HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-07, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 7, 188.2. run ar0 Tancv. A Chicago lawyer, wishing to tea: a juror's intelligence, exhibited a piece of paper upon %hlch he had written his in- struutitem, and asked if he could read it. The Malt ps•mptly declared that he could not. and the a.urt, after luukine at the writing test, tabard to s at- tain the tbjeetiuu to the juror. She se? down :;1 the I•iaoo-,.Jolted her thosit. and coultueuce•1 to hnrin.u- Ize. Her brat It ton was. •I Cauiot Slug the 1 'Id &Ingo." tool a x1.wou t':al was colder :1111 b'e.ker than a slum!, y dinner o.uue est the cone t waell the stranger 10 the error; w. . •'.lull we trust vett are not (.1,11111:le e.t.a :tie ties tinea.' "Pat," said a gout;our•"I, wh., is i.•:..1 of using high *omel ug , ieivolu_y t.•I,)•. than -of -work, •'i ant g••IH. 1.. 14,11 II at te11 o'clock. Std shall weed Ont th.• . •.. o her bells in the interim,' "Ir,t• r1••, thought Pat, "that', a m _1.' '1 name for a garden, anyhow '•I • .'.11. Smith at home I" as\ed :1 visitor who called shortly efleraSus. "Yis, .air; yell Girl him at seri in the Interim there heyant '.' enllouu••cd Pat. An I:lahilan knows bow to pay a c"DI- 1liment, but he doe. rot always put it in the right place. A beautiful young lady happened t.. shudder, end after- wards said, referring to the ..1.1 adage, "Some one is walking cater .ny grave." Patrick could not loose the chance to say somethings very polite, and so he replied, "Oh my lad, I only wish I were the happy matt." Clao.'tltltRTA.rtTI♦L F.vrnraeR,-•'Merry Christmas, mother :" cheerfully excleiui- ed little Charlie 1liiggs, as he l.ouuded Into his parents presence, with a face beaming like a new braes kettle. "U, don't merry Christmaa pie, ' growled the old lady, "yesterday morning there were of with surprise anal re ret throughout six minae pies upon the top shelf of the the town. very few, were aware that T Mr McAv ,y was ill, aid of those she did know o! his illness, none eetertaiiod the idea that his sleuth was '.ear. De- ceased was a luau .1 a et•ry tetiriig, quiet .lislae4niou; he was solely known throughout this eecti(11 of the country, front los Ln.: connection .with the hotel bueulrss_ :u.d he was highly este.• o.el all who liew hint. fur straight forward honordbl.- dealing and courteous treat - .a.. ue determined t,. p'say him a meet '.1 t?I..se with whole he came in con - So, late one rveoii„Shen he tact. t-t(i.-r ria inana_eu.ent the Del- 1.1.8aue one else would 1111 hand)' to chabilie1 re,alneel its rapidly hiding repu- lin i't - ):eel il••l0 I:1. Do.. ' C.1 L. Ill' 1101:i...ti.t 1... , .a4,,u, ... Was 11 ' 1.a Id...0 .1.1V w 111 11 War, 'Oh, ..te 1: eaihts lit!'' solo cash dote '.•v '.1..' ,oili.t br:.Irl-un dry g .a.. el c ...lithe' credit." (Lilu'ah:- t.-1. \VII I I t •,.r:; r solos tune afo, Mt. C •Y h .l• , • : )1 to la. I•aseint al.n1 the she .. Hullo, s.r 4," rail :t 1 e 1cu:- a t • C.114/110 I. 1.. • n the other side of t'••• ,ter,.'. '•Hii •..•• 1 promptly re- plied. Th Teapot' 'he .africau aferi- sai I • to l: ' Clue tu.. sail, 1'se 'dress iig a other Cullu•t 10 r•, " (Lao•_hter.) •'1':n he aro it few • •• I'so illustrations or a kind ,.f humor . I. I. :pica s•, large'y toward fel-tiling the ;'.. -Neter of the pet - pl t •,` •!:o S..uth. it is unntiYe•l with Sr:fli"1 f secri:eti ,u.. It is true that rl,.