HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-03, Page 4TER HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1882.
THEHURON SIGNAL Mg' Amo{ it's paraphrase et John Rowe; Cc» tauxu, the es.waator front
Its rablleaed every radio, I/g�t�is,t1;�,, ad Mc
finuu•rool Iliums at the* Pena. Nara flt
tot the itquary
And le despatched to all parts efAge segrosed-
ins country by the earnest a. sad tttats&
Hr general admission it has a tined •
ole than other newnpaetrrt'��part of
he country, d V one of tAe newsiest
sad most reliable journals to Ontario
Pone.siag, u It does. tis teregataeeesentime.
and being in addition to the above, a Arwt•claw
tastily and fireside paper it is therefore •
moat desirable ad.tfetisfey -
fTatnishers:s. f In TiL �i�!sssoar
b publishers: flat!;, it
atfnotwpaid, wW
Rarrs or ADTEUTWmg.-Zfgft cesss
Hfor Innlmaertloa ; three caste per liar
each subsequent Insertion. YearllI,lsit-7 7
and quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
JOB rstsTl!td.-- Xe have Moosfirstsclass
Bright's famous epigram tuck titmouse- New Yurk State, has been wend the
ly its Ottawa on Tu.slay. Mr. Rowell position et Associate Justice of the Su
alluded to a sietain person as a "restate- 1 promo Court of the United States lip
robin Got." Yr Anglin quickly rt • ` Prsaident Arthur. In all probability
phos: "A11 Grits' are respectable, and C. nkling will pelt ito4pt the pwffen
when they pane t be respectable they ;, position, but will 441ino in such a
oast to 1>!e Oriba" I fashion as to keep himself before the
him 1%te tooessatiou receitwl, a public future ta. So t the
fur eves me o
'' '
fare y a pewits to state that our friends &'i' ibj►can papers have referred to
'341.1119 H. P. O'Cossor, of Walkerton,
est Maloolm Namibian, of Luoknuw,
wiU, in all probability, contest South
Drees for the Commons and Legislature
respectively. Fur the O'Cuouor Don we
jobbing departure nt in connection, and possess- predict a sharp, sure and dieisive victory
ing the most complete nut -fit and betatacWtlee user Mr. sham the amt:idetttal wcwitMi•
(.toting eat smelt to mowed
ao beslaeas u that War at p oemthat ' tor nth Brace: and we breve et et3
be beaten, and of a qu*Ut7 that menet be t
.untamed. -Tenets (*ask, reason to believe the clans will gallantly
gather around Maladu Campbell, a
L'rckuow, until his t•ict.,t•y is :lowed.
T13. Borsch Brucu Reforwvrs bate the
\IEa*tt•t. RuLt. Porter and. Gap. E.
FRIDAY. MARCH ;t 1f•81.
.lackson, are trudging through tgepth ,men before [!tem to carry tatusy.
Huron on a door to door canvass. His -1 Tai the Tories 'talk, -e'er would
tory repeats itself- the i•,n,.cents are • think Canada was flowing with milk
again abt.ra:!. arid honey. Every Lib -Con. you meet
- - - -
l:wior has it !hag
11"11. J1fac:ttwltie i teff you that times ars gees; bondman
Is brisk, and money is to be had in plen-
Suwell, Intimater of Customs, is esu aspi• (t}•• Th.y tell you thisu -Lib-Cons,
rant for toe Lieu: -Governorship of Maui -
but if you interview them in a business
t •ba Bat what is to come of "Wan. ' capacity. and ask any of them to logy au
derin4 \Gillies account or embark in some commercial
me_ H. 11 Coos has bee:[ selected to ! enterprise, their tune is changed, and
ntest North Siuncoe fur the Commons. i all at once you learn that times are in a
\fesers. Cook and Dalton McCarthyhave I depressed state, tl#at money is scarce,
:ung fought fur tjret place of the ballot , and a general stagnation exists in trade
circles- M you hear a Tory loathing
box in Nook 8itrcue, and it would seem ' the good times at present misting, and
t.,c end is not let.
contrasting them with the hard times
TILE L.ot,uon _•Lir., t:ee,', uttawa ci,r- under the Mackenzie Government, prior
rcepundent writes: -Fir Richard Cart- ' to 1878, present him with an account, and
rights speech x56 a .withering reply to see how soon he will change his s}•u►-
Sir Leonard Tilley's silly and fame rya- phony. For Our own part, *e fail to
ronin¢. Nis quotations from speeches: see where the good times are ip this sec-
ec-1.; Tilley, Tupper and 3lcPheraon tion of Ontario.
