HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-24, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAI:. N' IIU,.a ... ,.. UO ULRICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 24, !882. Mit� 0CY�ARINasi A N DVAR Vow adventMeaseatia. Look Here James Imre. Limber !lodge d• Haynes. Laver Pad Holman Pad Co. Ezcursluus -Joseph Hickson. Immense sole J. ('. Dolor sh Cu. Barb Fence Wire -!1. 4P, McKeiu e. Chancery Division -H. Mai:DarrsWL The Ten l'umtnandeealls-Jen IM t (' e. Ayer's 9araapsr(Ib-Or, J. C. Ayer & Co. Dentistry. ti NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- TIST. UWC : an 1 residem e, West St ret lire. does below Ba':': of Auntreal, Dodo- rich 1752 L,DWIN KEEFER. DENTAL SUR - 114 OEON, (late with Trotter s. l'aee•r, the lusting Dentists of Toronto.) All operations neatlyl and carefully performed. Rooms, Boa - ver Block, CLAN PON. grPatients from • (stauce will please make sppoint,uent to ad- . once by mail. 1912 Stragea Animals. GAME ESTRAY. -CAME ON THE V premises of the subscriber, lot no. Ye, Lake Rouge. Ashfield. on the 19th of Nov.. a ted heifer. Gaming two year Old. Tito owner u requested W prove property, pay rive:tees sad take her away. Monism( Storms. CAMEONTHE PREMISESOF7'HIG subscriber. about the beginning ot I.M. (ember, two black ewe Lamle. Tae owner Is ret nested to prove property. pay expenses and take them away. Maiitew ToLET. lot 9, lake shore road, west Colborne. Dunlop I'. U. 1M6-41. Real Estate. AFARM TO RENT. -A 000D farm to rent Oise hundred acres of cleared land. free of stumps and in • firs class 1 state of cultivation. About 60 acres In grass mid about fifteen acre. plowed. well watered and with good braidings. Next farm to the Kintatl dock. For further p&rUculars apply le MICHAEL DALTON, Kin Wl poet once. 11S►tm. L"OR SALE CHEAP. - THAT VERY 1' destrabie brick house. on East 9t. with one eighth of an acre of lead- Tb. house ono- tains 5 bed rooms, parlour. abided moat. kitchen. woodshed and all ac. os..ry conveni- ences. No reasonable offer will be refused. EDWARD ria asuuI 161.5 HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76. corner of Victoria and East *trete. in the towu of Ood.rtcb, for sale cheap. or will be axesi0nged for term property. Farp•rticalars pl to Ju. S*iia.. Architect,Dice Crabb'a Bloc, or J. C. Conant. auctioneer. Loans anb insurance. MONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TO lend on easy terms In sass to suit bur- t..: rowers. ALxx. Mc1) ALLAN. Goderich, Nov. 17th 1181. ItUilin. 1Zhe People's Column. 'OMFORTABLZ HOUSE TO RENT. <J FOP further particulars apply to Mea Cart l.y„ Denner of Stanley end Elgin Streets. Goderich. itelS41. t-1 OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -- 1 A frame house, on Palmerston street, Incar the Baydcld road)containiug dz mono Io' .des pantries and two-tlfths of an acre of latal. (loud orchard and cowl stabling. For particulars apply to E. H. Wszeoe, painter. I819 -U BLACKSMITH SHOP TO RENT. - 1'he premises ere 10ste. with wood shop et:ache.!, :and are situated on the Lake Shore Hood, .lmhacld, halt a mile from Kingsbridge, and one and a halt miles from Klntall. A first clan opening is here offered for a general blacksmith. Delicate health is the role reimport for the owner glvieg up business. Terms nxsuoable. For further particulars &pply to PArR1. x HooaN. Kingsbridge, P. 0. I.tf2>F9m. Legal. 1 EWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, J dtturneys, Solicitors in Chancery Qac. OMoe in tie Court !House, Ouderich. lea Lewis. M.A., B.C.L. K. N. Lswta ISA "ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR Vf KISTKR9, Attorneys, Solicitors, etc Goderich. J. T. Darrow, W. Proudtoot. 1751 B• L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor 1n Cheapery, /cc., Goderich, Oct. 1751. LEADER & MORTON, BARRIS- KY TER$, Ac., &c., Ooderich and Wingbam. C. Seager, Jr., Uoderluh. J. A. Morton, Wing• ham. 1751. Q MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND Aollator. Office -Corner of West Street and Market Square, over George Acheson's, Goderich. 