reh 1331. 1773.
The 33rd Batt. are to be •allot out to
iII on the 19th of June soot.
Mise Dowine of Se.forth, was the
est of Miss Davis this week. has got the Dominion Hair Restorer,
V1etTtleo CAana-Plain and fancy, which he claims will bedeek a bald heed
t and stylish. See maniples.
The schooner Admiral is loaded with
It for Sarnia at McEwen's block.
Mrs. Goo. Coz has been visiting her
ughtse, Mrs. Douglas, Hamilton.
We are sorry to Ieam of the extreme
.knees of Rev. Father Maclitauran.
Mr. Janus Bailie has purohesed the
pion Hotel property from Mr. H. Mar- power to levy damages.
with flowing tresses, If you ere bald-
headed give him a trial.
On Tuesday R. Taylor. of the Huron
Road, Goderich , t'p, wee up before
Mayer Forrester, charged by W. Wise,
jr., with keeping a vicious dog, and
thereby injuring the property of the lat-
ter, who claimed damages. The Mayor
fined Taylor $1 and omits, but had no
n. ,. AOcrtoa Satz. -The household forni-
Mr. Alex Hutchison arrived home on tare belongingto Mr. Dunaluid, ul the
Wednesday from McGill College, Mon- Bank of Montreal, will be sold by Mr.
tL•al J. C. Currie, at his residence, on Wed-
nesday next. This furniture is of a sa-
again join his father in the drug busi- penor kind' and the sale will likely draw
taw hisrw a /sego attendance of ladies, who are the
M And M ld f Knox Cul favorite bidden with a gond auctioneer.
sew a rum- n ° OvorILLowsarr.-The sixty-third an-
y, preached in Kranz Church on Hun- niveesary of Oddf•llowship In Amends
iy evening. will be celebrated on the 26th ins'; and
Mr. Andrew Whitely of Beechwood the Orand Sire of the Order recommends
rm, has returned from his North
eetern trip.
Mr. D. Glass, formerly aocuuntant of
• Bank of Montreal in Kingston, has
n appointed Manager at Godench
On Wednesday the schooner Kolfage
rived with hoops and staves from
allaoebnrg, for the Salt Association
Mr. Farrow, M. P., is to be married to
iss Thompson, of Newtonville, im-
ediately after the clow of the session.
Vise creams, PerfMsel b Be'. Mean
■srpar. et stwMta-a.rse.s by Ser.
r.eaer delaa'..y..r aoeefe•.
At St. Peter's (R. C.) Church un Sunt
day last the new altar was blessed, and
dedicated to the weeks of the Ahmish-
ty. The ceremony wan orated by
Roy. Fathers Murphy, of wn, and
O'Mahon), of London, assisted byRev.
Father Wetter. After the benediction
was pronounced the altar was demisted
for the sewn* o thrifty, by the tiisters
of fit. Joseph. A very pretty statue of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus, sow fills the
niche in the oentre pillar o the alter.
Father Murphy, of Iriaktown; oelebrnt-
ed the (head Maas. The sermon wan
delivered by Rev. Father O'Mahony, of
London, from the text "flow terrible
is this place : this is no other but the
house of God, and the ate o Heaven,'
Genesi& 48th chap. 17th verse. A brief
synopsis will nut nut be out of place.
Bulimic; Roca. -There was an im-
promptu running race on Friday last on
South street between Case Allen'. pony
and Polley's "Spot." Three heats were
run. In the first heat "Spot's' steering
that the occasion be observed by its de- I gear got out of kelter, and the manner in
dication • to appropriate exercises and which the noble equine dodged in and
thanksgiving to Almighty God for His out among the tree guards was some-
manif ld bleksings to the Order,iedividu- thing fearful and wonderful. The ton-
ally and collectively. sequence was ''Spot" was a bad second,
Seams Orilttxo. - Miss Stewart'. and narrowly *•caped being distanced.