;.wainet I r-tection were crushers.
HE n i ination of Mr. Jar. <onner-
lir the way in a loch Sir Leonard . ville, of the Dundas Tr.'c Bann. r, by
has been applyinst• the pruning the Reform Convention "f South, Went-
l(nifr tai the t,rotecuun tree since 1879, , worth, to contest the constituency so
we are of opinion that a few more years ably represented by Mr. Je.seph Rymal
w:11 make it Tear revenue tariff fruit. for so many years, is a deserved tri -
Article by arti::le he is coming back tui bute to a min of merit. Mr. Ryunal re-
t i.e Reform contention. : tires -front the position at the close of
the present Parliament. owing to in -
THE Scott Act in tit. John, N. 13., i creasing years and failing health, after a
has been defeated. The result ot the , loam and honorable lease tff position.
ballot was a tie vote of 1074, and the and throws in his full weight of in -
petition was therefore Inst. Geo. E. ! fluence in the interest of his successor.
Foster and E. Kut:: Dodds were the Sir. Somerville is a comparatively young
_principal platform o•rarere, the former man, a vigorous speaker, an ardeht Re -
advocating the Si:ott Act, and the latter' former, and is thoroughly conversant
espousing the anti -colt aide. . !with the issues before the country.
. ' South tVentwurth can be • hooked upon
THE contention of Sir Samuel L Til- :ill the time to cone, as it has been in
'sty that the number of commercial tra- ',times past, as a safe Reform constitu-
yellers had been dtcressed by the N. l enc}•.
1'. has been contradicted by a number of i - - ___ _ _ _ -
wholesale merchant.. However, it Ao amusing incident occurred at a
wounds like a grim joke, to hear a 1 Toronto railway station on Saturday
finance minister ceaiming credit for kill: evening last., A lady from the east, with
ing off the irrepressible -drummer. ' three or four "incumbrances", had oca-
cion to pay her infant down in a corner
THE t....nn fir the "ming you- ng bar- 'shaded considerably from the light,
otter.' in connection with the candida- while she and the rest of her brood,
Lure of North Huron hos fallen flat. i stepped out to engage a hack. About
His frothy utterance at Smith's Hill j the same time, another lady dropped her
leant improved his chances. and the; "precious" one in close proximity and
;dement. old•titne simile has almost for I departed on a similar errand. Lady. N..
oaken his visage. Aa liea.ie Turner 11 returned and picking up, sashe thought,
would sat, "he talks -d, and talked, and :her baby, departed with the offspring of
talked," but all to no purpose. It was i lady No •'. The latter came in, and
Jiuckle cry. and stickle wtxi.
A. the de'it souwhen h. haved the errs Pickin
g up the remaining infant, was drip-
- en away to her destination, oblivious of
IT_ appears to hasLeen definitely I the fact that shy held clove to her heat-
settled that should nothing unforeseen l ing heart the offspring of another. The
occur, the general election will be changed condition of affairs was not dis-
bptung .'u the country next summer, l covered until next day, when it was ob-
without waiting for Parliament to be ; served that where a baby gib' should be
dissolved by the effluxion of time. Thiele t*by boy was seen, and vice rent. It
being the case, Reform cal l idates should !being Sunday, the usual opportunities
be placel early in the field. North , fur making aatiafactery enquiries were
Huron Liberals should name their man I not available, and the wrong of Saturday
i.t the earliest c,nveltiencc, so that he
retry get to work at once.
THx Garfield memorial services were
held in the Chamber of the House of
Representatives at Washington on Mon-
day last; and the Him. James G. Blaine
delivered the eulogy on the occasion.
The ehamber was crowded, by the most
prominent personages at the capital, and
at the close of the eulogy them were
many rnasitestatiune of deep grief,
Mrs Garfield was not present at the
ceremony, preferring to mourn at Men-
tor in solitude for her irreparable loss.
