HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-24, Page 54 THE HURON SIGN AL. FRIDAY. MARCH 21, 1882. 5 Ialassvin The pan of Frenchmen who have been buying and making timber around here dila winter, have all their 1•nsiuuss settled, and left for boys on Tonality bast. Many e( the friends and aoquaint- aooes of the late Mrs. James Shepherd. of Clinton, left around here to attend her funeral last Sunday, the funeral was 1 large one. i Mn Win. Downs intends erecting a haadaome residence on his farm adjoitt- ine this village during the coning sum mK 8. & C. Scott here h.mght the whey of the Delmore and Rodger - villa oheew fastoriea It will take about 300 hags to consume the slop of both factories. Mr. H. Beadle's Clydesdale stallion "David" has got his shoulder hurt, and will be unfit for business this Reason. Mr. Beadle intends going p., the 1.1d country in a few days in seareh of anoth- er horns to take his place. An eutertainment by the pupils of S. 8. No. 6, Hullett, was given in the Temperance hall here on the 17th inst., and was largely attended. The pro- ceeds which amounted to $12, is to be applied to school purposes. 1171116. Capt Dan Stalker left on Friday, for Chicago, to fit out the schooner "Maria M. Page," which he has been employed to sail this summer. Mr. A. Hawke, G. Looby, Miss Ruth Looby, Mies Elisabeth Looby, andlire. Johnston left for Manitoba on Wednes- day the_8th ins. Capt. Tresler, of this place, has been engaged by Mr. Toh my of Detroit, to sail his steamer, this summer, and will soon leave to take charge of her. Joseph Roth sold nut his interest in the Listowel Lager Beer Brewery to his brother Robert for $1,003 cash. Robt. intends to carry ..n the business him- self. Died at his residence, in Bayfield, on Wool,. busy, March &h, Mr. A. B. ,Browt.v.n. By the death of Mr. Br..wn- son, B.r •;.•'.1 looms another of its oldest piotta...: w.e who commanded the re - "pact "1.1 esteem of an who knew him, which was shown by the large number of persons who accompanied his remains to their last resting place. 'Vat Rawaaoah. MCWW011E3 MAL.. 1" 10M The New Como,. :..', its won- derful affinity to t:_3 Digestive apparatus and the Liver, inc. eas- ins the dissolving juices, roller. ing almo -t instantly the dreadful results ofD.-spspsia, Indigestion. and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in tram house. It acts gently and apsedijy to Biliousness Costiven-s, ead- ache, Sick H - Headache, I '-Toss alt ter Eating,Wind on the WA. Heartburn, Pains in the . __o and Back. Want of Appetite. Want Si Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels. -and given tone to the whole system. Gat this out and take it to yon1 and flet a 10 cent Sample ora bottle for 75 cents, and tell con: neighbor about it. 'NES GOODS I ARRIVINU AT TOIZINT AC 3ESON'S. A L A IW K silk N. TO SELECT FROM. ;THE LARGEST STOCK OF PRINTS 1--1c) ! "fi HoI MANITOBA Arrangements have been Made by the Great Western Railway, to run special excur- sion trains through to Mani- toba and Kota without change of cars, in charge of a special agent. The first Ex- cursion leaves the line of the London Huron and Bruce Railway on WEDNESDAY WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. FTJLL LINES OF DRE88 Gh0ODB_ We weld sail special anemia' to our Black Cashmeres, which. for value. cannot be excelled. TI.AIIII OIRIIINIG _ A full assortment of botch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds In the latest styles. Fit and Wartm mesadara • Caati ed. B. t:Ite&IY, Cotler. Mole et t..aderl DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS. GODER ICH, Morton & Cressman. TO FARMERS_ mt. We want every fernier eeding a carriage to call and see our NEW PLATFORM CARRIAGES, The best carriage made for a tamer. We have the largest stock ever offered in the town. Open and top buggies always In stock. Replying promptly attended to. MORTON cS CRESSMAN. 