The Huron Signal, 1882-03-31, Page 5.3 fin- .r...r.,e`a•pat'►' 1 . 4 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 188t islosisk r. Asp. 11,. Imo, &hu id, td ilk. Bayfield Read. w presented wi fou :aloes Ey two of his .ewe w y la.;. Prob- fie. Salmons. Mr. Hues Loyd, u4 Howiek, 1ue j mid ►i. fern of 100 aor s to Mr J Ham the . of Howiek, hlr win .if Mr. James Trimble, el Hetrick, les sold his hers of 50 awes to Mr. Alex. F-Indlater, uI Hawick, fur the suet of ' $2,000. Mleraosoutax.—aht•p binds now , adorn the windows of our P.O. more, and it now looks quite city like .w the i seventh day. A little of their "tonic" in sulphur is now administered by our siolekounnitt.e in curing the miles. Miss Dalton, of Kintail, aid Muss Quaid,of Port Albert, are visiting friends hen. I! Ieebnsa• BITIIIT Dave ass Consd.--Onoe mon our Farman an puking around. The fences, win and field fences will take up their attention for the next fortnight. ,• Nsw Faces. -Mr. John Horton and family took up there residence here last 1 week, un the tarso of late Hillary Hor- ton, whish be has purehaseti. Before leaving his old home in Godericlt town- ship, his neighbors and friends present- ed him with a Bible and album. We give him and family • cordial welcome amongst us. ..*..oust Repast, Ktate of the *wither fur the week I 1 ending March 98th, 1882. Mar.h 22nd -Wiwi at 10 p.m. N. W. fresh, clear, frost. No. of miles wind travelled u..4 hours 767. Snow flur- ries durut{ the day. Amount of snOw- fall 1 inch. 23rd -N ind at 10 p. tn. N. W., rt gale, scow flurries, float. No. of WUei wino travelled in 24 hours 723. 24th -Wind at 10 p. in. N. W., light, cloudy, frost. N•.. of mile* wind travelled in 24 hours 8225. bnnw lur- ties during the day. 95th -Wind at 10 p. ta. 8. E , fresh, elosly, trot. No, of miles wind travel- led in 24 hours 290. Snow and .lett during the night. 20th -Wind at 10 p. m. S. E., !tight, showery, began to i i.. et 7 of miles wind tray.11a..n 24 hours 433. 27th- Wind at 10 p. u.. N. W., mode- r.tt• Kale, cloudy, frost. Nu. of miles wind too/eV/id iu 24 hours 720. Ceased raining at 1 p. m., amount of minted! 7.5 cubic inches. 28th- Wind at 10 p. m. S. fresh. Sieg, fruit. Corona luau. No. of miles win' travelled in 94 hours 578. CI. Y. M setios.tLI, Observer. Go.lrtiett, Mara .29th, 188:... Fever ant dysentetey ire ni.tking great h•tvoc with the employees on the Pana- ma canal. Sever new treaties for its neutrality are proposed. Rohner ill•. Mr. Picard, of this place, is about building a new stable with a stoue foun.l ation. 80 much for Hulmesville. Mr. J. Holland is erecting a new fence in front of part of his plat.., which will make a great addition to the looks of it. Mr. Thomas Elliott hu returned from Dr. .•..► He says the snow is fuer feet .teet, there. and snowing yet. ilurrali for uta io. V. r. Wittingham is 111.,11ne to his lir . •.laczton the the 11th c.,n. from his late teeidence on the Hume road. We wish him success in his new home. Daturas. Pummel_- Mies C. Morris, of Mor- risdale, left home Wt Saturday for a three mouths' visit to friends in Buffalo. Our mariners are preparing to tread the decd on the raging deep again. Lyman Morris will sail with Capt. Shepherd, and Captains A. Bogie and James Green have left to take charge of their ramie. Hoassvnsan. -Since the recent weigh- ing of horses at Dunlop, Mr. Joseph Morrie has weighed his fine span, ane now challenges Mr. J. 0. Stewart or any other man in the township, to pro- duce a span that will kick the Seam at a greater weight. The challenge is good for a wager or for fun, before spring work commences. Barran Yr:. -Tall sawing and chop- ping feats are continually cropping up. It is now claimed that the time of Strong & Gibbs has been beaten by twelve minutes, and that of -Thompson & Bogie. by two minutes, by the work of Jas. Cousins jr., of Bull Run Avenue, and R. Morrow. jr., of Turkey Line. How- ever, the public are getting anxious to see some of these gentlemen do their work where everybody'c•n see them. >l ,budge. Oarrvaay.