HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-24, Page 2TH1. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. 24, 1882. Always oa sae wrests side. led th. art, The mist:was would out en - DAA r HORSES. Roeheater, N. Y., Feb. 13.- The old trust her iayorlte took w all a choice rookeeryry ktsuwo as the Munn, county jail One ulunut:d a !.arty were sitting r[ ! tLaeeet aeestRisase Neaten was ars.dM was delivered this afterutnpn . f els White Sulphur, and the conversation fancy desert, but the must stupid daugh- vets IesesO AOMgM • I prisoner'. The esuapo ti as made had fallen upon the late war. Persual ter of the Green Isle may, in her ••11,11t through a dining nomnomwhich la on the 1 utrbras', "cert the tea,once that re. The ltiiropdr TriLaewe has ..f lata 111- suutt. east corner of the south wing. reuaiuiscence wee w order. each was p the hero of his own hair -breadth taoape, quires iso art ' and the sequel ass blood atld thunder There is no greater mistake in the Within earshot sat an old grey -coated whole range of househeepitig. To make Virginisu, attentively listening and a good eup of tea is • higher accomplish turning his cnd reflectively between his meat than to play a difficult waltz, anti teeth. At length he spoke: requires as touch genius and judgment. "Gentlemen, you have all been It is a more useful art and has au inti - through a heap, bdt they hasn't one of mate Dearing on the Rood health and you hada suss erre nor I, I'll bet." long life of the household. We com- Nhick side was you on 1" asked one. mend the study to our fair countrywo- Nary aside, gentlemen, but I had a •nen, and assure them they need fear at the outset no very active competition; veru hard time." and the old fellow, drawing out his cud of reflection, pro- not one in a hundred of even the ex; ••rt- ceeded: housekeepers, live them their "run "Wall, when the war fust trreke out. choice of materials, can stake a perfect p eu of tea. -New York Jourunl ..f I didn't know much about it nohowt C ,mmerce. I was a -studying it out, but I hadn', _ . come to no judgment. Ione night, m)' The Raman et Industries. darter, Mary Ann, took powerful sick. This is the title selected for the new The doctor he wrute.a script and told me _Bureau attached to the Department of to go right off and get it; so I bridled the Ontario Commissioner of Agricultu- my old mar' and started. Wall, gentle - ter*, and which is:to be entrusted with men, when I ;;art; 1 reckon. 'bout th(e• the duty of collecting statistics: By the miles from bouts -it was monstrous dark Bill introduced for the purpose of estab- -some one called, 'Halt ." and I halted licking the Bursae, it is prodded that Fust thing I knowed I was a prisoner, the Commissioner shall cp,llect useful and the boys were 'round thicker than feats, relating to the agricultural, ane - June -bugs. Kez I,'Gentlertxn,my darter 'honest, and manufacturing interests of Mary Ann-' Sea they, 'Dant Mary the Province; and adopt measures for Anti ! Who are you fur 1 Speak out. disseminating the name. A secretary Hurrah for somebody :,1 studied a and other officers are to be appointed by remit, and sez I, on. a t ensure like, the Lieutenant -Governer in Council Hurrah for Jeff Davis !' They sez, mad Among the Secretary's duties is the pub - as hornets, 'I told you he was a rebel. (lit off that mare " 'Gentlemen, I hain't tellin' )•die no lie,' I see They took me off that Mar'. and buckled ret over a log and bit the over fee hundred times. It hurt ere powerful bad; I was monstrous sore. 1 mounted my mar' and started on. 