HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-03-03, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH VICAR./
1 licGILUCuDDY BRON. rpt It'� �PeIM
$1.$A IN♦DY4ML.
New .tetoeMbs s *ee
Notice -Stephen Vates.
Songs -James lees I (ie.
Auction Sale -J. C. Carrie.
Liver Pad -Holmes Pad Ce.
Star Kidney Pad --John Bond.
For Sale (Jarrowd` Proudtoot.
Anchor Line -Mrs. E. Warnock.
Lite and Lectures -0eo. Sheppard.
New Goods -Jas. Saunders dt• Son.
Notice to Crediton-Strathy & Ault.
Guardianship Notice -Dorcas Brunsden.
Ayes.siiarsaparilla-Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
u. rl•
• . TIST. Office and residence. West Street
bree dour below lia:tk of Montreal. Rode-
udarick 1752
GEON: (late with Trotter & Caesar, the
leading Dentists of Toronto.) AU operations
■eafly and carefully performed. Rooms, Bea-
ver Block, CLINTON. LiPatlents from a
(stance will please make appointment ln ad-
. anee by mail 1011
Real Estate.
farm to rest. One hundred acres of
cleared land, fere of stumps and in • first class
state of cultivation. About (10 acres in grass
and &but fifteen acres plowed, well watered
and with good banding,. Next farm to the
Ktnall dock. For further particulars apply
to MicHAaL DALTON. Kinnlail post office.
1 tm-
1. She People's Column.
desirable brick house. on East St.. with
one eighth of an acre of land. The house cope
tales 5 bed rooms. parlour. dining room.
kitchen, woodshed and all necessary conveni-
' sneer. No reasonable offer will be refused.
B.wAap Sa aatt L tr. 1115
76. corner of Victoria and hast strata. is
the town of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be
2xohanged for firm property. Tor particulars
ppl w Jes. SeaILL, Architect, office Crabb's
Block. or J. C. Cuenca. auctioneer.
Loans anb insurance.
ovl. lend on easy terms In sums to suit bor-1
rowers. ALax. Mc•I) ALLAN.
Uoderiuh, Nov. 11th 1301. 161110.
et600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
risk. 1750.
*76,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S -
av TATE. Term ravorabis. Apply to B. L.
DOYLL, Goderich. 175t
on rood Farm or first-class Town Property
at 0 per Dent Aooly to R. RL1)CLIFFE. 1731
amount to suit borrowers et 6 to 64 per
cent. Private funds. Apply to S&AOC1 and
Moemotr. Gvderteh.
1.11 amout of Private Funds for investment
at lowest rates on first -clam Mortgagee. Apply
) Money to lend at lowest rent, f-uc of
soy ousts or charges. SLAUki; de MORTON,
Wposrte Colborne Hotel.
Ooderloi. 23rd March 10111. 1779.
ply to Marro OARROW & PROUD -
FOOT, s, Owlet -wk. 1914811.
All parties looking for Ilceuse for the
sale of liquors. are hereby notified that their
application must be in my hands on or before
the fleet day of April next.
Goderich, Mar;h 1st, 1002.
License inspector.
1048-3t. West Huron.
V Landed Credit Company Da prepared to
lead money on good Farm security, at six per
oast. Full particulars given upon application
to HUGH HAMILTON, C. L agent. Ooderloh.
'JJ For further particulars agepp1y to Mtu.
CATTLis, corner of Stanley and Elgin Street•,
Goderich. 1919-9t.
Joe The premises are 30.40. with wood shop
attached, and are situated on the lecke Shore
Road, Ashfield, ball a WHO from Kingsbridge,
and one and a half miles from KnitaiL A tint
class opening 1• here offered for • general
blacksmith. Delicate health Is the sole reason
for the owner giving up business. Terms
reasonable. For further particulars apply to
PATRICK HoGAN, Klagsbridge, P. 0.
10r9 -lo,
on Farm and Town Property .t lowest in-
terest Mortsugee purchased, no Cotnlnimion
charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. R, -Borrowers oan obtain money In one da
it title is satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN.