-Not a few of our readers will be pained to learn of the sudden death of Mr. Patrick O'Keefe, of Ash - fields which took place at the residence of Mr. Michael Cray, of Godertch, on the 10th of March. About three months sine, he went on a trip t, the States, and remained in Indiana for a time, where he received a seven cold, which resulted in inflammation of the lungs. At the first stage of the disease, he started for his home, and reached Goderich, where the best medical aid was procured for him. But the disease had acquired too great hold of hia con- stitution to be shaken off, and, gradual- ly he bsoame weaker and weaker. until death finally terminated his sufferings. Before death, he received the last sacra- ments of the Church from the Rev. Father Watters, pastor of St. Peter'.. Mr. O'Keefe was a native of the County Kerry, Inland. He came to this coun- try about thirty years ago. Consequent- ly, he had to undergo the hardships and privations of a pioneer's life in hewing outs home for himself and family in the forests of Ashfield. He had just at- tained theof fifty years. He was a matt _aorta man, and his influence was always or good. His excellent abili- ties, genial and kindly nature, and,above all, his high sena of honor and good charaMee, made him respected and es- teemed by the entire community. His remains Are brought home to his be- reaved family at Kingsbridtrs, and from. thence to the Roman Catholic cemetery, folloVid by a lage concourse of people, when Requiem High Maas was sung by the Rev. Father Beausang, who alio {ed at the burial. He leaves a iib apltd tan phildten to mourn his irre- pare May kis Mal rest in pease - Debtor* with metion, bet act with dss oo' ; alhd yield with gr eiosienees or oppose wit fireman 1111111•1111c pllesr: Puss .bib Barley., b.gi • b...., • Illosbeeleh =whale. Oassarc.. Marsh IR 10111. I ill II1 lb eb ► b ..::. `I IRO I I Ise .. •W 011 1041 71 •ton .. ......... .. 1 A 14 M •a.. •lI w eM • dos. I.packall ........ :til .111 •cwt ................» 1M tl 1• (/ewe ........,......... 071 OR T•cwt.................... " • sai Sin 1.' 'imM S111.o '.CM BRAZIL. ) The New Compo!:r.l, is vt'or- derhll affinity to f..o Li *citivs Apparatus and the Live ; ,iac:oas- i Ing the dissolving Juices, ling almost instantly the aditl malts ofDpspe ia, Indi oz, and the TORPID LIVER, es Zopesa an every day necessity in every house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache. Dist: css aF ter Eating,Wind on the St.'_nach. Heartburn, Pains in the Sicie and Back, Want olAppetite. Want of linezgy Low Spirits, Foal Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to your Drugedst and gat a 10 cent Sample ora bottle for 75 cents, sad tall Boar neighbor about it. 2-1c)!. FOR o , MANITOBA Arrangements have, been made by the Great Western Railway, to run special excur- sion trains through to Mani- toba and .Dakota without change of cars, in charge of a special agent. The first Ex- cursion leaves the line of the London Huron and Bruce Railway, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st, to be followed by an Excursion every Wednes- day during March and April. Baggage checked through. For all information as to fares