1751. 14iCAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT - • LAW, Solicitor in Chancery Convey- ancer, ftM c. OMoe over flbepp&'s bookstore, Goderich, Ont. Any amount of mosey to loan at lowest rates of interest 1751-y. ('IAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, .) Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c.. Ooderlop sod Yi'Ingham. 11. C. Cameron, Q. C.; P. Stolt M. G. Cameron. Goderioh. W. E Macer•, W ingba n. 1751. Auctioneering. 1 T C. CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S ACC- . TIONEER Goderich, Oat. 1751. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. t (Moe. Crabb'. Block, Kingston st, Dodo- rlcb- Plans and a tlioations drawn correct- ly. Carpenter's' teeer's and mason's work measured and vs. bud. '500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON; BOLTS CAMERON, Gode• rich. 1159. 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- TATE. Terms fa.oraWc. Apply to B. L. 1)OYLE, Goderich. I7n1 1450,000PRIVATE FC NDS To LEND •11y on good Farm or Orst-class .own Property at 8 per ceal deals to R. ItADCLIFF'E. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY animist meets here en at 1 to eH per eat Privet. Nada .Apply to ditaaco and MORTON, t:oderioh.v MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for is vestment at lowest rases Oa Ar,t-class Mortgages. Apply to OARROW A PROUDFOOT. OANS FREE OF CHARGE. -- .1 Money to len.' at lowest rata. free of any crests or ebarges r4KAGL.it rp MORTON. opposite ('olborae Hotel. Goderich. Red March 1M1 1179. it PER CENT. -THE CANADA 11 Landed Credit e'leeanp•ay 's prepared to lend money os. geed Farm mecur.ty. at Mt per imps Full partlesInrsmres spoo •p lioatton to HUGH (HAMILTON. C. L. agent Oolerfcb. 1715. 420,0110 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property al lowest In tenet. Mortgages purchased. no Cosomiselon N��Borrowers era °bCoat eFimmone rdlaseooneda it tithe M satisfactory( DAVISON & JOHN- STON. Banisters. &c.. God/rich. 17111 RRADCLIFFE, YE. MARINE, • rum. Liffe and Aeeldent insurance Agent Representing ArstcisseCompanies. Alm agent flee the CANADA Ltvs STM'S INSURANCE Co. Mosey to lend on Mortgage either is Town or warm Property. in say way to suit the borrow- er. Oaks-(up-etsirst Kari block. Goderlob Medical. DRHUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, Oat ISIS GR. McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - • IAN. SURGEON, fka.. Graduate of Ter- mite Uslv.r.lty. 1.loentlste of the Royal Col - K C P. d.. Ontario Physician*. Leadoa. M MI d re l4esooe =du billers Betel. I(amittoa street, Oei- UR. McLIAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GLOIt. Ossewes, Ra OMos..d ro.Msos nn Reece West. weed door wast of V iotnrl. *reel. 1113. la G. MACKID, M. D , PHT81I- 11. aseo eR Tereus VatvsruKyfluiripota . Od S.seearalttee 0. .r- rss i Cameron's D..k. Le.t.ew. If amt to ohs. esgdn at the Doak. 17101• i HERIF'F'S SALE OF LANDS. couNTv of HURON.By virtue or a Writ of To wrr: 1Fieri Facies, issued out of tier Mejesty's Court of Queen's Bench. and to me directed against the Lands and Tene- ments of EDWARD MARLTON, at the suit of F'it.1NCiS SMEETH, I have seized and taken in Execution, all the right, title and intereeit, end Equity of Redemption of the above named defendant in and to the following property : -- Situate. Sttuate, lying andheing in the Town of ()ode - rich. in the County of Huron. known es folie bummer Hotel property, particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North limit of West street. said point being duo west ono hundred and fifteen and one half feet 111:4) from the South East angle of Lot number Ave.S In Goderich °Aloe reserve, thence Easterly along the Northern limit of West street one hundred and fifteen and one halt feet (1150 to the South Feet angle of the said Lot number Ave (5), thence due North two 121 chains. more or lees, to the North East angle of that Lot, thence due Emit twenty nine land • half