HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-24, Page 8DOORS SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Intoner Finish. STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTERS A ty. Send for Price Lista SHINGLES, LATH ak LUMBER Estimates o applies tion. Address FRANCIS SME H, Goderich. =lagetaties. 1MrKOvsD STalc. ---Mr. Joseph Griffin, Deputy Reeve of Ashfield, recentlyur- chased from Mr. John Miller, 4 l er- ing a fine two-year oil short horn bull, "Refiner." He also purchased • high grade cow from Mr. Anderson, of Mark- ham. Mr. Griffin's efforts to improve the stork 4 the township deserve sue - cess. 8nllstt. SINGULAR. -During the past winter a blackbird has taken up its abode on the farm of Mr. C. McIntosh, 6th con., eat- ing with the chickens, and appearing quite at home. It is usual for these birds to go south before the winter seta in, but this one appears to have become acclimatized. FARM SOLD. -Mr. John Correll has sold his farm on the baseline, containing 255 acres, about 6 miles from Clinton, to Mr. W. Ball, of the smile line, fur the sum of $13,000. The property is a good one, and worth the money. • He oonld have sold five minutes after the sale was completed, to a party from Markham. Zarla tow. On Sunday night last some evil dis- posed person distributed poisoned meat to a number of dogs in the village, and as a consequence four animals, including a large mastiff belonging to Mr. D. E. Cameron, were found dead on Monday morning. on .' r , :.at as John _Moffat, Geo. A. Siddall and John Mor- rison of Lucknow, and J. Craig, Alex. McDonald and Andrew Young, of Rip- ley, were driving to Goderich in Miller & Whitely's three seated carriage, and when just beyond Dungannon the for- ward axle suddenly broke cawing the rig to collapse and throwing out several of the occupants. The tongue fortunate- ly became detached and the horses ran furiously for about a mile and a half when they were stopped by a person who happened to be on the road. Messrs. Moffat and Young were iujured in the leg somewhat seriously, the others es- caped unhurt. -[Sentinel. ILIUM HANDsO)ta PRu.•isN'rs.-On the even- ing of the 9th inst., a number of young .nen of Knox congregation, Ripley, called at the manse, and James McLeod on their behalf, with a short address, presented the Rev. Dir. Sutherland with a handsome pony, harness and cutter, as an expression of their good wishes and warm attachment. In gratefully ack- nowledging which, Mr. Sutherland said that during his ministry he had connec- tion with five cungre ations, and received tukens 4 good will from each of them, but the kindness of this congregation ex- ceede 1 thrru all from the first day until now, an.! whale all these were valuable and encuu, tgin. , still more so is the en- tire harmony that reigns throughout the congregation a. a hopeful evidence that the Lord is blessing the means of grace am..ng there, and his anti has ever been to be helpful 1•. them to the attainment of the itighcr I, Mings" the life to coot,, where he that souet h and he that ruapeth sh tl1 rejoice' together. - !Re- porter. Air. AVlot. Glasgow, of the well-known tine of raasgow & McPherson, of C'lin- ,ton and Fingal, died at the !atter place ton Snnday, aged 6,4 years. FAae Sofa.. --The farm belonging t" Mr. Samuel T. Holmes rot the Huron road near Clinton, was sold on Monday to Mr. Kapple Disney, of rloderich township, for a guod figure. The for- mer proposes leaving, for lkakota about the first 4 April, wit • a car load of hor- ses. Mr. Israel (:onion, 10 Chcsterville, Ohio, wan last week on a visit to Mr. .1. Biggins, of th., bunion Road. While here lespurchased a three-year old stal- lion of Mr..lames L.,gan, Blyth, known as "Joe, the Honker," te.gother with a splendid brood marc, broth of which he intends to keep for hie own use. He is a somewhat extensive farmer, having 500 acres under cultivation, and his stone 500 more adjoining. His property is imme- diately next that of Mr Biggins' son. Rev. Wesley Leech, formerly a Meth- odist Minister 4 this place, and more recently in the Northwest, was visiting friends here last week. Hegiv.m a most glowing description 4 that country, par- ticularly that part west 4 Brandon, and believes that a very short time will suf- fice to see it become the finest part of the Dominion. FARwe Sot.ri. A few .lays since, Mr. John Boles, of this place, sold his farm of 100 acres, in l.