HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-10, Page 10'I tat ad :u m efi M co 8 THE IIURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1882. DOORS, SASHES BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Intoner Finish. SYAIIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS and IIALUST A Specialty. trend for rice List. SHINGLES, LATH .t LUMBER. Estimates' on applies tion. kir- Address FRANCIS SMEETH, , Goderich. C. M.'ANNIVERSARY. North Street Methodist Church Celebrates Ite "Birthday." Sermons by Bev, Mr. reale. of �.trN1- Mendsy Evening's Tea -meeting -The tr. b. nodal. all knew that he wan honorable iu his dealings,, -"on the aquae;" but when s man was referred to as bang a •'crook• ed stick," the opposite was meant, end he was nut to be trusted Nevertheless it was quite possible for it teen to be h guest to the state and dishpnest to the church. and also to be honest to his em- ployer or his neighbor and dishonest to himself. The .tr oight thing is the everyday line of rightewwess in a Christ tisn man. The merlon word"crank' was the °ppusitt ' The true man wil do the straight tjjj}jjjjing, for he is upright, honest and true, but it is difficult for a warped nature to do the right thing. A western preacher used to allude to one of his congregation who had some excellent traita mixed with crooked dealings, as a brother, "sanctified in spots.' The old Methodist doctrine of holiness embraced 38 inches to the yard, 16 ounces to the pound, and the whole heart devoted to God. The heart should be given to God, not by mere outward observance, but by the , regeue ration of the spirit, just as had been the lass with Avid when he said, "Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow," and "create in mea clean heart, and renew a right spirit within lite." The spirit moat be made pure. Some have had great work wrought upon the heart, but du not possess that purity of spirit which should characterize the true servant of God, when he has renounced the flesh. In the words of Paul, we should mortify the flesh, and keep ,.it under. Why should the old nature be allowed to tyrannize over us ! He re- membered hearing of a gentleman whose temper occasionally trot the better of him, who used afterward to apologize kr getting angry, ane then promise to endeavor to keep his temper un- der in the future. Was that the way to act 1 No. Could . the burning, and stroke and kava of the volcano be kept in check while the fire continued On Sunday last the 22nd anniversary of 'North street Methodist church was duly observed by the members and ad- herents connected therewith. Anniver- sary sermons were preached morning and evening by Rev. Dr. Poole, of Detroit, who had some twelve years ago minister- ed to the spiritual wants,of the congre- gation. For the NOttNINU SERMON the rev. gentleman took his tett from Eph. iii, 14-19. After reading tl ; verses, the speaker proceeded to state that the prayer contained therein was second only to the Lord's Prayer,for ful- ness of power ynd depth of feeling. The experience of tho people to shout 'Paul wrote had been • n glorious cue. They had once been strangers to Gods grace, ,- aliens -dead in trespasses and in , sin, but had keen redeemed from that state; neverless they were still far from being in a satisfactory condition. They were below the standard iu their knowledge E . burn ( No; and it was just as difficult and extocrieuce, and in ,;o„d works, to rule the old nature without putting it newspaper in the world. 1 venture the Heircu the l.:ayer of Paul oil the ..teas -11th altogether. The old lfethodistptnaeh- free outspoken principles of an unbiased ion, and a prayer of such a kind might ers had said that the unregenerate ns'- thinker.' well dcuiaud c,n,i leritiou. It was to tutu should he driven out of doors- The evidence which the prisoner tried the love of Christ alone that Paul wished out of the heart -so that the love .1 God to shake by cross-examination went to to draw attention. He wished that they I might enter in. The Lord Jesus Cls ist 1n,ce that he fired straight at the tar - would thoroti,h!v !mow Christ. and pus- ( turned out the demons and cle:uts'•d the riage and not at the wheels. 