HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-10, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1382. �3DOORS, S MOE88ULDINGS, sad every Description of Interior Finish. STAIRS, HANDRAILS NEWELS and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Price Lot.. SidINGLKS LATH & LUMBER. Estimates on applies tion. PO -Address FRANCIS SMEETH, Goderich. Carlow. House Slxo.-Mr, Alex. Glen sold a span of young John Bulls to Mr. Charlie, of West Wawanoah, for the handsome sum of $300. One of them is only goodock years old. It pays to keep We are glad to learn that Mr. James Straughan, of the 6th con., who had his leg broken some time ago, is now able t, be around with the aid of crutches. $heapa?g$Oa. A TruirT Sol('EEZE. -While Jill (:w.rge Walters, foreman of the Cent soviet saw- mill, was •ossistu.d . load the mill car- riage with loge, .i.e lug rolled hack, crushing his foot holly iegaiest another log. For se••eral days he Was laid up, but he is now hopping about .prig.rtly, measuring lumber etc., being helped in his locomotion by is crutch sent him by the Dunlop sick committee, who have r.ot forgotten th..•ir former townsman. Dunlop. Mr. lfoelge, of the tirm of Bodge .i Haynes, is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Uillesni. , of Exeter. ii visiting friends here. Mr. Geo r.o. )McKee, our genial town ship assessor, is on his rounds. He is keeping a sharp look out fur doge. We are also informed that he is not unwilling to take the names of any young lady wanting a 'Manitoba husband, and will if tt•vv ).l a ... 1 . • 'Marquis .. Luster Colborne. to Roins. --Duringv the early part of the week it seemed as if the bottom had fallen out of the roads. They are i. ,w sontevhat iulpreved. SILVAN SoNoartiue. - The time of the s.nging hinds is at hand. Chopla•rs are cheered in their task by the sweet 'Dices of the robinsand blackbird& "The woods is full of 'em." 1►aur.---1f r. John Brindles, of the 9th con. died on Saturday hut, at the ad- vanced age of 8(1 year.. He had lived in Colborne f ,r over forty years, and was one of our oldest residents. His funeral took place from his late residence on Tuesday last, and was well attended: Deifiet. Mr. John Loughead has sold his hotel to William Loughcad, of West Wawan- ush. Mr. Loughead leaves next month and purposes going to Manitoba. The marriage fever is raging in this locality. During the past month three couples passed the "bourne from which there is no returning," (►n Thursday morning of last week while the scholars of Belfast school were playing in the play ground, a little boy about twelve years of age, named Joseph Phillips fell and broke his leg about two inches above the knee. He was speedily conveyed home and a doctor sent for, who set the broken limb. The poor little fellow is suffering great pain, but, is doing as well as could be expected. Leebara. MuscLE.- With the help of a long saw 128 cubic feet of inaplo wood were cut split and piled in 30 minutes recently by James Strong and R. Gibbs. These knights of the axe are willing to meet •Ir. Morris, of Garbraid, or any chopper in the county for a wager. The above feat was perforated in the Point Farm woods. Om; MarlrING.-The rain storm un Tuesday prevented many from attending the open meeting of the Temperance Lodge on Tuesday. However, the pro- gramme was gone un with, and the read- ings, songs, etc., were well applauded. The lecture on "Backbone" byt Mr. T. McGillicuddy, received good attention, and at its close a vete of thanks was moved by Mr. John Clutton and second- ed by Mr. Cowan. Mr. J. Linklater occupied the chair in a very efficient manner, and also sang a couple of capital songs. GotUrioh Township. Mr. David MsBrien has bought the farm of Donald Bruce on the 2d con., for $3,500. Mr. Thos. Potter has bought the place known as "the' Walker farm," 80 acres, on the 12th con., at $1,800. John lialkeld, of the 2nd eon., has just purchased a splendid mare rising 3 years, from