HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-03, Page 22 TH1. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1882. dt&111Oy. 01.1, Pumas* DLrearare - Mr. David'I Galbraith, of this place, departed from this life in January. He esu a native of Argylshire, Sootland, and came to this country a number of years ago. H. was a kind and obliging neighbor, but asth- ma which has been preying upon his sys- tem for • number of years at last made Ills) its victim. He was a Wnsistent Christian, and was a member of the ('sit- ed Presbyterian Church. He died with t he Lull assurance of • better home above, which is not to be obtained by vote but I.y merit. The bereaved friends have . ur sincere syinpathy in their affliction. 'rhe respect in which he was hold was t•hown by the large number of friends that followed his remains to their last [eating place. J. McCully, of the 3rd cou. of Stanley left on Wednesday last for Manitoba. Mr. S. Reid, of the 4th con. of Stanley, sold a span of horses for the sum of $400. Mr. Peter McGregor, of Brucetield, also Fold a two year old filly for $:•'O0.' - Mr. Alexander Aikenheed and wife, of Man- itoba, are paying a visit to their friends in Brucefield, at present. Both look well, -Mr. Hugh Gilmour, of the 3rd con. of Stanley, who about six mouths ago, secured a section of laud in the vi- cinity of Brandon, last week refused $1 - 300 for it. May 11 still increase in value. I/Ag [:ridge. To the Editor of Tub So; s•L. Sia,- Sume sages have tried to dis- seminate the belief that the physical features of a country influence the char- acter of the inhabitants; but this theory is all bosh, as the sequel will fully prove. 'rhe sombre aspect of this district ii without its effect on the people; for their smiling faces and hilarity are proof against influences of a depressing na- ture. Cupid hes been playing bis pranks to no small extent in this quarter this win- ter. Mr. Dennis Hurley set the exam- ple in this splicing operation by his marriage with Bliss Doolan. This event was celebrated with great eclat, as , the French would say, and the girls and toy■ enjoyed themselves hugely over Mr. Denney's departure from the rank and file of single blessedness. Let us 'moralize as we go along, Mr. Editor, and consider the respoaibility that rests en us from the example we set. It ;flakes no difference what "spere' we so- THE FUTURE AND THE Derr. cupy we still exert a moral uttluence iu The speaker proceeded to show that some direction, and we should realize there was no alarm for the future of the this fact and govern ourselves according- country on account of the increasing ly. This word "spare" I got from Betsy public debt. On the contrary there was THE 13UD(3HT SPEECH. air eamwrl L. Miley lashes a roar Near t,adrew• ea ills Rmdget. oil Imlay the Budget was brought Gi down in n House of (Somtnuns. TVE Q511:11. Sir Leonard Tilley began by stating that at no petiud in the history of Cana da has the government met parliament with the financial condition of th , coun- try in the position it is to -day. (Hear hear.) The prosperity of Canada today is in a great measure dependent on the fiscal policy of the government. The policy of the last government was re viewed. That government gave the people stone when they asked for bread. The condition of all industries was de pressed. Men without employment wereknocking at the dour of parlia mento PAST AND PRESENT. With that deplorable state the speaker contrasted the present prosperity. Through the stimulus given by the gov- ernment to the industries of the country the people of Canada became wealthier, and it is un account of this altered con- dition of affairs that the people last year were enabled t i pay into the treasury over four millions of surplus, without their suffering from it. PRA CAPITA TAX ATOM. If account were taken of the deli of the Mackenzie government and those amounts added to., what was collected under the sante government and the dotal ameuut compared with what was collected from all sources by the present government, minus the surplus, it would be found that the per capita amount collected by the present government was twenty-three cents lesathan that col- lected by the last government. The figures in one case were $4.88 and in the other $4.65. THE EXPENDITURE. The average expenditure during the past three years was $1,229,000 more than the average expenditure during the Mackenzie government but there were increased undertakings assumed by the present