HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-17, Page 8r
' 1n. rreseetamoa to .m r. a. she en Leaving ter
a is ysaatteas.
Zion 13. C. Suuday School, township
k of Colborne, has lust a respected lead-
er and helper in the person of Mr. S.
like, who left on Wednesday for Mani-
toba. On Sunday last, the teachers and
friends of the Sunday School made the
following presentation to Mr. (Ike:
7'o Jiro. ham,er1 Oka.
It is with feelings of deep regret that
we are called upon to break the endear-
s ing aasu,:iation of the past fifteen years,
S as we mutualy laboured together in this
our Sabbath School work. We feel call-
ed upon to express our deep sympathy
with you on this trying occasion as you
are leaving duties, labours and friends
which are very dear to you, and which
1 you will miss very much in that far off
land to which you are going. We shall
miss very much your council and sym-
pathy your earnest and faithful instruc-
tion as a teacher and for the greater
part as superintendent of this Sabbath
School, and also that important position
you have at, nobly tilled as the leader of
our singing, we believe we are nut say-
ing too much when we say that we shall
miss in no one eo much as we shall miss
in you. Dear brother in behalf of the
officers, teachers anti pcholars we present
you with a small memento of our appre-
ciation -of your labour amongst ult. fhe
present consisted of a teacher's bible;
bound in morocco containing $27.65
enclosed in its leaves.) And we hope
that you will not measure our respect to
you by the gift we present you, for
words fail to convey to you the feelings
MOULDINGS, and every
Desoriptiou of lntenor Finish.
A Specialty. Send for Price
Lists. 8kit N(1L ES,
Estimates on applies
that. (Address
r bro., that
the curl-..., t:iid tits Lust ui books,
will be a light to your lest, good for
your mind, a solace in every trouble,
and a step on which you can always
lean. It is the earnest prayer of this
Sunday School that whenever you may
go, God may guide, direct' and keep you
in the same old path in which you have
walked in the past, and we hope that
your usefulness will nut oeaae when you
leave us, but that a large sphere of use
fulness may open up before you, and
that you may be anointed with the Holy
Spirit's unction so that your work of
faith and labour of love may be crowned
with abundant success. We hope that
the dews of heaven may richly descend
upon yau,and that both temporarily and
spiritually God's choicest blessings may
rest upon you, and while the severing of
friendship is so severe -we oiee in the
prospect of a happy reunion by and bye
when we shall meet in our Father's
house, where friendship shall never be
broken, where the word farewell shall
never be utered, but where all the ran-
somed ones shall sing the song of re-
deeming love, and as here so there, the
music will be sweeter if your happy
voice we hear among the number. And
now dear Bro. we must say farewell,
hoping again to meet in the better
Bro. Oke replied to the above in a
soul'stirring address to the school. He
advocated tirat love to reign in the Sun-
day School, their work in the Sun-
day School, every one to take a part
in S. S. work; neversay "I cannot." Next
he referred to punctuality, always be in
time.,He said that as well as he could
remeber, neither he nor Bro. N. Mor-
ish, the other superintendent, had ever
been five minutes late since being elect-
ed as superintendent& Next he strong-
ly advocated temperance, illustrating it
with the 'blackboard temperance lesson,
trvirg t o tix on the scholars mind the
evil arisingfrom taking the first glass,
&skin: :is a last request that when they
meet together each Sabbath in their
sehuo:, to remember and pray for hits in
the f.ti .off land, promising to meet them
in Heaven. - ;Com.
Wert WaWaaoiin.
