The Huron Signal, 1882-03-31, Page 8si
oU •
d 1
L ,
MOULDINGS, and every
Description of Intoner Finish.
A SpecieIty.o Send for Price
o Dilutes on applies
tion. r -o -Address
4 Un lerich.
East \Vawanush spring show will be
held at Belgrave un April 13th.
Over 100 head of Canadian cattle were
lost un the last trip to Liverpool of the
steamer Toronto.
Miss Kelly, organist of St. John's
church, Brussels, was last week present-
ed with a purse of $30.
Melting/ continue to be held in var-
ious parts of the Province of Quebec for
the purpose of protesting against the
railway policy of the Local Govern-
James Laidlaw, of Seaforth, has sold
his farts of 150 acres, at Calf Mountain,
Manitoba, for $5,000 cash, which origi-
nally coat hits $140.
Louie Asselstine, a carpenter, Na-
panee, fell to the ground, a distance yf
about ten feet, striking on his head and
inflicting injuries that terminated in his
"Living is dearer," we are told, and it
is probably true. It has been calculat-
ed that food Co its 3.9 per cent. more, and
clothing 1; per cent. more in 1881 than
it did in 1878. -(Monetary Tiiuua
Mr 1'. McKinnon, (formerly 0 Clin-
ton ldit;t School, has given up the ,iin-
cipalship 44f Portage la Prairie School,
anti •'•,:R• illi,. [l1'..• t•V (1 estate ',ltsine:a at
Wiuuip.. neat lir. .1. 11. McGregor.
He is -a t t'o hay; :mile I:ireely dorm,
the pro- ye tr.
Ellen .lrthurs, an 441.1 wo ii.tu' living
on Ion, street w,•=t, 'doronto,was intim'
dead its bed Smelly eight. When the
police ea:ered the place' they found a
atco:e:.ts_ c•ori -1.-1 by any
..:, .."-, o u.....: was the
cause of death,
Mew tae reyreaa a eI sae Mtel s sAeos
Literary aatertalemeat 1■ tIrI"rts NII
was tarried Mt.
Oa Friday evening pati the open liter-
ary contest under the atapioca of the
Goderich High School literary Society
was held in Victoria Hall, and was, be-
oyond question, the must successful en-
tertainment of the kind ever held in
this town. To say that the hall was
crowded, but faintly conveys to the mind
Nf the reader an idea 0 the audience
present- in fact, at an early hour the sale
of tickets at the door had to be stop
for lackstanding noon' inside. Mr.
Strang, Head Master of the High School,
occupied the position of chairman, and
introduced the several pieces with ap-
pruprjste remarks. The literary cons"
was between two sides led by Mr. R.
Miller and Mr. Fred Macdonald respect-
ively. The following is a synopsis of the
programme, as preseuted:-.
i-- -- --
*PART 1.
This part began with a recitation "The
Sailor Buys Dream," given very nicely
bey Miss K. Ball. The duet, "Hear me,
Noma," by Musses Meldrum and Jennie
Ferguson was excellently rendered, the
voice id Miss Ferguson forming a capital
lead. Mr. W. B. Dickson followed with
the "Death of Marmion," and exhibited
good powers of voice and action during
its delivery. "How Kate Shelley crossed
the Bridge" was given by Miss Minnie
Seegmiller in her best style. This
young lady has the happy knack of leav-
ing her stage fright in the dressing -room
when she appears on the boarda. The
grand chorus "Who killed Cock RAMC
with solos h Misses Jennie Ferguson,
Ellen Ralph, Angie Ferguson, Teenie
Meldruuh, E. Gibson, Mary Ferguson,
and Messrs. It. Miller and Alex. Dick-
son, was well received, and the extent of
the shroud tit the defunct red -breast,
to nc red b sae
and the size of the dish to catch his
iolood, created not it little merriment
'Cenuyatou a "Defence 0 Luoknow" was
excellently given by Mr. G. Weir, who
los.,essea a good voice, together with a
knowledge of its powers. The dialogue,
"Courtship under difliculties," by Messrs.
