HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-10, Page 3TH1RTY-FOURTH YE t!t.
31111..1LE ..• 411E11 Zs.
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McGILLICUDDY BROS. P1711.11e1igils
New adierthienseat•
Notice Joshua t'alloway.
Wall Paper --Jame. Inule.
To Rent --Geo. B. Johnston.
Cheap Ormieries--1). Swift.
Hardware -R. W. McKenzie.
Farm for Sale -William Hest
Boots and Shoes -E. Downing.
Sheriff's Side -Robert Gibbons.
New Stock -Downing d• Wield up.
Giving up Business -J. W. N'eatheraid.
Ayer's Sareaparilla-Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
• TIS?. Moe and residence, West Street
hese doors >blow Bank of Montreal, Mete.
rich 1762
GEON. date with Trotter & Caesar, the
leading Dentists of Toronto.' All operations
n eatly and carefully performed. Rooms, Bea-
ver Block, CLINTON. SITPatients from •
istance will please make appoinefuent in ad-
. awe by mail. 1812
Real Estate.
✓ Lot 12, con. 2, township of Ooderich,
county of Huron. 3 voiles from Goderieh. COI1•
tabling 68 acres, nearly all of which are
closed., and In a good state of cultivation.
Soli • clay loam. There are two wells, also •
good creek runs through the centre of the
farm. There is • good brick house with eel -
ler underneath, kit. -hen and woodshed. two
good frame barns, driving shed. and imple-
ment house. A good erchard with 110 choice
fruit trees. Good fences. There are II acres
of tall wheat In the ground. Terms easy.
For particulars apply to WILLIAM BEST,
proprietor, Goderich. 1821141.
farm to rent. One hundred acres ot
cleared land, free of stumps and in a first &aim
state of cultivation. About 60 acres in grain
and about fifteen acres plowed. well watered
and with good buildings. Next farm to the
Kintail dock. For further particulars apply
to MICII•CL li•LTON, KIntall post office.
desirable brick house, on East St., with
one eighth of an erre of band. The house con-
tains 3 bed rooms, parlour, dining room.
kitchen, wood -shed and all necessary conveni-
ences. reasonable offer will be refused.
EDWARD SU AKM•14. 1815
1_1017SE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND
78. corner of Victoria and East strata, In
the towu of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be
e xchanged for tarm property. Forarticulars
pplvJAS. S$A1LL. Architect. ofilloe Crabb's
Block. or J. C. events. auctioneer.
Loans anb 3nsurance.
lend on easy terms in sums to suit bor-
rowers. *Lax. McD
Goderioli. Nov. 17th NM. 11113.1m.
t 500,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO
rick. • 17811.
*75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES -
W TATE Terme favorable. Apply to B. L.
DOYLE, Galeria.
oa good Farm r drst-class Town Property
at 8 per cent. Aouly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751
ILI- amount to suit borrowers at 6 to al per
cent. Private funds. Apply to S1AOKR and
llogrom. Goderich.
ILL amount of Private Funds for investment
• at lowest rates on drat -class Mortgages. Apply
-4-4 Money to lend at lowest rates. tree of
any costa or charges. SEAGER dr MORTON.
opposite Colborne Hotel.
Goderich. 23rd March 1881. 1779.
tr Landed Credit Company is prepared to
lend money on good Farm security, at sir per
cent. r.n particulars given upon application
to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent, Goderich.
on Farm and Town Property at lowest in-
terest. Mortgoges purchased. no Commission
charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. B. -Borrowers oan obtain money in one day
it title is satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN.
STON. Barriatere. ko.. Goderich. 1751
It'. Life and Aoctdent Insurance Agent.
Representing first-clami Companies. Alsoagent
ter the CANADA Live STOCK 1111117RANCI Co.
