HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-24, Page 7She Poet's ttorner.
'Okra Yields Were 4rr.• e.
When fledds were green and elkwere clear
Ant bluebells paved the wuu.ts of springs.
1 we.gt:ed the world &galnnt her tear.
Aul found her tear the dearer thing.
tHE HURON SIGNA F'Eui 2n., 1 2.
Mies latter.
view lurk State has .uceeedetl in
making its priow,n system self-supp4•rtine.
In other words, it compels its inelefate
tun to do sufficient work to cant their
board and tithing I11 Canada we men-
sal. to pay out 0.00,000 a year for for
But while 1 followed gain and fame. the supof our pwniteutiery binds,
And in the great world played my part. besides al large suln for muds and referee changed; but oho remLned the same, atelier. There is, in IUlntl ruieds, a
And now llthink it broke her heart, hazy notion that setting pris.nwre t..
salaaslea work is takt • bread out of hottest u'rn's
mouths. Th is a curious t iistakcJor in
'rite old 'squire said as hestood by the gale. tirutit, it is k ping prtwnels in idleness
And his neighbor. the desun, went by. I that has that effect. Men Work, not fur
"Ln spite ut Wy tank .tact: !Iod read r.ea'e, the al.r ••f exercise it affl,rds, hut for
You are better off, 'yeti. on. t' 311 I.
"We're\both growing bid, and the end's draw.
You have lea of 11114 world to restgti.
Itut In Ileavrn's appraisal ' oar assets. I fear.
Will reckon up greater than loon,.
-111.i say 1 ant rich. but I'm feeling so poor,
1 wash 1 could 'swap n it you even. { wurkeu desirable, we engage to find at
The pounds 1 het'.• lived fur and told nein , short notice thousands of people willing
tate. to a•cept a guaranteed quantum .•f food
For the yhttliti s an 1 pensee jou have given." land c .•tltine with immunity from labor
if their fellow citizens will only provide
Nall, 'S etre."sail .';e lMsv,n, with shrewd It There is nu reason why the privilege
commis a.ntle' of easy idleness should be reserved for
While yu his eye hada twinkle of fon, criminals only. If a diminution of the
"Let your pounds take the way of my shU-
linesand pence. labor supply is in itself grail, let us be
And the thing can lx e:telly dune." ,gin w'i'lt buuest people, by giving them
a turn at the easy dud of the heargiin.
jt favor
Fun ane Fancy. rors self-supporting a bebiefl
!summed u:,
The farmer that "ran rapidly through' Lab:,r ie aiming the best means of this -
his prtperty" e ore a red shirt, and had cipline.
his brindle bull behind hie:. i Habits of industry tend to tit the crim-
"Let's 'Nitrate it."hiccoughed. polite ; incl fir earning an honest livelile.•..
cal orator. "It's beautiful. You &rout ! liter be gets out.
old farmer comes to town lotdal with The mintinal has nu right to imnu:titi
new wheat, and he goes house hawed from honest toil. ••
with old rye." I The community is benefitted by th.
labor of the erinuual just as munch as h�
The latest craze anion. young Inas- !that of the hene:et mue in pr.ap.n•tion he
the e;.•ueun..lities their labor produces ..r
these fur which such prtxluce is ex-
changeable. There is *redline ntat,i 1
about crime by which its commission ts-I
heves a elan from needing the fruits of
honest !alar. If any honest workman
thinks a diminuti. n nt the number of
eultne !Abets is for the tedlectleu of hair- !
Its pr.sluettveitess.
pins front young le•lies. They are stitch:- '
ed into albums land intuited with the .t IGrjetietted. tteArrked era l: -ewes -ea
names of the former owners. Penske.
