HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-04-07, Page 11
WHOLE NUidlikat ism
New .tiverilsensents
Agents True t Co.
• - James %Yazoo.
Agents Stinson & Co.
Agt•iits 11. Hallett & Co.
Flower Meal -F. Jordan.
Ta McMahon.
New floods . Mrs. Warnock.
Tailoring J. C. Detior & Co.
Grand Offer James Lee & Co.
Wall Paper U. C. Robertson.
!.1iliiiiery Miss Jessie Wihot.
Student Wanted Seager & Morton.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla -Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cs.
T1T. Office and residnce. West Street
hree doors below Bank of Montreal. Rode-
rick 1781
(.ION, date with Trotter k Caesar, the
loaabag beatific. of Toronto.Al! operations
neatly and carefully performed. Rooms, Bea, -
ver ilitiek, CLINTON. affPatients from •
istence will please make appointment In ad-
. Mee lig sea 1811
Attoraeys. Solicitors in Chancery &e.
Office in the Court Rouse, Goderich.
leA Laws. M.A., B.C.L. E. N. Lewis.
ItISTICRS, Attorneys, Solicitors. etc
Goderich. J. T. Garrow. W. Proudfoot. 1751
..,AAtorner. Solicitor lit Chancery, &a..
ich. Ont.. 1751.
TXRS, RO., Ooderials and W
C. Seeger Jr.. tioderich. I. A. Mortorerg:
hens. 1751.
. Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street
and Market Square, over George Acheson's,
Oodesich. 1751.
.1.4. LAW. Siellettor ln Chancery, Convey-
stlicor, Ike. OMps over Sheppard's bookstore.
GoderIch. Oat. Any amount of money to
loan at 'meet rates of Interest 1751-1.
Geilelesirrchietr'Wlegliam. M. C. Cameron, Q.
Solicitors in Chancery, ac.,
C. P. Hollf. G. Cameron., Cloderich. W. E.
Mecum Wingliam. 1751.
Loans anb 3nsurance.
.11,1. lendon eas_ y terms in sums to snit bor-
rowers. Atax. McD ALLAN.
Goderich. Nov. 171.11I5). 1813.lm.
lok. 17641.
▪ TATIC. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L.
DOYLE. Goderich. 1751
on Rood Fenn or first-class Togn.Property
at 1 per cent. A uuly to R. lt ALCUIVE. 1751
amount to suit borrowers et 6 to 8 per
• Private funda. Apply to SSAGER and
Monroe, 0oderich.
IYi amount of Private Funds for investment
at lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply
I Money to lend at lowest rates, tree of
any coats or charges. MEAGER dl• MOUTON.
mreetite tiollerrne Hotel.
Godcrich. 1111rd March 1881. 1777.
IP Landed Credit Company is prepared to
lend money on good Intros security, at six per
e,-nt. Full particular, given upon application
to If MTH HAMILTON, C. 1.4 agent, Goderich.
'Von Fara and Town Property at loweet In-
t...rest. Mongoose purchased. no Commission
charged, Conveyancing Fees reaeonable
N. B. Borrowers con obtain money in oneday
if t1%1 Is satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN-
STON. Barristers. &c.. Oodetich. 1751
1 Life and Aooldent Insurance Agent.
preeen Ong first-class Companies. Also agent
for the CANADA LITZ Smelt 1NaCRANcE Co.
Money to lend on Mortomre, either in Town or
✓ am Property, in any way to mit the borrow-
er. Ofloi-lup-staisal Mar's Mech., 61-t01erich
DR uurosueort ntntrOogos,
1...K • IAN, SURGEON, Re., Graduate of tor-
ntto University. Lierntlate of the RoysliCol-
lege of Physicians, London. ,England. Cite.. &G..
1111 C. P. S., Ontetlo. Offloe a& remidenoe
Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hain iitnn street. ;a-
nkh. 1716 -am
L, 11.
liKott, Coroner. Re. Office add residence
es Rrnce Street, seamed door west of Victoria'
Street. 1751.