Money to lend on Mortgage. either In Town or
Farm Property, in any way to suit the borrow-
er Ofifee-lup-stairal Say's block. Goderich
.1.1 Ont. 1812
he People's Column.
e The stockholders et Lite Tecumseh salt well
re prepared to rent their well at messiah's
tenni. 11",e appliences fur the setistastory
working of the well are in good eondition and
immediate powertsion of the premiers can be
had by the lessee. Fur further particulars
apply to GEO. H. JOHNSTON. secretary.
kJ • IAN. SURGEON, &c.. Graduate of Tor-
onto University. Lioestiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Ftlyetelime, London. Ertglend.&c.. &c.,
IL C. P. S.. Ontario. °Moe and residence
Opposite Braley's Hot&. Hamilton Street, Ilod.
eed'. 171164es
1111 whom 1 may have been indebted. not-
withstanding the fact that the debt may long
since have been barred by the statute of limit-
ation, can have such indebtedness promptly
liquidated. Any person hewing Jima claims
are to presentt hem to J. C. Detlor. Esq..
tioderieli. 1 &leo take this opportunity of re-
spectfully inviting thuse who are desirious of
doing so, to pay their indebtedness to inc.
through Mr. Detlor. although 1 ani well aware
that they oan, it they choose. shield them-
selves behind the statute ot
ply to Messrs. (JARROW d• PROUD -
FOOT. Barrister,. Goderich. 18284.8.
1.4 All parties looking for license for the
sale of liquor'', are hereby noticed thet their
application must be in my hands un or before
the first day of April next.
tioderich, Mar .th lst. L.
License Inspector,
West Huron.
For further particulars apply to Mite.
eirri.a. corner of Stanley and Elgin Streets,
Goderich. 1825-34.
a-, The premises are 30x40. with wood shop
attached, and are situated on the Lake Shore
Road, Ashtleld. half a mile from Kingebridge.
and one and • half miles from fantail. A first
class opening is here offered for a general
blacksmith. Delicate health is the sole reason
for the owner giving up business. " Terms
reasonable. For further particulars apply to
P•TRICK HOO•N. Kingsbridge, P. 0.
.11 Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery &c.
Office in the Court House, Goderich.
Ins Limos. M.A.. BCL. E. N. Litwin.
RISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors. etc
Goderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751
GiON, Coroner. IV. °Ike *ad residence
oa Rruce Street. second door west of Victoria
Street. 1711.
1-1• Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. &c..
Goderich, Ont. 1751.
11...G. MACKID, 111 D.. PHYSI-
rem Surgeon mid Areoucher. Graduate
of Throne° University. °Moe opposite COWIN,
ren Cameros's Boat, Lechaow. If aet
Aloe. seiteire at the Raab. 17111.7.
kJ TERS. &c., &c., Goderich and Wingham.
C. Seeger, Jr.. Goderick. J. A. Morton, Wing -
ham. 1151.
. Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street
and Market Square, over George Acheson's,
Goderich. 1751.
AA. LAW, Solicitor in Chancery. Convey-
ancer, &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore.
Goderieb. Ont. Any amount of money to
loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751-y.
97 Phyrieisne. Rergesse. Accesebert. ke.
Ofilre at !h. Sheassa's rearlismor. from the
• Goderich. G. C. fin•proron. J. C. IIAMIL-
vow. 1711.
er . te Dr. Descant Gradeate et Ontario Ifit•
termer, Cellars. °Mee. sables aad
eo Ifs gimps lone Imre east of
Bees& . -Honore eternised as te see
748. 1711.
_ Como r tat.
• hanks to the pset pa . sea
• HER and Hairdresser. fist :loiters!
• metes a costnissore or emitom • eau
friend at his ahaving Parke., neer
th▪ e Pest Ogle. Gederleb. 1751
VJ Etarristers Solicitors in Chancery, &c.,
Goderich and Wirigham. M. C. Cameron, 4.
P. Holt. M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W. Is.
Macaws. NYinghain. 1751.
•V • frowssie ti.a.rteti. oat ms.
Legal Notices.
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1881.
The Town Council of the town of God -
eel& at their regular meeting, held un
the evening of the 3rd inst., passed the
following reel,' ution :
Rewired -That this Council, having
read witn alarm the cablegram announc-
ing the attempt to take the life of Her
Most Gracious Majesty, Queen,Victorie,
beg to express their warmest feelings of
congratulation at Her Majesty's wit*
(rem this seventh attempt to assassinate
her. While thanking Almighty God for
Hiscontinued protection of our country's
noble Queen, we desire to render to her-
self expressions of regard and attach-
ment, trusting her life may be long spar-
ed to her subjects in this colony.
Signed on behalf of the Council and
people of the Town of Goderich.