goventment which more than accounted for that difference. Among those undertakings were 401 additional tnilee of railway in rug, which cost $8o2,- 000; the expenditure on account of °In- dians; the census; sinking fund, etc. Hubbet. Did you ever read Betsy Bob - bet, Mr. Editnr. It's rich; tip' Betsy was not rich; she used to attend picking - bees, and was an A 1 gossipper on the sly.Mr. Matthew O'Connor, but an out- come of young Canada's have of abre- viation, makes himself known as simply Mat. Connor, was the tint to follow Mr. Hurley's example. Mr. Matthew, it may be observed, for a lung tithe played' shy of this matrimonial busmess, though it wee well' understood by the knoring nca where his affections rested. Mus- tering the necessary degree of courage he held a private interview with Miss Knightly, and with the Consent of the latter the happy day was fixed. In due time the momentous day arrived, and the twain were made one. I think it was Shakepeare declared the world to he a stage and the people the actors. If this be true, Mr. Matthew repeated his piece and disappeared behind the screen for the time -being. The next that appeared un the scene i was Mr. Thos. Gunn, ''and he is a jolly I good fellew." Mr. Thounaa has been . looking with wistful eyes for some time up the line, but his vision could not penetrate beyond the residence- of Mr. Jerry. Sullivan, which become his hori- zon in that direction. Mr. Thomas also realized a great desideratum, as the Latin's 'Would express it, in his home comforts, and day by day the gloom of his house increased while his neighbor, Sullivan possessed the very article that would render the interior of Thomas' house brighter than a.diamund. Alt in- terview or two settled the whole matter, and Thomas is now on the list of bene - dicta with Miss SellIvan, now Mrs. Gunn, as his helpmate. The lea, thoueh. not least, on my list of heroes is Mr. Frorance McCarty, who watched with a philosophical eye all that was taking place in the neigh- borhood. Hmnilit) is a sure Sion of greatness; 1,u' Mr. F. did not disturb his inind by deciding whether he was sir was not as good a an as the others mentioned; but of one thing he was sure, that he could get as pretty a girl as any of them. With a commendable consid- eration for the lioalth of those who at- tended Mr. Gunn's wedding, he allowed one day to intorveuc so that they might recuperate their spent energy, and then Mr. McCarty and Miss Austin were made one. Filled with emotion for 41he future prosperity of the afortsai(i, T resolved to drink them a toast OA would cheer their hearts all throeith their matrimo- nial pilgrimage, but She wont "f it was, I had nothing 50 k, see i write. same as it is now. It is preplsed to B- oemae parties in dilterent parts of he country, without payment of a fee to buy from producers of tobacco whale surplus they may Ilavu to sell. These parties will sell it to others who have the richt to manufacture* and for the next two years the government will levy eight Dents per pound un manufactured to- bax,s instead of fourteen as at present. The foss of revenue by this change will be between $50,000 and $70,000. ABOLITION OF STAMPS. Stamps on notes arid bills sf exchange will be taken off and commercial sten re- lieved thereby to the extent of $200,000. BOUNTY TO TISHEEXIEN. The government have decided to ask parliament for a supplementary estimate of $150,000 to distribute in the shape of bounty to the fishermen of Canada in lieu of the Halifax fishery award. EFFIXT uF TARIFF ,'HANura. The amount of revenue lost by the re- peal of the duty on tin would be $100,- 000. The change of duty in rice was in- tended to encourage a direct trade be- tween Canada and the East Indies. The total changes in the tariff involved a re- duction in customs revenue of one mil- lion. THE E$TIIUTED REVENUE, fer the next year is: Customs $19,b00,.. 