HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-07, Page 6R
T�it. t, i
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ILhe Poet's (tomer. the. ix,tls et,rdi:►lly, but with I► ter tai' l(rrelttor uuyw hen'. Besides v.0 home' tieulrtely asked bite if hu would wal.ai;e
forced Cheerfulatar, palpable to a keen I what Rawlins said to-uight; therefore tt, rel her trinkets for her.
Wile Need.. obeeryer. guess what his uncle's teaching is.' "And oh, Mr. Leslie," said she, with
A Plitt)! 1N W0KUs OF (Na NtLLABLI. "Here, Rawlins," said he, "you shall
Think not thut strength lie* in the big ruuad be Lily's partner, and Leslie and I wilt,
aunt, unite our forces." ,
Or that the brief au1 plain Inuit needs be To be Miss'rhortitum's partner la
To whom can this be tete who once has board elysium," said Rawli s, pointedly, while
The cry fur help, the tongue that all men Leslie looked savaged at the inoffensive
speak tire -place.
When want ur woe, or fear is in Ibe throat,
Lily, like a dutiful daughter, quietly
that each vi•urd gasped out is 'Ikea 'brick
Pressed from the or throat, or strange wild assented to her fats er's arrangement,
note and the gauze of wf�nit proceeded ,very
sum( by some fay or fiend' There is
a smoothly except that Leslie ieelllrred
Whit h dire if stretched too far or spun too
1Vhich has mo height than t�eadth, more
depth than t th. 1
Let but this force of thought and speech be
and he that will may take the sleek. fat
Which glows and burns not, though it gleam
and shine;
Light but not heat- a bash without a blaze.
Nor is it mem strength that the short word
It ,.rtes fur more than fight or storm can
The roar of wales that clash on rock-bound
The creep of tall trace when the wild winds
The roar of guns: the groans of sten that die
On blend -stained fields: It has a voice as
. well
For them that far off on their sick -beds lie;
For them that weep, for them that mourn
tile dead;
For there that laugh, and dance. and clap the
•1., ,, 'one's erep, as w.'ll as grief's low
The •..,:pill words weleartt rat first keep
.And Omelet the Clime be sad, or gay, or
With s•nch; with all, t la se may be made to
DIr. Thornton's badinage by playing
away his trumps in the most reckless
The rubber finished, Mr. Thornton
nose, anti asking his daughter to sing,
adding that Rawlins would ,accompany
her in a duet.
Lily frowned slightly; and Leslie stir-
red the fire furiously.
The duet proceeded, and Leslie and
his host kept up a conversation rather
incoherent on both sides, though from
different causes. They fel! ultimately
into a discussion on failures in the city
of which there had been several.
"Royston's was btu
unimpeachable name,
"Yes," said Leslie;
bank, whose custom
wouldn't lend hien a
"N'e shall see," raid Lilly, IightiI , a smile and bluish trust perfectly became
her candle, and therewillt she kissed he: la!, "if y, au a ill imamate this, l shall be
father and departed. • p;rateful. I'm very exectiig and for -
Mr. Thoroton betook himself to his acrd, Ila afraid, but I'm in such dia-
study, and once more immersed himself tr•s.'about pipit it :" and her nice broke
Its accounts. 1g;att:,
I'hu next matinee!, its Lilly wa. pre- "No," nail ' tear, a Ith t etfu
siding at breakfast, elm noticed her Fath- "Iota re tut—that s
•r !.liar Thoroton I'll
1>;ee pth
'1'hrwyp!r the meatier of rile', is sled
April be careful not to u e it. ter..
colltaillillg Caluu►el ur ••I%It ,•. i •a•
substances. The t roper ,u.d a.. . .
gative is the Great \ eK.tehle t', viten-
tiot., Dr. Carwn's towaeh at.. • ti
Wien hitters. the purer :•. •'
Blood Purifier know p 11 ...
agent, G.detich.
