The Huron Signal, 1882-03-17, Page 1..1
- -
nEV0T7-°„ N
WHGLE leap. i
hem Aeteetleesamits
.e.111 -S. Sloane.
-Jolui Acheson.
00:n Wented-C. M.
iriug Goods -Was Stewart.
rand Offer -James Lee &
ouoy Found -A. 3IeD.
oy Wunted-O. C. Robertson.
locution -M. Eleanor Goorgen.
yer's Sarsaparilla -Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co.
. Dentistry.
L. TNT. Ofitoeses render**, West aittsmt
roe doors below Dant of Montreal. Guar.
./ GEON. Gate with Trotter & Csesar. the
adin; Dentliste of Trost... i All operations
:at ly end eereeldly pastorales. Rooms. Bea-
r 111. ck. CLINTON. LiFPatienta from •
llalwe will pisose mske appointment in &d-
onee by inill. 1612
Real Estate..
Lot it con. 2. towaahle 01 Getierieb.
unty.1 Huron. 3 miles from Goderich. con -
:ping 118 acres. nearly all of which are
eared. and in a jfuud state of cultivation.
oil a clay loam. There are two wells. also a
emek rune through the centre of the
nn. 'I here is • good brick house with cel-
underneath. kitchen and woodshed. two
Rid frame barns. dr*, ing shed, and imple-
housc. A good erliard with DO choice
ult. trees, blood fenced. There are 14 acres
f tau wheat in the ground. Terms easy.
orpertienlaraztly to WILLIAM BEST,
roprietor. 0 18294t.
hem to rent. One hundred acres of
muted land, free of stumps and in a first class
ate of cultivation. About 80 *ores in grass
al about fifteen sates plowed, well watered
.1 with good building,. Next farm to the
intatl deck. For further particulars apply
MICRAMI. DALTON, EMU'S poet office.
desirable brick home. on FAA 81.., with
nI, eighth of an acre of land. The house eon -
ns 5 bed rooms, parlour, dining room.
tchen. wood -shed and all necessary convent-
ncos. No nesoaable Whir will be refused.
DWARDIkkeltstalt. lab
7& corner of Victoria and East strets. In
e town of Oederich, for sale cheap, or will be
:changed for term property. For particulars
pply to Ji. &emu.. Architect, Mace Crabb's
lock. Sr Y. C. Ceitatin. auctioneer.
Loans and 3nsurance.
lend on easy terms M sums to suit bor-
wens. Aesx. molt Ateke.
Ooderhis. New. 17th 1881. 13161m.
She People's (Column.
I: with • private renal); pleme send ad -
Sietraice. 1830-1t.
stating tonna per mouth etc., to C. 51..
e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
ich. • - 1750.
owner out have it by giving proof and
papas expeases. ALEX MCD. ALLAN.
1.I Breechleg of a single harness, between
tbe Maitland bridge and the Foundry. The
tinder will be suitably rewarded by tearing
Mem et John Acheson's store, the Square.
AY furniture beelines's. Apply to O. C. ROW
MATSON. Variety Store, garage, thiev-
ed*. 1830-1t.
aThr stockholders of the Tecumseh salt well
re prepared to rent their well at reasodable
terms. The appliances for the satisfaa tory
working of the well are in good condition and
immediate posseeiion of the premises tan be
had by the leance. For further particulars
apply to GEO. H. JOHNSTON. secretary.
182e -lm.
P TATE. Terms favorable. -Apply to B. L.
DOYLE. Oats:itch. 1751
CV on goad Flinn or first -01w Town Property
at 8 per osnt. Apple to R. RADCLIFFE. I788
whom 1 may have been indebted. not-
withstanding the (net that the debt may long
since have been barred by the statute of limit -
&lion, can have such indebtedness promptly
liquidated. Any person having just Janna
are to preaentt hem to J. C. 1)etlor, Esq..
Goderich. I also take this opportunity of re-
epectfully inviting those who are desirious of
doing so, to pay their indebtedness to me,
through r. Detlor, although 1 am well aware
that the can, if they choose. shield thetn-
'elver behind the statute of limitation.
11.8 m*nounttS4 horrowe-• a: 6 to 6i per
cent. Private Tends. Apply to SEAoKit and
Moirros, Goderich.
IA All parties looking for license for the
sale of liquors. are hereby notified that their
application most be in my hands on or before
the first day of April next.
tioderich. Har:h 1st. 1882.
License inspector.
1326-3t. West Huron.
1.) The premises ere 30:* with wood shop
attached. and are situated on the Lake Shore
Road, Ashfield, half a mile from Kingsbridge,
and one and a half miles from Kintail. A first
class opening is here offered for a general
blacksmith. Delicate health is the sole reason
for the owner giving lip businteut. Terms
reasonable. For further particulars apply to
PATRIcIt HOGAN, Kingsbridire, P. 0.
.1.V.A. amount of Private Funds for investment
at lowest rates on first -clam Mortgages. Apply
to ()ARROW & PROD DrooT.
AA Money to lend at lowest rates, free of
am emits or ehnrites. SE AGICI1 MORTON.
otiposIte Colborne Hotel.
Oodericli, 93,4 March 1881. 1779.
NEWS ABOUT HOME Our old friend, Mr. Walter M. Deck
• of the Kincardine Reporter, has been
"A chiel's arming ye. YAM' motes, blessed recently with the advent of
An' faith he'll preat it.° what Artemus Ward would call, "two
episodes" in his family --twin Kirk 1110
TOWN TOPICX. hasn't decided which air he will adopt
for a lullaby -"The 13abies on our
Don't forget Ball's clearing @aloof furniture Block," or "McSorley's Beautiful
on Saturday next. the IStb Diet. Great bar-
gains may be expected. Twins." May his race extend.
Bring along your babies. whether the sue
shine's or not, and hare their photograph taken
in one second. by the new quick proems. and
only $1.50 per dozen at E. L. Johnson's. Geo.
B. Hobson, maneger.
When the news of the Winnipeg Sr.
reached Goderieb. there was • steady rush to
the telegraph office to enquire for particulars,
which was only equalled by the rapid rush to
Sallows' nhotograph gallery by persons re-
quiring flirt class photos.
Eit. Patrick's Day to -day.
Miss Ada Bissett i4 visiting friends in
Mr. S. Seeginiller bas returned from a
Michigan trip.
Mr. S. Platt returned from the 1)0.
minioncapital on Friday last.
Bliss Nellie Donagh left on Thursday
to fill engagement at Howell, Mich.