'I hadn't got more'n three miles when 1 heerd another' voice call out, 'Halt :' and 1 halted;, and again the boys 'had ole. 'Who art you fur !' sea I, 'gentle- men', my darter. Mary Ann, is•powerful sick, and the doctor---' 'Darn the doc- tor ! Who are you fur. Hgrrah for somebody '' "I wa'n't goire to be. kotched again. so I just took off my hat, and I sez, as loud as I could, •Hurrah fur Lincoln'.' make arrangements with the Dominion 'There,' see they, madder nor blazes, '1 told you he was a traitor. Get down oft that near'. Gentlemen's I hadn't • tellin tweeted Wolf to a considerable extent in the subtest of Draft Horses, and to enlighten its readers in this dtredeye, pub.shed July 16th, a three-eult:um ertlele, in which it appears that it had detailed mottoes to interview the heel- ing hone dealers of New Pork tial Chi- cago, wbo buy sandesli, in thes. nine 40,000 horses auntally, Y-- to tM following point: If they handled the wastrel breeds of heavy draft horses known as French ur Percher ou-Norman, the Clydesdales, the English and Belgian, of which breed they handled most 1 Why must of a particular breed f What were the par- ticular merits that made this breed mote desirable, therefore wore .salable, then the others, etc.! The result shown by the detailed interviews gives overwhelm- ing evidence that the 1'ercheron-Nor- utaue ec:lipae all the other breeds as favorites aluon, the dealers, owing to their vas'1y superior se!lint qualities. The evidence condensed briefly fruit this masa of teitituuny is that those who buy their botsee to wear :,ut, greatly prefer the Pe: eros -Normae. to any other breed, because they are more com- pactly and powerfully built: are more endurinv, having better feet to stand The south wing has beet. used to .oufue the most desperate prise eels in the jail. The dunk:sem has been 'inured of late, and the prisoners ereuceived the idea of gethug iu there, cutting a hula through to the outside wall, and then escaping. The beak ou the dungeon door was forced mud the job was done by urians of aa. iruu bar taken from a bedstead. The hole was prubahly completed yesterday for shortly after 3 o'clock this afternool. eleven persons passed through into a chicken comp, thence byesus of n ladder placed against the wall int. Hollester s yard, .which is I , ted just south. Geo. It. Schmid, a sou of Sher- iff SchAel, was on a visit to the jail, and while walking in one of the upper cortidun looked out of a mouth *.nit's'. He was amazed to see the ladder against the wall. and the last two of the primer ers climbing over. Ile gave the alarm to his father, who immediately sent word to police headquarters, and then ran a ut into the jail yard. He saw two prison ors, DeL Vanhautea and Fred. Hall, on a rout, and euvercd then with his re volver. They surrendered. Deputy fiheritr Hovey, capturedJ.paeph Yawn.,u et the Erie railway depot, and 1'. lice - titan Ssilteretl toerhau;ed 1 ,uts Hew, the hard wensof the city pavements; at Fitzhugh street The sheriff th. n have better dispesitious an1 are willing discovered *that the following lid...,: k • 'd mores, are easter keepers, and general -prisoners were at large: John Warrsc;. ly give the best satisfaction. The Clydes- bargee, burglar, who war cue of the tides were frequently criticized as being leaders of another gaol delivery, and slim -wasted, cdasrely coupled, and gen- who had just