STON. Berrbter'. &c.. Godertch. 1751
J Attorneys. tiolie6Wrs 1■ Chaucerr &c.
Office i. the Court Horse, Guderlcb.
Ise Lewis. M.A., LCL. L.N.1! m
lot RIt.J. W Garrey.
W. re dNme, e�
Goderloh. J. T.Darrow.
AMossey, Solicitor 1a Chesney. &e.,
Uodertch. Oat. 1751.
TERS, Ito., te.. Goderlek and Wtaaham.
C. Seeger, Jr., Godarich. J. A. Morton, Wtng-
Iten. 1131.
. Sollottor. Of ee-Corner of Wen Street
and Market Square. over George Acheson'..
Goderleh. 1751.
Life and Accident Insurance Agent..
Representing first -cissa Companies. A leo agent
Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or
Term Property, in any way to suit the borrow-
er. lNeoe-(upstairs) Kays block. Godertoh
. LAW, %Honor in Chancery Convey-
ancer. c. ()Mee over Sheppard's bookstore.
Goderich. Ont. Any amount of esosey to
loan at lowest rates of interest 1751-7.
Barryserk Sotletton In Chancery, &c.,
Goderlch and Wtagbam. M C. Cameron, Q.
C.: P. Holt. M. G. Cameron• Goderich. W. Z.
Macara, W ingbsm. 1711.
1J Oot. 1612
lor. iAN, SURGEON. &e.. Graduate of Tor-
powte University. Llcentlate of the Royal Col -
loge' of Ph dotans. London. England. &q.. &e..
MM1l C. P. 9., Ontario. Office and resldenoe
Opposite Bsilej s Hotel. Hstullton street. God -
Legal Notices.
CocNTT or HtRON, t By virtue of a Writ of
To WIT: 1 Fieri Facies, issued out
of Hee Maheet 's Court of Queen's Bench, and
to me directed against the Lands and Tene-
ments of EDWARD MARLTON. at the suit of
FRANCIS SMEET' H. i have seized and takes
in Execution, all the right, title and interest,
and Equity of Redemption of the above named
defendant in and to the following property. -
Situate, lying and being In the Town of Gode-
odo-rich. in the County of Heron. known as the
Summer Hotel property, particularly described
ss follows: l'ommeneiug at a point on the
North limit of West street. said point being
doe west one hundred and fifteen and one half
feet ill.i4t from the South Fist angle of Lot
number five 151 in Goderich office reserve,
thenoe Easterly along the Northern limit of
West street one hundred and fifteen and one
half feet 11154) to the South Fast angle of the
said Lot number five 151. thence due North two
121 chains, more or less. to the North FSsetangle
of that Lot, thence due East twentynine and
a half links, (2141 more or less, to the uth West
angle of Lot twenty one 1411 In the Goderich
office reserve thence due North along the
West limit of tots twenty one 121), twenty 201,
nineteen (191, and eighteen (181, in the Goder-
ich office reserve two 141 chains, more or lees,
to the Southerly angle of lot thirteen (131. (lod-
ericb office reserve thenoe North thirty two
1341 degrees, West five 151 chains, seventy five
175) links, more or lees, to a point one hundred
and three 111x1) feet from the centre line of the
track of the Grand Trunk Railway, where a
poet has been planted the said distance of one
hundred and three (1031 feet. being measures
at right angles to the said centro line. thence
South sixty one (61) degrees, West to a point
four hundred and seventy two (4721 feet, East-
erly from the North Westerly limit of Goderich
ofaoe reserve to the easterly boundary of the
land con rayed by the (roderich Summer Hotel
Company to the corposatlon of the Town of
Goderich as aforesaid Thence south easterly
along the said easterly boundary of the town
propertyand parallel to the westerly bound-
ary of te Widder property one hundred and
seventy six (1761 feet more or less to the centre
of • locust tree on the top of the bank.