Orange Lodge No. 153 held a social
on Monday evening in the hall. It was
hugely attended.
Mr. J. L. Sturdy has removed his
family to ‘Vingium where he has gone
into the hotel business.
Don't settle in the North West -un-
til you subscribe for TKI SIGNAL and
get all the home news. Poritaire free.
M. C. Cameron, M. P.. arrived on
the afternoon train yesterday so as to
take part in the Chancery sittingato-day.
We understand that a hennery 'on a
large scale is about to be estabhohed on
the Huron Road, by Pottle Goderich
M. Georgen will appear in Victoria
Hall on Monday next in a choice tom -
gramme. Reserved !eats are on sale at
Lucy, the fast trotter, is azain in
town, and her trainer, Mr. Palraer,
keeps the shanties out of her ladyship
by a daily jog.
Mr. M. Graeme Cameron attended
the sitting of the Chancery Division of
the High Court of Justice held at Wal -
Legal. kerton this week.
Mr. James Mullen, of the Lucknow
stage, showed us on Tuesday, a monster
hen egg, which measured 61x81 inches,
and weighed four ounce&
Mr. S. O. Perry, express agent of
St. Thomas, and formerly of Goderich,
was in town this week. He says that
"half of St. Thema(' is going west. -
Brt L. DOLE, BARRISTER A NI) [Clinton New Era.
. Attorney, Solicitor In Chemise,. Sc., EsliailemeNrr. -M. Georgen, the giftOoderich. Ont. roe ed elocutionist, is on tho cards for Mon -
in Victoria Hall. Tickets 25c;
kJ TEM. kc.. &c.. Goderich and Wingham. Reserved seats 35c. Plan of hall can be
C. Seeger, Jr.. Ooderich. J. A. Morton. Win- at Sheppard's bookstore.
ham. 1751.
Mr. F. E. Gibbs, whose family are at
Q MAWOMBON, BARRISTER AND present residing in Godorich, was en -
Y. solicitor. Once -Comer of West Suess tertained by a number of his friends at
and Market Square.. over George Ac.hs.eson'
Ooderich. 1751. the Grand Central Hotel, Listowel,
nrevious to his departure for Menne-
AU. LAW, Solicitor in Chaecery, Convey- A meeting .of Conservatives will be
anoer„&c. Mace over Sheppard's bookstore, held in Davison & Johnstons office on
tioderich. Out. Any amount ot money to
loan at lowest rates of intermit. losty. Tuesday evening next, for the purpose
of appointing delegates to the Conserve-
CAMER°N'Solicitors in Chancery. tec.,
HOLT & • CAMERON, tive convention at Dungannon on Vl'ed-
Oodelialso atincihurhani. C. Cameron, Q. nesday, March 22.
C. P. Holt. M. 0. Cameron. Goderlok. W. E. At the last meeting of the Mechanic's
IlLscare. Wingbam. 175L Institute Directors, it was decided to
1 .1.4 Attorney.,
Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery &c.
Ofilce la me Court Moms. Gullarteb.
Ian Lewis. ALL. B.C.L. E. N. Lewis.
VI KHMERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, eto
Ooderich. J. T. ()arrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751
DISATIL -The Y. P. C. A. of Knox
Church on Friday last debated the ques-
tion: "Resolved that Napoleon was a
greater General than Wellington." For
the affinuatire-W. floosie, leader, T.
Dickson and F. Blair. Negative -E.
Duncan, Ju. Weir and R. Miller. Tho
chairman decided in favor of the affirma-
tive, although it seemed to us that the
other side made a far better presentation
Miss Ella Cox, on Monday evening of their case. Miss Ferguson gave a
hat. was made the recipient of a hand -
song and Miss Oliver a reading. The
some silver cup, the gift of the Ledies meeting was largely attended by young
Temperance Union, of Goderich, an in-
stitution with which Miss Cox has been "'Pie'
connected since its inception. The cup
was accompanied by a brief address, ex-
pressive of esteem and affection. Miss
Cox left on Wednesday for Dakota,
where she will juin her brother "Abe."
no better way of improving children in
the art .4 reading, than letting them
hear a good reader. M. Eleanor Geor-
is a splendid elocutionist, and her,
district utterance, exquisite modulation
of voice, ,and graceful gestures ore worth
pages of dry theories on expressive read-
ing. The admission price for children un-
der fourteen will be 15c., at M. Geor-
gen's readings on Monday.
CuaLtso.-Two rinks of the Goderich
Curling' Club played for the Gibbons'
Gold Medal, with the Seaforth club, at
Seaforth, on Tuesday last, with the fol-
lowing result:
Adamson. Young.
Allan. Leldlaw.
Strachan. Paterson.
Ilutchison, skip 2, flatly, skip 11.
Dunsford. Wilson.
McGregor. ' Wilson.
Moorhouse. Wilson.
Da_ ncy. skip 17. Wilson. skip FL
Majority for Goderich 6.
Fos BRANDON. -Mr. Andrew Waddell,
who for many'years has occupie.I the re-
sponsible position of Deputy Clerk of
the Crown for•the county of Huron, will
teat. on Monday next for Brandon,
'Manitoba. We understand Mr. Wad-
dell will establish a land .office in that
flourishing town in connection with our
townsman, Mr. J. W. \Veatherald.
Both gentlemen are well and favorably
kuown _here, and highly respected for
integrity and uprightness in business
Landed Credit Company is prepared to
bane money on good Farm security, at six per
oent. Full particulars given upon application
to HEIGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Doderlah.
Y. H. liorrowees can obtain moue_ y in °sonny
1 title is eatisfactory.-DA FUTON & JOHN. (2,
1TON. Barristers, &c.. Goderich. 1751
. Life and Aocident Insurance Agent. ;
DlirKeelatina erst-oisse0orapanies. Also agent I,.
br the CANADA live STOCK l'I,ICRANCE CO. ",
Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town or a
!arm Property. in any way to suit the borrow- s
tr. oe-(np-stalrs) Ear's block. Goderich rl
i 8
• Rieeical. .,
-1--e---1--v -v----,--- -zt - - e
Ditt lItTOH1804, DITNOM414.024,
Ont. Olt
• IAN. SURGIEON, ite.. Graduate ot Tor-
onto University. Lioentlate of the Royal Col. v.
lege ot Physicians, London, England. etc., &c., ;
M. C. P. 8. Ontario. Ofilce and residence "
Opposite Baley's Hotel. Hamilton street. tied -
*tic& 1198 -em
GEOPI, Coroner. &o. Offiee and residence
on Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria 1
Street. 1751. 1
- i
11. OWL Surgeon and Aoceuch;r. Gradaste
ot Toronto University. °Gee oppoeite Canter-
ron it Cameron's Bank. Lookeow. if not in
°Moe. enquire at the Beek. 171111-7.