000; excise $6,500,000; put othee $1,500,000; railways and canals 2,500,- 000; interest en investments $700,000; miscellaneous $900,000; total $30,000,- 000. The estimated expenditure is $27,670,000, leaving an estimated sur- plus for next year of over three millions. (Applause.) THE N. P. AND PROVIDENCR The speaker proceeded to show tnat the objections raised by the opposition in 1878 were groundless and bad nut been fulfilled. Before concluding he re- counted the various industries of the country and pointed out how they had all been benefitted by the national policy The institution of that policy said lie, by which every interest has been largely benefitted and the adoption of the policy of the government in the Pacific railway together with the blessings of providence have placed us in the position we occupy on the face of the earth (applause.) The tiscal'policy of the government will not be repealed (bear hear.) When the time comes for an endorsement of our policy the people will sustain us as emphatically as the house does now. every reason for hope. In 1867 the public debt was $19 per head. The construction of the Pacific railway ad- ded $11 per head, which made the sum $25. In 1879 it was $34 and some oenta. Now it is $35 per head. A cal- culation was then made to estimate what the per capita debt of Canada would be in 1890. Considering the sur- pluses likely to arise and the population to increase at the rate of only 18 per cent, the public debt in 1890 would be $34.27 or lou than it is to day, or if ac- count were taken of the proceeds likely to be received for seventy-five million acres of land, that amount would be still more considerably reduced. View- ing this question from another stand- point the speaker showed that while the interest per capita in 1867 was $1.27, and in 1881 $1.57, in 1890, according to his best calculations, the interest per capita would be $1.37. The minister then announced the changes to be made in the tariff as follows: CUEir can put gists, a n For 50 cents you from any reliable drug Mack's Magnetic Medi- cine, win(: amtained forty-five doses. this is cheaper than tither similar medi- cine sold, and while it is cheap our drug gists may it is the best, and gives mini. ,ton in all cues read the advertise went another column. ••Twessy-Aur years' asperteerr.- }lays se eminent pile -omen ,-mlvinces me that the only way to aura nerves' exhaustion. and waaknees of the sexual organs, las to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve fod.L� and of all tie remedies compounded, Magnetic Medi Use is the best. Sec maven moment in another column. Soli in I l.leriett by Jaa Wilson, druggist Int Sympathy with Mr Bradlaugh ap- pears to be increasing. especially wrnone the lower elegises whn. although net agreeing with hien open atheism, feel that hes rights are being trampled on. It is tholigbt that lacked by his sup porters he sell' again visit the Hone) sod endeavour to faros his way into the (lrswimola. and the authorities fear hoes(.(. ••- a arose atavtag eta Rua. In titres of severe panic people have been known to refuse Bank of England notes and prefer local notes. In coun- try districts of Stotland the old one - pound notes were greatly preferred to severing'. It is said that when there was a run upon the Baneof England in 1765 the 'device was resorted to of paying the country people in shillings and sixpence's. One acute Manchester firm painted all their premises profusely, and many dapper gentlemen were deter" red from approaching the counter. A, story is told of Cunliffe Brook's bank. When there was an impetuous and un- reasoning rush for gold, Mr. Brook. ob- tained a number of sacks of meat, open- ed thein at the top put • good thick lay- er of coin upon the,pontents, then plac- ed them untied where the glittering coins would be manifest to all observers. One bank procured a number of people as confederates, to whom they paid gold, then slipped round .gain to a back door and refunded it, and thus the effect of a stage army was produced. At another bank the Chief Cashier himself examin- ed every note with the most Beaching scrutiny, holding it up to the light, testing the signature, and making be- lieve that on account of alarm as to for- gery, there was need of the most scrup- ulous. care. When he had zompleted his pre4eritTed examinat'wa, lid US -1"$ the note to one of his subordinates very deliberately. with, in slow' and measur- ed terms, 'You may pay it.' Other plans were to pay the money %cry languidly, Founting it twice over, so as to be sure the sunt was right, and to give a sover- eign short, se that the customer r.huold cumplain, and the counting have to be done over again. At one of the banks Clockaprings now 35 reduced to 10. peck measures inverted were placed in Cotton seeds now 21) p. c. to l0a per the windows facing the street, a pile of bushel. Fireworks 25 p. c. ad valorem, gold uism the top after the manner of the fruit exposed to rale at street oor- ners in the summer. At another the coin heated in shovels oder the fire in the parlor behind and handed out as "new ' at a temperature of