The Huron Signal, 1882-03-31, Page 1"- blni.1111.4
DEvoTTY Itlr:1,4Fc.
To G 114
-•••• ••••• gal oht r
Nit124. Jr' " ) ' • GODERICII ., ONT Priv 1Y. A ARCH •3. • I ""
1 1
New Adventseusert •
epithet- Colborne Oros.
/Nazar plitterna- flu .
Great &Ie--.1tarnee Burro.
or %Vaulted Tire Stets•r..
Auction Sale -J. C. Currie.
Allan Line --l. Armstrong.
Grand Offer -James Lee it Co.
Tender,' Waal,* -Mrs. C. Race
Spring opeulair-lities Wilkinson.
Harvest Wanted -..tetra Thus. Andrew+.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla -Dr..I. C. Ayer & Co.
. Tft4T. Office and reenlenee. West Street
lune doors below Brink of Montreal.
✓ ich • lilt
leading !lantern" of Torento.1 All a
1.4 OWN, nate wil_k Trotted, & Caesar the
scatty sod ran -tally perfunuede Iteollari,
ver Block, (1.1)7141N AlrFallente
.ancr by mail.
iataillaa• will ples..., ouilo: appointmen:Fa*
1 t
• pega4
• Atterneys, Solicitors in Chancery Sze.
moots ffie Court House, Codevich.
las Latvia. M.A.. B.C.L. E. X. Lewis.
it1errie118. Attorneys. liatielpere. etc
Ooderioh. J. T. Gamow. W. Proudlent JTST
11. Attorne), Solicitor In Chancery, Re.,
Goderich, Ont. 173L •
TERSI, Re.. ke.. Goderleb and W
C. Seeger. Jr.. teuderich. J. A. Morton.
ham. 1751.
13. Solidtor. Offico-Corner of West Street
and Market Stuart, over George, Acheson's,
Oodarich. 1751.
Law. tiolicitor In Chancery. Convey-
ancer. &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore.
Ooderich. Ont. Any amount or money to
loan at lowest rates of interest 1751-y.
Barristers. Solicitors la Chancery. Be.,
Orelench and Winm. M. ('. Cameron. 4.
tioic M. G. °moron. Goderteb• W. k.
Macara. Whighnta. 1751.
toms anb 3neurance.
lend on easy terms in stuns to salt burrowers. At.xx. MeD ALLAN.
Goderich. Nov. 17th lettl. 1313.1m.
11175.000 TO LEND ON R E A.L E8.
•41, TATE. Terms favorable. Apply *0 8. L.
DOYLE. Gorierich. U51
V on good Farm or first -clam Town_LPIrsperty
at 8 per omit. Avolv to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751
amount to suit borrowers at 8 to a per
cent. Private funds. Apply to Summit and
Motrrost. Ooderich.
MONEY T() LEND.- A 1 A lt E
Jul amount of Private Fundefor Investment
at lowest rates on leat-el. Mortgages. Apply
AA Sieber to kat at lowest rates, free of
any wets or charges. MEAGER cf- MORTON.
opposite Colborne llotel.
Oadorich. lard Mareb Ll. 1779.
IF Landed Credit Company is prepared to
lend money on good Farm security, acsix per
cent. Full partundare given upon application
to HU011 HAMILTON. C. L agent. Ooderich.
▪ on Farm and Town Property at lowest
, Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. .
t reti..ed Mortgoges purchased. rnoCOMmission
-Borrowers can obtain money In one day
if tlile lo satisfactory. DAVISON St JOHN.
STON. Barristers, ke.. (ioderieb. 1751
Life and Accident Insurance Agent.
Remnant lug It,t-e lass Com panie.,. A Imo agent
for the C•esna Liva Amen NM -Ratites CO.
Mosey to lend on Mortgage, either In Town ar
Fares Property. In any way to suit the harrow.
er. Office (up -stairs, Kars block. Goderich
A, Oat. 1818
. AN, SU RGEOU. ke Onanate of Tor-
onto University. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians. !Ando& England. rtc.. Sc..