Ir is rumored that Sir John has in
view the gerrymandering of Bruce, so
that it will be divided into, two Tery
and one Reform constituency. With
that p.rpose in view, that petition of
Locknow which formerly voted in North
Heron for datioes to the Commons
wild be added to South Bruer. This
change will help Mr. Thos. barrow in
Nath Hams to the extent of 40 or 50
votes. And yet Farrow will free beaten
rf Shea Leib doors to his work.
(let Frisky Asst, in the House of Coat -
Molts, Sir John llMaedosald stated that
tie Timm* Minister bad gives notice
ler dein away with the stamp duty.
41ae elawp dsty is et pressed a sMtetory
enactment, and until the Act is iteelf re-
pealed stamp" mss[ matinee te he slim.
ed es proesiesnry notes and bills of es -
°Wage to smite thele trill The fact
that it is the iwtestirw of the Gos.rnwest
te WIe of the duty deem sot prevent the
legal aeoaaty of still $Anis. stamps us.
high! could not bo righted until Monday
morning, when matters were set straight.
THE saying "Fair play is a jewel;'
has become almost fit axiom, but if we
are to take the actions of the leading
Tory organs into account, they ate
not anxious for jewels of the "fair play?'
grade. The Mail of Toronto is nota.•
iously unjust in its dealings with politi-
cal opponent'. and by its effort* at sup-
pression • of mnttees of public impot-
tance has gained an unenviable ►eputi-
tion. The one-sided conduct of the
Mail has been evade visible of late by
its publication el the Dominion Govern-
ment case on the boundary reward, and
its suppression of the rejoinder by the
Ontario Ouvernment; and now, another
gross piece td injustice is brought to the
keowled,e at the madimg public. On
Saturday the (Mohr devoted nearly thir-
teen columns to a perontiw report of the
budget speech delivered by Sir Leonard
Tilley, and on Monday published the
reply to the budget speech nearly twelve
columns long, which was delivered by
Sir Richard Cartwright. What did the
Met? f R ' pebtiabed the speech of
Sir Lessard in tell, and devoted ase
coition, badly garbled, to the reply by
Sir Richard. Tat this method of con-
ducting journalism on the part of the
Pail i eosbssptible is the extreme so
one will deny. It shows moselesively
that the orygsa of the Government dared
sot let the other side d the fiscal gyre -
ties Rob its readers. Than is mese
'manse for the caller papers not giving
fall reports os both midis of the (rade
gsemtios, but there is trope for the l/e1
•A the .,opal at theft/imp Amt -essept fear.
"Lord ac.,e" as being pulitioslly dead;
but he la not dead -he is only sleeping -
anti when he awakes then wtU be a
great awakening in the V. S. political
• We understand that Dr. Shoo a
Blyth will be the nominee of the Re-
form Convention which wiU shortly
meet et Winslow'. Dr. Shell is we 11
known in North Huron, having rase* *
vigorous run in 18';8, and greatly re-
!tduced the Tory majority. North Hu-
row it slipping mettle (ran Tory thral-
dom, and if the Reformer exert thein-
! selves to the full usteat there is no
doubt of the election of the Reform cant-
; didate. Other names have been men-
: tinned in connection with the consti-
tuency, but up to the present Dr. Shan
has the brat photo and, we believe, will
!'huld it.
f A Nrnemm of leading manufacturers
in Toronto, including Massey, the altri-
cultural implement man, and Dixon the
carriage builder, in reply to the soma -
Grins of a reporter a few days ago, de_
clared against the Natiuual Policy
humbug. Mr. Dixon said' at the close
of the interview: "I voted for the N. P.
in 157d, but at the next election I will
certainly vote .against it. It is upon
farmers who buy weggens and agricul-
tural implements, etc-, that the N. P.
presses most heavily. The British mar-
kets control the pnees of farm produce,
soiled a Government can afford n
"protection" to the products ..f a form.
However, the Tories are bound that the
1 monopolists shall have a good time, and
that the farmers will pay the piper.