1.1.• sm.-faros and Amoncher. Gredgerir
al Imre Unirstlity. 0111c4 optima te Comer
Maoron's HoPk. Asscinew. if not 15
dffi moire et the Rank. 17112-y.
Ptireir UM*, SUMNM111. Aeennehera ke.
inTlee et Dr. 1Q -tanner& residence. near the
Jail. illtdbriala 0.0. /Ramming, J. t'.
• tget. 1751.
T Atincittrz AD, V. S. (avebIesson
03 • to Dr Dunean) Gradusie of Onr=Z:i
urinary College Office, etabletiand
et Seemed, street, four doors mud of Ccil
lietel. N. B.-Hoemos examined as to
essa 1.
. -
77 • 1111t and Hair,' to frt
WO* be dip pebUe ferp
Alla • resift mimeo nin
he toned , his Shaving Parlor, near
She People's Column.
1 House on &mu Street, , ontalniag
rooms. kachen and pantry. with herd anti
soft water. Apply to GEO. McMAHub.
1.4 ary paid. A ply to lilt AUER & MOR-
TON. linertasere. .h. ittn-tt.
boy, IA or 18 years of ago, with • cot
Earilso education. to learn the priming
seass. Apply immaitsiely at Tam asesat.
the premises or the subecriber, on Mar.
nth, a red and white bettor mow two years
old. JOHN BENNETT. oiseeessiosi 1. lot I. Y.
D., .A.shaeld. IOW
free for the baleace of 1t
Subacri=orewoe. sad get full benefit ot the
lel That well-known hotel seer the G. T.
R. station will be-ranied to • suitable petty
The furniture wig be rented or said at tie op..
Um' at tee teems haatediate on
gives. For particulars address JA RS AD-
The stockholders .4 15. Tecumseh salt well
are prepared to rest their well et reasonable
terms. The epplianoes for the satiate. tory
working of the well ere is good condition and
immediate possession of the premises can be
had by the lessee. Foe further particalses
apply to GEO. B. JOHNSTON. .
1 -la.
whom I may have been indebted, not-
withstanding the fact that the debt may long
since have been barredanbi: statute of
• nen have sash bee/deems promptly
liquidated. Any penmen ing Just claims
are to propene*. hem to J. C. Della. Esq.,
Goderich. I also take this opportunity of re-
s_pouttully ta•ititig there wbo are deetrious of
doing so, to pay their indebtedness to me.
through Mr. Bettor, although I am well aware
that they oson, if they choose. shield them-
eelvee belated the status of limitatioo.
Beat Estate.
V Lot 12, con. 2, township of Goderielt,
county of Rural'. 3 mites from Galeria* UMW
clear and in a good state of cultivation.
tab:Ikea acres, nearly all of which aall
Soil • c y loam. There are two wells, also •
good creek runs through the centre ot the
farm. There is • good brick house with cel-
lar underneath kitchen and woodshed. two
good frame barna, driving shed. and imple-
ment house. A orchard with DO choice
fruit trees. Maass. There are 14 sores
of fall wheat in the ground. Terms easy
For partioulars apply to WILLIAM BEST.
proprietor. Goderkla 1011-4t.
.1.1. 70. corner of Victoria and East Meets, la
the towu of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be
xchanged for farm property. Forperticalare
vply to .11mi, SUAILL, Architect. once Crabb's
mock. or J. C. CCRRIS. aftetioseer.
Legal Notices.