M. C. P. 5.. Ontario. O'llee and residence
Opposite Ralley's Hotel. Hamilton street, tad-
erich. I7115 -lm
A-• OZON. Coroner, kr. Mier and retedenee
oa Bruce street, seceed door west of Victoria
110. mAcKID, M. D., PAYS!'
. slaw Surgeon and Aremicher. Ortuinate
etTeroesse unit -eerily . Offiee omelette (Winer -
▪ k CameronBank. I,oeknow. If not in
*Moe. enquire at the Bank. 1718-y.
ItOryfrona, Aoneechera, eco,
Office at Dr. Shaman* s reeidence. near the
• Oviderich. D. C. SPASM:Ct. C. HAIM -
•I . to Dr Drowse, Graduate, of °Marin Ve-
terinory Onitege. Office, *tattles and residenee•
oe Newtons teineet. four deers mat riCollsonse
Hotel. N. R. - Horses examined oul seated
WPM 1751.
• RER and Hatr eruesee. bar to nitro
thwart, to the tinatte for pogo potrooatr.
• mem. • onetinnanee ol netorn Ire nae
ai ways be found at M. Ay/arise Parlor near
t h• Peat Offire Doderloh. ins
• . Tuve FrP Oat'IMI
the People's ltolumn.
...:-.__....,._-_,s-r-.2-___._ -.- ....-----z.•---;_-.-2-- -IN
WLINTZL).-1g ERAL n....- 1
We lihsella.341Mia .. MI je,•• 104 . 1 154.1.1ng
Apply to Mrs. Thos. Aeolic.... i....1 . .
1.0 buy, 15 or II years of age, with a guai
liegllan edocatIon, to learn the pr,nt lag burg
aro& Apply immediately at rue siusai
1 up to someday. the rith of Sprit. rut
tee cr.-cuter of a br.ek d welling house an,
kitchen. with woodshed aunt hd, ci, tht
Rectuues of Atm l'. Harr. lot 1. 51.titiand
Mout. Mullett Pleas and Spa, ittcutiena ear
be area un tiospretaises up to date. The low.
est or any tender not necessarily accepted.
ter particulars ripply to the undersigned.
MRS ('. BAER. Auburn P,O.
- ... 12i3S-1t.
14'18111.AY HE.I)ER. -CAME INTO
AA the premises of the dubsoritar. en war.
12tb, a red and white heifer rising twipipeen
old. JOHN BENNETT. conallosien 8. lost L E.
Do A.M. 18111..
postage free for the balance of iwg
Subscribe at once, and get full beriellt of the
oflar. ..
-0-1 That well4rnown Gold near tbej.i. T.
H. 'gallon will be rented to a suitable party.
The furniture will be rented or sold at We op.
lion of tno lessee. Immediate possession
given. For particular', //Admen JAMIL•4 4p-
DIffishi„tioderich or BOSE. MACDONALD.
The stockholders °relic Tecumseh eait well
are prepared to rent their well at reasorlable
terms. The appliances for the 'Alien., tory
working of the well are in good condition and
immediate possession of the premises can be
had by the leaser. For further particulars
apply to OFA). B. JOONSTON, secretary.
Iffie1. -. Ini.
whom I may have been indebted, not -
Withstanding the fact that the debt may long
since have been barred by the statute of lima -
attest. can have such indebtedness proruptkr
liquidated. Any person having just claims
are to presentt hem to J. C. Helier. lesq.,
Goderieb. I also take this opportunity of ,re-
spectfully inviting those who ure desirious of
doing so, to pay their indebtedness to me,
' through Mr. Iletior. although 1 am weltaware
that they can. if they choose. shield theta.'
selves behind the (statute of limitation.
Real .Estate. •
V Lot It. oon. 2. township of Goderich.
county of Huron. 3 miles from Goderich, eon-
taiumititi items, nearly all of o hich are
clearer and in a good state 4,1 cultivation.
Moil a clay loam. l'here are two wells. also a
good creek runs through the centre of the
farni. There k a good brick house with cel-
lar underneath. kitchen and woodsh•-d. two
good frame burns. driving shed. and imple-
ment house. A good ercbard with 140 choice
fruit trees.' Good fences. There nee 11 acres
of fall wheat in the ground. Terms easy.