1J trr.tey,-It is with$ deep regret,
and 11:4 to a few of the readers of THE
Si .r t 1., that tie ant.•ounce the death of
, Mr. Charles '4cC'rostie of West tyaw•an-
• I •ah, which took place on Friday morn-
! ing last. '10th inst.); at his father's resi-
dence. neat St. Helens. Mr. JlcCro.stie
had become a victim to that fell disease
consumption, contracted through a cold,
and which had been working on his sys-
tem for some time, but the symptoms
had not set in with serious severity until
the latter part of last year. A number
of doctors had been called upon to pre-
scribe, but all their attempts to alleviate
the disease were in vain. Hopes -clad
peen entertained of his recovery till
within a month or ao previous to his
death, when the doctor's said their skill
cosId ant restore hint to health.. And
when shortly afterwards informed that
his allotted titre was fast coming to an
ens, he was fully resigned to his lot.
Being a pe. -son of a quiet disposition,
few words, and to the point, hew were
ied to know what his hopes were, but
from his /node of life, no pers, n could
hardly misjudge him in saving that, "To
die was gain.' Mr McCretie was 22
vers of age, just attaining manhood and
bets,( cat off so early in life is a timely
wooing to those who may not be se well
prepared to accept of so early a da wn-
lutbn from the things of the world.
Helraatt11 exemplary y''un/ ioan i u al-
nlo$ eviler weed of the test, metals ea
e ped well worth of imitatiur By
his nth he leads a large circle of lends
to urs the loss, not only as relatives
b he entire community and th.se who
maul a clomp c.rmpanionship 114s,
eel avisas his valuable kw -
parsed. have the heareket
thy , " the perop;e of the aurr,und-
onstry in the Ines which they arc
upon to sustain. He was ioterrted
St Helens cemetery on IN.,nday
'it net.,_ the hearse being followed
rtltge of put, el/lent Tiy about 110
pinups. -Cote • +• •
(le ) va b o{ seity of the
nsdelph i n
'ix* ,,f
Mr.. -Peter Bissett, of this township
left on Tuesday last to join her husband
at Grand Forks.
Mr. Roderick young, of (*low, ad
present a Guderi h High Sekowl pupil,
ftak been ill with missiles, but is uuw
able to be around, and is progressing
Mr. Wm. McArthur. is authorised to re-
ceive subscriptions for 1 us Whole( SPINAL
and give receipts tharetor.
TL ,n!rr1Nu AND CONCERT.-- A very
successful tea -meeting and cunoert was
held here on Friday last, under the
umpteen of St. Paul's Church. The tea-
meetiig was held at Smiley's hall and
the cwteert in the church. There was a
large attendance, the church being
crowded. Rev. Mr. Carne, the rentor,
occupied the chair, and interesting ad-
dresses were given by Rev. Mr. Leask,
of St. Helena, and ,the chairman. An
excellent vocal and instrumental pro-
grannne was also given, which was taken
part in by list. George's choir, of Gode-
rich, under the leadership of Miss Ber-
tha Trainer. The proceeds, which were
in aid of the parsonage and organ fund,
amounted to about $tib, which was fur-
ther supplemented by Monday evening's
social to the extent of $10.
During the hrst week of March, Mr.
Hutchison, a farmer in this neighbor-
hood, whose farm lies high and dry, was
engaged plowing.
More deaths have occurred in this vi-
cinity during the present winter than
have taken place for the last ten years;
nine penal' in all having passed away.
The recent snow has caused great ac-
tivity in this vicinity. Nearly every
Tuan and his sons are busy handling saw-
logs or wood, and taking advantage of
the sleighing which is not expected to
last long.
Mr. Jas. Grant, of 12th con. of Ash-
field, has at last got up steam in his new
hill, and is now prepared to serve his
customers of whom he is likely to have
a largo number, as he is a gentlemen
who will strive toplease three who pat-
ronize him.
Mr. M. McKenzie has sold his lirvper-
ty is this place to Mr. Rod. Finlayson
for the sum of $1,6$5. Mr. McKenzie
started business here about three months
ago. He is now selling off his stock of
dry goods, and intends steering for the
North-West shortly.
Bows PVECHASZD. - Mr. John J.