"Do you pretend to haus c g•.,.1 ; aa7N*pOn Borneo of the Toronto World.
mg,as 1 h:we!' ezelwin a -t •a•t eat -
raged wife to:her eeetwt:d. 'Weil. taws, Feb. t1. -The uaterretin" event
nu," he replica, et ••uur cheiew .of at the c4pilal to -Jay is, of ceuree, the
partners for ;:ie sit;ixe that uiy judy- 't'),etaiu0 of park-nueut. That ewe:Inoue
i . n • to bu c( .laird.• t w,ti,
o•1:x. ' is *leo& wholly spectacular. t Ltet . -'
this, is sot ui. with a view .
... a blssaa,:ht:a.+s:d tG.r:a . is an � t
aid e . • 1 whish describes a b , lice Idle tee, roil ereryliedy gum r t1. to he
a • 'erewren"1n 1b43 cunaectu.0 it nosy Ire co -
:aa r in a peuril nr.at , o barn sera: i t rt 1114 a moiler appears to kart e
•• . , jooeil easel ou the wu.•vlhot►se all t'r, a is airy ..f a Kiri eat ei_htev. .
f.,.... Tette, etaharl.y les l tee.; laml .001-c .r.e-;sntdent h4ltpele.t to 4 4Lt u
• mem' ig1it or Inn.' us he ecteriel the house at
A Jitney Girl role into t+.wn to ria 290, dress tl io the W►oda .r u,ai:olt,
some shopping. When the clerk asked 1 and bedecked fn,w heart to .cot in tagged,
if thele was anything else he CUUhd 'du ! stags And the other insi trio of his oLlcr
for her, Ise wasattiazwl by the reply: "l!h 1 tarsi his !tl•u•,ra,. Sir John prRee4h•4l 1..
no, siri unless you will be kind enough the Ames -,u; -nem; opposite the d'sir of
to go out and milk the old mare, for. I : which I hau'lenesi to be stanaiag. Wbi e
node her front home without the colt." it here Sir Jelin spent a long time` before
Some one who professes to know says the glass tieing. everything its propel.
every person carries ei .u.h phosphorus 1 touch and paying eapeeiel atteut 1.
itt his body for 4,000 ordivart; matches.'' his hair. Before quitttugthe• nirrer the
Taint set. Why; hew m my bachelors PrettiOr re 'steeled himself with a; lune.
are there in Guderieh who have been '.last, lingering Iook,tlatwuold hate dos
trying to make a thatch for twenty years' honer to the 'emetic of the v.tinr tt yuan...:
'and have -nut yet su,etitirl! , ' • !tidy u:ie eter-knew. Then with a - firm
As an illustration of the sayt:aeity f Le�c entl .1 smiling' corridor where neve he atilei eats tin'
The old wiseacres who sit around in the ,'w d left ur h teteevenemse that hand in !•.
country store this leweento may be std., n
en:- A traveller dropped into a New way. Tho-ta,untenauca's of call hie :t.1' r
Jersey store one da just allot a recent rents frons the pn..vines:4. !trammed rat
!ire tl►ere, and found the occupants all ' tautly 1 4l'o.n as their eyes fell on le'
talking about the matter. Darin .t hill f""'"o • Il:td as they. calno forward to r. -
in the conver*ation the traveller remark- et-Ive thehl familiar bund -stied a oar
ed to an old num sittine near -hits: -T , would think Sir John Rap somemnnd:ase
detet� to whom
suppose everybody thinks the tiro was` uamatey suppliant uo stoic..
the work of an Ipcendian''' tetVaal, l eq were • paying. their pious respect's
'aid the old nun, shakine7 his head Guo would repeat with cinphwis the t
nowingly. "some Ari think so, but f. ,ertb,n that he looked younger thaire.te ,
think it was «.t," , while another grasped his hated fervent
ly and The pupils of one of the hutlt sl htilda ! lrirndsbii tl>ht hd was imrotested in u hoe net or to tai
a short tithe since, • upon the' "1'11- t• ri While in the Senate Mani,
grim Fathers," and uou young he Sir Jiro assumed another role there,
lady closed hers as follows: e •pen the , here his ;raze 1110(1 on the ono flour.
whole, when I reflect upon the outward I He appeared 3 im[[,rerseei with the 111 1411
circumstances of our• Alorim Forefathers I atilt ,leninity of the (conn, w ha eras t 1;
and their somewhat harsh and rigid air- i trot, bilin is he was ct uf�deriu� rf li
Inc., I gin struck with two thingsent , ! odium Incl: was pendant at the l.ropa•,•
that they must have had an excellent •tp cn x r. "
.tertunity to practice archery with the i - p '
Indians; and, second, that they would caste. Neetes'•'pee it.
doubtless be very unpleasant IsMPIlle. tt.
out ..f Me. Neelnn's spce•e_li, but the,
Tim Win% Wien 1111n.