been br,ught back from orally hating bad feet. Chicago; Phillip Stein, sheep thief; The general advice of the dealers to Williiain Howard (colored), indicted fei fanners was to breed to Percheron-Nor- barp;lary: Edward Cramp, grand larceny man horses in preference to any other Frederick G. Br.pea, a air burfflai ; breed with reference to raising horses to chanes Shephard, indicted for attempt ing to set tire to the Sibley block ea Main street; and John Perlin, indictee for burglary-makin;t a total "1 seven. They are still at large. PRICES lidattLlat'FWt laile 6ESti Aminf s Blip3Ld awl to I. o 11T r.'S' 0 TH1; 1tRl'Ittw f e ins • Tia Foir Leadi fjonlerly Potion TRE IaM\SI COI 115111514 I T115 ROOM t111:;: LIR a 115 U.thcr'sll. TWO La1s01 ART1415L1 ■111511 llr•il- ..r rout i act. To< maul./ «antutt.t me:statlr a tial uyelitwP. oN.• sell on the horse markets. It was also heation monthly, or oftener during the githerld that these ode Percheron- growing the growing season, of crop re- Normans bring from 1150 to $75 more ports: and the compilation from every than any of the other breeds of same available source of information relating weigj[ht and condition. Fhe large dealersinterviewed in Chi - to land, trade, government, population, cage, with the' number of horses they and other subjects concerning the Pro- handle annually, were: James D. vines The Bureau is to have power to Beekett. Nes 377 W. Randolph st., compel the giving of true and full in- 32,2104;. M, Newgass, No, 17 Mo n at., formation by all of the following persona: ' J' S. Cneper, No. 174 ichigan ave, 1,500; F. J. Berry, Na 2 Monroe -Officer* of all societies organized M. at, 1,500; Joseph Lamb, No. 133 Michi- der the Agriculture and Arts Act; of all gen ave., 1,800. At Mansfield, 0., A. municipal Councils, school Boards, and J. Heineman, 2.5110. In New York public institutions, and generally of all City, Isaac H. Dahlman, No. 209 E. Twentyfourth at.. 10,000; A. S. chem. Public officers- A penalty °f.$4° is ire- berlin, tie 147 S Temanty-fourth st„ posed upon any person who neglects or 3,500; Oakley & Smith., No. 150 E. refuses to. give information, or who Tweet -toutth'it., 3400: Jacob Dahl - makes false returns The Commissioner rant o. 2°7 S" Twenty-iuuvthth at., 2,000; and C. & H. Hayman, No. 213 is entrusted -with discretionary powerto E. Twenty-fourth st., 3,000. In Bruok- Governlnen for the collection of inform- ation as the Dominion officials may you no lie. They tut; nit off. that mar jcollect. Every person who is required buckled me over log, and just gut m. , to furnish information for the Bureau is five hundred tn'*. It wwsnloflstrous bawl. t.. be entitled to receive a copy of its to jut I gest on and went along. Just as i pur'.s. was a-cuming into town al.uther vette r Re Was a Good amber. • called out. 'Halt and I halted. `Who i -- are you for ' sez he: 'Hurrah for some j "Uncle Thad." Norris had a sign by wash t neve- which he recognized the accomplished body.' Gentlemen", I Acting to be kotched again. I last ser., angler. The genial old man was often •Mister, you jest b- .n kind as- te hurray bused by men who wished to claim to be fust, gest this once • up in the higher degrees of the art in order to place themselves en a fair .foot- • ing with the "great angling authority' Teat i )ne day he Kapp . i.e,l in Pittsburg and Hard water take' the most delicious ;,,was inti educed to a mah at the . hotel • tea, as it t :satives less of the tanin and who immediately