Miller and Aleck Dickson and Min Min-
uieS.,e;i lillei•wino. :it uliii,p i n the t• .tr3ute.
and woos fairly portrayed, but the facts
that one of thegentlententurned '"f;out"
instead of "to" the audience, and a per-
ceptible assistance fine the prompter ton
tine occasion, militate! omewhat against
a good score heir; ,worded for it. The
' sole '`One Day, was a little ,,...u. and
was feelingly sung by Miss Jennie Frr-
iuuson. Mr. "Jed Bro%vnin;l's
Criticism on Rubenstein," bre i_!.1 . own
the house, and one enthusiastic young
lady was heard to express regret that
she could not accord him 50 per cent.
above the maximum points allowed to
the judges•to figure on The instru-
mental solo, "The Witch's Dance,- pro-
ved Miss Robinson to be an accomplish-
ed pianist. The tablean 441 "Auld Rob•
in Gray" was next presented, and scenes
were shown from the time when Jam-
ie went away "to mak' a croon a
poen'," to the time when his "ghaist•'
came back to find his betrothed the
wife of Auld Robin Gray. The repre-
sentations of simple Scottish life were
well placed. Mr. J. Elliott personated
the aged father, Miss Lizzie Dickson the
mother, Miss Aleldrurn the maiden, Mr.
G. Weir, "Ja:nje," and , Mr. Aleck
Dickson could not be excelled as a re-
spectable, wall -preserved, but 'love -Leri
"Auld Robin Gray." The first part 0
the programme was brought' to a chose
by a beautiful. spectacular representa-
tion of the "Rock 0 Ages," in which
Miss Minnie Seegmiller appeared as
Faith clinging to the Cross. It was a
fine scene, and deserved the hearty en-
comiums which it received.
Kincardine March, 27. --Owing to the
heavy rains for thepast two days the.
Penitangore River flooded 'Williams-
burg, overduoding Coombe eC Baird's
dant. Shortly afterwards the corpor-
ation pier, built to protect the Queen
street bridge, was washed out, f.ollow•ed
immediately by the dam, 0 toe City
Mills, owned by J. Davidson, of 1'oron
to. '!'ire loss is estimated at $10;000.
The appeal 0 young Chute, the
Houghton school teacher convicted last
December of indecent assault on a pupil,
his been heard, and the judgment first
-given has been sustained. and Chute has
arrived at the Central Prison frutn Sim-
coe. He is to receive in addition to his
imprisonment forty lashes; twenty at
present, and the balance within three
woeka, or just as soon as he gets healed
• after his first lashing.
Mr. Marling's successor, Mr. • J. E.
Hodgson, B. A., Toronto University, at
present Principal of Brantford Colle-
giate Institute, and for six years Princi-
pal of St. Mary's Institute, has been ap-
pointed to the High School Inspector-
ship vacated -by the lamented death of
Mr. Marling. Mr. Jas. Francis White,
' of Trenton, holder of a First -clads Orade
A Public School teacher's certificate and
a Public School Inspector's. certificate,
has been appointed to the Inspectorship
of Roman Catholic Separate Schools
sanctioned by the Legislature last ses-
sion. Tho chief duty belonging to the
new office was formerly discharged by
the High School Inspectors, when three
in number, instead 0 two, as at present.
Mr. J. W. Kerr, , Fishery Inspector,
has just returned from Niagara, and re-
ports that a very large number of stur-
geon is being taken out if Lake Onta-
rio at that point. One particularly large
fish was caught last week by Mr. Robert
Taylor, a fisherman, on a night line. It
weighed 150 1wiunds. The sturgeon wan
8 feet long and was caught with a large
fishing hook. Mr. Taylor weighs 132
pounds himself, and succeeded in land-
n:g the tisk alone. The length of the
skiff in which it was brought into the
town of Niagara was 16 fest. When
dressed it weighed 71 pounds; the head
weighed 31, the fat weighed 29,the skin,
fins and entrails art. The fish was sold
in Buffalo, N. Y., at 51e. per lb., realiz-
ing 83.90.
A most extraordinary scene was wit-
nessed at the office Pollan Pelltt Osler,
tirukera, Toronto, un tie 28th inst.,
when the atoek books of the Ontario and
Quebec QAppelle Land Company were
opened. Fire hundred men fought for
fully fifteen minutes like so many wild
beasts to got their names down for the
$100,000 stuck allotted to the company.
The police had to be called in, but they
were powerless to keep the crowd quiet.