Mr. Kirkpatrick, of the Nile. She was bred by Mr. WiLon, Blyth, was sired by Mason's Clydesdale "Bank of England," and weighs 1490 lbs. She is probably the finest beast of her class in this section and the owner would not take $1100 for her. A. M. Polley has a brood mate that will de- pot* the position claimed for Mr. 8al- kel 1'. TRA Masraxu. - A tee meeting was held nn Thuniday evening last in Col.'s C. M. Church, derish township, and was sures d.11y carred out in every re- spect The church was crowded in each an extent that the stove was removed to snake extra roam After sapper, pre - in the well known style of the (.alio 44 the neighborhood, �.s�. were mad* by Rev. Move. Me sIi aaghs Ltig, Cook, and Mr. A. H. Manning. Rev. Mr. Livingstone occupied the chair, and the chunb choir interspwn«i the t proceedings with a number of appro- priate and well sang hymns. The even- ing following a social equally sec t nodal was held in the same place. Al- together about $00 was rsalired. BHRIOIII3 AFFAIR. Detr.M tNsM agahae.s abase • Ceoaaa ea 1N Trots -Their Arrest --Tae is Mart Realises Ss rues ss. STRArrosb, Feb. 7,5. -A seri. shoot- ing affray took place at the d t here last flight on arrival of the t froom Sarnia. Four ,men, supposed to gam - biers and blacklegs, who give the names of G. F. Johnston, U. Morton, G. Wil- son aid G. Ford, and who hail from Detroit, Trenton the train, and no doubt were precttaing their calling with one another or a fifth party, when a dispute arose. The facts cannot beleart►d, as they ars all very reticent, but fro the information gleaned we are able to elicit so mush that a quarrel took plea, and on arriving here one of their number, stepped out on the platform sad was shot in the right side by one of his corn - Me ball lodged neer the HoRwapin. He wripen to the Shipman tt sS aad Dr. D. M. Fraser called who probed and secured the bullet. Dr. Fraser says his chances are favorable for removers, but cannot give a decided opinion as yet and that his condition is critical. The three other were imme- diately secured, by constable Armour, of Vie G. T. R.. and Middlediteh, of the town. een.1 1.. e'u1 up, chief .\1!4••11 then G,•.. ch;true "f thew :cod they are at present in cuiIt. Nl)'. Ail n:te.- ti j,.tion will be held at scene !ben to -,lay when it is jn,ssible further tact. will he elicited. At present it 1..•..s very serious, for at (east tw..of the :utin- ber. who hal revolvers in the', ;N,s.es- sio1 when arrested. Johtw.n says Ire has h, wife and family in Detroit, hut re- fuse. to say a word against his "i ;tai.' P. Tae 1. L. limb. The U. E. Club. organized io. till a felt want of the Conservative party, has hied :t most unfortunate financial career. Sir John :Macdonald has repeatedly d. eke his best to put it on legs but 'somehow it cannot stand. The Reform pispen, too, have Leen down on it, and altogeth- er, though a abort, it has lat." an et eilt• ful carer. Perhaps brighter d.e.cs are in store, but it does out look the: way at present Bailin) Armstrong seized the tables on Monday morning for $900. The Restaurant Francais is not closed as many suppose, but is miming the same as ever, it having been leased from the club, and is not inclu•le.1 in. thio arrears ind :...oi no connection with the club. vuEait eunoRe. Whether the U. E. was entitled to it or not. it has always had a bad rej.ata- tion for gamblitlg. Certain [enons who are prominent lights in the Conservative party, have been credited with -skin- ning' innocents at poker in the parlors and card moms. As a consequence, many prominent Conservatives have avoided the place. Another rumor that appears to be a fact is that • certain young lawyer 'whose name is withheld for the pre- sent), a recent office -holder of the club, invented a novel method to pay the tax bill on the club. He had done some law business for the Ottawa authorities and sent in a bill for $1800. This was tax- ed down to $1500 and a cheque for that amount issued by the