'III un- hew . of the disc:uei 'one; .t .1 we i,The p• lice hay, :iscertaoled that Mac- .. --,t wan un- eliould endear:." •to follow the example Lean was formerly in the [Yells Lunatic fathomable. Its origin was to save a lest: the .. d aviour. This act was called Asylum, and was only discharged la world from sin,, and ruin, and death. n'crucityiug fhb flesh;" and although a September. A solicitor has written to God's love to th:: angels who had out sin- painful operation, was a most necessary the Mayor of Windsor stating that he red could be comprehended, but the one. There were t'v, sides to questions defended a roan named Roderick Mac, levy of God to a sin -cursed world and to of philosophy, toes, science and art: Lean at Maidstone in 1874,charged with "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN." llseleS& Me Creak-I.t•sestly marl... tars Atoms $. than Who Elrod the Mrs at tea poen. An eye witness of the shooting states MacLeeu was observed fumbliug in his pocket while the Queen war being helped into the carriage, but the pressure of the crowd prevented hint railing histrm until the carriage wits in [notion. The sante cause utade hon situ very wide. The ballet found in the station yard weighs about a third of au ounce, and corresponds with that found on Mao` Lean. Before the revolver was seised, the prisoner brought another loaded .chamber opposite the hammer. MacLean was charged at the Polioe Station with shooting at the Queen, with intent to do grevious bodily harm. He salted whether any one was hurt, but the police refused to give him any in- formation. After searching the yard at the railway station, the police found a small bullet embedded in the ground. It bore marks of having first struck some other object. It was right in the direction of the spot over which the Queen's carriage was pawing, having probably passed over the horses' heads. MacLean pawed a restless night. From latest accounts it appears he fired the shot after the carriage was in motion. Princess Beatrice and John Brown, the coachman, sew him point the pistol at the carriage. He was exactly thirty paces distant when be fired. Two of the four loaded chambers in the revolver contained only blank cartridges. MacLean walked froth Portsmouth to London $ week age. Upon his person was found a purse containing a penny and three farthings, and a pocketbook containing the following entries: "Fourth Path," novel by MacLean," and "Reynold's Newspaper gives as cor- rect an idea of the wide difference that OPzv MEETINn.-The open meeting divides the people of England as any held here by the Sons of Temperance was fairly attended considering the state of the roads -they were almost bottom - leas. The meeting opetped in the usual inauner of its :ovular meetings, with the members clothed in regalia. Mr. Ww. Robertson, Worthy Patriarch of the Division, presided as chairman. Some excellent readings which were given by Mr. S. B. Williams, of Lee - burn, were much appreciatetL He will be long remembered by the Benmiller- tee. k capital temperance lecture was given by Mr. Jas. Mitchell, of the Gude- rich :ttur. He alluded to the prevalence fallen ntan was beyond our compreheu- and in religion . there was a Goa -ward ! attempting to upset a train. of intemperance, Ovine a sketch. of the sion. Every step in oar life was marked• snda man -ward side. A matt may .tsk the I The News says it may be pretty safely consequence of drinking, the amount of by the evidence of the loving ki:tdjtess of Lord to make him holy, totally oblivious concluded that MacLean is insane. Since misery and woe which follows such vici- God, and the blessings by what we were of the fact that God has tomtit indeed ; itis discharge from the Wells Asyluni he one habits, and also relating the re - led should use us show him to do it himself. The Lad corn. has Leet' confined in the Nesters Su - at a rate of interest nut lees thou 8 per out. W. Centavo., chairman. st1CLAL OOW JTTB 's auOAT. The special committee to whom the petition of Chrystal & Black was refer- red, recommend that any btlildr lugs which the petitioners erect and nee in connection with their business as boiler ivaken be exempt from taxes for a term of fire yeas Your commit tee would nut like to end a los ger term at t, havi nothin be- fore them to ow the v ue of buiLdii that are to be erected, or the number of men to be employed at the works. Hoaaca Hornet chairman. Moved by Davey, seconded byHum- ber, that the report be adopteCar- ried. By-law No. 4. of 1882, to authorise the Mayor and Treasurer to invest,, the amount of the sinking funds account of the Park and High School debentures was read a first and second time, and rule 34 being suspended, a third time and passed. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Sloane, that the Mayor be requested to convey, through the Governer -General, the congratulations of this council to Her Majesty the Queen, upon her escape from the recent attempt upon her We. - Carried. Moved by McKenzie, seconded by Campbell, that Sloane act as member of Relief committee for St. Patrick's Ward during the absence of McKenzie. -Car- ried. Moved by Humber, seconded by Mo - Kenzie, that the consideration of the matter of market fees be referred to the Market committee, with instru:ti"ns W report at next meeting. -Carried. On motion the Council adjourned. Banking. BANK 07 MONTREAL. 'CAPITIL. - •- 015,500,000. SURPLUS. - - - • 01,500,000. Goderich Branch. C 8' D UNSFORD, - - - Mentor" "odw�e latesest os' ds.postergsa. Dratla.el�tt lifter et met and etroidaetea all puts W world. maw CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up CYC, - $6,000,000. Boat, - $1,400,000. 80nm11US. • Prre(det, • t1u.Y. WM. MCMABTZR O.werel Manorr. - W. A..a•vua.awv Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, --d-�- MASAO'S. - Inte lowed the principalwTownssadsad Cities in Canada Oresf Britain and the United States: bough and sold. Advaaoseto lames, ea Notes with ono 0 more endorsees. without mortgage. 1781 forth our admiration ,and praise to the Giver of good. Hence it was that the words of , Paul were called forth. He saw that a superficial exterior was al- ways a sign of a weak church. The church should be willing to do and to dare to be strong in deed, so that she might go forth conquering and to con- quer. Trees were God's emblems of firmness and fixedness, and the Chris- tian Church had been likened unto a tree. If it was nourished and firmly rooted its tendency was to spread and man acts his part, faith will do the rest. to prosper. The apostle meant it in 'Tis his to that sense when he evoke. We should know Christ in the heart. . We should ' experience its length, and breadth and depth, as Paul had beautifully put it. The love of Christ was so broad and high that it reached the Throne, and so deep it cause down to the ])it, and lifted ug us from the miry clay and placed us on vites, and placed on the altar where it the rock of safety. Very often the was made holy. Man had an altar in transition front sinfulness to the know- Christ,and when he cast himself thereon ledge of Christ almost shocked the h physical powers of the rescued sinner, but if the Christian began in the light he would go on gradually to the greater glory.Th such thing as mends us to cleanse our hearts, and John � pernure Asylum. The police have re- in, revelation had said, "These are they c.iv'ed information also that he was in - who have washed their robes and made I catcerated in the Dublin Asylum many them white in the blood of the Lamb." I months, God had opened a fountain for purities- 1 - when MacLean left the Town Hall, tion, and had given agencies, and man after examination, twenty men endeav- must do his part. ' God's work and ored to everturn the carriage containing man's work must go together, just as hint• in the tree there is a connection between the root and the fruit. Let no man ask OUR TOWN FATHERS. for the robe of righteousness while he retains nncleanness in his heart; but if a ;,Tae Regular order of M.s1.em- Congratso Wien to Mee Majesty. Plunge into the purple flood. And rise to an the hight of God. When a man has so acted himself, he can turn to his loved ones and say, "Come with us and we will do theegood." Under the old dispensation a lamb was sacri- ficed; the animal was brought to the Le - Tssreillty ewe. °RANDTTRUNK. Pass, a.tErpC. Miz'd, Idled °odsrbLLv 7.mse..1L00 ..llama Legal?a Yeatorth.... 7.1141' .. 1.11 " . 4.48 . 10.81' Stratford. A r & lane t tape .. !Mon .. 1.00 " wan% Pam. gap's. lltz il. Mind. Stratford.Lv LOOam..7Jepe.. 7.00•at .&dope Seaforth..... 1.17 " . Loa " .. 5 s5 " ..:141 °odertch.Ar &lapin..&Jgws Il.00am..7.13pm URKAT WLOT ERN. Sepy's. Mall. Rep's. Chafes galas north...LMiart7. e�...a. .. Lfipat going oath.. STAGE LIN. 11 L.eksow Stags [dally) arr. ISI8aa . dip Ipm Klacerdlae " " 1 Oben .. • Tam BsamlWr " t Wednesday aad Saturday) aril,.. 0.00am .. 1.1 west is your own bas.. Terms end Co. Portland gaToo sponsibiiity resting on all, showing them ways of advancement of the esnse. He spoke of the despising of the drunkard as being a dubious way to advance tem- perance, and said that much of the tem- perance sentin alnt was due to societies. The meeting closed at an early hour. FLowaEs.