Tables were overturned, aeveral hundred
dollars of plate -glass broken, and pan-
demonium rigned supremo. The books
had to be closed for fear the people
would murder each other. The scene
was simply frightful.
S, A1.1,RD ro DEATH. -On Friday even-
ing last Hannah, a six year old dangb-
ter of Mr. Agnew, employed as section
man on the Wellington, (trey i Bruce
Railway at 'Kincardine, alone with her
little sister was experimenting as to how
far she could place her mouth over the
Spon+ of a tea kettle eontaing lolling
water. The sister alio is two years the
elder, did the dangqerone feat without
hallo, but when Hannah placed her
nnouth over the spout sue drew in her
breath inhaling a quantity.of steam and
drinking some of the boiling lignil.
The agony of the child was intense.
Dr. Walden was sent for, and nn his ar-
rival he found the child's mouth blister-
ed and that congestion of the lungs cans -
ed by inhaling steam had already set in.
Allthat medical science rood(' do to
alleviate the sufferings of the child was
employed. She lingered till Sunday
about noon when death In -might relief.
The *hone melancholy affair should be a
warning to children, and should remind
parents' of their duty warn their little
ones of the danger incurred in playing
with vessels r••aitsining boiling water -
Adauison and Cul. Ions, M. P. 1'., were
then requested by the chairman to give
their declass', which was done through
OoBous,, sad was favorable to Part I1.
ase ki 4 the "intern was shown
*Ike saprisatad tigurw of each of the
Adieu, who soured independently of each
other: Cul. 13.4ma figures ware 70 against
69; Mr. (;am'us'e 80 against 84; and
Mr. Adauuon's, 81 against 791
A vote of ahaks wasthen tendered
the judges by M ears. R. Miller and Y.
Macdonald, the espeetive eaptaitu, and,
proceedings or ceexdin•s 1mutated
Over 1170 were takerat the door, end
financially *s well as tel'lectually the
entertainment was outs success.
commenced with the tal,,leau, "Count
Cagli,stro's Magic Mirror," a couple -id
very tine scenes, taken part in by Misses
Start and Williams and Messrs Shan-
non, Duncan and \Vil1 Hutchison. The
effects were good, but in one 0 the
personator/ an incongruity appear-
ed in a blonde coinplexion and light
hair, and a moustache as black as
the Shadow of Night. The in-
strumental solo, "Selections from Mar-
tha,'' by Miss Hattie Price, was sweet
and breezy, and w•as considered by many
to bo the instrumental piece of the even-
ing. bliss ('rice is an expert iustrmuen-
Monday the 3rd April, is the next
regular meeting of the Maccabees
Rneovaaiso. -- Mr. Jas. Long, who
received some injuries on the ankle, by
the upsetting of a load of rails, is new
able to be around by the aid of a stick-
sos -Captaino
las . Au. McNtll ugh, of
Detroit, who haa been visiting his friends
Mr. M. J. Miller here, has returned
home this week. Mr. \Vm. Robertson
has been off attending the Grand Lodge
of the Macabees this Meek, held in Ham-
ilton. Mr. Peter Cantelun paid a. flying
visit here this week.
Mtaurah. --The Beniniller ailver cor-
net bated has purchased the large circle
E -teat Lissa from I'rufesstor Fetzer, of
Seaforth, formerly of Goderich fur the
neat sum of -$31
E,.TRRPLIMan.-Benutiller is about to
have a millinery and dreunutking estab-
lishment started in the shop adjoining
Mrs. Johns dwelling.
N kelesate Escape From tae Detroit .rail o■
Saturday Shane.
DETRoiT, March 27.- Satur.iay even-
ing thre was a wholesale delivery at the
county jail, 13 prime:era having gained
liberty oy sawing a bar in the hrat win-
dow of ward No. 1- The prisoners t c-
cupyiug this ward who escaped were as
follows: Minnit Marx, charged with rob•
bing the First National bank, who had
been in jail for nearly a year; Adolph
Liease, awaiting trr.►1 in the recorder's
court for the murder of Henry Kam -
mon on new year's et e: J..liii Proctor,
a noteri'ue ex -convict, seek, was arrested
a few Melds since foie breaking into
• Hammel a saloon and stealing cigars;
Harry Floyd, a desptratia, who shot at
' Patrolman \%Nipple um Sunday last;
George Ellts•-.atiiae•,t 440 l..r.tvty;
JamesStanton, .•1.:nnvtt•1, wain con
victed its Wayne circuite court test week
0 safe bluwiug at \Vayre: \Vet. Daily,
charged with the robbery of Miltoon H.