began to try and im- e,ives the cup a inereelelicate flavor. '• . press -Mr. Norris with his importance as There is not one city teakettle out of a mighty tither, and the following col- a hundred that is i.s prevent' C'iuliti.n 'oquy ensued: iabt to toil dater fur a tue of tea. . Let hL•to--"Geed ie•mect you, Mr. Norris, our reeler gra heeett'-night and ins;.t.t have read your book and often. wanted his, own outfit lend he will verify out .to know you. I am counted the best statement. He x til find the interior of fisherman in these ports." '- to the people who buy them to wear out his kettle encruso ; with the u.i.ueial de- Uncle Thad.- "Do you flesh with the. They are very finely developed for their • posits es.txt . t'.: wet` r, bode.. fiy 2". ages• I pot them into the heaviest work j when four years old, and' they stand it. in is f: ,:.t a'. tntil night of each ! flan -'Always. Mr. Norris, always. alit buving them as old es I can get succeeding slay. As t'•,e v tt.•rtA'•e'ean. ' Uutle Thad. --"Do you nee a that ad titer:, but Cann •t get them over four the c ,.,1 fiut et.:i = cad tits the kettle, .inker on yeur fly s' never thiukmt • ,growinir crust that - Wtaa-••04, )'es, always, Mr. Norris, nlurt leer be ski .:if 1 1 kettlit is alwa.ya. t•. be cleaned.' Uncle Thad. --"Do you always spit on WW.ater,thet 'tie .,d after heiiing r<tll your bait for luck r. • not tuake a geed c:,..$ tea; ant yet het~ Man -"Certainly, Mr. \orris, always often the tired ltt.,,rer: meehanie, mer- do that." chant. 4. ct.•r i lawyer has tried to Uncle Thad-- "Then I ale proud to w e himself wit's a leverage made frl,m meet you, sir. I see that you are an er ter coatar.tit:: trte delirituf that which accomplished angle;, who is up on all the h stoo 1 all .l:iy on the range, being minor points that make a finished and one filled as l.ftee as any addition was artistic fisherman," and without a smile nee, •1. Tae a velem kettle, never t he bade him good morning, and the lean treed •r anytiltne else, fill it -with fresh was afterward known as the than who water, the hanker the better, boil quack- used a tip,at and sinker on his fly. ly over a very hot fire, and pour as soon as it"btiils upon the tea leaves fresh from the canister. Let it stand four ur five minutes and then drink. If the hrst experiment does not make an infusion strong enough, or if the pot is partly empty and more is needed, do and a black Hat You can see him a ! ton ;D. C.) . .u, we notice that situ,,,. lyn, N. ., S Bichy, No. 331 Rutledge st, 1,500; Henry Newman. No. 328 Ritltledge st., 11503; and A. 11. Stew & Co., No. 229 Rashiugtun st., 3,000. We extract from interview with Mr. L H. Daldraan, wbo is the latest exten- sive horse dealer in America, all space will peratit. It is but a reflex of the tother dealers- testimonv. He said:- "I handle between 9,060 and 10,000 , horses annually on my dwnaccount. Of the draft horses 1'bandle,, nearly all are Norman-Percheron horses. These Nor- man-Perchercm Horses are decile, intelli- gent, broad between the eyes, and hare some brain. They are easily broken, - and are steady in harness, --meaning that they don't fret when they do their work. they are powerful horses, and compactly built, -short in the back,- deep in the body, and broad in the chest:' This gives them what we call 'a go d dinner -basket." "They have the best feet of any horse in America. They have a high cup foot. Their feet will stand work un the pavement better than those of any