•mhtnn, neer Forest village, for the arm of 11,300, which he considers a fair price f.- I.,'uI in '1.•t In- enlity. Ah•.,.' . • ..•. •i 'i.. eien. Peac..t•k. • ,,.,e •.i' ret 1Ingot'', tnme- atea'l. 11C:` at .. :' o • r, in';v• t(:ryatal (f. ,, f.Lwito'n1 , ✓. 1 ere! '. up'r•d anoth- er 169 a r. . A le. .i: +rex• be anld his .: , ,a for *onset.. of .r $6,000, team rec. . t;.•• vr. y '.tnd rise in the vain ' .. • er . :'.,,,e. et ., ' l ief n.th. (who has • . t'► n .' vtsb't• repw- t.a(i(. r to, r'i ; a Lea Do It one to 1. • 0 t u .. • h, I.e « • .",'r. hes .t OD -h • .• .t, It is t he left horns •sero; r rn•••'r: Sa.. a. :, to r^tis" be. Ile "►satin" a ,.ii h••r of THE 1 r. FAWoas.-Mr. ST s. Sperling, who is in the employ of Grey, Young & Sper- ling, salt manufacturers cut into heading on the llth., no lees than 61 curds of belts in the short space of 2 hrs. and 18 minutes, using a horizontal saw. Next. It affords us much pleasure in welcom- ing to mercantile circles, aehtleman well known in this village as alive bus. ne.. man.) We refer to Mr. C. Hamil- ton who has, we are given wyynnderatand. purchased the hardware busitess which has been carried on here by Mr. Clegg for the past few years, Mr.IIClegg takes his departure fur Manitoba an the first of Mardi, when Mr. Hamilton takes possession of the store. The Review wishes Mr. Hamilton abundant success in his new line of business. -(Review. Dangsaaaa. PIIIINTATION.-A large number of our residents aasembled at the dwelling of Mr. Warmer, Cranford, on the even- ing of Saturday last, to witness a pre- sentation to that gentleman of three handsome volumes of Clarke's Commen- tary, prior to his departure for Dakota, where, we understand, he has secured a good position. The gift wu presented by Muses Martha Pentland and Amelia West and the address was read by Mr. Gordon Anderson. Mr. Warmer made a very suitable reply, thanking them for the handsome gift and address, and that they would at all times remind him of the many warm and generous friends he leaves behind him, and stated that Dun- gannon would always hive a warm cor- ner in his heart. Mr. Warmer has in our village a host of friends, whq all re- gretdeeply his departure from our midst, and who will miss greatly his genial smile and hearty voice, and who' all join in hoping he and his family may have a safe journey and a profitable and happy residence in the far west. The address was as follows: BELOVED Beanies,- ies,- We, a number of your admiring and attached friends, have met here to -night to present to you a tangible expression of the high esti- mation in which you sore held by the church with which for a few years past you have been connected. Your steady adherence to the great principles of the gospel -your consistent deportment as a Christian and an official member of oar church -your diligent and faithful dis- charge of the duties incumbent upon you, and your ever liberal support of the cause of God, have given you a strong hold upon our confidence and warm affection. We shall miss your testimony to the reality and power of experimental religion, and the pleasure of social in- teroourse with you and yours. Your work of faith, and labor of love have not been overlooked, or unappreciated by your fellow members, and as a small testimony to