HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-07, Page 81
DOORS fears prepared by the ladies, the crowd
departed about twelve o'clock, bidding
ASHES, BLINDS, farewell t.. Mr. McGregor who was to
Mt)t1LDIN(1S, and c►ery le.tte early en the following tun g.
Description of Interior Finish.
A Specialty. Send for Price
Eminates ou applies
lien, :-<rAddrees
t he derich.
tut Wawanoaa.
A die'ressing atxideit o.xurrud to Mr.
Waller Met;owan, of the 3rd con. a few
days ago. While working with a straw
cuter, ce of his hands waa unfortute-
ly dumute-
ly w, and was so badly cut up as
to make amputation at the shoulder ne-
cessary. Mr. Mel;u- an has ale ays been
a hard working nun, and ,ouch syma-
thy is felt fur him in his aftllctien.
l.r.. TURE.- A lecture will be given in
the Leeburn Temperance Hall on Tues-
day evening by Mr. Geo. N. Macdonald,
under the auspices of Leeburn Lodge.
Subject -"Courage." Music and re-
citations will also be given by members
of the Lodge. A collection will be taken
up at ,the close in atd of the Lodge
funds. •
PZYxuNAL.-J. G. Clutton attended
the recent meeting of the Ontario Agri-
cultural and Experimental Union, held
in the lecture room of the Agr. College,
Guelph. This union is composed of all
the officers and students, past and pre -
acid of the College. The Cuion meets
annually for the purpose of hearing
papers 011 subjects relating .to Agricul-
ture. Several other ex -students from
this county were present. The meeting
was made both profitable and interesting
to all present.
Cors: -Ii, JMEETINO.-- The Council met
at Martin's Hotel. Dunrrannon,ou Thurs-
day, the 30th March. pursuant to ad-
jouruu:en! tri •'•a ereenbers present.
were read
and rtX..,: i. a ..:..uu team .1. Mahaffy
and others asking assistance for Mrs.
Overfield, an indigent. Letter from Ira
J. Fisher & Co., relative to road -scrap -
era. Copy of minute of West Wawa
nosh Council of the llth inst., granting
$3110 to be expended in improving the
trorthert _ravel road, provided Ashfield
will giant :01 equal amount. Letter
from Jehn Hamilton, asking compensa-
tion for sheep killed by dugs. Tenders
for the township printing being present-
ed Mitchell efr Carey's at $52.50, waa
accepted. The pathntastere, fence -
viewers anti pound -keepers were ap-
pointed. :guyed by Whitley, seconded
by Griffin, that the Reeve be instructed
to purchase four road scrapers. Moved
by Clare, seconded by Griffin, that the
Reeve meet the Reeve of West Wawa -
nosh, and expend what he thinks neces-
sary- on the northern gravel road. By-
laws Nos. 5, 6, and 7 were read and
t.assed. " The follopving accounts were
paid: -Thos. Hackett, relief, $8; Mrs.
Dougherty, do., $5; Mrs. Overfield, do.,
15; A. Cawley, killing wild cat, $3; Jas.
Murdock, cutting hill on 18 Miles river,
con. 12; lot 13, $50; John Farriah, beJ-
i ante for building fent+ on 3 and -4 S. R.
$2; J. McDonald, repairing scraper 50c.
The Council adjourned to meet again at
DeLong's hotel, Port. Albert, on Satur-
day, the 27th of May. The Court of
Revision to sit at one o'clock same day.
JOHN Cooat, Clerk
evening of 3lst ult., several of the nigh -
burs of Mr. John McGregor, Kintail,
convened together at his residence for
' the purpose of bestowing s, mark of their
high appreciation of hint as a neighbor
e previous to his departure to the North-
west. The following is a copy of the
address presented :--
%1'e, in behalf of your neighbors and
friends, on this, the eve eef your depar-
t.:re frim uur midst, wertl l grasp this
ppertuu.it-y of expressing the high esti-
r.,ation we have always entertained of
you, and the sincere regret, that our
ae4't:iation. are en the brink of being
severed. %viten we first learned of your
inteation to hare this country, we look -
e 1 at it in the distant future, buttte-night
we are forced to regard the loss of you
r tre,any as a stern reality. It is cul
when we are bereft of fend cvrnpanions
sad their presence is no longer with us
that we can fully realize the extent o
The new lodger at the Manse is a
The fanners in this vicinity are very
busy, suof they have been sowing.
