HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-10, Page 8CA mom,ventlfnl end n.blinle nh)eet the the Move, an t o a;'tbl LI/ elonete 1 1 n a more masterly sod evaMse na,en to tri. Hi b• It a-,1 to r,e rare, AD-rr4M. narai ha.ft, r *it 't '". wb.cb Ivo rasMr fatter and e 1 a a b....sleewr 1' , nevi I/ttarrre .e. ir. ram • reset s11/ A rem '.''a r se 1.' J. The licheesM•lag sale rbeMll . n 1:1, ai•M.M.r to ere e.n h1. law Ise, rose •: ml rem- Ir - w •,:leer al, Sr .lief./c h + • alled, r l the eels. 1 l otiose et ea.•.a cob sob eb b. ware tee i n a•, .•', ser . h.• *ht . whwh lain Newee lbw • Armee* t tat a nocefoAr 114 .J hie no,a*,d Ibis II it 1.o rrt,1,^1 .d errs le 111e emet• re r•• - fa , I . rt 11 MIL U.:o 1 Ore eat -u1Palmer. .Ithe THE HURON SIGNAL, ?KIM, MARC' ie. i ., Isom HAMILTON. -- A gentleman writes: 'I have suffered for over four years with Id by tight losses abuse.ail I had d general r ed 11 the ndner- :iwd medecines, and a number of emin- int ductors,and I found no relief or ben- efit. ',I have used twelve boxes of Mack's Magnetic Medicine, and am entirely re- stored." See advertisement in another column. C. K Kn.", of Uebridga, vitasOc- tober Srd, 17O, and says :--'certify to the excellent qualities of AIlea's Lung Balsam as a disease of the thOeat and lungs. I know it to he all it is recom- mended to be." Through the mouths of March and 1 April be careful not to use Purgatives atnt$tiuing Calomel or other injurious substances. The proper and safe Pur- r gative is the Great \ egetable Prepare- / tion, Dr. Carson's Stomach and Cuosti- tastion Bitters. the purest and beat Blood Purifier known. lieu. Rhynaa, agent, G,.derioh. IERMANREMCDY. T'4)1 Rti a u 11) zi m, ar �1V I Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals T. Jamin On, to • safe, sere, simple sod ekeap External Remedy. A trial entails but the a.mparati sly trifling outlay of 50 Cereus and eatery one suffer - Ing with pain can bays cheap and putative proof of Its claims. Direction. in Eleven Iango.gs. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ASD DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER. & CO.. Beleimyorw, Md., U.4- rtt't 14P. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. Ir is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for preserving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth. faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair 1. thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immedi- ately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brachy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The VI00R cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulaung, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dreeaing for Ladies' Hair The VIGOR is incomparable. Itis color- less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not sou white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economi- cal and unsurpassed in its excellence - PREPARED BY DR. 1. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Cbemalsta, Lowe*, Mass. SOMA IT •Lt. Dar0eleTre RTERTWMaal BIWi1& ...GRAZING LANDS Aaf Fomes tae T.. Northern Pacific R.R. tie MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, AND MONTANA. BIG CROP AGAIN iN 1881 Low PRICES ; LO,o TIME Russet row 1regov1- MENT; Pewee° FARE AND Fwf,OMT TO Serra )s . FOR FULL INFORMATION. AOOwtem R. M. NEWPORT, GaN. LAND Aar. N 1.r,0. rem PA.,. ST. PAUL. MINK O Bt, Catherines Nurseries. r - RaTA14I.HP.1• I. Ir;11.. KIST A I BRICK YARD. $CILDERB. !fat:lag full? I.'