• s,.11 '1 Jordan nod its rolling watt.; t...,n the Burden of their music, het vet there is the deep enthusiasm, the devotion, which is inborn in their Ila' III t-,. keep the Feet Dry. This is the season of sLgq•y weather so productive . f ,,Ids, and tuug troubles; ueglectel c.d.l or damp feet Is a Brest source of these difficulties. Clue your ceuIh w',,11 Ha,y.trd's Pectoral Hatsaw. Ples.saut 1.' take and always reliable. rattbtl.. 11141114 1. Sarnia. The Sandia Of'erver says: The sud- den death of Mr: Juhu IficAvoy, pro- prietor of the Bedchamber House, which itecurred last Friday afternoon, was heard pantry. his morning there are only tive. Now, where is the other pie "Mother," soleniily replied the le.y, "as true as I live, I dont snow, but brother Hill has been relline'round the bed all night, sick enough to die." H • was a man .1 conal lrrahle wit. the Fraieo•Prussian ear he ea* uttle't •inujed by the rtt.peitty of a rt •'ib -editor with whew lie Tied to keep the obtuse one from making s blunder, he telegraphed through to him: "The Prussians have taken umbrage." tation as a tint clue hotel, and heti he lived, his enterprising spirit would hare shown itself in the large improvement The sur -editor, glad of a piece of news, which he 1,a.1 planned in cllu.ecti,41 with however late, came out with large bills his business. The funeral on Sunda)'; and headings; "Capture of Umbrage by despite the fact that the day was wet the Prussians." He never bothered the ; and unpleasant and the streets and roads contributor any more. I in a d •endful condition for travel, w.ta I very largely attended. The procession I wait probably the largest ever seen ii this town. The 51asenic handy WAS Lirge- reirMOZLIC 1TS DlssAssr, Comma:ter, and Aonasi., W1* HAt:r.tios YILww Utt. '4 SuaBn- tead to cure or relieve eider to MAN Gs BLAST. TARII IITtl•AU., FS$ CROUP, CRAMPS, ASTHMA, OOUeHS, SORB TKROAT, COLDS, A10. APPLIES tmTIIMALlr FOS 3HaUMATLSM, hCSIMB .ArwS WILLWGS, YALLs, LAma•S, CONTRA MONS LCMPAGO, AXAFNISS, SPRAINS, NRURALOIA, CALLOUS LUMPS STIF1 JOINTS, Facer arm CORNS. ER rJsxd, ITar, PAIN IN RACK, PAIN 1a SIDE, k Every bottle gg,+.+.arsntaed to gine iatidac. that or money refund... B1ttaTlau$ WTW MAIN BOTTLE, Pt1Bt Ode. T.2[II.84RiN h 00., Proprietors TORONTO, CRIT. Redd, Celt ass Megrim ■.as•r. The humor of the African is but the - lv reprertnted, members being present reflex of the originality with which the homely speech of the nations of the con- tinent is enriched. To the African hu- mor traces its fountain head. From this, it can be seen that the dark skin is stet the sign of the neltro s degradation. The procerbs to common among the col- ored people would du' justice to Frank- lin. Such sentence* as "if Jive with the cane you will learn to limp," "if you pass your tinge in the kitchen you will smell of smoke," bear out their own application so forcibly that further language is superfluous. The African - is, like the kaleidoscope, changiflg. He ..rt.lea's Aralen salve. has his extremes of joy and sorrow, sin The best salve in the world for Cuts, and penitence. The elements of his MoisesUlcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappell Hands, Chil- character have puzzled the best analyti- blain,, Corns, and all Skin Eruption.. cal testa. The ever varying and bright and positively cures Piles. It i* guatau- lv scintillating ffuhes of his lighter i•- . teed to give perfect satisfaction, er tura are well calculated to do this. I money refunded Price 25 cents per "Bill," said my father one day to a b. x. bur sale by Geo.. Rhyne,. 