Mr. Hry Beadle started for the old
country on Wednesday, the bth inst.
Object, Draugh, horses.
Mr. Win. Dower has leased the cot-
tage owned by Mrs. Knight in this vil-
lage till he gets his nenhouse built. ,
l l
Sugar -in leers are busy.
Ploughing commenced in this vicinity
on Monday haat.
Mr. Re.be't Stewart moved last week
to Kincardine township.
Mr. C. Hernden who left a few days
ago for Manitoba is back, the train be-
ing cancelled owing to the blockade:out
Mean. T. H. Alton and R: Stothers
have returned from attendance at the
Normal School. The former was at
Ottawa, the latter at Toronto. Mr.
Alton will resume teaching at the Nile,
and Mr. Stothers has been engaged near
Mr. Wilson Eisen Zorra who lately
purchased the farms of Angus McDonald
and Win Barbour arrived with his fam-
ily last week. Messrs. McDonald and
Barbeour intend going west,
S -H Oo L Ex A ]I I N ATION. - The quarterly
examination of theiiu
p p.a of Manchester
public school under the supervision of
Mr. Thou B. Miller and Miss Radcliffe;
took plaice on Friday, March 31st. There
were present Messrs. McLean, Strang
and Wilson, and Misses McGown, Tra-
quair and Blair, teachers from the ael-
Joining sections. The number of par-
ents present was nut as large as might
have been expected. The school shows
a high degree of proficiency. 'Three
pupils of the highest form purpose writ
tug on the intermediate in July, a thing
rarely attempted by pupils direct froth
the public school. Mr. Miller certainly
deserves great credit far undertaking the
work. The imps:, of the lower forms
acquitted themselves well, especially in
reading, arithmeticand geography. A
noticeable feature of the classes was
their simultaneous reading which deser-
ves especial mention for it. excellency.
At the close of the exatnination the
Literary Society which has been unrank-
ed in the school then gave a short en-
tertainment. The teachers and parents
present expressed themselves well pleas-
ed with the days' proceedings. The
wheelhouse is in great need of a new
coat of plaster. It is to be hoped that
the trustees will take the hint and at-
tend to the matter, and as a reward may
expect fewer canes of sore thx.at, etc.,
among the pupils. VIOITott.
The Li;rd's Prayer in scr..ul war
sawed mit by Frank Halliday, of Brut;
eels, which attracted so much attentio
at the Fall Fair has been photographe
and can be had from Frank. The wor
itself is well worth seeing as it is a cur
sous piece of mechanism. -
Last week Mies Maggie Burns, who i
employed in the family of William Blas
hill. had a very narrow escape from be
ing severely burned. In working around
a tire in the yard on which a large po
was boiling, her clothes caught fire and
but for the prompt efforts of Mrs. Blas
hill she might have lost her life. As i
was, however, she escaped with a sligh
IN THE TOILS. -About two years ago
a man named Firth carte to Brussels
• representing hintaelf to be interested in
the woolen factor' business. He got
acquainted with Miss McKinney, sister
of the former proprietors of the Arneri
can Hotel, and in due course they
were married. After sojourning in
Brussels for a while they removed tb
Iktreit. Mrs. Firth found out instead
of having a kind and true husband she
was married to a disguised fraud. de-
void of the first principles of manhood.
He hets been living with another woman
in Grand Rapids, of late, and to bring
hint to time Mrs. Firth Lad him arrest -
ahead of anything they have seen this
GENTLY SPUNG. - -(ht Saturday last
spring operations were cutuutettced in
earnest, albeit it was All Fools Day.
