HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-10, Page 141f1(CX 0EVOTEOO COUNT THt rv.TOURTII YF. Vt. WHOL1 �.d itElt 1;9 G,)llERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 162. } MCOILLIOUDDY 1114014.r0 1 '1.S9 A YEAR IN ♦ VAirra New advertisement* Notice -Joshua Calloway. Wall Paper --James imrle. To Rent --Geo. B. Johnston. Cheap Groceries 1). :Swift. Hardware- H. W. McKenzie. -Farm for Male - William Hest. Hoots and Shoes -E. Downing. Sheriffs Male --Robert Gibbon'. New Stock -Downing t Weld up. Giving up Business --J. W. Weatherall. ' Ayer • Sarsaparilla --Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co. Dentistrp. I/ N CHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - us?. S?. Office and residence, West Street bra doors jelow Bank of Montreal, Bode. rick 1763 Ij'DWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- GEON, (late with Trotter & Caesar, the leading Dentists of Toronto.) All 'operations neatly and carefully performed. Rooms, Bea- ver Block. CLINTON. WPPatlenta from a iutance will please make appointment In ad- . ance by mad. 1812 Real E.state. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lot 13, con. 2, township of Ooderich, county of Huron. 3 miles from Goderich, con- taining 68 acres, nearly all of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. Soil a clay loam. There are two wells, also s' good creek runs through the centre of the farm. There is a good brick house with cel- lar underneath, kitchen and woodshed. two good franie barns, driving shed, and imple- ment house. A good erchard with 110 choice fruit trees. Good fences. There are 14 acres of tall wheat in the ground. -Terns easy. For particulars apply to WILLIAM BEST, proprietor, Goderich. 19294t. ��FARM TO RENT. -A GOOD farm to rent. One hundred acres of cleared land, free of stumps and in s first class state of cultivation. About 60 acres in grass and shoat fifteen acres plowed. well watered and with good buildings. Next farm to the Kintail dock. For further particulars apply to MICHAEL DALTON. Kintatl post °Mee. 1830-1m. L'OR SALE CHEAP. -THAT VERY desirable brick house, on Fast St., with one eighth of an sere of land. The house con- tains 5 bed rooms, parlour, dining room, kitchen, wood -shed and all necessary conveni- ences. No reasonable offer will be refused. EDWARD S 1815 HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76. corner of Victoria and East Strets, in the town of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be exchanged for farm property. For particulars pply to Jas, 8xait°t, Architect, office Crabb's Block. or J. C. CtRRIE. auctioneer. 3 Loans an insurance. 'IrONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS TO Irl lend on easy iambi sums to suit bor- rowers. ALEX. MOD ALLAN. • Goderich, Nov. 17th 1661. 1813-11h. e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO HCVD CAMERON, HOLT &CAMERON, Gode- rich. 17a 76,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- ▪ TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L I)OYLE, Goderich. 1751 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Farm r tlrstclass Town Property at 8 per cent. ADuly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 � fONEY TO LEND IN ANY 1 1amount to suit borrowers at 8 to 114 per cent. Private funds. Apply to SEaUEtt and MORTON, Goderich. A fONEY TO LEND. -A LA R G E -L7.5. amount of (Private Funds for investment .. at lowest rates on first -etas Mortgages. Apply to °ARROW & PROUDFOOT. LOAN; FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lend at lowest rates, free of any costa or charges. SEAGER d' MORTON. opposite Colborne hotel. Goderich, 23rd March 1881. 1779. She People's Qolumn. SALT WELL TO RENT. o The stockholders of the Tecumseh salt well re prepared to rent their well at reasouable terms. The appliances for the sati'faetory working of the well are in good condition and immediate possession of the premises can be had by the leasee. Fur further particulars apply to GEO. H. JOHNSTON, secretary. 18M -1m. b PER CENT. -THE CANADA Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farm security, at el: per Dent. Full particulars given upon application to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent, Goderich. 