Eor particulars apply to WII.1,1.AM BEST.
proprietor. Oodeelch. I82t4,1t.
1 desirable brick house. on East St., with
we eighth of an sere of land. The house con-
tains 5 bed rooms, parlour. dining room.
kitchen, wood -shed and all neceatiary conveni-
ences. No reasonable offer will be refused.
76. corner of Victoria and Last strets, in
the [owe of Goderich, for sale cheap. or 1111114
*changed for farm property. For part killers
tply to Jas. Smati.t. Architect. office Crablis
ook. or J. C. Custom. auctioneer.
Legal Notices.
• •
sa,..., ... •
COUNTY OE 11URON. 1_ By. vire tie of n Writ of
TO welt : f Fier' Faclas, issued out
of Her Mateny's Court of Queerer' Bench and
to she direoted against the Lands and Tene-
ments of EDWARD MARLTON. at the suit of
FRANCIS SMEF:TH. I have seixed and taken
in Execution, all the right, title and interest
and Equity of Reslemplion of the above named
defendant in and to the followl3ht property !-
Situate, lying and being in the Town of Glide -
rich, In the County of, Huron. known as the
Summerllotel property. particularly described
as follows : Commencing at 0 point on the
North limit of Wt',t street. Pule ;ATA being
due west one hundred and flfteen aryl ono half
feet (1150 from the Month Phut angle of Lot
number five 45, in (4oderich offbe re.erve,
Ocoee F.asterly along the Northern limit 01
West street one hundred and fifteen mad one
half feet 11154) to the South East angle of the
said Lot number live 151. thence due North t We
(2) challis, more or hie. to the Nort h East angle
of that Lot, thence due East twenty nine and
• half Bilks. (MD more or lees to the Month Weld
. fll nN,erl,,l.
office reservethence due North along the
Were limit Of lots twenty one al,. twenty ea,
nineteen DO, and eighteen 1181. in the Ooder-
ash office reserve two 42) chains, more or low
to the Snutherly angle of lot thirteen 113). fled-
erieh office reserve, thence North thirty two
(n) degrees. West five 110 chaine. seventy gyp
17311Inkx. more or lees, to a point one hundred
and three 111:01 feet from the centre line of the
track of the Grand Trunk Railway. where •
poet has been planted the said thetanee of nor
hundred and three 1415 feet. being measured
at right angles to the said ....Oro line. then. f.
Month atxty One ollt) degrees. West to • point
four hundred and seventy two IOW fora, Seen
rely frost the Nort h Westerly limit of Gerieelen
office reserve to the easterly- boundary of the
land conveyed hy the Grsterich Summer Hotel
(2ainpany to the eorporatioo of the Town of
Ooderieh es aforesaid. Thence south easterly
along the maid easterly boundary n' the town
property and parallel to the westerly bound
ary of the Wilder property one hundred and
seventy six 11761 feet IgoTO or Ifing to the centre
of a loeust tree on the top of the hank.
Thenee aonth frwty .me and • half Illei degrees
west. still along the easterly limit of the said
town property. nue hundred and thirty Nix
(IN) feet. Threwe month thirty proper. MI de-
grees. Paid 10,11 along the NAM regtepty litolt
erupt said town property. two handed and
sixty OM feet to the place of heart union. It,
said property "shove 41 leilr ribpd. eom pr mIng Into
IlMillberect hew 41I. to Mel taa
Bodetich office rieserve and peewee al Alerts
A mat p whish Lands avid Tenement* 1
shall offer for Pale. at my ofIle.• the 4 mill
WOW. In the Town of (Meier', h. on Themes,
the twentieth day of April newt. at the ho-ir of
Hof the Meet. mew
•••,'' of illrion
/Merlin 0111re. 0.wierii
January bah. len terl
Look out for the practical jokers to
morrow It will he ro•ola Da%
X.111% -3 .ID() HOME.
. . .N.,,,,t,,,i, 1,,,.,..1 .., 1..,. „..„, „1,
Monday last, and ties -lights along Cie
shore- are now nightly burning. Last
spring the light* were iii!.t lit until May
4th, so that this season is some 34 da)s
earlier on the lakes than last
"A Wert, 3Ininaor ye. feline notes.
lace "mut it.''