JilO deg. Fahrenheit. The clerk in charge, ac oommudauag bis phraseology to tee uc cation, cried out loudly every half Mer. Silk plush or netting for gloves lb "Now Jim, do be gettin' ,.n with therm per cent. sovereigns. folks is waittn' fer their Hareem and leather dressing are plac- money." "Coming, Knr,noming, mss the ell under the heading of blacking 25 ...,, r.: Itr.t", r.1.) Volt tart. The blood canuut pn,pe ,y pe, form its ! o because it is thick cwith at end siu4t:h; Ansi BI Mad fill fie 1 oYl FeTitial , every person needs at times &,seething to cleanse sud quicken the vital current. Dr. J. C. Ayers Compound Extract of panne, tweets this want perfectly, discovery of this compound ranks as i „ortaut iu preserving the blued ued ins h thy condition AS doe. that of Wm. Harvey iu demonstrating its circulatory action. Nothing else u vitalizes, puri- fies and enriches the blued . a A)er'a Sarsaparilla. It is a perfect blood and the nerve food. It never disturbs stomach, but greatly aasis'• and pro- motes the digestion and auiwilatien of all nutriments, stud =rows their `,ower to sustaiu and nourish the Ludy. In re- novating the bloud it cleats and quick- ens the intellect, and thus gives to both mind and body the puwer of lung sus- tained, arduous and successful effort. - [Curning, N. Y. Jeerer(. tatr,es (hear, hear). It is proposed to leave the sum collected fur twists the fumdious whop !s d raoioaItb CHANGES IN THE TARIFF. To be added to the free list: anatomi- cal preparations, bees, brae in sheets, brittannia motet in pigs and bars, cel- luloid in sheets, china clay, chloraluin, coffee, green (except by act 42, Vic. cap. 15), fowls for improvement of stock, iron, sand or globules and dry putty for polishing granite, quinine, quicksilver, speltcr in blocks and figs, tea (except as provided for in act 42,•cap. 15), tin in blocks, pigs bars and sheets; wood - African teak, blackheart, ebony, lignurn- vita. red cedars, satin word. DUTlas To BE ('HANGED. Book binders tools and implements including ruling machines and binders cloth from 15 per cent to 10. Glass -Common and colorless window glass now 20 per cent to 30. Scrap iron -now $2 per ten to $1. Lead manufactures from 25 cents to 20. Mandaper from 20 to '25 per cent. Ships hulls, when containing machi- nery, to retrain at 10 per cent, but the machinery to pay 25 per cent. Bags containing fine salt '25 per cent. On Wednesday night the puliceinen at Kingston were astonished to see a Juan walk into the station house leading a little buy with a chain. The chain was fastened around one of the lad's ankles with a huge pad lock. t' hen they had taken a seat they were recognized as father and son. l'he father explained that the lad, together with another boy, bad bean in the habit of stealing stoney and other stud' frose him, and that he could not make hint mend his ways. He thought it was best to bring his sun to the police, and see if they could du anything for hint. After he had received a talking to, he promised not to steal again, and he was therefore released. The padlock at his ankle was unlocked and the chain removed. The sight of the two going dawn the street at tee o'clock at night, one leading the other, was an unusual one, and the clanking of the chain led manly peuple to wonder it a convict had escaped. Druggists thruughout the country tes- tify to the great merits of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitten. Nu medicine they sell acts so promptly in curing Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilious nese, Liver Complaint, &c. Have you tried itt George Rhyttas,- is agent for Goderich. 01T .L Y till O . r Ttilt Foar Leading Qaarierly ROTILIN, TRE LDltat Imo REtILtN I II-Afg). THY in 4:4441 wl v"! Lk KI t IRM IL1bera/1. TRLLO\M'/ tilt tart=Lt &LSIEt!t (eon se, - rutin ,. TUR YRITg%R SE%11:N "America," says an Englishman, "is a country where a man's statement is not worth two cents unless backed up with an offer to bet you $10. Mr. Samuel McCaw, the well-kuown Conductor on the Whitby and Lindsay Railway, says: Dr. Canon s Stomach and Constipation Bitten cured me of Dyr- pepsia. i aiwaye keep them iu the house, and consider them iuvaluble as a familyfniedicine. Geo. Rhynas. ageut for Goderich. • f Coughs, Colds, Aath a , Bronchitis, Paine in the 'Throat and Cheat, relieved and cured by the use of Dr. Canon s Pulmonary Cough.Drops.. The most re liable testimony hag been received as to their efficiency. In bottles, 50- cents. Geo. Rhynes, agent for