Corirer or HURON. ) By virtue of • Writ of
TO MIT: I Fieri Facies, issued out
of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench, and
to mo directed against the Lanka and "(ea -
menta of RDWARD M ARLTON. at theet of
FRANCIS SMEETH. I have skarn and taken
in Execution. all the right title and interest.
and Kenny of Redemption oe the abnve named
defendant in sad to the following property :--
/Situate. Oleg sad being in dm Tows ot Oahe
✓ ich. in the County of Huron, known as the
Mummer Hotel property, partieularty described
as follows: Commencing at a point on the
North limit of West street. said point being
due west one hundred and fifteen and one ball
feet (1154) from the South East angle of Lot
number five (5) in Goderich office reserve.
thence Easterly along the Northern Inuit of
Wee street one hundred and fifteen and is,,
half feet (1154) to the South East angle of the
said Lot number five 151, thence due North two
(2)chains. more or lees, to the North East angle
of that Lot, thence due East twenty nine and
a half lin0.1a 19Sel more or less. to the South Weat
angle of Lot twenty one al) in the °adopter\
office reserve, thence due North along the
West limit of lots twenty one MD, twenty (11).
nineteen 119i, and eighteen (18), in the ()oder-
Leh office reserve two (2) cloaca, more or ISMS.
to the Southerly angle of tot thirteen Wit, Ood-
erich office reserve, thence North thirty two
(*degrees, West eve fle chains. seventy /Foe
17511inks, more or him. to a point one hundred
and three 11031 feet from the centre Ilse of the
track of the Grand Trunk Itailwae. when • North et., Methodist Church, in the
ost he. been Vented Inc •iaid distance of one A little son of Mr. Wm. Lee, coal
ye. taikin' notes,
• bell prent
Dr. Charles Hincks has been taking a
few weeks recreation at his home to re-
cuperate previous to settling down as a
regular practitioner, which he intend,
doing on hie return to Detroit, after
Poe. Jones, of Seaforth. late of Toronto, E.aamtiosar. Janie
Wilson will open gut a full
and (aintly. will 11).V.) give one of theirtirand line of trimmed and untrimmed goods
Popular Concerts on Eastey.Monday, in Vie- at her store, on
te. Tickets Me. 1 roes issued in a
inst., and invites the ladies of the town
Saturday next, the 8th
Be sure and call on J. W. Weatherall at
eheppard's buolueore, and secure one of there
organs or swing machines before it is too
Mot He is selling very cheap. Tell your
friends and neighbors.
Never mind the weather probabilities if you
wish to get your photograph taken. as by the
mew quick prove= Dun introduced at E. L.
Johnson's. $ dull day is as good aa the bright-
est. Babies pictures taken In • second.
Home people believe that the beet specula-
tion can still be made In the North-West.
Others think the day for making money in
Wionipeg is gone by. But all agree that
Sallow. gallery is the place to get first-class
Lent ends'on Holy Saturday, (to -mer -
The cstch of fish still continues
good -
Mrs. Grahame Cameron is visiting at
The close seasen for bass begins on
April 15th.
Crystal & Black are making repairs in
the dredge Challenge.
Mrs. Relit. McLean is laid up with
an attack of mdarnmation.
Mrs. Gibson, one of our oldest resi-
dents, is very ill from rheumatism.
Mr.. John McGregor of Kintail left fur
Woodside, Man. on Wednesday last.
Mr. Fred. Platt of London, was the
guest of his brother, Mr. S. Platt, for a
few days.
Miss Oliver, of Goderich High School
will spend her vacation at St. Marys,
her home.
The new tug, being built for Messrs
Clarke by H. Marlton, will be launched
next week.
Knox Church S. S. Teachers' Bible
Claes will be held as usual this evening
at 7 o'clock.
Capt. Sheppard left on Monday of
last week for Detroit, to take charge of
the Northern.
Father Sheridan, of Iriahtown, cele-
brated the High Mau at St. Peter's on
Palm Sunday.
A bitch belonging to Mr. John Mc-
Leod has provoked astonishment by
suckling • kitten.
Mr. Tom Dancey, jr., left town last
week to "plow the unsalted eau" during
the ensiling season.
Mr. Crusweller, of the Pickering
Colleen, is spending his Easter vacation
with friends in town.
We understand that there itas been a
marked improvement in the condition
ot Mrs. Thos. Sturdy.
The nett parlor concert in aid of Knox
church will be held in the house of ROT.
aels. The assessment on Ronald's pro -
Dr. Urs, on Tuesday.