1-' rhyme -Num inirgeons. Aoreuchere. Ike.
088ee at Dr. esansous residence, near the
Jail. Gederieb. O. C. Inteemet, J. C. II exit -
TOM. •1711.
T A.110:14111111D, V. IL , (SINCTICHNOR
ey . is . Ovedestie et Oahu% Nrs-
tertitary 0Ss stables aad rseldeaes‘
we :rote Mr,st four deers ewe ()Mot=
pi. 111,--estess eamtlued as to
-,. ..----
*MK NIGHT, PR A ("MAL 111 A R-
• HER and Halr-dreseer bray to return
thanks to the panne for pain
"311. and
*Alleles a entrainnanee of eunteilli_. _. *10 com
&Imre he ?need et his Shaving Paseo?. near
the Peet Offtee ooderieli 1763
. . . _ .
• e .
This talented elocutionary lady artiste
gave one ot her entertainments under
the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute,
in the Town Hall hut night. Tho reu-
dering of the various piece(' was most
excellent, and elicited frequent express-
ions of applause from the audience.
"The Senator's Dilemina.'' "Sims' Lit-
tle Girl," "How we went to • 'Pic-Nic,"
-but stay, it is no use to go into par-
ticulars when every selection was admir-
able. Those who were absent last night's
missed a treat seldom offered to an Owen
Sound audience. --[Owen Sound Times.
SORE A.TIPLIcTION. --We clip the fol-
lowing from the Stratford Beacon the
10th inst: Our obituary column this
week contains the announcement of a
double affliction which has befallen our
old and esteemed friend, Mr. W. N.
Howie, bursar of the Institution for the
Blind, Brantford. Surely indeed has he
been bereaved -first of his beloved
wife, and 24 hours after of his youngest
daughter ! Fur many years, says the
Brantford Expositor, Mrs. Hosaie has
been in a delicate state of health, and
was repeatedly given up by her physic-
ians as near her end. Her wonderful
vitality and spirit, however, seemed to
carry her over serious attacks of illness
that would have prostrated others.
Some three years ago she visited. her
native country, and returned greatly im-
proved in health. But the disease had
acquired too great hold of her constitut-
ion to be shaken off, and gradually she
became weaker and weaker, until Friday
evening, when death finally terminated
her sufferings. No doubt the sudden
illness of her youngest daughter, (who
died 24 hours after the mother,) hasten-
ed her end. Mrs. 'Jessie was much be-
loved by a large circle of friends. Her
sprightly temperament and warin-heart-
edness made her a welcome guest in
many a home. She was none the leas
an earnest, devoted Cluistian, and died
in full assurance of hope. The remains
of mother and daughter panted through
Stratford for the place of interment at
Goderich, on Tuesday, accompanied by
friends from Brantford. Rev. Dr.
Cochrane came as far as Stratford, but
pressing duties prevented his going fur -
The services at the grave were
conducted by Rev. Dr. i're.
nesdny, for Clinton, to prepare the way
at that point, and Mr. O'Connor re-
mained to get the Goderich party under
way, which he did in such • manner as
to gain credit to himself and the com-
pany which he represents. Mr. Harry
Annetrong, the popular ticket agent,
went as fur as Stratford, and saw that.
the travellers were nicely started on
their way.
From the Clinton New Era.
If any doubt had been entertained as
to the existence of a fever tenned
"Manitoba," or "Dakota," these would
have been removed by a visit to the
Grand Trunk stations between Goderich
and Mitchell, yesterday, where every-
thing was bustle and activity. in the de-
sire toset away on the "specials for the
West. 4
The train from Clinton consisted of
14 freight cars and 2 passenger coaches,
and were loaded with almost every pos-
sible kind of merchandise, which inclu-
des seed grain, firm implements, buck-
boards, waggons, buggies, fowl, cattle,
horses, etc., etc. The following are the
names of porting shipping cars from
here, with their destination. Where
two or more names occur the parties are
shipping together: -
John and Thomas Gorrell, Hull,
Brandon; Thomas Burnett, Goderich
township, Fargo, Dakota; John Hudie,
Goderich township, Granden, Dak. ;
Thomas Elliott, Goderich township,
Fargo, Dak. ; George Cox, Goderich
township, Granden, Dak.; Jas. Robert-
son, Goderich, township, Portage la
Prairie; J. R Holmes, 'Holniesville,
Emerson; R. W. Moore, Clinton, 2 can,
Emerson; R. Stirling, Goderich town-
ship, I. Weaver; G. Stewart, Tucker -
smith, Tower City, Dak.; Austin Callen-
der, Clinton, Brandon; C. & 0. Woods,
Hayfield, E. Tebbutt, Goderich, Bran-
don; John Pollock, Stanley,. Emerson;
W. Fox, Clinton, D. Welsh, Goderich
township, T. Reid, Stanley, Emerson.
The passenger coaches contained 125
persons, and in addition. to the' names
enumerated above, were the following
whose names we were able to get: -Jas
Thompson, Clinton, who goes through
in charge of the party, J. Fitzpatrick,
Mn. R. H. Call and 2 children, Mrs. J.
W. Fullerton and family, W. Fox and
family, Jno. Fox, R. W. Moore and
family, J. Whittingham and Mr. Watt,
all of Clinton; T. Johnston, }rank F.
Goodwin, Peter Aikenhead, T. Reid
and family of .6, D. Cullen, Jas. Arm -
inning, P. Ganin and sons, T. Eggleson,
W. Pollock, Jno. Elliott, all of Stanley;
A. Docking, Holmesville; Jas. Cox,
Geo. Hanley, W. Herbisen, A. McDon-
ald, F 51altman, Mrs. J. Maltman and
daughter, Jas. and Peter McGregor, 0.
and N. Churchill, H. Sweets, H. Cook,
Jas. Robertson and family, R. Ferris,
W. Cronyn,' Hennes and wife, F.
Morrish, Goderich township.
A train Of 12 cars of general effecta
left Goderich yesterday, with about 100
persons on board, and one left Seaforth-
with 8 cars of freight and about 125 pas-
sengers. The when( forming the largest
party that has 'ever left this county in
one day.
RV riiir 'oRZAr WRaVERN.
Yesterday the Great Western special
excursion passed through, sharp on time,
with 175 passengers on board, among
them being Messrs. Jas. McCartney and
J. Pinning, from Clinton. About 40
take tickets here on the excursion of
next week.