..l..I MOORE'S EARLY & BRIGHTON Iwo new gropes, 1 uolosel*Uttgl y Sots ow m) patrons W pian* thee.,. Volt will lonot be die- .ppu nled. MOOltb EA Y is the bent •ery early tack grew yet o to l'saade. It has good thirty degrees low sere unhurt. BRIGHTON lea dellek•w rod enwe, ripening )tat affix Moors*" kmrl). They ere bulb large m bunch std berry, sed very productive. I will mall both to my address, postpaid. on receipt of s2 or either fur$1. .4gente wanted. D. W. BEADLE, ST. l'ATn6nINlia; OMT. 1220.3 111. VICK'S Illustrated Floral Guide I for 1141 1a a hares' Book .f I:10 rater. Is. t'abrrd Plasm of Mies era wad more Mae IMPS Illa.ratl.ais of the choicest rhin- o -re. Plan h. and \',g, sables, ant Dirt -algae for growing. It iso ttandn,dnc enough for the eu- tre Table or a Holiday 1'r•rnt. Pend tam your tame and Post Uffl r address, with 10 cents, and I will mad you a copy. postage paid. This 1. not��a quarter of Its ,net. 1t is printed in both a:ngtuh and German. If you afterwards. order seeds deduct the 10 eta •II'li'm essbbsi are the beat in the world. The Fu,kAL (:TIDE will tell )1)u how t0 get .4,441 gni. the I Irb's flower and Vegetable II:ar.k 1. 175 Pages. 6 Colored Plates, see Engravings. 1 4)E NU Dents in paver 1 * ors $1.00 in elegant cloth. le Geru,m or Engltek. • Vkk a IlleseireDrul Monthly flagaslae 32 Hales. a l',dore,1 Plate in every number and rustily ane Engraranes. Price 11.15 a yuan; Fire Coote* fur $5.00 Specimen Nurnberg sent for 10 rests . 1 trial copies fur 25 cents. .'ddress. JA1r 4 1'l('k. R.ehe.ter. 21. 11 AGENTS "•an"d.Big Pay. Lich Mork. Constant employmen for C'aWta1 required. JAMks Lax & Co. Mu *real. yeebec. 1762 UNC.L TJ 1 A quantity of good white brick un hand an tor sale at ressuwble rate.. The subeerlber is now carrying os the brick raking liminess at the1uL. l kilos. awl will give all orders tvbkh esy be sant him Lb Moot peaup t attention. The brick le of Stat w claquality, and the 'rms are rearuosble A ddross JOHN K. McOREGOR, Ktatsll, RW t.eere. repra...0 5• Lnsgl is e MOM/ •,.rd TIM WAY IT WILL Alr317T TOi. It excites e x pectoratioe and onuses thetunp to throw off the pblegm or sueous; gossips. tlis •err -nose and prrLtee the blood: heals the irri- tated parts; gives strength to the digestive organs: brings the liver to its Koper active, and Imparts strength to the wbo*e testes. lit'CN IS THE IMMEDIATE AND SAT SrA(RORT [,- Ewer that st ea seArr rated rn 4Prefsk 17 rAe EESIE e1i.rr...vg empis a a jres Scurf time if not of Un, 11)115 standing It i. wiernmted TO tart's RNT:.N RATIRYACTION. STEN IN THE MOM Ma- 1i.wtr { rases cf fonnrption 1 It u tmrrantrd .of to produce costiveness Iwbteb is the case with most remedies), or affect the head. esit contains no opium in any form. It r. to be perfectly Harmless to the most delicate child, altbouih it is an active and powerful remedy for restorina the system. There ism re 11 Nrres.ItY/'renninny death. b Ceneeeetiow when AfN + L1) BL /-,.AoM will prevent it tf u only taken in time. Physicians baring con- sumptive patients, std wbo, hating faded to cure them with their own medicine, we would recommend to give ALLAN'S LOMB BALSAM a trial. Sold by all Dr.i gia a. AFTER 4 SEASON'S TRIAL. JAMES HEAL E'S Condensed Fire Kindlers are the best in use. doing away with coal oil or ehavingts Each kindler will burn seven minute,. long enough to ignite hard wood. They are made from the best white resin end will not soil ladies hands. Bold at TWENTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. No difference in pricet,r gushily. James Reale. 