Thence south forty one and • half )41) degrees
wast. still along the easterly limit of the said
town property. one hundred and thirty six
1130) feet. Thenen south thirty seven (37) de-
grees, east still along the said easa'rly limit
of the said town property, two hundred and
sixtyP(1601 feet to the plate of beginningg.comrisig the
;limbered rod from Ave totwelrty shove ie'In uslve, of the
Unclench office reserve and;'ortlons of blocks
A and B. Which Lands and Tenements f
shall offer for sale. at fry office In the Court
House, to the Town of Goderich, on Thutwday
the twentieth day of April next, at the hour of
It of the cloak, noon.
Sheriff of Huron.
Sheriff's Office, Ooderlch.
January 19th, 1169. 18/2.
OWN, Coroner, &e. Oteoe and residutlee
nn Brace SWed, ss000d doer west of Violent'
tweet. 1761.
. Dian, Surgeon and Aceoucher, Graduate
of Toronto University. °Sloe opposite Caesar
ma t Oatnemet's Bank. Lucknow. 1f sot to
otos, requite at the Bank. 17wy.
"A chlel's anane ye. takln' notes,
An' faith he'll prent It."
"When the spring time comes, gentle
Annie. we will wend our way to Sallow's pho-
tograph gallery and secure each the other's
shadow, ere the substance fades. Not that we
expect to depart hence right away, but we're
bound to fill the album of the best we can
March came in like a lamb, or more
Mrs. William Rhynes is visiting at
Mr. Archie McKay is registered at
Dr. Taylor has returned from his
Manitoba trip.
bl.r. and Mrs. Welsh have returned
froth their wedding tour.
Consul Hibhard returned from Chi -
caw) on Wednesday evening.
Mr. James Graham, of Sheppardton,
artist and tourist, is house again.
Mr. Hsyhurst, of Palmerston, was the
guest of his father-in-law, Mr. S. Platt,
last week.
The Cadets of Temperance will hold a
social and literary entertainment in the
Temperance Hall to -night.
Mr. Geo. J. Ament, of Ypsilanti, and
bis father, Mr. J. G. Ament, of Seaforth,
was in town on Wednesday.
Mr. J. R. Miller, P. S. I., was elec-
ted Grand Master of A. O. U. W., at
the recent annual meeting in Hamilton.
We regret to loam that Mrs. Charles
Girvin, jun., of the Nil(, has been very
ill for some time from severe nervous
The Mitchell &corder has been en-
.arged and otherwise improved. The
Reorder is a well -edited, staunch Re-
form journal.
ELgcrse.-Mr. W. H. Murney, of
Goderich, has been elected Deputy
Grand Master of the Royal Black
Knights of Ireland.
Mr. Wm. McLean has opened a but-
cher shop on Hamilton Street, ani has
placed it under the management of
Messrs. Cox do Andrews.
Ven. Archdeacon Elwood left yester-
day for London, where he is attending
the quarterly meeting of the standing
committee of the Synod.
Robt. MoCreaght was sent up by C.
Tait Scott, of Wingham, on a charge of
lunacy and will be brought before Judge
Squier on the 4th March.
Harry Johnston, a little grandson of
Mr. T. B. Venevery, who has been ill
for some time from congestion of the
brain, is programing favorably.
Among the arrival& at the St. James
Hotel, published in the Winnipeg :htn
on Mondey Feb. 20th, we observed the
name of Mr. Geo. Major, Goderich.
Mr. S. Platt left for Ottawa yester- and Maywood were appnmted & com-
mittee of management.
l Physdclarts. Sargeoas, Arooecbers, &c.
(Mr's .t Dr. misnames residence, near the
Jay, 0odsrtch. G. C. SHANNON, J. C. Hamm -
to Dr. %nean)Graduate f Ontario rVe-
terinary ('011eRt'.