Hoascs Hoarose Mayor.
Tea people of Goderich are anxious to
know when is the Railway Committee
likely to get to work.
THE bill to repeal the stamp duties on
promissory notes has been passed by
Parliament and the Act came into force
on Saturday last. The unused bill
stamps will be exchangeable for postage
stamps until the 30th of June next.
Tee editor of the Seaforth Bun (Tory)
last week referred to the editor of the
Goderich Star (Tory) as a "genint crank,"
and winds up by alluding to "his proto-
type Guiteau." The Seaforth scribe is
evidently practising rhetoric for the
coming election.
A tarns° of Liberals to nominate a
candidate for Centro Huron, at the gen-
eral election, has been called for Satur-
day at Seaforth. It is thought by some
that, as there is a possibility of the
Huron seats being redistributed, and as
the constituency is a pretty safe one, the
nominating of a candidate so early is
rather premature.
COUNTY OV HURON, By virtue of a Writ ot
To wrr : 'Fieri Facies. 'gamed out
of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench, and
to me directed against the Lends and Tene-
ments of EDWARD MARLTON, at the suit of
FRANCIS SMKETH. I have seized and taken
In Execution, all the right, title and interest
smd Equity of Redemption of the above monad
defendant in and to the following property :-
Situate, lying and being In the Town of Oode-
rich. In the County of Huron, known as the
Summer Hotel property, particularly deeeribed
as follows: Commencing at • point on the
North limit of West street. said point being
due west one hundred and fifteen and one half
feet (11541 from the South East angle of Lot
number five (51 In Goderich °Mee reserve,
thence Easterly along the Northern limit of
West street one hundred and fifteen and one
halt feet (1134) to the South East angle of the
said Lot number flve 151, tbenoe due North two
12) chains. more or less, to the North East angle
of that Lot. theme due East twenty nine and
a belt links, (290 more or lees, to the South West
angle of Lot tweoty one all in the Goderich
office reserve, thence due North along the
West limit of lobe twenty one 1211. twenty (SOL
alneteen (191. and eighteen 081. In the Goder-
lob office reserve two (21 chains, more or less,
to the Southerly angle of lot thirteen 011. God.
erteh office reserve, thence North thirty two
1321 deirreee. Wefive 45) ehaina seventy five
(75) links. more or less. to • point one hundred
and three 11031 feet from the centre line of the
track of the Orand Trunk Railway. where a
poet has been planted the said distance of one
hundred and three 11081 hot. being measured
at right angles 40 110 laid centre line. thence
South sixty one MI degree'. West to • point
four hundred and seventy two itr/ feet. Mast-
erly from 'he North Westerly limit et Goderich
*Ace reserve to the easterly boundary of the
lend eons -eyed by the (ioderich Summer Hotel
Company to the cerporation of the Town ot
Doelerich as eforgraid. Them, eolith easterly
idea& the rid easterly noundary of the tows
property and parallel to (bp westerly bound-
ary of the Widder property one hundred and
(wenn,' see 475)4.0* more or lees 4*410 maitre
or a locust tree no, the top of the hash.
Thence mouth forty one and is half 'Op degrees
west. still &long the sonerly limit of the said
sewn property one hundred and thirty six
10111 feet. Thence south thirty seven 4 371 de-
ft,. rapt still Avow the NAM limit
et the owl town property. two hundred and
slit) ,Wfa feet to the 'dam of beginsiont. the
said propery shove described. minor -Wing lots
numbered from five to twelve. igcluiplep. 8110
Ooderteh ',Moe reserve and porno's of blocks
A and R Which Lands and Tenements I
obeli offer for sale, at my Ales In the Court
Bowie. in the Town of (tederieb. on Thursday
the twentieth day of April meet, at the sow or
II of the clock. osee.
Sheriff of Huron.
illherifT• Office. Goderieh.
imolai., MA. Mel1411
Rritos has it that the Collector of
Customs at Goderich, will ahortly retire
on a superannuation. Mr. Doty has
been an efficient and experienced officer
and well deserves an honorable retire-
ment. There are three aspirants, we
understand, for the position of Collector
in case of a vacancy, and two "patriots"
will likely be disappointed.