er's anxious and worried hook as he has- manage' ebuut the ill for you. p e
tlly read a letter and rose from the table. , jewels -1'I1 we. Keep p your courage
"Well, papa?" said Lily iuquitiagly. —111 manage."‘
"•Well, Lily," said Mr. Thi "it • Rewarded with a glen from the hazel
is a reminder from Cray that the hill eyes that were.tery precious, Edgar went I
falls due un the fourteenth." un his way.
rad if not paid t' said Lilly. ! Had ire Seen the luukI Lily cast • after
Ine.t paid, Lily, my anomer- hint, and beard the murmur of "gtxM1,
tial name is prune," he reified; ''a ku:d fellow . his delights would hate
judgment will be ru. s erect, and for me t,.t-il beyond (sounds.
to burrow would be almost as lad. To • Edgar went to the chief of his depart -
sell any shares would be an enormous' meat and borrowed a thousand dollars
loss and impeach my credit, ton." of him, for he was a worthy favorite; he
Lily's hazel eye. grew full of tears as: then proceeded to the bank which had
alga watched her father's anxious face. his easiest sayings, and drew out the
"Well.- he said, with an attempt at : four thousand dollars there. His ma- 1
cheerfulness, "go and practice your new sons he kept to himself.
music, my child, and never mind my Meanwhile irank Rawlins frequently
lied, and grew very pointed in his at-
MANY- had ul 11, •, El. '110'1
V Had u iee [chit' huh.
alwa bru..--.'
,t • u. t.. • .
With "rkANYMIi'l" you know.
Chilled Plow
1; for thirty years worries." ea
raid Mr. Thor'.- Kissing hu daughter, M. Thornton I tenti.nss to Miss Thornton. He was
departedfurthe city. Lily dutifully prat- !coldly reeeived, but persevered.
"and actually the ; tiled for two hours, and then suddenly . One evening the talk in which care -
he had extended, rise from the piano. worn Mr. Thornton roused himself to
penny." I "Poor papa—that horrid Mr. Cray— join' turned on old customs, of which
Hero Rawlins in his business char
ter (quite different from his "to ut
society" one; struck in.
"Quite right of the bank," quoth
sharply. Business is business, not se
said Leslie, "if Royst'n had
In tL.n: e.r• to vh, oris ng, or peter. ,-p. c.,-
' I been concerned at all with your firm—
with the best credit—"
LILY'S TV VALENTINES• „\1•e s�ttdd have refused his paper
now, certainly." ,:aid Rawlins, brisk-
ac- the unmet' must be got were Lily's de's- Lily declared terse lf an upholder.
of jointed exclamations; and then she rose "include nq St. Valentine's homage,"
and unlocked a little cabinet with the murmured Frank Rawlins.
fie, idea that has been in so many gentle, Lily drew herself up. and vouchsafed
. na January IY
ui,ht, lieurge T»oruton sat at his study Mr. Thornton grew pilo, and then
pieta- looked at his (laughter with a strange ex -
table, immersed in papers and un
ant reflections. The lamp shone on a I pr!`'„rell," said Leslie, "I may not be a
mass of unpaid bills, account,books, lists, i man .,f busines , but I would not throw
docketed letters, etc.
Mr. Thornton was a city man, a hold- i a fellow over like that."
"That you are not a man of business,
er of many shares, a promoter of many i Leslie, is very evident." said P.awiius,
comp:mics, a merchant in a small way
raid iiu the receipt of a comfortable in- superciliously, "(.r you would know that
' come; but like many then, he had ex-
perienced a. crisis when all his money
nes "hocked up" in different securities.
This it was that trade his -brow contract-
ed amid •his papers, for he wanted five
thousand dollars, and, though worth ling eyes with which Miss Lily'- heard
Leslie's speech, and the frown with
which she greeted his own.
'I quite coincide- with you, Mr. Les-
lie," she said; and the young man's face
grew delighted.