Minister of Jus- tice, there being a tacit understanding that the young. legal gent should die - Charge the tax bill of $900 and keep the $600 left for himself. He got the che- que but did not wipe out the taxes. He says that there was so many other claims that he thought it would only bees throwing the money away, and so he has it yet. In order that the truth may be got at we may state that the law bill sent in to the government included $500 for passing the title to the site for the proposed government buildings in Hamilton, bought from Mr. McInnes. According to ourinformant this $.500 was taxed down to $400 though it is said one taxing officer refused to touch the bill at all. Four hundred dollars appear a big amount for such scrvi:e. - [World. The areati. There are others beside Sonar,: Alex- ander who are asking what the Senate is for, and whom it represents. The theory of the Senate is a very pretty one, and it is easy to conceive of a number of elder- ly gentlemen calmly deliberating, in an atmosphere of peace and serenity, un- tainted by party politics, on the meas- ures sent up from the House of Com- mons. The Senate was to be s sort of Supreme Court -a high judicial body, bringing to bear upon their deliberations the experienee expired in the lower Hos:., h;;t leaving every restlgc of fac- tionism behind. But there is a vast diff- erence between what the Senate was de- signed to be and what it really is. No one will pretend to say that the object for which it was designed has been at- tained. On the contrary, it has fallen so short of what it was designed to be, that then is a pretty general opinion through- out the country that it should either be done away with or re-ttindelled nn an elective, instead of a nominative, baai& It is simply the register of Sir John Maodonald's decrees, and as itsmemben are uninitiated for life there is no chance of it ever being anything else as long as Sir John retains control of the Commons The best thine to do with it would be to abolish it. It is responsible to nobody but itself, and its membsn are not re- quired to Rive as amount of their stew- ardship to the people. The troth is that it has degenerated into an hospital for decayed politicians, who amttee them- selves by fighting their battles over again, under the delusion that they are 'err* the country. •-jToreuto Tere- Two man residing on the 9th cone's - aim of Blanchard, named Notaries and Mossip, were disputing over propel", last week, when the former drew a re- volver and shot the latter in the chest. A son named Innis wrenched the re- volver out of Wearies' hand. Mo.• tries wast awn; after rang he got the revolver hack from Innis and went to a neighbor's barn and discharged the conn encs .1 two charges in his forehead. Dr. I.nng extracted loth halls from Montries' had. They did not prem.. rate the breis. The ball has not beets a:trseted from Mo.sip. chat. Beth may recover TSH WORLD OVBR. Sir A. T. Galt has submitted to the Committee un the EuesuJewish relief find a scheme for advancing aid to re- fugees with a view to their settlement in the Canadian North -test. Rumour lou it that he Czar is so dis- gusted with the state o *trains in Russia. that unless a speedy improvement takes place he will abdicate iwutediately after his corunatien. G be ter health is so much bet- ter tat he wishes: to go to Palermo to nal the cotunreworation Sicilian vespers, which begin on the 31st March and continue four days, The Austrian Military (Mutts states that should war happen, Austria must fight Russia single-handed, as the alli- ance with Germany stipulates that each country should aid the other only in ase the enemy should have an active ally. Lieut. Daaenhower, who is still suf- fering from an affection of the eyes, has been forbidden by his physician to start for St. Petersburg until the weather gets warmer. The remainder of the survivors of the Jeannette will start witl t hint. The Marquis of Salisbury denies that the Lind