Iia the pioneer dews of Illicbl,pttt
horse -thief ur murderer Mod as wield
hence of beteg run UI► to a limbat. it
of those characters du now in th4 1.,
west. One teght, thirty years at!
stranger, who had not uuly stolen a
hurw, but sh..t one of his pursuers, ,.
everhaul.xl near De Witt, Cliute.0 1'
and taken tee jail. In half an hon
mob n.. .omuud up and pnwuwl
reuse.", the prisoneraud hang hint. 01
of the foremost was a lawyer nand
Green, deael long .ince. In fact he Ie
the mob and aerial as liplike'',
When the crotid reached the -rm.!.
Green step•.ed forward alone to demand
the Irri.,oeer of the jailor, and alto
conference lasting five minutes les re
turned to the mob and said:
'Gentlemen, I at first believed ti
prisoner to be guilty, but now I haat
my double .about it. Iu fact, 1 filen;
believe in his innocence.
`How do you make that out t yelled a
dozen men.
'Why, gentlemen, 1 at tirst suppose.
h • was some poor coon without a dol'at
in his pocket, but I have learned that
he has over $200 in cash; and it is no
further duty to inform you that he h:.
retained me as counsel. (;outlets
stand back ! The first reel -banded vire
who rains a hetet ia,r*inat my intioee
client, will pass the next ten years -e
State's prison,!'
I.1aviefor next -leer neighbors. But they Tory organs are making a great a"ea
snake splendid ancestor s. "
r t show their utter lack of honesty in vete
•preissing the report of f Io most inpe.rtah'
part thereof. the !rive below the rx,r-
tions smite -eased Ly the Karl and it.
"Speakie.i of the boundary gneetien.
he said that A hen the interests of Onta-
rio were at stake the House should be n
There -Was $1 -50,00a,000 -worth -4 8
timer in that country, and that sleeve
the necessity of every member of tn.
House standing np for the right of Onta-
rio. If the members of the Dominion.
Path/emelt from Ontario had demanded
the ratification of the award, and they
should have done so, the award wool.
Wave been carried out. He hoped tbs•
the members of the Dominions Hous.
front I t.tari . would snake a demand e
that kind.. The Streams Bill met al,
the rxpuirtnents of the ease. To. hay.
an individual own a slide and being in a
position to say that no one else eoulai
could use that slide but himself, virtu-
ally gave him the ownership of all the
timber from the aide op to the bead n
the stream, because there being no other
inlet, he could hay the timber for enm,
parwtively little or nothing. The govern-
ment deserved a great deal of credit 1,
the way ii' which they had dealt with.
that quiet ion."
Tk. ON raper Teen* is Gaetano.
Apnoea of the crave for Northwestern
city and town plots, the fo!lowint in re-
gard to Ontario paper plots is supplied:
When the Grand Trunk boom was
• abroad, about thirty years age, town
- pelota were laid mit overy-$tatu+lt
cross roads. Scarier; Junction is not
much of a place to -day; there is an hotel
and a couple of houses, and you can et
all the land you want from ton to 880
per acre. But when the ',rand Trunk
was building it was towa lotted, sold,
at high prices and ruined many a person.
A place was laid out at York, and tot -day
yon can't find it.. Mintico on the went
side of Toronto, was soda of:' in 1ots.
Land is loss than *100 an acre there to-
day. Gordon Brown, Sandford Fleeting
and ethers got up a town 114(1 called it
Balmoral, on the Grand Trunk some-
where between Toronto and We,ten.