other breed. They are short -carted and,tbin- skinnc•d and stand the hut weather the best of any breed. The Nor:tan-Perche- runs generally give the best satisfaction Black%ocd's Edilboria Mor i'P, %%Loin have beer* ;:WJtl.e.sed m t is uuunlr• for nearly .alt a century, ar. n ocularly pule Bohol by THE ).vovttu Parr! .'VelLt.ur... Co.. 41 Barclay $trect, New Turk. T'.re,t• pubikatiuur present the beat •ores). pct ea/a In a convenient form and at s re teonabk prka without abridgment or altcrat ein. Ngavol:s PROSTRATION, vital weak trees, debility 1r.i n over -work or indir crotion is radically and premptly cured b) that great nerve and brain food kuoat as Mack's Magnetic Medicine wLich issu!d by all respenaible druggists See elver tisement in another column. THE SHIPwaICY.i or 1881.- -Accord re • g to the British atatirucathe enormous number of 2039 shipwrecks took. place throughout the world in 1881, or, on al average, six a day. The value of the property lost is estimated at,$1,400,000,- 000. This was an increase 4359 v melt over 1880, and of about 5500,000,000 i, property. The loss.oi life also was ver great, the figures being 41:1.1 peruse, which include officers, seamen and ! &s- tenos/so.. (;reit Britain was. of .'.'ur ••, the severest ■uferer, more than 1000 4 her vessels having been destroy.- i. o. .. ly two hundred of which were s•ezau:e -. The year just chard aa9 ut e of the new tempestuous ever exr•ertuuced on th email, particularly in European ea, . -. years old I' buy these horses because they give the beat satisfaction to my customers." - Being asked about the Clydesdale hoe- ses, Mr. Dahlman said: "I will not give you any criticism on the Clysdesdales. I bny eery few of theist. I prefer to plies tr stable --and- say" methitor shone - them." As Henry Walton "f North Colchester was driving a load of corn4odder aurae the mad in that township, ou the 13th inst., he noticed that one of the wheels of the wagon was blocked up in route way, and getting down off the load, was horrified to find his own little buy, seven years uhf, tightly wedged hetween the wheel and the wagon, and crushed all -- - into a shapeless mesa. On beinv taken A assay nIniply Todd. . out, the little fellow breathed a few times -- and expired. it appears that he had The Man front Town is out en the run up behind the wagon, and attempt - Duck t'ass. He stands on the Point ' ed to climb open the load. and waits for Ducks to fly hy. He has aanw d a. serer. on a White Shirt, a dark brown Coat, In an extended article of the Washing - not put any t'es't tea into the toapot, Mile off. Here crottles a Duck. He is ethers, Senator James G. Blaine, who for it will surely br wasted. Tea water has suffered in the least with rheurriati,m way up In the filo-, but the Ilan will new keeps w St. Jacdd,s I til on hand in will not dissolve the theins from rho dry shoot, all the sante. Rani ' Bang 'case of any future attack. leases of fresh tea; only pure fresh water Did the Duck dmp t N.,t much will do that The addition of tea to the nearly empty tenet! will inrre:ase the miler, bat it will not make the tee per- sentibly stronger in its exiul.trating quality. y. Any ere may try the experiment. Put a tehleapo..uful of tea int.. a .luart of water and let it stand five minutes .w boil It if desired. Then add two more spoonfuls of the tea leave, to the saute decoction. The coker will be lncress..t. hut the tea will Ire little stronger in the p attire ptiinciple s.