PARLOR CoNcRRT. -The regular fort-
nightly parlor concert under the auspi-
ces of the ladies of Knox Church was
held at the residence of Mrs. Cozzens
nn Tuesday last and was well attended.
The following programme was carried
out successfully: -Duet, Misses Maud
Start and Williams; recitation, Miss
Fannie Hutchison; song, Mrs. Tonu;
instrumental solo Miss Carey, reading,
Mr. Fred McDonald; duet, Mrs. Toms
and Miss Williams; reading, Mr. Elliott;
song, Miss Williams; recitation, Miss
Maggie Cameron; duet, Mimes Hutchis-
on and Start; solo, Mrs. Toms; "Nation-
al Anthem- by the company. The
chair was occupied by Mr. Weir. About
$12 were netted on the oocasion. The
next oonoert will be held at the resi-,
donne of Mn. Frazer o*t Tuesday, the
fleth Walk
Tits SAINTS CAL -It is very well
known that the car nearest the engine
is exposed to the least dust and that the
rear car of a: train is generally safer than
the front car. The safest is probably
the last car but one in a train of more
than two cars; that is, they are fewer
chances of accidents to this than any
other. If it is a way -train at moderate
speed, or any train standing still, a col-
lusion is possible from another train in
the rear, in which the last car receives
the shock. Again, the engine and front
cars of a train will often run over a bne
ken rail or h cow, or stone without de-
triment; while the last car, having noth-
ing to draw it into the line of the train,
is free to leave the track. Next t3 the
forward car the rear car is probably the
most unsafe in a train. The safest tent
is probably near the centre of the last
car but one. -[Railroad Journal,
Tie Outpour felon Mures to the Berth.
On Wednesday morning a dense
crowd filled the waiting room and plat-
form of the G. T. R. railway station
here to witness the departure of the first
consignment of emigrants to Manitoba
and Dakota from thin point for 1882.
So great was the jam that it was difficult
get a copy of the "Life and Speeches of
Legal Notices. 4 Hon. George Brown" for the Library. to move about.
The scene was a stirring one. Men
Mr. F. W. Johnston was also thanked were to be seen, red faced and perspir-
for the gift of a copy . of the'."Life of ing, hauling boxes and teunks for check -
Garfield." ing; or dregging vehicles, leading hor-
We are informed that Norman Mc- ses, or assisting in lifting some agricul-
Dairinid has secured the position of en- rural implement into a car. The rail-
way officials were kept very busy, and
gineer on Clam Shell dredge, owned by
Carkin, Stickneyit, Cram, of East Sag- the amount of freight was much greater
than had been expected. The freight
inaw, and that W. Login is now engin-
eer of the tug Mat Stickney, owned by was rushed on board the cars in a lively
r manner; nevertheless the train did not
the same firrn.
get away until 10.15, owing to the vast
amount of stuff to handle. It was im-
possible to get the names of all who left
at this point. It is thought that the
number ot persons leaving would reach
nearly 100. We secured the following
\Yin. Murray and W. G. Murray, of
Goderich; W. Robinson and family, five
page, we omitted the .following cases: vicinity to see if they amid not get some Goderich; Alex. Maywood. and
- 12. Walsh vi Standard 'Fre 'bosun- special favors for the salt interest, which r-'"'
*may. nine persons, Goderich township;
ante Co: Malcomson & Wade, for Tit; the government candidates for the Hu- Miss Lizzie Gordon, Goderich; Mr. Jas.
M. Racket fnr deft. Tons might use as a trump card. The Gordon, Goderich; R.. W. McKenzie,
13. Bowen vs. Schafer; M. Elliott for deputation were anxious to enlist the Goderich; Jobn Graham arid Wm. Gra-
Off, ; Maleomson in Wade for deft. services of Mr. Heason, but they could ham, Stanley; H. Washington and wife,
est limit of lot. I Wrot y (Ole. 1211: twenty tee', ..
Inetain um. and eighteen )It). in the °oder. me C. E. Holt, of New Westminster find them nowhere. Dr. Coleman and Colborne; 8. Oke and family, nine per -
1, Mike reserve two (1) enema. more or leen. Coq-uitlan Cannery, formerly of Barrie, Mr. Ram Platt said they could and sons, Colborne; Edwin Aborn, Col
o rich offiee reserve. thence North thirty two Ont., was in teen during the week, on a would find him. The House was sitting. borne; Isabella Purvis and Colin Purvis,
the Southerly single of lot thirteen 1131. Oetti
IC degrees. West Are en ehaine. seventy five visit to his brother Mr. P. Holt, of the and thither they bent their steps. Ac- Goderich township; A. Whitely, Gone -
751 links, mere or lass, to a pMnt me teseeredCameron, Holt & Cameron. He costing the doorkeeper, they enquired ncli township; .1. Shiekhi and family,
and three 1108) feet from the centre line of the firm, of
of the Cirend Trunk Midway, Whfff. 6 has been four years in British Colum- for the member of North Perth. The live parsons, Olmiarich township; Junes
)flSt has been Planted the mid distance of one hie and previous to that was a resident official opened the portals and looked Sharpe, Gederich; Mrs. George Shep-
tindred end three INN feet. beteg sirseuredi' in. '•Yee," said he, iroing with his pard, Nile; W. Rutledge, Goiliirich; Mr.
t right angles to the said end's) iine. t of Los Angelos, Southern California.
, ' finger. "there he is, in is usual place. and Mrs. J. Jewell, Colborne; D. Sher -
nth petty one OM degrees. West to • nt .„ ...
our hundred and (seventy two ice feet. sr. r STRIP lee DAT. --The 17tri "1: The visitors stared intently in the direc- key, Goderich; W. Wolters. Colborne;
rty from the North Weeterly limn of Ooderlch March, Ireland's national day. will he tion indicated. but could see nothing ef J. McIntyre sad W. McIntyre, %Jaunt;
ee reeerve to the Painterly limindary of the
and conveyed by the Ooderich Summer Hotel celebrated in fInderich hy a lecture by the object of their search. "l'hist Ja• Wilson, Goderich, prospecting in
'ompany *0 (5. rorporation of the Town al Father McKeown, of Parkhill and a black -end -tan looking chip: e.t.a Mr. M en i tebs and Dakota ,' W. Gordon,
erlderler' " lir°r"°"6. Thar" "uth Plistelt• sacred concert. in St. Peters ( hurch. Platt. in despair, "is likely to be some Godench tewnship; Jacob W. Young,
one the mid etotterly boundary of the town
property anA parallel to the westerly hound, The subject of the lecture is very appro. Frenchman who has taken Mr. Heseen's Goderich.
ary of Inc Whirler property nue hundred and priate 'The faith of St. Patrick.' seat - They went sway much chagrined Yon DAKOTA.
errentr Me I int1 feet mor. or 1." "' II. centre r ether Winters would like a irrand turn at their want ef sitecess. Inter in the R. Junieson and family, three per-
ot • incest tree on the top of the hank.