• opening of milli came off on In the second heat, both horses got $
prang pen a last.
g•od .tart, and came up the track neck
Friday and Saturday last On Om sec- and neck, peening the .the
stand at
ond day the opening was largely attend- Poimy'• stable a dead heat The final
ed, and the really fine .hew of hat.heat was then proceeded with, and, after
bonnets, ribbons, ornaments, etc., were' E. R. Palmer, the veteran trotting man,
much admired. God taste end Rid had instructed "Sandy' regarding the
mystery of keeping "8pot" in the centre
of the track, the horses again started,
and came up the course like a doutle-
harrellad Manitobe blizzard. Thin time
"Spot's" herrn worked to a charm, and
that animal took first place in the heat.
The race was witnessed by a large eon -
course of local "sports."
Miss Minnie Hamilton, has returned material were the cher[ points observed
home from Dashwood, where she haabeen in the trio upof the ,points
of bon
• during the past few g
muotdra. nets and hats.
ra R Watson who met who, tact MicaaanesIN'lTryUTL.—A meeting of
the Mechanics' Institute Directors was i
di W healle t list week at the her held on Wedsteday evening. All the
ior; barna sift to return to his home at members were present. Arrangements
were made for the appropriation for the
The steam barge Kincardfhb; with the coming year. The report of the look
schooner Hps'eu1es beton, salved at this somauttes was adopted, and a number
port on Wednesday morning, with tee of a000smts ordered to be paid. The
for the G. T. R. class committee were instructed to offer
Knox Church Young People's Associa- prizes in competition to the members of
tion will spend "An Evening with the the evening dames, to the amount of
Eogluh posts" to -night, in the lecture $20.
roes d1M Churn Mr. W. Hotuton, M. A., who for a
M. Duncan Bu:hatiau, whose parents number of years has occupied a promin-
ent position on the editorial staff of the
reside on the 16th con., of Grey, met
his death near New Orleans, a couple of Toronto Globe, has resigned it to take
weeks since, by drowning. charge of the Canada School Journal
and to edit the educational publications
Mise Maggie Diehl, of Yarns, was last
of the well known publishing House of
Landed Credit Company is peppered to
lend mens on food Farm seeuHty,
at ler per
0441 HAritia C.eL.unlip•h
weak presented with a well-filled purge, W. J. Gage ,4' Cu., Toronto. Prof. R.
in recognition of her services a organist M Smith, M. A., B. Sc., has resigned
of St. John's church. Varna. the Principalship of St. Francis College,
Looe AT York Last. -If you aro in Richmond. P. Q., to accept a position
doubt as to whether you owe fur your in the same firm. li
paper look at the little label, and that "CoNalnak Till Lrlus. --This was
will tell you what date you are paid up I the title of $ sermon to young people,
till. delivered in the North Street Methodist
Oa Monday afternoon a young man Church on Sunday morning last by Rev.
es assn and Tows Property at lowest Ir
}carat,. Mortgoiree purchased. no Commission
cias/ed Conveyasel•s Fees e reasonablle..
f US 1.rrowersoa7 DAVISON & ay
1>t iii is eatiatYotorl.
STON. BeriMbers. &e.. Ooderin►. 1751
LiteIinsorenee Apt.
tem Also nerd
.. les CA.
in Town or
nomad Hurley, a driver on the Kincar- Dr. Williams. The preacher spoke In a
dine stage, was thrown from one of Mr.
Polley's livery horses, and had his collar
bona broken:
Last week a tumor was extracted from
the head of Mr. Henry Martin, of the
Collewne hotel, by Dr. McDonagh. Mr.
Martin stood the operation well, and it
is expected to prove suxesaful.
Aihert Snaith of the township of Hew -
ick, charged with horse stealing and lar-
ceny, was sentenced by Judge Toms on
TNsdsy to nine months in the Central
Prison, the teras to run Ooncurrently.