Our farmers on the move attending to
their fences, and jolly Tom, at the
Smithy, made the metal ring, fixing up
harrow teeth and plow shares. A HUM -
her of our "Black sheep" had their pews
clipped by the keen edged scissors of the
district barber.
Wm. Piper, fonuerly of the Herbor
Mills, Goderich, Itis leased the Ben -
miller flouring trills. The mill is going
to receive a general repairing.
The following are the officers elected
for the ensuing quarter of Pure Retreat
Division No. 308 Sons of Temperance:
J. R. Steep, W. P.; Ida Walters, W.
A.; T. Heddle, R, S.; Polly Moore, A.
R. 8.; P. Walters, F. S-; C. Walters,
Tree. Wm. Moore, Chap.; J. Moore,
Con.; S. Heddle, A. C. ; \ ettie Gledhill,
C. S.; Geo. Stewart, O. S.; Win. Rob-
ertson, P. W. P.
A RUNAWAY. --Took place on Thurs-
day of let week the victims were Mrs.
Elhiely, her son Jacob and others of the
family, who were driving towards the
village. The horses took fright at a pile
of wood, and upset the carriage. Mrs.
Ellesley received a severe injury, having
her arm broken, and her shoulder blade
dislocated. The youngest son had his
ankle baldly sprained, and will be laid
up fur a few months. The little girl and
Jacob escaping with a few bruises.
The following chews the standing of
the pupils of 8. S. No. 2, Colborne, for
the month of March. This result is
based upon a written examination held
at the close of the month. Senior div.,
fourth form, -1 Mary J. Morriah, 2
Hermann Maedel, 3 Emily eitevens.
Senior third -1 Caroline Snyder, 2 Alton
Gledhill, 3 Annie Le Touzel. Junior
third -1 Alpert Gledhill, 2 Ida Ashton,
3 Isabella Clarkson. Junior div. senior
Seeoud-" 1 H. Le Touzel and M. Heddle,
2 Alzina Church, 3 Alia Stevens.
Junior Second --1 Lottie Good, 2 Flor-
ence Gledhill, 3 Lizzie Robertson. Sec-
ond Part -1 John Ashton, 2 Mina
Church, 3 Henry Snyder. First chise-
1 Owen Moore, 2 John Loeg 3 Willie
Fisher. .
EARLY SOWING. -Mr. A. Young, of
this place, hag sown a field of oats. He
says the ground is in splendid order.
Mr. H. Howell lost his heavy draught
mare, for which lie refused over $200 a
short time ago.
CHALLENGE. -Mr. Jos Morrish made
a challenge in the way of fierce flesh.
If there are none of his cousins around
Dunlop to take him up, he would not
have to go far front Carlow.
We are Clad to learn that Mr. W. J.
Young, who has been attending the
Medical College at Kingston, has suc-
ceeded in obtaining a second scholarship
he has also been. appointed house sur
geon for the ensuing year.
Mr. W. Downs, blacksmith, of Smith's
Hill, has rented his shop to Mr. Cottl-
of the Base Line. Mr. Cottle is a
k thorough mechanic, and no doubt will
- do a thriving business. Mr. Downs is
n going to try a city life in Manchester.
d The item which appeared in THE Si; -
k NAL last week from the New Era, about
- Mr. W. L Ferguson's recent trip from
the old country, the length of the voy-
age, and the !oases sustained by Mr. Fer-
- guson, was incorrect in several partic-
- ulars. The facto of the case are these:
On the 1st of March Mr. Fere sero
t embarked on the Scandanavian, with
one horse and filly for himself, one horse
- for Mr. Fisher, and a horse in which he
t and Mr. Fisher were in partnership; there
t were also other horses on board for
this aide of the Atlantic. The passage
was a particularly stormy (I a sod heavy
gales were encountered. The result was
that the following animals were lost on
the trip: The horse and filly belonging
to Mr. Fergustm; the horse belonging to'
Mr. Fisher; two horses belonging to Mr.
'Hardy, of Kansas; and three horses be-
, longing to Powell Bros. of Pennsylvania.