or freight rates apply person- ally or by letter to GEO. B. JOHNSTON Special Agent Great Western Railway 1 Goderich, Ont. Godericb. Jan. 12 1852.. .t21 -3m Mack's Magnetic Medicine 1 Is a Sure. Prompt and Etlbcttal Remedy for Nervous/yes In all da stapra, Weak Memory, loss ofBrain Power. Se.waf Prostration. N(ghl v, its, Sperwtatorrhew, limn toed Weak- ness wad General Leas of Power. It remits Nereotes Waste, Rejuvenates the JadedMel- krt. strengthen the isfeeloied Brain, and Re- stores Hutpr(,(na nue and Flyer to Ike Re - hooded Ges.raUee Orpsas. The experience of thotmands proves it an Ixvimesm5 Ratt- any. The medicine H pleasant to tea taste. and each box contains snMelent for two week's medication. and is the cheapest and test. OFull particulars In onr pamphlet, which we dewire to Trail dee to any address. Rest .11.gwtUe nearest is said by Drug- gist.' at N rte. per box. or 1e hoses for Pk or will be mailed tree of postage. on receipt of the money. byaddreselag IMAMS 111/1.1111114C *OKT11E t... Indoor. Ont., (`sande. Rota in O.derleb.sy *MEM WRstll. and .a Drearrlsie.v vwbeea IM ty 1862 -MANITOBA --1832. SPECIAL IICBRSIORS. THE GRAND TRi'NE RAILWAY Its. camped for s series of (edea. I"iakta& wad ami*hart" if iait withseems out rammerroe 1s 7Th tasr (.stns w111 eomnwer M res about= of Marr► who M grays ag tw leo NoWiweet hoar in al ihst the Arend Tvaek Ia abw setae. et and Mat ses, having as Independent lire tw Chkagn, thus avotates ail.netelaity he uneaten ..1 tedious r and this year e#nties to the tea rg polite onM.aWll d say 111 i' h other read. evoll relgwwd w ', have awash passion le fsrntehing every Inter.atka ss 1sr.a t Wive* bsgg.g t w ' sad Mve Mese to all parts d Malaria and al animist. so du- tiable s e ed tbenegb to 1dasttarsles. F leu ,saps !a. hes raw a1Mll J.11'rn Agri( O. et H etasai.e 'melt(( Meet lila. £382 -SPRING -1882 0111! Spriii Importations aro ow i Stock, ern- Eveiy DepaiLiment is Now Complete. COLBORNE BROS. It .fords us pleasure, through this Oircular, to thank our numerous Customers for the very liberal patronage extended to us during the two and a half years which we have been in business. Our sales are -increasing daily, a sufficient proof that we do our business right, and give our customers good value for their money. Our Spring Goods aro now all in stock, and present a oompletenees far in advance of anything we have shown before. To meet the growing requirements of our business, our purchases have been larger than heretofore in every department.' We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the Kew Designs, Our 10 Ct. Linc is Great Value. DRESS GOODS Lt Cre:.t Variety, in plain all wools, watered, brocaded and checked, from 12:tc. In Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Competition 5 SPRING OPENING Miss WILKINSON Respectfully annoinoes to the ladies of Goderieh and vi Nnity, that bee spring opening wLl take place on Saturday, April 8th. She. will be happy to see as many of the Ladles as can make It convenient to visit the establishment on that day, and hopes to be able to show the TIIE LATEST STYLES IN MILLINEIIY. N. B.- -Just received, the newest things In Fri nch and American goods. Miss Wiikirisori. CHICAGO l OEVSE, GO!-)I:RICI1. Ari flesigns ifl Wall Papers. We are showing a Large range of Cotton., Linens, Shirting,, Ducks, Denims, Union 'Now is the time. if you wish one or two nice romps at home. to see Butler'+ room papers. Tweeds, All -Wool Tweeds and Coatings. He has over Silks and Satins, Plain and Watered, 20,000 Rolls of the Latest .Designs, LN BLACK AND COLORS. Beautiful colors, and at prices leas than very much Inferior goods. ('a;1 emi :, a them, they are the Bost value in town, and must be Bold. IN SELL Wino on STOCK IS VIRT COMPLETE ' hC Lit S PAI P11.1011S <1)d Fashialls, *PARASOLS., HOSIERY & GLOVES At TI 'S_ SPLENDIL VALUE. CLOTHING MADE .TO ORDER. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs 001013:30RN= MRCS-, 1832 GODERICH. should hare a copy of the LIFE AND LECTURES OF HON. GEO. BROWN, edited by HON_ A_ MACKENZIE- Ready for delivery is a few days. Orders takes by HURON SCILOOL BOOK DEPOT, GODERICH. SEEDS FOR 1882. Thanking the public for;oast favors 1 take pleasure instating that 1 hove on hand a BETTER STOCK THAN E R of choice Wheat, Barley. Peas. Oats, Clover and Timothy, Pea Vine Clover. Milks Lucerne and Lawn Gnaw. IMPORTED BLACK OATS A 4r,t class assortment of FIELD, GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS selected with great care from the beet seed honer. in the country. COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN. The beat field corn yet Introduced. NEW POT.A TOMB WHITE ROSE, ST. PATRICK. and WHiTE ELEPHANT. Also a varieties. .election of .11 other CARTER'S MAMMOTH MANGOLDS The beet and heaviest cropper grown. N. B. -Thorough cultivation and good seed taseres success in tanning. 1t you want way of the above, i have them all genuine. JAMES McNAIR. 1W, Hamilton 41. The Great Cleansing Fluid. MRS. WARNOCK Hae great pleasure In announcing te ber easy Mende sed pattoes to (Iad.r1.► and v t that she has second the stole right ssi privilege to staantacture and ssU DR. LUCYAN'S CLEAItSII1G & RENOVATING j thiggFLU.dI D, r ytht tg sed evsrythl.ggrease , hum the Ems* fiabrtc is oke e..rs.Rt nor*. Ne ar If tM goods have been s.IwatM with .11. gor dirt of aay kind. It can. Ger a trimsgrewng rest, be trade to book as es new. it ele..e all &mills wttbovt e tot eater. that would be drtlnofed try the tree et water. No .std to wand to Toronto or eat whore ales to havee.r feathers elea ed and ,a peek earliest when It ear. he done for ,leas than kalif at ita WA44OCX4 Millinery rs Mabiletbmeat on Hs.11tos *1...d a.a for yourself. IRI-ef. $72;a .`EL(. i11 'i nest a Aeggusstftab Isis TEAS_ r, BLACK TEA, GREEN TEA, JAPAN TEA. TEA FOR THE RICH, TEA FON THE POOR, TEA FOR EVERT1O01. i softelt a trial et ay TDAII, flat 1 kaew 1 ewe give satisfaction. My sleek et mama greewtas le also eel assort! . GERGE OLDS. IAMBS 8KAILL, ARCHITECT,, &C.SY Ogee. . Elopetou el., Mode. hetes*" w1 "iF Mmi .'s ws! 011tario Steel Barb Follco Co. Lhnitsd. 1Licensed ander the Glidden Patent.) MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB Four -Pointed Steel Fencing Wire, 55 & 57 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO. A. J. SOMERVILLE, Vice -Pres. and Man: Di r. 1827. R. W. MoKENZIE, Sole Agent for Goderich, NES GOODS I ARRIVING AT TORN ACI= EON'S_ A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. THE LARGEST STOCK OF PRINTS WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. FULL LINER OF DRESS GOODS - We would can special attention to our Black Cashmeres, which, for value. cannot be excelled TIAIII OIRIIINIa- A tall assortment of Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds in the latest styles. /1t .ad Workmanship Guaranteed. R. GIMLET, tester. (Irate N Let dMI DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS. QODER ICH, Morton & Cressman. TQ FARM MRS - We want every farmer Leasing a carriage to ea11 and se. onr NEW PLATFORM CARRIAGES, The bast mode fh We veomit I the an. Ogee and tem buggies ways is sock. Repair promptly attended MORTON as ORESSMAN. 1191 -ba Shop apposite Colborn, Hotel, Goderielt. 1