Mr. Malonlm Nicholson has been
suffering intense pain from his hand,
which became poisoned by contact with
an old lock he had been repairing and
which had verdigris collected upon it.
aD sI•/M way Mesa
Kees Mesh. Oeisrlh-
ill Estate.
t !lsCT.-epis -
OUSE, AND -Yictorla w nest woe& re
x cert K or will tis,
„ , a►iwpa ee a
,ori...„.14w • WI”' =w'i'`sa1M4r
W iCIQ(lII`1'il">ri• BAR
, seeds •
VP o TtM t rr*l$.PilloPttlrs lir
• (mop. Crabb's Rlock. Ringots. et. node
rich. Plans and .pp.*ootds corm*
ratks.a drawc•ed-
ly. Carpenter's' el.atwreit a and memo's wort
•n.Ntcere,l end ' sf(ned
the organist, Miss Annie Doyle, sang St.
Clair's Masa in G. Soprano solos were
sung by Miss Robinson and Mist Lizzie
Doyle; alto ries by Misses Tellior'and
Biddulph; tenor solos by Mr. Lobel!, of
London, and Ferguson of Goderich; and
bass solos by Itis. John Robinson. The
chorus at the Oflbrtur' was Regina Ctrlt.
"Praise ye the Lord ' -was sung after
the Elevation chens.
The evening service was largely at-
tended, Father O'Coanur, of lfawanosh,
officiated at vespers. The altar when
lighted presented abueutifsl effect,being
decorated with waquiote taste, The
Seaforth choir, lel by Dean IKarphy,
and helped by Mr. Michael Ferguson,
Miss Tellier and the Misses Biddulph,
sang the entire sen•iee,blieeDowney act
Ing as organist. Miss. Downey also sang
a solo in English in a beautiful manner.
The rendering of "Regina Cilli' by
Misses Killoran and Ryan was veryac
twistable. After veepese,. Father. 'Ma-
hony, of London, again amended the
steps of the altar, and delivessd a very
impressive and instructive aidssss.
avPNtxo aluraisi s.
The discourse of the evening was
about the Divine institution of the
church, and its woekinw in sooty. The
rev. lecturer took for his. text that por-
tion of the 28th ohapter of the gospel of
St. Matthew, in whish Christ commis -
maned his apostles to "go sad teach all
nations." Before coaling to hie subject
proper, the rev. gentleman reviewed the
position of the Redeemer from a worldly
standpoint, discarding altogether his di
vinity. The lecturer said that froth the
position which Christ held in the society
of his time, this cuuunand givtn. to hie
disciples would appear most absurd.
Having oomm•nted on the extent of the
work thus given to the apostles, the lec-
turer attacked his subject proper, and
went en to show that the institution and
establishment of the church could net
have depended on the apostle*, who had
none of the qualifsmtions neseesacy for
each a work, nor on the doetwirisr which
they taught, militating; as they dad
against the inclinations of nature, whilst
owing to the intellectual state of the Bo-
man Empire at the time, the doctrines of
Christianity were met with tiko' closest
criticism. In reviewing the. marking of
the church in aocialy,.the lecturer show-
ed the position of the church with regent
to education, science and (betty. He
referred to the growth • o Canada, .std
impressed upon bis hearses the ne-
cessity of coutnbtt'ing to the welfare- •f
the Dominion, by teaching their friends
by their example, and their children by
example and teaching, to •bei good, hon-
est citizens, respoctiug the opinions, of
their fellow citizens, and doing their ut-
most to promote- peace and Ifpod will
amongst all classes. The soars•.
which was over an hour in length, was
a powerful and eloquent one, and the
preacher held the attention of the cow-
gregation to the close.