5fal.,•r and seller. Goderieh. AGENTS MAKE 11101--30 TO 70 PER CECT liaise Waldo and 1-310310 Pnims Giwil ,away PREF! T}IE GRADEST OFFER RADYETRDS WITAT WE t3I.PE THE PEOPLE FOR 81.00. ,aa Ilerannc° lemma' t. about twice the elle of or itdry relent, and fuer tomes am l.r,re to s.1)nr. 11 sn new one of the lergr.t puhllnlled. and is nicely 11. Inor rend. Contains every ♦.Arty of literature. It is 14.1.1 with lllu.tratea Stories of the most interest. Inc lied entertaining character. Rketebes andTkrll- ling Ancetioten, Beautiful Poems by the best authors; a v•:pt ;fund of Infor:mttion or what le g.dng on In the work Reek number a,otninspe Illustrated I's.Mon Department, l'h.Idren's Department, harm and Hoass- hnld Department, Sunday Reading. Wit and Homer, bmelded men• other minor departments, making ,t the most valuable end interesting paper publl�bed. FOUR BEAUTIFUL OHROMOS. Three benutlfut works of art (msec eepeciuIv for whole only he MMm,red be s.hecrlblog to the Hors.- aouJneevAi. Never before hare fon/ Medi Tarp and elepe nt worts of art been 'riven with much a m&.. tenth peps/ for the small sum of al. Fully realnisg the demand that will br made for our paper and menu i.meag mnon an our 'iamb me to work. we have a otter of 120,0(10 made In ad,.soe, so there will he so delay with our &emits. but all orders will be tilled the ,Iso they an received. These charming Chromes please end delight every one Retail dealers are obliged to charge e1 each for 1.. feeler 'objects And why, you ask. temly beo.au herdic. a publisher of Chrnmet tweeter. eat seer 5,000. soh le we m'nkc 120.000 We pay no one . pro et, whale the mad dealer has to pay four or Ire be - form he Nets Chromes to sell. A FAINT DESCRIPTION OF WHAT WE GIVE FOR PREMIUMS. No. 1 is a eplendld 0t1 rheum.., elan 16 r 22, Ie. i+'.. i in 13 onions and entitled YOU DIETY BOY. This really magnificent chrome w111 at one. enchela Ode attention end command the deep and warm edibles. ties of every mother. The etarin&I p.u0.g arse In Oe possession woo take. front & eopy of a celebrated plemr of.celpure and eased after It. Thl. re•m.rk.Me trona/di of an and 1r nine. 11 will be remember..4,took drat prize at the Word's 14.11111110. Ie Parr eerr �rare ern. The re.e reprete.0 . fermr's wire whe me !net aftrt. hot penult Metered her hopeful sou and heir and 1a mow pns..edfag to rid him of some of the mnperdre dirt whirl all boye will wears- IMc. The Erten dwrm.netien nu the geed ell lolly'' es,. and the brei or mingled disgust and mischief es that of the boy will rsll up mint a mule to the fares of time. who, le tater youneere.n, hare her. 4.reegl the mime rerrorm.n,w. We can Memel torr we hear the mother erdaln: Ohl yes dirty. dirty boy .114 at Ilia ca-ne time ebe palls 111 war with 0ie hand sad web the rebcredyln Wen• pMltdel rainwear* of anep and water. Bet oe then is the tell Into .►Mhthe water is dApies, from the here aim. tad I • the mor we se. I te WS farm boles ,s (rue to aver u •ass Itself The' meter* le getter I!' *bodied to he one of the 1,1 %ger CHRt11104 Selig GeekthD AS A PREMIUM TO AIT PAPBB. Kw 9 le a sebum. 011 Chrnsn..ue 10 a 22. 50. Lead n 12 twigs, sed •uutle4 TIIE CASTAWAY'S DREAM. I F $ 10C► • ALL OROCR3 poor ho. has Meows Memel! dorm. sal kr tar taew. cent. cb0dW face wrapped is arseeret slttmhee le s ' foody for .ay lever of taw bow fel Re demos of km dear moth./ ag hov..sd Is tactor r elrped a ter lorins armn noir rot.. Dimly Is the reeds the dome le Metered, lied massy tear, te,,.mp h erles trill .wakes. ed by It. ve eusM emend to M tats patent ;m- om It must be sees to be •ppreel•oed. Nes. 3 1. a 1.aauf.10(1 Cboeo. sue 16 ■ 22... i u• tolled In 12 ewim" ted earbod THE BASEST OF FLOWIf1RS. Two •ran sero w. gave Y Pr.