A convention of the Reformers of the
Centre Riding of Huron will be held in
the town of Seldoith on teaturday,
March 11th, at 10 a.m. , fur the purples
of selecting a candidate to contest the
Riding in the Reform interest et the nett
election, and for organization and other
business. The basis of representation
will be four delegates from each polling
subdivision. Local chairman are re-
quested to have the delegate. appointed
for their respective municipalities at
once. Fallowing the nomination, a
public meeting will be held in Carduo's
Hall at 3 p. in., on the same day, when
addresses on the political situation will
be given by Sir Richard:Cartwright, M.
P. for Centre • Huron; M. C. Cameron
M. P. for South Huron. and . other
protnineut Reformers.
IN every business, trade or gulling, at
one time or another, disreputable per -
I sons endeavor to foist themselves into
position. In medicine we rind the
' "uack," in law the "shyster," and in
Journalise, the "amateur editor.- F-aeh
of -these .three classes of imposters
strongly resembles the other in absence
of experience, lack of necessary train-
' ing, and reckless disregard of truth,
integrity, :and honor. Many persons
from observation, still see the fleeces-
: ity for these murk*. They have,
1, perhaps, endured pain at the hand ..f a
1 "quack;" they may have suffered Loss at
I the hand ofanunscrupulcus'•sbyster.•' or
1they may have had violence done their
feelings t'y the distorted verbiage of the
{ "amateur editor.- Witt'ont a rxg.rmr
' ttainiug in any vocation, no thorough -
!nese can be had; and to kook for goad
journalistic stork at the hands 1.1 the
"amateur editor" is to look for effect
' without a awe. It is quite true that it
is possible fur an individual suddenly
pitchforked into control of a journal --be
I it never se unimportant -to write rub -
i blab in frothy abundance; it is alio
quite possible for such an one to endea-
vor to attract the attention nt the thor
ougbly itualifled members of the profes-
sion by milling eseh and every one who
fails to recognize his claim, abusive epi-
thets; it is true such an one can at
tempt to make himself odious by abus-
ing those of his ran freree who fail to ac-
cord him a prominent position In the
joarrtelistic profession. Ili* cls of
gentry are usually of the purchasable
kind. like the Swiss mercenaries in
yews erne by, they are always for hire,
and they will work for one party to -day,
and be hired by the opposite party to
!evils their present peeress te-motrew.
Of course their Influence is nil, and @van
those who employ them to do dirty
work, wiW afterward tars from theta
with loathing, knowing that, me is days
lam, the venom they poeensed was di.
meted .gaiwst their present sueataes, so
Is grater bribe would iisdse@ them to
again act the part dJedas, eves to these
whose brad they now set. Sesstisra,
bot seldewn, they are clever; bot their
want of steadfastness of perp,se, integ-
rity d shateeter, and honesty 14 o.o-
victiow always mem them to be looked
open with suspicion by hoserable pee.
pie, and they seldom possess the con-
fidence even of those whose question-
able work they are tsd. to 40. end ie.
wive pay 1er ,Mint
It is jest a year ago to -day shim the
Ostarw ingirlature, with but use dire
sentient voice, (the menbsr for Ottawa),
tarried the following resolutions:
"1. That this House deeply regrets
that notwithstanding the .aanitsoss
award uude on the Std of Angulo. 1Ne8,
by the Arbitrators appointed by the joint
and c oocurrwut Hotton of the Govern-
ment of Canada and 'the Govern -
merit of Ontario, todcterutinethe north-
erly and *eatwdy bottadseies of this
Province, no tegialation has twit sub-
mitted by the Ooeeraslset of Canada to
the Disunite' Parliament fur the pur-
pose of confirming that award, nor has
the validity rd the award yet best re-
cognised by the Government of Canada.
..2. That the envision of the Covent -
went and Parliament of Canada to den-
tine the award is atteltded with grove
ilic'nvenieuce, has the effect of retard-
ing settlement and muuictpal organisa-
'ti ewbarraaaess the administration of
!the laws, and iuterfwus with the power-
!'ration ..1 the peace, the taaintenance of
order, and the establishment of gaud
`ovetutnent itt the northerly and nortb-
wrs'.r:y porta 4,1 the Province of On -
taro I.
"J. That it is the duty et the Clovern-
Weut est Ontario to assert and maintain
the just 'claims and rights of the Pro-
orrinse of Ontario as determined by the
w ard of the avbitraten; asid Ibis Hours
I hereby realises its determination to
1 give its osrdial support to the Govern.