The last furniture sale of J. G. Ban will be
held at his rooms on Saturday next.
The cease for ins element in the Northwest
appears to haic struck et•ry part of Ontario,
and We rush to the land of expectation Is Only
MA:4•11.11 to the ateittiy 441:46131 40 SOLII/W41 gal/Cry
for linst.elatet p:notos.
Next Sunday will be Palm Sunday.
The ice crop this season will likely he
a failure. •
Mr. Robert Logan has come back
frons Saginaw.
Mr. Hugh Dunlop returned from
Turo4u t.0 T soda •
The G. T. R. are making repairs about
their harbor property:.
Father Shea, of Seaforth, spent a day
or two in town this week.
Mrs. Beard o' Kincardine, is the
'nest of Mrs. W. Watson.
Chorus 'practice will be held in Knox
Church on Tuesday evening next
. Mr.Grierson, of Parkhill, has purchas-
ed the residence of Mr. F. Hick„ Brock
Miss Clara Platt, who has been visit-
ing at London for some time, it home
The friends of Mrs. W. Martin, New-
gate St., will regret to learn that she is,
lying very low.
Mr. A. Kerby returned home last
week, much improved it. lfealth, we are
pleased to mite.
Mr. Palmer law been laid up with
another severe attack of spasmodic affec-
tion of the liver.
No one needs to borrow this paper
when it can be had for the remainder of I
1882 for only $1.
Mr. J. Elliott, a High School student,
preached in the M. E. church on Sun-
day morning Wt.
The special services 'in the R. C.
Church for Holy Week, will commence.
on Holy Thursday.
BILIC-a-eltac. -Mrs. Cressnian, Brock
St. has a small pitcher which has been
in her family fur 200 years.
Mrs. T. Sturdy, of the International
Hotel, lout been dangerously ill, but is
improving the past few days. •.
Mr. Frank Meyer, of Brandon, visiteti
his parents here last week. Hia brother
and he are now settled in the Northwest.
Capt John McArthur, of this town,
left for Chicago on Wednesday butt, to
take command t esteam tiarge Dat il.
'the brick cottage on St. licorge's
Crescent. has been purchased front
Ure by Capt. J,.hn McArthur, for 3500
Mr. James Wilson, druggist, arrived
home from Dakota. He was deterred
fnon.going into Manitoba by the Utz-
The new wing ef the Albion possesses
a pleasing feature. the windows in the
second storey having blinds of oiled
wood inside.
A young man named Runes was kicked
in the face by a h.4rse nt McEwen's salt
block one day last week, and was pain-
fully injured.
Mr. Bennet' Grahame, of Sheppard.
ton, left for Winnipeg on. Wednesday,
to inspect the land he has purchased in
the North West.
Mr. Wm. Porter, is on • visit to his
parents.. He has a good situation with
Brown & Chapteg in Detroit, and likes
the city and hie Americanfriends. .
Mr. Charles Wells, jr., is the happy
possessor of some ehotographa of "real
live natives" ef net Zealaed, sent him
by his father, who is r.ow in that coun-
t .
The date ef sailing for the Beatty line
has been put hack one week, owing to
ice itt Lake Superior. The Quebec is
now billed to leave Sarnia on the 7th
Buchanan, Lawson Robinie.m. of
this place, on Wednesday, shipped three
car-loatis of dressed lumber to Winni-
peg. Tho freighter' each tar amounted
to 3120.
The steamer Josephine Kidd Inas been
fitted up for her summer's work en the
route between Wierton and Manitoulin
Islandand will leave for the first named
port shortly.
Conduetor Lin Crawford baa been laid
up denier the past week. He caught
cold after being vaccinated lately. and
was unable to "punch with his accus-
tomed vigor
The first arrival at Kincardine was the
Kane on M•man.y. from Goderich.with
hardwood lumber from i;eo. Neibergal.
to he manufacturtel into furniture 1.,r
the Northwest
Send the !tome ',ewe t .mbeent friends.
The Sionst. will be tient during the hal-
ance of 14142 tn any *Admen, postage free
for 31. It will be a weekly reminder of 1,
your regard. and is the neat best thing
to a letter.