The horse in which Messrs. Ferguson,
and Fisher were in partnership, was to
ed. The vessel landed in Portland ..o
1 the '21st of :March, after a twenty dad+
ell for adultery. Rev. Mr. Ross, 41
this place, who married them, was
summoned to Grand Rapids last week as
witness to prove the validity' of the
larriage. Firth got out of the adultery
ithculty by proving that be had leen
tarried to this women, with whom he
at been living, 14 years ago in England
nd by her had a family of ti or 7 chil-
dren. Of coureo this cleared hits of the
charge, but Mrs. Firth, No. 2, proceed-
ed to Detroit, at once to get eat papers
to have him immediately re -arrested nn
the charge of bigamy and have the trial
in Detroit. The many friends of Mrs.
Firth, for Miss McKinney) in ltrnssela,
hope to sue this deeply -dyed scoundrel
severely- punished. Firth has rather a
preptosseasing appearance both in man-
ners apo dress, but it appears the best of
him is all on the outside.
cur i .as, and although we now feel sad a
aat the thoughts of Jour hat ing, yet, we
a..sure you. that after you are gone, cur n
sadness will be still deeper, and the leas h
of your genial friendship still more
deeply felt. %1 heti in future years, and a
rr •hably far away, fond recollections
Ludy come into your"htind of the place of
your nativity. and the moony happy meet-
inta you have had with your friend and
co;uradcs, you may rest assured that
it there are many here t., -night, who will
8lst. with I.leasnre recollect your social
disposition, We are glad to notice that
you are leaving hehind you that ine.ti-
Iaable and pratse-werthy characteristic -
a good name; and that ..1 all your neigh -
and relati • I h d
nus, youleave to ,n you
ninny- true and waren friends. Language
fails to express the deep regard we have
10: you, and wedesiretoaddtot.ur words
the bestowal .1 this amall gift. .1n
turn valued at $10. Tlieugh small it
t, lit i Anne value, yet we hope you will
rd it as a mark 01 cur esteem and
ectiuu. %%-e hope your future lot may
surrounded by as many fond se-
aaintancea as you have had here, and
t y'ottr pathway through life may a1-
ays he evershadewe-1 with success.
y years may pass hefure we may he
e to grot•t you again. and there are
alights Levering e'er cur farewell that
kt'a it doubtful whether we shall all
you again, hut we hope that von life
nun Hely be a., spent in the Pert ice .4
d, that there will be a happy and
stud re -union of our friendship in
hone beyond the grave.
Mr. W. 1)1xon, .of Brucefield, late
lan fiord of the Exchange Hotel here,
t isited the place last week. Ile leroke
he trty.
LEP/ ' '. Mr. P. Iatyten, market
c'erk, has resigned Inc poet, and tune G,
Brucefield. Mr. R. Oxtoby oucceena to
the vacant ettice.
4).s. vitt Lima.- -Mr. Norman Meier -
lane, formerly' of G.wlerioh, and for two
years a resident of this place, left '.tt
%edne.day . fin. Sarnia. He will
"brake.' on the r T. R. His comrades
at L)unlop wish him every surras. and
Emla he will soon wield the ticket punch.
Tuts F1a.r !Mien. Mr. James Tobin
t turned the that soul with the plow in th
'Pete n on Monday last. at 7 a. in.
Having °pram se au. pieinn.ly we feel
sanguine of hestin• err thriving lase- l
burn cousins in the r -turns 10 the Acre
at the enol of the season, c. we venet^ally
dn. Several farm, re who hag” travelled
ennsideraITy durinSt the past 4ew'weeks,
env theft the fall wheel *teed here here lks
Yot'e Coat
Mr. McGregor replied to the address
s very appropriate manner, express -
g hi. extreme thsnkfnlnese for ouch a
murk.of favor. The remainder .4 1
e evening was spent in a sociable man -
r, After partaking of a aun,ptuous'
Ce.i crLo.
It ire will
that n hen number
fa: mer to SEEDS! SEEDS!
Col}totne will employ a. number ..f the
cnlortd ia-•e upon his Tann this summer.