Parish, of the llth con. of McKillop,
has purchased from Mr. Tho.: J. Bell,
of Londesbero, one of his imported
Clydesdale stallions, which is rising two
years old, paying therefor the sum of
Work on the salt well at Wroxeter,
has been suspended for good. After
reaching a depth of 1422 feet it became
evident that the task was a hopeless one
and it was thought best to gin it up.
From the beginning the shareholders
showed great pluck and energy, and it
is to be regrettwd'that they did not meet
with the suooess which their:effort de-
Bosnia lfouoa'r.--Mr. Frank Thomp-.
son, agent for Mr. A. J. Hemaman of
Mia.field, Ohio( whom we .poke of a
short time ago, as purchasing some good
brood mares, has been makinv some
good purchases lately for some first class
horses. The following is a list of those
bought for which good prices were paid : J.
Mooney, Clinton, four horses; .1. Gen-
tles, Kincardine, two horses; P. Cole,
Goderich, one horse; Thomas Churchill*
Goderich t'p, one horse; 13. Churchill,
Hullett, one horse; Mr. Mackenzie,
\Vingham, one horse; W. Whitely, Hu-
ron Road, Tuckersmith, one horse. He
intends to ship them en Monday or
Tuesday next. -[Record.
Uvwlss Ecovomv.-At the close of
last year the trustees of Blyth Public
School took a wonderfully ecunoutical
tit, and decided G, cut down the salaries
of their teachers. The principal, Mr.
Henderson, who had served faithfully
and well for years, declined to accept ot
the reduced salary The trustees ac-
cordingly engaged a young man for con-
siderably leas than Mr. Henderson had
been receiving, and flattered themselves
that they were doing a big stroke of bu-
siness. The new teacher was unable t,,
control the school, and the trustees had
to let him go and have had to come back
to Mr. Henderson again and ask hits to
accept his old position at his former
salary. This Mr. Henderson has done,
and frim this out school matters will gas
on all right. The Blyth, as well as eth-
er trustees should learn from this that
cheap labor- is not always the cheapest
in the end.
THE Lava Ma. HAsrlsv.-Net a few
of our readers will be pained to learn of
the death of Mr. James Hartley, school
teacher in Section No. 4, 111cKillup,
which took place at his residence on
Thursday morning last. A few weeks
ago Mr. Hartley underwent an opera-
tion for the removal of a tumor. The
operation was successfully performed,
and the very best hopes for his speedy
recovery were entertained, both by bis
friends and medical attendants, and for
some days he was able to leave his room.
The disease, however, was not so easily
stayed, and had deeper root in the
system than was at first supposed. It
a o nmenced to grow again and spread es
rapidly than in a few weeks it had as-
sumed such proportions that the medical
men gave up all hope of saving his life.
The poison had penetrated the whole
system, and sin human aid could stat the
hand of death. Mr. Hartly was just 31
years of age, Lavine not yet Mislaid to
the prime cif life. He had been • teach-
er of No. 4 school for essay year's, esti
was riot only beloved by his pepils but
was respected and esteemed by the en-
n.tire people. He was a most exemplary
man, and his %nfluseas was always tier
,d, and hal his life been s ply
excellent abilities, genial and kindly
stammer, and, above all, his k' sin w
of htttor and gond character wo have
*WS him a leader among his fellow/I,
he iOra taantes1 a few yens a0.e to the
yootto$est elaaghtet of the Nev. Mc. Mus-
t�m�t e, and he leaves a young widow and
The French Seuats, by a vote of 167
to 573, has rejected a proposition re-
quirigg school masters to teach pupils
their duty towards God and the couu-
Sir Henry Halfordl says that at the
International sheath d snatch only the
beet went of the mem the country
can produce will ens u success for the
It is estimated that the United States
hart expended over two bundred millions
of dullan during the last ten years in
-fighting and taking care of the Indiana
Detailed information from .the flooded
districts of the Mississippi shows that
the reports of terrible sufferings are not
exaggerations. Thousands of people are
actually starving.