1830 ly. negro, "here's a dram of whisky fur you twenty-five years old." Looking dub, ioualy at the liquor in the glass, Bill h I but I (leder TOILET sLIFS from Port Huron, Camlachie aid Thec- aC. a,III1 CN1'�llllll�'1'1 i��t'ill 1614 (11cill) CiIll)s B ford, as well as from the lodge of which he was a member; private citizens on foot and in carriages were numerously represented, showing the esteem in which 'gr. �icAvoy was held by all claese.. His widow has thesympathy of the public in her great loss. 7 AT THE OLD S "'AND. D. C. STR.CII ' HAM anMOY ID ■11 G-ROCERY BUSINESS '1'o the old stand is the Albion mock, furoterty occupied byhim• where be will yhefplease to welcome all his old r ustonlrre and the public generaly. A large 1 RHYNAS'Druggist Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell on the Front Door "Father," said an inquisitive buy, "what ia meant by close relations 1" "Close re'ntions, my s'.n," replied the father, "are relations who never give you a rent." The boy said the old man,then, was the "closest" relation he'd got. GENUINE BARGAINS. For the nett three months I will all furniture at the following prices, for i 4 .a! ,dew Clapboards at ..... j 60 o aasaton (ypbo•rdfi.................................... . )•tote,.. .. .. .. ....... ...... .. .... 11 W Idoulutee front 6 00 up. 1Nwl.t end" Iron ............... 1 75 up. r'a11 Leaf Tables at • lel rte up. 6Wisp. 5 3t) up. Wash,ta-!s Iron ................... • •.......................•'' llan•aus frim ..................... Sideboards !rom Everything else at similar rata e. TLese prices ean't 8.e beaten in toast. I invite Inspection. i 8m boun4 to sell. a• I intend reooving to Dakota in the spring. 1 have also a lot of machinery earl in cabinet citable.; NEW, FRESH GROCERIESI A• CIIE (I' -{.' TiIE t IRE-lYE.;r. D, C_ STRACH- . H TIG -II L U NLOP Nature, atter all, la the great physi- cian. She hides all the secreta of health within her broad, generous bosom, and said. 'Yes maeaa see; u man needs but to ggo to her intelligently dat's de smallest ch1le fur's age Ive ever for his every nee(i. The discovery of - apt great ('„ugh Remedy, G1AT'a SYRUP seed. [Laughter.) And here's an or Rin St x o a Grill, a an ai t other: Two negro.. - went eut to the haunt of a bear; in the absence of bruin one of the hunters ventured into the cave to capture the young ones, leaving his companion outside to watch. In the sunshine and stillness the watcher 'tint began to nod and then to sleep, waking up, however, in time to see the parent bear enter the cave into which his com- panion had gone. Grabbing the animal by the tail the now thoroughly awaken- ed African held back withall thestrength with which he we, capable. "Look ye, what's de mattah out dah-what dat in the hole I" shouted the entrapped negro to his companion at the mouth of the cavern. "Mattah," replied his com- panion between his gasps, "dar's lots de mattah; if dis yere tail cums out you'll soon see what's in dis hole. (Laugh- ter.) These illustrations are refreshing. The literature of the coast of Africa gives color to the originality of charac- ter. A mal under the care of a doctor Was to abstain from whisky if he wished to save his eyesight. Upon pouring out his daily dose of medicine he filled the second glass with whisky. Holding a glass in each hand he studied the two fair about 20 minutes, but his love for the ardent overeoming his scruple* he swallowed the whisky with the exclama- tion, ""�7e• q'ea - A chaplain ewes diked . ssrTltet if be wanted to read•"CII. p•." trim the sass. "What paper do 7o'tdl►os.. r replied the good mi.is*s '. -v� if ion °home," said the .ISI !II *go • pt�pei of tnbao- 1d ill tlyis so* of � Mad ill e� to V R e• le tie fess drink, .tom kl 11w AM thing ye to a born, aid it is the INR thins �� whlw 471181, .tad u it 1• 11� tads it a4ast !. ef'sd l• the rLwthter ' A trot;' haw -Ir NOW lt'•:CE1\-IN1:- Fall and Winter Goods lu l;t•utlunlwt's \Veer, which he.,,ill make up it First -Class Style at Very Low Rates. lil�, t ICY-111rtDf1: CIJO't t'��pi In Great Variety as usual. Ca11 and Inspect. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock, G. BARRY CABINET LkKER au' 1JBERTAKER Hamilton Street, (3oderich. A good a..ertlnent of Kitchen. Bed -tonin. Dining ]loom and Parlor Furniture. such as Te bleu. ("hairs (hair, cane and wood seated). Cupboards. lled.ateuds. `tattreases. Wash -stag ! Lounges, Sofas. What -Neta, Looking Glasses, N. H. -A complete assortment of Coffins end Shrouds always on hat.d Oleo Hearses for bks et re, gable rates. Picture Frwating a specialty. -A nett solicited. 1751 whi r l wtUseltat$V 51 w pr ;PLAIN AND FA A.CCOUN'TS. All accounts due John A. Ball and J. G. Ball must b.• settled at eueo. At the Market. tion of thin. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss .•f Voice and Hoarseness it ata ds unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50 -cent, bottles. -- ad (1 IR LS FOR Ttte N'RMT. - Last week Mrs. Davidson, wife of the late pmprie- tn.r of the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, took with her to Emerson, six girls from thzs neighborhood, who are to assist In connection with the hotel they intend running. The girls are guaranteed Ila • month for two months, and passage paid, at the end of which time they will be paid current wages there. with the option of leaving to do better, if they can. A t:raerat oicameede. Never was there such a rush for Drug Stores as is now at ours for a Trial Bot- tle of Dr. King's News Discovery for Conmmption, Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Longs, can get• trial bottle of this great remedy free by calling at your drug stem. Ise et leer. All persons wishing to test the merits of • great remedy -on• that will positively mire Consumption, Cougha, Colda, Asthma, Bronchitis, Or any affection of the Throat and Lange_ -ase requested a trial b tae of Dr King •storw and for Cools of tiO pR ef , which will show, you w ala dol -ilii .how � what • regular bottle will dn. Res -a 's Me More. A friend in need is a failed y. The Bette an deny, especially atones is rendered shim owls ger* him st- abbed with disMM,woMpassioelk�l/,i1 sallobilats and slwktlsrss as ecommo. to Zumbintik postalstion. Iraq Imams 's tlt'es Marl. sad will "ts• an hiher t. NOM, twist= flaw repeediee M. ♦ shale hid at- N� „ rile else ar .I col �bi. .dtlo I oma • tw•tee odd w sa dress NCY PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW RATES AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE.'" AGEITS EKE 11101-10 TO 70 PER CECT Handsome Naiehos and Valuahle Premiums CliV11 Awad FREE. 2 THE GRANDEST OFFER EVER YET MADE. WHAT WE GIVE THE PEOPLE FOR 181.00. . ,e Homomotp loea.nt Is about twice the use o or :leery papers. and four (81158 large an some. It now oof the Inrg•'st rubl(N,, and a .Iea1J 11. iterated. .,I' ted. Contains every yriety of literature. It 1s ,.led with llln•trate•1 Mtorles of tee Innovat- ing mientertainiag character. Thril- ling ♦8oe•dole Bfa Poems by the hebeat authors; • ue feud of iea',natorms.ion of what 1• going on la the It be contains sa Inaskated rumen poor 80r has thrown himself down, and his felt, inno- cent, childish tam wrapped In paseef.1 dm►er is a study for say lover 6f the beach tot. He thews et Ile dear mother at home. sad In tenor Is elryed le bar loving arms oar .ore. Dimly In the stood. the dream is pictured, sod army tender memories will be awaken- ed by It- We cannot pieteod to do tN• picture loa- n.;. It must be seen to be appreciated. Ile. l Ina (11.114.10(1 Chromn. .b.