Rev. Dr. Williams will conduct a Holt,
, perty was reduced by $12,000. Mr.
of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,
" Praise" service on Sunday evening next,
beginning at seven o'clock.
Mr. Holman, of Stratford G. T. R.
Works, and Muter Fred. paid Goderich
s flying visit on Saturday last.
Mn. Warnock has returned from To-
ronto, where she has been purchasing
her spring stock of millinery.
Mr. Anderson, jeweller, of Winohain,
11 vititing friends in Goderich, previous
to his departure for Manitoba.
Rev. Dr. Williams, the popular pas-
tor of North St. Methodist Church, has
been invited to a charge in Paris.
Mr. Connolly, Waterloo St. hes been
confined to the house for about six week,
with a severe attack of pleuray.
and section to call and view the latest
Mr. John Robertson for some years
Deputy -Sheriff of Huron left on Thurs-
day for Boomland. Mr. Robertson is a
reliable gentlemen, of excellent business
habits,and we bespeak for 'inn a success-
ful future in the Northwest
.We learn that Mr. James Miller,
formerly employed at the Harbor mills,
has joined the Winnipeg police force.
Jim willmake a robust looking "peeler."
Mr. Thos. English; formerly constable
at Brussels, and another solid Marl, is
also connected with the guardians of the
peace in Winnipeg.
Clinton New Ern says: "It is said that
the drain on Mary street, which has
been an aunoyance for years, empties it-
self inside the corporation of Goderich.
It is not much tof a gift, but the people
there are welcome to
The schr. Elgin, Capt. Lawson, is be-
ing fitted up and painted. She has had
put into her a sinall engine by the Seeg-
minor Co. It will be used for hoisting
and shipping and unshippinx timber,
coal, etc., also for raising and lowering
sails, and in other ways will be of great
labor-saving and economising use.
The first vessel of the season arrived
here on Monday, being the schooner
I. C. Kolfage, Arnherstburg, front
Goderich with hardwood lumber for
Watson & Malcolm. In entering the
harbor she struck on north pier, car-
rying away some of the heard -gear, but
being otherwise uninjured. - [Kincar-
dine Standard.
In a town net 100 ntilea from Gude-
rich, a young lady and gentlemen were
seen walking along the streets with
lighted cigarettes in their mouths. We
do not presume to say they were both
smoking. It is bad enough for men to
use the weed but for ladies -. We
wonder if the custom will soon be adopt-
ed in Goderich.
The contractors for the new iron
bridge ',cross the Maitland between God-
erich and Saltford, have signed the pon-
tract, and Messrs. Gibson and Hardy,
the Bridge Commissioners, have gone to
Hamilton to inspect the iron work. The
work on the bridge will not be commen-
ced here until after May 15th, and must
be completed by the 1st of Angust next.
On Saturday last Judge Squier gave
his decision in the ripped against the
court of revision nude by John D.
Ronald against the corporation of Brus-
appeared for Ronald, and the corpora-
tion of Brussels was represented by Mr.
Things appear ti be prospering with
Brother Kerr, of the Brussels Poe, for
he has been indulging his taste for horse-
flesh, by purchasing the handsome two
year old "Clear Grit" stallion, General
Garfield. The animal is a first-class one,
and should the owner not sell him early,
there will be a strong temptation to put
him nn training for the turf. The colt
is valued at $150.
The following are the officers elected
in connection with the H. S. L. S. for
the coining terni. Prep. ,Mr. Geo. Weir;
lat Vice Pres., Miss Halse; 2nd Vice
Prea. Mr. Henderson; Sec., Mr, D. Per -
We are glad to learn that Father
roe; Sec. of Committee, Miss. 13. Logie;
Watters haa been able to attend to his
Treas., Mr. F. Blair; kelitress, Mies. L
ministerial duties during the week.