• much desires. When enure liquid or stronger inflame') is de - peer▪ put the atlaittenal tea in a cup and poor fresh water on it: after it has stored • few 111111111.8 it ::Jay !It it be pis. in the pot tt, rood advantage. Many perts.ns use alc..helic beverages who would he far healthier if they wneld escban.te them for tea Only let the is. he Marie bs enol, ene wbo hee learn The Duck dies on. Look ! there is a Amos WW'outts, M. D.. of Kosciusco puff of Smoke near that itnsh. Hark. Revel.' The Duck deem in the Mud. A Boy wales out and picks him 111•. Ne" the Roy to beck, out 4 sight• and all is Still The Man g..es to talk with the Re). The Bey has an old Gun, all Rost. The Beak is tied on with String. 1 "heel,' Mae to fire it. i But the R •r hes a Kite Pile 4 Ducks. The Van hes no Duck" at a!!, but he has Lots •.f Cash ' New the Rey has 'Nene ('ash, and the Man has the Docks. .Were the 11ny grin The Man will take the Decks home, sad tell his Wife that he shot tliern alt• with hu Finc s.•w tlun Hew k'r, ud she will be of has Skill ' Is it rtght for the Mao to de this 1 County, Indiana, says: "For three years peat i here noel ALI.a''9 Li N.: A 41.s411 extensively in my practice: and I am eatinfie.l that thele is no better medicine . for lung -diseases ut use Tae ad•eree .f s.a.sy. N. cosmetic in the w•,rld can impart beauty to a face that is disfigure - i by unsightly blothes arising frons impure W.d. Burdock 11!...1 Bitten is the grana nnrifyin t medicine for all ht re '•f the hl.y.t it mikes g•..d hl...l and imparts time biomes of health to the meat sallow enl.plezi rat. !'ION$ITMPTiON iS ('t KARLE iN ll the retry Myra, erg he stimulants nee hlr.a which s. I'wte one fern, of Irrita- nr another, inti, ••f which natnrr m'M get old of LPraee rallying. het M food the •w•ll r,i.tdy. The waeac is the revolt of faul- ty antrition. ant Welted to tie !nags hot a t ptoi�iaele sesr'vslnia H nee wiiRF.Ie IC1RV Eta XIn Or PSOOPIn TICS A\It CA IAEA TA to swum dige•tinw sod talimilk it u the, treat proof of the t artiste et( • itemsad If yoe erre 'WOO. f41,0414 to penal.* ;Mead ret•* say 111.4w.It f le to a.w s Aannv (iraaoi. amt. the nee of outcome and enema c. i. gIsw IDE MARY TK.S5N FOR Inst AadsdI, it reaegpts)t l'ayablc Strictly Os Adv-aacr. For any one Review ......111 5op(ru..tn For any Iwo Reviews .... .. 4 y, •' " For any three )tevitws.......- 8:0 '• •' For all four Rev ...... s el " For Blackwo od's Iuagesi.'e.... a N For Blackwood Mud one Ito • ,•!ret ........................ 5 50 " R For 1Ue. kwuod and two e- • views .. . '•7 For Hlaekwu d,and three Re - For ................ F'or Itlackwolad ,pd four Rr- tiewt. ... .. t0 00 Single number of Blackwood'. 70 single nunnher of Review. 75 cent.. CANNED CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN itnL: LEONAD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO. e1 RARCLAT ST., 855 T 4 r 11 PERCHERON HORSES LARGES1 Importing and Ereec::1: YV t`wwas.r ►r.a's..+iy 1 - IN TfIE - VI 0 LED. POTTED SNOB, REEF, HAM M. W. DUNHAM 1 Wayne. Du Fais• Cnnnty, Ilkaots, U.S. A. 13. tat. , west of Chteago.l Yawing eke orrt •t 17 twen01 JGr) AT IL. MONS .AND 14.4Rl S hoer been t,,. lewle'4 WFrasier t" this este al4Adae,•t, L. • ••q OWthno the re titterer lrnl.errtn tio,.. n/ •esti other (.n Her. • f Thnfl (lora.. J•sus .41 AIM L..ropejar ray oars year. Ow^-ttfrh of the entire number of Import. . sod l'.. nal Ito... • in 4oeri: a can be 0 r a on Ins fprnl Au Iu .prrtntions bar. Malutied the Prise Winners of the ('ulrrreatrife,., Paris. 