Act Enquiry Committee ot the House .4 Lords will endeavour to dimin ah the rights that tenant. have acgtiired under the Act, and says that any thenft must be in the way of redressing the wr.ngs of the laadlurds. At a meeting held in London, Eng- land. yesterday, for the furtherance of the proposed Internatinnal Fisheries Ex- hibition, the Prince of %Vales presided. Sir. A. T. Galt was present, and promised the co-operation of the Domin- ion of Canada and Newf.oundland, ad- ding that Sir John Macdonald had au- thorized him to subscribe £500 to the general prize fund. At a barn raising in R.ouau cu,unty,N. C., on Thursday; Feb., 23. John Held and Peter Joseph qu,errelled. Held threw an axe at Joseph, and the blade split his head, killing him. Held lost his foothold and fell from the building. breaking his neck. Three men • were mishit a heavy lis,, aud one of them was W. excited at the tragedy that he lost his hold, and the log fell and crushed Richard Willey to death. ,The grant of 8150,000 to the fisher- men is defined as a straightforward at- tempt to bring those . people to support Tupper's candidates in Nova Scotia. If the Government really desired to assist the fishermen, the obviously correct way to.do so would be to take the duty off flour, meal, and articles meed in the fish- eries. But to continue these oppressive taxes, and, et the same time, take money out of the treasury to be Kxpended by Government agents on the eve ot a gen- eral election, is downright fraud and corruption. -[Ex. It is now understood that the .raid of the Ontario Lsgialatunl will ohne on Wednesday or Thursday of nest week. The Montreal ship labourers have .dopted for nest .senna the raw hoer wages, 26o. for day and 30e. for night, and double figures for Sunday work. The expense to the colliery of Gov- onron General since 1867 amounts to $1,730,490.34. The repairs to the 4ce Regal residuum., including furnish - Thehave est $526,000. The Kna n Hotel was burned to the ground ,4 Winnipeg, Feb. 28. The funiaoe bunt. All the guests were sav- ed, but lost their property. The has will be heavy. Nothing was saved. The London Band Tournament Com- mittee have published a statement of account for the tournament During the Proviseial Fair last year. A balance of $740 is held over for the ensuing feir. Wta. Donohue, of Kiattutoo, was ar- rested us a charge of taking a odd ring fren a Belleville girl to whom he was raking love, and giving it to another with whom he had similar relations. Mix Kelvill., Guiteau'. sister, has sent in a letter to the. United States Sen- ate, protesting against the elevation of Coukline, whom she holds to be morally responsible for Garfield's death, to the Supreme Court bench, while Guiteaa, the victim of a political creta, mast be made a scapegoat and hanged. The captain of the Dundee whaling steamer Esquimau:, arrived at St. John'., Nswfonndland, lariats having been enclosed for thirteen in vast fields of ice off the Newfoundd coast. Five ships from Dundee were sighted off Cape Spear, drifting helplessly with the ioe fields. Several wrecks ars reported. The hull of the Lyons has been discover- ed b.tesen Puffin Island and Baocanliea Island. The whole Atlantic soot travers- ed by often .teatnahipe will, it is thought, be studded with huge ioe bergs reuderiag traffic dangerous. A collision occurred at Buffalo, on the Grand Trunk Railway tracks at Black Rock, between Ferry -street and Auburn -avenue, on March 1st. A Cen- tral switch -engine, with three freight cars, was standing on the Trunk waittee to have a switch chanced to the aide track. A mixed train on the Grand Trunk, due at 5.10, came suddenly' arouud the curve, and although a warn- ing whistle was blown, the switch -en- gine lould:not get away. The three freight trains were demolished, and head -light and front of the Grand Trunk train were badly damaged. James Renshaw, engineer of the Grand Trunk locomotive. jumped and 'was slightly injured, The fireman stuck to