links, (29.1) more or less, to the South West •n le of Lot twenty one 121) in the Goderich oelce reserve, thence dee North along the West limit of Iota twenty one (21). twenty (11, nineteen (106 and eighteen (18). in the Ooder- lob office reserve two (2) chains, more or less, to the Southerly angle of lot thirteen (13). God- erich office reserve thence North thirty two OMdegrees. West five 15) chains, severely Ave (75) Links, more or lees, to a point one hundred and three 1103) feet from the centre line of the traok of the ()rand Trunk Rahway, where • post has been planted the maid distance of one hundred and three (103) feet, being measured at right engiem to the said centre line. theme South sixty one (6U degrees, West to • ppooint four hundred and seventy two µ771 feet, Bast - eel from the North WesterlyUmitef Ooderlch oMloe reserve to the easterly boundary of the land conveyed by the Oodnrieb Summer Hotel Compsny to the corporation of the Town of OodeHrh as aforesaid. Thence mouth easterly •long the acid easterly boundary of the town propertyand p•ral8y to the wester) bound- ary of te Wilder property one hundred and seventy six 11761 Leet more or hew to the centre of a locust tree on the top of the bank. Thence mouth fortyone and $ half (4 4) degrees went. still along te easterly limit of the said town property, one hundred and thirt. ale (1x1 feet Thence south thirty 'even do - gree', east still &long the said easterly mit of the said town property, two hundred and sixty MD feet to the place of beginning. the said property above described. comprising lots numbered from Ave to twelve in-iu*i-vs., of the Goderich ofOoee reserve and pertioeu of Nooks A and B. Which Lends and Tenements I shall infer for male. atm niece In the Conrt House, in the Town of Goderich, on Tbaroda the twentieth day of April pest, at the hour 11 of the clack, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS. Sheriff of Huron. Sherl,s Office, Goderich. /seamy 19th, IRS*. 182*. ' IRS SHANNON ! HAMILTON, v Pay 7luI esra, Aocottclora. Ro. elpos et Dr. Manes a remidmeor. ogiir the Jail, Dederick. O. C. Awawsos. J. C mamta- Tow, 1711. ALKINHEAD V. S.,(SUCCESSOR •F• to Dr, (iradnste .f Ontario Vs.. ertoryarehles and rwfdencd on it. Mr deers atm nf,w H.flsl, 7i. a - immunised o. to rira %oftsorial. ,V," KNiGI�i'I' PRA(TIC Ai, BAR- • P101 slut >i trgetweer bursa to return hank. to the pnhito ref pawn pat renegeand ,!tote a emiNiivenerss of r,t,twn a nen atwa►s be foued at hu PAaeiag Varier, near 'A• Peet (Pre iInAerio9 1+61 NEW S ABOUT HOSE. ! AMerlc4n sulwerihers to THE SIGNAL, will, have nut yet paid their subscriptions for I882, will oblige by remitting at "A ohlel'samens ye. takle' notes. An'talth he'll prent it.- once ; otherwise their names will be cut off. LO:all subscribers who fail to pay TOWN TOPICS. within the next month will be charged credit price Tinware and hardware are now ••!fling at panic prices at F."Perrine's. See advt. for price list Bali's furniture clearing sale is still going on. He continues to sell goods at wholesale prices. Picture trimiug at uoaderfully low rates. When Oscar Wilde °oases no Goderich to get the breath of the Lake breeze and pluck sun- flowers by Huron's banks. be will beyond all question patronise the art studio of R. 9&Uows, and thereby show bis appreciation of the beautiful. What is home without a local paper ? The "slap -jacks" !lopped in the pan on Tuesday last. Aliso Tye, of Haysville, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Cattle. Mr. Wallington Snaill is practising law in Crystal City. Mrs. Smith, of Guelph, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Creasman. Mrs. Lutes, of Stratford, has been visiting relstives in town. Messrs John and William McVicar are busy in Tezaathis winter. The day before yesterday. was Ash Wednesday, ushering in Lent. Mr. J. L Sturdy, formerly of Gode- rich, has leased a hotel in Wingham. Rev. Mr Williamson. a Chinese mis- sionary, is the guest of Capt. Gibgon. When the woman next door comes to borrow any