HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-07, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL is L S2.
Household }tints.
gk cit MIs! Jtesuo'1 Lst'TCaai.
There it out much uuurishnteut its rice
without the addition of milk or eggs.
Purple tinted beef has die 1 :s natural
Pork or veal is bad fur pa.or digestion.
Scrape earreta slightly, as the sweetest
.purtiou a ueareet the surface.
giiiiiTake a thick peeling of turnips, as the
ter p.lrtion is bitter.
Soup costs leu than whiskey and does
novo good.
Never wash mutton; always scrape it
Cabbage should always be cut across
the grain, anal befortf cooking she ld be
soaked in salt and Witter halt an elir to
kill the slugs. I dresses.
Scurvy is not caused by salt meet, p,d,,:tases have taken a fresh lease of
but by its poverty, the pickle having favor.
robbed the meat of its strength. Bengaline dresses are vein in light
Better pay a little more fur fresh veie- mourning.
tables then to spoil your dinner with A shirred puff finishes the neck of
stale ones. April dressed
Always toil puddings that a nitain Pastier'in lengthwise
pleats are call -
suet. ed valances.
You never can err in boiling a pud- India pongees are told for $G fur a
dings half an hour over time. dress pattern.
To get the correct blending of flavor, Spanish lace over satin is used fur
use double the quantity of carrots you spring Mantles.
do of turnips. Pompous of many colors appear on
Sew a piece of red braid ou one side Easter bonnets.
of your pudding cloth to distinguish it Pale kink rosea as large aa /.conies aro
from the dish -cloth. sold fur 32 each.
Boil potatoes with their jackets on.
Che Fashions.
New ulsters are loose.
Mire is used for parasols.
Spring jackets are very plaits.
Curtain overskirts are revived.
Shirred tabliers are unpopular.
Cotton satteens rival th a of silk.
FiceUe, or twine lace, is 1 novelty.
Bishop's sleeves are on new wraps.
The latest fiches are lung and narrow.
The • velvet do{ -collar remains in
The earonet bonnet is already popu-
Pearl buttons are on stylish wool
Muslin embroidery triols cashmere
Ja ansae sleeves are on the new silk
Haddock is very nice for breakfast. and satin wraps.
Carrots are very good for children. Embroidered balayeusea are preferred
Potatoes should he !soiled very slow- to those of lace.
ly, or else the strength will be tolled out India shawls are made into mantles
of thew. without being cut.
There it a great deal of nourishment Satin foulard and chess silks make
in cheese --cheese neither too old nor too w'aterin'g puce costumes.
new. Elder, sycamore and lichen green are
Celery and asparagus are exceedingly stylish spring shades.
good for rheumatics. A big pouf how, with wide Duds, trims
A clean oven is es neeessery as a clean the back of new mantles.
stew pan. Lace and passementeries have taken
Never throwaway a scrap of fat. the place of fur trimmings.
Dien employed in the open air ought Satin nherveilleouz dresses have them -
to eat a good deal of cheese. ccs of cream mull embroidery.
American Easter cards this season el-
fin. •nderd•at Tupper t.rspt.iestir-- cel those brought from England.
Long undraped redingotes appear be -
Since my last we have had a furtherside bunched up Watteau polonaises.
continuation of the Bridget debate, and "Flats" and shepherdess straw hats
will be porn by little girls this season.
this has included the annual eruption of Condolence cards and birth announce -
the Tupperian volcano. This is always
one of the events of the Parliamentary
season. Vesuvius and Etna are some-
what irregular as to the time of their de-
• monstrations, but the Cumberland vol-
cano is always sure to have an eruption
some time early in the sesaiun of Parlia-
ment. People of all classes go out to
see and hear it, but o11 such occasions
there are, in addition to the rank and
fashion of the capital, who have a love
of gladiatorial shows, a more than us-
ually strong representation from the
alnnis, the sten of low foreheads and
heavy jaws, who lean over the gallery
rails with intense enjoyment of Tup-
perian methods.. They feel flattered
that for once Parliament is brought to
their level, or they to the level of Par-
liament, now that amid the marble pil-
lars of that Thigh hall there is one man
who rants and raves, hurls defiance and
epithets in a wanner so wonderfully like,
that to which the'.' are accustomed in
their own haunts of hlackguardism. At-
tendance at the Tuppei.iiu eruption
makes them feel quite parliamentary and
Viewed simply :is a spectacle. aside
from its moral aspects, the show is a
very considgrable one. You see the
gathering storm in the face from which
every lineament of loan anti humanity
fades out. There remain the lines of
hate, malignity and rage. It is a terri-
rible face to anyone who calmly scrutin- can't be masters. SO,mebtrly wast do
izes it at such a moment. When he the roughs work of the world. But n
speaks, ohe thinks of the "throat of work, however humble, is dishonorable.