Thenee mouth forty one and • half 1110 deer:Pee cwt to -night. day, they met with some of the mime -
west. nin along the easterfy limit at the as.1.1 The new altar of nt. Peter's is design- tone and several M. P 's among whoa
tosri properly. on. hem:howl and thirty sit
I= feet. Thenee south thirty seven C.W1 ele- ed hy Mr Welsh. of tisafortho The was the rejuvenated M. P for Nrth
men. Past atill aims/ the said easterly limit tom' tli parcelled and iunnounted ti A Perth. ' 'Goodness me ''' ex. lamed Mr.
of the aid DIRT property. two hondeed sad
lin, Gm, „., th. pl.,. ni h,sinning. t, Gothic Miler, which reaches the height Platt, "it i Henson. and not a forrin
woe protirrit &he" dett,r1hod • r'ornPlisingloto -4 21 feet A beautiful statute nf the frogeater. I have heard of
°^1"r"*""1 frorn Ave lil 'Wel" in'luei"' ofthe Wend hate of Jewel' will fill the niche hair Owning whin through hard study,
Goderich ofnee rf.flOTT. and portions nf Norte
A and R. Which TAMA and Tenements t in front of the pillar. The altar when but VII be hanged if I ever heani .if its
turning Meek r- Upon the matter being
sispiainorl. Mr. P. hunt into a hearty
laugh. eniclaiming. "Why. I did not
think we had nae man in the whole Hu-
ron Tract that would make such a guy
of himself 7--{Strattenl Beiscon.
of nr.
NV on Farm and Town Property at lowest in-
terest. Mortgoges purciuseed. no Commission
c reasonable. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAN• D.▪ '
! 1 0UNi or Heacm. t By virtue of a Writ of
TO WIT: Fieri Facia*, issued out
Her Majestys Court of Queen's Bench, and
me directed against the Lands and Tene-
ents of EDWARD MARLTON, at the suit of
RANCIS SMEETH. I have seised and taken
1 Execution, all the right, title and interest.
ad Equity of Redemption of the above named
endant in and to the following property :-
taste. lying and being in the Town of Gods
in the County of Huron. known as the
simmer Hotel property, particularly described
follow*: t'ommencIng at a point on the
Forth limit of West street. said point being
ue west one hundred and fifteen and one half
t i1150 from the South East angle of Lot
umber five i51 Goderich office reeerve,
enoe Easterly along the limit
est street one hundred and fifteen and one
alt feet 0150 to the South East angle of the
d Int number fire 1St. thence due North two
chaim's. more or lees, to the North East angle
[that Lpt. thence due F. t wenty nine and
half links, (MP more or less, to the South West
e of Lot twenty one *. in the Oodertch
Mee reserve. thence doe North along the
Among the names of press men apply-
ing for a charter for the "Saskatchewan
Forks Colonization Co.," we observel
that of Mr.' M. Y. MoLeati. 1 the: correspondent writes: The change which
Seaforth Expositor. We understand
Mr. Hessen has made in his appearance
that stock for the cnmpany hat ale
with the aid of hair dye, is so startling
been subscribed fnr in Grxierieh.
that even his intimates failed to recog-
In our list of Chancery oseea to tie nize him. The other day there came a
heard hem to -day, published. on 2nd deputation to Ottawa from Goderich and
shall offer for male, at my Mlle* Is the (08,0 finished in white and gold, will he a
HowieIn the Town of tinder teb. on Thursday
ih. twentieth day of April noel, at the hour of handame ure of work, and the con -
1 f the locknoon.
grogation of Rt. Peter. will duly *Mire-
.: oc.
ROBERT GIBBON'S, elate the 'Forte nf their realism' pastor
heriffM(Wench to bawdily the sanctuary The altar
S's ee,
'annum nkh;ea i pra wilt ere "IVO; the status $60
wyreirrati emir IT ',pow. mom! 1 11 -
Literary Hottest,.
The Lsosteen Sever Pusteenusii Co.,
41 Barclay Street, New York, have is-
sued their reprints of the London Quar-
terly and Edinburgh Reviews forJanuary.
The former review will attract much at-
tention, as it contains a further criticism
of the Revised Version of the New Test-
tament. The article in the number ter
last October confined itself to an exam-
ination of the new Greek text; that in
present number handles with severity
the new renderings of the Greek into
English. Both articles aro reported to
he from the pen of Dean Burgon, of
Chichester. The other articles in this
number worthy of note are: "American
Politics and Parties," "tits Jacobin Con-
quest," "Darwin on Earth Worms," and
"The Comte de Mentiosier." The Ed-
innereh Review is a very full and inter-
esting number. It contains eleven *u-
nclose, the principal of which are:
"Taine's Conquest of the Jacobins,"
"The Life of Mr. Cobden," "Ancient
Animals of South America." Throe ar-
ticles are devoted to subjects which at
present possess unusual interest, viz.:
"Tunis and Carthage," a very readable
historical sketch of a portion of North
Africa hitherto little known; "E/ectro-
Motive Power," a popular account of
the steps made toward the application of
electrical foroe to mechanical purposes;
and "Irish Disoontent;" which ointains
extracts from the literature newt widely
reed by the Irish penple, end attributes
muck of the disaffection to the publica-
tions id the Young Ireland Reboot
lorries Sale LIM.
Peremptory auction solo at Currie's
sons, lioderich; Wm. 4rtur tied fame auction mart, Crabb s Block, Godench,
ly. five persona, Goderich. Geo. Ache- on Saturday, March 2fOth, 1882. Sale
sonModerich. Miss Ellen L COI, (Oldie commences at 1 o'cleck sharp.
rich; Beej. Warmer and family, six per-
sons, Dungannon . A. Wilkin• and falai-
It is said that Rerlinth, the mono
, seven persons, Duregannoe R. list lord, ho rd, wgrows rich ander the N.