utensil, tell her it's Lent. Send the home paper to absent friends; they like to get the newsletter. Mr. Morton, of the firm of Morton A Creasman, has taken a trip to Manitoba. Vennor stock is looking up, and if this weather continues the prophet may regain his reputation. Mr. W. H. Murne and F. W. John- ston are Wending L .O. L Provincial meetings in Stnthroy. Mrs. D. Femoral, of Detr.it, is the guest of her father-in-law, Mr. D. Fer- guson, Hamilton street. We haven't heard of any farmer plow- ing this week. The railways are likely to monopolize the plowing business for a while. A vision,( card, tacked at the corners, serves as a door plate for a well known ad bight -toned resident of Stanley street. We regret to learn that Father Mae - Gunn has been confined to the house for some time, with a severe attack of rheumatism. Mr. D. H. Alla°, of Toronto, was in town visiting his relatives during the week. He was s000mpenied by Mr. G. Leslie, of Toronto. A beautiful calla lily (double) in full bloom has been attracting lovers of flori- culture to the residence of Mas. Robert- son, Waterloo street. GODEtL H Hasson.. -The Dominion Government have placed in their esti- mates for tie ensuing year the sum of $16,000, t• be expended on Goderich harbor. Division Courts will be held during the ensuing week as fallow.: Saturday Feb. 25th, at Brussels, Monday at Sea - forth, Tuesday at Clinton, and Wednes- day at Godes ich. Tat SIGNAL has received a slice of wedding cake, with the compliments of Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders. We join the malty frtends of the bride and groom in wishing then[ s long, happy and pros- perous life FURTHER CIRCULAR AS TO TILICT THE PUBLIC VI ILL Pt.BANK! TAI settee that is Bret, et miler referred only M W. J. penia & Company's *RW MMUS of R..ders hot not to the authorised Readers. editions of which by that virtu and other pub- lishers' can he lawfully used to the sehoola. It Is necessary slap 10 'tate that weals rtrcdar did sot apply to any antborle.d text hooka. labllabe4 by retch Orin. all of wbinb can be wfully used byreboot oorporatlons sad Issnbeea. The vertisemoents and nir alars .1 the (!anode Publishing nomp••f. as to Shoff proposed series of Readers meat sot be understood by the public. me In anyway war rs.tlne their authorisation. wblrnen nsly be granted In any oris by the Edseatlne Des pa, anent, after due nattiiidersttoS. (9WA•eed, ADAM CROOK... Minister of Rdscateios. Toronto. 7th February, tiff SEEDS! RBLIIBLE SIDS The sermon to young women by Rev. Dr. Williams in the North St. Methodist Church on Sunday evening was well at- tended, and was listened to with marked attention. The subject was handled in a masterly manner, and bore evidence of careful preparation and deep thought. Iutrie, the stationer, is getting up a boom in his line, by making up popular 10 and 25 cent packages, consisting of envelopes, writing paper, pens, ink, pen- cils, rubber, etc., and offering them to the public in his big advertisement. Our readers should turn to the eighth page and see the list of articles its each pack- age. Mr. J. B. Edward, while driving in Colborne on Saturday last, stet with an accident, his horses running away on account of the reach of the buggy break- ing. Mr. Edward held bravely on to the lines, and was dragged along a con- siderable distance, fortunately without much injury, Mr. R. J. Brough, City Engineer of Toronto, was visiting at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. D. McDonald, Clerk of the Crown, for Huron, during the past week. Mr. Brough had of late been suflerinr from typhoid fever, and was instructed by his medical adviser to visit Goderich for his health's sake. The pulpit of St. George's Church, was acceptably filled on Sunday morning last, by Rev. Geoffrey Hill, of Seaforth. He preached an excellent discourse from Micah vi. _1-2, and contended that the testimony of the mountains was the most enduring evidence of the great and omnipotent benefactor of mankind. Messrs. Miller d McQuarrie have