Goderich. Wrought -iron tubing 11 inch and up- wards 15 p. c.; it now pays 25 between 11 and 2 inches. Mustard cake 20 p. c.; uncertain now. I'ara lne wax or stearine 3c. per putrid. Rice unhulled or paddy 174 p. c. Trees - Apples 24 and pear 4c., plum 5c., cherry 4c., quince 21e., grapevines 40. c ready reply. and the -folk thought lirlta and trusses are placed under the the power of production boundless it heading of braces .,r suspenders. is always the sample minded and the so Kentucky Jaime pry snit' duty as uformed who a,wst,tgte an such !oras. the are cotton. Knitted cotton cloth to pay a0 p c "'ns the chief pnrtHon .4 the theme. hleck and bleached cnttoe 3 and 6 cords lest as ylte pr. per whsgo to extremes .ort()] to be admitted .1 124 p e. duty are the in l educated eine The creed lura, whop or part tally dressed.. were easily persuaded -the ,:,,.f that bolsters and pt1lows to pay the same as all was notfkt woo burnout their Breen mattresses (ilaN, pnwwed nr n oulded tahle ware to he aided tstv the JO p. R list. eon U. /miss, of Ren Burwell, Conu e, rprulin rusted with oft antes .• amt phos..( t,. rnt) Paint ne tar. r ,t ton begs tools mF try the you of the benefit e h tck i have recr l v ed use of the needle 10 p. e. 'from doer Au.as s Le -we Bauer Hs. Paints. orange mineral, ndeosd t4'R tug been tn,usbl«d wore an onsassonal p e ; same article as whits- load. Toole). at times ,pry wryer', darn¢ years To the het of varnishes are added. Feat. 1 hay. 1"urld your Hamel' le. re lake», Japan sod collodintw (sere my rough more readily than any Spirits and string waters meed are thong 1 purr trw,,e my wife hu new prying $1.90; 20 p. r. la to be alae usa•si it with inset setiesk.ry rr adder(. suite ,-Haw. is in 51,'151. The changes affecting eseise will beth. allowing : in regard to home-grown to Macao, it is propreed that .11 parties shall he as free t,- raise tnhsoen es to MIA. re kiwi es "Teatimes,. the nee send exquisite little gem for the teeth and breath. has a bountifully plated 'SA Kap sfeww top Try w r swat sew•r'r �.Isar+11..-. ti,twit , St BUSS 1.1 Blackwood's ! tiiobarih Maigine, chi, n have brnu ,•stabtishe,l in this country for nearly half a .color), are regularly pub- lished by Tut 1.roa.Hu Scorn Puit afIHe Co., 41 Barclay Street, .ew York. These publications pteat•nt the beef foreign period( - rats in a nun enlelll fortis and at a reasonable price without abridgutert or altei atom. Trnwtt FOR liVit Ilarladl■E r'o.laseft Papeete til: icily iu Advisee. For any one flev'It•w.. 43 .) p..• nunutn For any two Re%lewit .. 4 . .. Fur any three itev;,•ws... 6 S9 .. For alt four Reviews-. ..:- 6 tiU " For black w eosin .11 tlte,3 W Fur Itlackwuj and a sen Re- For lila k w uud and Iwo Jtc- ciew*... .... . 7 03 .. For Black w, 4 wail three Re- views o-virws .. .. S 30 .. For ttls..kw,o.l a:id tour Re- v-Irwa.... .IOM •' Single number .1 Rla-kwoa!, :0 single number of Iteview. Ts toots. I'RESII ARRIYALS. cents; LEONAD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO. 41 EAR4'LAY 5T.. NEW TOM 13111. PERCNERON HORSES LAROEET Importing► aad Breeding ESTAILISMIENT GREAT ' REMLU1 Fort RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lu nbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Paine, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Paint and Aches. 1111 hgarohe os dart% seals M. J.Tss 011. se ...fr, s,aem, s4.ipa..s4 dump Lsten.nl IIen.dy A trial d.Wls bat 0. rawpeaeely *Mktg mils, of IS OamY, and ovary ono war - la gwiH�tea low clew as4 passu.. pn..l et t` Dlrwtsss ten EM,rci iasgsagr. 110I.D IT ALL DIRIEO11T8 LID DELLU8 11 I EDIOIJS A. votes at 00., s.Waseve, Md,. V. It A. CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN Wayne. n PaCount/,�Dlnds..V Tin 8. A. 136 miles wont Dori Count/3=4M (rJ LIJwr( ONw tsq .LWDMat II ASt7 wsesla Aaw 4usN yerM4QW WAX thaw eke combined!ranee In this esaatilisAuses4. bas[ +er.wNews eF all etAer {wyeetees of Dwelt iwHHerwo jlwa all porta of Europe fer war one roan Owe->slt5 ott Or entire smatair d Zeopese- oit Presoak Borers In America eaa be sem ea his farm HL Importations have included the Prim Wtnnws Or Me Vsde.,M1 Sapesil4en, Parts. 31711,and nearly W the Prins Hones of tbs Gnat Bbows of Fran.. slum Ms tumor. tattoos began. They also carried off the honors at the Centennial, 1076- and, at the Ores4 Ch Pair, 1 S/, �'r, DusAa.n'. Herd '. lracHiand ¢sisollaera, (teonUs oeospet//i. watt IbParpes4 as oM f Oiyds.