A atraitger vieitingtheCatholic Church
would naturally be struck with wonder
and admiration at the decoration of
God's house. No matter where he
looks, he finds everything worthy of the
service for which it is designed. One
characteristic of Clttholicit is, that the
embellishing of the Church of God is
not confined to locality, from the
wealthy ip the cathedral to the poor in
flied, little rustic church, everywhere it
is found the name. The Catholic boort
u ever generous, ever ready with the
richness of their heart's affection to offer
worthy gifts to their altar. The chaste
chiselling of the sculptor, the grand
painting 'from tier artist's brush -all
are offered as hansom to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus -the- Clod of all power
and wisdom. Whe then should it be
considered an object of wonder that Cath-
olic' pay so much attention to beautify-
their ahem when they know who is to
take up his abode here 1 To the worldly
minded those contributions may seem
W be considered mores matter of self
interest, but to the Catholic heart, the
altar is not for the manna, nor fit the
tables of the law, but for the Heavenly
food which u diapenaed to the gnat
love -filled heart .11 over the world.
Here in the Catbelic Cknrch is the grand
altar for God, how Christ who died for
us. All who today witness the bene-
diction of this spotless altar before which
every Catholic whose purity of sense is
offered to the service of God, will often
Dome and adore. Bare in momenta of
affection your ohiidren will pray fur you
at the foot of the Cruse of Christ. Be-
fore this altar your children will re-
ceive the waters of baptism upon their
heads. The Meowed lis tetut i rut will be
administered to- both old and young,
to till their hearts with charity. The
bride and bridegroom, will receive the
holy sacrament of matrimony, and be
made one. Your faith will be made
strong by the sacrament of Confirma-
tion. When death puts his seal upon
your brow you. will be brought to the
foot of the altar there, to receive prayers
for the repose of your preoisus soul.
When your heart is breaking with the
trials sad vicissitudes of life, here you
renew our strength, to fight life's bat-
tle. your
of mercy emanate from it,
every Christian virtue springs from the
sanctuary in the house d God, to plant
our hearta in the Heavenly home. Ord
made two temples --the first the world,
grand in its creation, every thing in ns -
tare reflected the power and sajesty of
the creation, from the highest mountain
to the simplest flower. The heavens
sound his almighty praise. Bow chang-
ed since Adam fell. Man is dragged
down into the servitude of corruption.
Pagaaism, too for the centuries has
been debasing the soil. Men fostering
passions which degrade them, so that"
Catholic writer was forced tae exclaim
that "Every thing was Clod, hut God
himself." Things needed purification,
and th•disobedianc•of men could only be
forgiven, through the instrumentality of
(cod's house. The prophets foretold the
coning of Christ. You all know the
history of Hie' life, how He livid in
And as silently stole away." poverty and obscurity, ano died upon
to less peblic quarters in an sdjoilung the cries. He at whose voice the tomb
ward. gave up its dead, and disease left the
limbs of the afflicted, all to prosecute
Peoria's block has been rented, and will I HEAVY LOSS OF DRAIN. the work of the Father, and with his
be fitted up and used as the hesol offioe blood, washed out all marks of sin
of the association. Mr. Pashley has sr- nettle t ■eteaises Lyne by Fier and k Sin is rarapant, progressing from stage
rived and entered upon his duties as meson. f to stage. Before Christ's coming, it was
book-keeper for the Association. - punished by the deluge, and by (he rag -
News was received yesterday that the in fire that oto sumed the cities of the
rag -
Frits. -On Sunday evening last the •torah ease at Inverhuron belongingto ai
house occupied by Jethro Toms. about plains Supposing we tumour thoughts
two miles from town, was destroyed by Mss. Ogilvie A Hutchison of the Her- to the pages of that mystery, not to the
bnr'Mills, bad neon destroyed by fire. history of countries hut to the secret.
Bre. A large portion „f the furniture. There were 10,400 ha•hrts of wheat in pagesof our own hearts We wilifind the
stn.i wasdestroyed, but the library wa+ the building Roth t'uiMing and in
saved. Anumber of valuable 'Masonic, a payors teeming with the crimes „f their
records. end interesting family deet I were insured. A cargo of 10,000 bush. ( cities which would outrage the days of
mints were burned. Judge Tom's lose
had jest been shipped to Goderich by
will likely be covered by issuance. the schooner Ontario, and, as will he
The building which belonged to Mr. se"" by the following item, this has abs
Walker, of Montreal, and in which nor
townsman Mr. John Mosely, sr , had an
interest was insured for $1,500. The
fire is attributed to a defective oh; -
simple, practical manner, and his illus-
trations were interesting and apt. The
Sunday School children occupied the
galleries, and assisted in the singing,
which was cheerful, atel appropriate.