re- moved their plant to Brandon, Manito- ba, and will have their new planing mill humming in a few weeks. We can re- commend these gentlemen to the people ot Brandon as square -dealing, practical {nen, and we trust that the "boom" may never be absent from their premises. We clip the following from a Fargo paper, published last week: "Goderich, Canada, sent a pleasant party of gentle- men to Fargo yesterday. They were Dr. A. Taylor, F. Jordan, druggist, and H. Horton, mayor of thatCansdian city. They are much pleased with the metro- polis of the Red, and will make a good report to their friends." The Wingham correspondent of the Mitchell Advocate says: "It is said that Mr. Dixie Watson, our present Dit'iijion Court Clerk, has resigned, and that Mr. John Neelands has been appointed clerk Mr. Wateun is a whole-souled fellow, and his loss to the town will be deeply regretted. I believe he, also, in- tends going to Manitoba" - A meeting of those proposing to go to Manitoba and Dakota this spring was held in R. W. Mckenzie's store, on Wed- nesday last, for the purpose of perfecting arrangements for the emigration to the North-west. Another meeting will be held on Thursday of next week. It is understood that fully fifty persona will associate so as to get a reduction of rates tor the prospective exodus. The Lucknuw .'i.'rtte i says: Bre. (r.e). Sheppard, of Goderich, Distriot Deputy of the Ancient Order of UnitedWork- men, paid an official visit to the lodge of the above order in this village on Mon- day evening last. Howse roe TR ■ NORTH-WIAT. --On Wednesday Mr. Robt McLean shipped for Manitoba per G. T. R., a load .4 16 horses. He accompanied the consign- ment. Mr. Jas. A. Elliott by the same train sent 18 to Dakota Mr. Peter McEwan, while working at the salt blodlt over the river on Tuesday lot fell totem ground backwards, • dis- taste of seven or eight feet, and sus- tained severe injuries about the head. He is now progressing favorably. Mears. Gen Sheppard and W R. !!oilier left on Monday se attend the the Grand Lodge of A. O. U. W., at Hamilton. Kr. J. R. Miller. who has WSW in Toronto for a number of weeks, will alms aka in the Grand Lodge. Mr. L T McDniaald. who has been is the employ of 8. Sloan for the past fest leaves for the North-West shortly. Be will male one of • party for Winni peg from Lucknow, who intend pushing their fortunes in the new Province. Oaaieos SS.,,'itt. -A social will be held in the Orange Hall, on Monday, March, 13th. under the auspices of L O. L N•' 1513 A number of interesting speeches, ieterlpersed with music, will be given Olt the ''cellon. Tea served at 8 p. m. (Fut Daserlptire i'rkwd (.eta*nemn. breath folly lllesten lnont/slain* all n.•.eseary is retinaSioft tnr t11n anewrs.sfnl r,t1,,oWnn of Vegetables. Plower*, riei.i Rot*. Potatoes ala, ie now publehed, and will be mailed hes re tali inplfcanta JOHN A. HRUC,F: rf tip iwyl Grower. Ii$ t11s. (!sesta 1 Mr. S. A. Marling, M. A. Itespoctor of High Schools, and whose place of re- sidence is at Rosedale, near Toronto, died very suddenly on Monday night. He attended the Charles Street Presby- terian Church yesterday morning. Not feeling very well in theevening,he stayed home, and the other members of the family went without him. On their re- turn they were shocked to find Mr. Marling had died 1NQUSST.-On a requisition from about twenty residents of Hullett, County At- torney Lewis notified Coroner McLean that Cornelius Baer, of Hullett, who died on the 2nd February, was said to have "died from unfair moans or cul- enegligence." held an in Suestt at Cor- onerthe house of John Govier. The body had been exhumed and a post mortem made byDr. Worthington, Clinton, and Dr. cDonagh, Goderich, who said deceased diod from the effects of strangulated hernia. The verdict of the jury was, "that said Baer died from the effects of strangulated hernia, and not other- wise." THs LIFE AND nese or KING Wit - WAN III. -Rev. Dr. Williams' lecture on Monday evening last was fairly at- tended. Mr. J. C. Defier was voted