'same of Ostatio ia say steps it may
be neu.ssary to take to sustain the
sward, and to assert and maintain the
just claims and rights of the Province its
thereby declared and determined."
To -day, at the book of Sir John A.
Macdonald, Mr. Meredith is going back
on his vote of March 3, 1881, and is
fighting against the interests of Ontario.
Bat the people of Ontario will pin
bisand his followers to the vote of a
year ago to -day.
In the year 1888, -the Government, of
which Sir John A. Macdonald was then
premier, had a dispute with the Hud-
sons Bay Company, about the eery same
stretch of land which it is now pro-
posed to withhold from Ontario. It is
not a little surprising that the position
then taken by Sir John is the very op-
posite of that now maintained by him in
his opposition to this Province. The con
troveray'of 1888 hinged on the following
occurrence- The Canadian GOverument
was engaged in the construction of the
road from Thunder Bay to Red River,
:and particularly that partof it connecting
the Lake of the Woodswith Fort Garry -
the ''Dawson Route." If the present con-
tention of the Dominion Ministers be -coo
rect, then at that time they were building
a road from property, and through a
country, not their own; just, indeed, as
if they had forced the c,natructiur. of a
road through American territory. This
did not escape the (observation of the
watchful officials of the Hed.on•s Bay
Co.,' who, claiminz that the. Canadian
authorities were ' trespassing" upon the
"frsehdd d the territory of the com-
pany " betw.es the Lake of the Woods
and the Rid River, sent in a vigorous
protest to the Home Government-
overnmentSir George E. Cattier and Hos. Win.
McDougall, members of the Canadian
Ministry, were in London at the time,
negotiating for the general transfer cf
the Hudson's Bay Territory to Canada.
In reply 10 the protest .of the deputy -
governor of the Territory, the Canadian
Ministers did not admit the tresuan, but
explicitly dented the charge, and claimed
the hood for Upper tomato. to. Their words
were as follows: 1
"The assertion of the Deputy Govern-
or of the Hudson Bay Company, that
the country between Lake of the Woods
and Red .River is the freehold territory
of the Company, and that the so-called
trespass of the Canadian ('.ocernment in
sending provision to the Wareing settlers
sad thein en make a read for
their own convenience and safety here-
after, is an actual encroachment on the
soil of the Cosspany, might if unnoticed
by ue, be claimed as another pt3of or
admission of the rights of' the Company
in that part A the continent.
therefore, bey to remind His Lordship that
the Aon►ubrirs of Upper Canada ora the
North ewe West ware declared ender the
iordes,•ity of the Conatstwtionai Art of /791
to iorlttit .11 On territory to the tcesttcerd
fend southward of the bvxwdary line of
Hodson Bay to the utmost extent of the
con►ttry roaeswwtly fulled or know* by the
mase of Cased& Whatever doubt may
arise es to the ntuw t extent of old, or
Ferro* (Soleil, Ivo IMPARTIAL tl.ragrt-
°Aron o1 Twx RVIP$1(•S tt, TRR C1aa CAN
The Government of Canada, therefor*,
does not admit, bit on the metrary
the pretensions of the /halloo Bay Com-
pass! to may right of mil beyond that e
=complained complained yheist/ raudrnrf-
ref tr.
' Thera h no mieertsisty haus as to
Ostsrio--Dpper Caged, -owning theter-
ritery through which the MA paned.
However. timbre years haring elapsed,
it ..it. Si, John A. lbedonald's pur-
pose to go busk of ha proviso mutes -
tem, and lay that we den sot own the
land. Tse be could cilias i Inc Upper
CLasi; gene be demos It t. (J14ati..•
Theo it extended $u lbs Red Bim; weer
it Jas sett ge Mbar then Priam Ar -
times Imediag.
The pempts of Ontario have the iri-
dium of Sir Jobs A. Maedessld in 158A
abet the land glees this provisoes by the
ilbesdary Award fairly Waage to them.
Ws will believe the Sir John A. Mae-
dowsld of 1818 lather than the Sir Jobs
of 1888. and Ontario weal s srtewder
toot Asia to the ter iteey.
ri l'L,arrMts.