The service seamed to be mach enjoyed
by both young and old.
ST. Gsosoe's CHt;tu.x.--A musical
and literary entertainment in aid of the
building feed of St Oeorgs's Church
Sunday acbool will be given at the house
of Mr. O. H. Parsons, on Thursday
Rev. Dr Williams loft for Paris. tint. ,
on Tuesday to attend the examination
of esadidates and probationers of the
Lendnn osnfer•enoe of the Methodist
Church of Canada Th. Doctor is sec-
retary of the board of etammer.
The to Kitty Haight wee in porrthae
few days sign en ►poste toe
is the property of lit P ays of Sea- ne
forth. Mad is M he milord to towing Morar: greens About one o'dook
WV" kiwi" with ties "'we"' ( Iesgo on Tuesday morning a Are broke not in
and Wiaiton. She is full canal sass. the dwelling house. of Mr. Wm. Hen-
. or Sterns Few - Easter rungs, adjmning the flouring mill The
eymbnliye the Resurrection, and flatus. made rapid headway. bet a quoin -
The colored ted. in allusion to the tity ettl$aitSll was awed The build -
The custom I ung wee enmplelel mitred. The latter
full attenwnce of the members of the
above Association was held at the Rat-
tenbury House, Clinton, on Monday
last, for the transaction of business con-
nected with the association. The New
Kra understands that store No. 2 in Mr.
SaoorIleo AFFAIR. -On Friday even-
ing, about six o'clock, a coarse looking
woman appeared at the door of a house
on Newgate street, and cooking • revol-
ver, called upon a young man who was
inside the house to "get nut of here."
The fellow not getting out soon enough,
the exasperated woman levelled the
shooter at him, and pulled the trigger.
The bullet strnok a vest button, carrying
it away, and grazing his flesh. It was a
close escape from a serious wound in the
abdomen. He "vamoosed the ranohe"
immediately pursued by the woman, who
again levelled the revolver at him as he
sped up the street, but she didn't pull
the trigger. A ball was held at night,
and the premises were alive with dancers,
and the strains of a fiddle were heard
where but a few hoop ago the "petu-
lant pop of the pistol" was resounding.
About six weeks ago the woman, who
hails from Lucknow, rented the house
from Mi. J. C. Martin, paying two
months' rent in advance. The piece
soon began to get a b'id name, owing to
the nocturnal, and not always quiet,
visits of the young man about town to
two nr three yonng women connected
with the house. Mr. Martin upon hear-
ing of the shooting scrape, insisted upon
the place being "cleared," and en Tnes-
day evening, as the shades were failing,
the occupants
"nodded their tents like the Arate
Mrseral Ne'•eeers Sleet Leldesta see tae
Upper meters -Tae "La$ lrsldertLl• s s&-
Ilileu wit' "vision' laves."
Cui nun, April 17. -A -schooner, just
arrived, reports that ors. Sunday up the
lake, she discovered a capsized schooner,
150 tons. No one was visible about the
wreck. The letters "1K NI"' mere the
only part of the name via\ble. It is
judged that she belonged to Grand
Haven or South Haven.
DETROIT, April 17. felin Long, the
owner of the sehoonoPYankee Blade,
ashore at J.iskson Port' has abandoned
the vessel to the insurances companies.
She is insured for =6000. The captain
of the schooner 'thinks the vessel will
prove a total loss.
The Canadian schooner Lady Duffea+rin
left Chicago on Thursday evening bound
to Midland' with a cargo of corn.