1785. NOTICE. -ANY PERSON TO whom I tory have been indebted, not- withstanding the fact that the debt may long lace have been barred by the statute of limit- sfk►n, can have such Indebtedness promptly liquidated. Any person having just claims are to presentt hem to J. C. I)etlor, Esq., (ioderk;h. 1 glso take this opportunity of re- spectfully inviting those who are desirious of doing ern, to pay their Indebtedneae to me, through Mr. l)etlor, although I am well aware that the can. U m they choose, shield the - selves behind the statute of limitation. JOSHUA CALLOW AY. 1829. L1ORSALE.- AGOOD PIANO. AP- �Messrs. OARROW re PROUD- tere, Goderich. 1838-tf. LICENSE INSPECTOR'S NOTICE. - e sale of liquors. are hereby All rties looking tnutP Cedor lie se that thetir application must be in my hand. on or before the first day of April next. Goderich. Mar th 1st, 1882. STEPHEN YATES. License Inspector, 1116.31. West Huron. COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO RENT. For .further particular. apply to Mas. Corns. corner of Stanley and Elgin Streets. Galeria. 1835.3t. BLACKSMI'T'H SHOP TO RENT.- The premises ere 30z10, with wood shop attached, and are situated on the Lake Shore Road, Ashfield, half a mile from Kingsbridge. and one and a halt miles from Kintail. A first claas opening is here offered for a general blacksmith. Delicate health is the sole reason for the owner giving up business. Terms reasonable. For further particulars apply to PATRIcit HooAN. Kingsbridge, P. 0. 1833-sm, Legal. a - IEWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, J Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery &c. Once in the Court House, Gurterich. IRA LEWIS. M. A.. H.C.L. E. N. LEwia. 1820. (`tARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR kJ LUSTERS. Attorneys, Solicitors, etc Goderich. J. T. °arrow. W. Proudtoot. 1751 B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, 'Solicitor in Chancery, &c.. Goderich, Ont. 1751. QEAGER S: MORTON, BARRIS- LY TERB, &c., &c.. Goderich and Wingham. C. Seager, Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. Wing - ham. 1751. LJ»IItALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor.' Ge1oe-Corner of West Street add VieM` rket Square. over George Achesoh. n, s, ECAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- . LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer, &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore, Goderich, Ont. Any amount of nlbney to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors In Chancery, &c.. Goderich and Wpsapitam. M. C. Cameron. Q. C.: P. Holt. M.G. Cameron. Goderich. W. 5.. Maoara. Wingham. 1751. Legal Notices. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Cor•Nrt or HURON. t By virtue of a Writ of TO WIT: Fieri Facies, issued out of Her Molest 'n Court of Queen's Bench, and to me dlrtx-against the Lands and Tene- ments of EDWARD MARLTON. at the suit of FRANCIS BMEETH, I haveseizedand taken in Execution, all the right, title and interest. and Equity of Redemption of the above named defendant in and to the following property •- Situate. lying and helms 1n the Town of Gate - Q20,040 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND rich. in the County of Huron. known as the IV on Farm and Town Property at lowest In- Summer Hotel property, particularly described tercet. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission as follows: Commencing at a point on the charged Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers oan obtain money in one da if title Is satisfactory.- DAVISON & JOHN. 9TON. Barrister. &c.. Goderich. 1751 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing drstclwCompanies. Also agent for the CANADA Ltve SrocK I.sBVRANcs CO. Money to lend on Mortgage. either In Town or Fenn Property. in any way to suit the borrow- er. Omoe-tnp.talnl Kay's block. Ooderlch 3 lebical. D. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, Ont. 1811 (`I R. McDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC - N, VI . IABURGEON, &c., Graduate of Tor- onto University. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physic -lane London. England. &c., &o., M. e. r. , Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Baileys iiotel. Hatnilton street, Go - DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - otos. Coroner, &e. Oce and resldanee on Renee Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1761. II G. MACKiD, M. D., PHYSI- 1. Blas. Burgeon and Aeeouchsr, Graduate of Terontn University. OAleeoppnslte cameo run & Cameron's Rank. Lockaow. 