Mr. M. C. Cameros, M. P.,. for South
Huron, in asteviegE tor oorrespisdesse
and reports relating to the t,•harybOs
said that in the sessional yapets for 188881
there would be found a velutuinous cu-
r. undone between the Canadian and
Imperial authorities with reference to
the soyuisition ot this vessel. The pa-
pers did 1tut show very clearly upon
whom the flash of genius tirst dime
which culminated in the transfer of this
gift, but it appeared that before the
(lttsrybdu was final!y sent to ('an iia
there Wes a reel deal of hagOrni as by
whether the guns and previsions -belong-
ing to her should ate, bi lundert over to
our GovensawsI. Tb4 twigutiatu,ns
were finally concluded by the ttanafer of
the boa with all her un'opauualdr
stoma ou b.+11 to !by t'aa:tdi i . V.1 ::::
meet, and to int. ia_;ati•,:, it wt:, to
ouee.vd that there weren" dorms of •sty -
des:ri tit n to fait feeiol. (in a .a.uiuttl•
Lou'4 the o. rreepiudeuce it would be
fouud that the 'easel was dascr.Lel :t4
s t use type of a.rve:te that hod sem d
seven and a half }sirs in the C hineoe
sou; that she as. twtttty years •.W; 64
neither kruribbfen war coal on Lord;
awl, Haat it was necessary to,urc'lase a
heavy sachet to keep her steady in port.
The epee,' of the vitriol was stated to Ise
seven knotit per hour, and the number
of roes required to work her was placed
at I80. An iwpeotiva of the engines
revealed the fact that they were much
worse than was expected, and considera-
ble trepidation was felt in attempting to
erase the ocean in winter weather, or in
fact in any weather. The inspectrnrs re-
ported that the a ndition et her boilers
at that time rendered SD attempt to erose
the mss almost certain to be attended
with the hose of the vessel and an on
board. This argument was of course
unanswerable - (laughter) - and the
needed retrain were made, after which
the vessel was brought to &. Johh.
Bet even here the new arrival was*
souse of apprehension, for it was found
impossible to keep hirr moored, and
breaking loose :be wandered about St.
John harbor to the damage of shipping
and actual loss of life. Bot there was a
grim side to this question. What ob-
ject had the Government in aoquiring
the vessel st all f The Prime Minister
had said that the vessel was necessary as
a training ship, but so far no atteanpt
had been made to utalize the cleft in
this or any other way. The grim side
was the cost smarmy to repair such a
vessel, so utterly rotten and maims fur
anypu whatever. Before leaving
Eogland ns was estimated that £2,O00
would be required to make the vessel
:1170?A ? To some =EMU
AA l;CT1UN eAl.fi u!' -THE AIAIT•
.t one nous.", U -.1c:butt . L. ain, claire
hotel lerahare e....:11 rias rt..•i :spare's. VIM.
fur to ui.a,.d Iarta. r 1441f4al.4110:1 rte Heartens
orapply to Jawae ,toi.suss. t,.,den.b.ur to
Moes. elaateraatm, Atstaatt-r r t.'uarewusru
land 30Turuatu.Bre. t ,onwtu.
fit to cross the wren-
wesed that 42I,000 had been ex ed on
account of the Charybdis, and a further
sage of 41,200 was asked in the Esti-
mates He sd% iced the Government if
they could find uo practical use for the
ranee! to send it back to England, and
relieve the people of &. John and the
Dnmini,n eta dangerous and expansive
A Terry Lie Neatly tatted by a rlaas.me
The way the N. P. benefits manufac-..
turers who have not a monopoly maybe
ween from the experieno.• of the Wa-
terous Engine Cowpany, whose works
are I..ettted at Brantford. The Teteyroon
of that town recently contained the fol-
lowing paragraph:
• "Mr. Win. Petersen, Brantford's airs
Distortor, says that the duties on mate-
rial entering into the construction of
paw wills, etc., take'rver 86,000 yearly
out of the pockets of the %Paternus En-
gine Works Company. When Sir Hec-
tor Laneevin visiteed theseworks last fall
the head book-keeper placed the amount
at 60000. Mow ti,ures do _row under
Mr. Paterson', ontoipul:Uion, to Le
The following letter was sent to the
Tdevrnwt, which with the unfairness of
its clay refused its publication :
BaA-rrroar,, Feb. lrith, pit's.