• 16 r 22, fin Mired l0 12 colon and entitled THE BASSET OF FLOWERS. Deno. eno 11dia sent, Cent. Pus Depnrtweot, farm and Hove- Two Sean ego we gore •• prem.um *no., paper 8n.d Depaet.ent. Pnnday Beading• vitt sed "swot. lourchromes 12.1e,andtheooewhfebwa..estavl- 4'.tde. moor other minor der.rtments, mU, staking tt the ,e,,•ndair.d so a vase of FI 11. arae\ In- most valuable ood :atereatl05 paper published. deed was It tkonght of that we have been enoonsaged to net O our " Beaker of Flowers; • which will M FOUR BEAUTIFUL OHROMOS. Tier beautiful works of .0 (made R1te.peri.l.r for ash 140 only be by he Horse. r ,ta Jnoa.i, Pierer belope kale fear to t.erh later awl elmant work• of art been g ,.II with nscb a 'non- food' piper for the am.11 horn of SI. Pally realizing the demand that will be made for oar pr paper= d em - i•.. u 0000 M o'.r egeO* Ent to work a Imre a atsot of 120.000 made 1n adyooeso there will he un delay with our rents. hot all mile-, will be elle I the day tires are received. i►yr chmrml.;t Chrome. Iberr7, esD•elsltJ acotel scenery. 1. .pprerlste.l plot add lergareobli one 8? even ono. Who 8u not reed Mir wa14r Mott,. fetser salM11.8 are 3 wit. to cask. e i pled for an. celebrated minima entitled •' The 1.847 of the Lase," badlya .b ♦wd vrhrt Ina a gets ont Moine whteh r. fsnd.I cps Ws .pet How wee/ hsppl ,goo • 8. 's a Chromes ever ger *rye ..eolleeaose this pretest wll• awaken re the sutra and IMO wt. tsa .1 4 190.000 w1 asp.,.1e a pro- armories es of our readers. Deer to the hearted erery •4.Ine the ;.aril tle.ler hr •• M7 soar or fire leo- Wetrhw• or woman. MO f their eats?. pot don le the size and finished even better than oke w of Flower, Ito 0011 necware to state that this rlct.re was painted by Hawknett from nature and be has speed ea pains to keep an kis kteggh repntatlon. tl.,•hrug 1a the Mower line to miner 484 Bos ever been offend u a premium. 4.. 4 1s a marten: bent O I Chromic), ids. 143 a :2, Itemised In 11 colon and one. led 8UNSE r ON LOCH KATRINE. fess be Ilex Chreaam to •ell. A FAINT DESCRIPTION OF WHAT • WE GIVE FOR PREMIUMS. go- bbed to 12 Were 15 aasated 011 �' ages 16 : 22. 40 - YOU Duerr HOT. f k,p welly aM 00so at 5 *811 will u oar resale slid a•/ so.r•N tromp awl wawa soil;; Sas Wry raker. 110 marl ripsaw sow r wt *poswNa was aka for • syr of • ostaboa .d tet• of ealptae awl stoma oast IL TWO 8a li to 11 Ito Protabark toot fltjr spa of eet pro u owl tN Worts 1B, trbnw is Parte err mar air T5 4 ppr 8 r • 1 * • ..w . N Mesal Y ao p..00iltgp'rto Al kid of err ee th• •-5�llrwr «ft widob an leerr+bMrs ea es rya 4.4 74 fearwrs will 7�wtitio Irk of rrwt•1 t11�rt �1d MBA wo tboa of the boy .in roll op any • rolls r W ter d ter Who, l■ role seamier ears, bre bow rmegh 4Nsnso prrrw.ws. We or how we leu taw robot s.e15r: 041 yr atr87, fifty 4 ,8 white ed the W �~ewb.rard • bib ksraslwrkwamraM d .1 raw llip id tram. Pr ow owe Ibore s 80 r 1b IOW Weep, ats1- ras ao tor so mars ow rare larlf to SVCSu iistZro 44 la Pa trawl : 11 swims. sod .o ens "t'" 1I . 2t ss. -OMB oAIrAwATT'sI•D U11.11. si ertar/ ll •or . 1.. osraled ;tracts Wier se err boo era. Ira. Me= r.a mo rota. Tfe Awkwre .Mlle• 1 o ...t,1, 'thick will 4.11.r sor • tie to Med preOt o - ore wt s.f It1.1.4has t►I. .84 a plots, glut w-111 he 4ou►1y milsable both ou ..,coat d 1u beset. sad also its a resider of oar motor Cr Ws .91 eb.erhuy forted 185 price Feld sad tea tunes as reed mom le morose wk. or reeve we here over- �.. vt818 Ti wee .1 4ted 8 Sart a�u.t Sea Mary rM OUR Tlisl[B TO AQIIfTB. C We r sot suer wan wr ra?aedel Wet, hat �sa porn .he rally mss briars. lowedat 0. ►o.e.ty aN rear., as a.