1f not la cake. asenlrs at the Bank. 17617. iRR& SHANNON s HAMILTON, Physicians. Rnrgesss, Aeeevebeiu &a ()Aloe at Dr. Shannon's reelhome, near the JatI.Oodarlch. G. C. ewawwow, J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1751. T AiKENHEAD, V.B. , (S N CERS41R • to Dr. Dasenst Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. (Moe. stables and reaideneee on New ate Ars tet. tons dons east nfcnlbnrne Her N. d. -Horses examined as to sound eau. 1761. Corso r ial. NIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR - W• • RER and Hardrwwrr. begs to retern hanks to the pnblle far past patronage- and aspects a eewitiwsanew of rill/do t He can nesse he toad at Ma Absviwg Parlor. near the Peet (Mine Ooderie8. 1711 • rC. CURRiE THE PEOPLE'S AUC- . „nle*RR &starlett. Owl 1761 North limit of West street. said point being due west one hundred and fifteen and one half feet Ii15p1 from the South East angle of Lot number five 151 in Goderich oboe reserve, thence Easterly along the Northern limit of West street one hundred and fifteen and one half feet 11151to the South East angle of the said Lot number five 151, thence due North two 14) chains. more or les, to the North East angle of that Lot, thence due East twentynine and a half links, 139t) more or lees, to the uth West angle of Lot twenty one 1311 in the Ooderlch ofll -e reserve thence due North along the Went limit of ants twenty one (711), twenty 301, nineteen (191, and eighteen 1181. In the Goder- ich office reserve two (21 chains, more or les. to the Southerly angle of lot thirteen (13). God- erich office reserve thence North thirty two ISl1 degt•ees. West five 431 chatna, seventy fee 1751 links, more or les, W a point one hundred and three 41081 feet from the centre Zine of the track of the Orand Trunk Railway. where a post has been planted the eeid distance of one hundred and three (1031 feet, being measured at right angles to the said centre line. thence South sixty one (611 degrees. West to a point four hundred and seventy two 44721 feet. East- erly from the North Westerly limit of (toderloh office reserve to the easterly boundary of the land conveyed hy the Goderich Summer Hotel ('onapany to the corporation of the Town of Ooderieh as aforesaid. Thence mouth easterly along the said easterly boundary of the town property and parallel to the wenterl bound- ary of the WMder property one hundred and seventy six 11761 feet more or Iles to the centre of s locust tree nn the top of the bask. Thence south forty one and s half 41p degrees west. still along the easterly limit of the said town property. nne hundred and tarty six Gbh feet. Thence Muth they seven fA) de. green. eget still along the said easterly Batt ofthe Raid town property. two handrwl and sixty 19fra feet to the glare of hwgisaing. the said property sh,redeecribed. nrtmprislerlota nneel,e„d from Ere totwelve InetaNITe. of We (ioderich Mike reserve and portions ret Meets A and R Which Lands and Tenements 1 shall offer for sale. at my office In the Ceara Hotta, In the Town of UndeNrh. on Tka the twentieth day of April next. at i8. boar of 12 of the clock. ncen ROBERT OiRRI►NS. Eberle of Huron. Sheriffs (MIM. Ovid eel, h. January Ifah. 1i9S3 1I. THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 10, MBI, CONGRATULATORY. The Town Council of the town of God erieh at their regular meeting, held un the evening of the 3rd inst., passed the following resolution: Resolved -That this Council, having read with alarm the cablegram announc- ing the attempt to take the life of Her Most Gracious Ma)esty, Queen,Victoria, beg to express their warmest feelings of congratulation at Her. Majesty's escke (rent this seventh attempt to aasaasmate her. While thanking Almighty God for Hiscontinued protection of our country's noble Queen, we desire to render to her- self expressions of regard and attach- ment, trusting her life may be tong spar- ed to her subjects in this colony. Signed on behalf of the Council and people of the Town of Goderich. Holucs HowTON, Mayor. THE people of Goderich are anxious to know when is the Railway Committee likely to get to work. THE bill to repeal the stamp duties on promissory notes has been passed by Parliament and the Act came into force on Saturday last. The unused bill stamps will beexchangeable for postage stamps until the 30th of June next. THE editor of the Seaforth Sun (Tory) last week referred to the editor of the Goderich Star (Tory) as a "genial crank," and winds up by alluding to "his proto- type Guiteau." The Seaforth scribe is evidently practising