brass and adamantine lungs" which "Who paints too before. blacken
Horner has attributed to one of his her-
oes. and of the "andacity, audacity,
always audacity," of Denton. .1s for
the rest, it is a lava tide of ve:.o41 and
re and rushes
ase/rtII.aa Maw eastern, 13101.• For all alfectioua of the Chest, Leap
Frew .t,talu hair.
\1'e are apt to be kinder to the brutes
that love us than to the *,naso that love
us. Is it because the brutes are numb i
When death, the great reconciler, has
.Dome, it is never our tenderness that we
*pent of, but our severity.
Our dead are never dead to u• until we
have forgotten : them they a n be
injured by us, they Lau be wounded
they know al: our penitence, all our ach-
ing arose that their place is empty, ell
the kiasos we lgeatow 444 .1/e sulrlicat rc•
lie of their presence.
Decent burial was what Llsbetli had
been thinking of for herself through
years of thrift with an indistinct exp.cc-
totion that the should know when she
was being carried to the churchyard, fol-
lowed by her husband and her suns; and
'sow the felt as if the greatest work of
her life were to he dune in seeing that
Thins was decently buried before her—
under the white thorn, where once in a
dream she had thought she lay in a coffin
yet all the while saw the sunshine above
and smelled the white blossoms that
were so thick upon the thorn the Sun-
day she went to be churcded after Adam
was born.
Ilut the sudden death of her husband
lad restore:1 him in these hours to that
first place in her affections which he had
held six and twenty years before; she
had forgotten faults as we forget the sor-
rows of our departed childhood, and
thenght of nothing but the young maws
kindness and the old man's patience.
I've a strung feeling about the dumb
things as if they wanted to speak, and
it was a trouble to 'e a because they
couldn't. I can't help being •sorry fur
the dogs always, though, perhaps, there's
no need. But they may well have more
in theist than they know how to make
us understand, for we can't say half
what we feel with all our words.
1 like to go to work by a rued that'll
take Ise up a bit of a hill, and see the
hills for miles ar•und me, and a bridge
or a town, or a hit of steeple here
and there. It slakes you feel the
world'sa big place, and there's other
:.lid 'throat, use Vr. Carsuu'• Pulwou
any Cough Drops. They speed' cure
Coughs, Colds lutlueuz.l, Huaiwettesu,
Bronchitis, d: c. As all expecarraut 1110
Cough Drops aro unequalled, lomweisug
phlegm very readil. tirurle lthyuas,
agent, lieaerie h.
pep -
plc •'ot tuaterieb that he has do l{led to givteicrit,-; would intimate to the e up
business in Ids line owing to doled
. and
that h,• is now prepared to giveexeeeptiun-
af;) y;uu,l ',groins. All washing
ala:ANS or
wit: find it to their advantage to call at once,
ea this is U4 %t 1.'. 1 ricarm; w*r.
nest cards are novelties in stationery. men working ill it with tteir heads and
Last years' dresses acrd only slight hands besides Yourself.
changes of drapery to Make them sty-
Pineapple cloth fabrics are imported
by Oriental merchants for ladies' dress-
Spring fans arc in various designs.
It's a strange thing to think of a man
as can lift a chair with his teeth, and
wall: hfty utiles on end;" trembling and
turning hot and Cold at only a look from
one waren out of all the rest i' the
Sonte are of lace and flowers, otherc are w. rlJ
handpainted on satin, while others are I ve noticed a often that the strung
made entirely of feathers.
skilful men are often the gentlest to the
women and children; and it's pretty to
see them carrying the babies as if they
were no heavier than little birds,
and th. fables always ream to dike the
strong arm best.
o us
in this
set our
earts on /things, which itlife;
God's will for 'us to have, and then we
lenco when Men ezcogitate ' great go serr7wing; tits ',slide v'e love are tak-
thoughts. The present one is fast run- en from ua. and we can joy in nothing
ning to mere wind and tongue. because they are not with us:' sickness
"He who says what he likes, shah hear 1 comes and We faint under the burden of
what ho does not like." Learn to govern our feeble hc.dies; we go astray and do
thy tongue. - �,wro,ng and brim eureeltes into trouble
"He expects better bread than can be Itis with our fellowmen. There is no man
made of wheat." Don't expect too, much 1 or woman burn into this world to whom
in this worhi, Where you find good yin some , f these troubles do not fall.
will also tiLd evil.