the engine and was badly shaken up, but not seriously hurt. The passengers escaped. It is said that the flagman was to blame. \Vaahington, Feb. 28. -The mai..rity re curt of the House Committee on Elec- tions in the Utah contested election Daae, save polygamy cannot be protected under the Constitution of the United States. It is true vagaries may be indulged in by persons under the Constitution when they do not violate the law or outra$s the considerate judgment of the civihs- ed world; but when such vagaries trench upon good moral. and debauch or threat• en to debauch public morals such prac- tice should be prohibited by the law like Any other evil. Iv a late issue of the Inverness Chroni- rle, we observe a lengthy account of the visit of the Duke of- Edinburgh in hie official capacity of Naval Inspector, to Stornoway, the most northern town in Scotland. He was hospitably received by Lady Matheson of Lews Castle, and his arrival was celebrated with great .slat by the inhabitants of the section. About nineteen years agn, the Duke, then a midshipman, visited Stornoway, and his later visit has awakened re- miniscences connected with his former presence amongst the people of the sec tion, The account c.f his reception. a published in the ('hronie1 , i9 extreme) interesting. fD&•LINED -An enterprising firni o the other side wants to send us a por unit of 1luiteau. We don't want a nor A young man named Hayes eaves sunned um fiattuday last to serious two negrow named Smith arid' lariat whe wore indulging iu a free tight to a Hotl- ine! restaurwa . Oft of the oombatants drew a rev,.lysr and find at the other, Hayes receiving tae *mamas, and drop- ping dead. Both Smith aud Barnes were .,..stud. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, • The ruralises ot Wm. Roblasoe, who is about lsat•ing ter Manitoba, will be .eld by poetic aucuun. at the Manse Inert the (Mello ubmrokl at nae o'clock on Friday, 10th of larch. Conrwag of cadet.. sofa, tables, theirs, stands, sideboards, stoves, bedsteads. wash - steads, bureaus, wardrobe. Lanese'. book oat. *turns, mirrors. carpet sweeper. seriat- im ste.. rtag•irs..tc.. etc. sea without reserve. Tera Cash. .1. C. CURRIE. list Amities see. Senator Alexander spoke oat bluntly in the Senate in reference to the old Bank of Upper Canada, which went down in 1866 after struggling to keep its head above water for some years, He says that there ire people in Canada now, occupying prominent positions and enjoying great wealth, who borrowed stoney from the bank and never paid it back. He instanced one case of two drafts for £100,000 sterling each, making a million of dollars, which were cashed, although the bank directors knew per- fectly well that they would be dishon- oured, as they were, the bank losing the money. He intimates that a number of the ruined shareholders of the bank are organizing to begin actions for breach of trust, and believes that if they follow up the action in the courts they can recover more than one-quarter of the capital of the old bank. - -ter_ There existaan unfortunate feud be- tween the brothers Henshaw, of West Nissouri. They are well up in years, and their hatred is not founded on the petty jealousies of young men, which blow over in time. George is a bache- - tor, and lives at home with the old folks, and by virtue of his conduct has secured y la favorable place' in his father's will. This has so enraged John that he hates n this brother with a deep and bloody . hatred. The other day he entered a trait of Guiteau. The world is already sick of this infamous fiend, and the sooner he is buried and his likeness for- gotten the better. In keeping with the enterprise which li4 pandered to the worst tastes of the reading public of late some of tie daily papers are now publishing biographies and descriptions of the being who is to be Guiteau's hangman, It would look as if the only object of many people now -a -days was W accomplish nnteriet;, ectn as mur- derers