•mS5 to oar P.PIr fear ehn.mos. 12 s 16. sad tks.ow which we. ase ash ...many sd.dnd es a way df plower M meek te- ased was It treght of ten we Mrs Mra raeoararrd to arta our alkali kr of 7res.,.alkaliwill-bepot doable the are or gene .see keno for the Von of Flowers. It is oar mermen men b staelh.l tau pieesre ser petrol by Daylong from soar sad be fag Posed as pare to k..p se lie WO Ieparrlse. NM Witt to leo dower Use as real Wakes over bees abseil is a pr.rlma Re. 4 a e rmg5aawl 0 1 ('beau., aye l4 . 13. Iete►s I. 12 seise .M raffled BURSA'. ON I/QCS FLATMIAE Menrry, renreially /0.4.11 ewes , is .perrusr.l br every ono. Rho W mss raid Mr rainy mews ° ehm a remises mend l - Tb. Leal of the tab " wlteh is fDe std ere We ep.. Mew airy Soppy rertiortlues tuts *•a4..e sell. aware r. (So rev ad decorum of oar order. Orr 4. sod beret of every sr4.hoe or w.r n, 4111 be • red af )lot, *at: re ,/care. wren win sena se a De se red p areset me reduces/ with Me PM. lillig aaw semer7 .s* 0•1. I now 'rob IMs Aar 11 r Lsed * pistu.IM1 will be baby rala.ble bleb an samosas el Is roars sad ahs e • ew • rlow tl of ear ,rer )o.4. wo .11) ebworf.uy forfeit tr pre poll W we brie as seer awns to woos who es pee.... emir .rer- &See r oathe wareWowof this • ywelsh re ...f Me Orr Ins pee bee peellst OUR Tfl. M 'IV AGE TIS. C W. de ad can 4. .ata ear trs..�-g emtg� bet * ay pre.e who really MOM ass aetiologysad .g Lao wage e mrd~ 14451 M ma spare 4.M bel tether mora, re power �er v.lshr ..eel. well weer e3, MMadleg a Meseta e • grr . .m.. of AMM ser rem emberen dr I won M see Orr. es 60 1 err ruse yes brad be w It tem fee wev.ml.g, 0. 111. a ret besotted we Mow she emus 4. a0 r minutemen a e eveadeleh essAe htae lase des eased heathen we allow sir egret 4. limp Memos. Os On *bird aaded the res kens jest writ Or le 60 Brat. redly as tM err M ecce. O. tee ern! bemired tha.gour 'asps M sew .wdlag e. sly 40 emus. O. the arta Meer./ Ibe seer keep 70 seer ✓ ear es eel) MO rota dere Will re Mr by ale tame tier w areal/ prise only se ens fee to =Asrimers trimers few, bee we de eve rep Mel As ees glib* m met ass suet a 1.ege sebagit.gyve .141 red Nai tall 10e sr errs arms ad 110 rrretple sigma by es, .Wl is sego se A PRESENT OF •100 OASS. 11111 .• Mer Dere fatM b1W sloes ••nW n, ` Ob. W OW *reser►, w weer oust bar 1 err nares► era'• WNI. be es am a ger herd-wa.ktee .deet 111 M tries 10 moors//e per day. .111 wren, rawer lire mod Mt =err se Meese LIMO bet we ea. OW' Tee m ale* worth er,aasee eel erre w111 e•esr4M 7s ta.' ere arc 5et..Kr4.rttiMeprlsm r t toe trees• lee wlM moots sell: res. 4. r I ewe wnret, OMyoes b.aW, sena se fried. w rarb,l..et wb.. Is bele ar saemse, rod .ra Ie .N Llai seeps , s raw ewe mese-. if mei shoos ve. rear Mgr a or rot ar„ot., 4.t tk. miss ram sol • -ser fres or prom So ea1.1.) , ecus pr se Ir ear seer res s. fah. . Dyer Tiller sed d.Mks it to esti Hie seem, ,.f areata rel r y.mreeetwd toggle( that thee meet e*' ver e-mle b.*. 1. tare /sect.,. OM Maki net N I. le whet M rameige par M►eeeela we airs taw ter rver• order for 100 seta chromes at one time or within 10 days. It you seed in order. amouene b 100 sow. we trial .sad roes budrme Gold -Plated Hunt. .g ('a w.iel bee. Tell this toour soh -agents and .