Dickson; Librarian, Mr. W. Trainer;
Mies O'Neil, Hamilton Si., has a love- councillors, Mr. J. Weir, and Mine*
le cluster of pink Easter tithes in full K. Macara and M. Cameron. A good
bloom. They ere very much admired. programme of songs, readings and reci-
Miu Stewart will hold her regular tations was afterwards gone through.
spring opening of millinery on Friday Soorto. -The entertainment given by
and Saturdey, the 14th and 13th inti the Women's. Missionary Society, of the
gundred and t reeAlfft/ feet, beteg measured merchant, has Coen quite ill, from parsonage, nn Tuesday evening, was
at rIht angles to We said centre line. thence
Sou sixty one (61) degrres. West to a point severe attack of inflammation of the largely ,at,ended, and very pleasant
throughout. Some fine insemmental
bur undred end seventy two 11721 tat. lunge:
Orly from the Nowt h Waterly ef lodcrich duetta were rendered by Misses Smith,
office reeerve to tne easterly boundary ef mei Mr. John Mosely, jr , of Port Frank.
land eon veyeet by the Goderich summer true has beim
Company to the corporation of the Tows of &pending a few days in town. pArc:tteetyons,,,iToribimyanmia:dHWnimilleiasins. ,meelsows•
togs are being made to hunt down at
Goderieh as aforeeald. Thence smith easterly n CoX anti Elliot gave recitationo, and
along the fetid easterly boundary of the tow n the port.
Weir and Treleaven readings. The pro -
property and perallel to the westerly hound
ary of Inc Wilder property one tomIred and The Miaow Ball Goderich are open- muds we are fawned to say, were very
' event y at X 11711l feet maser less to the .p.= ing out a millinery establishment in the respectable.
A• losnet tree oa the top al it,
flnegatenith forty one awl s-haff iiiii deer.** Mimeos letelY ..o.cupieil by Miss Horne. on
u.AcaBoNe. " - The Brussels Pos9 , A FIRST CLASS APPOINTMRNT. -Mr. A.
weer. dill sJong tiw easterly limit or !he said Homan - [Rioter Reflector says: "This was the subject of a 60 ' M. Taylcr, who has held tha position of
town property. one hundred and thirty six
41311 feet. Thence south thirty seren F.171 de. Cat a et --A tooting will he held in minute lecture, delivered in Knott second teacher in the Clinton Model
Carne's Hotel, es Month, evening, for
the purrs* el ise-organering the Gode-
eielt*M3/401 chih.Jor the *moon.
Mr .1 A. He ,..hier,n, of Golerielo
passed a very creditable examination, in
eireerel branches, et the recent annual
gsa•ussuirs ut Moutli College, Kant -
Mrs. Warnock's announcement of
spring and summer goods, appears thia
Owing to the Spring Show of the
West Riding of Huron being held on
the 14th of April, at Goderich, the date
fixed on as the day for holding the
Spring Show in this village, the Direc-
tion of the Kinloss Branch Agricultural
Rentlfte ansloese-fitellswei
meat ilts ganatorteree.
Friday, 31, 1882.
The regular meeting 4 f the Town
Council was held this evening.
Therm were present, his Worship in
the chair, Mews Johnston. Campbell,
Hutchteon. Bingham, Butler, Ca11101-311,
Society have decided to change the date Dancey, Edward, Humber, . Nicholson
of the Lucknow Spring Show to Friday, And swa'nion.
the 21st of April.
The minutes of last meeting were
'AN EVRNING WITH LONGFZLLOW' - read and approved.
Arrangements are being made for an en- THE TRIAMURERS' RZPORT.I
tertainment entitled "An evening with showed that $2,242 had been received
Longfellow," to be given un Tuesday .ince last meeting, $1,916.42 had been
April 18th, in aid of the Mechanics' In- paid out, and $ balance of $411.33 re-
stitute. Some of the best vocalists and trained in the bank. Reterred to Fin -
readers in town will supply the pro- mace committee.
gramme, which will likely meet with a THZ STRZIT INSPRCTOR'S 51705.7,
hearty reception. recommending certain . repairs and ini-
provements, was referred to the Public
Works committee.