Query: What will G.slerick Samsay to ----
this Wunder if he will extend the Fresh heeds iu bulk or packages.
right hand of fellowship.
melte. 1 F. Morris, 2 J. Ituutes, 3 H.
McWhiuey. Geography, 1 F. Morris, 2
J. Linfield, 3 E. Linfield. tap elhug, 1,
E. Ltuheld, 2 B. McWhiuey, 3 J. Lin -
held. Defining, 1 F. Morris, 2 N. Mc -
Whiney, 3 S. McAllister. Seeding, 1
F. Morris, 2 13. McWhiuey, 3 A. Item,.
Writing, 1 A. Rome, 2 0. Fulturd, 3 le.
Linfield. Oiclatiuri, 1 F. Morris, 2 1t.
Mc%%'hive , 3 A. lituuse. Coutlwrttc u,
1 B McWhiuey, 2 f.. orris, 3 1r. Lit,
tiel (lemw•al Proficiency, 1 F. Mums,
2 li kitWhiney, 3 E. Liutield. Sun. I.
C -General Proficiency, 1 It. i'uu
sins, 2 A. Munn., 3 M. Foley, 4 A.
Boogie, 5 W. Green, 6 A. Commie, 7 1).
Falls. Jr. I. Claes--1 F. Rendered),
M. Fulford, 3 E. Henderson, 4 J. Mi
Allister, 5 S. Hoggarth, 6 A. Burke, 7
•. Knuckle.
(In the 15th inst., as Robert Paxton
and faintly of Kut ough, get off the teain
at Loudon station, where they intended
visiting frieuda, Mr. P. xton wan acce•st-
ed by two detectives, Messrs. Phair Stet..
Logan, who called him McLean, am,
said "they had a telegram fr Bivth
answering to his description, and thio)
would have to detain him." After
satisfying the detectives that he was not
McLean, Mr. Paxton was allowed to gc.
Shortly afterwards another gentleman
was arrested in mistake by the stupid
Pritchard -At the Manse, Manchester, on the
met nit., the wife of the Rev James Prb
chard of a son.
Gaderleh Markets.
Gootuuce, April 6, 1882.
Wheat, (Fall) 16 bush...... . .. 01 18 *it 31
Wheat, (Spring) Z bush....... 1 .21 Mr
Flour. ti barrel.................. 6511 Mr O Q
Oats, 11 bush ..................... u 40 yr 0 4;
Peas, *bush .................... 0 70 Mt 0 7:
Harley, T bush .................. 0 70 Mr 0 ':
Potatoes 41 buab ............ 0 60
Hay. Y ton ..........:.::..::::.. 11 00 tri. 11 ,
Huller, y b ...................... 0 Is w J 1
Eggs. )t dos. (unpacked). 1 13 .s 0 1
Cheese, .. 011 '• 0 1
Shorts, l cwt............ r ... 1 00 el 1 0
Brun, N ewt 0; l '• 0 s
!'hop, w cwt . . . 1 10 ''i
Wool... ... 0 a)
3 On
Iiides.. ..
Khecpsl;ma.. .........
oressed Bogs .............
7 00
0 10
4 50
•' 14
" 6,
Trade Mark Registered.
L'y casual observation, we find all land
speculators have a clear head and watch t hi
ups and downs of property. thus making
large fortunes. But the whole secret is. they
keep the systent in a healthy condition by the
nee of
We can safely say that hundreds come to us
for the great lung and blood purifier before
going west. Read the following statement.
We could give thoutaods of the same kind if
it were necessary.
"i certify that 1 was troubled with Catarrh
in the head, gathering of phlegm in the throat,
choking and coughing at night for years, Mt 1
could not sleep, often troubled with dull, fife -
leen feelings, pains in the chest ahs back.
After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors,
and giving up all hopes. I tried the PRIDE or
THE VALLEY, and am now able to do my work
after seven Tear's sickness."
2112 Simcoe Street, London, Oat.
"The above statemtentl of my wife's is cor-
JAyu. McNxit.