N Newpte Street. Mor doors east of Colborne
Intal ]t. IL -Hermes examined es to 71used
• RSR and Hair-dreewr, boas to return
thanks t the petal, Inc pest petmnag.. and
, ,wlrsttts ■ r.nn iw,anee of custom Ra can
the Poet())rle. t7ed..tosns 9having 1'sr:nr1751
Mr. James Huston, formerly manager
of R. B. Smith A Co's estate here, and
more recently in the dry goods business
in Stratford, will remove his stock to
Winnipeg shortly. Mrs. Huston is now
visiting relatives in Guderich.
In a letter to a friend in Saltford, a
brother of the eminent missionary says
that Rev. Dr. McKay arrived safely in
Formosa, and was feeling well. We
have also heard that when he reached
his adopted home he found his colleague,
Rev. Mr. Junior, prostrated by a fever.
Mrs. John Smith and her daughter,
Miss Hattie, left town on the 20th inst.,
and intend settling in Dakota, as Mr.
Smith . ngineer, is in the Northern Pa-
cific R. R employ„eut there. Mia
Hattie was a veneral favorite, and took
an active part in the Sabbath School en-
New Smog STOR&. --Messrs. Downing
d VW'eddup, the former a member of the
late firm of E. & .f. Downing, have en-
tered into partnership as boot and shoe
makers, and have secured a stand on
the square, in the premises formerly oc-
cupied by Horace Newton. They will
open out immediately.
We are pleated to learn that Rev. R. GODIRIOH DISTRICT.
Hicks has withdrawn his resignation as
curate of St. George's church. He luta nuaday sekeet and Local Preachers' and
been offered and has excepted the pos-
Clams Leaden Attestation.
ition of assistant rector of this parish.
The choice of the congregation of St. Our Methodist friends are to be cu[t-
Georgi s church is a good one. gay Schoolulatod on the success of their Sun
Pu n agate s CANADA. -Mr. T. H. day of convention. Although held
Dodds is at rat in town delivering un one Aide of the District, it was well
Press g attended by delegates and others inter -
the first two numbers of "Picturesque sated in the religious instruction of the
Canada." The work conies fully up to young. Brussels was the place of meet
our expectations. The engravings are mg, and the friends there maintained
capitally done-someof then being wnrkemtheir well known character for hospit
of art in thaselres-and the latter erect ality. The services commenced on
is clear and distinct. The work is one
that reflects the highest credit upon the 2d ult., under the direction of the
the conceives, the artists, the engrav-
ers, Rev.Mr. Birks, of Blyth, in the absence
and printers. Pnnoipal Grant of Dr. Williams. After devotional exer-
cises, the Rev. Mr. McDonaghre-
guarantee of success in that department. anted the first subject, "Church Mem-
PARLOR CONCIBT. -The second par- bership of Children," which was so well
for concert under the auspices of the received that by a unanimous vote of
ladies of Knox Churoh was held at the the convention he was requested to pub -
residence of Mrs. Hays, on the evening lish it in permanent form. The Rev. A.
of Tuesday last. Although the weather Andrews, Kincardine, presented "Thu
was extremely present. •Thef, a large au- clairus of the S. S. on the Church for
then a was The following pro- teachers."
gramme was gone through with in good rt•R.rOAV MORNING.style: Instrumental solo, Mies Carey; After opening services Rev. Mr.
Mr. Dean Swift, an old and well solo, Mia Clan Mellish; reading, Mia Harris, of Teeewater, discussed the ques-
known residence of Huron, has purchas-
Oliver; duel, Misses Trainer; reading, tion of "Sunday School helps, their. use
ed the grocery business recently carried Mr. Strang; song, Mr. Rothwell; duet and abuse' in a very common sense way.
on by Mr. A. Phillips on Victoria Miss B. Trainer, and Mia Maud Start; The Rev, Mr. Caswell, Dungannon,
street. He boys for cash, and says he reading, Miss Bond; duet; Misses Per- opened the subject of "The spirit in
will sell very cheap for cash. He ex- �tson, and Meldrum; recitation, Miss which S. S. work should be pursued", in
pects to work up a good town trade, m• `gtttiller; song, Miss B. Trainer; very good spirit and taste, which was fol -
and dos good business with his friends National Anthem, company. The next lowed by a normal class exercise cunduc-
from the North. concert will be held at the residence of ted by Rev. A. Andrews. In the afternoon
A row 'occurred between a party of Mrs.Cozzens, on Tuesday evening, 13th Rev. Mr. Rice, of the Nile, discussed the
gamblers on board a G. T. R. train at int. question of temperance work in the S. S.