A large number of the industries
claimed to have been brought into exis-
tence by the N. P. turn out in be es-
tablishments which have been removed
from one town to another, owing to in-
creased railway facilities. In fact some
of the "new industries" are said to ex-
ist only in, the mind of the Finance
Minister. The exodus to the States
during the past three years has been
over ten times the number that even
the "padded" list claims for home trade
The Tories seem forgetful of the fact
that new manufactories were started be-
fore the N. P. was dreamt of.
plea, a Tory to -day and a Reformer to-
morrow, he was taken up by the Con-
servative of Ceptru Huron because the
case is a hopeless one, and none of the
standing candidates of the party were
willing to he aleughtered. Whether Sir
Richard Cartwright or some local man
will be the Reform standard bearer, the
Tory candidate will get such a drubbing
that he is not likely soon to forget."
As Tee name of Mr. D. McGillicuddy
has been mentioned by a number of
Ontario journals as a probable candi-
date for the Reform representation
of North Huron, we would take this op-
portunity to state that Mr. McGillicuddy
is not an aspirant for honors at the
hands of the coming convention in North
Huron. It is true he has been solicited
to accept a nomination; it is true
that many of the respectable journals on
both sides of politics have given him flat-
tering proof of their friendly feeling to-
ward his candidature; it is also true that
he has come in for his share of bespatter-
ing at the hands of an unimportant wing
of the Tory eress-which of itself is not
to his discredit -and has thereby receiv-
ed a prominence entirely unsought by
him. Nevertheless although friends and
foes have alike combined to foist emin-
ence upon hien, we are in a position to
state that Mr. McGillicuddy does not at
present intend to allow his name to int
to nomination. We believe Dr. Sloan,
of Blyth,is the coming man in North Hu-
ron at the next election, and we frankly
and unqualifiedly state that if he con-
tests the Riding,rhe will receive from Mr.
McGillicuddy that earnest and hearty
support which has always been accorded
the former by the latter.
Tee market fee passed the Ontario
House on Monday last, and willibecome
law in the ordinary course. It provides
that, after lat April next, no market fee
shall be charged upon cereals, wool,
wood, dressed hogs, cheese, or fodder
that may be brought to the market
place; nor upon butter, eggs, or poultry
unless a proper market place be provid-
ed to afford shelter and protection from
cold. No fee is to be charged on any
kind of produce taken directly to the
place of delivery, nor upon any produce
brought in after 10 a.m. No person is
to be compelled to stay on the market
after 9 a.m., between the ist of April
and the 1st of November, or after 10 am
during the other neniths. The scale of
maximum fees for markets and weighing
machines, hereafter to be taken, is set-
"A chiel's aiming ye, takinnotes,
An' faith hell prent it."
Remember the great auction sale at Ball's
Furniture teems on Saturday, March 18th
and do not fail to come.
The Political Life and Lectures of the late
Hon. Geo. Brown, ready in a few days. De-
livered immediately after publication by Geo.
Sheppard, Huron School Rook Depot.
Next Friday will be St. Patr;ck's
Tel Galt Reformer has taken the
witasure of Dr. Coleman pretty accurate-
ly. 1t says The Conservatives of
Centre Huron have nominated Dr. Cole-
man, of Seaforth, for the House of Com-
mons. Well, if the Doctor is willing to
sacrifice himself, we don't know that it
is asybody's business. The Doctor is
somewhat after the J.J. Hawkins stripe,
however, and finless the elections are
brought on very anon, it may be his time
to'turn The would-be M. P. for Cen•
tre Huron belongs to that clam of men
who, havingmade money,think that
wealth ought to carry them through in
plaee of ability Dr. Coleman is am
bitions, vain as a peacock. and desert/re
the Reformers heroine they did not tak
him or; 1`; stmessed of nc Steel princi
Our Deseriptive Priced cataineree, heauti
Nur Illootrote41, ofentainimg all npee•Rete, in
formatim tor the ortiemeOril enItivatleen of ;
Vegetahles Flowers, Field Rotes. Potatoes
ese.,,ia new published. and will be !nailed revel
he M1 appliemeta.
JOHN .4. pwroc *M.
(tremor Hountlten. Canada
John Thompson, shoemaker, has
opened out business in Kintail.