rhetoric for the coming election. A MEETING of Liberals to nominate a candidate for Centro Huron, at the gen- eral election, has been called for Satur- day at Seaforth. • It is thought by some that, as there is a possibility of the Huron seats being redistributed, and as the constituency is a pretty safe one, the nominating of a candidate so early is rather premature. RUMOR hal it that the Collector of Customs at Goderich, will shortly retire on a superannuation. Mr. Doty has been an efficient and expetienced officer and well deserves an honorable retire- ment. There are three aspirants, we understand, for the position of Collector in latae of a vacancy, and two "patriots" will likely be disappointed. plea, a Tory to -day and • Reformer to- morrow, he was taken up by the Con- servative of Centre Huron because the case is a hopeless one, and none of the standing candidates of the party were willing to be slaughtered. Whether Sir Richard Cartwright or some local man will be the Reform standard bearer, the Tory candidate will get such a drubbing that he is not likely soon to forget." As THE Dar of Mr. D, McGillicuddy has been mentioned by a number of Ontario journals as a probable condi. date for the Refottn representation of North Huron, we would take this op- portunity to state that Mr. McGillicuddy is not an aspirant for honors at the hands of the coming convention in North Huron. It is true he has been solicited to accept a nomination; it is true that many of the respectable journals on both sides of politics have given hint flat- tering proof of their friendly feeling to- ward his candidature; it is also true that he has come in for his share of bespatter- ing at the hands of an unimportant wing of the Tory press -which of itself is not to his discredit -and has thereby receiv- ed a prominence entirely unsought by him. Nevertheless although friends and foes have alike combined to foist emin- ence upon him, we are in a position to state that Mr. McGillicuddy, does not at present intend to allow his name to ge to nomination. We believe Dr. Sloan, of Blyth,is the coming man in North Hu- ron at the next election, and we frankly and unqualifiedly state that if he con- tests the Riding,rhewill receive from Mr. McGillicuddy that earnest and hearty support which has always been accorded the former by the latter. A large number of the industries claimed to have been brought into exis- tence by the N. P. turn out to be es- tablishments which have been removed front one town to another, owing to in- creased railway facilities. In fact some of the "new industries" are said to ex- ist only in the mind of the Finance Minister. ° The exodus to the States during the past three years has been over ten times the number that even the "padded" list claims for honks trade The Tories seem forgetful of the fact that new manufactories were started be- fore the N. P. was dreamt oi. SUDS! RBLIIBL! BIDS! THE market fee 3111 passed the Ontario House on Monday last, and will become law in. the ordinary course. It provides that, after 1st April next, no market fee shall be charged upon cereals, wool, wood, dressed hogs, cheese, or fodder that may be brought to the market place; nor upon butter, eggs, or poultry unless a proper market place be provid- ed to afford shelter and protection from cold. No fee is to be charged on any kind of produce taken directly to the place of delivery, nor upon any produce brought in after 10 a.m. No person is to be compelled to stay on the market after 9 am., between the 1st of April and the 1st of November, or after 10 a.m during the other months. The stele of maximum fess for markets and weighing machines, hereafter to be taken, is set - NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chlel'e among ye, takln' notes, An' faith he'll prent it." ?OWN TOPICS. FIRST ARRIVAL 07 THE SEasoa. -The I THE New Like or Boom -Last tug Despatch, Captain Matheson, ar- 1 week Mr. Joseph Kidd informed a re- lived here on March 8th, from Sarnia. porter of the Seaforth SII t that he had She is to be engaged in fishing at thisformed a syndicate witlt Messrs. Henry port. She is tae property ofZebe Tuls- I McFarland; art Stratford, and John Bat - ma i ale, of Thorold, who will run s line of In the` R. C. Church, during Lent, a i four fast sailing steamers during the sermon is preached every Wednesday Doming season. They have now three evg., by the Rev. Father Watters, and boats ready for the opetung of n*viga- on Frids ay evgs., the stations of the crution, xis: The "Josephine Kidd," are said. The devotions commence at '• "Mary Battle" and "Sootier" 'The two 7.30 pt ret. latter are very large Gut sailing vessels Mr. James Graham, of Sheppardton, and are fitted for both passengers and has returned to Brandon, where he has freight traffic. They will between been engaged in land speculation, and intends settling in the North-West. His sister, Miss Mary -Grahame, left for Toronto on Tuesday. the route between Marton and the Ratios --Our townsman, Mr. John Manitoulin Iolanda Mr, Kidd has en- ough freighting to keep the line busy until the C. P. 