-• drho,ry do cwt set 110 .ub.erllbn within 90 days iceboat OILtremble. And letter than this, anyone wrote le W eabscriben within 30 days will get 3 WATOHES FREE. *'..T0,110, 5,, beat 114, offcrt We Link not! Cash malt in evert e.e aceompinv theo-d•r somas Mat C. O. D., is .11b1 carr the &fent most send e2 as agaaraetee. W l3to be ddsc ed from the hill when vele are ret. Arra sourtIm .. ask as to vary oar Leona. Tllr • ve w ► .r fes sap ewe. (ear books on kept in confer n- ! Ity wake., tense. &d to vary for terms tor mol (we cis mom, terIs lir, w4 we sever take say oo: ce of earl tottereo sere yowl. ramps If you are going to weir to as to chap our terms. THE WAY TO CONDUCT THE BUSINESS. T'M hest way 1. to red In and pay tor s n,mbe- of ' eatwrtp5mlepers the p•mminms sad receipts, and t►n vo to work and MM.,. aeh.erthera gel &Ree/ the prerl.Ma .ed reoe.plm as you go, and th,s rave going 1 over the temmry • second time to deliver the same .tad college your pay. Per Instance, whenes order your *ricer eAer Tan lura rend re,l 1 t, lendyto an 1170 winch pee' for the gut beedrrd saMrrptloee. Br r.ta•n *..11 or Frpreme Too w111 Metre one hundred we'.f four chromes, ..d one 'tendert receipts welch V ea n.rat for the first kaedroe .ab.erfl.ta. The re - .wpm will be all rade Cont and Mg.ed br 4.. and week geed for a row a eab.crlptbm to the Hoon. ot.e Jo(a• ■ At sed .11 you will bare to write in will he the sale .eADeen sora Me. Tee sem theta take a package of tM pprr.. tam Anconaand receipts end go converter, It br4.f no your drat hundred rb.erlbere. Toa lure paid 700 ere' eseh for them, ad will collect e1 en seek, sal Sure to each .oh.crlber • .et of the fon? Nrorr.. rd a reed t swu4lhg hien or her fe the Wfer... year. and the work b done. livery few rits will seed I. the Iobrrlber.' name to as, on eek,eripb.s 114 famished you for that nerpoes, with. apt any *nary Ir yoe will already hare paid for thew,. tad we at trace book their name, and tend them re paper for one year. If on a(est I. en situated that M W 'tart. he Is usable to sen $70 for Doe hundred d saboerlptiona thee se535 for Shya.b.eriptInee : If ammo, red 5, thee send for twenty.6 re eakeerlplom .ed eves if you menet send Ant $7 for 7r r w o.bseriptlewo, w 13.50 for five .nbrAptlnc. .1111 It 1. tbe errs Toe by it. for people cannot fail to see that the bedame Is conducted In a buanres-Ilke mintier. and t1.• 441 hare no fear of bring defrauded of the snbecrlptios money. When *genu order recelpu and chromes 11 d venem, we hal .he receipts all out recent the ns • scriber's name and re,idrnoe, WL(ch the agent ells to as he tate. eulte »iptiona. No boneet agent will ubJeeI to our plan of muffling our own rwoelpts, for did we mllow agent. to sign them, all the •• Aend h.•at.'' woo 1.1 gest an outfit gnu demote tl,, reonle all nrer the etuotry, and roe the uuoine., for as mid e11 how.* agent, too. 11-0 went honest a;.rts cel don't ]Asn la enimerwg teed boots." boot sed * .v to fwd t t m bw bas mss. rrrit Mr MeerN e a and alum Alm or her the par pe...areoe./a. per and 1)sem )l Dunn that 111.7 so 11.T. *be four plrters then and there, o r tat you en prepared mire, them a rmelpt for tM pap/ for ewe year .Igted by ua, .ed that by nda m matt *key w,d get the Int ropy of nor miner and no permit Is mese MIM ern leave, d they harp or esr- art • doles, 4111 they e ore the four Meters" led a receipt stldl*g then to the raper fel. &year. Ile "wet met ►a.. • lltO. reedy mosey. for sew re- quire tks ppa. mot met Emceese?eel Ian mob - e rror mob- erro110. .111 einte e0 lnrnwv.nt.nry bast amid. Inc .kn.ld ao not happen to hare the taemry l ,. e. borrow It tor . foe d.y*, End hie pro- // .sly eon& .snble Mli to do without borrowl.g,.od to beadle the Mine Jut se he (ekes. Al, old age�� who ■edo,4.nd the ag•nry lenen.., IM lame nemr,t1.4 ere mete, and (be Impp..rr,wnre of Mom mete a Wend will order •II the anbee lype Ione they ma with thele owed•. There la nn end To the ►w&lt+&r gra rem be dose, sed the sooner roe start tM Mime. ROMs'/ AGENTS WANTED W. wish to mor nor word GI all honest *gents, We lu.