Butler at the \Vs.4ward avenue railway
crossing last fall, and awaiting trial in
the recorder's court: Louts Gagnion,
charged with robbery; August Richard's,
convicted . i attempted rape; Frank
' Reynolds citar:ed with forgery, awaiting
sentence; Ge... Aikens, . colored) convict-
ed of larceny, awaiting sentence; Thos.'
Fox (colored), convicted of lar eny and
Lwaiting sentence.
Just before Turnkey Edmunds and
Ni ht Watchman Renton went up stairs
to lock the prisoners in the wards on the
upper floors in their cells for the night.
While the lar„ king til, was peeing dune up
stairs Herman Lupka, a young man who
is employed as assistant watchman, and
the -,engineer were down stairs is the
office. Edmunds and Benton had been
tip stairs only a few minutes when
Dupka heard the heavy jail gate shut.
He went to the dour to see who had
passed nut of the yard- He tried to
open the door leading into the yard .on
the street side and found it fastened.
He ran back into the office to get a re-
volver, and at the same time raising an
alarm. Sheriff Clippers lied just learn-
ed that the birds had down- In the
first :window was an opening and only
two prisoners remained. 'floe opening
made was eleven inehea 1,igh and four-
teen inches wide- There was luund a
piece of broom handle which had been
colored with shoeblacking, and put .in
place of the that had been cut in or-
der to avoid detection. There have
jail deliveries within the past eight
month,, the previous one axing in Au
gust last. Four or five persons escaped
at that time• and only one uf'the num-
taliet, and bids fair to take her place ber was recaptured.
with the musical celebrities of the town
at no distant day• Mr. Perrie's recita- LeasR11e1r . Fa,weral.
tion, "The Elder's visit to the Theatre," On Sunday aha reuh.ins "of the poet
The expenses of 'rurtiberry tuwuahip
for the past year ware about 61t,000.
Mn. Maw,saner husband was killed
,rt nue of the vomits) reads near Torino
to, gaited a Yeltllet 411 43,($), t;taitist the
tuwuahip of Eine.
A friun of r.,, 4:0tield ..t, retsriv-
WI it lour fi•.ut tier se ti.,, ort , he au-
Hoysncu a sutlers fro art paohahers of
biographies and portraits ..f (faririd and
Thu Judge Adv,Rtate ,.. r o1 lits sub-
mitted a report too the U. S. Necretary of
War holding that Ma+r,nis nut lawfully
confined, and that the pnouedings of
the court-martial are invalid.
was capitally rendered, and smacked of were buried at Cambridge, Ma•t. lone
guileless rusticity blended wrth canna but relatites and posse friends were 9•.es-
ent. .\+o .ng the Ixacr weae Oliver
tVeudell Holmes, Ralph \Veld", Ewer -
eon, \\. D. Howeila, Cr..nrun Alcott,
}tickle! 11. Dana, John G. Whittier,
Louis A ass.z, Gro. Win. Curt/, and
Professors \erten and Llouti- The cas-
ket was (so toed, with Neck broadcloth
and aoolly ut:oruaioeuted Sara by a
silver !.late, which b' -re the inscrip-
"HENn1- W ori y.uaTH L4, "r4L1,.w,
Born Febrcaty _'7th, 1b07. Died March
• 24th, 1862:-
86'2: 'The floral decoration of the casket
consisted of a (handful of passion A..wers.
The face of tbo deceased wore a peaceful
eapte•.sinn, and disclosed no sign that
death was painful- The services were
brief and impressive. They -were con-
ducted by the Rev- Samuel Longfelletw,
0 Portland, bn,ther of the- post. The
remains were deposited in the family
vault at Mount Attbera. There were no
services at the grave. Public memorial
svard t'o,ll
ervices wereyc.
e held in the chapel at Har -
1 115ta. The character seas
presented true to. life, and so natural
that it was hard to believe that Mr.