C. Wilson and son, Dungannon.
Mr C. J. (O'Connor, the well-known tall....a.tucathre,
is.larsonuitein"fpi"intchtImiebnlhve ;117
travelling passenger went of the C)ii-
eage & North Western R. R.., and Mr. anal madame, and minute lately tic
enema by the ex Emmen* Etigente anti
This. Fordtravelling agent for the G. live permanently in England. iiviter an
T. R., arrived in town oil Tumidity, and
satisfactorily arranged for the "exodus.- "'wont ' behind to extort more hiesei
money from Canadians to keep all Him
Mr. Ford left on the early train en Wed. otyle np
Innwirive -two nor
ILO etetallent honks et refeemice
• e .
This talented elocutionary lady artiste
gave one ot her entertainments under
the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute,
in the Town Hall hut night. Tho reu-
dering of the various piece(' was most
excellent, and elicited frequent express-
ions of applause from the audience.
"The Senator's Dilemina.'' "Sims' Lit-
tle Girl," "How we went to • 'Pic-Nic,"
-but stay, it is no use to go into par-
ticulars when every selection was admir-
able. Those who were absent last night's
missed a treat seldom offered to an Owen
Sound audience. --[Owen Sound Times.
SORE A.TIPLIcTION. --We clip the fol-
lowing from the Stratford Beacon the
10th inst: Our obituary column this
week contains the announcement of a
double affliction which has befallen our
old and esteemed friend, Mr. W. N.
Howie, bursar of the Institution for the
Blind, Brantford. Surely indeed has he
been bereaved -first of his beloved
wife, and 24 hours after of his youngest
daughter ! Fur many years, says the
Brantford Expositor, Mrs. Hosaie has
been in a delicate state of health, and
was repeatedly given up by her physic-
ians as near her end. Her wonderful
vitality and spirit, however, seemed to
carry her over serious attacks of illness
that would have prostrated others.
Some three years ago she visited. her
native country, and returned greatly im-
proved in health. But the disease had
acquired too great hold of her constitut-
ion to be shaken off, and gradually she
became weaker and weaker, until Friday
evening, when death finally terminated
her sufferings. No doubt the sudden
illness of her youngest daughter, (who
died 24 hours after the mother,) hasten-
ed her end. Mrs. 'Jessie was much be-
loved by a large circle of friends. Her
sprightly temperament and warin-heart-
edness made her a welcome guest in
many a home. She was none the leas
an earnest, devoted Cluistian, and died
in full assurance of hope. The remains
of mother and daughter panted through
Stratford for the place of interment at
Goderich, on Tuesday, accompanied by
friends from Brantford. Rev. Dr.
Cochrane came as far as Stratford, but
pressing duties prevented his going fur -
The services at the grave were
conducted by Rev. Dr. i're.
nesdny, for Clinton, to prepare the way
at that point, and Mr. O'Connor re-
mained to get the Goderich party under
way, which he did in such • manner as
to gain credit to himself and the com-
pany which he represents. Mr. Harry
Annetrong, the popular ticket agent,
went as fur as Stratford, and saw that.
the travellers were nicely started on
their way.
From the Clinton New Era.
If any doubt had been entertained as
to the existence of a fever tenned
"Manitoba," or "Dakota," these would
have been removed by a visit to the
Grand Trunk stations between Goderich
and Mitchell, yesterday, where every-
thing was bustle and activity. in the de-
sire toset away on the "specials for the
West. 4
The train from Clinton consisted of
14 freight cars and 2 passenger coaches,
and were loaded with almost every pos-
sible kind of merchandise, which inclu-
des seed grain, firm implements, buck-
boards, waggons, buggies, fowl, cattle,
horses, etc., etc. The following are the
names of porting shipping cars from
here, with their destination. Where
two or more names occur the parties are
shipping together: -
John and Thomas Gorrell, Hull,
Brandon; Thomas Burnett, Goderich
township, Fargo, Dakota; John Hudie,
Goderich township, Granden, Dak. ;
Thomas Elliott, Goderich township,
Fargo, Dak. ; George Cox, Goderich
township, Granden, Dak.; Jas. Robert-
son, Goderich, township, Portage la
Prairie; J. R Holmes, 'Holniesville,
Emerson; R. W. Moore, Clinton, 2 can,
Emerson; R. Stirling, Goderich town-
ship, I. Weaver; G. Stewart, Tucker -
smith, Tower City, Dak.; Austin Callen-
der, Clinton, Brandon; C. & 0. Woods,
Hayfield, E. Tebbutt, Goderich, Bran-
don; John Pollock, Stanley,. Emerson;
W. Fox, Clinton, D. Welsh, Goderich
township, T. Reid, Stanley, Emerson.
The passenger coaches contained 125
persons, and in addition. to the' names
enumerated above, were the following
whose names we were able to get: -Jas
Thompson, Clinton, who goes through
in charge of the party, J. Fitzpatrick,
Mn. R. H. Call and 2 children, Mrs. J.
W. Fullerton and family, W. Fox and
family, Jno. Fox, R. W. Moore and
family, J. Whittingham and Mr. Watt,
all of Clinton; T. Johnston, }rank F.
Goodwin, Peter Aikenhead, T. Reid
and family of .6, D. Cullen, Jas. Arm -
inning, P. Ganin and sons, T. Eggleson,
W. Pollock, Jno. Elliott, all of Stanley;
A. Docking, Holmesville; Jas. Cox,
Geo. Hanley, W. Herbisen, A. McDon-
ald, F 51altman, Mrs. J. Maltman and
daughter, Jas. and Peter McGregor, 0.
and N. Churchill, H. Sweets, H. Cook,
Jas. Robertson and family, R. Ferris,
W. Cronyn,' Hennes and wife, F.
Morrish, Goderich township.
A train Of 12 cars of general effecta
left Goderich yesterday, with about 100
persons on board, and one left Seaforth-
with 8 cars of freight and about 125 pas-
sengers. The when( forming the largest
party that has 'ever left this county in
one day.
RV riiir 'oRZAr WRaVERN.
Yesterday the Great Western special
excursion passed through, sharp on time,
with 175 passengers on board, among
them being Messrs. Jas. McCartney and
J. Pinning, from Clinton. About 40
take tickets here on the excursion of
next week.
PARLOR CoNcRRT. -The regular fort-
nightly parlor concert under the auspi-
ces of the ladies of Knox Church was
held at the residence of Mrs. Cozzens
nn Tuesday last and was well attended.