THE ISZICTON'ti 5.17067
showed the num'er of interments since
last report to be 7, viz: adults, 2; child-
ren, 6.
A number of accounts were presented
and referred to Finance committee.
Mr. Johnston gave notice that at next
meeting he would move the adoption of
the followingreeolution: That this Coun-
cil do provide a person to act as day
constable and street inspector, his duties
to be defined by by-law of this Council.
The Finanoe committee recommended
the payment of the following accounts:
E. Belcher, relief, 4.56; Star, printing,
50c; Net printing, $5; Mrs. J. Mit-
chell, relief, $3.25; Wm. Mitchell, re-
lief, $17.27; The SIGNAL, printing, $2.-
50; E. Graham, tire dept., $1.37; E.
Graham, 82c.
On motion of Danny, seconded by
Johnston, the report was adopted.
It having been stated that the village
of Blyth was intending to purchases
hand fire engine,
It was moved by Campbell, seconded
by Swanson, that the clerk be instruct-
ed to communicate with the authorities
of Blyth in reference to the sale of
hand tire engine. Carried.
The Reeve read • communication film
Messrs. Scott & Bell, of Wingham.
Moved by Cameron, seconded by Ed-
ward, that the Clerk, be instructed to
communicate with Messrs Scott a Bell
to say that this Council will consider
with the greatest possible favor any ad-
vances made by Messrs. Scott & Bell to
start a furniture manuftctory, here and
will grant any reasonable bonus to them,
and trusts that they will at the earliest
possible moment come to Goderich and
meet with the special committee appoint-
ed by the Council, when the matter as
to the bonus and other details may be
arranged, and • bylaw granting a bonus
may be suomittea to the people as scion
as posaible. Carried.
The matter of relief to Winter's child-
ren was referred to Relief committee.
Mr. Garrow's opinion on the new
market law was read and referred to the
market committee; and the Market
committee was authorized to make ar-
rangements until such time as a by-law
can be passed.
The question of increased railway so-
corumodation was brought up by Camer-
on, but nothing definite was arrived
Moved by Cameron, seconded by
Bingham, that the Public Works COM-
mittee be requested to consider the ap-
plication of Mr. Aldaworth for a dmin.
By-law No. 6, of 1882, to exempt cer-
tain buildings from taxation, was read a
first and second time, and rule 34 being
suspended, a third tune, and patipinl.
The Council then adjohrriod.
• . • t • . '
THE CA.DIIIIi. -Goderich Section, No.
99, Cadets of Temperance, at their regu-
lar meeting, on Friday evening last,
elected the following officen for the
present quarter: -Mr. H. Hale, W. P.;
Geo. Moore, P. W. A.; Albert Humber,
W. A.; Robt. Todd, V. A.; Fred.
Crabb, See.; Bert. Johnston, Asa't Sec.
Wellington Martin, Financial Sec.;
Peter McCallum, Treas.; Fred. John-
ston, Guide; Frank Hnmber, Usher;
Theo. Hale, I. W.; Percival Walton, O.
W. Installation takes place next Friday
It ODOM' like winter to hear of trains
being snowed up between St. Paul and
Winnipeg. It is quite a coutrut to the
spring-like state of things here. The
Grand Trunk Railway Company is be-
ing blamed for delaying the passengers.
But the fact is that the Grand Trunk
is not to Warne. It can neither control
the elements nor the railways with
which it connects. Besides this, it is
evident to all that it is to the interest of
the railways to press thr9ugh as quickly
as possible. Surely no one suppones
that the railway' keep their trains mew-
ed up and their lines blocked for the
more fun of the thing.
At the regular assembly of Huron
Preceptory, No 22 Knight Templars„
held on Tuesday, 4th inet., V. E.
Frater, L F. Toms, installed the follow-
ing officers: Em. Preceptor, Fr. E. Sir
Kt., W. T. Bray; Past Pro., D. McG
Malloch; Constable, Richard Radcliffe;
Marshal, -James H. Benson; Chaplain,
Dr. A. Worthington; Treasurer, M.