this fact, we present you with these beautiful volumes, We trust they will be helpful to you in your daily life, staking dear, as they do, the groat teachings of the word of life, and that they will be helpful to you in the service of the church of your choice and affection. We can enure you that we acoompany them with our best wishes, and meet fervent prayers for your pros- perity, usefulness, and happiness. May tbe"God of all grace take you and your estimable partner and family under the shadow of ps His wings, guide you by His counsel and afterwards receive you to glory. (AWN .-Ito AL. FRIDAY, FEB. G4. is81. The,Manituhs feve. i.t .aziuv vicinity. Mr. Valentino l n.iirei am off viaiteer f.ie.uda 11,17 A. Ppai'Uast1. Mr. has puieheatd the •' i;u•' (:odiirich '1i, ENTIKTAINNKNT. .% le enht ,tree Will be held it. the Tutu.erauce 11x11, Friday, :Lel Much, under tl.•, . 4 the bona .,1 Tenrperaneu Moa -It. Ju. Mitchell, 'Star, and That. .lo ...1. 1 cuddy, 4 Gode.ieh are tap.a f e l to le present and dulivet . 'dresses. Reath t4 . i will also be givou. Vocal a d instru- mental music will enliven the prose ) l ings. A silver collection will be tak •11 up to defray come 4 Alwuses on the hall. Qodal& Township. Cousclt MaITING.-llolmesville,Feb. 20th, 1882, Council met to -day pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by J. Cox, seconded by J. White- ly, that the funeral expenses of the late John Gordon, amounting to $14 be paid, and his effects sold by 'iVin. Sterling to refund said expenses, as deceased has no friends in this country- -Carried. .Mlov'ed by J. Cox, seconded by Jus. ‘Whitely, that the i.etition of J. Elliott and twenty others asking for the,open-I ing of aide road between lots 35 and 35, ` 1st con., leading to the lake be granted; t and that Mr. Wetherald be employed to 1 survey same, together with side road t next to Coderich, let con., and that all parties interested be notified to remove tivit fences to the proper place -Car- I rietl. Moved by J. Cox, seconded by .1. Whitely, that Hall Rutledge be ap- f pointed pathmaster, in room of D. Nle- I NeiIly, R. Y. Cox in room of Win. Tich'-' bourne, and Win. Cook in room of .101111! Horton for present year --Carried. Mr. J. Cox reported having viewed Mr. Gardners' (Bayfield) gravel pit, considers that no gravel has been t•'.en out be- yond the bounds of road :tflowance. Printing tenders were opened. Moved by J. Laithwait, seconded by J. Peactick, that the tender of the Goderich Star be accepted, it being the lowest - Carried. Auditors' report be passed and the clerk get 100 copies printed for distribu- tion -Carried. Moved by J. Leith wit it, seconded by .1. Peacock, that W. Hick ne refunded Sl dog tax, he having no dog --Carried. Moved by J. Cox, seconded by J. Whitely, that H. Cook be granted $25, his leg having been broken and he unable to work for the last eight months --Carried. The fol- lowing accounts were paid, vi7: J. Cox, repairing culvert, lit con., $2; Thos. Diohbourne, gravel, $3.20; Wm. Wise, gravel, $3.20; R. Bray, indigent, $10; Hioon Record, printing, $1; umball & Leslie, repairing scraper, $2.2.5; Robt. Miller, onderdrain, base line, B. L. M., $4; treasurer's postal :.id etatinnery, $4: G. Connell, culvert, 9th con. $8; Mr. i'asmero P. L. S., repo' : 4 late 5-irt'ey, 4t:1 con., was read. 