In the suit for breach of contract
brought by the Northern '! ransit Com-
Cpany against the Grand Trunk Railway
ompany a verdict of $111,000 has
been given for the plaintiff The sum
claimed was $400,000.
The earl of Crawf.,rd and Balcarres
has engaged four spiritualists, who are
now at Dunecht House, Scotland, en-
deavouring in clairvoyance to see the
violator of the tomb of his father.
The difficulty between Chili and Peru
appears to be drawing to a close. After
an obstinately -contested fight the Per-
uvians were defeated, and Chili now
Domes forward and offers terms of peace,
which will likely be aooept.d.
Mr. Percy Punshon, youngest Solt of
the late Rev. Dr. Punahun, is about en-
tering the ministry of the Methodist
Church of Canada, and was recommend-
ed as a candidate to. the Toronto Confer-
ence at the last quarterly meeting of the
Metropolitan Church.
Gen. Wm. Wright, the well-known
engineer who marched with Sherman to
the sea, and has been pramihent in poli-
tical affairs, died in Moyaininsing prison,
Philadelphia, on Thursday night. He
was sent there for lying drunk in the
street. •
The prospectus of a new Canadian
Cattle Company has been issued. The
directors are Lord Thurslow, Sir G. G.
McNeill, Lord Kerr and Juggins Burke
Brown. Bankers - British North
America Bank. The capital stock will
be £200.000 in 20,000 £10 shares. The
company purposes importing Canadian
live stock for these markets.
The celebrated North Ontario election
case has been before the courts new for
nearly four years, and the last -motion
which was argned was on behalf of Mr.
I Wheeler, the respondent, for an order
to set amide the taxation of the costs as
against Wheeler. Judgment was given
en Wednesday on the application, which
the court dismissed without costa.
The rite of circumcision was perfornm
ed on a young child of Mr. Jacob.Lands-
berg's, Belleville, on Sunday afternoon
in the presence of a large number of in-
vited guests, including three clergymen
and two college professors, as well as a
good representation of professional and
business men. The ceremony was per-
formed by a rabbi from Montreal. On
its oouclusion the company sat down to
a light repast which had been prepared,
and an hour or two was enjoyably.apent.
Great damage has been done recently
by floods in the Mississippi valley. An
immense amount of prti.perty has been
destroyed, many lives lost, and thous-
andc left destitute or plac(.d in imminent
peril. Even in the Northern States and
the Province of Quebec the downpour of
rain on Thursday, the 2nd inst., was
something remarkable. Some of the
western streets of Montreal were flooded
with water to the depth of three ur four
The United States Minister, replying
to the application on behalf o.: Ameri-
can citizens arrested in Ireland, says the
Coercion Act is contrary to the spirit
and foundation of the principles of both
English and Amencan jurisprudence,
but is the law of •he land, and coutrols
all persons domiciled in the proclaimed
districts in Ireland, whether British
subjects or.not. it is manifestly futile
to claim that naturalized citizens of the
United States should be exempted from
the operation of the Acta
At the examination of MacLean,_ two
letters written by the prisoner, were
read. In the first, written before the
shooting, he raid he was compelled to
commit a crime against a bloated aris-
tocracy because of the insufficient relief
offered hits. In the aecend, written
after his arrest, he said his only object
was t., cause public alaim and get his
pecuniary grievances redressed. He did
not mean to hurt the Queen, but only
tired at the wheels of her carriage.
Hon. Oliver Mowat and his colleagues
in refusiugto submit kothe arbitrary and
unjust actino of the Dominion Govern-
ment in the matter of the Boundary
Award and the StreanrsBill have shown
themselves to be worthy of the confi-
dence of the ,people of this province.