"He that lies di:'ivn with dogs shall
rise up with fleas." 'Beware young actin
of evil compo llioushlip.
"If 11111 master and thou art master
who shall (1ri1 a the assert" , There are
Hewers of wood and drawers ,,f water; all
The Great American Remedy for
Prepared from the lies
suet !Moor.) b aag i 1e*.-/
and Teale. 9r
of ,1 • ansooe Boos�ow.d4 ♦ has
—theaird we11(e most va111r est e� fe
—,eitMwt doskt me most reta.siale
,lfedieoualpury,7Ne. - ..
Irish lace trimmed with clusters of
shamrock leaves and forget-me-nots was
the garniture of the green velvet dress
worn by the Princess of Wales at the
Queen's Last drawing -room.
iugeets of Geld.
"He who speaks, sows; ho who keeps
silence, reaps. ' We need an age of si-
Lrery one
Aad /ward
of the nun•
derfrl ef-
fe.ts W the
and the
Pines la
cases of
Lang D4-
]n France
.hr pAysl-
-ia,u regu.
tarty send
their eon-
patients to
the pine
4.4.110 nod
order thew
to drink
a tea wade
from the
vituperation, which you
for hours. The tide is dirocte 1 against,
and intpindedeto scorch ad powerless troy,o the
Opposition, but it is
so far, and only scorches the mountain
sige ftoln which it -flows,
A thinking man, who had given little
attention to politics and who heard Sir
Charles the other night for the first
time, would say: "lt is incredible that
so Much malignity could be in the
right." One who knew the events of
our political history would wonder at
the *misty of such a man, with such a
record as his, who could hurl foul char -
gets �ittet 01111 turn as Blake, Macken-
zie and Cartwright. The mile stones of
the Tupperian journey from Spring Hill
the Pacific are marked with jobbery
Ila remarkable ppoowt�'eer in reliering
certain forms of Bronchitis, and ita
almost apecidc elect in curing ob-
stinate hacking Coughs, is no�tn ,cell
known to the -public at large.
Solt t by all respectable chemists. Prior. !S e r
'., ••uta a bottle. t�rvet �,-,• ,•.,.,/i
The words "Syrup of Red and our " t•aro:.per
lots osr Registered Trade Nark,
and i abets ars also repeaters.
KERRY, TVA 27011r re --ca.
irso4aate Thewwa,
Sole Pr*riston and a(�l.t �
tlo� arA
GRAY'S o..wa.ew
sed all Its
aistie e -
v N torsat
tomb, ani
art pre-
et es
ese tem
perm turf,
Is or9e
Wre"ilO l4.• el
r4. /a
iu Teas at Very Low Prices
Special Baraiiis
25c. per lb and upwards. If you want a really tine Tea try toy 50c. Young Hyson
it is a splendid article and worth more money. 1 have also just ape lied out a cont
plete assortment of
Including Stone and China Toa Seta. Childrene' Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and hunts
Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts.
Lamps & Lamp Goods in Great Variety
CaII and be Convinced
Medical __ all, Godericlh
F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist
JOHN P A S M O R E, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs Chemcale, Paints, Oils, Dye `stuff's. Artist Colon
Patent Medicines. Horse and (,attic Medicines, Perfumery Toilet Articles, tic.
',Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispensed.'41
:Manufacturer of
Mr. S. Gilmour hal =old his hotel for
the sum of /12,900 cash to Mr. Campbell,
f M';unt Forest. M. G. is going to
the North-west. -
On Tuesday morning at 4 a m.. a tire
broke rout in the boot and shoe stere of
Mr. Jas. Cruskery, completely, destroy-
ing his entire remises with out -build-
ings. A part of the contents were saved.