A great tent was put up, beer flowed like
water, an immense sale of lots took
place, and every one lost his money.
Every one seemed mad to buy those pots
You could not find Balmoral if you went
Gilt there to -day. Mallon is a station
further up the Grand Trunk. 1t was to
become a mighty centre of commerce.
Well, lots in the great (prospective)
town were sold in Montreal and other
towns for £100 a lot; now they won't
bung *S0 an acre. Brampton has got to
be something, but many a hard earned
dollar wax lost there in I eta line mon
bought a number ..1 lots thereat between
£50 and £60 each: he held on fir year*
and years till finally to 1f9;A he scold
them at the rate of $100 r n ser .
$hakesp can was to be another of these
great towns: well the remains of the
fenrc pests amend its town lts are still
sometime Wiesner.. out in ('htagna
eons!, is another of thew towns that
never cats. t.. a head, '.ut whirls raino•.l
many A titan. All • i er 1 i,tan., can be
foiled the marks G1 these paper town..
So will it he to Momenta. [Hamiltn
1)rmggtsts thmeghont the eeantrp ter-
11fy to the great merits of Dr Carson's
Ntomath and Constipation Bitters No
medicine they sell seta an promptly in
taring D .p.l-in., indigestion Bilious
nese, Liver Complaint. Ar Hare yon
tried it t George Rhvnss et went for
rt dieted
Mr. 8.tmeel McCaw, the we'I-known
Condoetor on the Whtthy and I.ilnlps
Railway, says: Dr. Carson s Stotnnth all
Constipation Bitters cured lee D. a-
pepsia I always keep Vent in t1 •
...use, and consider thein int•..110de R• :
evils, medicine. Geo. Rhynes. settee
Sorrow is a stemming to corse up high-
er in Chi Caine character.
Gives Awaa.
�4r cannot help noticing the liber.•!
'e'er made to all invalids and sufferer:
by Dr. King's New Discovery for C•nt-
sumpti.n. Yoe are re piereed,to c.!!
te•y drug 'to -e., awl get a Trid- ft, t`1•
free of e,.t, if yoe are .ufferine t:''1
'onsuitpt'o'n, severe (7••'ighs, C••' e••
ls'hana, Roachitis, 11 -►v Fever,
n: dente.', Ho'rsmesr, or any a rertiGR ••
the Throat • r Lanes. It will positive;
lure yt n.
Iteesiv•'. *Mata •ave.'
t let taw. oAlvu •n ..e M. till for cuts.
•as. A.•ree, ';.ter., Salt Itbeur
. or *.aue • t. a, Chapped Hat
. I. lain. Cone, tie al' S to Etuptu.e.
.o.l emote ..} i i••• t retia. It is y,tat
meati a. Kira i e eat satisfacom. ..
.toy rw(eu.:all 1ee cue ,
41111. For sate 1.,• all ru••►:tars.
atter .a , Ire great yet
hide. it:l 1 e s••crets of ' gado
►•retail, geeerous bosons, .r.ti�
go to er intelliges•th
. \ The discovery
*shortly, ('ray'.:•rail)
r !de every n
te great (,lugl
r else rein -CI hint, i...n apt il'Lista
o0 of this. As r ....re for Cough.
1., L:as .1 Voice end Housemen it
'tends w►rivaltt4ll, whi • its low prk tater
witness 1.1 suer% s pla••r. it within th.
t. Ii of all. Toy it a•d be cuuvincei
•chordate kelp i! in 25 and 50 -dent
tees. -Ret
Great American Remedy for
P visored fom S.ftsest Bad �►vr Sum (Der -
trios and /bah. ) _ •
awy erepe•.or+wt
an the .aloe' saapea/raarjoasta d ns.wtille
W rhe G ,m which font the /tad Oros
•.{'heal doubt th4 e most
t yaluab/e wi re for
Medio[' l purposes.
in this
Every ewe
of """ GRAY'S Orstn ot
the sow- m
de, .i of se paroles,
recta Jthe and old as
Sp rues& alit i41pw-
and the a wide, re -
Pi Ael
Pinna In
pp eetulc, raan luw
CC..., of balsamic
Luny Die- ,'F properties
ars pre'
)A France serrtd.
