HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-24, Page 7r•
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She Poet's [tomer.
To t'aaada.
1 love the land that geve we birth.
'Tho' cold her north wind Wows;
1 lova her ice bound winter lakes,
1 claim • kinship to the flakes
That form her t irgin sue•..
I've roved In many • Southern chile
Where orange blouson's wave;
WW'berI broad bananas fan tae. air
Where flourishes the citrus fair,
Best to the azure wave.
i ve lain within the utynlc'a shoat.,
Beneath the waving palm,
Amid the oleander groves,
Where summer perfume ever rue..
%Pith many • fragrant b.tin.
I've pulled the Ins. ions, lregrant pine,
And culled pomegranates felr;
The sugar apple of the South,
And dates t'tuse twny'rurb of the drouth
And chinning/is rare.
I've secs beneath the chrystul wave
The coral insects' home.
Bright flowers that with the rainbow vie.
And beauteous shells that scattered lie,
Beneath the ocean's hoot.
I've watched the molten tropic's sun.
Go down beneath the sea.
Where Chimborazo cleaves the sky,
Ablaze with many a sunset .ty e,
Iteflected un our lea.
I've watched the ponderous sport of whales,
In Southern sees at play,
I've watched the Chilton cundur's flight
To.tow'ring crags, where first the light
Proclaims the dawning day.
I've seen the lightning flash from eyes
Where midnight shadows lie;
When Spain's proud daughters met my view.
tvith locks that mock the ravens hue.
Whose pinions cleave the bky.
Bermuda's daughters. too, I've seen,
Wbose beauties Moore has sung;
And friendship's warm right hand I've met
e1 feel the tingling pulses yeti
From strangers roved among.
Hut ever turns my heart to thee,
My bright Canadian home'
And dearer grow thy broad blue lakes,
Thy silver streams, thy woodland brakes -
With every step 1 rosin.
The proud magnolta'n b!ount 1 love,
'rTc -Ile's perfumed shudcr:
Hot uh . .,,w dear above theta a:1
A tingle crimson leaf let toll
Hy H to .. maple gla.iee.
By 11:` • . i sounding shores I've let,
My . est .: £ends on earth:
May God's own mantle from above
Enfold theta and the land I love •
The land that gave i ne birth.
It. ywatseereos.
Bermnda, 21st (k•tober, 1868.
A riaag WIfr rlayvi a rraclleal Joke en
her ta,Wad aad 1. raal.he•d.
A Burlington man recently welded a
young wife. The lady became enthused
over Will Carleton's tale of the elope-
ment of a handsome young wo:nan with
;t handsomer man, and determined to
try the sante thing herself. She wrote a
neat little note, stating that she had left
home with a gentleman whorl she had
dearly loved before she had met her hus-
band, and that he need not trouble him-
self to loot for them. Then She called
in her younger brother and went calling
with him, arranging to return and hide
where she could witness her liege lord's
dismay when he carie to read of her
tiight. She, from her place of conceal-
ment, saw him enter, saw him look all
around in surprise at her absence, and
finally saw him discover the note. He
'opened and read it, while her heart best
high with excitement in anticipation of
the breaking out she expected to hear.
The poor fellow finished the cruel mis-
sive, tore :t up, and threw the fragrnents
on the floor, and thed without s moment
warning drew a revolver and fired point
blank at his breast, and fell without s
sign of life to the carpet. With a terri-
fied scream the woman was at her hus-
band's aide in a moment, lifting his
head, rolling him, shaking hien, turning
him, and hunting for blood, all the time
shrieking to her William to speak to her
to forgive her, to only look at her.
William lay motionless, however, and
the neighborhood, aroused by the shot
and screams, came flocking in to learn
the cause of the excitement, when sud-
denly, when a score or more had gath-
ered, the dead leaped up from the floor
as well as ever, at which the wife fainted
away. She soon revived, however, and
and then it all came out tnat the young-
er brother, being in sympathy with Wil-
liam, had le' him into the scheme, and
he had chosen that mode of punishing
his joking wife. She jokes no more,
but her husband has compromised ••n a
pony phaeton to keep peace in the
To the Wrdirai rr.Maloa. aad ■11 whose
it Near facers.
Fun anb Fancy.
Au edvsotiw'wunt reads: "Wanted -
a you've' mei, U, he paltry •nut -doers eh -1
partly bellied the counter." A we: asks
'What e ill be tku result e hen the .1. • t
dams T'
A gentleman, omeo c inversing in the
society et a company t f ladies, anal cr
elting rather severely ,he want •1 per-
sonal bestdy in the other ladies of their
acquaintance, remarked: ' I' ase the
ugliest women 1 know;" andthen with
eltratii'dutaly politeness, add , "peas
eat company always excepted."