Stratford, during which one of the Mr. Andreweopenedacon vetaation orates
blacklegs was wounded by a ball from literary Notices. practical use of the catechisms in the S.
revolver. The bullet lodged near the BLA.'KwooD5 EDINBURGH MAGAZD1E S., and Dr. Williams•dwelt on"The im-
spine, and the wound war a most San- for February. republished by the Let- portance of normal classes." A child-
gerous one. Dr. Taylor, of Goderich, hard Scott Publishing Co., 41 Barclay ren'5 meeting was held at 4 o'clock, and
who was returningfrom Manitoba, as veryappropriate addressee were de-
sisted in _ St. N. Y. bears so cl" a resemblance
the gambler were gathe ball. arrested. There of to the original that but for the imprint livered
iver n,wr thand Mr. Andrews.. J. T. mitSony.
it is difficult to distinguish the two. In. thirty questions were found in the
Gee. S. Gould, of Walkerton, at oro- the number we have the second letter 1
sent medical student in Ann Arbor Gni- on Juliet by Lady Helena Martin, in drawer, some pertinent, others not so,
vanity, Mich., being blood -poisoned which she explains her conception of wine practical, some theological. All
whilst dissecting a subject in the dissec- the character, following its development were replied to by Dr. Williams, and
tingroom of the University, had been closely through the entire play. In well received by the audience, especially
given up for death. Mrs. Goold, his "The Fixed Period" one is tempted to those referring to the impropriety of
mother, was on the point of leaving think the President of Britannuls a Sunday school teachers andofficers, fre-
home to attend upon hint, when a tele- trifle prosy, but nothing of that sort •p- gquesoresolutionexpressive
and dancing
of the great Ions
ties. A
grain from the professor arrived saying plies to the new story "Pentock," which outipress t
that he was now out of danger. Two carries us right into the sea breezes. the Methodist church and the country
other students, who were at the same The review of Bishop Thirleall's letters at large has sustained in the lamented
time poisoned, have since died. Young is full of quotations and anecdotes, and death of Dr. Ryerson, was moved by the
Gould is a cousin "f Mr. Geo. Cox, of in "Romance in Business," a chat about Rev. J. Barris, and seconded by the
THE SI(i\AI.. the Rothschild., • ulators ands u- Rev. A. Adrew& Returns were pre -
Foe. MoorroeA. -A number of per- lotions, shows us speculators
romantic side of wanted from 40 schools, with 637 oaken,
sons met at the store of R. W. Macken- blur lives. "Electric Progreso" is not and teachers, and 4,140 scholars, ass
zie yesterday. After getting offers from an essay for scientists, but plain talk to longing to the district. Mr. C. Steven
T. Ford, and Harry Armstrong for ordinary people stout what electricity son, of Clinton, was appointed se:., and
the G. T. R.; H. Johnston, G. W. R. ; ' has done and may do: and in conclusion Mr. E. F. Miore, of47e erioh, treasurer.
C. J. O'Connor, C & N. W.; Geo. Dew, ' Maga" explain to its own -satisfaction The c>nvestion was both interesting and
N. P. •R. R.; decided to accept the offers that "Ireland is ruined," and warts profitable, and encouraging to those
of the G. T. R. and C. & N. W. About England to set aside her present minis- engaged in Sunday school work. The
fifty will leave from Goderich; the tr.un ten ere she meets with a similar fate.
lineal preachers
nc and dna leaden con eno ing
will start from here at 5 •.m. on Wed- hon commenced on Tuesday evening.
neada •, March 15th. Messrs Geo. A large and interested audience con-
Achesen, R W. McKenzie, J. Sharpe
y CANADIAN NEWS at the services at 7.30.