Nicholson ;Registrar, Joseph Beck; Sub.,
Marshal; F. Lawrence; Almoner, Dr. J.
E. Tamlyn; Capt. of Guard, James
Young ; let Standard Bearer, Lewis
Thorne; 2nd do. Andrew ,Kerby; First
Herald, J. A. Morton; Stewart', Dr. A.
Taylor and A. McD. Allan; Organist,
M. R. Counter.
Hutton MZDICAL AmeociAnote. -The
quarterly meeting of the Huron County
Medical Association took place at the
Commercial Hotel, Clinton, on Tuesday,
the 4th inst., and was well attended.
There were present, Drs. Holmes and
Graham, Brussels; Stewart and Hurl-
burt, Brumfield; Duncan and Scott,
Seaforth; Gilliea, Teeewater; McLean,
Goderich, and Williams and Worthing-
ton, Clinton. Several important and in-
teresting cases were shown. These
meetings, front' very small beginnings •
few years ago, have come to be very
largely attended and very interesting
and instructive. The cases exhibited
were one of locomoter ataxia, glandu-
lar enlargement of the neck, cancer of
the breast and hemiplegia in a child.
HYMENEAL- A very interesting cere-
mony was performed at the residence of
C. R. Cooper, in Brussels, last Friday
whin Norman V. Lewis, of Trento, was
united in the bonds of wedlock to Mrs.
Guest, of this place. The bridal couple
were deaf and dumb, but they went
through the service in a very intellgent
and reverent manner. The Officiating
minister, Rev. F. Ryan, found no diffi-
culty in conveying the service to them
and receiving their consent. Mr. Lewis
has been deaf and dumb since he was
five years of age, brought on by scarlet
fever. He is a printer by trade, and
has had charge of a newspaper, in To-
ronto, called The Xlent World. Some
valuable gifts were made by the guests.
--(Brussels Poet. We beg to congratu-
late Mr. Lewis upon ")umping the
broomstick," and wish him every joy.
We worked side by side with him at the
"case'' on the old Toronto Telegraph,
in the •'sweet long ago," and he always
kept his syee .pen and month shut when
a "fat take" was on the "hook."
EMIR. intuit 5)11 along the said easterly limit
of the said town property, two hundred and
sixty (880) feet te the plea fif lemeinntag. the
said property suave described. comerieugbas
Ztimbre...1 from Ayr to twelve Iswl naive, of
itodiVirh nate. reserve WI prortimo at
A and B. %TWA (*sift and Tear
shall ofta to: isle. at j77 ,i18'. in the
tiOnr/f, Wile owe of eh. we Tan
The twentieth ay of A nem tribe Amit
12 of the clock. none.
Sheriff of Hume
Sheriff's Mee, Goiertek.
January Nan. MN. 1111.
TTIMERR goeslIek. Ong.
V Olitee&ebb's Mork. Sisestos st fiedie
and illeatiess draws onryeet
;e4riad simesel ONO
"Never milk while the row it eating
1. adjric• if • hoonlic 0011j,IPIniffM,
.TeAgine from thLtokfimeterl(
it weeld mc to- Ole int ;Sivisi
milk while the MIS IS (inn try
"go odic* andcriell.
M v
Church, nn Monday evening, by T. Mc- school, for several years, bit. received
Oillicuddy, of Goderich, in behalf of the , the appointment of Principal of the in- Leelialateve and salt Sega.