ROT Father Watters. of St. Peter's
then+. was serionaly attacked with in-;
deposition on Sunday morning last, and
we understand medical aid hal to be
summoned. We are pleased to learn
that he is now recovering
This day week will he Good Frtday.
and the following Sunday Aura 9th ,
will be Easter. Geod Friday II ono of
the few holidays which occurs at a season
of the year when s MAT1 hardly knows
what to do with himself outaide of ban -
The Annual Illustrated Seed Catalo-
gue sent out by by Steele Br',. if Co.,
of Toronto, this year. is one of the hand-
somest yeu:dished in Canada. The
cover is a beautiful specimen of
lithography. and relects credit on Cana-
dian art.
The Woniati'i MissiAiary Society of
the North street Methediat church, will
trt:t.„ a social at the residence of Dr.
Williams, on Tuesday evening next.
One of the attractions of the evening
will be a "Heathen Cake... All are
kindly invited and a got,.I. time is antici-
.Morpf r4'.211..iegf ,1 for April has been
received. Its contents are, as usual,
very interesting, and the splendid en-
gravings 'seem finer and mere beautiful
than ever. We leok forward to the re-
ception of the next number with greater
interest than ever, because we have read
the lasr.
Our old. townsmen, Mesita Alec: Mc-
Caw and H. H. 'Smith haven't forsaken
social life altogether in their pursuit of
the mighty dollar. By the Winnipeg
we observe that at the McMaster
banquet, Harry occupied the vice -chair,
and Aleck responded eb one of the toasts
on the occasion.
If you haven't business, advertise; if
you have business. advertise. People
go to places that are advertised, and they
go by those that are not. tA place that
tdverttees ie. known to the world; that
which does not, is only known to a few
that may pass it, and pretty much every-
body does the latter.
Span; . ytesinai. --Miss 'Wilkinson's
announcement of her tpring opening will
'be read with interest by our -lady read-
ers. She has settled upon Snturday,
April 8th, as the day, and we have no
doubt but that the Chicago House will
be thronged on that octmsion by admir-
ers cf the beautiful in millinery.
Mr. Jo• Rattenbury, jr., was the ret
cipient of a beautiful and valuableoil
painting, representing a prollor under
full head, from a friend tn G.derich, the
other day. The picture, which 'is the
usual size of an ordinarroil painting, it
.remarkably well done. and reflects credit
on the artist, Mr. Clucas.-- [New Era.
We regret. to learn front a Brandon
despatch that as Miller, McQuarrie &
Co. were having the tuachinery for their
new planing Mill unloaded from the car
on Monday afternoon, some of the tim-
to the ground it was completely -smashed
bets gave way and letting the planer fall
to 'pieces. Quite n heavy loss will be
sustained_ A shipment of twenty-five Seegmiller I
plows, was made from this point to
Michigan this week. This, in the face
of a Canadian duty on raw nutterial, and
a second- duty on . agricultural -Ample -
menti on the American side, speaks
loudly of the popularity of the excellent'
chilled j/liw made by-. our Goderich
Colborne Bros. have started a boom ,
'n dry goods. They have purchased a j
large stock of spring and summer goods,
and are advertising then' extensively.'
With a tine stock, obliging malesmen,
popular prices, and a liberal use of prin-
ters' ink, things ought to hnnt at the cor-
ner of the Square and Hamilton street
for a couple of menthe.
Mr. W. M.. Gray, of Seaforth, a few.
months ago purchased 3120,000 worth
of property from M. C. Cameron, M. P.
and Sir Richard Cartwright, M. P. The
property consisted of 18,000 acrea, of
which 17,040 have since been sold by
Mr. Grey for $155,000 to an English
firm through their Winnipeg agents.
Mr. Gray is consemently some 330,000
and 760 acres of land ahead by the
Mr. Pat. Kelly, the Reeve of Blyth,
is staying at the Grigg for a few days,'
when he leaves for the far Nor -West,
where he takes up 150,000 acres adjoin-
iug the Iguirhead Ranch. Mr. Kelly is
President of a large colonization scheme.
