HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-24, Page 5THE HURON SUN I.. 11:11)1 Y. FEB. 24, 1Q82. THE WINNIPEG MILL. !gums w es' It. course .,t the torte et a till" 1 Il n t rnSteel BO.: Bred ti..•uuutd mil. an hour, and w.iL,•:. ltllvla's \eta f1Ulla"Ifollprg 1y,Imete the root • 1 tri•, in et,hty-ul�ht daps. 1. tee s'tlaspIeilee. dews es' t itfet the people Gat 711..1t11 •111 ai 111',!,i,te Eur. pe, awl su:d..lu rl:ut•s tself to them, but has no ..bju• t:..0 ' u Adm a n...no ► a iri sit it, and has rikeu &arose. or").In it Ito cellfideiict',.ufhcicl,t- From the Winnipeg enc.. Yesterday a Nun reporter paid a visit to the massive structure w,..,se six ato- nes loom re) over all other builduiga ill ly t,. ,o, A. teat it passer thr. 1,14h ph;.ws the city, from whatever leant, net with- •iml::u t.. the uwuu, hili t.i at ].hon , standing the distance from the irine Gat put ell a an uneven surfaeei 1 Hs tour bwiness---the new still into w ch the ' machineryis now robin planed Ye ire 1•. our one, b:,t, ..11 the w�Ioir, la ( g p aoec fat net th, mitof place for such :un tsp'se Messrs vie te Montreal This extensive buil luig tr riwatcds•..; coin boat verso.' a., - -.- 15, Point Douglass Avenue, closely ad •,f Maine, 'o wit roots t I joining tutu C. 1 , R. track, trout whicl. -• - sidings are tun, and which are at ire sent used bringing ill Inac',ihlery and in taking up grain to tb.t bi . e'ooueee, but which in a very remit t..ue will bi brought into requisition for the purji . • of shipping the m,:uiofaetuied la,oucta. The rutin building is of white brink, sib atatitiallI built, has six Iii h atone,, mid looms 111) a splesrdld ue,uunient to tit growth and progress of the country. as well as of the energy and entet•pri,u ..1 the firm whose sagacity in beounnui, the pioneers of flour manufacture ni tin country will, sou have uo d..ubt, It ].not ed by the most successful recruit.. ;t 60 z 100 feet se dimensiot,a, .-'itljuinin.; is a wiufi intended for the boiler and en gine room, each of which is 50 x 11 This mill was commenced oil the la of August last, and the brickwork about the 15th of September, the contractor for the brickwork being Mr. Janies J. Macdonald, from v. knee kilos the brick was also supplied. N-&rly one million of bricks were used in the `work of con- The Neer CompotWd, its wor- structing the walls. The contractor derful affinity to the Li.,ostive pushed the work with such energy that, Apparatus and the Live_, .iJtere is - with the exception of the chimney wt:ich ing the dissolving juices, relior- u only partially completed, the whole ' ta: almost instanty the dreadful of the brickwork was completed try the resales of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, mab-es 1st December. The foundation is five feet in width,and the walls v tue whick- , every as suety day necessity in s nese down to fourteen inches at the top, It acts gently and speedily in where they are surmounted by a •sun- Biliousness, Costiveness Head - Bard rod or attic. The boiler roles will ache, Sick Headache, D_'':tross aF be fitted up with steel boilers, laarinfac- ; ter Eating.Wind on the :tach, tured by White, Gat 1luntreal, and will Heartburn, Pains in the f':::c and work a compound condenser l''.alias en- Back, Want of Appetite. Want o1; gine, of 250 