The chairmsnofthedistrict,the Rev. Dr.
Mr. H. H. Conk, M. Y. P., has beenWilliams, ccupied the pulpit, and from
nominated by the Reformers of North Heb. i. I, o'L, 3, distx>ureed on the sub-
Simcoe as their canuidate for the ap- jrt of "The Bible, from whence is it" i
proaching Dominion election, and has on interesting fellowship meeting fol -
accepted the nomination. I lowed.
dap, He will be socompanied by sever-
al other salt manufacturers, and will CHI•RUH A!tNIVER.vARY.--The Anni-
aak for a further protection on alt. vereary services of the North et. Metho-
Silver Cream, for polishing silver and dist church will be held next Sunday
and Monde
plated ware, and metals generally, is y eveninThe Rev. VOL
claimed as the best thing in its line, and Poole, a former pastor of the church and
°ontainsnothinv injurious. Imrie sells at present servityq • w church in Detroit,
it. will preach on Sunday morning and
evening. He has a wide reputation for
A lecture was delivered in the M. E. his earnest and efficient pulpit ministra-
Church on Ttiursday evening, of last tions. His old friends and others will
week, by F. G. Widdows, on "Ancient bottled to hear him. The anniversary
and Modern Miracles." There was a tea meeting will be held .•n Monday
fair audience. - evening, Dr.. Poole and others will give
Mr. R. Radcliffe will be present tit the addressee. A good time is expected.
dedication of the Masonic Temple at The prettiest little magazine we have
London on the 7th inst. He will then ever seen is "Our Little Ones and the
visit Toronto, Ottawa and other points Nursery" by the Russell Publishing
before returning home, Company 140 Tremont Street Boston.
This week the big poplar tree, on the It is nted in large, I>eautihtl type on
premises of Mr. Straubel, Hamilton romgnifipricent paper, and every article
street, was felled. It was tomer 70 feet profusely illustrated with appropriatl
in length, and fully 4 feet in diameter, cuts. The matter is about as easy as
and was one of the landmarks of the that in the Part 11 sof the First Hook
town. and in the Second Book of the author -
The seventh annual spring show un- iced Ontario series, and well cticulated
der the auspices of the West Riding of both to interest and improve the little
Huron Agricultural Society will be held ones. It only cost& $1.50 per annum
on the Fair grounds, Goderich, on Fri- and $1.00 will pay for it for eight
day, April 14th. For full particulars months. Any one who oan afford to
sec bills. treat his children to -it could not fail to
The Emerso.• international says: Mr. pleased with the moult.
J. W. Smaill, is, we are sorry to hear, HYMIN.AL. ---On Wednesday last Mr.
laid up with intiammatory rhenmatism. Walter F. Sharman, sen of Mr. Wm.
The attack is a severe one, but Mr. Sharman, and Miss Mary Reid, daugh-
Smaill's many friend. hope for hie of Mr. Jamieson Reid, all of this town
apuedy recovery. were joined together in the holy bonds
On Monday evening the scholars of of matrimony. The ceremony. took
the' Sunday School clans taught by Miss place at the residence of the bride's
Lizzie Ferguson met at the house of father, and was attended by the relatives
their teacher, and presented her with a and friends of the bride and groom. A
photograph of the clam, accompanied by hoe f is were made to the
a suitable address.
