HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-17, Page 51 r- A- e.t. ✓ . - in D. d . 7. a re • el ur 1 ot u. et or- O - o e 1.. et- ro 01 7. ee id ▪ If AO se a- ie - s. 1. T- IT • TILE HURON SPINAL, FRIDAY. FEB n, 1 g8•2 5 nr3HICZO IME Ma 4C, 7Elle. X 1E7 111111C glaciDierri Will begin on. Monday, February 20th, 1882. THEIR IMMENSE SALE ! The Entire_Stock Will be Offered 'a ?A.A. • 4.: 1. • earing rrices1 BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE ! DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE TO BUY. GOODS AT BOTTOM PRICES. The Ordered Tailoring Department1'1.1,4 Receive Special .Attention, . '44 'r • .0- • 1.• • • - • , . • c? ; • 1 : • . rt- • • Asinine. J. C. DETLOR CO. R. n. Cala bladed fm Manitobe ou Wednesday , the 8th inst. He intends to hit ome in the far west for moose tuna WO with hits sue - OM. Hr. Clernelino Atter *knew on the base lint, fidget, died aft* a short illness on Thonday, the 2nd inst. Mr. Baer was highly respected by all who knew him. His remains were interred on kletarday the 4th inst., in the cemetery on the ben line. He leaves a widow and four children to moan his Pee. LNINisite Ix Qrsastruma.—Several of our re indents are laid up with quinsy aud sore throat. RINJOIrorYn. —The usual preparatory aervice before cogs amnion w1 be held in the Presbyterian Church et 2.30 p. a., ne Saturday afternoon. Several of our young peep e have promised to lave their amerce lased on the membership roll on that day. Turcemuteers. —During the coming imam quite a number of femme will be built and sever barns will be erected, imp hat, but by no means least, the Dunlop architect has been bathos keg sunsuit/Aim with several of the leading bachelors about place and specifications for new residencies. UNIIIIPIRCITED SUCCOR. Provitemlillat Weep, of Illicrieviellied 'Vey - Wires. At o'eloek es the morning of the Nth of het December, the steamer Moravian, of the Allan line, bound far Liverpool wim Magas. while u* her way from Portland to the latter piece, ran ashore en the suarthweet paint el Wed bawd, Mese fteen riles from the teen of Termeeith, Note Nati& A dig bream wee blowing at the time, end a heavy mid ma the situation was sue of peril. was &mad the ths forward eoespartatents had Ana with water and mime were gives to light. Cargo Irbil* preparations were node Ili lied the pellingirt 41041 bland, with • supply of food ask cleating. The lauding wee misty sleeted, but the told was Muses and some of . the party we frenhotten. Oa the slags tb• hoer* of 4.1.1C= I. • • Tarsier • Ott. et galtimere P&L teal= to Penne Ifowherro & to El Heel& orders. The put it played in the eutaerrophe is described in the following artiste, whit& we rote from the Tarmast% (Nova Ileseaa) of Jamey Illth! "The Piessiggim mod ens of the wrecked stem Microgram, devise their WWI OMNI et Mod Isise, sugar- ed severely impolite eir the weep- = eticetittatem were inninetyfret- the lading el the ship was a poeiaps117 proprietary erodieiDes4 users kietieniely- din, the bob .1 diem soisiMed el Jimmie Of, sad by theme/ sod liberal me ol this invelostol the parties. said elf isplassist Tritisonspamosi ' MSCOIPME1113.411.• (mom swam.) The Row Compound. its wee- der*" affinity to the Digestive APpanstas and the Liver, increas- ing the dissolving Juic.es. ing almost instantly the dlwSdful melte of Dyspepsia, Inon, and the 2ORPID LIVRR. snakes ZOAlliti an *rely day necessity in waxy .horise. It acts gestic, and speedily in larirHszesS,Costiveness. ' Head- •itheeadaehe, Distress ALF ter .Eating.Wind OA the ,Stomedo/d. Beartbera, Pates in the Bide snd Beck, Want otAppetite. Want el Beesgy, Low Bpirite, Foal Mom - It Invite:steatie car ties offell .hyping bile, reatee the Bowels. asdiplyss ton* to the whole syeteas. Cat this oat and take It to 70a2 fig=hotels for. 75 Oaf Yid VA tOsoat tell goer seighbor *boat it.. r ye orovene 55.5. Ube Largest Awl. meat of VAN1113.0-‘13-V.IX.AVi Ever reireried in itertertela cult at e•OkNJOTliNt. VITO?, . 1 GREAT BARGAIN'S IN SPRING ! FfilliC8, 111118, MIllili ETC., ETC., E I JUST REC EDI • ITISS VIPS BOOTS AND HS GRAND‘CLEARING SA'S, P01130 DAYS Previom to stack taking er CAVIRS BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. iniettia Misuse tame woke dwell Olim n la sem, Harbor imieirred Ara earls workman% 4ess prepared 4e eeleekee weeder. • • .s s 4 , t . liothing but First Olins Material Used, .4. acod. ntCf-mastasIteed... WM CAMPBELL. 4104erlelk' Mr. left Nal SAUNDERS't.VARIETY STORE, Pr.via SELLING OFF. It 70s Irish in have row Par arre Selman er emeele. aware llereett Mime sad Iliewere. Wen /epee mid SAM MOINE, 11160 BROOM 1=einata"...VetAtt211= ouperisaire to the mashies M SATISFACTION Ott ARA NTIIID. A firirest=lipad ersebtein tor GEO.W. THOMPSON, scir...."tra.r.r=1=mititt AT LOW PRICES. The Cheapest House tinder The Sun FASHIONABLt MILLINERY ESTABLISIT I ITT TM= ISGIT./.11.1430, E1R.10 GENUINE BARGAINS. pee tee neat leolithe I MU wil "6111"." I" f4lew -4 Drbes'.. I" r : 5 0 409 at . Seal ' r ' t i )• t •;• •t••• re A i. • i 11.9 : eV. 1 1" • i Vt. 381). 110611/1611118. fill. t...0 .4;4 •• .r.......•...••• .. •,...• ........ ... ,. •• • ..• 4•Iii up. as frOlf5 OD up. birds twee .•• • a amp. keeryteles et« at etinuer rot( a — 1 ,o.si1'111SratItlrlion.::=11.raci°°. 1.07'41 `1":"IMset1= . . I will *ell stovers low peko. . A , .. • ACIOCILTNTS. in'eescerne lee Jets 4. Bin end N. Fall must be nettle•I awes • .7.A.S.i.x...1 41 '1, M erket GrandelearingSale REID & SNEYD rW"eotr o vrirllepiorergttrakklPiPl aMst Otery Dowu SirtltAr•iretinat OITA RICAZIONS POR DOING Tale. we emit to make eine etromeRot of S"pnrainfloods. Ws beyer carrs. ee.'lgNay y tly.dit over from teenuoe er.1 awl oni ef dark THE 241.Z.)012130M1IST BE SOLD 1 231ED& IINSITD, hultagter HEN, 6161101 tegillielMnieweremetheemereliessemerivalmeuieu 4111t1441Liite, .4404411111A...eate......