Their action meets the approval of every
thoughtful citizen who is nut jaundiced
by party prejudice. No man who esteems
the principle of justice and right caa
claim to be patriotic in his op,usition to
the stead taken by the Ontario Govern
anent on these questions. -[Southern
Counties Journal
The governor of the (ked Coast nays
that nobody there has heard a word as
to the king of Aehantee killing two him -
deed earls to use their b'e'd for mortar,
stead that such a proceeding would have
been isepue4ibM fee kiwi. )Ir. Benner -
man, seat et ea Atalanta, princess, told
the governor that "the king has no more
power NUM see badged, or eves twek
gide under such circumstances and . for
esti purposes as those alleged that the
galternor has himself, and that the
Agile ssoFy is a.6bfoslisa ssperted
fan. Cape (3ar!
*cher else t0.►
p�1tfssyp�Nsareniring with low ad de-
dsii disrnada mice MaA, nto� al
lily, weak eoesiti-
tstio n, hastimehet es any dermas of a
hare. sits y all mesas peering a
battle of Else4ie Nktevta Ten will be
3need bsn the rapid impnnu10011t
twill teNtr; you will be inntiredi
new life; strength itegtoty will ran
teen; pais and milli *S cites, and
hepoeforthme nie yea win ifaJOioe
hotel Oen int
The New York Sus:, says that during
lastear that city expeeded about
$4,000,000 for the education of child -
tee and about 160,000,000 fur drinks.
There were 0,215 places in Ike city
where liquor was sold.
A tragedy, terrible as it was uuprece
dente.i, occurred lately ut ltakoe-Palots,
its 11ungard. A peasant wutusu laid her
baby under a tree, against which a soy -
(1}e was leaning. The scythe fell and
c oil the baby's head The father,
wlhu was working near by, in a lit of
rage stabbed his wife to the heart, and
thee, full of remorse fur the cruel deed
he had done, h ud hiutself on the
some tree undernn th which his child
had mut its death.
Snatched Fres the crave.
Mrs. Helen Pharviz, No. 331 Dayton
st. Chicago, I1)., is aux in her sixty-
eighth year, and states that she has suf.
fared with Consumption for about ten
yea's, was treated by nine physicians, all
of whuut pronounced her case hopeless.
She had given up all hopes of ever recov-
ering. Seveu bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption completely
cured her. Doubtiug ones, please drop
her a puatal and satisfy yourselves. Trial
bottles free at Rhynai s Drug Store.
Large size 11.00. (1)
Although the people of Ireland refuse
to pay rent to the landlords they manage
to rind means to pay tribute to king al-
cohol. In 1880, the last year for which
the returns have been tnade up, the
Irish people paid more money to liquor
dealers than to landlord& Their liquor
bill was larger than the rent hill by
nearly 810,000,000. And this tyrant
that slakes such exactions, giving in re-
turn only poverty, misery and crime,
rules the world. -[Acte Free Press.
CaP1TAL. • - e11,0e0116.
SURPLUSi. - - - • 04060.000.
'Goderich Branch.
C It. D UNSFORL, • - - /
Alloutedit interest eIrooitadeposits.
btt uota6taswrgdhletter
pT l-aole
luau parts o the world as
0 -)aid up Capital, - +6,000,000.
Rest, • - *1,400,x.
President, - lin?•: if iV. dfeM4STER
General Manager, • W. rt.......aiwv
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - • -Nauseas,
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a
the principal Towns sad Cities in Canada
Great Britain sad the United States, bough
and sold.
Adraaeesto Farmers on Notes. with one o
more endorsers. without mortgage.. 1781
$66•ms and
6 outfit trin ee. Address H. HAour own town. LLETT k
co. Pertlaad Maine
Tsevepta Snide.