"I regret, Miss. Thornton, that my re-
(laving purchased the Gaderlch Foundry,
am fitting the premises for the nanufactt r
IMPLEMENTS on a large scale. Mill Work
General Repairing and Jobbing will be con
tfuued. All work guaranteed.
Mr. D. Huneinusn Is the only man authorize
to collect payments and give receipts on h
half of the late firm of Runclman et Co., an
all persons iadobted are requested to gover
then.aelTee a<cordingly.
yet resolute minds. "All my jewels no reply.
she said, "i %under w!...t t::. -t :• %teeth! The next dal' Mr. Rawlins invested —
Then's a geld chain, t.s'. That ;'earittltat net without sundry. self -reproaches
Mooch and that torluoise braeesk•t are for et: ravagttate--!en dollars fur a von-
a"t'th a :.sed deal; but, put a!1 together, lenriee, which '.:•. irefully eec}oseol in a
I'm :are they') far belr'w tire thuwe:us 1 bet:. and p,. tin:; hie initials in a corner
dollars'" esti the young lardy sr{jwd, — for :se was determined to have creditI
Piterut:y the 'iyer epeee.i. ou, 1 )1r. for. his money's worth—sent it oft
Rawlins was ushered M. Ti.:mei-Mi; of the 14th aril% eel, and
"I dont i ually.ctll se earls." he'siis Lily and her father• met at the breakfast
"but I had to came westwarl,.and 1 saw table. Tice rutea•pes, initiate.! F. R. I
this b.rpuet of het -house flowers on ray and E. L. were an Use table. Erten the
way-. Will you a.xept them for the first Lily took with a haughty frown, the
theatre to -morrow evening ' gorgeous valentint. and then dropped it
"Oh, Mr. Il:twlinw, I couldn't think on the carpet. From the around (and
of r.uprivit:i you of your l•rzt•," st►id
Mi1NThurntun, soust•what haughtily.
the young !ad.y Limbed Troy res? she i
took 31r. Thorut+'n's unfortunate bill. i
credit and companion have nothiut' in .fie leN)ked extremely,ltur :It, t tender- • His face was a study, and his daugh-
-common.' hearted. Lilywthom_ht !:e needed a ter put her pretty t,nouth t •lois, aid gave
Mr. Rawlins was se pleased with his little alve. , him the paper which had Igen such a
epigrammatic force that he entirely fail- ' ••Will -,you give ma' a , little ado ice :" tprlueutt. His heart, as was ale, Lily's.
ed to notice the sweet smile and kind- ithe said, with a vague idea of consulting was too full to say touch,
him on money matters. '.;'hen Edgar came lase Si crnfessu•n ,
":dost readily," said Rawlins,- and was extorted frau him that Le Lad Laid
'vith pleasure." - the money', aide' set the bill emtsrsesl ;„
thousands in securities, ht: had little
more by hint than two or three hundred
in cash.
His study dour opened, and a pretty,
hazel -eyed girl, with golden brown hair,
banded in braids at the back of her well- marks are uupleasing," said Rawlins,
shaped head, came in. lowering his voice to'' an effective mur-
"Now, papa," she said, "ploaitively I mor, `'but I forgot I was speaking lye-
trust come. The coffee's cold and Mr. I fore a young lady, and of all people I
Rawlins is in the drawing room." , should moat regret annoying you." best west -wit) manners.
"Well, Lily," said Apr. Thornton,: Leslie said nothing, but,futtively pick- - "Sup,p,,se," said Lily, wit:' a r'selute
with a weary sigh, `I suppose he cereal up a geranium which Lily had cut up effort, 'you were owed money on good
from one of her conservatory plants, security, by a person hi_h in character,
and which was lying on the flour. and Mut who couldn't pay- when the money
put it in his pocket. I came due. Wouldn't you • gire hint
care for his society." After a little more music the two I time ?"