and hangnin, and it is a pity that the press aids them so touch. This is one of the evils to be set against the benefits of the modern newspaper. Among the paasengers who were Iced - ed rut Castle Garden from the steamer *iealgai, from Antwerp, on Saturday, was. Leopold Daen; n man about 45 dean of age, whose head was ornamented by two well-developed horns. The borne were as large as those of a yearling calf, and ptdjected from the forehead• one on each side near the temples. The man attracted much attention as be walked about tkrGarden and exhibited hu .angular appatelages. There weft about 400 people the !wilding wad Mr. Dsen caused lead laughter by his strange antics. He brewed itis had and dashed furiously at the people after the manner of a wild Texan steer. Mr, Down was unable to speak English, but through an interpreter he told a reporter that the horns began to shotrthemselves when he was about eight ;ran old. They grew until he was eieiitasn or twenty years old, when they attained their present sirs, And esmed to gpaw. Mr. Dien s ase was inrestigated by sev- eral European physicians and surgeoas, with the view of ascertaining if the horns could be amputated. It was de- cided that amputation would be dower ons to his lib, as the appendage, were found to be composed of a boa- y sub- stance and, in fact, a part of the skull itself. He was aftonsemaied to America by his wife and ane, the hatter a lad not yet is his teems. Oa. of the Castle Gar• den officials who examined the boy's head said that he could plainly feel un- der the akin the points of two horns which bad secretly oowtianoed to de - 'sloe blacksmith shop where George was, and rifle in hand, challenged him to fight a duel. John was known to be a dead shot, and so George declined the in- vitation, but subsequently had him sum- moned before Squire Hannah. Yester- day he was fined $12.60. The day be- fore they had been before Squire Peter on is charge of assault; and the end is not yet, for the enmity is so deep that they cannot rest. J. C. reedy. sal! Lass. Credit auction sale of John Boyd's farm stock, implements and household furniture, on Lot 21, Ioke Rang., town- ship of Ashfield, adjoining Kint*il, on Wednesday, 9th Marek, 1882, sale cosi- minces sharp at one .'clock. Friday, March 19th -.Auction sale of household furniture. The furniture of Mr. William 'Robinson J. C. Caine, A uetioneer. ,lass, SHARMAN- RatM--0a the 1st last., at�q d res - Memo, of the bride's father, by tgrf awgb r. Jamieson Reid. of Oodc/Ic6. Dr. Williams. r. Wafter Sbarman to BRINDL*T -At lot 0 s. 0/�; towa.btp of Cat- . en Seturbora7. Feeraary Mk. J.$. ewimdl•y.aged M years. Fianna-laColberse. on Tbmsday. the Ord Inst.. W.uingtoo Infant sea .f Petr rim- er. yr., aged 11 useaths. McPbee-1n Colborne, on Feb. lard, the 1a. fast ehild cit Mr. Charles boP'h.s. D.Mrtea Oaea•1.. 0001111110111. Marsh 4. lilt Flour, barrel.... Si 41 by 1 • i Aa: t q:it:ii:::::::. :1r i Shorts, p cwt ................... 1 M t! 1 gran, Icon 0 71 0 0 wopil Wcwt......--::...:... ... 10 1 f " Hideo 7 M ' A i�� 7 M " Roof .. 7 M " 8 ANCHOR LINE. U NITILD STATICS MAIL &TRAML:Rd Jill Weekly a sad from Yaw Yong ANDOi-Aa•ow via Loxnoxoaaar Leiria Passage, M00kola Rotorua- .110t• $110. teo.r,a t (*eta. ea Bestirs Tickets, ppB4. Steamers sell every Sacs/MN to sad Goan Naw VOILE arm Lon Don Natter. Cabin Parade. 06atsiRsearaa $tOO and Steerage paesessegrookod at low roma Nnseagee aommemodstbaa oasaesilsd. ALL 9TATaauows ON MARC DaDa. Vaaseasera booked at lowest rates or trent Germs.,, Italy, Norway. Sweden. to. to. For Book of • Tocca1a soothed." Rues, Maas ay.. apply to 111LCDERnON BROTHERS. New York, Or to MRS. L. WARNOCK. HamutoaG St r Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL. - - • ♦iteee see. SURPLUS, - - - • 0.000.000. Goderich Branch. C R DUNSFORD, - - - .Y anger Allow. Interest on deposit.. Drafts, letter a coedit and circular antes lamed. payable lass parte oft the world. 