Pass. _Jt:es. Ilpu Mla'd
fiederlob.Lv7Jsam..1 LAW11...
tlwsfortb .... 7,60 " .. 110 '• .. 4.18 " ..10.50 '
dtrattord.Are.56sm..2.Uipm..0.70pnf.. IAO '•
Pus. Up's. We'd. Al ia'd.
fltratJord. v 1.slam..7. . 7.00ant..3.46pm
rieaforth . . 6.17 ' • .. 8.0E " .. 5.15 " .. 3.40 '
Oederich. r 3.18ps..Mimi ..11.00atn..7.lbpm
Ezppa. Mall. pixy's.
Clinton'going north ...0.39ttm...1.33pq ..8.35pm
go lig south... 64{.un...0.001bm..7.24 "
y'fAOlt U?s s.
L.ckao a nage (daily) arr.,l0./bum .. dep spm
BaruidUer • (Wednesday aiid OOsrna las
Saturdav►arrlvet 0.00m.. 11.1
BRITISH As& car, Tonolvro-Establish'
PH(ENIX INS. CO'Y, of LONDON (England/
Established 1702.
HARTFORD INS. COT, of Hai rmolm, Coen
-Established 1810.
Risks taken in the above flat -class °Mae.. at
the lowest retain. HORACE HORTON.
Money to Loan on emclass security, rout
7 to $ per Cent. -Charges moderate.
Oodericb Sept. 10. 1800.
sae0ka's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts, [ii
.George Breed.Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped.Hands, Chil-
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles. It is guaran-
teed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Geo. Rhynas. 1830 ly.
Watson -In Goderich. on the 11th of March.
the wife of Mr. W. Watson, baker, of •
Moore -Fisher -On the 9th inst.. in Goderich.
by the Rev Dr. Williams, Mr. Abraham
Moore. to Miss Rebecca Fisher, of Colborne.
Schwan: -In Colborne. on Wednesday, Mar.
8th. Priscilla. relict of the late John
Schwann, aged 57 years and 11 month,,.
Maitland- At Boyne, Trafalgar circuit, in the
County ot Halton. on the Ilth inst., John
Monteith Robb, son of the Rev, It. It. Malt -
land, aged 1 year and 10 months.
13ori Macicerizie
Imrie°s Book Store.
Cloth 81.00. half Morr•000t, $2.00.
Hosele--0f consumption, after a lingering ill- _ its', • !sS-'S� ' •S. � 'aT t.� _Z�` f{! t{+• t d' JeoT j� fM-�
nese of six 7aara borne with remarkable pe- rty.
dente, on the 3rd inst., at the Bursars regi-
ara, Institution tor the Blind, Brantford. yt- q LL -� pApERi
Sarah Gordon McWhinney, wire of Mr.
Walter N. Hessle, bursar, formerly of Strait '1TS
ford, aged 49 years. 11su on the rah inst., ilit
after abrief illness, Sarah 13athia I -Birdie") -GI -..,1'.. - .�sw .0.!3 -4.Z ., � ��- ;�� 1�t� 10r
youngest daughter of the above. `
bode Markets.
Outalucu. March 16, 1883.
Wheat, iFa11) P busk........ .. 21 18.
Wheat, (Spring) 11 bush........ 1 21
Flour. F barrel.. .. s 60
Oats. Y bush .................... u 10
Peas, -0 bush .................... 0 70
Barley. V bush.......... 0 70
Haatoea y boob . 0.00
y. it ton ...................... 1l 00
n..0 73 •
d o St AT-
Butter. 0 b.. .. . u 18 vt 0 18
in doz. (unpack. . ......: a is i+ 0 00 •store.
Imrie's Book
Shorts, is cwt............ 1 UO l? 100
Bran, Y cwt .. 0 71 U 1i0
Chop, a cwt..,. 140 " 140 '
Wool 0SO " 0 2
woo./ , ...... 300 " 3 50 '
Hides.. 700 " 730
Sheepskins........ 0 10 " 1 10
Dressed Hogs ......... ..... 7 25 •, 7 50
Beef..... ... 460 " e 30
1882 SPRING 18.82 ill aid Tii1 IVpt
Ce it NC
The subscriber would draw the sheathers of
the public to his
Th^ iarge,t hat has ever been brought into
Godericle. comprising: Bed Clover Seed, AI -
sack and 11 hire (',user• Large l'ea Vine Clo-
ver. Timothy seed. Orchard Grass. Flax Shed.