to the chair, and after prayer, and * selec- tion by the choir, the lecturer wan duly introduced. The lecture was a finely conceivedand well carried not effort, and dealt with the growth of Protestantism in the seventeenth century. The history of France, England and the Netherlands was presented to the audience in a goo phic and forceful manner, and religious deductions drawn therefrntn. The lec- turer recounted the varying fortunes of King William from his birth to his death,' and considered him a choun in- strument of God, whether it was when elft -defeated he resolved to "die in the last ditch" in Holland, when beat by countless enemies of his faith, nr when fortune smiled upon him more favorably, and he was the means of rescuing Eng- land flown the despntiam of .Tames 11 At the non-lusien of the lecture a vote of thank.' was moved to the rev. gentle man by Mr. S. Pollock, ascended by Mr. Stephen Yates, and carried imam- - mously. "The National Aathem"by the choir, and the benediction by Rev. Dr. Williams, brought the proceeding* to a done. Reaasn WLa-R D . Fsiaring the past year Colbnnes has gone into the system of hennaing the farmers ed that township for snlatitetu*g wire (ones for the heavy lumber fuming previously in t nee. and with gond e.ct it is quite probable the system will he continued in Colborne, and interaduc d into other townshine dense the cueing year In aneth.r ruble. will he fnnnd the sol yertisesaest ret the "Ontario Steel Barb Penne ('n , for which Mr. R W. Mc Kengt.J:as secured the sole an gecy in fk)d.rieb it will prove of interest 1. anyone meditating change of fencing Mrs. Black held her annual gathering! of friends last Tuesday evening. The affair, which was of an exceedingly pleas- 1 ant :haraker, came off in Vivian's par- lors, and was well attended. Dancing commenced about nine o'clock and was kept up until an early hour. Excellent refreshments were served during the evening. McCullsgh's string band fur- nished first -clans muaic ou the oecaslon. The guests hope ane and all thst Mrs. Black's shadow may never grow less. Pew eee Cass. -On oomplaint of C. Crabb, of Goderich, Mr. S. Blair, of Goderich township, was examined before Mayor Forrester, of Clinton, on a charge of perjury. It appears that Blair had given to D. McDonald, clerk of the county court, a sworn statement u to the amount of grain be had, which had been seized for debt by the sheriff, and complainant thought he had good evi- dence to Drove that this statement was base in several particulars, one being that he or hip brother for him, had sold to "Mr. Irwin 14(6 bushels of wheat. Several witnesses were examined, but nothing very conclusive was elicited, and the case was therefore adjourned for further evidence. Castes INTELLIOEN('E. - The other day one of our G. T. R. conductors eau surprised to see a little black and white dog curled up cosily on the aisle of a passenger car. Upon making enquiries, the ticket puncher found that the ani- mal was owned by Mr. John Scobie, of the Star Salt Works, and was in the habit of jumping on the trains u they were moving, and getting off at Seaferth of his own accord, taking a return trip" at his convenience. The dog never at- tempts to get offat any other station but Seaforth or Goderich, and is %aps careful to take an up -train from the for- mer place. Mr. Scobie at one tune re- sided at Seaforth, and his dog evidently relishes a visit to old scenes, travelliug as a first-class passenger and a boss deadhead. We have received from the publishers, John Lovell & Son, Montreal, a copy ofr their Business and Professional Direc- tory for this Province, and can recom- mend it as a valuable work of reference, for office use. With the exception of the census returns, it is corrected up to the beginning of this year, and contains historical sketches of the Provinoee of the Dominion and Newfoundland; dir- ectories of all the cities, towns and vil- lages of Ontario; lista of banks in Cana- da and their agencies; the customs and excise tariffs; postal