1111N..and nearly all the P Horses Show of the Great s of France slant, Teton, toes., lig.) A r ' cerr,...l off this boncre et the Ceutsan:at. 1576; amt. at lite Creat t Meager Foir, I SR I, Mr. Dunham'. Arm 18 pA or PCACROY1, • lin eenspetltann with vale t!R tb largest and 'Inert collection of 01 1 e der_ 1.. else shown; consisting of the prizewin. AA RPBB 3 IOURG PEOPLE ('HICK EN. .. RE3 t"� SAL. '/ION ,\iND LSIO LR, A FIN._ ASSORTMENT Cilristit Brow ! & Co's BISCUITS ANu CAKES, TEAS, OL'GARS A5 Pure Spices. TRY THEM. Chas. A. Nairn. 1882_ ! a rp'rr's Bazar. LU Lae TJ D This populariournal is a nn combination literature. art. and fashion. 11. stories, poem*. a,.d.+toys are by the best writers.! }:.trop- and America: 0s eegravial a pes.v, t. the ht.rh.•.t artistic excellence: and mall ma 1. es p•ntn among .0 faablun i1 u universally a• • k nt.w �.,,grd to br the leading autborfty in it, tan's. The new volume will contain mac, tr'f:rot noc.ltie.,. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. terWeart HARPER'S HAZAR $ 4 0. IfAItPi k l4 MAGAZINE ...... ... 4 on HARPER'S WEEKLY. 4 00 The THREE above mastication".. . . to Ou Any TWO above sated . 7 au Ii'. HARF;R'NYOUNG PEOPLE t 50 HARPPER'S MAGAZINE • HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE i 5 su HARPER'!; FRANKLIN SQUARE LS- RRARY. one year 152 Numbers)... 10 CO Postagefearto all subscribers in the United States or C'ada. • The Volumes of the Bazar begin with tt•• frit Number for January of each year. When a , time is mentioned. it will be understoodtat the subscriber wishes. to commence with the Number next atter the receipt of order. The not Twelve Annual Volumes of Han - Pelee HAEAR. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by null. postage paid, or by express. tree of expense 1 rrevided the freight does not ex- ceed one dollar per volumes, for $7 00 earb. ('loth Cases for each volume. suitable for binding. will be sent by mall. postpaid, on re- ceipt of -Il 00 each. I:r•nrittanees sbnald be made by Post-Oftice Moser Order or (haft, to avoid chaste! of toes Newspapers err sot to ropy this adrrrfis. mew.; without thi express order of HP ARcit d• Iitlt,Tn FJn+. Addtress $A ETES gtiaersunta, - New Work da neve at the Great Shows of Emtland and Eu- ' gland.p was awarded the Grand nereepatakes l'ri-r of 91,000 and Grand (:old Medal. 100 PAGE CATAZOGD•E seta' FRES ow apy,t4-ut000. tarwaatwa over 40 Illus. (rations ,,x41 the Motors/ of the Prrrherots rate. Order r CLTALOO�G SPERM LARGE BREEDER & EVERT' NEIGHBORHOOD =CD* a TraCar30N STALLION BECAUSE trued La who n bred to (be common mares of the country lbs produce is more un:turm. are easier keepers, better work- e rs. and teal for more mosey on the market than say Wm class of Horses. „.l THE ‘..HEAT ::a1111dc1ittii f LIVE, s, F -T :• • ids:::,::::!y te.. ' .a d n,1 tear to 1.1theirchiktren read at th Aa,y, tum �,. i•nv:••. Ilurflord Daily Tiaua. y- I��RE'S F�FLY & RRIGII 1 ui the TM'P'.r to take the g and ester' ..1Ei tl, .•trl.i)nh i : the boys and g:r:•. Rprtinr,. r Alai{ 1 .*la.l'xivn. AM ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY --Ii PAGES. :-1,•ITEI' To it(oT$ AND (;II:LS OF FROM 61X 1 ' rIXTF;EN YEA I;S OF AGE. 4cI. XII, commeStesa )Tovember 1,18it: Waw tit+ TRE TIME TO 14151411111E. Te Y.•i'x.: I'twtt.g has been from the fir -1 an• .e..tui beyond anticipation.- .W'. 1". Er, n• lay Post. IT ba- a 4:0.1.11ct purpose to which It steadi:y adhere' -that. namely, of supplanting the t•if' 1e11.i Paper. fur 111.