horsepower, manufactured Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- by Allison, of Milwaukee. This engine ach. It invigorates the, regulates car - by is now on the way here,and will lee put in ties off all ..andsurplus bile, negulatos the Bowels. .and gives tone to the as .. st as it arrive,- This first Boor ori whole system. t:,. Gain building will be ..o copied by ' Cut this oat and take 1(t to yam pa•k ora for flour, and by shame.' for the j Dragg'is aas1 cot a3O cent Sample, nu, -- •rs' in the, upper ao re a. The I or Lamp bottle for 75 cents, aad tr- -.r •turk in this pi.rtion of the, buil'1- tel your neiZhborabout it. is .f massive proportiots, the beams - ----- -- p --- being fourteen inches square.. There are 1862 - MANITOBA --1832. no seortices in any of the timbers, joints give(thetimborrs their full-strength. on the 'SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. being made by improved iron cah ich emend floor are thirty -via crushing aha-' _ .kiaee of the meet impnrved mridern THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY designs. The frames of these machines , ha.. Garro:, d for a series of excurelon trsias, were made by Miller of Montreal and ' in charR of natal agents to run through to the rollers cf the celebrated W. S. Gray There train -Anlil emumnnttoba i to ut run abon the (Milwaukee) patent, were made at Anes- t1 t of Man4 Partin who intend truing to enia. (►n the third and fourth floors ' the Nortt.webt ehwild beer in mind that clic (:rand Trunk is the shortest and beat route, are twenty reels, and eleven purifiers hating ai, fedi-pendent line to Chicago, thus each, nn.l ori the fifth abd sixth N„oi-s etotdu:g .,:; :ntnrcesw ,y boy transfers and are two bran -dusters, in -each. The tediona ('hangs',, and this year offer facilities to the tratrlling pnbllc unequalled by ani uses of the machinery emµleyed in the other r(nd. 'the endendCnerl will have mu( th slaking of. the flour are in their ;.resent ['Ieasnre is furnishing cvery information se to state incout rebensible t„ the layvi,i- aali tirkr•r. 1=e , frt•ightand live stock P to all parts of 1 kotasad Alanitulta, sod du - tor, and defy any kind of iutelli4ent de- i tiable g.r,(le cbeekued through to destination. scr1ptiun. We were a iveti to under - J. map, f -c„ free on n lioation- J. 1.. MORTON, stand, however, that the principle which Agent 11, 7'. It or governs the staking of the flour is to ; it. .eitmeaI )N( . 'make as little at poesihl'e every time the • L•-xcurcion sod ticket agent G. T. R. Ooderich, grain goes through the machines. From ' the crushers where the grain is first broken in half it ascends to the top story it 6ucc69.Limucd.SYlIING GOOl )S! I Lurvtar.f ,elver I / 1.1. /'ai, at. t �I ,NUFA('TC'1tERS OF T' E ! `tt'lci,\'Et i.IICK BARB Four -Pointed `-tee' F -•racing Wire, 55 k 5; Y.ICHM1lN,. T EAS'' :-t,l((N11,. A. J. S011Kit V11.1 -i•:, it ...Pres. are Man 1• reelae 1b2:. R. W_ M ZIE, 1+e M• .1 rot ter (lodertch, 7. sea want t3.r . .r :..t ea* Vora - ‘y, 4r; aarl- \y,r+ cher u's'e ed la toot Ick, call at kt,0\`t►Tt.1L \JlTt' 9.. i- ROM SRAZ:1. and goes through the tilting machines. which take off the flour which may he t brought nut, and descends 'thence to the R ''' soonnd story where it is y;rartered, and 7 '' \ 0 main ascends to the tri flat and so on, .., �, U going through the operation no less than J .. aix times before the grain is finally dis- Xf 1 - i pts►ed•of. The grain is "belted" on the 1 ""a"r 1 YRALi YAtaI. t "'IEee. 1 reels through cloth of the finest silk, Is a sure: Prompt and Effectshal Itemedy fur ,V, rtuttas, +s in all bra slap's, Weak Me•,r,rtj, and the quality of the flour which will loan o/ /:osis Posner sir"., urse,! Proatrati(rt be turned out. will, it is expectexl, take Mil tsW.rl.