-Mr. John Stewart made his first shipment of flowers last week, having on hand a beautiful lot of Prim- ulas (Primrose) and Cinersriaa in bloom. DUBSFaitalL INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ABS. WY. Toaoxis-Establlshe 153 . PHOi55IX IN& COT, of LONDON tinglend) Established 1T04. HARTFORD INS- CO'Y, of IIASTroan, Conn -Established 1810. the lowest eks taken s by HORA•CE HORTOON. at Tho and fa also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y To.oxro; Mosst too $ pert' mCp n-CesMsrgess amo�denste.. rom HORACE HORTON. Gellert* Sept 1L 1001. Mr. tt m. McArthur, is authorized to ri- Friday, March 3. ceive subscriptions for 'lila Iit'i:ox SIGNAL. The regular meeting Of the Tow n and give receipts thereto". Council was held on Friday evening. Mr. John Hamilton had lately 5 fine There were present: His Worship the sheep killed by dogs. Mayor in the chair, the 1st and 2nd Mr. Edward Pacey, of \Vawanneh has Deputy Reeves and Councillors Bing- sold his farm of 50 acres to Mr. William ham, Butler, Dancey, Humber, Lee, Millighan for the sum of $1,400. McKenzie, Sloane and Swanson. . Miss Mattie Caswell and her sister The minutes of past meeting were I Minnie, who have for same time past read and confirmed. con rro I resided in Toronto, are at present home he was [Dade holy. The poor woman THE TREASUREAr; REPORT Ona \d it. who had spent her all in a vain attempt was rend t of cash and vhcdwed st.oni.i1. We regret to learn that Miss Martha to cure disease, and then had faith to lay Amount paid out ttaSLop, . Pentland is at present very ill, but trust hold on Christ was permanently made Amount on hand... 81.75. she will soon recover, whole in body and spirit- Wonderful Referred u eCommittee*. d B P • Il LIFE AND SPEECHES 1)F Hon: G-eorge Brow:u, --EDITED BY - Sion_ Alex'r Mackexamie FOR SALE AT Imrie's Book Store. Cloth 81.00, half Morr cco 82.00. "rim1K-$../.1K-1QS;"�"mE"�"mE"mE'� 3�' Per tea- �' ' Jam' -�' Aft - WALL PAPERS �r •t>lt 'u><z -ltiF-cry -tit asf-� -414-art-Est'ss AT WHOLESALE PRICES AT Imrie's Book Store. SEE THE FAMOUS -o -- We ere was no R f d t Finance p%lion standing still; there roust be growth, forTHE STRELT 1\SPEITOR 9lessro. Thos, Stothers an was the touch of Christ, Gu where yon 1when we cease to grow we begin to die. earof this lace have started a fine sew Ten and Twcot` FiR Ccili Padia„ots o had to become filled with the glory will and test Christianity; hundreds and presented a report which et live that A. mill on the 9th con., Ashfield. of God as was the Temple of old, so that thopsands will testify to its saving pow M. Pulley refused to pay livery stable in our hearts there would be 1,nroom er ; and the sick and the dying are made licence. Referred to Finance commit -4 We are pleased to hear that Messrs ti for hate, selfishness, coldness or once- to rejoice. Then, there were some who tee. , R. Begley and D. Sproule, who have hated the name of holiness, but they THE o'EMETERY SEXTON'S ezeaaT , lately been very ill, are getting along AT lief, and so that we would be permeates hated it on the same ground that the showed the number of interments since i nicely, and will, we hope s.,on be around throughout with the fullest measure of thief and the crank hated the guardians last report to be: Adult, 1. Received again.• f redeemin., lovee e peace an a majesty u e as when a teasel was f the d th t f the low, and filed . .t. o Messrs " J Crawl ltd t C.,again.. opened imries Book Store• tauten and tilled with water, the air had This vicious confederacy hated all AUDITOR'S REPORT. out the major portion of their. spring to give place; and as when it was tilled things that were of good report, and The auditors presented reports of the goods on .H.nday last. Their stock for with Belida the water had to give place; Satan was at its head. Their charac- audit of the Treasurers books. That of this season is excellently chosen, especi- s„ when our hearts were filled with the ten were "crooked," and they disliked the school accounts was ordered tt. be ally the tweeds and fancy worsteds,which love of Christ, there would be left n0 holiness, but notwithstanding their pre- sent to the Board o1 School Trustees. are surae of tht handsomest we ever saw room for evil thoughts or lase desiEes. Bence on the earth, it was s satisfaction and the other was referred to the Fi- I'hc Christian needed some element to regulate his every action and nothing was so ethe IC1oUa as the Saviour's love. Just iutagi le a community permeated with the ove of Christ, and what a glorious counuunity it w•t,uld 1e. 87 this element we are prepared for life a close, leaving behind us the strongest testimony that we aro passing home to (inti. Living in the sunshine ,f God'i love, the Christian goes down the dark valley without fear of death, for the Valley of the Shadow of Death is illu- mined by the light of God's grace. Let it le your great duty to