For sale by all druggists, manufactured 1 -
Prof. A. M. SI.rieve.. London, Ont.. Sample
package 25 cts; five for $1.00. Can be had in
Goderich of 1i,- following drliggiats: Jere
Rand. J... It It.oa. 1. Jordan. sad 4:e t.
Rhymes. IR85
E1eCCAT30N.+1.- The following ars th
naives of the pupils of S. S. No. 5, Col
borne, who obtained honor marks in th
various subjects of the different clause
examined in the quarterly review, viz
iV. Clan--Reeliutt. I T.C. Wright, 2 J,
McAllister, 3 M. Linfield. Spelling. 1
M. Linfield, 2 J. McAllister, 3 T. C.
Wright. Dictation, 1 T. C. Wright, 2
J. !McAllister, 3 M. Linfield. Writ-
ing, 1 T. C. Wright, 2.1. McAllister, 3
M. Linfield. Arithmetic, 1 J. McAllio
ter, 2 T. C Wright, 3 M. Linfield.
Goograplty-, 1 T. C. Wright, 2.1. Mc-
Atlieter, 3 M. Linfield. Grammar, 1 T.
J. McAllister, 2 T. C. Wright, 3 M
Linfield. Composition, T. 0. Wright, 2
J. McAllister, 3 E. Cowan... History, 1
T. C. 'Wright, 2 .1. McAllister, 3 M.
Linfield. Higene, 1 .1. McAllister, 2
T. C. Wright, 3 M. Linfield. Mensnra-
tien, I.1. McAllister, 2 T. C. Wright, :3
F to7owan. Map drawing, 1 T. C.
Wright, 2 J. McAllister, :) E. Cowan.
Men. Arith„ 1 M. Linfield, 2E. Cowan.
3'J. 31c.111ister. General pprnflcienq)T 1
J. McAllister, 2 1'.General_
C. right, 3 M.
Linfield. 111. Class Reading, 1 A.
%melhece, 2 L McAllister,.3 P, Stuart.
Spells 7 L'jlcAllister, 2A. Zo•llner,
3 1). (Hetherington. Dictetem, 1 L
s'c.Ulister, 2 A. Z oellner, 3 P. Stuart.
Writing. 1 W. Bogie, 2 R. MLWhiney,
3 T. ,Revd. .Anthroetic, 1 T. Bn)�d, 2
2 Z. -lie Whirey, 3'W. Huai•. new-
tft ph7, l L McAllfeter, 2 W: e, 3
A. Zoell si. uwwtar, 1 L.`•.JM.Alhi,•
ter, 2 41 ,.Sappy', 3 'P. Rteget. t,' b s-
oaita 1 A. Anediner, 2 L McAllaater,
1 P. rt iiistsery, 1 P. Rtwrt, 2 L
McAI er, 3 P. Stuart. history, 1P.
Stow 2 L McAllister, a A. " " ••
Mar wilt, t D. Hethrin
hws•Ilt13Fr, 3 W. Ilegie. 11.
Complete StocK.
-- TO-
Graud Prullk Rai1ay
SPk:('iA I.TItA 1 NS will lea., week!) 1,rrrtttttt���
the months of lIASPsaad trRU.. and
short inter, els for the remainder of the aeric
will be run on (heat. Speeist Trains. atTordit�-
all the trnegta of a PISST-t'Lles massa
at the very towed Emigrant Hates.
goueyod Erecta and Live rbc
n111 be ramps! on toe .ame TreAris
!nate to he with their (Amu., it.
ssag inked t their meek oat
at llT_ft. lir try r
c��1� wham jpttM sg
op•�r,v�yee�ry�t�ia� �ifo�r+aa h ria i
�1Tp Z:itthr rag or
Agent. e
��� Ge
1�intrsst. 1111, Feb,, M2. ,M nlelegr r
ay t..a`
CAPITAL. - - • .000.000.
SUR PL(1 . -----------
Goderich Branch.
UUNNF'ORD, , - Mit ?eager
thews interest os. deposits. Drafts, letter
erudit and circular mutes issued. payable
ie all parte of the world 1754.