The High Scheel Literary Society
will hold an open meeting, 011 Friday
1Kimaennie • Saunders accompanied
her cousin, Miss Mary, Saunders to her
home in Luther.
If March dust is an augury of good
fortune for the season, we may expect a
beautiful harvest.
Mr. Robert Logan is at present in
Saginaw, painting vessels for the open-
ing of navigation.
Mr. James Imrie has been appointed
went in Goderich for the life and
speeches of the late Hon. George Brown.
Rev. Father O'Mahoney, of London,
gave an eloquent Lenten discourse in
St. Peter.. church on Wednesday even-
Among the guests at the recent State
Ball was "Miss Lena Cameron, who
wore cream silk trimmed with lace;
flowers, crimson, ornaments, gold.
plication of Mayor Story, of Seaforth,
Ebenezer E. Lusby and Josiah T. Tyre -
man were appointed county constables.
Finuizay. -John E. Barnes, of Exe-
ter, was on Monday brought before
Peter Adamson, J. P. on a charge of
forgery. He was remanded until to -day.
Madame Eleanor Georgen, the cele-
brated elocutionist, is about to return to
Goderich. She will give an entirely
new programme, and ought to draw a big
The company was very hospitably en-
terteined by Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson,
and a very pleasant evening was spent.
Miss Ferguson left for her new home in
Detroit on Saturday last.
ilials.11116.4•Xielli•141••••• •
Flan AnktIVAL or TR* SZASON.-The • Tim Mrs LINE Or DOWN. -Last
tug Despatch, Captain Matheson, ar- week Mr. Joseph Kidd informed a re-
rived here un March 8th, from Sarnia. porter of the Seaforth SI414 that he had
She is to be engaged in fishing at this formed a syndicate with Messrs, Henry
port. She is the property of Zebe Tots- McFarland, of Stratford, and John Bat -
ma. the of Thorold, who will run a line of
In the It. C. Church, during Lent, a four fast sailing steamers during the
sermon is preached every Wednesday comnig season. They have now three
evg., by the Rev. Father Watters, and boats ready fur the opening of naviga
on Friday evgs., the stations of the cross tion, VIZ: The "Josephine Kidd,"
are said. The devotions commence at "Mary Battle" and "Scotia." The two
latter are very large fast sailing vessels
and are fitted fur both passengers and
freight traffic. They will ply between
some Lake Huron port, probably Gode-
rich and Prince Arthur's Landing.
The "Josephine Kidd" will be put 00
the route between %Visa -ton and the
Manitoulin Islands. Mr. Kidd has en-
ough.freighting to keep the line busy
until the C. P. R. reaches Lake Super-
ior, then the "Mary Battle," "Scotia,'
and another boat which is to be built
will be placed permanently on this route.
The case of Roht. McCreight, charged
with lunacy, came up before Judge
Feltner onTuesday. After the examin-
ation of a number of witnesse., Mc
Creight was remanded to gaol. -
stainzes, prisoner in 51000, and two
sureties of $500 each
.7hs7r.-P7 C. A. of Knox Church, .
UFTWIL4RV. The meeting held in the
Goderich, will hold • meeting to -night. ruin .
!school on Friday evening last un-
der the auspices of the High School
Literary and Scientific Els•ciety, was a
complete success. The chief feature of
the programme was a debate: "Resol-
thio the execution of Charles I was not
T.30 p.
Mr. James Graham, of Sheppardton,
has returned to Brandon, where he has
been engaged in land speculation, and
intends settling in the borth-West.
His sister, Miss Mary Grahame, left for
Toronto on Tuesday.
townstutin, Mr. John
Mosely has in his possession a seamless
copper tea -kettle over 200 years old,
and an iron pestle dating back to the
ytar 1709. They are interesting me-
mentos of "Auld lang syne."
Mr. Albert Gooding, late of Rhynas'
Drug store, has gone to the land of
promise, Manitoba. Albert was a faith-
ful clerk, and of a very obliging disposi-
tion, good recommendations which we
trust will ensure him success in his new
The Bad Axe (Mich.) Tribune says:
"Hon. S. Pollock. of Goderich, and
formerly a resident of this place, is
spending few days in town attending
to business. Since writing the above,
Mr. Pollock has sold out his village lots
to Charles E. Thompson for 51,000."