.he pays(- mu awe-
-i.na rayl. ao car r -
tarty gad fteby pre-
Lieer cow- ed ar:u
sok. nee 'Ti( T(E • .r tem-
pueptt re r 1 U eonta fn,
to plat ...., eowtaltu
woo,/ and a ••go
r.A•r (Aro, gan.t
lodriek u)tt jf tty
o tr.e au.d, • r 1 e L• s d
from the
tie iv a par per Laws.
t\'e call the special attention .,t i est -
ma;ters and subscribers to the fo:let,
synopsis of the newspaper law.:
1. A •postmaster is required to give
notice by letter ;returning a paper doer
net answer the claw) when a sub*a:ribte
d les not take his paper out of the office,.
and statethe regions for its not bein.
taken. Any. ttietflect to-do so makes the
postmaster responsible to the publishcar
for payment.
'2 if any penin oilers his papercontinued, he meet ptv all arrearsees,
or the publisher may continue to tend it
Until fenyment is rnacde, and collect the
whole amount, a ir'?her it he taken froth
:ht oi••c or not. - !'here earl be ro h g .!
discontitru:tnce until- thepraytlies-A i.
dna d*i.
` An', pene'n who taleeirn leper . flet
thepaest-ti!^r, .h<'.1mrr •iirt•cterlto bi:'
meow ar.:arrntt ar, • r wfiether he Fas
scribed or me i i.,), tt4iblo f,rrthe pet.:.
4 If it sobs eile.r orders his paler 1,,
'he 1,1,..1„:1-0 1 t cr••tain time, and t.
putt . r e e jati u•5 to • :nil the ,11 -.
sealer i.+ 1Niundte. :sty ft,r it if he take,
it out. 1 talc oter elect -telt
upon t ..• roar! must, pay i .f
whatI In.
L. The centrts l•'.• de ::e',1 that, li
ing to tare a newspaper and perioxdir i
from the poste -office. er :ettMTieg. re. .
1 'avinte them uncalled for, is prima/ - ''•
evidence of intentional ford.
The Fontaine locomotive is spoken el
in these terms by the+ London (gag.
Ke.nnerr. "We need araarcely add that
it is a mechanical absurdity, hut all th.
more interesting for that maxis. It
shows what blunders even clever ragin
eere an make when they are ignorant •
the fundamental 1 r,ncip esof dynamics.
Mr. Romain, xtatienery clerk, bons.
of 1'.mmnns, has hail his salary 11,
noosed from *1.(100 to $1.400 a year
i be late Mr S1• ane hidthe sant' place
for m.nv years at POfl. and only r'
Delved $1.000 for the law' year e1 Li
sole is. When it is known that Mr
'imitate is • brother -is -law eel T,.•
Wh;t', of course no one w.il far
moment think that Sir John d ser n
in increa i ig his salary. Toto Who e
has jnxt as meeh right to have e.
hrnthers in law h..'k.d after ate Nr
Pope, or fttr Tilley, or Sir Tappet
There is nothing so fatal lo earbse s
well ex to decorum, an fuse
To the Christian anthem ,u le a
Hark hitt that there r .bright Ads
A (:ceertt ntaawtrede.
Never was their ,.t:i.t a rush fur T': •
Sterce as i' new :.t r met for a Trial !
tle of Dr. hints News Diecovety ter
Cnnaemption, (Omelet nett Colds. .1II
puntens:L'llcted with Asthma, Irrotr•!i
Holtrsenese. eerere Coughs. or : r •
alk'ttinn of the Throat and Lung
Yet a trial bottle of this ►Teat
free, by calling at your drug stir
W omean'a Trite mead.
A friend in need is a friend indene.