The following programme was carried
out successfully: -Duet, Misses Maud
Start and Williams; recitation, Miss
Fannie Hutchison; song, Mrs. Tonu;
instrumental solo Miss Carey, reading,
Mr. Fred McDonald; duet, Mrs. Toms
and Miss Williams; reading, Mr. Elliott;
song, Miss Williams; recitation, Miss
Maggie Cameron; duet, Mimes Hutchis-
on and Start; solo, Mrs. Toms; "Nation-
al Anthem- by the company. The
chair was occupied by Mr. Weir. About
$12 were netted on the oocasion. The
next oonoert will be held at the resi-,
donne of Mn. Frazer o*t Tuesday, the
fleth Walk
Tits SAINTS CAL -It is very well
known that the car nearest the engine
is exposed to the least dust and that the
rear car of a: train is generally safer than
the front car. The safest is probably
the last car but one in a train of more
than two cars; that is, they are fewer
chances of accidents to this than any
other. If it is a way -train at moderate
speed, or any train standing still, a col-
lusion is possible from another train in
the rear, in which the last car receives
the shock. Again, the engine and front
cars of a train will often run over a bne
ken rail or h cow, or stone without de-
triment; while the last car, having noth-
ing to draw it into the line of the train,
is free to leave the track. Next t3 the
forward car the rear car is probably the
most unsafe in a train. The safest tent
is probably near the centre of the last
car but one. -[Railroad Journal,
Tie Outpour felon Mures to the Berth.
On Wednesday morning a dense
crowd filled the waiting room and plat-
form of the G. T. R. railway station
here to witness the departure of the first
consignment of emigrants to Manitoba
and Dakota from thin point for 1882.
So great was the jam that it was difficult
get a copy of the "Life and Speeches of
Legal Notices. 4 Hon. George Brown" for the Library. to move about.
The scene was a stirring one. Men
Mr. F. W. Johnston was also thanked were to be seen, red faced and perspir-
for the gift of a copy . of the'."Life of ing, hauling boxes and teunks for check -
Garfield." ing; or dregging vehicles, leading hor-
We are informed that Norman Mc- ses, or assisting in lifting some agricul-
Dairinid has secured the position of en- rural implement into a car. The rail-
way officials were kept very busy, and
gineer on Clam Shell dredge, owned by
Carkin, Stickneyit, Cram, of East Sag- the amount of freight was much greater
than had been expected. The freight
inaw, and that W. Login is now engin-
eer of the tug Mat Stickney, owned by was rushed on board the cars in a lively
r manner; nevertheless the train did not
the same firrn.
get away until 10.15, owing to the vast
amount of stuff to handle. It was im-
possible to get the names of all who left
at this point. It is thought that the
number ot persons leaving would reach
nearly 100. We secured the following
\Yin. Murray and W. G. Murray, of
Goderich; W. Robinson and family, five
page, we omitted the .following cases: vicinity to see if they amid not get some Goderich; Alex. Maywood. and
- 12. Walsh vi Standard 'Fre 'bosun- special favors for the salt interest, which r-'"'
*may. nine persons, Goderich township;
ante Co: Malcomson & Wade, for Tit; the government candidates for the Hu- Miss Lizzie Gordon, Goderich; Mr. Jas.
M. Racket fnr deft. Tons might use as a trump card. The Gordon, Goderich; R.. W. McKenzie,
13. Bowen vs. Schafer; M. Elliott for deputation were anxious to enlist the Goderich; Jobn Graham arid Wm. Gra-
Off, ; Maleomson in Wade for deft. services of Mr. Heason, but they could ham, Stanley; H. Washington and wife,
est limit of lot. I Wrot y (Ole. 1211: twenty tee', ..
Inetain um. and eighteen )It). in the °oder. me C. E. Holt, of New Westminster find them nowhere. Dr. Coleman and Colborne; 8. Oke and family, nine per -
1, Mike reserve two (1) enema. more or leen. Coq-uitlan Cannery, formerly of Barrie, Mr. Ram Platt said they could and sons, Colborne; Edwin Aborn, Col
o rich offiee reserve. thence North thirty two Ont., was in teen during the week, on a would find him. The House was sitting. borne; Isabella Purvis and Colin Purvis,
the Southerly single of lot thirteen 1131. Oetti
IC degrees. West Are en ehaine. seventy five visit to his brother Mr. P. Holt, of the and thither they bent their steps. Ac- Goderich township; A. Whitely, Gone -
751 links, mere or lass, to a pMnt me teseeredCameron, Holt & Cameron. He costing the doorkeeper, they enquired ncli township; .1. Shiekhi and family,
and three 1108) feet from the centre line of the firm, of
of the Cirend Trunk Midway, Whfff. 6 has been four years in British Colum- for the member of North Perth. The live parsons, Olmiarich township; Junes
)flSt has been Planted the mid distance of one hie and previous to that was a resident official opened the portals and looked Sharpe, Gederich; Mrs. George Shep-
tindred end three INN feet. beteg sirseuredi' in. '•Yee," said he, iroing with his pard, Nile; W. Rutledge, Goiliirich; Mr.
t right angles to the said end's) iine. t of Los Angelos, Southern California.
, ' finger. "there he is, in is usual place. and Mrs. J. Jewell, Colborne; D. Sher -
nth petty one OM degrees. West to • nt .„ ...
our hundred and (seventy two ice feet. sr. r STRIP lee DAT. --The 17tri "1: The visitors stared intently in the direc- key, Goderich; W. Wolters. Colborne;
rty from the North Weeterly limn of Ooderlch March, Ireland's national day. will he tion indicated. but could see nothing ef J. McIntyre sad W. McIntyre, %Jaunt;
ee reeerve to the Painterly limindary of the
and conveyed by the Ooderich Summer Hotel celebrated in fInderich hy a lecture by the object of their search. "l'hist Ja• Wilson, Goderich, prospecting in
'ompany *0 (5. rorporation of the Town al Father McKeown, of Parkhill and a black -end -tan looking chip: e.t.a Mr. M en i tebs and Dakota ,' W. Gordon,
erlderler' " lir°r"°"6. Thar" "uth Plistelt• sacred concert. in St. Peters ( hurch. Platt. in despair, "is likely to be some Godench tewnship; Jacob W. Young,
one the mid etotterly boundary of the town
property anA parallel to the westerly hound, The subject of the lecture is very appro. Frenchman who has taken Mr. Heseen's Goderich.
ary of Inc Whirler property nue hundred and priate 'The faith of St. Patrick.' seat - They went sway much chagrined Yon DAKOTA.
errentr Me I int1 feet mor. or 1." "' II. centre r ether Winters would like a irrand turn at their want ef sitecess. Inter in the R. Junieson and family, three per-
ot • incest tree on the top of the hank.