'R. roaches Lake Super- ior, then the "Mary Battle," "Scotia," and another boat which is to be built will be placed permanently on this route. PLE1ENTATION. -On Thursday even- ing of last week a large number of the teachers of Knox church Sunday school, and the chute, met at! the residence of Mr. D. Ferguson, and presented Miss Ferguson with a very handsome gold locket, accompanied by the following ad- dress: DEAR FRIEND, --It is with feelings of deep regret that we call upon you this evening to say farewell. By your pres- ence and instruction you have helped us in the Sunday school, and your voice has blended with ours in the songs of Zion. As a friend, as a Sunday school teacher, you have been kind, punctual, and we 'believe faithful. We trust that your labor has not been in vaiq in the Lord. ' A. a member of the choir, you have been prompt and regular in your attendance, and we will miss your face and voice at practice and at service. We desire to show you our regard before you leave us for the land just across the border. As a reminder of our esteem and love, ac- cept this locket as a gift from the S. S. teachers and the choir of Knox church. It speaks louder than words can of our conferred at Whitne 's Opera, House, feelings towards you, asking God's bless - sone Lake Huron port, pmbsbly Gode- rich and Prince Arthur's Landing. The "Josephine Kidd" will be put Mosely has to his possession a seamless copper teakettle over 200 years old, and an iron pestle dating back to the ytar 1709. They are interesting me- mentos of "auld fang syne." Mr. Albert Gooding, late of Rhynas' Drug store, has voce to the land of promise, Manitoba. Albdrt was a faith- ful clerk, and of a very obliging disposi• tion, good recommendations which we trust will ensure him success in his new home. The Bad Axe (Mich. ) Tribune says: "rr'fon. S. Pollock, of Goderich, and formeriy a resident of this place, is spending a few days in town attending to business. Since writing the above, Mr. Pollock has sold out his village lots to Charles E. Thompson for $1,000." "'Aso UNHAPPY MAN: -Last week cont - plaint was again laid against J. H. Lloyd, the handless man of Goderich township, by his wife, and he was bound over to keep the peace in sureties of $400 himself, and two other suretiA of $200 each. He was sent to jail itt de- fault of payment. We are pleased to learn that Mr. C. Hincks, son of Mr. Harvey Hincks, of Goderich township, and who has -been studying medicine in Detroit, on Wed- nesday last passed a satisfactory ex- amination. His degree of M. D. was Remember the gre..t auction sale at Ball's Furniture rooms on Saturday, March 18th and do not fail to come. The Political Life and Lectures of the late Hon. Geo. Brown. ready in a few days. De- livered immediately after publication by Geo. Sheppard, Huron School Book Depot. Next Friday will be St. Patrick's day. John Thompson, shoemaker,' has opened out business in Kintail. The High School Literary Society will hold an open meeting, on Friday 24th inst. Miss Jennie Saunders accompanied her cousin, Miss Mary Saunders to her home in Luther. If March dust is an augury of good fortune for the season, we may expect a beautiful harvest. Mr. Robert Ltogan is at present in Saginaw, painting vessels for the open- ing of navigation. Mr. James Imrie has been appointed agent in Goderich for the life and speeches of the late Hon. George Brown. Rev. Father )'Mahoney, of London, gave an eloquent Lenten discourse in St. Peter's church on Wednesday even- ing. y Among the guests at the ,recent State Ball was "Miss Lena Cmeron, who 'wore cream silk trimmed with lace; flowers, crimson, ornaments, gold. COVNTY CONteraeteH.