"Lay i.W' your overctrt or you won't
feel it whets yuu go out." ail the land-
lord of .. a western inn to a guest who
wits sitting by the fire. "That's what
I' iii afraiet uf," returned them in. "The
last time I well hew I paid off mY over-
eat. I' didn't feel it wht •i I went out,
and I haven't felt it +'tact."
A Parisian lady celled on her milliner,
the other day, to "take up" the charac-
ter of a servant. The respectable ap-
pear.:nec of the latter Was beyond ques-
tioning "But is she honest l" KAked
the lathy. "I sin not so certain ul,t,ut
that," replied the milliner. "I have
sent her to you with my bill a dozen
times, and she has never yet given we
the money."
The following amusing •inci.lent re-
cently oocured in Berlin: A tragedian
uoessionally gave a pass to his landlady.
She was sitting with her little girl in the
pat of the theatre, when the heavy vil-
lain was about to stall the tragedian to
the heart, The child, seeing her friend's
danger, instantly started up, and with
teen streaming from her blue eyes,
shrieked out; "Oh, please don't kill him,
tar he won't give us any more tickets for
the theatre
A man having heard that one of his
friends obtained an important state ap-
pointment, went to his house in order to
c ongrattulate him. The new official re-
ceived his visitor very coldly and rather
haughtily, and asked hits what brought
hint. "What brings nae here?" replied
the friend, restraining his anger. "I
wanted to offer you my condolence."
"What do you mean, sir t'' "Have you
not leant your memory 7 You do not re-,
cognize your friends any more."
W.hd. of a Isdoea trona the Asarrlean IYO.
os.pleer-«Tree Seat 1caeat. to Shall.
If you will sit down and wait, young
Than, at least one -haft ov the good things
of life will at, sum time eddy around
near yu, while the more 'yu chase theta
the more they will break into a run.
All ov natur's works are a part of a
perfekshun ov a plan. She snakes no
mistakes, creates for vaewcy, and gues-
ses at nothiug.
Ideas are what wink ; but if a man
hain't got but one he is very apt to run
that one into the ground, and take him-
self along with it.
Laffter proves nothing. Wise men laf,
and ideate grin all the time.
Cunning is a weak imitashun of wis-
dom, and iz liable at enny time to merge
into fraud.
Happiness has no abiding place, but
often is very near at hand like the old
woman's spectacles. After hunting for
them hi and lo, she found theta at last
safe on her nose.
Gravity iz bekuming to a phool at all
times, but only to a wise man on state
Verry menny seek knowledge, not so
mutch for the truth az for the speculash-
un that is in it.
Heruizm is simple, and yet it is rare.
Every one who duz the best they ken it
a hero.
Buty is a dangerous gift. The vanity
it inspires and the base flattery it gets
for its possessors are not to be envied.
Charity makes no mistakes that she
kan be charged with.
Good breeding is the only thing that
kan make a phoul endurable.
Servitude iz so unnatural that an hon-
est servant iz the rarest ev all things.
If a man has got the right kind of re-
ligion he kan pick up a kreed enny where
that will fit it.
Indolence iz a quiet malady, but it has
eat up more foundashuna and tipt over
more superstructuresthan wild ambishun
ever haz.
Abstinence should be the excepahun,
and temperance the rule.
There iz a great art in knowing how to
give without creating an obligation
As selfish and ill-bred as the masa of
mankind are, I prefer to live with them
rather than go into solitude and try to
live with myself.
Gratitude is • word that you will find
in dictionary!. but you will not find much
of it anywhere else.
Phosphstine, or Nerve Food, • Phos-
phate Klement lased upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Barton, Maas., cores Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it (-entities no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, opiates,
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, hut amp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
sufficientis sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. Lownalr &
Co., eels agents for the Dominion,
fib Front Street East. Toronto.
The new treatment for rapidly condi-
tioning Horses. 7ered's Tonic Compronnd
and Blend Mixtnre. Rweh psekage con-
tains a gold Purging Bell which is given
Pi the 'mime' previnn• to using the
strong tome powder This is the rom-
moh tierce tre•tenettt and will •crromplish
more in one week than the old system
of Spiess, Feeds and Condition Powders
would do in a month. ask your druggist
about it (ten Rheims. agent, (lode-
�.'.i toad the rapers.
alt Olsen Geed alta...•.