honor Goal, so that His love will govern your thought and sanctify your life. Let the new year which you as a church enter upon be one of briohtuess and prosperity in Christian work, and may He whom you serve shower down upon you the riches of His grace, and to Him shall be all the praise. THY. EVENING staw0N. in the evening, the Rev. Dr. Poole swain occupied the pulpit. The Church was cn,wded to the doors. The rev. gentleman preached front Luke i, 74-75: "That He would grant unto us that we, being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, might *erre Him without fear, in holiness and uightenusness all the days "f our life,- and stated in opening that holiness, sanctification, purity and Christian perfection had been used as s'rn.'nytnnus terms in dee' of old. ‘611.4t was nteat.t by holiness o1 life ! It m,•anl s. tting it apart, making the thing holy, and using it a such. This me- thod was adopted when the tabernacle was c,tnsecrate l to Owl's service, so when Aaron and his sons were ordained to the priesthood, and s„ likewise when Solomon dedicated the Temple to the worships of 00 1. The edifice they were in sr _present had been set apart in years Mr. Forster;acting under theInstetec- gene byto the worship off God. NO tion received at a 'postal Cabinet Coes- pw'litws, nn science, ne no art was dis- oil, has rafted to appear before the enamel within its walls, for it was made Commission of the Howse of Lords on Moly unto the Lord, and it was used for the iris& Lend Act. The invitation to that p orgies. Webster had defined appear contained a statement oft the "holiness to mean "beia' set apart to scope of the intended enquiry whish the ae•rviep of ami _like God." sight. was evidently intended as the basis eouaness meant tight--npriEht. When of the s5reeent between the cas- e fest• wee teeter -eel to es bonne nprieht men. and th. T,oi'da to know that godliness was growing, and that there was never so large a num- ber of those who losed what wail good and holy as to -day. The rev. speaker closed an excellent discourse by asking his hearers to stand tirm in the faith once delivered to the saints, for holiness was essential to the pew as well as the pulpit. He was glad to see so many present whom he had known twelve years ago, but he missed many a familiar face. His earnest prayer was that their religious sympathies would grow broader and deeper and that He whom they ser- ved would pour forth upon then[ the abundance of His grace, and to His name would be given all the glory. TEA MIIYINO. The to meeting on Monday evening was largely attended and was a decided success. After refreshments had been partaken of in the lecture room. the au- dience adjourned to the bud of the church, where after Mr. S. Pollock had been called to the chair, abort addressee were delivered by Rev. Mews. Francis and Livingstone and a discourse on "Anglo -Linehan" by Rev. Dr. Pool*. Votes of thanks were thea moved to the ladies who had gotten op the social, to the speakers, to the eseellest choir, un- der the leadership of Mr. R. P. Halls, and to the chairman. N. R. SM1A1. On Tuesday evening the S. K schol- ars assembled in the lecture mom at 6 o'clock, and were addressed by Rev. Dr. Poole, after which refreshments were spread before them, to which am- ple justice was dome. On the whole the anniversary services were of a pleasant and satisfactory character. nan_e committee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1'031MCU' Y.%TILOS& J _ A communication was received from Pursuant to the set respectthg Trustees and the Mayor of Walkerton, in reference to Executors, creditors and others havingclaims legislation on the macer of voile on against the estate of William Dyer Arnold 2 late of the town of ffuderiyh in the County of by-laws to raise money for railway and Huron. t)entleman, deceased. are requested to other purposes. Left in the lands of send to Messrs. Strathy & Ault. Barrier, oat., solicitors for the trustees under the marriage the Mayor. settlement of the late father of said W. is. A -communication was received in re- Arnold. deceased. on or before the FIRST forence to legislation on raising money .aY OF Arlt[, 1511. Lull and detailed statements of their claims duly verified by on bre appliances. statutory declarations. and to take notice that On motion of Mclfenzie, seconded by immediately atter that date. the said Trustees Campbell, the communication was lir- will roceed to distribute the moneys in thetr p Ilan. s to the credit of mid state ung tea dered to be received and tiled. parties entitled thereto. nhvingregardd ody to BILLIARD LICENSE. notice. claims of which said treeless hays then notice. The application of Thomas Finn, for Dated 2lth Feb, 1[10t billiard license, laid over from last meet- STRATHY d' AULT. Solicitors, Barrie. ing, was granted. 