-Upon the ap- plication of Mayor Story, of Seaforth, Ebenezer E. Lusby and Josiah T. Tyre- man yro-man were appointed county constables. Foaosay. -John E. Barnes, of Exe- ter, was on Monday brought before Peter Adamson, J. P. on a chsrge of forgery. He was remanded until to -day. Madame Eleanor Georgen, the cele- brated elocutionist, is about to return to Goderich. She will give an entirely new programme, and ought to draw a big house. The company was eery hospitably en- tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Miss Ferguson left for her new home in fired several shots at him with a revolver. stationery, insurance, etc., $525,31; Detroit on Saturday last. Being arrested, he was committed by fuel $184.:(4. The cast to the town for Wm. Wilson, J. P., of Blyth. On Sat - The case of Roht. McCreight, charged each pupal is $4.90, of which $.4.10 is with lunacy, came up before Judge utday the prisoner was brought beton Mid to teachers. This amount is below the average cost in Ontario, and shows that the Goderich schools are worked eonnomically. The Committee having charge of school premises have attended to their duties in a satisfactory runner The work of the teacher has been satisfac- tory, the results being above the aver- age. it was mored, seconded and oLr- ried, that inspector Miller's Report be received and filed, and that a vote of thanks be tendered him for the able manner in which it was gotten up. Copies of contracts to be signed by caretakers were read, the add,jtion of a clause placing them under the directiwo of the teachers was added. Town Audition A. Waddell and W. H. Robertson presented their report_ it was confirmatory of the statements contained in inspector Miller's. Geo. Old's account of $4 was ordered to he paid. Board then adio,urnerl. Michigan College of Medicine, Detroit. The Manitoba special excursion train on the Great Western Railway which loft Clinton at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1st, reached Winnipeg on Satur- day March 4th, at 12 noon, being leas than three days from time of starting. This train ran from London to Emerson in sixty hours. They had over 450 pas- sengers on the train, nearly 400 of whom went into Manitoba. PROVINCIAL APPOINTMENTtt. - John Neelaude, of Wiugham, to he clerk of the eighth Divisior. Court of the county of Huron, in the room and stead of Dixie Watson, resigned. To be License Com- missioners. A Worthington, M. D., Peter Fisher, John Acheson, for West; James Lang, William Bawden, Edward Cash, for South, and W. J. Shannon, Thomas Wilson, Robert Miller for East Huron. CADETS ENTERTAINMENT. --The Cadets of Temperance gave an entertainment in tho Temperance Hall on Friday evening last. The following took part in the programme: Misses M. Stury, Reid, F. Martin, Hale, A. Humber, Rines sisters, .ind Masters Hale, Johnson, Todd, Humber and Crabb. Short addresses were also given by • number of gentle- man present. Mr. S. Yates occupied the chair. The Grand Trunk Railway has ar- ranged for a special tram for all points in Dakota and Manitoba, to start on Wednesday next, March loth. The train will leave Goderich at 8 a. m., calling at intermediate points between this town aqd Stratford. Ample ro,.f1 and accommodation will be provided. This will be a rare opportunity to those desiring a quick passage to the North- west as a large number from this neighborhood have arranged to go by this train. For full particulars apply at once to H. Armstrong, G. T. R. ticket agent, Goderich. ing upon you, and wishing you the best and truest happiness in your new home, we remain yours in Christian love. SACRED CONrERT AND LECTURE. -A grand concert and lecture will be Riven on St. Patrick's evening, the 17th inst., in St. Peter's (R. C.) Church. The secret concert wiil be under the able• management of the talented and zealous organist, Miss A. Doyle. The very mention of her name bespeaks the euc- ceess of the concert. Miss M. Robinson will take s prominent part in it, also the Misses Bidulph, Miss Tellier end Mr. M. Ferguson. Mr. John Rubinson whose voice has so often charmed anti delighted the members of $t. Peter's congregation, has kindly consented to sing on the occasion. Mia L. Doyle, and Jas. Doyle, will join their talent with that of those already mentioned, to praise St -Patrick, Grand solemn ves- pers with benediction of the B. sacra- ment will be given. The following pro- gramme will be carried out: - 1. Lauda Zion • .,,,,,.. Lamhillotte. 