About two hours after leaving Chicago,
when five or ale miles south o5 the
waterworks crib, she collided with the
soow schooner Beath Haven, bound to
Chicagp, light. The Duffrin struck the
South Haven nanidships on the port
side, carrying sway the lattee'abulwarks
and several stanchions and losing her
own dolphin stoker and sprit-seilyard.
The Dufferin let go her anchors and pre -
cooled to repair damages, after which
she proceede1 on her way. Tho wind
was very high at the time or more ser-
ious damage would have r.auttecl to both
11 to fhii It iritis. stew, we
sad ytillts„ sill it err.
WM) of the museums egg tram
whish, amordittg to an ancient *minion.
the earth was hatched. 1' is said also
t• refer to the re -cresting ortwcrs of
nature, which begin to be dusul.yed rn
the Easter epsilon
was insured fes . There was ne
in.nneee on this furniture, the loss ow
whack well amount to a tow hundred
&stark fled the wind hems plowing
in thettfifielBeefelisioitterthit mill would
likely have e,anght The members of
the Are department diel some good work
luring the fir
taaglsar•sss comm.
Dexon• Ilia Worship the Mayer.
Thursday. April 90.
Robb. McKay, a lad about 13 years of
age, was charged by Mrs, Mary Wilson
with assaulting her son end assisting him
Nash. Rut the avenging hand of lied on the heed. He was fined $1,,and costa
is ststyed. Why 1 Because the punka- I or 10 Lys in gaol. The fins was paid.
tion is daily exercised at onr altars this,' John Gail, another boy,.wu charged
Ms Holy secedes of the flhhss. The with using abusive and insulting lan-
guage to Gorge Wilson. He was fined
1 and coats, nr 6 days in gs•L I i e was
seat down in default of payment
The effect of Mite II. P. in Ottawa has
been diesatrows A hes Sinai off the only
seeuiactorsas, esamt the labor mil*,_
the city possessed. The prinoi t estab-
lishments at, are 7... •1r: Currier A
Co.'s sash, Mind tures deet, t.ebry,clossi
down the fire yssrefl tin 14. P. sag
sod flee not re-npensd %ince, (Nativist ,
ham kOo.'e agricultural implement fep-
eery dt dowtl attire the Mloptios pf
pert►gep, the work Int perllleattr»r tis ft 1 tis P lionnlwitle'.tnwrtt• woke, el
nropetimorysdordiegosillpa*►t Ma *114 ami the prispetitor pee., tie the 1'
fiat Chit heaven whisk I hope will be y rut II Abates; Taylor marble works, closed%
Heard. 1 glucose feoterry, unship to °opt inn,
The choir, under the lw+denhy' ,f ' atinet on aer••unt of the 4 sty otp
been loot. 1
The eehewoner '•1sntariu, owned h I emend temple is represented by man -
William. d; Moray, ami laden with man u the mauler piece of the cesMaow.
10,400 his Bela of grain for (hrilvie lk (3,„1'• power nes grand soblime, infinite
Hutchison, irom Inverheron.went ashore in aerating raw. Kan can the
het image Ped
spots ween "'nowhere" and lK ineardine en } of (led it isetaen • his snul.
W6484014y lask sad he a "My delight is to he wish this childveu
total low- The boat is 'wire" for of (iod." Naturally, when made to
$13,000 sad the grain for $12,000 in the \O.sli image, we should be Obedient to
c,ytl Canadian Insurance Co.- Clod's commands. 'Mee if w4'nffend Rim
-- — He pan hurl es from the pedestal of our
Are megistaatee sufficiently severe in I own cresting. St, PMl se : "Know
Minim* the ambers
tt r 11MFonet We behove t►• fell ex- of Christ." Our sot> are deformed by
extent tri the law .hoop! he enforced in sin, bet here at the lioly Ribmsel of
erpr instance of a a.nvretuetn Heti Oen.
Code never carried • pistol, Patrick De-
LerRy would have been alive to -day, and
Cod. himself would not have been bran-
ded as a mnrderet'
unilild psrsrwte Ri
ainy awng ye pet dug your
M ea