No but:I hope you will. "Lily, young gentlemen left, and Mr. Thorn- ' "Ah : ' said Raw him with his east end
said her father. "lieu a eery decor, ton seated himself before the tire with manners, "that's a queiti•.n of business
"And then said Lily, with a smile, •
hoping, pees little thing to propitiate
"Ana then ' ' said liawlius: "I never I
talk business .gut of the city.-
Jlaster Frank had heart freiu his un -
1.'Nt'1'L.0 :s'r.►Tk.' M.‘ it. rata-tytEtta
lull %Verkly to at..1 teem
y: s. w' torn. An ,, t. LArea, tt, % IA Lon nun 1./.NttY
t rt',al'asn-vet•,Sert"WI. Returns. e11utuelin
>, con 1 Caen., Flu. Let urn 'i.ckvt now
steam. re pad et ern etattrday
Naw t.'Mi' .t\U IA,NDsN I)INki'T.
Cabin Viceesba'•t enA ltd urus,Si('Orud
til eel ii4v pa.erugrw booked at lots rater,
t sawuger .r cuueuo.ldiuns unto., heti.
.1LL SIATaaoosne o:l ALAI•; D{..'k
1 ae.eubcre, hooked at lowest rates 10 ur fru t
Cern' is.), (rely, Norway, tiwuicu, Deemer .
Por hook of -Tours In Scotland." hates, Plat
4-e., apt ly to hpNDERSO uwlf k.KIt:+.
NOr to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Hamill
Is a compound of the virtues of sans -
partite, rttIlingtr, mandrake, yellow
dock, with the iodide of potash and iron,
all powerful blood -making. blood -cleans-
ing, and life-eustatuing elements. It is
the purest, safest, and most effectual
.alterative at -enable to the public. The
sciences of medicine and chemistry have
y so potent to
core all diseases res»lting from impure
never produced a remed
blood. It cures Sero. ala and all
scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas,
Rose, or St.. Anthony's Fire, Pim-
ples and Face -grubs, Pustales,
Blotches, Bells, Tumors, Tetter,
Humors, Salt Rhenm, Scald -head,
King -worm. Ulcers, `]ores, K
matIsm, Mercurial Disease, Neu-
ralgia, Female Weaknesses and
irregularities, Jaundice, Affections
of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emacia-
tion, and General Debility.
By its searching and cleamung quali-
ties it purges out the fool corruptions
which contaminate the blood and cause
derangement and decay. It stimulates
the vital functions, restores and pre-
serves health, and {nfnses new life and
vigor throughout the whole system. No
sufferer trona any tlisease of the blood
mad despair who will give Aria's
b'AR•'AI'ARIL1.A a fair trial.
It is lolly to experiment with the no-
mcruttr low-priced mixtures. without
moth -Mal virtues. offered as btooi-puri-
tiers. while disease beeotnes more firmly
seated. A.A es's SAwArAnILLA is a meth -
eine of such concentrated curative power,
that it it by far the heat. cheapest, and
most reliable blood -purifier known.
Physicians know its composition. and
prescribe it. It has been widely used for
orty years, and has won the unquali•
tied confidence of millions whom it has
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mass.
sett) nY ALL 1atGet$T3 zrERTwUEla.
Ar'1'l�K 4 r.EASGA a rnlAL.
Condensed Fire Kindler$
Lily crimsoned, remembering sudden-
ly that the money was owed too -her vis-
itor's uncle; yet breve for leer father's
him; and Edgar. taking heart of erace, ,
asked Lily privately to he his '.:dentine
f4 r life.
sake, she resolved to tread a little bit on I She eentiy a ' a '...t •i. and tilt
conventioanality, ' yunug urau was alta': r .i. Hew Mr.