.T C 7 TTRR1 tfedm R PROOF'i.S'$ MTC -
• (,tflnw t'rahh's Block, kl.Raws et, Sled*
-,.-h Plane and srn(■1.eef.lOeattnna drawn "morel,
.'ar'penter'• ts twer,.• nA mouton'. ornet
,rn ,.5' v., .+. d -at
^ ^
nonce that a fleet elrretar referred only
t W..1. Cage & Compeei s NOW sUI0g1 of
Readers. but not to the authorised Residers.
editions of which by that nem met ether pub-
lishers can be IawfMUy used In Orr ,etts,ls.
it Is nenrwary also t state test flak eD-es fir
did not apply to any s•elliorised text Aosta
publish by each firts, all of woes eas bo
lawfully nrri h whonl eorpr'ratlmr •.d
teachers. The .1v.rtl,ernenta and Nrt-elSe
of the Canada Pehllshi•e Company, as to
their proposed s.ris of Reader newt set he
nndersttxwl hy the psblle se 1. say wiry wee
resting their anthorisatoa. whlel ash nsiy
lw g.an,ed In say new by the Edecatlem Da+
psr(ment, after .. a .stderwtIos.
Illrtteii ADAM (-ROOKS. -•
The Clerk of the Peace has received a
awnmission from the Provincial Secre-
use atory for Ontario, appointing W. urehts, glassware. � lar M "(elhw iteid sett bed fare in'riday Ottawa, wasnnideri,to rad moo%)
I hazv, frost Cewwna lunar.
Unah join, w c 0.. and eAlin . McMnd,f rc to,'
room tnwta and _-- trhowt Miaow Lite the victims wore twe M. P.'s .on fr"m m,lea wild travelled in `l4 hours :A).
n!r'a>c 2Kth V►ind at 10 m tt Itdltt elan
If there is one thing more than wl NIADAY WESTIN4N.
another for which Sir Tilley deserves At !► o'clock on Wednesday morning,
credit, it is his heroic resolve to admit after devotional serviceb, the subject Of
dogs duty free in Canada. What we "a course of study fur local preachers"
have been suffering for year poet has introduced by Rev. Jas. Harris, and
been a lack of dogs. There are none in Mr. S. Fear, was well discussed; as was
the cities - none its the country. Peo- ++�w the subject of "classes for the young
ple going home at night in the cities dhd how to conduct them" by the Revd..
feel lonesome for the leek of a cur run- Andrew* and A. E. Smith. In the
ning out and snapping at their hosts, the 'Omelet( of leaving class"
while in the country the sheep are shed- "preparationfor meeting class,' "exhort-
afternoontling tears because there are no dogs to era in the Methodist church" were sub -
worry thee�s We don't know of any jects of interesting and prutitable con -
withwhy we could not he supplied ',emotion. in which the Revd'. H. E.
with doge of home manufacture, but as Hill, C. Harris, ant W. H. Kerr, took
it seems we cannot, a grateful country s prominent part. The services were
will rise and blew Sir Tilley for his sic-
e- closed.in the evening by s sermon by
tion in allowing us to import them duty Mr. Mmniug of Chinni".
free.- [Advertiser. A delightful spirit pervaded the conven-
The eget division of the motion at Qt- tion from the commencement 'to the
taws was on the hill for the relief of close, the subjects brought before the
widower who are yearning to mar- several meetings were practical, timely,
ry their deceased wives sisters. The and useful, and cannot but tend to the
vote was 137 to 34 in favour of the hill, profit and est*.hlishment of those who.
which has gained a number of votes were present, '
since last section. The chief organ of f
the party seems to think that the Senate Ifeta.r.t.atMt aspen.
will throw the Lill oak The fbnate
threw the bill out last session on the the weather for the week
ground that public opinion had not had - 28th, It4A2.
time to formulate itself. No such ex • ind at 10 `'. m. A. W. ,
•, frost. No. of mile.
4 hours 968. 2 inches
e past 24 Norris.
t• m. N.. 1 ht,
• wind travelled
,'rnee daring
Feb Mrd
cure will suffice thi. time, as public brisk gel.! el
opinion has been unmistakeably in fav- wind travelled
our of the bill. Th. change is not a of snow fell don
radical one. The offset of it is simply 23rd --Wind- at
tolegalize what hos always been the dear, frost. No, of
practice, and if the `senate throws the in 2>4 hour 387. S
numher t' presents
hill (out it will make a great mistake. the [day.