•,sprrsnatorh(wt.*,nraollt-euk- the very highest rook in the market- "'aa and (;!.neral Loan of Yoeoer. it repair .�-rrrott.. It",,..tr•, it rexatea theJadul isiei- Adjoining the room in which the ma- Irrl, sfr::, ,fh,•sa the EwJ'ehl'd Nrai,t, ani Kr- chinery is placed, another cemplirtuient eforre �'u,-lo•iaiwp Tone' and U:sgor to Ili' N:r- Aasslnl r.,vtrratiee (Myaaa. 't•tie eilx•r:ence will contain enormous hies, reach11)! n{' Gat tnomt.u! prov(v it an iNYA'AiABLE Rt:u- to the roof, and eatable of ,tail,. _5,- t:in- Thi• ni„dicing 1e plcaeanl to the titst. •, 000 bushels of grain or an �••iuivalgnt to 111 d u r tl 1.0.,and i contains 'het ,-af a,rtwo week's l TEA FOR THE RICH. niceluiltta.x,, and is the eheopeat and brat. about 15,000 barrels of ..our. These eer•I'n11 Lar:iculars in nor Inmphlet. whish bitrt will be supplernerted by st..reli.n,se•, we ,heairr r.. mall fn,r• to any address. ad•gdinin , capable of steric;; 150.(100 Mark'+ waaaetic Mevllrlar ;y sold by Itrul'- 7 8 W ytists at Rel ,•tri, per Ix,x. Gar if box.* cur ilia. Gar bushels which will be carried into the will Ix• innil. ,l err.• o/ hostlge, on receipt of the mill whenrequired D •'elevatu;s- This money, by nddreesi,yC Y ll:tt'14'4. MAGA.. I(' 1f1W1(T!►1ity., TEA FOR EVERYBODY. Crain will all go through a cleaning ma- Windsor, Ont., (renege. chine before being put into use. The, (tol.t 11, (;,)'•'rich, by JAW WILaah tad ern] have new 80,000 bushels of grain all Druy:eM ever,wtierw 14112-ly in store here, and are sending 110,000 to - -- - Oulu h. The were pay'ina 90 cta. 'per bushel yesterday, but have teen Baying 11.00. TThe machinery already in the ri mill comprised six car leads, and chem car%ANIT004 are still twelve lulls t,o arrive to complete the work- The total cost of the institution will be stunt !'200,00). Arrangements have been made by the Great Western Railway, to run special excur • sion trains through to Mani- toba and Dakota without change of cars, in charge of a special agent. The first Ex- cursion leaves the line of the London Huron and Bruce Railway, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st, to be followed by an Excursion every Wednes- day during March and April. Baggage checked through. For all information as to fares or freight rates apply person- ally or by letter to Mack's Magnetic Medicine ! 1 SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE, 1'rrvinus to rdoeii-Taiii.e; will eoutinuei Friupdials, 0111311ElliS, JUST RECEIVED! MISS STEWA E TPS FASHiONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISIIM NT , THE SQUARE, GODERICH, SELLtM OFF - Giivr BA1c.uNs! For Me !talons* of isle oseth, tkr entire Ffi.cL c.'Rt.vsal and Tleweer. Mali ,� Paper see ®�s AN Abney ori.tth SHOES ! 