This none can deny,•especially when as
eistance is rendered when oneis sorely of
dieted with diaeeseenerep articularly thus::
complaints and weaknesses las common et
our female population. Every woman
should know that Electric Bitter' are
woman's true friend. and will positively
restore her to health, even when all
ether remedies Id!. • A single trial al-
ways prove* our assertion. They are
pleasant to the 1aele and only eclat fifty
omits a bottle. bold by all druggists.
pre, a14100 A. --nasi tAwnt;orrO"'; I4G.
-'By a th 'ungft kacertedge of the nature`
laws wt..' 4707e•11 the operations d digestion
and nntrttion, and its • easeful •prliration •,f
the tine properttew of wr1IarrfIMed Cocoa. Vii'.
turps has provided o-ir breakfast tables with a
detle•tel vowel beverage whirh gray pa, if.
rex many bea.y dlxl,+rd Mlle. 11 is by the judl-
,teine! o
eof prk .'stir les of flirt that • cnn-
.tltvty,n may he ere inalty hnilt np until tracing
.•nre.rh L. resold every tendrnry to dlsr.w•.
Hundred, of .ebur m*Wltee are floating
around a riff to *Sank wherever there I. .
weak point. We t •v ewcalw• rnany a f.trl
shaft by keeping nwtrlvea well fort died wit h
more blood and properly em[ri.shed from,
(Yeti 9rreitt• ().1(a. Rout only in Par6.•4.
'sbelled -'J Aye% Psew A' ('o.. llomrrepathlr
'beslrsrt Loudon. Noe ' .V•, makers "'
stews ILI eeolate Fawner for aftern',-n nM•.
1n. ynwr ewe town. Term. and
S6 fur. Addre,s fl. fl*u.rrr !t
Oe Waive
Our to
8prucc wepleta
tops. 40.4.04.
Ir remarkablepower to rc.!u sing
certain forms of Bronchitis, and i:a
almost apeeitite elect iri curing cb-
stincac hacking Coltg/es, is ,un" rcei l
knoteu to the l►lthlic at large.
not by on wpeefabk chemists. A lot. :3 cwt
OD r • d. ,. lavas.
w e( Oe •' Sween r/ P.nt horses 0n.
o• r:yLte•vd Trine Marc; sad w .-
aa.i•"bt.u,euta,r,, .rend.
h",1:' Y . W: I 7'.30.V
MAobaL Drape,: , r '.•,
Sok _kt r~:doeu owe YrArt., Mestread.
Hardwat'e! Hardware!
&TITe. L AHEAD `-e- t:
Fill: ttEsT II
General Hardware!
--•-1!1' CROSS -MT- e
I Zeep all the ITewrest unci Best Makes.
Four -Barb Fence Wre
• t
• t.
D. C ■ fEue ai4 th is .L.A. li aA.
mu, Damp. Li,Ill-
a•ROCMI tJSI . ss
the old stand la tee Allston Stock. fala,cr'; . , t t ; let I 1 1 :rn, *1 r r.: 1'r' w111 to please'
1 o weleorre all kis old customers and the p;.l, t. )-eaa(r4lly, A larva• sittar.tit y of
(IN F. VV, 1411 LH UI O('LIII1,
CIIE-4P A.`( Till: (HF,AI'EI, T.
D. C. S'TRACI- Nt,
"e1Rtr ili%ttr
gr„ r yrs• 9 !: ;•
tout: t,
e'r'• A t..., _, . ,
• )
lror pie by Jmaw WILW,N,
(iso it tc'OLIN-A P,
'Chemists and _Di uggistr.
tekliThl) 'MATES MAIL RT}AMPi4$
vett every fe•lorday.
r'1.a.e ll tsusere s was wirer tattle. ghee stems*
e mens to NZcvn get .t Reneged
wearager srroarnod•tMea •r. ntsvrpasel i.
Al tea.iseno,aa no Main 1*, k.
Ilse hoicked al towns* ratio to M sem I
emaaw r twee, or America.
eSlossresi assn sarsi4 !tree ear stupe,
• �w.-w . 7 Nowur0ork 7 eillts.