Paul up (,apital, - 16,000,000.
Rest, - - 11,400,000.
Preside -a/. - huX. IFVM. 71cMAST111
General Muer - N', :v. ... • .,. n >.
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAGER.
Interest allowed ou deposits. Drafts on a
the principal Towns and Cities in Canada
Great Britain sod the United Stated, tough
and sold.
Advaucusto Farmers on Notes, with one o
more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753
s6C a week in your own town. Terms and
V V tS outfit tree, Address H. HALLsrrr t
Co. Portland Maine
TraveUIag �.Id..
Paas. leap's. Mis'd. Mis'd
GoderIeh,Lv 7.30ani 12.05pm 3.15pm 9.Wa,n
dasioeth... 7.101- .. 1.10 •' ..1.46 • .. w.btt '
Strattord.Ar8.lSam r.lSpm t301311 1.00"
Peas,!, kap',. Slls'd. MIs'i.
Stratford.Lv 1.10anNC 7.30pm.. 7.00ant 3.4Spui
Sestortb . 2.17 ' • 8.56 " 1/1/15 • • 5.40 •
Ouderlch.Ar 3.l5pnt..9,30pm_1 .00ani..7.1Spm
Kips. Mail. Kips.
Clinton going north .9.39am _.4.23pw. 8.94pni
" going south3.51 m .8,02aut. 7.114 "
Lucknow Stage litany, arr. 10.I5am .. dep Ipm
Kincardine •• t Otani .. •• 7atu
Benmlller " iWednesday and
Saturday arrives 9.00am.. 9.1
I3RIT131 Aga. CO'Y, TORONTO-Ketablisbe
PH(ENIX INS. CO'Y. of LONDON tEngll►ndl-
Established 1'82.
-Established 1810.
Rieke taken in the abbpovetnt-clusORlces. at
the lowest rates by HOIRACE HORTON.
The undersigned is also Appraiser for the
Money to Loan on first -n lass security, rom
7 to 8 per Cent. - Charger moderate.
Ooderich Sept. 10. 1880.
•is.. "vs -sat -tees -iiia 1114, k J -'pir'JEgrx,47.- Jur- lapa-
p --11k% APER.
-ti0-04 -lilt irY -0 -0r -*3 tx -c*3 S9 � fill- 'tS_,ria s� C.l1.- YiL3iu is lis.
Ind an endless variety of cheaper pal ers.
Having Nought the stock of Mr. Moorin use, at a very low tate en the dailir
I am in a po5 ition to sell at prices which will suit everyotle
Inspection Invited
T_ T: 2\./Z00=-107.7sE,
J1 PI 1 I INPI ID .'.T Tilt:
Medical �3a11, Gederich,
-1 lar;(- turd era asaorled stock of (resit
Garden, Field and Flower Seeds,
Both in hulk and In packets. Purrha4ed from one of the oldest and most reliable need houses
in the Dominion, and will 6- sold at Catalogue Prices,
F. JORDAN, Chemist and Drtitggist
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drug.. Chemicals. lay r Stuffs. ii rse and Cattle Medi. Ines.
Toilet Articles. Etc.
/A -Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispensed. Ti
Begs to announce to the people of (:udench and this section of Huron, that he ha.
purchased from Mr. A. Phillips his stock of (iroceries,.etc., and will
continue the husine.s in the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets,
Hating bought the we'd. for cash. and as i intend to make all my purchases from
wholesale men for cash else, 1 will 1* in a position to sell at
Very Low Prices for ('rah.
My .tock will always he fresh. i will keep the, hent brands of .teas, good augers,
an.1 everything in the grocery line from the hest producers. Bacon, Spiced Mesta,
ete. , always on hand in season. I am deterrhinld th plleame,'hoth int tinsjttyand price
,11'(•all ' at the stand, Victors% street. ppwosite the Fair firessnd, neat -D.N. .'
tt ta machine shop.
flschenioh, March 9th. 1 182 D- SN'•rl