'Ir. Naf- tel was present and hoard on the mama mubieet. No definite action taken by Council, the matter laid over to next sitting. The Council adjourned to faest' again second Monday in March. JAIL. PATTON Cierk. President Taylor, 4 the 3fermon church, r.esntly married his twenty eighth wife, a bosom Massachusetts widow. Four day, after the wedding she raised a terrible rumpus in the pre- p a • •'IC.I, v"'..,d•:m'e'al, '•e t.r Pahntal mansion and clubbed three or two p . • ie lewrel'wt, et 'i ...bed four associate wives with a broomstick. hies -, 1, .. - t. . itit Her husband interfered and got a taste will be mM.ut• cell of her temper himself. She has proved rid of arch et .ora. •old to be uosnuep(ible to diecipliee, and be !'eget m. t .'i if . '1 be rade to President Taylor has ment her to San, ustl1s w1• la f ( Now Kra Praneiee o J►S1iBt Mr. Culla has hada pier built in the Maitland river, at this place fur the pu •i pose of fastening a boom to hold saw- iogs. The pier cost him about $140. Dyphtheria is prevalent in the village at present. Robt. McGee, John Stalker, James Clark and John Armstrong intend start ing to Manitoba about the first of March. Mn Camady intends building a new residence next summer. Mr. Luke Armstrong hu sold hs farm on the Lal con. of W. `Vawanosh to the McPhee brothers. Mr. Armstrong in- tends going to Manitoba. St. Harm The St. Helens Literary Society has changed the night of meeting from Fn - day to Tuesday evening of each week. Mr. James Weatherhead returned last Saturday from the Michigan lumber wMr. D. McDonald, from Guelph, is visiting the old folks at home. Mr. James Ford left last week to make his fortune in Manitoba, A Reform meeting was held in the Temperance Hell on Thursday last, for the purpose of organization. After routine business, Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, and Mr.L ockhart addressed the meeting. The chair was ably occupied by Mr. James Gaunt. Les Dun. Bsa4a ad Rr. Byrrtsaa. De Ryerson died un Sunday teaming, ,.i.e.. .. i.rutracted illness. Adolphus Kr rein .tyersou, D. D., LL. D., was •+. tot i. arluttetowu, Norfolk county, •: Awe* * 21th, 13 )3. He was the tau t'. :f. 1 •yatist, who nerved in ,t. iu,h :u ury is America during the e •..ti ua.try war. and after its slier o, ;rotted tint to New Brunswick and .t awards 111 tapper Crlsada. He re- :, 1 4 g..ol e.lucwtien, and after teach - to roe au ne years entered the ministry eo tae Weslu'-au Methodist Church in 1833, esti remained in the itinerancy t;lt 18.19, when he aided in founding, mei i fur ten nr twelve years edited, the •JuarJiaa, the organ of the Wesleyan 11othwlists of Canada. L► 1833 and 18.31 he was sent as a delegate to the Brash Wesleyan Conference, and in 1841 was appointed Principal of Victe- sw.t College, Coboutg. lu 1844 he was apisnuted Superintendent of Public tieh,.uls for Upper Canada, and the next year ,rade an extensive tour of observe - tion iu the United States and Europe on *he subject 0 Public School education. [u 1817 he published a full report of his torr and a plan for the orgenizetiou of a Public School system, whichwasadopt- ed, and which he has since that time zealously striven to perfect. He wrote largely, mostly on educitiond topics, and conducted many important contro- versies with those who assailed his eye - tem. He was placed un the superannu- ated lista on full pay when Hon. Adam Crooks became Minister of Education, and he had consequently his whole time at his disposal, which he employed pro- titably in getting out his book, "The History of the L'. E. Loyalists." In the early years 0 his ministry he was em- ployed like moat -Methodist ministers of his day, as a missionary, and did good sera ice among the Indians of the north- western portion of Upper Canada. Mr. James Strachan, engineer, of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting his parents and friends in this section. Dvinor BsarND.-A ewe belonging to Mr. E. Shaw- gave birth to a pair of lambs on the 9th inst. Our yeomen are generally ahead of their Dunlop cousins, Goderich butchers should mark this on their memories when they come north for their Baster lamb. UNKNOWN FaiaNDs. — Some persona recently left a pretty piece of carpet for the pulpit platform in the Preibytesian Church here. This is the second time a fine present has been anonymously left in this church. Who the donors are, is a matter but few know. The caretaker thinks that "sine fairies from Dunlop" are the responsible ones, and the knowing "Joe" chuckles quietly as the quid mance guess. ErrsaTAnllr1NT. - -The open meeting at the Temperance Hall on the evening of the 28th inst., should be well attend- ed. The programme will consist of vocal and instrumental music, readings and recitations by members of th I. (J. G. T. lodge; and a lecture by Mr. 