Mr. Cr.,shery'. loss will be about $3.000,
Etc., Etc.,
C 1.013 1R ICH,
VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar.
agent for the Celebrated
Morton 8z Cressniafl.
pxrtic covered by insurance. He has
behind." The flatterer ant calumr. atur ;he entire Fvmpatl.y of the whole cent -
often meet in the sante person. „i,1::ty Ill ins severe calamity.
"Extremes meet." Old age ends in
second childhood. The extremities 'else ritymartaus Outdone.
alike of joy and grief tinct utterance in It is generally a msidered a pretty dif-
tears. Cold performs the effects of . heal Iseult task t» outdo a physician. but the
and scorches as heat would have done. followingwill oparove leteconly ousivelutd. where
"Charity begins at home.' ti, it ! nine were Helen Pl.arviz, 331 Ga}ton St., Chicago,
should but it must not end there. I was treated for Consumption by nine
"Honesty- is the best policy.- The ' physicians. end all nrenounced her case
man who acts on this principle is a rogue j` D*i to seven
en boor ttles
of Dn c1 spies
He tl well cease to be honest when an op- Nell
I hely cured her. Doubting ones, please 1
polite coons will serve his interests bet t drop her a postal and convince your -
ter. selves. Trial bottles free at . Rhvuas's
Every man has hie pt ice." A sad 1Drug Stere. Lr;e size $1.00. 4)
reflection on 'e moral integrity of the 1
human race. 1 Da. Ti. ilip,errtw, of Cincinneti,.saysi
"Sit in ynur own place and r.o *1134 I "Abner one ag' I took a cold, which
sottle,i ..n m� Iun <m. A violent cough
cal, make you rise.' Genuine and manly1 wee the careierluence. which increased
self-assertion. Know what lour Pim.'" with aereiity. I expectorated large
and keep it against ell comers i quantities
last winter phlegm 'anmaster. Dor-
mtiCh re -
"A bad book is the greatest r,bl ., dewed last 4.n♦ confined ed
.tn,1 Agricultural Impleu.ents.-
IFo, agent for the
Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co.
This is one of the tient Companies in exist-
'110 . being prompt and reliable. Information
tarnished cheerfully on application.
782 -em Jamb leaellealL
and corruption. Out of the mouth o
his own colleague who sits beside him
he had been denounced, a few years
ago,, as the high priest of corruption.
And hoer. witbie a week off hie great
tirade against the t'tgentitlon, lie had and servo food, know 4.a ;Niece a t6st tats cough a entirey ,
been taken in the vary sat of awarding k Helie Medials• Reed t he Battrrtise am now able to attend to my profession
a contract to his dear abfriove
()tendo ,,
000 diose the tender of nails ilk another colnMh oof t,7.deye 1 M'e1f as as•lal.
ler. t) mybed.
Young people, beware '•f hark h.7•.kw,shun '11'tb dime was attended with cold chills
them as y'
poison the mind, debauch the morale l$yfriends thought L w*s in the last ,--
and destroy the soul and body. . maw. elf Cons,tmption, and could not
possibly get well. 1 Ira, recommended a
-- - to try Ateree L'Ito BALA11 1. The for-
MII.PLt: A ,FP Max often lag's vi2rit, mala trio shown M me, which induced
'vould A serpent. They steal lnfghewweats. A diarrhrea set in.
(tet. xcl-ar1ol tearooms les Luso Ins Unitas MOW
1 t excite., expectoration and rause. the Iona
to throw otf the phlegm or mucou-: rt ens. tie
.arae ease and in.rifee tl,r Moral; bests the irri-
tated parts; gives ettength to the dla.eth0S
orgasm: bftnas the I,Ter to tis proper sellae,
end imparts strength in sue 144'7:*- .)blear.