* yrato M 1M bW- her t4. deft Ores welt doe r owl wort 1st poor tow vorabr OMgI..4* westk M, gN. ae am es le suet se a a1atemm at aol1 r1..sa l.rrbow. too howl sir Nor OW of N slawI rma r air far waft tbs.1.84 8 ds.4 wit ;low w soot r mento . •qp.w era IMrrrib4. O, w Ndrrd it weqr.jaar earyOM ear N rota 8oltag w *NO rola Oa w era bow roll w spa1411 t brio r 18too 8117 r froarre •rata moi B1'er lama= 11111110011 Om WA. wboas on ow. say woo w uibri for every order for 100 ser okremos at ase time or within 3o day.. 11 you seed is orders aummitr l to 100 ser, we will send you • haadsome Oold-Played Rant - leg Car Watch fres. Tell We to row sellepeer sad She if without any ttrouey do not ble. et 1 Asad heeler than this,30within days sending 1a 50 subscriber@ within 10 days anget 3 WATOHEf! FREE. n.� .nr other firm heat the earl We Wok .oto Cush most In eery Mee a paat/•ll♦ the artierseem sent t'. 0. D., In white ear the deal mut send q u w ea trentee. thea to be 4e4asW howl t►. bell .4■ goose sr- seat Agents snmenmea ask as to vary our Mina Tlls ora w ar M ler sap sac tar books an kept le ea.form- Ity with our terms, and to vary our arms for say mile Is simplytnpseriblr. sad we never take any nodes of @ soh Istlore. es eve your simps 1f you are going to write toes to change our ter., THE WAY TO OONDUOT THE y� ta► arae re e.� to A PE»T 01 $100 0 alet •. her sear allot hrrra lint. e'. i/ •eagmMe roost. r• Ieersi I .pelt itrit"car aRWI ••Ross y ttletM W � esrr- rr 5. W l.rr tee Isrer 6,eror.s!a .1N N .net M s+•vl w • j wa�;tw■ are wari�p..( 2*. • p , ...ws, 4 t t1. aA,Mrrl ikrer r .r•• r a.i► 01s1.t? ..w.o •D0RE$6 ALL "Dias JAS. LEZ+ CO.,517Lagauohetieregt., Montreal, P. nr two �+sw dtuin.ett.v M or tris. were •�p+1 sari s.1 u?.w/�l• pn Iry `w vi/. Pt row .rMa lit abow o� �'1 t•r• Mr•or , new teM ,ere ar4.�N1 . wiir� BUSINESS. The Mat way Is to solid Is sad pay fora number of sahrrlptNr,;cooly the premieres and roostyts, and ism g• to work and eonaesa8se1A.e sae lelivert * premiums sled temgMa as yes go, and 48r lave gang over oke territory a *4408.4 em le rare tbo rote or collect your pay. ler Iwtaar wM moa wear your o.tII,°, Mier Owe Uy veils. tar 70 .8108 pars for to first 1 wkwA� _ r reta m et • 84..all w lr8le •ate e au of tear er the lint . Is r ental fen w cwt wbx+4b.•a w oars will M •it ort aM Isnot by ear. sad ea goal taws roars on r lb�SoesaaeuJee•- pia 11•4 an yes wilt baler ell• r will be tk. 1ala moires arts, l Tr ow roosts% seIhem e 1 a weed of the error,. �e 80 4v to rob • l raft* 111 or M ro tar te .18.5. ors • orb w Wm as 1Iw r w p•p•r ass or row. w roe Bary 1b. gay ter will moll I• tips a- swlkml amuse u r. w . ▪ yaw lir herbed yen ya. �.,w7s with - set M est moa dewy Ir 18 1.'r• thom),sad aes..•. .....80804l88. As ea _p. 8,ler�nbe _tt.4fa e so aura wt IM eassesrad pbsolartplissa tar 5taolfl1..1el See raw -fir to -L •.1* enterer •sllMakssa►aeif M Mr rs.5.5.wow la10440t • saw on a roma W row 1Iw to M `Arai; awl ma J��]p}rrrl)pdO•rmSorr cora rs Pap" eel rr proem tar _ SEAM mjM a 11y Woo rem�Mlbw ...t 15*N/IOYL by It. for people cannot fell to see that the Modems ie mad .nted Ie a hrs'•.e-•Hke manner, sad they will hs?e ao tau of being ddreaded of the subscription .eeq. When ',flail order receipts and chromes t• • 4vaam, we all the 1eml81* all oat mood the wk. serltssea same sad reeldenoa which the agent Ills 4. u N tykes eabeerlpuona Ito hoaeet meet will °Oen to oar plea of elgal.1 oar owe reoelpte, for did wtr�e agow