'rhornas McGillicuddy, of Goderich, entitled ":Backbone." Doors open at 6.30; pr. gramme will begin at 7-30. .a silvr r collection will be taken up in ail of th Reuotou...-On bunday !art con: ,fuunic;t service was held in the Presby terian church here, and ^ ,nducted toy one cf the pastors, Rev. J. A. Turnbull B. A. The text was Is.•a::h, ch:tf•. 42, v.:. The i reacher printed , ut that Chris cane to cheer the broker:he:n•t •H i•i thei sorrow, and build up 1.i.t p.co :r Lgainat trials. having a sympathy for a:: at tb hour f their distress. Ho strongly urged the Toon, people present to seek B.al' ati.xi early. This is the ties; time Mr. Turnbull has dispensed the sacra stent here. Among the a.mmuuicante were several,f the young people of the net il. W i:3.'iTP._t 111u NS. 4. J. Criminal Court. Banking. TravNllig G.lde. — "----- terr rr GItANI)Tltl'NK. BeNK OF MONTREAL. t, PA PITA - • - Iikwo,ua., Goderich Branch. A:. Liir FO RI) - • - 2Iwau9rr Altuws interest on deposits. 1,I)rafte. Jailor of crallt and olretttar notes Wtted, able In an parts of the world. 1761. CANADIAN B. K OF COMMERCE Jnage Tums presiding. Queen v. J. E. Barns -This was a charge of embeaalement from the Singer Mfg. Co. - Prisoner pleaded guilty and waa•aentenced to 3 weeks in the com- mon gaol, at hard labor. Queen v. Reinder -Prisoner was brought up on the 15th for election on a charge of larceny, elected to be tried, pleaded guilty and was remanded to the 20th inst., for sentenced, he was then recommitted to gaol for 3 months with hard labor. A recruiting offioe fur the mounted police is to be opened in Toronto short- ly.It is expected that considerable difficulty will be experienced in. obtain- ing the necessary number of the proper kind of men. Justin McCarthy has embodied a scheme of Home Rule for Ireland based meow the Constitution of the Dominion, and according her the same rights as to legislative power as are possessed by On- tario and ether provinces. _ A horrible fatality occurred; at -Mon- treal on Saturday. A man named Cooney attempted to force o8 the man- hole plate of a boiler before the steam was exhausted, with the result that the escaping steam and water literati par- boiled him, froin'which he died shortly after. A man who rushed to his assist- ance was -severely scalded. Pass. saSip's. Mitid. Stiz'd GaJarluh.Lv 7.l3am 13.OSpm..i/5pm.. WOW? Ss•t t1i 7.58 ' L IU " . 4,43 " ..10.50 " Wrattord.Ar5.15am. tlbpm 8.l0pm 1.00" wrier. Pass. gap's. Mied. Mini d. ikratterJ.l.v 1.110ao .7.30pm 7.00am . t46pwt tlsafort. 1.17 " .5.55 " 5.13 " 5. Oode►teb.Ar tl3pm IL 11.r0uu 7. "MEAT W RN. Gap's. Nati. ICAO. Cltaton Nue north 5.31am L113pni. Sipe Nola. south w .11.02sat 7.15 " tiTAO1S 1.IN Lu4eow ltage Idallyl arr. 10.13ant . den spat BeetdBer ' 1 Wedneid*y end tBaat 7•ss giliiitireUll.rtaturdavl *re4rss s 800 nt 0.1 Yid up rimiest, - $6,000,(k1'e grist, - - 111,4'"),1 ",9. OIRCULAP TO President, - lino:: /VJIt, !leat.I.STLR (7eaeral Ala wager, • R' s, ...... d.w Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - • - MAw.osa, Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on • the principal Towns and Cities in ('wade Greet Britain and the United States. bough and sold. Advancesto Farmers on Notes. with one o mors endorsers. without mortgage. 