tirf His 1X1 I)N1L1)T/: AAl, aaTl4rai TOUT LF
weer Mat tt s. is 111,nvd t•• break op Me wart
distreot t0 ,orpl en alien Assn base if est of
too loot Ftnmling /t is ,mr1tated To 04145*
1VT1e14 e(TI14AOTTef, r.14T1t le Tar what Pea-
iln"r1 raw* rf f.ns.nwrptisw 1 It is srarrraMs%
Pot to pmdure oortiveoess iwh,r4 t. the ONS
with shoat remedlse), or alert the beset. mit
coatsimh stn osiers in any form- ft i•,...rraat
to W l,.rf.otir karma,.. to the Drat meioses
child. nith)uch it is tin Heti.• and avid -f11
remedy for rrminrinl th. •st.m. TF1.. w so
tett w.crw,tr for eo+toes .t,.anaOAr (1,wwarnes
Oen ALus s 1.r.. Bawls will /revere a if
Only tnk.n in time. Plhyetelatu *1140144 ens -
unapt ire patient., and whs. bsririg f.11M dtip�
env theta with their rift' medicine. ye wean
trceemmone to rial. iet to u�1 Ln� re.ALA . j ,J AWa a
1117. S. Hart & Co.
We want every farmer heeding a earraR( to call and gee our
The beand
carriage buggies
gies farmer.always in, took. Itepalrfas e 11.0 ng'promptly ela Stook tr offered in att attended to. wn
Open an top ggi,'
1411-3m. Shop opposite Colborne Hotel, Godericlt.
this can be festered by tha• gest beide W /;tee it •trial, sad I well Duly a 11 PMtOP1tiETOc OF THE
yL,ag h ' ' 1 cuced and 1
ata price $200.
Ode firm. whose ablh•
All old and rt,.,*'`'^ t nes- hew 4.s the tsrr.t.rd. 1T io F.LLKNO�f vT(1 CAREFLL'
t arid Ota lave rlever tries t l
-- Ottawa eorrespe intense St. I in these tines of snack medicine ad. . e, mrt ltedthelajwiletn n ale nit strfnh'
dotted.I - ptissenents ever/where, it a tray tm aiea,we in many of its t ltinMt. pe
k.y a 111 op•urs. p
John Telegraph. L of lite nerve centres organ y
i t sed welt* sena the nntrt-
n eminent physician, convinco•it � as re�OuAotlsMnit-''I
Goderich 11�ills
a� ly 4.•a t,0 cure Vert qUa f C.
11) 1<ltat t , led ieali.I : of thy mesal hie remedy, and tree that will do as ee-
f�vra i t ee M
to,epalf the waste by g h L ,mpleinta 1
tong to Asad .m1 remedy diet se
Mme w• w' v rntrao ted t
orsObeli w Ir IC ea
femme.. et.ninvitation
elriaR•e ore w. " tweeted meter
I4., walfaert+estN e
les'` r �• g p.rlesee•" worthy of praise, and which teeny does
seesb ier as being a tees awl vet
Oise of t is
bi it ,hat !e0oaoem chronic an may he trans.
,r, M agave/1w arbere inrreamsd tame-
ame- atl�test wwtlM, M for the rpavnirnr'.• .
setts -Its Is satiated W HF.T11 oul.t now of t►eslfTt»rt at w dletatscw w1q e14ahantr•
timed raties • ntppiies to el meats of 1r R1*M at their Mew assn
ivina C inhltM aTx. nn tam+. I 'Lai, T• If. lfiffier•rt, l
Nii'<M+ w and all tt e e' ,mac an n e
broom' 11MId nerve fed, Med f the Kidneys Anh1 I -risen dilgt••Niaa p
ker'!/t $ $21.., d At hast, �a�li s
%team -kb by y sty.
L 1TE l'iPER't4.) 1
to return their shandy to tiwa ed errini thetoe
liberal fret dKy are, prepared to do 1,
r, and
>est Magtwtie i n ssi� I
reMbdies bomf ettll Se ere *al !Mite
is t e beet. be! advertisement in I �� Q4.
s> m fifty tents a
Usenet. Mock. Fist At.. Gods• irsh
w per ay
eifd fxlMn 5 towont* 1S1
alt W 111'Highsst prior paid for what 'Ml
, by Geo Rhynaa (4 yr 1Me 44).. P5*rtlstrl. Meer.
t II
•••- 201100,41.U.4.68,01••,-1111, , .....•.:..
=e...T i - I �.tte17.t1cY1
Itarbed Fence Vire contracted for n any quantity at very lowest prices
trice and hart, galvanized after hen; twisted which cannot ecaleott.
Use Barbed Wire for Fences.
—,. .....-.e....nw•a.Arian y. s41.A.164400%. a ,.r, ,..
For mile by
.m11”01, me *'1* . eotaiisas.'• - a ,.. -