2. O ('or Amoris Victims. Lamblllotte- 3, Ave Marta Millard - t. Tantum Ergo Berge - It is expected that the two charming singers of Seaforth, the Messrs. Maria Killoran and Lizzie Walsh, will be pre- sent, to assist St. Peter's choir. The, lecture will be given by Rev. Father McKeown of Parkhill, and is entitled "The Faith of St. Patrick. Father Watters invites all his friends to be pro - sent. SHOOTING AFFAIR. --On Wednesday, the 1st of March, one Thomas Carter, of the township of Morris, was arrested on a charge of shooting with intent to kill. He had been quarreling with his wife on the 22nd of last month and she took refuge in the house of a neighbor, Benj. Ward. Prisoner demauded admittanw to Ward's house, and when admitted, aches' heard. Met on Mondayve ening. 'Present. - - Messrs. Crab)), Buchanan, Nicholson, Ferguson, Swanson, Butler. Principal Miller's monthly report was read, showing number of children on roll, 755, average atteudance 630. ANNUAL REPORT. Inspector Miller's ninth annual report was read. The number enmlled during 1881 was 967; boys, 530; girls, 437; be- ing 13 less than in 11480. Twenty-one pupils were taught book-keeping. The receipts were: Government grant $362, Municipal $4,481.55, balance from last year $154.28, other sources $111.78, total $5,309.57. Expenditure foe teachers' salaries wa, $,070, (other planes $629.12, for repairs, elections, Squier nn Tuesday. After the examin- ation of a number of witnesses, Mc- Crei ht wen remanded to of g Ra' tled. 1'he YP C. A. of Knox Church, Our flew ipptive Priced rata,r,wn.. tumuli- , fatly Illustrated •m,Wnecessary ning all In. formation fro tet. innveoptal reit-iv-stint of Voyeetahles. FlowersField Rona. Potatoes etc., is now published. and will be ,shield free to all anplinela• JOH'N A. BRUCE *CO. ww $ Ilenwer Ramlttmi Canada '896 ........w....-. rat.,-,... 1 Tits Galt Reformer hse taken the measure of Dr. Coleman pretty accurate- ly. It says The Conservatives of Centre Horton have nominated Dr. Cole- man. of Seaforth, for the House of Com- mons Y. e11, if the Doctor is willing to sacnhee himself, we don't know that it le •ayh.dy's business. The Doctor is somewhat after the J J Hawkins stripe, however. and unless the elections are in'outht on very soon, i4 may be his time te turn The would-be M. 1'. frog Con tiro Harnn belongs to that close of men who. having made money, think that wealth ought to carry them through in piano of ability. Dr. Coleman is am bittous, vain as a peacock, and deserted the Reformers htreus0 they did not take him vie 1'oesessei of no fixed priori Goderich, will hold a meeting to -night. A prominent feature of the pnegramme will be a debate on the merits of Napol- son and «'ellington as general Judge Toms, and upon the application of Mr. Holt, the judge ordered hail to assizes, prisoner in $1000, and two sureties of $500 each Lrraa►ay. The meeting held in the High School on Friday evening last un- der the auspices of the High School Literary and Scientific Society. was a • complete succuss. The chief feature of Mr. D. Davis, of Stratford, • promin- the programme was a debate: "Reeol- ent 14. 14. worker ad temperance man that the esecotan of Charles 1 was not of Perth. spent a few days in Gown der- justifiable " The affirmative was ably ing the week. He likes (ioderich, and handled by Mr. ferric, captain, assisted greatly admires its clean emelt by Messrs Hogarth and Horton, whose arguments were if you wish to get a satisfactory pho- To , trrl by MrwsHendw,enn, ll met byth ta tograph, of any size, s or sty''. abl opiated by Messrs Jar Weir and don't fail to Hill upon R Swllnwa He Flair. The chair was occupied by Mr. Moore, High School teacher, to the satisfaction of all parties. After atm - ming ep the point• made hy the differ- ent sides, the chairman gave decision in favor of the negative The debate was etoeetlingly well gotten up, and showed deep thought and careful preparation nn the part of the deheterw and reflect, moth eredit nn the High Sehool. The prngtwmme waw brought to it close with a snit.. given M Miaa Hendwrt.,n ooneentrat.es his powers to please his pa- trons and always succeed* in doing so. -"-We are pleased to odd �tsoe�ovirr exchange list the Meafoxd Mirror. it is • hand- some newspaper, and is well edited. We like to read a clean Conservative papier, and anch we knnw Mr Watson will make and keep the .Mors„r He is one of the few Tory journalists who tsar enmhat the arsnments of an opponent with, -ret mellow him nasty name. ntalev. Mrs. H. Horton has rete-nwd from an I peasant visit to friends in Weighast.