1763 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS'. COUNTY or Hveoa, 1 Hy virtue of • Writ of To WIT : f Puri Facies, wetted out of Iter M,iwtysCourtof Chancery. sod tome dtrecud against the lands and Tenements of JOHN WINTER, IDefendant.t at rite suit of JANE W INTER, I Plaintiff,) I have seised aid taken in Execution, all the Right. Title. and Interest, and equity of Redemption, of the above named Defendant, in and to Lots num- ber 15 and lel Fowler's Survey, in the Village of Herpurhey, in the county of Huron. which Lands and Tcnemects I shall offer for Sale. at my adios, la the (hurt Homs, in the Town of Ooderiob, on FlttlrAY. THE 10th DAY OF FEBRUAR Y. A. 11.. :al:, at the hour of 12 of the clock. ROBE :T GIBBONS, Sheriff of Huron Sheriff's Office. Ooderk t:, November Rh. 1281. 1912 This sale is postponed until MONDAY. the 27th day of FEBRUARY, 122* same hour and place. ROBT. GIBBONS. Sheriff off Huron. Public School Iaapectora, Tr ares Al)N TEACHERS. It is algals ray duty W callyour attention M the provisions of the Public hool law with respect to the use of Teat Books. Public School inspectors are required tow that nu unauthorised books are used In the Public Schools. Trustees who permit such will lose their share of the Public school Gnat. sad Teachers substituting any such book for at. Authorised Test Book are liable to be con rlcted and fined for such offence. W. Ir Gage L ('o's. "New Series of headers toe use in Canadian Schook- M s's•sslsrlsed In IS. !revises of S.sa.M, end therefore subject b. the above provisions of the Law. Pligeed) ADAM CRCo)t& Toro•to. Jae. 5. Meister of Eduostlea. INSURANCE CARD. • BRITISH ASS. CO'T. Tosowro-I&Iablisbe 1833. PHOENIX IN8. CO -Y, of Loanoa (F•ngland)- Establlehed 1781. HARTFORD INS. , of HAevvoND, Cosa -Fotaed 18111. Risks taken In the above lest -class OAoes, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The ude ed is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER LOAN exit SAVINGS CO'Y Tosoaro. 7 too Stoney r Gra-Loanon Chherg odeesasecurity. te. y raw HORACE HORTON. Oodertcb Sept. 10. 1336. LOOK -HERE! You Can Get at Imrie's Book Store meteerilagscal Report. State of the weather for the week ending Feb. 21st, 1882 : Feb. 15th -Wind ind at 10 p. m. South, fresh. partly clear, frost. No. 4 miles wind travelled in 24 hours 600. 16th Wind at 10p. nil N. W., mode- • e sato gale, . unt (,frost. No. of miles • A LFoR 2 5 CENTS I wmd travclied itt 24 hours 470. Fog allday., .amount of rain 0,5 cubic inches. 17t:t --Wind at 10 p. m. N. E., fresh, ,;.fear, frost. Aurora borealis. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 629. ' 18th -1Vind at 10 p. m E., fresh, /ra : cloudy, frost. No. :.riles wind trot- Our r o1113 10 reqs} Package Contains, r veiled in 24 hours 441. U//tbrthrii iYiii t1t,Wp / iiY iYV Contains lath- -\Vnol at 10 p. ut., N. W., ,, moderate Title, cloudy, frost. No. of mules wind trowelled in 24 i:c.urs 438. A neeint of rainfall 0.;r cubic inches. 20th --Wind at 10 p. na N. E., fresh. Snowing since 7 p. in. No. ,of milesi wind travelled in 24 hours 405. t:'.st-Wind at 10 p. m. S. W., brisk gale. Snow flurries. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 967. Amount of rainfall 2.h cubic inches. Amount of snowfall 2 Inches. G. N. MACDONALD, Ob4erver. (hoderich, Feb. 22d, 1882. 1 Book of 200 pages, on Matrimony, 1 Copy Foxe'■ Book of Martyrs, oemplete, 12 Sheets Good Writing Paper, 12 Good Envelopes. 