1 '� Thr Per-.rs.l LOW PRICES. GRAH CLEARING SALE FOR 30 DAYS The Cheapest House L5n3er The Sun TEAS_ w BLACK TEA, GREEN TEA, (.JAPAN TEA TEA F33TN _ POOR, =c FOR =0 1 The item of fuel is a very serious one, and will materially affect the capacity of the ruill, which is calculated at 1100 bar- rels • day, though if coal were arail•thle this amid be largelyincreased. They Piave now in stoc3,000 arida of poplar wood in the yard boa the operations which are expected to commence on the 1st of May. The whole of the work was done under the supervision of Mr. George Hastings, formerly oflvie & Co'a Montreal mills, Mr. A. Robertson of Milwaukee being the foreman. Accompanying Mr. Hastings to the roof, we had the pleasure ofasfine a view as wax ever our good fortune. The penitentiary at Stony Mountain was distinctly visible; the city as from a bird's-eye view lay beneath the feet; and the country with its wild- ing riven stretched away to the distant yperLGtEO. (IB.tt10H NSTO N, estern Railway horiso n in wee grand pannramt► The Th' thlt. scene from this perepectire in the sum- Oadiriob, Jae. 12' umtad fss Icer season reest he enchanting. Oar - - _ *Janke ere dee to Mr. Routings for his ILSON' S eoeftea and attention. w W PRRIS('frrrmw 111ss Matra ievseey. The swift-tsoving planet Mefcierryy is now distinctly seen on clear nierhts,abner 6 o'clock. it moves so fast that it is a diffloolt subject for study, even with the telesecepe, Just now it wears a golden - colored sweet, somewhat different (noun its usual silvery appearance. i' is a small planet, only those thousand miles thick, which aeen nt. for the apparent feebleness of its Iigbt which is really very intee.e, only there U not much of it. it is rt near the non --which is but 59,000,000 of miles tiff -that human life could not exist upon it. it is an e• tsrl- trie little body, granting shoat on its orbit like as setr'ained onit in the eirrsit of a cider mill, but one of the fastest Nyete M QIN War Met io We it DRUG STORE. N 1411•0 AGM war 111111101110. 10-110 011 sLOS'Arni 1. ASG A LINK Nr somas. la. ■ 1#s 1 lNt. s-aa.e7 siTTsla, 5T. JAMS'• Ml. ... iAlt SAM sllS111.0l*. A.4 .R safe MaAtuo pateal seilalew I solicit a trial of buy TENS, for 1 i:n+1w 1 can give satisfaction. My stock of generta./ groceries is also wet assort3d. GEORGE OLD. If toe wish to have year SEWING MACHINE, ORGAN OR - MELODEON, wart to p.ay a �eee1 ss whale sw, Watt them to the ma se lir Ales bade ti vows erpoimsee m the reponse Yee. SATISFA(TiON GUARANTEED. AA lbw Ansi nsi K 1M opened-bead pig tease M sea RENTERS D. Lyon and ()nolo,. Counties in Northwest Iowa, are rconceded to be, the ra „1st beautiful and fertile in the Stet, . mires(•; ha . if 300 nev.fin C.n'.:i:-.g a wed, building a conv:fl _ a: :.nd roomy 1a -'n. and •n 00 to 100 care: 1 These farran aro t•. !: ; :,,i rl::s that no int strio'l: hl„,:i boil Previous to stock taking at 1'AMPRELL'S BOOT 4611 SHUN EMPORIUM. l•ar!ies wanting (heap goods should call at once. Having secured tint 'lana workmen 1 am pupated to -manufacture loop ler. u 'othing but Pint Class Materiel]. Used, AAU .1 tela � ` �': C -'��... ��: ~. "!.. "E '•'"'d_ WM CAMPBELL. r..h,'F. to mn.ko pre ;- 4..t� EiiUINE BAR A S. posseissiC a ivi:•- Wevwi•',:`-:end- ---- - r ,w 111r it Orr... ue.nths 1 VI 111 4.