1111.t. iMPIOVLVO SIDEWALKS. A petition was received signed by Ira Lewis and 36 others, asking for a side- walk on Cobouig-st., which, on mutton of Denny, seconded ,by Campbell, was referred to the Public Works commit- tee. sccovi7S. The following accounts were present- ed, and referred to Finance ormmittee: 1L Belcher, Imhof, $4.55; Yforprinting 50c; Nam, 85; Mrs. J. Mitchell, relief, 83.25; W. Mitchell, relief, $17.27; 8IONAL, printing, 82.50: E. Graham, fin de - wittiest, 81.37; E, Graham relief, An account was presented by M. C. Rerwon for leek for market, whit& es mintiest of Campbell, seconded by Swan- ton, was ordered to be paid (L)The T117futsfollowing weI rtt'oTl's the � mMITasrOfi�T paid: •(few (h real' accounts o all tstm dew d pert..t, 70e; E. d5nitlm, C. C. and Dire eapsa.es, 81.50; D. Nemo% relief, $10. 0 (2.) That in "stern, to the Witless of the Iliad we ree.esaser d l est the Ter of the politico be grant- ed, pa quarteriy during the plea- sam the Ccwneit (')hat in reference to tie investment of the ankieg tends, we recommend that a by-law be piper - ed and introduced, anther'. sing the Mayor sad Treasurer to loon the arsoalt on hand rte anoint et eirsaing fen& ar- o+orrllal to the'rettiiwa .54 At titettet.. IW THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. in the matter of the guardianship 01 the In- fant cblldrea of Thema. Su.4oroosR de- ceased. Take notice, that. after the expiration of twenty days from the cru publication .1 this notion, application will be meds to tea 1td/s of the 8 t Court of the Covey of ones", by DoranBrnaodes of the tows of Clinton. in the county of HHuron, wife of William Brun.den. of the same place. Soma. for letters of guardianship, wtiag bus, tea mid Dotty Bre Loa of the latest children of the "aid Seedereeek. 1n his lifetime. of tea towaitlp of Hallett, la the said county of Hata. yeoman. and hsabaad of the said Dorcas Brwndes. Dated at Gaderteh the Sad dor.1 Marek A. D. IBM CAMERON HOLT & CAMERON. SeiMlt es feltDorcasnet HERIPT8 BALE OF LANDLL Cott-wiT oe Rearm. ! By virtue of a Writ et TO WIT : ,Teri Focfss, fasted oft of Her Majesty's Court of the Comae, 0f Hama. &ado at. directedsappins'�the Leads sad Tenements of Hugh MollonsMt and Mary Jeno McDonald at the melt of William Costa i have seised and taken In eseentlns all the right. title sad Iwterest and Pepely et redemp- tion, of the above nom* deMOdants la 40 to the north half et let number ten, in the third i.wte elon of the township of Morris. In the ebwety of Herne. containing s5 acres of lead. mor• or leean which lands and gene mewto I shall iter for We. at my *Ice M the Coat Moon In the Town of Oodsrioh. ea FRiDAY THE Oh DAY OF JI -\K. asst. ft the hoer of twelve of the clock ROBERT 01 W) 8, oberttret Helen. EMrt 'e trot; ami.etrt bo fah, dear tmlaMc Canadian School Book Emporium MOOREHOUSE'S OLD STAND, Borth Side Market Square, Uoderieh, Ont. CHEAP GROCERIES 1 DEAN SWSFTI Bop so tiatMusce to the people of Goderich and this section of Huron, that he has perehwd from Mr. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will continue the buainem in the old stand, onth Corner of Victoria an8 BraStreets Having bought the goods for cash, and as I intend to make all my purchases from wholesale mss for cash also, I will be in position to ssY at Very Low Prices for Cash. My stock will always be Intik. I will keep the beet brands of teas, good sugars, ro and a.mg in the grocery line from the best producers. Ban, Spiced Meits, etc. ,111 oe hand in season. I am determined to please, both in quality and price. at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, near D. K. St ncia>�'s machine shop. March ittb, 1882. 17_ S W _L BOOTS&SHOES 3zow.naizl.g csz WeadiAa , Beg to anaemia', N the Public that they have opened hiatuses in the above trade is the sten lately • by Horne Merriest. Having p./oklad a large sad well assorted mink of and Summer Gonda at cine Ageism, we are determieed to Ere the Public the benefit. Y jlrPlease call and esattise our Roods before purehaaing ehswhen. IIPRetreaabmr the plass, neat door to J. Wilson's Drug Eton. p 'Custos wank will caseinour special attention. p!•Non. beet the best of material tread and first -clam workmen smplwyed. pS Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. QUIOI SILKS PBOFI!'8 SILL 18 BB OUR MOTTO. „„kbbisalt 0. mai DOWNING & W E D D U P.