I'errie was not really and truly the "el-
der" whose peculiarities he delineated
"Music on the 11'aves," a duet by Misses
Cook and Williams was played in good
taste. The "Old Man s',•es to School.' a
reading by Miss Oliver, was a quaint
piece --a link between the past and the
present -- and was excellently read. Miss
Oliver possesses a clear voice, a good
platform a11tearar,ce, and complete con-
trol of her powers when before an au-
dience. "Thaddy Delaney and theCen-
sus," was a mirth -provoking Irish recita-
tion by Mr..1. Weir, and elicited roars of
laughter front the audience, irrespective
of nationality. "The Little Maid of Ar-
.•adoe," sung by Miss Carrie Williams
was well received. Miss Maggie Came-
ron recited "Virginia,- in a creditable
manner. She exhibited nervousness at
the beginning. end was a little rapid, but
finally ech.•oled herself to the situation,
and ended in good style. An instru-
mental duet, "Qni rive (Islip, by
Misses Start and Williams was a pretty
piece,nicely played. ed. Mise Maud Start
recited "Dermott of Ci,lwtwine,'• in
her usual manner. and reoeive l a
hearty round of applanse. The pro-
gramme was brought to a elope by the
presentation, in tabtean, ofan "Eastern
Slave Mart,'- in which Misses Hattie
Price, Jennie Cooke, Carrie Williams,
Maggio Cameron, and Oliver, and Meters
Shannon Sheppard. Duncan, Weir,
Henderson, Perris, and Hn,chtaon took
part. Turks, Greeks and Albanians were
represented, the central figure being Miss
Oliver on the sale block, with eager,
anxious kidders nigh. It wooeld be al-
most impossible no Clive anything but a
mere outline of this beautiful realiatsc
THIS Jt -Dors' inar'Mtnr.
The judges, Messrs J. T Ostrow. P.
('4 Pt led L. - - ♦tr,tAne,uOr.,
SURPLUS, - - - • Is,•,uto,•w,
Goderich Branch.
(, R. DUNBPORD, - • -
Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter
,fcredit and circa -r mutes iss:d
.. payable
lar all parts ut the worid. 1751.
TraeeUlaa YaMr.
Pam. Eaten. Mud
Goderi. h.Lv 7.30sui 1t0eptu 3-13pm ILOWui
Seaforth 7.50" " Li) - 1430 "
St ratford. A r 8.164un 1.13pni 6.30v us 1.00"
Nam. l6soe. Mla•d. Mild.
Ieratterd.Lv 1.111ao.LAI*, 16 "t .aOpuo
raforth. . L11 " asiei • - 1. 5.10
uderieh.Ar 1.1ywak,1.Plein •7•IAptn
tiR1t:1T 1 HN.
E R rilYl) Exp'e.
Clinton truing north. Al.} aas ..Eppel t.tl5po
" tiolaC south 3. fr Lt sin 7.11
l.ucknoss Stars IdaUyl err. 10.15aui dip ppm
Kluerntine '• 11IO at " Tam
lirnmiticr'• Itvedneedp tied
Satartier i Tea 11.001111.1 9.1
The Pruvutcwl G..vuruuoeut has ap-
p .luted Mr. . A. Grange, id t luulph,
Veterinary Inspector foss the County of
Wellington, ant Mr. 11.vid Maclopesh
to a similar position fur Si.uth Huron.
The date of the corunaoowi of the
Czar of Russia lu,s been' put task so as
not to take p • olace at the •.t ,
t .0 as the
Moscow Exhibition. A exams he is 1011
foot to enroll a number of the inhabi-
tants to act as constables during the cor-
An exchange says fashionable young
people are calling upon somebody to in-
vent :t new lance. Sapped° "somebody'
invents one wherein the young lady
dances :wound the !rouse and helps he
mother to do a little ho 1sewo. k -how
would that step take !,
John Lair 1, mie of the indicted Blue
Cut train robbers, has tends a confess-
ion. He s..ys seven boys were with the
old gang led by Jesse Jame.. All ap-
pointuient was rustle to meet within a
week and divide the pleader, but be-
fore that the boys were jailed.
The Russian Charge d' Affairsat Wash-
ington has returned the resolutions seat
him to be presented to the Czar by citi-
zens of Philadelphia at a mass meeting,
protesting against Jewish outrages to
Russia, saying he could not receive
them because 0 their language.