"Mn Rawlins, suppose"—she Degan-( Thorns.:u repaid the uu.aey, dowered
and stopped. Lily, and pushed Leslie's interest pees
"Suppose ?" y:isiled Rawlins, with his not he told.
more for your society than mine.' ,
"Perhaps so," answered the young
lady, with a slight frown; "bet I don't
(polished and a:;reeable young fellow, the old weary look on his face
and sure to be his uncle's heir he's his ''Papa, dear," said Lily, sitting on a
partner now." ow ottoman at 'his feet, and, taking his
"Partner with that horrid Mr. Gray ' hand, "tell the what makes you look so
Why, papa, that than seems a veritable weary.
Shylock ! ' said Lily, impetuously. ilusincss, rain dear, business," he re-
e"Yes " muttered her father, •'and' ,Iied
• perhaps I shall find hie so.'
"I'm sure what with your sad looks cle the fact of Mr. Th:srntot:'s hill, and
Hero there w:ts a riot at the bell, and and Mr. Rawlins' horrid speeches, I 1 he had the 'veritable mind tot usurer.
i► alight blush tinted Mies Thornton s' shall hate the name of business," said despite the airs and graces '.t h.; ac -
face, as she heard a suite ask if her Lily impetuously. I quired refinement.
'father were at dome. "Possibly, my dear Lily," sighed her .lfiss Tii. rtt..t. Bret: C, isit...•it as she
\h said Mr. Thornton, rising and father.'' • heat:: his answer. and .drew herself up
closing his deal:, "there's young Leslie. "Now do tell me, papa dear," she said I with the, peettiest stateliness m the
Now we'll have a rubber, and I'11 forget coaxingly, caressing his hand by passing 1 world. '
my annoyances, if 1 ran.•' - her cheek agsinat it. "1 we'e'd spare yea fiitther tr ul•:e, Mr.
'"Pell then to me, paha, dear," said , "Well, my darling,' said 31r. Than- Rawlins.- she said. icih.
his pretty, daughter( coaxingly. , - tun, "I will. The long and the ahort of , Pnwiuta was mther eentesr.l at her re-
"!'eRhups 1 will," said Mr. Thornton' the matter is, Lilly, that I want five I ception to his reply. and beean to quail- '
evasively, and went upstairs to the draw thousand dollars` by the fourteenth of fy his aper h; but the noun, princess
ing-'tom. next month, and this is the :list of Jtut- (our het ah:,rt with tt pton•l glance from
r oar " ! her brilliant hazel eyes.
The gentlemen who arses to receive y,
}tint were Letl fair specimens. Frank
His daughter lucked at lain with sur- After. Rawlins lead heft the house he
Rawlins was dark haired, well-dressed prise. nursed OU tae matter, fwd ere he reached '
and sutlicicntly polished. His manners "Well, papa, haven't you gut it'' she the city, love and avut•ice• w-erc bn}ancin_
were well bred, and lie was, to a casual asked, "With this house, living as we the scales . f his decision.
I liserrer, "nm eligible" for a young lady, do, with your city business, snre•ly y'ou re '•pin deva he said, as he turned in,
There was, however, a certain hardness got that amount of money. ' to its uncle's dingy office, "she's a beau -
about his dark eyes and thin lips, which No, dear Lily, said her father, bit- . ty. I've a go.sl mind to get the hill my--
et]ptjestyd disagreeable ideas of avarice, testy, "I've only three hundred. Yon self fr.v.t nay uncle. Yes hve thousand
most repugnant at his nee. Ile was a don't altogether understand. My for- —it's a great loss !" and here his re
partner with his uncle. iss crafty an • id tune is all in securities; toy• yearly ex- flections traded as he heard his wnele's
money spinner 0s any within utiles of I l,enseF .ire all forestalled, so that my in- rant r...es voice.
Wall street.