""AN UNHAPPY MAN. -Last week COM -
plaint was again laid against J. H.
Lloyd, the handless man of Goderich
township, by his wife, and he was bound
over to keep the peace in sureties of
5400 himself, and two other suretitle of
5200 eech. He was sent to jail in de-
fault of payment.
* We are pleased to learn that Mr. C.
Hincks, son of Mr. Harvey Hincks, of
Goderich township, and who has been
studying medicine in Detroit, on Wed-
nesday last passed a satisfactory ex-
amination. His degree of M. D. was
conferred at Whitney's Opera House,
Michigan College of Medicine, Detroit.
The Manitoba special excursion train
on the Great Western Railway which
left Clinton at 2 p.m. on Wednesday,
March lat, reached Winnipeg on Satur-
day March 4th, at 12 noon, being leas
than three days from time of starting.
This train ran from London to Emerson
in sixty hours. They had over 450 pas-
sengers on the train, nearly 400 of whom
went into Manitoba.
PIMENTSTION. -On Thursday even-
ing of last week a large number of the
teachers of Knox church Sunday school,
and the choir, met at the residence of
Mr. D. Ferguson, and presented Mize
Ferguson with a very handsome gold
locket, accompanied by the following ad-
WAR FRIRND,-lt is with feelings of
deep regret that we call upon you this
evening to my farewell. By your pres-
ence and instruction you have helped us
in the Sunday school, and your voice has
blended with ours in the songs uf Zion.
As a friend, as a Sunday school teacher,
you have been kind, punctual, and we
believe faithful. We trust that your
labor has not been in vain in the Lord.
As a member of the choir, you have been
prompt arid regular in your attendanoe,
and we will miss your face and voice at
practice and at service. We desire to
show you our regard before you leave me
for the land just across the border. As
a reminder of our esteem and love, ac-
cept this locket as a gift froin the S. S.
teachers and the choir of Knox church.
It speaks louder than words can of our
feelings towards you, asking God's bless-
ing upon you, and wishing you the beat
and truest happiness in your now home,
we remain yours in Christian love.
grand concert and lecture will be given
on St. Patrick's evening, the 17th inst.,
in St. Peter's (R. C.) Church. The
secret concert wiil be under the able
management of the talented and zealous
organist, Miss A. Doyle. The very
mention of her name bespeaks the. suc-
PROVINCIAL APPoINTMENTS. Johniceess of the cencert. Miss M. Robinson
Neelands, of Witigham, to be clerk of willtake a prominent part in It, also the
the eighth Divisior. Court of the county
of Huron, in the room and stead of Dixio
Watson, resigned. To be License Com-
missioners. A Worthington, M. D.,
Peter Fisher, John Acheson, for West;
James Lang, William Brden, Edward
Cash, for South, and W. J. Shannon,
Thomas Wilson, Robert Miller for East
of Temperance gave an entertainment in
the Temperance Hall on Friday evening
last. The following took part in the
gogramme: Misses M. Sturdy, Reid, F.
artin, Hale, A. Humber, Rules sisters;
and Masters Hale, Johnson, Todd,
Humber and Crabb. Short addresses
were also given by a nuniber of gentle-
man present. Mr. S. Yates occupied
the chair.
The Grand Trunk Railway has ar-
ranged for a special train for all points
in Dakota and Manitoba, to start on
Wednesday next, March 15th. The
train will leave Goderich at 8 a.
Misses Btdulph, Mts. Tellier and Mr.
M. Ferguson. Mr. John Robinson whose
voice has so often charmed and
delighted the members of St. Peter's
congregation, has kindly consented to
sing on the occasion. Miss L Doyle,
and Jas. Doyle, will join their talent
with that of those already mentioned, to
praise St Patrick. Grand solemn ves-
pers with benediction of the B. sacra-
ment will be given. The fallowing pro-
grit:lune will be carried out;
Landa Zion ; Lanibillotte.
2. 0 Cor Anomie Victim& ...... Lambillotte.
3. Ave Maria
L Tantuni Eno Berge -
It is expected that the two charming
singers of Seaforth, the Messrs. Maria
Killoran and Lizzie Walsh, will be pre-
sent, to assist St. Peter's choir. The
lecture will be given by Rev. Father
McKeown of Parkhill, and in entitled
"The Faith iif St. Patrick, Father
Watters invites all his friends to be pre-
calling at intermediate points between *rhos' Beard.
this town and Stratford Ample roo n
and accommodation will be provided.