A few days since- six negro convicts
! escaped from a gang working fur the
Texas Pacil:e Radioed at Big Springs,
killing the guard They robbed the
camp, and secured arms, rations and
civilians clothing. Two made their way
safely, to Mexico. Thu other four
travelled east, pursued by rangers, who
killed two on Saturday and captured the
An -aged man applied at an express of-
fice in Chicago to be sent in, a box to
Boston. He had made a box With slats
en the sides, and found that, with him -
and his food it would weigh 200 pounds
1011 which the charges to Boston and back
would be about 510. When told that
his plan for cheaply visiting his Iainily
was impracticable he wept mud pleaded
When Jumbo arrived in Loudon front
I;'aris, 17 years ago, he was nut more
than four feet high. Ile' is new over
eleven feet, and is expected to attain
nine inches more by the age, about 3.2,
that he stops growing. The first record
of an elephant in Englund was of one
brought thither by Cesar in 54 B.C. In
1258 the King of France presented one
to Henry Ill.
Goon COLT SOLD. -Mr. John Mason
of Hallett, has sold itis colt "Time u'
Day" fur the sum of 81,30' to Mesara.
ColtpcLouu & Dow, of Hibbert. He
hasalsorefused $2,000 for bis "Bore-
land Chief," which is considered one of
the best stuck horses that ever cause to
this part. The public should give hien a
good Support for 'keeping such it valuable
horse fur their services, such men de-
serve great praise, for the public are re-
ceiving a good reward from their import -
41,41 O• ..,.... - ' -.
To the Rowe of Rspreeentativi s r -t
Waal in trima ressintion was introduce 1
by the Ht.n. These. M. Ryan...f; Penn-
sylvania, frit asgntiatiens (,or an midi -
florist treaty with Great Britain. provid-
ing for the extradition of criminals not
estraditabie wader existing treaties.
It es reported that Mr. M. (west., for-
merly of Morns, who went west several
years ago, has sold bit tans in Manitoba
for $30,000. and purposes returning to
H urea to node.
The body of Frank fall, eat executed
msndesurLw ee takes to the house d his
stmt M Pittsburg Mss. Zdley charg-
ed 26 needs ado massa to all desiring to
see the body. She was paid for six or
seven hon,y by a ..ns last stream of peo-
ple, and a large ems seas thus realised.
The authorities stepped the eshihkfor
f'uoi up ttoyiful, - - $6,000,004.4
Rest, - - 81,41.4400u,
/'rr.v i,2e nl, - t11./:.: rVj . MeitdST?Jt•
General Manager, - 7f" •, n.+v
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MIANA•1sa.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a
the prin. teal '1'uwns and Cities in Canada
t;r,at Itritaiu and the United Stags. bough
and sold.
A Ivan•eeto Farmers on Notes, watt tine o
mare endorsers, without mortgage. 1753
$6 ,' a week in your own town. Terms and
J1rrU VV )t outfit tree. Address 11. i1.tLLerT dr,
Co. Portland Maine
URITI$H ASS. (.'O't', T10tsuaro- Lteblisks
PHUCNIX INS. C'(Y% of Lo5uoa ILYtalaadl-
Established 1.18:.
--Established 1510 -
Risks taken to the also a first -clam °Tees, at
the lowest rates by 1101tAl'E HORTON.
The undersigned 1s also .tppralirr for the
Tuaoa ro.
Money to Loan on first- lass security. rem
7 to 8 per Cent.- Charges moderate., .
Goderich Sept. 10. 13811.
ilk -1K ••tiA :.' 7 --; 7 't! -1.1 -'e,. 't!i.S '(LS jiff- Jif►- .-,1-!,- 't' -0.- ;qv-
ra - " ..1 -1LS
,i: eel^ >•
.4,4/"..4,K .er.iez sem:. - s. yT _ : -.r: :- ,i,.. to- sta. 'M - VILA*. 104/.. 1s. =1t_
+'t /UPRISING - -
P.1.1 ELS,
and an er.d:,o eariety of cheaper lel era.
TVe Lar esl Sloc West of Toroolo
Holt -At the Rectory„Oodcrieh, uu the 30t1i
butt., the wife of Mr. Philip Bolt, barrister.
ofason. Having bought theat•o-,k of Mr. Woodlouse, at a very low late ..n the ,Lollar
At St.Stephen'd parsonage, on the 25th inst., I ars in a position to sell at priers which will suit everyone.
the 'wife of Rev. C. K. Matthews of a son.