happy couple, among which were the , The House of Commons is a far better 24th Wind at 10
following: Set o1 Olin, and large pica interpreter of publics opinion thaw the deer, frost. N. m
tore Mr. arri Mis Jamieson Reid; set Senate {Ex. in '24 hours 225
Xst. lair
t rsolled
No. of
coasty of Huron
Rsroar hi girt N.i. ---A mooting of Ito,
formerswill he held in the rooms on
Monday evening next, for theof
eleesingielegates to the Castro Harnn A Raid; wall jjy'ckat•and kali • AmenCnnventinn. A full attendance of Lib ' fruit dues, ,lies Mary Recd. set giams-
sic and Mary rotten. parlor lamp. an tinter'. constituency, and otneo from1 p lnawt No. of24 trueswind
Ara Wm. ('ani bell, frust dish and cake oils of the ns. ost easterly contertonnem * ' y
travelled in 410.
27th -Wind at 10 p m. E.. fruit,
hazy. Thawing. Corona lunar. N...
of miles wind travelled in 24 hour 3.10.
?.74th Wind at 10 p. m. S., moderator
gale, cloudy. No. miles wised travelktl
in 24 hours 400. 2 cubic inches of ram
fell •luring the da and evening.
(1. N MtonMf*LD Observes.
Golerich, March 1st, 1Afil2
basket, Mr (:en. Sharman, Clinton, set i in the lower provinces. They wore
glassware, Met Adam Thompson, lark- ilii both arre.tal and together with tele fair
now, closewt dish and bread plate, Mtesl na were taken to the iolice station.
When they arrived then, however, the
twe legtslat. rs were for some rearm re-
leased and they family imagined that
their little adventure wrw.A never he -
tome public, but the funniest part of
the .tory remains to he told The holy
who kept the b ins. was not so Incky as
hot oustomen, and was the nett molt-
ing fined $20 and costs She had not
set. Mies San Sharman; glom water- the necessary cash with her, hut put en
pitcher and half a doswn of gloom, Mrs. as security a gold watoh and chain. At -
John Raid; glum water ppiteher and halt Cached t.. the chain was a handsome
drawee goblets. Mn. Ittioard Sharman: locket with the eastern M. P.'s mono -
set silver spoons, David Reid: silver gram on the outside sod hie phot.griph
hntterknife. the groom-, hrnther retitle
seals is requested. ware Mrs. Wm. Sharman, );I
A hig hl*ek dog,umpad through one lamp, Miss Bella Reid: fruit
Toronto. 7th Fstwfsry. tar of the glass pane.nk
s in the door of Dike bet, Mrs. David Reid; sat
-_ Weiah's jewelry establishment on Them - i ware, Mn. Witt Sharman. rjun4t);
SUDS 1 RELIABLE SEBOB 1 la . totting. it will take snvwral 'lel ' torso majolica pitchers, Mire i4tbi
Lan replace the "•mash 6'e the glees RhuTnan; gold 1.'004 and chain, tits
was heavy and valuable. 1 groom: set TWO, Mrs Mole:: telist
Our 11rw•elpptt1Ive Prirwl ('ataleree heeett-
telly mestested °Detaining all necevary
snemat. ow tyv 'sasore�stel , elt.vatM. cif
Ve eubkrs, newtr►►nra,, YI.M Roots, Potatoes
err . Ie new puhll.hed. and will to stated free
te eas aoMtwaaK
+sed fiev.wee Nae.+hon case.te.
i a1i
The Rioter Rojiotiw says The ler
tare on Monday evening hy the Rsty
Dr. Williams, of the North Street Meth
edist. Chmsh of GnAerieh,- was intwrwet-
in4l and instructive, and sliaited nnmer
one nnihm+ts ..f spplanse
The Supplementary Eat [motet for
1A141-42, 1.11 •m the table of the Hors
of Commons on l4iday Firing rap the ex
penditur•e t,. i27- ll,n:Ml. an increase.
sinew the present Ilnverntnwnt name in
to power of $4. et co et or II. 102,052
per annum
".e a,,. .a -r• ..x-. M.. ••••••••••.=