Hm.garian and `.!Ilett. Buckwheat. Lost Na-
tion. and several other kinds of seed wheat.
Alsoi ('rown Peas• \Marrowfats, and other
grades. Every descriJt io t of seed oats. A r r
full line of garden and Held seeds consisting -r
of Swede Turnips. Mammoth Mangolds, Rod
s of St1ioaery
rie's Book Store.
and White Carrots; also garden peas, com-
prising s; Early
"Little Gem.' Cor and all g nther
eral Canadian School Book Emporium
varieties; 1 arly and Sweet Corn; and general
garden seeds of every description, all tush
and good, from the celebrated firm of J. A.
Bruce & Co.. Hamilton, ynt. 1 have also on
hand n large yaantity of ground oil cake which
cannot he surpassed for cattle food. Call
early and secure a choice. Terms the most
reasonable in the trade. e
�. SIO rTE.
Corner of Hamilton and Victoria streets,
Goderieh. 1880.
Teed • Mark Registered.
r casual obsenatlos, we And all lead
specalatan have a dear head and watch the
ors and downs of property. ebs math,/
foetuses Batt hese
the w ser they
North Sige Market Square, Oodorioh, Ont.
Begs to announce to the people of Goderich and this section of Huron, that he has
purchased from Mr. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will
contitme the business in the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce8treete.
Hating bought the goods for cash, and as I intend to make all my purchases from
wholesale men for cash also, I will be in a position to sell at
Very Low Prices for Cash.
My ateck will always be fresh. I will keep the beat brands of teas, good sugars,ty
and everything in the grocery line from the best producers. Bea, Spiced Mesta,
etc. , slway. on band in season. I am determined to please. both in qualttyand rice.
s!t-C.1I at the stand. Victoria street. opposite the Fair Ground, near D. k
Strschan's machine shop.
Goderich, March 9th, 183'2.
ret k
the system In a healthy condition b the __.
?R• masa of TU* IALUM MalioNl1t.
'e can safety say that hendrNs come to as
for the great lung and bloodurifier before
pi head the following asuemettt.
We could give thousands of the seam Mad H
1t were
1 certif. that was treabl.d with (*startle
is ekegathertaa at passes I. tb.taroat,sn•
abettor and roughing at tat for asse I
wield not skip. often trnnbiM wIM tine, HIP.Mow MM:ners. pates Nn the chest aid trash.
After giving headreds of dollars to dearest
and aiding np .11 hopes, i tried the Frees or
Tau V At.tsr, and •m4►ow able to de my wart
after seven rear's sirksess.-
IN Rttnoo. Street. Loads . Ont.
"Tie above statenlentlof my wife's is cor-
Jams McNg►t_
For sale by all draggles. manntbctyred by
Prof. A. M. Sbrt.oes, London, Ont. trample
kart Meta; floe hie r,1.w. (Ian he bad Is
nd.rlea of the hAtewjag draggled,: .seen
.d. iss. Itteme4 r.Jeeps.. 0.4 Gm.vies. twat.
=o dr0 W eadiup
/sag to announce to the Public that they� have opened business in the above trade
in the sten lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having perehased a large and
well asserted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at cines figures, we are determined
tove the Public the benefit.QUICK 8118 & NULL PBOFI?8 SILL BB OUR IMO.
eer'P)esse call and examine our g..ods before purchasing els where.
,sf'Bemember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
14f-Ciastom work will receive Our special attention.
,.0•Notte but the best of material used and Ant -class workmen ee piayet .
A. -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice.
Gedetieh. 11[aeeh A, 18012 DOWNING & W ED D U P.