Edgar 1.swlie, of Somerset House, was
i•leas,'utt, cheery, unaffected, blue-
eyed, lig;tit-haired �axou, who worked
hard at his rod froom ten to four, and
lived on a salary of fifteen hundred a
"'ear, eked out Ly his nrt criticisms in
tt to rel wt'eklita. He had a takpt foes
Ib -awing, and a real appreciutittt o1
p4akotmflt, which made his i'copry' eager-
ly taken by the various art editors, and
for which they paid according to a' ' . T-
able tariff He secretly admired, i
was enslaved by Mime 'Lily, 6tft
diffident. Frank Mulles; tan, mho
a decided liking for that young lardy,
the two were rather conscious of th
Both rose simultaneously, and cot-
tainly Frank's manner dispirit -ed the
raid t 00110. Edgar blushed a little as he
''L111's hefid. flier father greeted
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lu nbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all Jther
Pains and Aches.
N,; Pr.paratton on earth totals ST J.r"r, Ott
se a safe, .cure, simple and cheap Es ,n.al
Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively
tridiog outlay of rte tests. and every one suffer-
ing wird, palm can have cheap and ponLT• prof
of In claims.
Dtrecti"n. in rev., 1.snt owe.
Baltimore, Md., L' 'S.A
come isn't comeatable. And to borrow 1t! the aivatititde Lily hail tp. d • ne .jrI
ud mer 1
money is to my commercial reputation two tfsilt•.ra, and had ionb tet
irreparable injury. 1 owe old Cray fire jewels: but when 1'('_ar Leslie .�silyd, ,
thousand dollars on a hill due the four- her hazel eyes were still t:rshius;, and
teenth of next mouth." her reunited cheeks still t'tnahe•1. She I
"Cray '" said Lily, flushing. looked exceedingly pretty. sl:.t Edgar's
"Yee, Rawlins' uncle," replied Mr. heart was hit very band.
Thornton. ' "Ns w pre six. lily dar- • After a few cousmen-,ddace remarks,
ling, why, bad hs auitdtl you, f ahuuld Lily (aided, 1 solgn.se. by bet eels in- i
ha' o• so notch liked Rawlins as your attractive pwrceptiuk el a owns heart be••
lover. Selfish, isn't it ! But Your ittg there, summoned up her courage and
father wouldn't sitar your happiness for told Edgar bett treoltka. As she endeld i
' I her soft woke Dr loo iii„ a little soh. sad
isle* �w and nestled pbluehing and crying in A meet heart
to his side. ; rending yet enchanting .snottier. she
niy child, go to Led, and don't went and got her little packet of ,ewets, I
spoil it your complexion: we must see Edgar watched her in a sort of daze, with
what can be done," said Mr. Thornton. his heart heating as if it 'tool(' burst,
"But. papa," said Lily, "surely Mr. anti a sensation that if throwing himself
Cray would give time. ' out of the window wrwki Nevelt Alois (
"Cray give time f" said her father. Tht.nitr._ he'd de it oil the amt.
"Yon couldn't find a mare remorseless She came 0o to him, and almltst Iter -
it t l'T h •'•
If N k's iJI•NL)tt rtL$►H tl1Jh.
AMR DsN 1. Kinn. 01111111111.
i is. t Y:•s-
11111' RITTLRs.
l! bantF.VNV
eAt*. "BPffP.ta.
*T. J tt•N•a •1t,
P.t1:CfRI1 MITTS Its.
B�At+t /ftlftaLltt, "
And a11'ethcr leading mutat medicine.
. tint
3W . �1NWOLi
are the best in Ilse. dui rr away with coal oil
or shavings. Fin h kindler will bunt tierce
minute*, long enough to ignitehunt wood.
They are made
soil ladies' hands. `told at
fromewhite resin and
No difference In pries -fur quality.
James Reale.
Maker and seller, Goderich.
St: Catherines Nulserie s.
r-iTABL1'HL'D IN 1S3li.
Having fully tewte.l
two new grapes. I unhesitatingly ad.visc my
patrons to plant them. You will nut be dis-
appointed. 31110ILF:S leAI(Lt is 1te Ix.t
very early black grape yot grown in t I: Ratter.