This will be a rare opportunity to those
desiring a quick passage to the North-
west as a large number from this
neighborhood have arranged to go by
this train. For full particulars apply at
once to H. Armstrong, G. T. R. ticket
agent, Goderich.
Saloon/to AFFAIR. -On Wednesday,
the 1st of March, one Thomas Carter, of
the township of Morris, was arrested on
• charge of shooting with intent to kill.
He had been quarreling with his wife on
the 22nd of last month and she took
refuge in the house of a neighbor, Benj.
Ward. Prisoner deinauded admittance
to Ward's house, and when admitted,
fired "event shots at him with • revolver.
Being arrested, he was committed by
Wm. Wiloon. J. P., of Blyth. On Sat-
urday the prisoner was brought before
Judge Toms, and upon the application
of Mr. Holt, the judge ordered bail to
A prominent feature of the programme
will be • debate on the merits of Napol-
eon and Wellingtonbas generals.
Mr. D. Davis, 1 4 Stratford, a promin-
ent M. M. worker and temperance man
of Perth, spent a few clays in town dor plat 'Sable The affirmative was ably
ing the week He likes Goderich, and handled by Mr Perm', captain, assisted
greatly admires its clean street& by Motors. Hegarth and Horton, whose
arguments were well met by the mura-
l( you wish to get a satisfactory pen- led hy Mr. Henderson, captain
..18 any al". ahaPe .1)46'assuited be Messrs. Jas. War and
dori't fail to eall upon R. Sallow'. II • F. abiLim, Thic chair upiied h7
concentrates his powers to please his pa-
trons and always succeeds in doin so.
W'e are pleased to add to one etc
list the Meaford Mirror. It is a h
some newspaper, and is well edited.
We like to read a clean Conitervatiese
paper. and each we know Mr WIURDIK
Will mak. and keep the M,rr.r He
.me of the few Tory jonrnahote who ten
(-Anibal the *moment, (sf an opponent
without nailing him name names.
Mr. Moore, High School teaeher, to the
eatisfsetton ,tf all parties. After sum-
ming rap the twsints made by the differ
ent sides, the chairman gave decision in
favor of the negative The debate was
otoperlingly well gotten up, and showed
deep thought and eareful preparation nn
the part of the debater* and reflects
much eredit on the High School. The
prr•gniimme was brought to a el,see with
solo, given by Mis. Henderson
Met on Monday evening. Present. -
Messrs. Crabb, Buchanan, Nicholson,
Ferguson, Swanson, Butler.
Principal Miller's monthly report was
read, showing number of children on
roll, 755, average atteudance 630.
ANOUst earner.
Inspector Miller's ninth annual report
was read. The number enrolled during
1881 wee 967; boys, 530; girls, 437; be-
ing 13 less than in IRMO. Twenty-one
pupils were taught book-keeping. Tho
receipts were: Government grant 5562,
Municipal $4,481.56, balance from last
year $154.28, other source* 5111.78,
total $5,309.57. Expenditure for
teachers aalariee wa 53,070, other
salaries 5629.12, for repairs, elections,
stationery, insurance, etc., $525,31;
fuel 5184.34. The cost to the town for
each pupil is $4.90, of which 5.4.10 is
paid to teachers. This amount is below
the average cost in Ontario, and shows
that the Goderich schools are worked
ecnnomi cally.
The Committee having charge of
school premise! have attended to their
duties in & satisfactory manner. The
work of the teachers has been satisfac-
tory, the results being above the aver-
age. It was moved. seconded and ma-
rled, that Inspector Miller's Report be
received and filed, and that a vote of
thanks be tendered him for the shim
manner in which it was gotten up
Copies of contracts to he signed AT
caretakers were real, the addition of
clause placing them under the direction
of the teachers was added
Town Auditors A Waddell and W.
R. Robertson presented their report.
It was confirmatory of the statements
contained in Inspector Miller's.
Geo. Old's account of 54 was orterstil
to he paid.
Board then arli.,urne.1
Mrs H. Horton has rote -net' fromse
lesewit visa to friends in Winghass.