1 Lead Pencil, with 1 Piece Rubber„ 1 Penholder and Pen 6 Good Steel Pena 2 Slate Pencils, 1 Piece Blotting Paper 1 Pocket Memorandum Book, 1 Bottle Stephen's Ink, 1 Slate Cleaner. LI.le,r Uses..., ••epe.r: 4 the, Provincial Sec- retary for tl a year 1881. just issued, we sec thi.t :;4 hotel licenses were issued for East Hui, n, :o,.tinst 31; for the previous year, 4..t against 47 in the South, and 44 ♦gainat 4't in the West. The shop licenses granted were, hast Huron 1, $nuth and %tea, 7 e.reli. In 1875 the total hotels licensed in Huron, were 164, in 1880, 12:' The amount of the fines collected f,,r violation of the law during 1881 was, Gast. Huron, $61: South;$100; West, $18,;; in the case of the put two, it being les than one-half what was col- lected in the previous year. The num- ber of prisoners committed to jail in this oounty for drunkenness, during the last six years, were as follow.: -1876, 24; 1877, 29; 1878, 22; 1879, 13; 1880, 22; 1881, 18. The total number of commit- tals in the Province, far drunkenness, was 3328. It must be borne in mind, however, that only a small proportion of those arrested for druukenaess, go to jail: the great majority pry a fine, and are released. We believe it the rigkt direction if the powers 4tes in this connection were 'steroid. aa they have no option hut to inflict a fine 4 rine or two dollar.. whereas commitment to jail, or a heavier tine. would prom more benefitial. Goderich township take* the lead with the least number et licoriaee, lowing bet 1; Stephen the highest, animg 11; How- lok next with 9; Orey 8, the remsiaing townships bang all sa11 numbers. The total number of liminess issued in the prevails. last year, shop and hotel, was 4,078, being 29 in excess of throe issued the preei•,ws year. The grew amount 4 remade received hes'sfroea, which includes license teen, fuse, rte.. was $417,797, of which $274,167 wee paid to the municipalities se their pre- portion. re -portion. -{drew Ere Herbert Spawn Ms sipr.esetl his intention 01 visiting this soantism. ins egtrat *Writ Bi11t8. (:olclough In Goderich township. on the Ilth eon. on the lith inst., the wife of Mr. Joe- cph Colclough, of • daughter. MARRERO. Glenn Fowler -On theAth inst.. by the Rev. Ft. W. Leitch at the residence of the bride's father, kir. (Hugh R. Glenn, of West Wa- wanosh, to Mime Elizabeth Fowler, of the same plane. NeBr$eo--Boyd -On the 13th fast, by the Nov. Dr. Ure, Mr. Aaron McBrten. to Miss Elizabeth Boyd, all of Goderioh. Welsh Bell in Wawanomh, o* the 130 inst.. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. McLean, Mr. Malcolm Welsh. to Mime Stun Bell. all of Waw•nosb. OMR Macara in Ooderlob, on Monday. tab. 20th, mo of herrage of the stomach, John Memo. aged 0/ yeah aid 8 menthe Sloan in Clinton, on Feb. 1118. George Ross—, son of Mr. Writ. J. Slessan, aged s menthe. Miaow At his reeideece, in Fingal, on the Feb , of beandiseags, after twelve boors Weems. W. Glasgow rot the firm of Glasgow. Macpherson et (e.) 1n the Nth year et his ane. MoQtssen 1n Clinton, ne Feb. 20th, Sarah. wife of Mr. John McQueen, aged 77 nen. Duncan i■ (Mato° on Feb. Vat•, Andrew Dnacaw, ar.. aged 77 Years - Cooper At Winaipng, on the lith into Thom M youegest sou of Mr. J. T. Cooper, late of abates. agave 4 esont8s• siedertell Na,tels. Gooswrus. Feb lath, 1202. Wheat. Irani • berth. Wheat. tftpet) • ba.k. Flow, • tial el. (toss. • bask Para • MM Barley, • bomb Potatoes • heal Hay. • ton g • seter: des (wapackedl t4I't,v • cwt . gran. • rest... 1'A cwt Wes Wand- HideoOheePOltalreDr.aild 1161P 18 A h 10 . 1 23 411 I 27 8 58 1y 000 . 040 A 0 41 0 0 73 0M 005 M 0 14 00 018 M 018 0 18 to 0 18 0 11 ' 0 12 Is. (a 1s. 071 ' 020 1 4111 1! ,. 30 12 35 3* • ; 10 4!n " SM 25 Fine White Envelopes,. 18 Sheets Fine Writing paper, 1 Penholder, 1 Pen, 1 Piece Rubber, 1 Pencil, 1 Bottle Ink, 1 Piece Blotting Paper. J .A. E S IR, I E, (BIICCBBBOR TO T. J. MOORHOUBE.) North Side Market Square, Goderioh, Ont. The Canadian School Book Emporium. . - .1B• AIB- - A16 tl.QCs- t-alfjre-44-•t•Ise-40-aiF-4+I kb kkkkhkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkhk,kkkklkhk THE EMPORIUM J. C. DETLOR & CO. Bs1Ca1 •e 11101555, FfiBBOABT Seth, tato, heir Immense Sale The Entire Stock will be Offered at Clearing Prices. neargain.0 wary 1.613:a.e Don't Miss This Chance to Buy (lcnde at Bottom Prices. The Ordered Tailoring Departmen t WILL. RENEWS SPECiAI. ATTENTION. J. C. DETLOR & CO.