• the beet hn.less ever offered yen. tee do.l • ,+.r.ly .1111 n•r *ren' mid onber•reb.n. and leer. so Inmy ane ones for Brod boats" to .poll territory for 11050.0 *ashi w• do this br own In I, all ner nes. .e awpfl Sed no nM wen eel nn• nr lame nwlp'. .1.11. a .r as! ,y for I'. .111 ►ones *vents will he 1 eve gat*.re CLUBS. A great anti) Pnople1Mmdd got' n doyen of m. ce sebacnben, but du cot core to n.o1e a beds/,. o, It. To such we oder hands ime prtene mewed of a tem - mission, nor one or mor: or CWek you mel .won with little or no troupe. Anyone sending 111 04 an.l two 0.11.erllrece will M entitled to one nt the following handmaid mire; A . nlld Gold Band Meg worth $9, a beaelosl wad Plated two -pictured Leake'. fell .Lae, 1)r • IaaJsue.e un -blade Pee -knife. Anyone medlarIn e3 and throe eeb.eribee will get a 6urfour-drew elescope, or d aaWwme Gold Read almg with • beautiful Alosko dominos! to G. An our seeding In e4 end tour ode...ei em will he entitled to • brd.nme Nlnlel I'In ed emcee -shot 4r- Volvor, or a inaeoteeeot t.pe m C3.In end locket. Anyone *ending 53 and Rye enbecrlbers 441 get a besotlful Slleer Plated ('ane Basset, or a diorama Llthern or Har .otto, Anyone "ending In e6 Pad Ni lnbeerthers may obooa' one of tie f.Ilowing presents, A *4*.) Allow or beanly rotted (.old Plate Walton ('hula, or • hand. sons* Kilter l'Isied Butter 111.11. Aaron. eentling In 510 and ten .ubscrtbers sola pt • besetifel Hunting Cue Watch. Anyone needing is 515 and fifteen unb.rrlben will get nee half doron .plendld Rllk Haodkesebler. tae . Err-cosm rustle. or a 11 dutifully metered Bickel 1111ter Beres -.hot Revolver with Pearl beadle, Anyone sending In $20 mnJ ',roomy .comber. 1.111 rOerve a Gent's toll else Detached Lever Bald Sliver 'Meting Clue Watch, or two of oar Btmtiu7 Car Metal Wntehs as advertised Is stir C.talogos at Rite6 eseb. Anyone ndtnt In 535 tad thirty dye enh..Ahee0 will revolve a headmen* atns-oar.* heating cage Bo14 Gold Watch, or s tea.aful Pla eette, &bag with • selection of new sad popular toes. A BONA FIDE OFFER. 0 W want eyory person who reeds this to take ear motet and try the Mosinee*, feeling amend teat , f Gary do they will not only feel .UMBed with , 1, bot .1)15.. Gene to act as Der Agents for many years. NOW. If yea will order the o.111 at 00,.e wo WIN r. ...a you enure rtldeouoe. It you tied one Wag a&Ms I frets wait we hare repmeeted, we glut leu Sr miring" of retnrotng tea outtt, sed ed euly rase* flu 50 routs hark. het will pay 7r for gm, M*aia Cu we offer anytblog nam, ldrr Ws .s bask en far word la any particular W. oro u honorable Monde. mentalism ..d do not prpw IN CONCLUSION. Dear reader, In brief manner we have platted nsir helps* before yea If ynn are I■ .est of .eek, tae anent 308 teat yon famed do barer tee segavtwel to at nn4M. If sal nag mien the paper and Winne, aA Is Oat satisfied, we will reread tie money. whetM racy e.11• eeriest by an agent nerr r amid their belptba direct re ow le reef, we mea to Or. roll,. r lrf&etlos mid .f mime. le dltwtlseed we mean to 011.4.47 lbm r t►ear even terms. Wn ere eetleeed remelted that we h0., the mase Monne. Ml nre the patine. and .re sere teal we ram pn yea rte eny*reel 000 we Yea It sold