W. Y.
ekt�ta11313 C. WIIIIWa'>I: ,arroptits
=Nv E]a
Tb bliss,.,. Cnwrt-Attrrs and Accurarrs
which HAcrwyo'a ari_tvw Oen. is
ed tb cure or relieve either L an;
e'�Or7P, I'Or101i.4,
I/2MZ4, COLDS, lea
PArs rw RACK,
PAIN a. SIDr{ Ise
Ivory kettle (.'.+.wised to Rico midair.
alba e. noway rdaedad.
IIR1wtI�TlIU�' s•ate.. & WITS WM INpYlTLL MN$4n.
Liwra.00., . ropi twtwa7
Ta01(Tilt OaT.
-15 Ntsie el:' ;.!\'I` - -
T p
Tall and WnterGoods
in 4:entlemen'a \fear, which he wit.! -
s b st.cllas $�-�
Ready -Made
In Grent \ ariet3 a:.•i us:
t; swarm, '?
�V :•t :>trL •�Ivw7M
1 s
Extensive Frcr.1 . and Sp!
Hamilton Street, ( rc er,ch.
•• Parlor .Furniture: Rath as Ta
e:r;ads. Maftreesee:• Washstan • .
A Rood n wortmrnt of Kitchen. fled -room, Dining Ito.
ire. Cla•ir*Ilalr, crane and wood xeatedl. l'upbow.rde.
i.tunges, Sofas, Nh•t-\tole, Looking Olaxdrs.
11.- A complete assortment of Cofflna and Shrouds nlvcays an band 41,0 H(tar.ea for
.1 1 ea/enable rates.
,',et tire Frarnine a stx•cialty.-A rail solicited. 1951
RATE , ,T 'THE 8/1
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4 nsgg w,,h w .
we herr.teol•atmo. ret iv emil•hia.hi. fowl .re reeet.,nr."
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1,. *und.y :4.1-,. timelier erse►ol.r bat &should bate now Laser. 14 avid 5 n t a a ..
t•.dtwo Ana sal.Ahaw art leba. over placed se.. um aster We wnl sed•eroe M tlnveewt
flat deaertpttos of 1514 work or .rt
!Ivy* Ivo* Md• tangs/dial of s alma a••p•serrarted w 1004. the a s`:ie1 she.M tva
w epporiud. vrestow is tN Owens" oylOw
of •end type are ti (;em•n•w .gain •,
le ale ew ud se r. boson tats aware of Doan raw. M r.•. e • t .'eats, •ee•
kat. Wag Ito y two rel•d sts•ra iamb der tappers.. 5 . sen a
rnp4.•uS41n d 6 s *filo pll*adm. la
dyed teat weal are w 014,14 non h wi Rk ate
r+. .let, *smalls w( to nab, or N eM nssow e..ssem •0• ewer smogs' r, -t penM at,
.404.4 the porn Tao tasstsar, Na.Aabet a rave fah 1•M..none. of, .we of tno,etrA. •
sew•••••laramak cal se wites* foetal h• •meat - to *es *ea Sale• r t • mtrrw,w IA.
we tw.sSowiewi at 5. Soden 4sl.iMsee. tam %watt, we 1.rw y 1 tare dew• antra Indy,
asrw•bw et drams emity aa•.•aNam riM
sat Ism•smilelay,bellwersatallOh.•
vans their ted sdw• stain pa .lame el them.
-0 Htins•.
iss 1eadfai•r g4imepa7b I':1;vett.
pedal, pa ' e + 1
IEZTau unvo mswrS.-- With every order for )S we vn l FK.
set of nor (ter baietfiel premise Chimera, t6.p With r.ert •,deter fr, 50 s h
come srwn-shnt Nickel -Mated RevelRy. With every order (•r 100, 1 hand:
Idasriag tam Watch, usd atilt every abler fey 250. we well serol F K 1. 1' 3 sp ..
Weems. sad 3 to. heavy Odd -Plated Watch (,laths