A great luany people cannot under-
, stand why the female portion rtion of the cern-
munity prefer sober men. The uiatter
is simple enough:---
1. Rives like,aobcr husbands beeaute
they can reason irith • sober man.
$. The weber man is more onnpanion-
3. 6 ' cr men have pride, and pride is
a woia.t's main hold.
4. Sobriety meansacotufortable home.
b. Good clothes for mother and child.
0. A house of your own.
7. Evenings at home instead of in a
8. Butter health and the enjoyment of
An eletated view of life and a sense of
your responsibility.
10. Yuu are a credit to your wife and
11. People who,once despised you will
now bless you.
12. Your words will be gauged as you
resist the tempter.
13. Young sten will tak pattern after
14. You will be an ornament to soci-
ety and -the whole town in which you
15. The whole community will take
pride in you and wish they had more
like you.
16. Your family and !fiends will ap-
preciate you.
17. Your enemies will admire your
path of sobriety.
18. Scoffers will be disarmed by your
19. Your many qualities will grow
with your years.'
He was a plain old man from the
country ; he wore an old style broad
brimmed hat, and his clothes were home-
spun, hut when a sleek -looking stranger
stepped up to him on Vino street and
professed to know him, and asked all
about his wife and family, and wantedto
know when he came down and when he
was going hack, the old man declined
the proffered hand. and drawing hack
said : "That's all right, young man ;
never mind the preliminaries ; get right
down to business 'twonoe. You have got
some rods at the depot, and want to
pay t e freight. Hain't got anythin'
but • hundred dollar check. Would I
hold the check and let you have $60.43
to pay the freight? Or p'r'ops you've
just drawed a prize in a lottery, and I
would jos' step armmnd with you and use
you get the money , or p'r'ays bat
the confidence man had slipped away
the grsnger was ton well patted, alto-
gether. As the old man Based aftar his
retreating figure he chnckled out "4h1 -
ped up that time, Mr. Bunko ; I'm part.
ed -I re read the papers.'
.1. Elder alder's Daly.
Fortunate is a family that pi ssessesan
elder sister. The mother confides in
her, tha father takes pride in her ability
aid and cheer the household, and the
younger ones lean upon her as on a
mother. By her counsels, her exaniple,
her influence, she may do quite as much
as the parents to give tone to the family
life. She is at once companion and
ouunsellorfor the junior members, aince
separated by only s brief interval from
the sports of childhood, she can sym-
pathize rainy with the little griefs than
fill the child's heart to overflowing, and
show it how to compass ifs desires and
forget its sorrows. A short girlhood is
usually the allotment of the oldest
daughter; but this is made up to her in
the long and delightful companionship
she•has with her mother, in the sense
she is made to have of her own import-
ance in the family, and in the unusual
capability she is obliged by the force of
circumstances' to acquire and display.
It is in some respecta unfortunate to be
born an oldest daughter, to be kept at
home front school on "busy days," and
be compelled to take care of the baby
from year's end to year's end, to see the
younger danghters free and easy, at
liberty to go and come as they will,
while she sighs in vain for the like lib-
erty. She is often. born to build up the
family fortunes by saving servants'
wages. --[The Outlook.
We read that there is extraordinary
activity at present in the ship -building
yards en the Tyne, and that the weekly
pay roll of one firm only lacked five
dollars of being 0O,000. This is in a
Free Trade country. In the United
States, the ship -building industry has
been "protected" out of existence, and
the same result is being ruched in
As the s oil, however rich it may be,
cannot be productive without cultpre, so
the mind without cultivation can never
produce good fruit. -
De Not be Deceived.
In these times of quack medicine ad-
vertisements everywhere, it is truly
gratifying to find one remedy that is
worthy of praise, and which really does
as recommended. Electric Bitters we
can vouch for as being a true and relia-
ble remedy, and one that will do as re-
commended. They invariably cure
stomach and Liver Complaints, Disease?
of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties.
We know whereof we speak, and can
readily say, give them a trial. Field at
fifty cents a bottle, by all druggists. -
Free of Coat.- -
All persons wishing t., test the merits of
a great remedy -one that will peritivelt•
cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection
of the Throat and Lungs -are requested
to call st your drug stare and get • tria
battle of br. King • New Dieco,very for
Consumption, free of end, which wil
show you what a regular dollar -size
crottle will do.
A Atraeeal *(scalers..