Smith --in, on the 21st inst., the
wife of Mr. Geo. Smith. of a son.
Johastun--Iu Aber:lecu Dakota, on the 25th
inst., tha wit.: of .Mr. W. 1.. J,hnSro-i. of a
daughter. iris ` ect10/.L. Irivited !
Driver •ohn..lon [n Fardwlch, on the .,rd
inst., Mr, John Driver. of Nelsonville lased-
toba, to Miss .lnu Jane Jahniten, of Feel
CRev. ' owls -Oar Mr. Janhi ('a by' the JAMES
Rev. Ii. i ,Leitch. Sac. James ('sear of the MTown+hip of Ashfle a to biose Elizat eatFowler, of 'We * \Waw-anoah.
Hackett- L. Ashfield, uti Starch 111th. Ellen
1Iacko•a, beloved wife of tusep'i Hackett,
age 1 P7 years and 2 months.
Shepliard-On the twanlieth Inst., Edith
Maud Shepherd. all,d , s months and nine
dao: , .eorrod daughter ,,.` t'apt A. M. .Shep-
herd, of Gudcrieb. '
Trn.lo• Afar,:. Thgi,ferrd.
Ih'. ra-mal observation, we find all land
spci•ulators Lave a clear hero[ and watch the
ma and downs of property, this making
large fortunes. But the whole secret is. they
keep the system in a healthy eondition t.y the
mss of
tl-r ran seely say that hundreds come t4 M
for the groat lung and blood rifr berme;
g.ling west. Read the f
We could give thowtand, the toasts kM N
it were ncceseary.
"1 certify that 1 was troubled with ('atartik
in the heart gathering of phlegm la the/bran
choking and combing at night far i
roam not sleep, often troubled with
Het feelings, pains in the cheat
After giving kendreda of dollar's M
and giving tip all hopes, 1 trill the tINN or
ryln V A*.LRy, and am now able to do my work
after seven year's slekne•w,"
MRA..lAma; McNE11.
J)2 Simeoe Street, i.nnlon. Ont.
"The ett.nv.• stalsrnentjof my wife's is oor-
.dAslsut McNutt.
For sale by all dr tggiala, nanefse
Prof. A. M Shrteveoet Landers, Ont.
MT20 eta; flue for $lap. Out be 1111
h of the hollowing drta*iats• astir
Bs 4. Jas. ar/laew. P. J"ttie. 491941,4r..
• !'..SI)1;
T.. 7_ MCC.= -10 sE,
Begs too announce to the people of I ,;!demi' and this section of Huron, that he has
purchased froppl Mr. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will
c,lntinue the beainess in the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets
Having bought the goods for cash. and as 1 intend to make all my purchases frons
wholeaale teen for cash also. r will he in a position to sell at
Very Low Pricea for Cash.
My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the beet brands of teas, good sugars.
and everything in the grocery line from the beat producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats',
etc., always on hand in *mann. I am determined to please, both in quality and price.
on -Call at the stand, Victoria street. opposite the Fair Grnund, near D. K.
Strachan'b machine shop.
Goderich. March 9th, 1892.
D swiFT.
' =o Weca.c1u2?
Beg to announce to the Public that they have opened busyness in the above Step
I in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having pmrchnied a large and
1well assorted stock of Spring and Sntnmer Gods at clow hgnrea, we are deto•rr r,•,1
to ire the Puhlicothe ben
ra"Pleaae call and examine our woods before purchsasng elsewhere
JUPi'.tNar the ,lace, next door to .l Wilson's Drug Store.
>fI111o0111a1air workwill receive mar special attention.
-tr'*ase bet the heat of materia) need and first-class workmen ernploov
fr"1Raap irtng neatly sone nn the shortest notice
Goderich. March i (182 DOWNING & W E D D U P
G Ic
• G
C. fas
ansa I
tD C
at 8 pe
- U
at lows
to GAF
iII iii
lend int
cenly, 1
to f (7d
t. -rest.
N. 1i. 1
if title
yin•/. 1
Farm P
er. e►T
lam. IA
into Us
lege of 1
I WipnslH
on Brie
j, (i
1-L cd
Jail, wt
e as:
es Newt
W. i
klppis AIM I