To the Editor of the Telegram.
Silk, -Will you please correct the er-
roneous statement published in your
'issue of Friday last. ' Mr. Paterson was
!quite uite correct in Lis atatument int the
House that we are paving 46,000 more
duties than before the N. P.
sir Hector Langetin did not see our
book-keeper at the time of his visit here,
nor was l.e Gold ny any fof our oific'al
1 that 8800 covered our extra duties since
the N. P. +fie was informed, however,'
that his Government refused to pay us
5800 drawback duties that we claimed
on exported inachiuery since the intro-
ductiorl of the N. P.
his promise that he would see that
the matter was put right has never been
fulfilled. Promises at such a time are
readily given, but are often never
thought .,f again. Yours, etc , '
BE w ATntocs E. W. Co.
Tapper T▪ r(ppod.
The London Advertiser's Ottawa cor-
respondent telegraphs the 'follow-
ing: -While speaking on the coal quos•
tion Tupper quoted from an alleged
speech by Tyler, President of the Grand
Trunk in apparent refutation of Cart-
wright's remarks on the same subject.
When he ceased, Cartwright rose, and
producing Tyler's speech showed there
was nothing of the kind quoted by Tup-
per in it, but that the report of an offi-
cial of the road was there. He also rad
from Tyler and the official to show that
Tupper, in his quotation, had doctored
a part .of the utterance of me h to make
out a cues. This was a complete extin-
guisher, and when Cartwright renarbed
that he did Dot care for the shams heap-
ed upon him by Tupper, u he did net
e steem hint worthy of reply, there eau
nothing more to be said. The audacity
of falsehood, garbling, mei utter disre-
gard foe truth and honestly which die-
tialNiebes 'Pepper prominently, were
never better exposed. Anglin followed
in a meow ly reply to the "high priest."
Jauose Brett, ay, on Monday
morwisf HOW a match in the vault of
the nuns Building, ditere the gems'
rams ret the Associated Press sed
Wesley's Cahn Telegraph Company are
located Om had beim seespuug acme
Saturday. An explosion ensued, shak-
ing the entire building. kneelinngg out
the besvy plate elsss from the wiwdows
is all parte of the bolding. The wood-
work doors god photon ing were spec de-
molished. Brett was peri►sp fatally is -
l !.moat to the a.1 resp..wleg Trustees and
Executors toe Ilul.,.1.o..t:,cr. nawu,aata,ma
against the retie t tt'Iltiun pryer Arnold
Into est the town in G,alenel. L. Usti l'uw.t; of
Ilnruts.licitlrosaa. d teased. are r•eqursted {o
setas to at.•..n, eiirut y d Ault, Marne, U.g.•
solicl'on for tl:e trust es under 11.r mai-retie
settlement of int L.l • IW$.or W .and W. L
AruuW. t:e.eatel, on or Let.n• 'Le 11Eng
OAT •F trill. 1514. :u11 and detailed
.teteeiente u•' their claims duly verified b)
autumn' dc.henitive,. Wad to take outice that
immediately after that detu, the raid Trustee.
will {{proceed to dos: rib ste the moneys til their
howls wilt? es t sof sold estate ■rnubg the
patties Antlticel then -to. hs%iliy esard only to
dke.�'naof whit; tarsi 1`11..ar. Lase etr
S'ntel, ail. Feb.:kit
_ Uclteier,_Atonic.
THE SL -R;(() : ATE i C lRT (et
In :',e uLit:,'r o: Or' `;t:trd..ua.1,, of the an
fan, ebitIria o: :7t .'n 0. tw.:•h•r,va•a. de
"lit!: nut:c., tion', a:'er the explrac:on of
t a dirty char front law dn,t puts[ atlin,' of Mi.
sutler, appUe.tiun eon or team to tic judge
of the s; mitigate ( butt et 1iw t'u.,•.1) of Iltwen,
ter ! Ion: pis !►ruua.a1p.1t rise I..t' e of Ciintun.
ie tb^ eonnty of hero. .a fe ur minim
llrWa-1.1u.4.1 the &tune r•4►.', ;ee•ulieasa:., fur
letters .1 ¥ia-ttan.:up. app..i st ng her, Ibe
said Iwtcaa tirunsd.•n4 ueunlro of 1 1. infant
id,ildr,•u est the said TLonn s `iunder,e t -k. in
his lifetime. of the t.owa.blp M Willett. in %tu-
mid county of Huron. yeoman. azul husband.
of the raid Ro-cas Hrnvsicu.