Never was there such a rush for Thug
Stores es is now at ours for a Tnal Bot-
tle of Dr King s News Discovery for
Cnoenmptinn, Coughs and Colds. All
persons alllioted with Asthma, Bronchi
tie, Heareonese. Revere Coughie or any
at5Tootioc of the Throat and Lungs, tan
Ret a trial Annie of this great remedy
Itree, by calling at your drug store.
(.'nverwoited men anti women 1s amply •
failure ne ?MN to rex th• nuteltle.ry air the
body. to health t tar• dlea•t15e airaid torepair, la do-
steeed M re ork the �ye�w gas 5*s
/epee to work the vlasi Whoa
OO m s thitHtion res
expense ti( trtwrp. 1P►aw .cram ear
rends supply Vie reserve te amens ew, the
body w and Weakens, Here is ladlatstt
�t•aaae•a•n et
sad (attegy%maintain halm.e
latae an/ gain
faswspaoor Laws.
" e cell the special attention of poet -
mestere and subscribers to the following
synopsis of the I;ewapuper pan s
1. A postmaster is required to give
notice by letter (returning a i •aper does
not answer the law) when :t 811114c ri be/
dors not take his paper out of the office,
and ea' ' the reasons ft r its not being
taker!. Any neglect to do e, makes the
posts:ea: er responsible to the publishers
for payment.
_. If any person orders his paper dis-
centinued, he must pay all nrroer'ages,
er the publisher may continue to send it
until payment is mace, and collect the
whole amount, whether it he taken from
the othoe or not. There o t be no legal
discontinuance until the payment is
3. Any person who takes • paper from
the put -office, whether directed to' his
none or another, or whether he has sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for the pay.
4. If a subscriber orders his ]taper to
be stopped at a certain time, and the
publisher continues to send, the sub-
scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes
it ant of the post -office. This proceeds
upon the ground that a man trust pay for
what he user.
5. The courts have decider that refus-
ing to take a newspaper and periodicals 1
from the post -office, or removing and
leaving them uncalled for, is prima feria ,
evidence of intentional fraud.
Itwealkre's Araks halve.
The beet salve in the world fit Cuts,
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Totter, Chapped Honda, Chil-
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptiuur,,,
and positively cures Piles. It is prelate
toed to .give ?effect satieetction, ori
money refunded Prise 25 cent,' per
tea. For sale by Geo. P.hyuas. 1850 ly. i
Nature, atter all, is the great physi-
cian. She hides all the secrets of health
within her Lroed, generous tn,som, and
man needs hut to.gu to her intelligently
for his every need. The discovery of
the great Cough Remedy, OKAY'S Marr
or IIwo Srat'ca oral, is au apt illustra-
tion of .this. At a cure for Coughs,
Colds, Lo.. of V,.ice and if.arsenesa it
stands unrivalled, while its low price mid
readiness of amens places it within the
reach of all. Try it and he convinced.
All chemists keep it in 25 and irii-aent
bottles,- ad
t't d Great American Renteely.for
Praya••e4Jva-w��l�ars.trR.d troves Ora (De=-
mote onto :9..Hsfi•soe. flush!*. Ao endfor
and rbale. Bopsrbr t. Me terdMiwe offend for
hore oo..ata ala A . (cwt( .o.btaarlo.
Nth. vow .rbtet a most vat b le native
wbe fru
-without Soret tie most valuable natio. Owe for
Medic -teat purposes.
/-ars out
kaa heard
of the wow
elerfe* ef
twee of baa
and the
Pine. (a
cases of
Limp Dia
le ranee
Ae phya(.
camas raga
tariy amid
their eon-
patients to
he pine
woods and
order then
to drink
a ten wade
from' the
xis this
tion the
Gum never
'and all Its
swa., ea
ee loran%
tonic, and
ore pre-
Tats Bvn
cep eare-
fulle Pre-
pared at
lore tem-
a Urge
p i e b e d
Owe (n
en t.
Its remarkablep�eor in relieving
certain forma of Brorwhitia, and its
almost apeci6e a ect in curing ob-
stinate hacking oughs, is run+ ,rd!
known to the public at large.
Bold by oft rwp.etable ehewtets. Pelee, 16 and
IA .eats n borne -
The surds "Syrup of Bed Swum Our" cermet
lute our Re•rod Trade Naltand our wrapper
avian seals are oleo raNater.t
whebeale Drwpp4b,
Sols Piaprutens oat ranwJadrr}r.. -
weooaa'. Trove ?reeled
A friend in need is • inane indeed
This name can dory, especially when u.