guide of the Domin- ion; list of newspaper' and periodicals in Ontario and in Montreal; railway routes with key; list of telegraph offices in Ontario, etc. It is the most complete work of the kind yet issued, and should be in every business office. FIRST or THE SEAON. - ---The first Grand Trunk special excursion train for Manitoba, will leave Goderich on Thurs- day, March 2nd, at ;.:30 a.m. First- class coaches only will be run on these One of the cartoons in last week's (:rep representa a large body of treopt marching under a banner inscribed "On tariffs Rights Forever," while Messrs. Meredith, Morris and Lauder, in soldier array, have sneaked off and are hiding w behind a all, on which are posted pia cards, one declaring that Ontatio ex• pects every man to do his duty, while the other calls the attention to the fact that the Ontario Opposition is 1881 ds classed in favor of the Boundary Award, and in 1882 ageinat it. LAscsNY. -On the 27th d4 last Aug., three young men named W. and J. Bone and Chas. Johnston, of Wawam osh, took a bee -hive belonging to Jame! Henry, a resident of the same township, and carried it to the woods, where after many vain endeavors to smoke, or burr the bees out, they. succeeded, and appro printed the honey. On learning this they were suspected they left for the Spates, where the first two are yet But Johnston returned and was brough before Justices Roht. Armstrong, E. C. K. Davies and Scott, in Brussels of Monday, on the charge of larceny. He has to appear for trial at Goderieh, be ing admitted to bail to the amount o', 5800. -[Brussels Post. PARLOR CONCERT. -The tint of eerier of parlor concerto under the auspices o the ladies of Knox Church, was held in the house of M. Hutchison, Esq. , of Thursday evening of last week. Al though the night was dark and unpre. pitious, the spacious parlors were well filled by an audience consisting main!! Of the gentler sex. Tho following ladle' and gentlemen touk part in the program F Mrs. Cozzens, the MissesFerguson Miss. Meldrum and Miss Smeach, songs instrumental solos by Mrs. Cozzens ani Miss Carey; readings and recitations bl Miss S. Dickson and Miss M. Macara and Messrs. W. B. Dickson, H. I Strang and T. McGillicuddy., On Tues day next a similar entertainment wil be held at the residence of Mn. Mary M. Hays. _ Death of err. Jelin Rae/arm On Monday morning the town wa surprised by a report that Mr. John Ma care, barrister, one of our best know[ citizens, had died suddenly about 1 o'clock a. in., froni hemorrhage of the stomach. As far as we can learn, Mr Macara was born in Edinburgh, Scot land in the year 1812, and received the benefits of a superior education, and university training. After his educe tional course was completed, he studies( law and became a writer to the signet He came to Cauada about tho year 1843 and at onco identified himself with the constitutional changes then in course o inoeption. Being a man of sound res oning power, of great literaryculture and thorouzh erudition, lie wielded powerful pen in support of conatitutiona government, and was an earnest ally ane helpful co•worksr with Robt. Baldwit and his associates during the storm times of '43, '44, and .'45. He did mor trains through to Winnipeg without I than any other person in Canada toward change, giving the traveller the benefit of a first -clans passage at a very low rate of fare. One of these special excursion trains will leave Goderich every Thurs- day morning, at 7:30, until further no- tice. Bear in mind the G. T. R. is the shortest and most direct route to the North West, No tedious 'bus transfer or changes. See that your tickets read h Grand Trunk, and take no others. You cannot do better. For full particu- lars and rates apply fo JL L. Morton, agent, G. T. R, nr0H. Armstrong, ex- cursion and ticket agent, Goderich. THE MILITIA or HURON.-Lieut.