Dated at Gator ee else 214 day 01 March .1.
D. 152.
ry,1 a tun formd apl•eltat,t
Dorcas ernneden.
-- - - - -- - --ltiiit.--
(chancery Division.
Perseus( to esu order of the said ('Quit.
made In the matter of e'en lark. as .afore,
ander the Yate• of twenty one years, the credit-
ors of Henry Lark, late of t he Town of Oodc
rich, in the Comity of U eroo.ytrhdemsa. who
died esu or a:t.tu1 tl.e ';ti, it of Jul'. A. P.
1,l1. are Gam before the Ith ray sr ■sera,
5, O. 1151. to mend by poet prepaid to Messrs.
(:arrow .r )'n.adtnnt, M the town of (lode
✓ ien, ...rotors for the Petitioners. their ears,
tlan and surnames, addressee and dese•rlptton,
the tuU parlloalarn or their clain.a,'a saate-
u ent of their sccounts and the nature of the
securities 111 soy,1 he'd by them er in default
thereof. they wi;1 .1.e pertimpturlly excluded
frim the txtteitt ret the said order. Evers
creditor holding any .crush)' is (o IModuce
the Genie beton. me at my rt.ambers at the
Town of (:oderieh, on the Ilth day of Marva.
A, 0., ltllt at ten of the .tock In the wawa,
being the time appolnted fur adjudication en
the donne.
Dated at GoderMb this Nth day of Febrwan
A. u isms.
ltd. It. stat:! rnsiorr,
Master at (loderfeh.
-- - - - --- - ISG -=t.-
00 tl•.
Cabin, lntermtedkate and steerage rickets
Stet a Pas.rty,, l are hooted to Lido!.
Cardiff. Queenstown. Inern• brtf
a ,•+
Galway sad Glareuw, at some riles as to
I: Huse .
tiAitDIN IAN. FItO}I 1,titTL.tND, JAN.2tt1:.
CA N. FROM ill„rl'.,N, FEH11UAit1
:reel, t"AI.LINt; .1T tt.1lIFAN, FFR. nth.
11UI:11NLAN. F ttu311'OiRTLAND. yes. 510.
•_ird. C'ALLIN(;ATIIALlPAX, e-gml5th
1`l 4."NEsl t]. FI L H.)+ 'oN, MAli Stu:
('_tl,l.ING AT IALIFAX N.\R. 1511
t• For Hoke•s and even Information apply t,
11. A KM!tTRONG,
.lgea,, Montreal Telegraph
I l• ion' - - - Olde Goderfeh
Trade ,Rork ltegta(rred.
Ivy casual uhscrtatinb,we Erall Ian.
speoltlarers Italie a clear head and a etch t h
tips and downs of property, thus mak In
large fortunes. ]tut the whole secret is. then
keep the system' la • healthy condition by the
nee of
Tet MUSS N TER MALLET 11111111111117V e Ws safety say that hundred, comae to u
the great Ritts and blood %riflert�Infer
154101:111 gtre Ibouands of the dame ttltdni
tt y Ierwwgas 441 rormeriinIdedeto bt heGthators!
choking and meshing at n_igbt for years, so
amid not nisep, oftae troebled with dall,hltict
Wee feelings, pains to 110��.r.1the
After giving hundreds of docets deeton
and giving .p all hoses i tried the Pam of
THa V at.t.uv. and am sow able to do my wort
Wier seven year'sJAMIslckaOI Meeeti
>M Mimeos Itneet. Leaden. Qnt
reh above stateseeatl.e •y wises fa so
Jamas Melia&
Clench of me tom) Poo�e lair b n
*01 druggists, sawtaebufi�d b
Pleeer a sa�tp
ase lbr toes cash M
Masa. Jess t+l'raey /. Loma. ale Go
flaw 'Mk Dalley P. O.
now min.