• vuung with a paper mon, aline ti• 0. As well as more wholesome. -Bus - fon Journal. For neatness, elegance of engraving, and 'remelts genera:ly, a1 is unsurpassed. by ahy publication of 11.e kind.yit brought to our no- tice.- Pillsbury casette. Its weekly eisre are eagerly looked for. not only by the children, tet aleo by parents who arc anxious to provide Imre literature for their girls and boy*. CA rialto ,4drocalr. Buffalo. N. Y. A a-ekly paper for children which pares' .ret . two new grape. 1 u••he+: • y_l'. , dew• nit' "Tin!:.;;;; pp! `rd 81111 121.1 y:.11:1.'t iso 1:"„.1;;;'.c. b. 1.•a• • seer arty ), a k .n li-w t. t t•r •a. n in 1'1tnn.la. ) ... od b -1y .!og, t ,w zero un1.'tI. •HP►a.aTOti ,. a eti ire p••t.• r,d u•it..'tiro q• j114t.fl.?AI•n ►aMv. T`r An`M,tn targe 1 n bunch and terry, turd tori •pr ••!setive. 1 t wilt T t..:l 1 •..'t ,•' an, s.t'r,-rc po.tpabl, nip !re• ttE.' 4-.•ttherf'.r41. .tg rat.wante•,t. RRE U t o iSl j Neuralgia, SeicficC, Lu n.5cggo, Backache, Scrcness of th3 Chest, Bout, Quinsy, Sere Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Beefily Pains, Tooth, Ear cnd Headache, Frosted patrons 10 .:e0? t.n,. Y, .4 ,1 not t.• tb- Feat and Ears, and all other i Pains and Aches. No Frepantice on earth minis !T J.roam .••e •• • safe, sure, simple and cheep (.at.r...; Remedy. A trial entails but lb. •'eapcnnv.'y treeing nulls* of Lb (•wM. ani •cert ..•e e.iT' Ina with pain can b■.e ebttay and powU,e jr, -f . of Its claims I Directions In Iaewe t..a sem~• BOLD BTALL DRU0018•l1 ID DEALERS , I A YLDiCII ire VOC ELER CO.. imiebwore, 744, U. A. A. AFTER 4 SEANH TRIAL. .JA IES IIEALI•;'S Condensed Fire Kindlers. are the twet in taaP, doing away with era1 rat' or •havinss. Foch kindler will bar, seven minute.. bong enough to ignite hard weer. Thr•• am' rade from the heat white teat, anJ will sot soil tallies' bands. hold at TWENTY C'ENT'S PER HUNDREII NodiAMrenceIn pite..,r 3188 �©a118• :Maker and s••►let, (:odetiek. TO BUILUERR. K IBTAIL BRICK YARD. A i'ianUty of good «bis. /'felt en band an line site at seaasasbte Moo. Tt*. teboartae. M a..its1alrviewf or . b brie& aasktag (miaow at rte 11~ ki1aa sad will vivo all orders ht hien 1111 mast ?rn.i ",d..tinIit Ars tusitya. rhe rr w s dolmas .IOWA [ iWaNY>NOpa mamma er of HARPER • v v e u a. Sr. C ATHELISI>~a, ()NT. 1 �. Idresit:R,. 1j IIA Hf'FR onon1ERl3, New 1521:In.. VflItic• 0 Ar)LE, TERMS - T1911,111. PEOPLE ! N.3e. retiree. restage 'Pvep•id..l noLi Nt stet:H+ Four (ruts each. 1h. It„end �nlumr for 1)07 mid beread early inNot•nib.r. fetor 03700; postage pre; tet if toter for Y„US., PMOrLa for 1081, 3.. rent.: p..2 ace . 13 cent. addit.oral. Iteunttlinty. 4 should be made by Post -fifth e )iteney O der nr t,i t. re Steilt7filTiVt 0ttreer. } .Yetorprrpp.ersare nut In ropy this adtertiar rn. of vilbout the Alarcon rprcon or•tl JU4T RECEIVED ! AT D. FERGUSON'S A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES, SUITAIILE FI 111 THE SEASON. Special llrlls iu Teas at Vary Low Prices .a• •vee Y, ami upwanls. If you wait :a really 8, I. try my eek Young Ilysen It is it splendid arise. Idol worth mors ntoney 1 have slat, cwt opened out a ten pl.•te assortment .•1 Crockery&G Iassware 1.nledasg `tone and ('hits Tel Sets. Childress Toy Tee netts, ladies and Goats F*.cy Tea Cepa and Hewers, sellable Co C,'Fhtratinae and New TOWS Gifts L ImptLa mp Goods it Gr% at Varioty AND AT VERY WS PRICER Call and be Convinced