The syndicate consists of five, and the
Reeve of Blyth sees his way clear to
make 3100,000. Part of the journey,
he says. will hate to lie made in dog
Capt. Rebt. Illiyoax has recently been
vaccinated, and was bothered to atone
extent by the taking manner of the
vaccine; then he was attacked with bil-
iousness and two or three other indue
positiene. He attributes the whole
trouble to the vaccination and remarked '
when speaking of his trihnlationi. "If it
had to be done over again. with my
present experience, I gnus I'd rink the
stnallie,x in preference."
A bu.tot DELAY. -- The Clinton New
E.• I says. The G. T. R. excursion party
that left here on the 15th inst., for Win-
nipet, Pere unfertunate in getting
caught in a tremendous snow 'dorm on
the,19th. about 100 miles north of St.
Paul, and thnugh they fully experte•I t.
get through to that1 d
(lay they were doomed to disappoint-
ment. and remained snow bound Cu. one
week, a telegram from Mr. Jame,
Thompson, nn Monday last, announcing
their arrival at Winnipeg the preview,
day How they ell fared for provisions.
and fool we know not, but a letter from
Mr. John Gorrell stated that all the hay
for their stock had given nut, but they I
had siithciont rate to keep them Rowe:
they were In & **(ellen ef c,tintry that
offered no inducements to unload the r
stock. and they were compelled to keep
them shut up all that time
The many friends of Mr. Archibald
Dewar. Public School Inspector will be
pleased to learn that he is sufficiently
recevered trim& his recent illness to be
able to attend to his duties once more,
r although A may be some weeks before
he will be strung enough to stand much
driving in the country. lie has had a
pretty bad shaking up, but we hope he
I will now soon recover his wonted
strength and energy. - [Expositor.
The etch of whitefish and trent has
been good this 54NLOU41. The tug Do-
spatch makes daily trips in tine weather
to the Minns; grounds, some twenty
miles from here, and returns welt -laden
with tine specimens of Lake Huron's
tinny inhabitants. So great Is the de-
mand for these fish lit Detroit that as
high as 14 cents a lb. is told for them,
and the entire catch finds a ready market
there. None of the fish can be secured
here, except by special favor.
The new eouiet can he readily seen
with a pair of good opera glasses. It is
in the constellation of the Dyre, near
Vega. It is now distant, from the earth
160,000,000 miles, but is approaching us
at the rate of 2,000,000 miles every
twenty-four hours. On the 15th of
June it will be only 20,000,000 miles
from the sun, and only 8,000,000 from
the earth. It has an unusually bright
head and a long, straight tail. In June
it will be a magnificent object to the
naked eye.
NOVEL 170(Yr RACE -We are informed
that a most exciting foot race took place
on North Street on Wednesday, about
midnight, between a couple of town
belles. At the word "Go,'
' both of the
fair sprinters wade a goodstart, and the
race promised to be very even, but un-
fortunately the ladies were not in racing
costume, and one of the runners in mak-
ing an attempt to retrain her hat which
was falling off, knocked against her
rival, who was thrown violently os the
ground. No bones were broken, and
we understand that the race will be
again contested.
GEORGE'S. - Tha following clergymen
are expected to preach in St. George's
Church during Passion Week: -On Mon-
day evening, April 3rd, Rev. W. Hen-
derson, of Blyth; Tuesday evening, Rev.
W. Craig, of Clinton; Al ednesday even-
ing, Rev. C. R. Matthew, of St. Ste-
phen's;. Thursday evening, Rev. R. Mc -
Cosh, of Hayfield; on Good Friday, Ven.
Archdeacon Elwood will preach in the
morning at 11 o'clock, and Rev. R.
Hicks in the evening. Evening services
durtng the week at 7 o'clock.
PARLOR CONCERT. -On Tuesday last
a eery large audience attended the par-
lor concert held in the house of Deputy -
Registrar Frazer. The programme was
a long one, and the musical part of it
was particularly good. Among the vo-
calists were the Misses Cooke; the Mis-
ses Trainer, and Misses.Radcliffe, Ross,
Frazer, Williams, Wynn, Meldrum, and
Ferguson and Messrs. Kay and Frazer.
Instrumental solos were rendered by
Misses Start, Williams, C. McKay, E.