-CoL W. H. Jackson, Deputy Adjutant Gen- eral of Military District No. 1. thus re- fers in his report to the 33rd Huron Battalion of Volunteers: - "Owing to the deficient numbers in several battalions that were in brigade camp, special authority was given for eight companies of this corps to perform drill in camp at Goderich for a penal of twelve days, under the same regulations (so far as applicable) as those governing brigade camp. The corps was mustered on the 13th September, 317 strong. The Deputy Adjutant General was present at the camp eight days, and saw the work being carried out very satesfactor- ily. Lieut. -Colonel Roes is zealous, efficient and painstaking, and is well supported by his several officers. The position drill, as carried nut by Major Cook the Adjutant, was expeditions and beneficial. One day the guard had been mounted very dirty, and they were lying around on the grass with all ac- coutrements off; attention being sailed to this irregularity, they were at once cleaned up and corrected; sobseruently this service was better performed. There also appeared to be a difficulty in getting the belts and pnuehes properly cleaned, this however improved as the camp went on, and before nreaking up the corps looked clean and soldierly. The Major General inepectedthe camp and battalion on the 22nd Septemher, the day previous the Deputy Adjutant General had mane an inspection, when the oorps msrched put in column and quarter column, performed manual and firing exercises, general battalion move- ments, extending for t),e attack, tiring, et , all creditably done. Target prac- tice was carried not nn the ground. We are indebted to Mr. Attrill for the ire of the beautiful ramp and drill grounds, and rifle ranee '. Major General Lure', who also visit- ed the camp aententioitaly rnmirks in his n ,fes ' 1 saw this Battalion at Gndnrinh, and wan pleased with what I saw, hut thea knape.aba were received from stove in a state nnfit for ase opening niversity) to itud nall its of lee (wdenomin ations and creeds. Deceased was ad mitted as attorney on the 26th of May 1846, and was called to the bar at th Hilary term, 1-848. He first practise at Toronto, being a partner with Mt Gwynn', now Judge Uwynne. He tui sequently practised in Hamilton an London, and removed from the latte city to Goderich over twenty years age and estabished a lucrative practioe, fro' which ho retired a few years since. Deceased leaves a wife, two sons an three daughters to mourn his loss. Mr Macara and her 'daughters reside i Goderich, and the two sons are in Mai itoba, the. older, John, a successful fo warder near Winnipeg, and his broths William F,., a rising young barrister the Manitoba capital. Tho bereave family has tho entire sympathy of s who know the deceased. The funeral took place on Wtdnewdr afternoon list, from his late abode at was largely attended by the lead', citizens of the town. RENQLUTtONg OF O.)NiUL5NCli. At a meeting of the Goderich Il held at the of toe of ira Lewis, fast Crown Attorney, on Wednesday, tl 22d Febuarv, 1882, Judge Seiner the chair, and E. N. Lewis acting as w retary, the following resolutions muse adopted : Moved by Mr. Lewis, setooniled. Mr. Davison, that the members of 1i Bar of Goderich, among whom for nisi years the Late John Macau resided al practiced, as harnster and .(,Keit, desire to place upon record their se row at ham sudden decease /.!thou his retirement from active practice 1 some years prior to his death, rend, his eminent reputation, matter to sec extent, of tradition to our you members, yet there are amongst others who can well remember him wt he was regarded not merely as a leaf at the Chancery Bar, but aa a vary portant factor in the theft htorary a educational life of this Province. Mored by Mr Doyle, seconded Mr. (.arrow, that we tender to his resved widow and oh►ldren our us. sympathy in their great lora of Muir and of father, *nit that a copy of tI resolutions he engrossed and forw.r to Mn Macara by the eh*firman secretary alegsser.4s• 1 end. Befo.n. yam HARM From 'Phomao wit chsrged with bezileasent by .1 W Waatharsld Monday lams Tho rams was ail ou to Seterr(sy nett, at. 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