- dalw eve apown, eon tla� of the yelp Ma - nen at the Gre.4 sows et Bedlasd and En wand,) was awarded the Orwsd Pries of 94,000 and Orwwd Qeid .d.1. 1M PAOZ OA ALOGV! owls 721121 es ayrri4.s4(ew. pasa.aws ower d • MN* .sed W kt.ssevrgy as/ 11. Peso horns ream Order • C4Q XALOVs 11 11IiY LLRGH MUM= & 11117311RY NHIGh®UR,HUOD 1®s A tPLIMOICI�el0ain erALUClii INECAUSEMante 1h.t w=.a bred the esmmon mares of the country the prelims Is mare uniform w easier keepers, better work- ers, and Nil for macre warmer on the marline lama ams Mime aims d Bus. a. . POTTED TONGUE, BEEF, HAM CHICKEN. FRESH SALMON AND LOBS (ER, A FINE ASSORTMENT u1 Christie Brown & Co'� MSC' ITS .+ND CAKES, TEAS, SUGARS A. Pure Spioefa. TRY THEM. Chas. A. Nairn. St. Cathei'iiies AIlIEEInos. r:sTAE714HFty iet 1830. 1 L: t-: n 4 fully ts'a'r., !BORE'S EARLY &BRIGHTON LWO new i;; ..'. +. 1 ash ,.i utile! ud, iw• nt)- patrons to plain tero,. 1 e u will no. be di e appointed. SIOURF:N :.AIILt is the best c T early tel k a cre :.:: cows In Canada. t haw +• N7 t!�l1 tI •v C,vuw erre) 1882_ li arper's Bazar( ILLU$TRbT ED 71.15 popular Journal is a rare combinauu of literature. art, and fashion. Its stor=e poems, and essays are by the beet writer Europe and America; its engravings po.u,•t the highest artistic excellence : and lean ma ter pertaining to fashion it Is universally a knowlediied to be the leading authority in th land. The new volume will contain man brilliant novelties minuet. BRIG 111' IN la a dc!1' cioue red grape. ripening Justaftc: Money'sl;arly. Teri' are both large in beer: Aro lene;, and very productive, 1 will wad he+t to any. luldreie, postpaid, on reiseiht , : se, e r t lather kr et. ,[gents wanted, D :V. BEADLE, S.T. CATHZRUSLs, ONT. Address, IIAR1'Ett a SMOTHERS. 182D -3m. 1 YOne' HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Years iIARPER'S BAZAR 4 4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE.. v 4 H ART'7gR'e WEEKLY ... 4 1 he THREE above pubUesttassIt Any TWO above named 7 HARPER'S YOUNG PICOPLK HARPER'S MAGAZINE fl HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPi$ HARPER'S FRANKLIN t4WARR LI- BRARY, one year tat N ombersl..,10 Poetage free to all subscribers to the Unit Stales or Cattada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with t drat Number fur January comae year. 1 I no time is mentioned. it will be undergo that the subscriber wishes to commence wi the Number next after the receipt of order. The fast Twelve Annual Volumes of Hi PMI's HAZA*, in neat cloth binding, will sent by mall. postage paid. or by express. h 6f expense Iprevided the height does not teed one dollar per volume), for 6700 each. ('loth Cases for each volume, suitable binding. will be sent by mail. postpaid, on ceipt of $100 each. itemittances should be made by Post -Off Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of 14 .Ve,repnpers are mol to ropy Isis a lrerfi m. -n1 ritkouf the erpress order of H1Hridi !Norm Res. Address ■ &RPER it RROTHERI, New 1'n 11382. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPL AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY --l6 PAGES. SUITED TO BOYS AND GIIIU4 OF FH SIX TO SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE. Vol.= oominnaeeu lforimbsr 1,11 NOW AS TEC THIS TO *ORM'R11Ri:. Te YOUNG PEOPLE. has been from the 1 successful beyond auticipatiun. N. Y. F. in, Post. It hm a d ist inct purpose to which it stet adheres that, namely. of supplanting the ions papers for the young with a paper n attractive, as well as more wholesune.--, fon Journal. Fur neat n,w0. efpypwnee of engraving. contents generally, it is unsurpassed by . publication of the kind yet brought to out ticx.-Pittsburg Gazette. its weekly visits are eagerly looked for only by the children, but sloe by parent are muttons to provide pure literature fort girls and boys. • Christian Advocate, Hut N. Y. A weekly paper for children which p5 need not fear to let their children rest' a (entity fireside. Hartford_ Daily Tin lust the paper to take tes. e eye and ae theattrntfonof the boys and girls. 'p I field Union. • TEILd - tk llman.% TOQre PBsVt* ! Nos, re ' ref Year stage rectuthi i SIHet n ltiur$rtte Four Gerota saeb. The Bound Volume for 18511 will be early In November. price 4300; postage Mid. ('over for Yot'Nu i' ort.e for Rib eenta; ppoosetage, 13 ecru additional. Rcotittancee should be made by Poet Money Order or Draft:to avoid chance of Newspapers ars nog to copy fain ads ws'nt without OW erpr•ese order of lis'. Liao( itis Ra. 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