Monday School. The general hearing of I. Renton Model %lox's', at a sentry of $860 On the item 25 per cent. duty en
the subject was the formatinn of charac- I a year, and will enter upon his dutiee on salt bags Mr. Anglin objected to the
ter, and the requisite* necessary for a the 17th inst., if the Board here will re- clause ss a tax nn the farmers.
person to succeed in life, viz: pluck, • lease him from his present engagement. Mr Farrew claimed that the salt
patience and perseverance. The lecture While we are pleased ftt his good for- making industry was lengefehleg and
was well worth hearing, and was brim- tune. we are very sorry indeed to hese 1 $500,000 worth -of meatal !betides, eid it
About 2S car loads of steel rails have fel of interesting facts, nicely ennneet- him from our midst. Not only hes he was only fair to giye thisintralt" en -
arrived stCUntoroto by used in re -lay -
ed 'Pith ouitable aneedetets and melee- preyed himself one of the beat teacher, couragement to this hAustry.. •
ing tIte IA& fabdottieft, whisk 1.111 tions of poetry. Thne Strachan. Reeve ever engeged inside the wells of the Mr. Mike asked what was tip i014 of
smarme the „flea hoorooft fotstiom and of Grey, occupied the chair with his Clinton school, but he is young man the duty, end what would ipe nit *fee 7
00werich, with steel
1 meal mesa grace A choir under the who will he very much mined in Weill Sir Lennard Tilley said it was lathed irail*
leadership of Alex Sone/ten, Mus lir oircliie, and we speak the minde of • ed as a protectiott to the salt inseefer
The banking firm of McEwen. Duns- Me Jackson prekiding et the orgavi, ren- large number when we say his removal terms.
hod preyonee establishing ageaciee
dared SOMA choice andvery suitable eel- will be 1,NOI t41 the, town. A verbal Mr. moot. wonted' to what ee,gm
at Nelsonville and Pembina Crossing• ectiont of meal(' Very enmelimentary corer...realist of a very superior nrdet, .he the effect in;reletion to the price 1die
two ming towns ia the favored iistricta retotarks to the lecturer were made by the Literary Rociety will Ionise one of 6. article. hill 1r412 disliffsffire
trbt..tsePL;un, wedit, -I.V‘InnIP*Ii Tunes. Rowan Mown Wins she Ryan. After most shining light& a poet who has al- in which Sir Leoneol Tilley, Mr. Mee -
Mrs George Sheppard. mother of Mr. it i"..444 of thanks to Mr McGillicuddy, rowdy atie for himself a name and benyle l%owell, Mr. Hesse!' • and Mr
O Sheppard of the Huron bookstore. the (Asuman and (-hem this very M. fame, end we ran only eongreitiate the Farrow took part. resniting in state.
has Seen proetgated by a severe illness tereeding ettherteinment wee lir011fht Uc people of Ingersoll nn ha•lny aequireri mono; Steno moot" that the el,n h of whirls
daring the Tellet Week re' tar). IOW la a clew, everyone feeling well satisfie4 don aorrtees ef en orninentle wonromefid ithette Toler were etude wet ehervail defy,
reel week. Ind fav the peet ttay rem with the lecture Proeseele shout $21, and promising • e011114 man INtiar Ere. and that twos mole top and filled with
was holding her ow, with indiestions of fie Ine applied toward porerhersing Idea- Mr Taylor is worthy of all that the New salt CAMP HI free Th.' was s serious
improvement, ry foe the aehriel Re, hots said in Iii 15, r i1.11(1 T,,ra
disadvints,ye to toanufactorers
arbool Seardt. '
Regular meeting last Monday night.
Present -Messrs. Cribb, NiCholson,Fer-
guson, Pasinore, Swenson, Butler.
Accounts of iqtar. $1; News, $2 75;
and A Sands $87.45, for 33 cords of
wood at $2.66, were ordered to be paid.
Mr. Swanson was instructed to look
after repairs, etc., to St. Andrew's Ward
Ou motion of Mr. Nicholson, second-
ed by Mr. Swanion, the seat of Mr.
Megaw was declared vacant.
On motion of Mr. Swanson, seconded
by Mr. Nicholson, the Clerk was in-
structed to take the necessary steps after
the 10th inst., to elect a trustee for St.
Andrew's Ward in the place of Mr.
Megaw. At the euggution of Inspector
Miller, the Boort decided to re-engage
Mime Sleigh ea it was not certain whether
Miss Harries had succeeded at the Nor-
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