111 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE JP TravrUaeg 11.14,. _ 0LLANUTet'NK. j�s. aALap's. Masa. Mta'd `a leh.Lv ?sial.. ILlrlpm. tgp m.. LMsaa 741' . 1.10" .. tali" 10.0 •' . A r tL IMa.. 4.14... tMj+m I.cO wseT. Itis'. Lip's. M1z d. Mlz'4. Satra&terd.Lv 1.1Iam 7.8t1pm .. 7.easm .. SYpaa .calor, . 2.1? •' . 8.Sf " LIS " . 3.111 ' O.dericb..ir S.IOpal 9.10pm. 11.7-14111 am 7.1t GREAT WESTERN. Exp's. Malt. Raps. al . Calton going north. -*Main A00pm..LOjai aim" UwlnIs Wsui.rduthaeedeA(..3.L1andINiiww IL iOsnt 70 r LaoknoStage fdallylarr. 10.11audep fp m Kincarde • " " 10ani . - lam Saturdav I arrives Main . LI Peed up (hpifal, - 96,000,000. Rat, - - 91,400,000. Presideret, - HWY.' WM. McM4STRR GeneralMateseer; - iP.A....,..snov Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - MAIAosaL Interest allowed es deposits. Drano on a the principal Towns and Cities in Canada Great Britain and Use Milted States, bough and sold. Advanos td Farmers oa Noteswith one o' more endorsers, without nortg.g.. 1733 TO Petit School Inspectors, Trate: AN T�ACHFRS. Itis again my duty to wall your att.nttoa to the provisions of the Public School Law with respect to the use of Text Books. Public School inspectors aro required to see that tea asauthorlsed books are used In the Public Schools. Trustee* who permit such sill lose their share of the Public School Grant, and Teachers substituting any suits book fes as Authorised Test Book are liable to be Dom /riotedand fined for sorb offence. W. F ocwR ('o'.. "New aeries of Re•dan Or we 1a Canadian Schools" as t oawgsrlsad la 1M Proviso" .t _Massa. and therefore auttilect to this above provisions of th.Lass . (Slimed) ADAM CROOKS, Tomato. Jan. a. Minister of lidaestiee. INSURANCE CARD. DP.ITISSHH ASS. CO'Y, Topoxr1sW o-tabl. PHtLNIX INS. COT, of LONDON IEsgtead) - talablhbd 1781. HARTFORDblCOO''Y, of ,fiiizrruau, Coes -EstaRisk. taken In the above frot-elassOmces. at the lowest rates to HORACE HORTON. The uaderelesed L also Appetiser far the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINOS CO'Y Toao,rvo. Mersey to Loan os firs1cis.s security. rota 7 to a per Gat -Charges taod.e.t., HORACE HORTON. Oodertch emit. 10. 100t, SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. ('ocxry or Huston. 1 By virtue of a Writ of To wrr : crier( Facia.. issuedtbut Of Her Majesty's Coax Of Chanoery, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of JOHN WINTER.IDefendaat,) at the atilt d JANE WINTER, IPPWWnttff► I have seised and taken In Execution. all the Right, Title. and Interest. sad equityof Redemption, of the above named Defendant, In and to Lots num- ber 1.5 and 1t Fowler's Survey, in the Vfl,e�. of Harpurbey. In the County of Huron, whisk •{.ands and Tnements I shall offer for Sale, at mpey� office, In the Court Homo, In the Town of Oodetiob, on FRIDAY, THE 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY. A. D.. 1001. at the hour of 12 of the clock. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff of Huron Sheriff'. Ofi3ce, Coderlch, November 0th, 1001. 1012 • This sale Is istponed until MONDAY. the lrth day of FEBRUARY, 18M, came hour and place- ROBT. GIBBONS, Sheriff off Huron. ate► -Argy" 'ik111%, la "Si SS 'Si •1t -ss. LOOK HERE I You Can Get at Imrie's Book Store 1 Book of 200 pages, on Matrimony, 1 Copy Foxe's Book of Martyrs, complete. 12 Sheets Good Writing Paper, 12 Good Envelgpes, t 1 Lead Pencil, with 1 Piece Rubber 1 Penholder and Pen 6 Good Steel Pens, 2 Slate Pencils, 1 Piece Blotting Paper 1 Pocket Memorandum Book, 1 Bottle Stepletn's Ink, + 1 Stale Cleaner. ALL FOR 25 CENTS 1 Our Famous 10 Cent Package Contains 26 Fine White sseelopbt; 18 Sheets Fine WVIfisg paper, 1 Penholder, 1 Pen, 1 Piece Rubber, 1 Pencil, 1 Botta Ink, 1 Piece Blotting Paper. TAMES i M RLE (euooaeeOR TO T. J. 1tOO1RHOIIld!) gortb Side Parket Square, 2 Oat. The Oehuaa au School Book Zmporiumw faikkkittik.�.±1�.�-�.�.`i>R4bi►��M.Isf-IY.raC.�R'-�.�Jlil�.lg tiftiki kiiiikekkiikkiketi