Frazer. Mr. E. Duncan and Miss E.
Frazer were well received in a selection
from "The School for Scandal," and the
little Mines M. Fraser and McPherson
in their dialogue did epbendidly. Read-
ings were given by Mies Bond, and
Messrs. F. McDonald, T. McGillicuddy
and D. Fraser. The sum of 311 was
realized. The next concert will be held
in the parlors of Rev. Dr. Lire ou,:the
evening of Tuesday, Apribl Ith.
We notice by the Benton Herber pa-
pers that a strong company has been for -
mei for the purpose of manufacturing
in that town, the Seegmiller Rod Beam
Chilled Plows for the American market,
and the inventor, Mr. S. Seeginiller, of
Goderich, has been appointed manager
for the company. The necessary build-
ings are to be proceeded with at once.
Mr. Seegmiller will still continue to
manufacture these plows at floderich
for the Canadian inarket. We congratu-
late him on his good fortune.4Expositor.
We may add that the works are now
in course of construction from plans nub -
'flitted by Mr. Seegmiller, and that they
will bo in running order by the lit of
May. This, coupled with the fact that
he has been offered the management of
the company shows the value placed up-
on the ability of our level-headed towns-
man. Mr. Seegmiller will be paid a
royalty on each plow made there. The
implement will be the inc at present
m inufactured only in Onderich. This is
a guarantee of the popularity of the
Seegmiller chilled plow on both aides of
the line.
Moltr. 1441124/S.4 Losr. Some of the
lieraemen of this county have been very
unfortunate of late in their imoortatien
of thoroughbred stock frein England.
and we have another list to add to the
an((( thin week. On the 2nd inst.
Mr. W. L Fervition, of Smith'. Hill.
sailed from Gleagow, with two mares and
stallion for himself, 2 stall for .1.
J. Fisher, and a stallion for a Mr. Hand;
the weather was very rough almost the
entire postage, and when 2'2 days ont, a
tremendous sea knocked one of Mr.
Fisher's down on the deck, and drowned
it in font feet of water, the other re-
ceive.1 smell injuries that it died; ono of
Mr Fernison's animals, by some means
had itthroat ent, and the other wan so
tirmarel that it died; Mr. Hand's stal-
lion abso died, end Mr. Fergosen re -
Nene 1 t • this eounty on Monday, with
het ono sonnet it wise at first reported
thee e (tile for Mr. T. J Bette were
ale, lot: tut Merle wore shipped for thus
g •no0 We believe that all the ant -
11 .it insured. The loos will he a
eerioo •• • to thn snack-) nproving re -
weir •-• he county New Kra
1 SIJI lairallaval.
The following officers were duly in
stalled in Huron Chapter No. 30, on
Tutoday, 21st Mat., by M. E. Comp.
I. F. Toms, D. 5; Ex. Conips. R. Rad
clitle, Z.; Jos. Beck, H. ; Jas. Addison,
J.; Comps. Alex. McD. Allan, S. E.; C.
A. Humber, S. N.; F. F. Lawrence, P.
S.; E. Dowuing, let Aast. S.; Duncan
McLeod, 2d S.; H. Bolton, M. of 1st V.;
Jas. Green, M. of 2d V.; Robt. Rhynas,
M. of 3rd V.; Alex, Taylor, M. of 4th
V.; H. Clues.% 1st St. B.; Donald Mc-
Leod, 2•1 St. B.; J. B. Wilson, J. A.
Miller, Ex. Coni.; R. B. Scott, A. Ker
by, Stewards.
Ikairawoon's Manazusx for March,
just republished by the Leonard Scott
Publishing Co., 41 Barclay Street, New
York, is largely devoted to reviews of
books. "Martin s Horace" is perhaps,
the toes* interesting of these notices, 11.3
it gives a biographical sketch of the
poet, with at many quotations from his
writings that it has the character of a
collection of poems. "Lord Crawford
and the Home of Mar" is more his-
torical in its tone, and in "the story of
Elynu of Mar and the Countess Isabel
explains the cause of the abolishment of
the ancient earldom. Besides these we
have descriptions of four new noiels;
one by a new author, J. H. Shorthouse;
the others by our old friends Henry
James, Jr., Gerard, and Blackmore.