Thenee mouth forty one and • half 1110 deer:Pee cwt to -night. day, they met with some of the mime -
west. nin along the easterfy limit at the as.1.1 The new altar of nt. Peter's is design- tone and several M. P 's among whoa
tosri properly. on. hem:howl and thirty sit
I= feet. Thenee south thirty seven C.W1 ele- ed hy Mr Welsh. of tisafortho The was the rejuvenated M. P for Nrth
men. Past atill aims/ the said easterly limit tom' tli parcelled and iunnounted ti A Perth. ' 'Goodness me ''' ex. lamed Mr.
of the aid DIRT property. two hondeed sad
lin, Gm, „., th. pl.,. ni h,sinning. t, Gothic Miler, which reaches the height Platt, "it i Henson. and not a forrin
woe protirrit &he" dett,r1hod • r'ornPlisingloto -4 21 feet A beautiful statute nf the frogeater. I have heard of
°^1"r"*""1 frorn Ave lil 'Wel" in'luei"' ofthe Wend hate of Jewel' will fill the niche hair Owning whin through hard study,
Goderich ofnee rf.flOTT. and portions nf Norte
A and R. Which TAMA and Tenements t in front of the pillar. The altar when but VII be hanged if I ever heani .if its
turning Meek r- Upon the matter being
sispiainorl. Mr. P. hunt into a hearty
laugh. eniclaiming. "Why. I did not
think we had nae man in the whole Hu-
ron Tract that would make such a guy
of himself 7--{Strattenl Beiscon.
of nr.
NV on Farm and Town Property at lowest in-
terest. Mortgoges purciuseed. no Commission
c reasonable. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAN• D.▪ '
! 1 0UNi or Heacm. t By virtue of a Writ of
TO WIT: Fieri Facia*, issued out
Her Majestys Court of Queen's Bench, and
me directed against the Lands and Tene-
ents of EDWARD MARLTON, at the suit of
RANCIS SMEETH. I have seised and taken
1 Execution, all the right, title and interest.
ad Equity of Redemption of the above named
endant in and to the following property :-
taste. lying and being in the Town of Gods
in the County of Huron. known as the
simmer Hotel property, particularly described
follow*: t'ommencIng at a point on the
Forth limit of West street. said point being
ue west one hundred and fifteen and one half
t i1150 from the South East angle of Lot
umber five i51 Goderich office reeerve,
enoe Easterly along the limit
est street one hundred and fifteen and one
alt feet 0150 to the South East angle of the
d Int number fire 1St. thence due North two
chaim's. more or lees, to the North East angle
[that Lpt. thence due F. t wenty nine and
half links, (MP more or less, to the South West
e of Lot twenty one *. in the Oodertch
Mee reserve. thence doe North along the
Among the names of press men apply-
ing for a charter for the "Saskatchewan
Forks Colonization Co.," we observel
that of Mr.' M. Y. MoLeati. 1 the: correspondent writes: The change which
Seaforth Expositor. We understand
Mr. Hessen has made in his appearance
that stock for the cnmpany hat ale
with the aid of hair dye, is so startling
been subscribed fnr in Grxierieh.
that even his intimates failed to recog-
In our list of Chancery oseea to tie nize him. The other day there came a
heard hem to -day, published. on 2nd deputation to Ottawa from Goderich and
shall offer for male, at my Mlle* Is the (08,0 finished in white and gold, will he a
HowieIn the Town of tinder teb. on Thursday
ih. twentieth day of April noel, at the hour of handame ure of work, and the con -
1 f the locknoon.
grogation of Rt. Peter. will duly *Mire-
.: oc.
ROBERT GIBBON'S, elate the 'Forte nf their realism' pastor
heriffM(Wench to bawdily the sanctuary The altar
S's ee,
'annum nkh;ea i pra wilt ere "IVO; the status $60
wyreirrati emir IT ',pow. mom! 1 11 -
Literary Hottest,.
The Lsosteen Sever Pusteenusii Co.,
41 Barclay Street, New York, have is-
sued their reprints of the London Quar-
terly and Edinburgh Reviews forJanuary.
The former review will attract much at-
tention, as it contains a further criticism
of the Revised Version of the New Test-
tament. The article in the number ter
last October confined itself to an exam-
ination of the new Greek text; that in
present number handles with severity
the new renderings of the Greek into
English. Both articles aro reported to
he from the pen of Dean Burgon, of
Chichester. The other articles in this
number worthy of note are: "American
Politics and Parties," "tits Jacobin Con-
quest," "Darwin on Earth Worms," and
"The Comte de Mentiosier." The Ed-
innereh Review is a very full and inter-
esting number. It contains eleven *u-
nclose, the principal of which are:
"Taine's Conquest of the Jacobins,"
"The Life of Mr. Cobden," "Ancient
Animals of South America." Throe ar-
ticles are devoted to subjects which at
present possess unusual interest, viz.:
"Tunis and Carthage," a very readable
historical sketch of a portion of North
Africa hitherto little known; "E/ectro-
Motive Power," a popular account of
the steps made toward the application of
electrical foroe to mechanical purposes;
and "Irish Disoontent;" which ointains
extracts from the literature newt widely
reed by the Irish penple, end attributes
muck of the disaffection to the publica-
tions id the Young Ireland Reboot
lorries Sale LIM.
Peremptory auction solo at Currie's
sons, lioderich; Wm. 4rtur tied fame auction mart, Crabb s Block, Godench,
ly. five persona, Goderich. Geo. Ache- on Saturday, March 2fOth, 1882. Sale
sonModerich. Miss Ellen L COI, (Oldie commences at 1 o'cleck sharp.
rich; Beej. Warmer and family, six per-
sons, Dungannon . A. Wilkin• and falai-
It is said that Rerlinth, the mono
, seven persons, Duregannoe R. list lord, ho rd, wgrows rich ander the N.
C. Wilson and son, Dungannon.
Mr C. J. (O'Connor, the well-known tall....a.tucathre,
is.larsonuitein"fpi"intchtImiebnlhve ;117
travelling passenger went of the C)ii-
eage & North Western R. R.., and Mr. anal madame, and minute lately tic
enema by the ex Emmen* Etigente anti
This. Fordtravelling agent for the G. live permanently in England. iiviter an
T. R., arrived in town oil Tumidity, and
satisfactorily arranged for the "exodus.- "'wont ' behind to extort more hiesei
money from Canadians to keep all Him
Mr. Ford left on the early train en Wed. otyle np
Innwirive -two nor
ILO etetallent honks et refeemice