Butanes is rendered when omits sorely af-
flicted with disease, tram particularly the use
complaints and weaknesses an common In
eevr female pnpnlatirm Every woman
should know that Ektetrie Ratters are
woman's tines friend. and will mein vele,
mance her to health. even when all
ether remedies fail, A single trial al-
ways proves our assertion. They are
piaeant to the taste and only east fifty
.arts a bottle 11nM lay all Arvitiolis.
Dsaases, Oram rwrs sod Acumen'
$ick HAGYAti 5 Ysti.ow Ott. is awrw.-
sued to curs r relieve eider V Kao ar
Tata alRaaetly Pat
CRAMS, icoroxs,
ASSilt, COLDS, let
Mit= 1121MY1? !M
RSEi VITA Srlaaf,
Zloty bettls g.separd a
to sive maim
ea rtsoy - -
(l»9tS wlfl{t 1 MrttL eater Lada
wazairszt a too., Proprietors
TOt0ICTV arr.
_ ._.vur.'r st.. «'a,. 'atiii
To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly oecegi•d by him, where he will be please
to welcome all his old yustowen and the public generally. A large quantity of
Fall and Winter Goods
In t;entlemt-n's Wuar, which he will make up in
First -Class Style at Very Low Rates.
Ready -Made Clothing,
in Great Variety as usual. Call and Inane• t
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
•A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room, Dining Room and Parlor Furniture, such as Ts
bles,('hairs (hair, cane and wood seatedl, Cupbuarda, Bed -steads, Mattresses. Wash-s!an
Lounges. Sofas, What -Nota. Looking Classes.
N. Ii. -A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on hand also Hearses for
at reasonable rates.
Picture Framing a specialty. -A call solicited.
&,C,. SLC_
Combs litoshes aid Pmiliimeq of all kitills (11(131)
RHYNAS' the Druggist
Prescriptions a Speciality Night Bell on the Front Door
For the next three months I will sell furniture at the following prices, for cash
iow ('upboards at $ 450
Sofas it 00
Lounges from 6 00 up.
Bedsteads from.. 1 75 up.
Fall loaf Tables at 2 SO
Washstands from....................: ... ..... ...... ...... 90 cts ap.
Bureaus from.. 6 00 up.
Sideboards from 6 60 up.
Everything Moe M similar tett s.
These pricer can't be beaten In town. 1 invite tospection. I am bound to aet1. an 1 intend
removing to Dakota in the spring. 1 have Wm a lot of machinery used In cabinet makttg
which 1 will sell at • very low price.
All accounts due John A. Ball and J. (:. Ball must he settled at once.;
A t the Marks
W e hors at frost sc..als apt ap aw..tbta.gl whir► son fort over. Mine' in IN.,
IN Send.y•aoha.i *odor or labeler bat.beald bow* owe Amato will oho t•t•r•,.
Mottv...tl saleable ra*Me woe pawed apse top nodal. Do aid •dace.. wp..
fagot dateripttoa of We wet of art
leave bee email tk...bpM of a abase eseesems, also talent. Me elerse a of w:. •.
• ebrouWa .a. l irs. ,i is W 15. .t . arias of vsevd type, we 1N Teo Owe •
1st•. ovate* 1e tobe ser tao ew d Blown tom ear Dont of an on....
W bawls lb* t.. Waal el .01s Op. aosa.iaa the re . e •apy.rad W t f.
,SF..5S01SS 5*55. p4144. .4 , 15.1 w..4 55*... 55. .144,.. .4isr..s
Ta. .MM sea moo masa .r .f t b. now. IR 555 aasr 5551115.E pr, d • :. • 1 ,
e�sal tM MI6 111110 teary saMso. bat a nn feta t A.rnpnas of ego K (.. • • ret •
rm . sae es eel gyy forfeit the maeaat peed * say or ballot 1• wry .•,s •
.. Mw Soomtase M is sees.
1.is.es towtotalityw. Mee p.. t them dew. aura 1 re., •
ma ▪ ielat t =i dManis 5�ti «i:. abase la tw Doe • r �' stM fee at ease s.
g�p�sd �y t l peer M �Y M t 5S Ar .Nr. y . t tS
Ntrllpwwi 11M5,isjaoo. tRMt r(e5,a*prs SHS.*S
Ears* INDOCENENTS. -- With every trope, f,., 25. we v -e,' 1
ase .soar her handful premium(ltrnnw*, 16511. With every leder for Sl`.
. n,ee seven -chew Nickel Plated Revolver. With every realer (.r 100. a h
t ltuveh g Cue Wert#, and with every order for 250. we will scud Fit FE 3 ti
Wombp toad 1 tine heavy Geld -Plated Watch Cholas.