"The Fixed Period" has really come to
an end, and so has the pretty little story
begun last month. "Western Wander-
ins'deseribs some pretty rough tra-
velling from Denting, New Mexico, to
New Orleans, and thence to St. Domin- •
go and the other West Indian islands.
The traveller seems to have been book-
ing out for good positions for settlers.
There is also a short address to John
Bright, in verse, and an account of the
meeting of Parliament.
.4 J raInit. Lever Brains BD Sweetheart
with eta Axe --The Murderer Arrested.
Napanee, March 28.-A most terrible
murder was committed in the Tichboine
House barn hare this morning. Mag-
gie Howie, of Marvin, Ernestown town-
ship, while milking, was struck on the
top of the head with an axe, killing her
instantly. The murderer is supposed to
be Michael Lee, of Perth, who has been
hostler at the Tichborne House all win-
ter. The deceased was a kitchen girl,
and, it is rumored, was eagaged to Lee,
but they hail scene difficulty, and it is
supposed Lee, in a tit of jealousy or an-
ger, struck her ou Bid' head with the axe
while she was milking. The deceased
not returning as usual, the cook beoanie
anxious and went in search of her, find-
ing her on the floor quite dead, but still
warm. Lee was caught about two and
a -half miles from here. He was making
his way towards Kingston, alongthe
railroad track through the woods. He
offered very little resistance when he waa
captured, tried to commit suicide, by
falling on the ground and striking his
head against large stones, but was pre-
vented (roil' carrying out his intentions.
His forehead is badly cut and bleeding.
It /teems that Leu had formed a strong
attachment for the eirl, which at first
was reciprocated. They became engag-
ed, nut it seems the girl latterly took a
strong dislike him and broke off the
engagement. Lee pressed his suit,
however, and his manner caused the
girl to fear him. This was the state of
affairs last evening. The deCeased ask-
ed Jane Shaw, the cook, to watch if Lee
carne into the barn, as she wan afraid of
him. She then went into the barn to
milk the cow. Shortly afterwards the
cook went out to see what was keeping
her. She war met at the dour by Lee,
who asked her to keep away, as ho
wanted to speak to Maggio. He then
closed the barn door in the cook's face.
She returned to the house and waited
about fifteen minutes, when she return-
ed, and found deceased lying qnite dead
in the stall, with a fearful gas on the
top of her head, and the axe lying close
by covered with bleed. She at once ran
into the hotel and gave the alarm. When
arreeted Leeacknowledged having struck
the deceased with the ate. and said it
was because he had naked her and she
refused to marry him. Lee had evidently
plotted the crime, as the cow was fasten-
ed in another stall to that which it use -
w ily stands.
taros molests the Comm,.
Mr. Hiram Lloyd, of Howick, has
w ild his farm of 100 acres to Mr. Janes
Halliday, of Howick, for the sum of
Mr. Jas. Triinble. of Howick, has sold
his farm of 50 acres to Mr. Alex. Find -
later, of Howick, for the sum of $2,-
Matthew Purcell purchased from .1ohn
o'Sullivan his farm of 50 acres on east
half of lot 13, eon. 301, McKillop, for
the mint of $2,175.
%Ir. Hued Tyretnan has Rohl Inc farm
containing 100 aerate, i.n lot 114, con. 10,
McKillop. to 'dr. Barnett ItimIton, for
the Num of 3.3,5(8). Mr. Boulton has
now a farm of 200 acres.
Mr. Themax Johnston, of the 14th
COfl 4,1 McKillop, has meld to Mr. It
Holland hit farm of 43 acres, for the
sem if $1,750.
The farm of Viii. Nash has been sold
to Michael Heferntan, Huron road, Me-
Killop, for $1,9.15.
Mr. David Pollock, of Stanley, has
rented his farm to Mr. Alex. Rebmann,
for the term 41 ties. year.
Mr. W. Wiggins has seta his farm ..f
100 acre* near Gowrie. to Jas. Wardle,
for 1114,2001.
Mr. Fluckholder hat sold his farm rit
100 act so, in Novick . to John Yung.
for the slim of *4.000