•1: furniture tit t;iv .'oihns is';; pro 1..I. ed, furnish nat-d for next "ra'3 Lowt7nphr.sres at , t t crop. Wo will also f..r;::•::. •1;- ing to b3 done, ?vhic� :rai pay 4 .oils not having ten;r. c11;;t,;, t,.:' rHr i; With, v 1 be t=u pii.: d :.:t :: c: •e. or horses for that p ket price, ar: rl the p:13 - breaking. . Jbreaking. ThA:-o fl r, uatod with:u 't :. railroad. Apply pc- letter to CLosn Sibley, Oct_cal C^ titasstuu t'pptx.ards.... .. sodas . i,oung,•s /rem ... -.,, II'.leteads from - r'all leaf 'Cabbie at .. Washstands from 11ure-sus from s'sth Sourda from Everything vire nt niuIdur ran, "'..•w• pri.tes can't M• beaten in tors o. 1 ;ro net.-• /1t.1 b i.tu-r ti) ^•tt:eva1; to !sitcom in the. rirg. 1 have tt(' ' rn.•ry 11.- it 1 which l will sell at ,. s . ry ; • of civ The Great f h.s' i! f• ACC0LTN.- Ts - IN. -John 1.IAilia11,;.,; R, l•. I.1 ; mend i,,nkltg •1 .:v 11r eke _ - _ •,''rand eleannng a_ie MRS. WARI,i , Tawny /riacatr. In t:.eto-i ;1 virtnity, that she hart the r;fit•t:rc3t 'n ••,r,in.- n t to ' ® \11, Per a [47 and prtvile 't.. trann/ur tiro and sell I)IL. 1-(71-A N'S W.11, during the Next Four Weeks. offer their Entire Ste Ws. v.{ 1•ciurw To Save Time of Marking Down Gouda we w.II take the t'nsl Mak for the 11'u,, 1' 1.:0. tin CLEANSING & RENOVATING (:(womn; e' as nine to ttel! at Cost in 1Cvery Department.. FLUID, OV'R REASONS Fan DOISG T 5 e rue retaining KetnAr ..011 from ttytl•is.g seg want In flake Room -for • iarge Stock of Spring Oned,. We nes er ,•,rr) Co, d. , , r from cud et mrything, from the finest fabr..• to I hu• ones season to another. We never bold Goals until they become old nod out of dye. raiment garment w ort'.. No matter if the mssishnv: leen strum!. d with oil. grows, or dirt of any kind, it :•,- for a trlllintt iost. be matt,• to look 11 g,t,d :., Our f',wtomer, and the Public will reap the bencflt. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLI) sew, it Atreus all articles "vitt , bronzing Ike ,oiler. thatwed t b• d, strove.' by the nae REIN &s NEYI�, Manchester Rouse, GoaJr1I hl of sealer. No need to send to Toronto (-• any where elope to hate root feather., .•!Coined n„.1 rartrA wlrn 1t gen he done for less than Li? • tka esti, is your own town, tall lit M't9• WARNO('k'S Millinery E.'abhshnient on - - -_ ■minittnn ln. and ere for yourself, 9114-4 f. S. SLS: ANE DRAW( R I N GRAIN, PRODUCE, SEEDS, WOOL, HIDEB, ace-, &cc T'*O1111[SP;S TO LET Ors Newpte Slswet, at reasonable terms. They are le • gond seam of repair. S. BLOANE. tl.ask+blDee- let. 101. lits GEO.W. THOOyMPPSsO�N,�ls $72 .,, Le steer,* 1.11=waw' Ilotlt,et1 >0A p,s0sw Oat atria Oa, Atruwa,Wall* C�-R.EA'T BANKRUPT STOC'ti I4TILL t'ONTINI'I[11. The eslsatatbee bavias enlaspd his stook to make as $a-rtraent w111 east until seld ewe. at the following prlges : Are iliik pang. .ii J1y este es tae. ae Mo. 1 fire ?thereto tar. at lar. T4 set levels - Dippers . . tilt, at lertree bate pe - Tes p� ie. at Ise. Ntote pope. Nfoe Tin 'Fest Pets 71r. at Sc. I Elbows w. • HMlarw .,. - SIN at 1 M 1 *Mr .. ,. tamp Omen. , . - lee. at Ie. I ('• Horner. .. fir. at WM at ed1 (VIM- Hnrnere ie. at 1' .evs'i 510t ra, 1e co. aahanbed hoe pates tie at stoves ?trainer pails 1 • ewes m arta Aliknodete se ors/me ware Ira r F. PERRIi►'' ,es Aatsam raeeastrvepr s S u be -- scribe for the "Huron Signal,"the y Live, Local Paper in the County .`, successor t•.. 0. of ler' p•• at.•. . at t itSc al 0 tor too at d' • 1.; (It« i btu 't. :10 Je, M1M *1.. 1^ Ij. Story.