1831-3m. Shop opposite Colt,orne Hotel, Goderich. ani u neve y Wednebsy-, ROOTS AND SHOES day during March and April. Baggage checked through. At the Oldest Established Shoe Store in Town, Council Hall, 11 March, 1882. For all information as to fares Comma 1114 wording to adjournment All tie iambs= present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mr. Joseph G. Ward was appointed collector for 1882. Complaints having been made of the unprotected state of the N. G. road cros- ing Beaver meadow en the 9th con. Moved by C. Durnin, ascended by E. Gaunt, that the unexpended apropriatiun .d $200 made last year be augmented by $100, making $300. provided Ashfield grant a like amount, and that the above mentioned Beaver meadow be fenced out of the above amount, the mrney to be expended under the supervision of the Reeves of Aabfield and Nest Waw - *nosh. Carried. Circular from McVittrick &Sons, read and filed. Account of G. Armstrong laid over for certification by Wm. Ellis. Amount of $26.00 from Robert Thompson, for sup- port, clothing and attendance op James Splain, a sick and indigent person, was ordered to be paid. Masora Moss, Scrimigour and Taylor gave bonds to the Council for the re- moval of their fences from the rod al- lowenoe between iota 24 and 25, con. 4.; the Council granted Scrimigour $26.00 . for remot•ing his fence by the 16th day of November nest. The polling sub -div. of the Township was revved as follows:- Polling sub -div. No. 1-oon. 1; 2; 3; 4 and 6, from N. G. Road to centre lot 20, and 8 and 7 cons. from N. G. road to side line between 15 and 18, to E. Boundary, and oons. 8; 9 and 10. Polling sub -div. No.4. -cons. l l 12; 19 and 14. By -Law confirming the above reed and passed. The following mount. were paid: -W. Stewart, culvert, Lumber knd $2.80; C. Mom, refund of taxes un personal pro- perty $1.70; R Thompson, care, etc. J. Splint, i Boundary, Robert Haines, graveling E. 0. Council adjourned till 29th April. UeteefelehkA1 Report. State of the weather for the week ending March 21st, 1882. March 16th -Wind at 10 p. m. N. E. light, cloudy, frost. No. miles wind travelled in 24 hours 281. Snow flur- ries during the day. 18th -Wind at 10 p. m. N., light, partly dear, frost. Na of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 308. 17th -Wind at 10 p. m. E., fresh, cloudy. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 374. 18th -Wind at 10 p. m. N. W., fight, cloudy. Na of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 686. Bitten to rain at 7a. m., owed at 9:30 p. m. amount of rainfall 5.9. cubic union Thunder daring the afternoon. 19th -Wird at 10 p. a & W., light, partly akar, frost leo of smiles wind travelled in IN hams 171. folk -Win. at 10 p. m; N. L, (rah, cloudy. Ns of miles wind tavelled in 224ghoome 210. "sow ferries daring the limo -Wind et 10 p m & W., semi. ,ate ektef7, frail Ida of miles windtravelled in 94 home 881. eeew fuer$.., a.oemt of snowfalls lushes O. A. MAcsoaAsa, O ssrver. 0sderie►. Mare$ 1144, ief< or freight rates apply person- ally or by letter to GEO. B. JOHNSTON, Foetal Agent Gnat Western Railway Goderteh, Ont. Goderteb. Jan. 12. Vitae .fart Mack's Magnetic Medicine l aA• i F, ▪ (a we. / Marra{. t arraR! la a Sure. Prompt and Ellbeaal ter Yerrouaness aw ea as styes, Wash eneory, toss ofBram Power, Sarum Prostration, Night w. ts. terrbna. Beesbof Weah- wear and General Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous Waste, ReJneewattu the Jaded utel- fat, ttreaptAewa the eglwMed Bret*. and 1 r Worts Suryr ds, Tow and Pt: to the Be- y( thousands proves it an Iwvsmen f s Rats - Env. The medicine is pleasant to tete tame. and each box contains eutadent for two week's medication. and is rbc cheapest and hest. a 'Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to mail tree to any address. Mast's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Drug- gfsta at es eta. per bozo or 1t boxes for iii, or will be mailed tree atposage, =receipt of the mons by address' MAeil line