It halt stool thirty degrees below ecru unhurt.
BRIGHTON is a delicious red.grape, ripening
lust after Moore's Fisrly. They are butt' large'
n puma and b cry•. uu 1 •y{ iu the I
. err • :rut c
Will mall bo:L to any wldreen, prsatpatd, on
resew: of $f, ur either for el- Argenta wants.:
ST. C ertietuNEe, t)NT.
Illustrated Floral Guide !
leer Peat 1s an FJegaat Rook of 130 rage..
two taloned Plate+ of Plowetra. and nacre
than IoM lllnssrastetu of the choicest Flow-
ers, Plants and \'t•grtahles, an 1 Directions for
Brewing. it is handsome enough for the ('en-
tre Table or a Iluhday ['resent. Send on your
name an.t Post Office atldreat'. Willi 10 cents.
and J will send you a copy. postage paid. This
Is not a quarter of Its cost. It is printed In
both Engine' and Orman. If you afterwards
order stole deduct the 10 eta.
t'H'fi'a NR[liss are the best in the world.
The F'te,N.AL Us IUs will tell you how to gel
and grow totem
'lea's Flower sail tegelable Carden. 1:5
rases. 6 Colored Prates, '00 Engravings. For
,a0 cents in paper cot era ; 41.00 in elegant cloth,
In German or F:nglish.
Sick'. Illn+traIM fsontbly Ns .iI$e - tl
Tagus, a Colored ('late- in every numbe land
many line Engravings. Price 11.13 a year:
Five Conies for 100. Specimen Numbers
sent for 10 cents: 3 trial copies for recuts.
J.irRa t N'si. torkr.ler.',.
TO It l l LDERi.
\ gnantlty of goof) white brick on hand a::
for sale at reasonable rates.
TNI Northern Pacific R. R,
r. •:o MONTANA.
R. M. NrwataaT, l3En. LAND ACT.
Wm'�, -“.a P.., C , .Paul. MINN.
aarsaawarwaea, ,amr...w-n.” car+
Cl Saw null.
The subeeriber is now carrying on the brick
making business at the Kintail kilns, and will
give all orders ahteb may be sent him th
most prompt attention. The brick is of flr+t
class quality. and the terms are reasonable
Saw mill. Dunlop P. O.
Sheppardton 1'. O.
NL B •l'9 f ty'rt1)ti1CR9 4,1' t'LIT rt Y
A permanent. sure cure for Disesteem. Dis-
orders and Ailments of the Kidneys, Bladder
and Urinary ee, r. ti)c Si stem, or Attendant
Complaints causing I'atn in Small of flack.
Bides, etc.. l-rinary Disorders Onset. ('marsh
of the Bladder and passages; Iarights' 1Mssase.
l)labcten, i'Irnpsy. I'ile , Nersous i eMllty.
Ileo. Me.
Fempbiets end teetlsnoniala eau he obtained
rat Ilruggfels tree.
'Rte Rt. e'hthd's Pad, $1.50 lenree Red -wet-
ting Regular that 'LI I. Special Pad for
Uhronit Uteeaees, 53.0D. Sold by
.I RA', B,
Rtdr Agent. Oaticrieh.
W. T. )tray, Win ham; John 9. Tennant,
H. U. Lsseu,mnw; lye Witt H. Marlyn. M. D.
Ktneenitne; watts .6 Co, Clinton: .1. M. itoh-
evts, 15 6s,tb: H. H. Hyaline. Hayfield: S. A.
ftetbaY; The ('citral thug ,store.
:tett 11 1L Jackson. Hyman; Mee. John
llfelntoahre, RrweeAeld; Lawmen it Hamilton;
Mg V. 1a111:
ItgrOIVt. HE 1'Ri�ALI, ACT SITS AGENTS W�a6a°qt 8 t;:t. fga
OGIIMRS WARNOOK, Harmless a' farrea eluRwu.. 4Ii >tN