ewl yo. 6 t 50 end. re pre.re one east sad two for yourself, end then If ,no am net saliet ed the Marr .411 von, run may mein the motet sad wooly* pier coats Dart 1] 3E CO.. 517 Laga.aoh.etiere St.. Montreal, P.9, JUST RECEIVED D. FERGUSON'S A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Special }Inglis iu Teas at Very Loi Prices 2fic. per 1! and upwards. If you want a really tine Tea try my floc. Young Hyson it is a splendid article and worth more money. I have also just open,1 out a Dont plete assortment of Crockery&G Iassware Including Stone and China Tea Seta. Childrens' Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and Gents Fancy Tea Cups and Maurer', suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts. Lamps & Lamp Goods in Great Variety AND AT VERY L/IW PRICES. Call and be Convinced Medical Hall G -oderich P. JORDA.N, Chemist and Druggist Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs, Omura". Pslnta, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Artist Colors Patent Medicine. Hors, and Cattle Medicines. Perfumery Toilet Articles, &cc. L3Pbyaioime PreecripUosu carefully dl.pertsel-'52 Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S Photo and Auto{nph Albums in great variety, Cork Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. 'to:k is New, very complete, &Dei consists ,.f Ladies and Gents' Purses, China G,n,ds of all kinds. Ruby G....a, Vases in many pattens, Flower Pots, Cups and Flowers, China and Wax Dolls! A Lar'e Assortment. Smoktrs Suu,ines-Merechstrm Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier P11 es- 100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books lilt,les, Prayer 11.m.1s, Church Sermons, Wesley's Ilynin Books, Psalm Books, Sc..tc. • Subscriptions taken for all 11:e beat ENOLIBH, St'OTCH, iRI+H, AVEM1CA' and CANADIAN Papers and ;seines at Publishers' lowest rates -now is the time to eubscnbe. 1 full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and odel School Students All will be sold cheap. and Patrons suited. I have a choice and large selection of ihristmas and New Year's. Cards! � THE BEST EVER SHOWN, ASU 124CAPER THAN EVER, At MULE R'IS. °minims Telegraph and Pastime fitamp O®c,'. 1762 BOOTS AIT SHOES DOWNING. . 1 have great } leasure in announcing to my- customers and the public at large that y stock 11 Bests and Shoes for the Fall Trade is now complete, and I would in- te inspecting of the same. I have i.een especially careful to purchase goods which believe will Rive the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. Iou will FISI\'I1 11mii 111iILo'si Aa 1 bar r large • uantIttees, and for Yash. Doing the largest shoe trade in the Tow it. 1 can sell at closer prices than those who do a smaller business I would especially call the ItteEtian of Farmers to My Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Mich a one of the iargest t., be found in any retail store in the Province. I have on hand several cases of thecelebrated "K. it. R." Long Boots, which have given such sr^ en -se Satisfaction- j in the ).eat.. On ORDERED WORIC We are still abreast of the tomes, and Irving • large staff of first-class mechanics, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my line to order, at the shortest fiche', in fintt-claw style, and of the very haat material. in conclusion, i beg to return my tinier, thanks to my customers for their liberal patronage in the put, and rest EIIIIMod i shall do my 'tames to deeervr a continuance of tits same. Toon respectfully. Cee Pu *root' 'Art Rquetr ('. (J.nrh 1 E DOWNING.