aW(71t Co.. Wiedsor, Gat.. Canada. Sold In Goderich. byJAMAS WILSON. and all Druggists everyw 1U3-ly The ._.a r Ise get is . grit that )Er. 0eIlwie $.ith does est $mend to return to Canada bmf will And a seat i the Drib$ Berate of Oommoms. We be - he,* we aro eeriest it reran that meat' Iof the geatlemee's Liberal friends i 11sg1sri bees earemed th wail that be eboeld enter peliti_al We amd that if he dmires a seat ens will be provided for him Het be p.ters(ssada and will attest map ie the moue of Joky. -{sk. In Endless Variety, To snit the most fastidious taste and the meat eoonomic buyer. MY SPRING STOCK THS W T"T. $MOWN MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT! THE SQUARE, GODERICH. MISS STEWART! Has just received a Large and Varied Assortment of SI=S AIN1'3:D SATINS L now complete, and I take pleasure in informing my customers that at no pre- vious time have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Prim until it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK of all Grades and Colon, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols French Flowers, Feathers, And other N+n•eltiea, from Montreal and Toronto. Every department is well stocked with FIRST CLASS GOODS of the moat fash- ionable patterns, and as all her purchases have been for Ready Cash, she is enabled to give her numerous customers the Of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made up in the most approved styles by find -class workmen, and of the very best material obtainable. Very Best Value to be had at the Lowest Possible Price. INSPECTION _INVIT 2 D_ Ia ie Misse. Boats Kccl Plated Fri of Charge, At time of purchase if so desired. _D0wNINa- Crabb's Block, Cur. Etat Street and the Square. 7 =-A-s" HARDWARE! an H BLACK TEA, GREEN TEA, JAPAN TEA. TEA FOR THE RICH, TEA FOR THE POOR, TU FOR EVERYBOOT. 1 sad islt a trial et ins TEAS. he 1 bow 1 ear give sansiestien. ISy Meat et general /Meson Y ales wen .Mast. GERGE OLDS. JAYljf! =AIM, A*CI 'ICT, *0' G sa. (Y.WS Ms.t. I8.uI . ek. Gad. Pltas vse1Sm11 iia.nerrowle APPRENTICES WANTED. Farmers' Hardware YOUR Builders' Hardware YOUR KNIVES, FORKS 81 SPOONS In foot, everything you want in his line: JAS. SAUNDERS & SON. VARIETY STORE. NEw GOODS_ WAL PAPERS INDOW BLINDS, BORDERS 8zC_ 8aC_ NEW DESIC+NS, LOW PRICER_ TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. A large stock' or STOVES AND TINWARE. IS -BOUND TO BELL CHAP This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WIRE, the best yet. R_ W_ I\020IT=E_ TINWORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. The Cheapest House Under The Sun. THE EMPORIUM J. C. DETLOR 8& CO. =77311Er2" =rat .busied Mve s ""010th. ep of tis LIFE ANL LZOTQRZS OF HON. GEO. BROWN, HON. A. MAOKENZIE- nosey ter Mowery Is a Sew earn Ordain takes >d nnGA% ON MONDAY. 'mut Ant' tett, 18111, Their Immense Sale The Entire Stock will be Offered at Clearing Prices. Mextestixam irk =very- Ztixze Don't Mies This Chance to Buy Goods at Bottom Prices. The Ordered Tailoring Department WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL. ATTENTION.. J.C. DETLOR & CO. Ontario Steel Barb Fence Co. Limited. /Liee,saed ender the Glidden Palen(.) MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB Four -Pointed Steel Fencing Wire, 55 & 57 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO. A..1. SOMERVILLE. Vice -Pres. aad Man. Director. R. W. MoKENZIE, Sole Agent for Goderich. 3o. t HURON SCHOOL BOOK DEPOT, GODBRICH. tar. Eyes want to see tar Largest Asart- ment of 1.MBROZI T RTT i* Ever.Slsred ka eledran eileb, raat Colborne 'Baca. i 1 CREAT BARGAINS ,v BOOTS AND SIiO::S ! GRANB CLEARNG SALE FOR 30 DAYS Preview to Meet taking .t CAIPBELL'S BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. Pasties mamas swagtteeM toll nc at es. Ramat seemed fist clasa wykss. aa♦ /pauepaaeed to Mauhesere border Nothing but Tirst Class Material Qom, AND • A C-ood. rit C+uaacteec .. WM CAMPBELL. wised+. waw. Itlit r.