assets to sign them, all she " dead boats" Vey get ea outfit and defraud the people all over to w wfr7, sad ruts the *osloeos for so sad all hottest e gear too. We wast honest agents and don't core r eueo.ra5e " deed beer." CLUBS. ♦ mea people mold get s down or mor• ' lanceted, dboldo not rare W make a business of IL To sorb we offer handsome prises instead of a saw 445.0., say one or more of which Jou may MOM with Ma'am no trouble. An 0e sending In 12 and two eabocrlhere w111 M Witted te ens O1 the following handsome prises: • x414 Hold Band Bing worth 13: a beautiful O.M Plated t.o-pintnred Locket, fel size, or a ka•daere sax -blade Pee -knife. Aaron* sending In a3 and there subscribers will gad • ems fear -draw Telescope, ora saadenme (cold Biel W ag` with • beautiful Alaska d a,.o,d .n 1/. ♦i elending In 44 and fon. subscribers will Ile watt to a handsome Motel PI■ ed revs -Mot ter wolves ora mycsttl cent Itpae8 Chsl, aid Locket A• aeading a6 cost fiv, ,nM.erlkere wHl get • • hl gllver P1at.d C•k. /oast, •r • Otr.Y 1ltarn es R•rprel. ♦8ywe eswdl,n In 60 and sir:.0858180t. easy Orme or of the t Wowing muate: A .•114 Purer Of kr?sly ra I.4 Hold Plate Watch vitals, or • ka0d- 8881 Afro PIMed Batter Drh. Aare** ending 1n 110 and tee saberrib81 will get a beautiful Hinting ram W.'oh. Sayer ,ndlug la 115 sad /Pro .,W.il ..Ul g et taw half duroa splendid Plat H•adk.,.blets. se • ■ e ollro TIMM. or • 8 •,04.117 tag�a.d Mehl Neer 1e.8..Aut Revolver with hart h••A erre mad,ag la 520 sad tweet, s.yr4ors will nsdve • Oat's tell Nes D.1a04d Lore MIM MNK a. Cr Wamk. 0r two of see 4wtetg Care p1.1e1 •8,814 11 advertised la our Orator* at g.yos. S*4ng In 113 ail thirty 1to ntrrtrve wnl tarot. • bathroom a1a-eant kendag sole Rade Mid Wrack. or • be• ttfal PLeoe•t4 gra wttk a 8teetM• of rw and poplar tans.. A BONA FIDE OFl1®. S • re t14a.a as. Red Net t4 shot .. ►.rw t+ynwntwd. n y ysa IN roe Ir o fat ra. te ~s aa•( ~ onr8bsnklag tM �4 •ad aoi ;.care w..rl every peruse .80 sleds the r tabs of eater .8 try the ba/1aw. feeling amoral tot If MST 4. will .0t oily Mel •u1apd w1N 11, het will •se• slows 8e art u oar Aswan for aur years. Bow 1t you .111 Peter th. mull4 at oar, .o eel ram1ts o enur@ rudae1105. If you find free shag 4lahsoat eorw to t•t +_ r miry key K re bet all l w Nor koabla airb slmMft a1•orMprt�.'•a -1 • k a el„ rytaly mere tarp sew lla we law • bask w wr word Is Oily rarawMr. Ira laboo ram tt1.e� alraey fr. w N. frallA or . w ter . wSaw w wa pr► IN ooNCLU81011. inti to MOM a* me o•ooda Y Res rawSwbotirofeet Int of a. ea Ns6ta•Ie MNpa aeor .5taaoa •.4 r Res papa; r M roe wars IC e ab. bias to bwn.wl.tr•d Dear reeler, 1a a brief wooer .e bate pu5M •M a saerilsw It se say 1eet.ea heroes sc. •rt j «7iw low» 1p to b5tsar rads ss 1Ms1oo., ass us stress rat owe H03111111R £OiiNTI WAirrm 11..tte r ry or wood r •a ►e1•m agwd. W. lay. is. beet ►scapi; woe oaasl 0w we est so.a.tp waft war wr 7d w416.47:;:i r�•. wl Irvw wfib- towillia so all e M Selo aiv"'•sa % r 41611 5S4 * MM WsM aH sow e.k b teas ass 1�rse •�e or b. 111 buirar afleM• t • {,Ideas b*Aatsa before .r yes. If rot 0818 .sat .wb, ww arra yw rat yea sasses r ow roc wrap ralwa a o Itsf wee where the awl Sea le see ...711 tarty te.y s•.. aso1M - root r oar Orr a 1• wwMvivo Mrs 4 sates, IZs..aw.d tee w M riser tar. es rbast.h W.I. . are satiated Rudy- lana w4 ham So toil brise; 85+14 t8w geld& or are sore that oo e•• II 11) soy west 4851 Ire Moo 1t wl•1 non pro wets t8 proem ewg',al11 Sod w .t for y.rle, w 4 ties It yes are earl.5/814.4 taw 4Aseos will pap yes, Ess .ay Pram 181 .511 or wooer 7044 `aa, eon ort 8