The Huron Signal, 1882-02-17, Page 1Zee -'. a PI 'I'HiHTY-FOURTH Y1.AR.. WHOLE NUMBER, L*A{. t GODERICH, ONT., FRID ftY, FEB. 17, 18 841. �EKERA lot Lug f NCE 1i` ierasi !<R019. Ptnatsettas ` [N ♦DVANCi. Ilea AAvetS seams•. To Let -D. K.ikrsdlea. Liver Pal --dolmen Pad Cu. Novelties -James fere • Ca. Maaltobe -ileo. H. Jukadott. swifts 1i , ids -ll.wkito start. Ii iuesso foals -J. C. Indies • Co. A7uSarilparalo-11r- J. ( Co. -11,11.111. Maeda I midge di Cosworth. Dentistry. t 14 NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - 71. TIST. Odlue awl rooidenoe, West Street hive doors be:ow bank of Montreal. nods. nab 17ot 1.ilDWIN KEEPER. DENTAL SUR, J otos. (!re with Trotter & Caesar, the loading Oculists of Toronto.) .All operation neatly and carefullyperformed. Rooms, Wea- er Mock, CIA \rGY. 4/PrUents from • iet•nes will �ptioase make appointment In ad- . lace by shall 1111 rage.) introits. . ntroits. 1htE EBTRLY.-OAI(E ON THE premises of tee subscriber, lot no. Lake Range, Aah3e18. on the 19th of Nov., • red heifer. coming two ,rear old. The owner is requested te prove property. pav expenses sad take hit away. Mogoax AIItltTnr. .len f1AME ON THE PREMISES OF THE ' JJ subscriber. •tical the biegi ning of De- cember, two black ewe lambs. The owner le requertod u, prove property. pay expenses and take them •way. Slarasw Tont, lot R lake shore rued, west Co1bocr, Dudoe P. 0. GAME ESTRAY. -IN GODERICH V about December. an old Lwow• mare. with a white star 1n her forehead. The owner is requested mirrors property, My exposers. an her ewer. PATRICK MITI• sear the rail- way bride, Ooderlck. I,Mf-4t. Real Estate. A FART[ TO BENT. -A GOOD tare to real Oes husdssd sass et cleared land, free of mtamego sod is • frit class stats of cutumtion. About a acres in grans and abut Moon acres plowed. well watered and with good beaWlasa Next farm to the KAMMY deck. For fartherartict� apply aa to MersaDALTON. Kb 18es1m. volt SALE CHEAP. -THAT VERY desirable, brick hoose, on East S&. with one eighth of an acre of land. The house con - team 3 bed roosts. parlour, dining room, kitchen, wood -shod and all necessary conveni- ences. No reasonable otter will be refused. iLowanaSfLP, LN. 1816 HOUSE, AND LOTH NOS. 33 AND T1. onrner of Valeria and Gast *trots, in the town of Godericb. for sale cheap, or will be azettaaged for farm property. For p•rttosl•re .pp0 to Jae eyAfLt, Architect, dace Crub&s Block. or J. C. Curtain. &iatlos•er. Loans ant insurance. MONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TO lend on 0057 terms In sums to suit bor- rowers. ALICE. MOD ALLAN. Ooderioh. Nov. 17th 1881. 18111m. *600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO IP CAMERON. Hol.T•&CAMERON, Gods - rink. 1753. x75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E 8 - DOT�. favorable. Apply t"176i *60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND o• good Farm or first -clam Town Property at 8 per cent. Aeoly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 11 per cent. Private funds. Apply to Mason/ and MORTON. Goderioh. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment at towed rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply to OARROW & PROUDFOOT. IOANS FREE OF CHARGE. - I Money to lend at lowest rates. tree of iny costs or charges. SEAGER of MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. °oderlok. 13rd March 1831. 1779. GPER CENT. -THE CANADA Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend mens on m me farourity, at six r cent. Full 'particulars given upon application to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Goderioh. 17e, Q90,060 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NV on harm and Town Property at lowed In- terest. Mortgages purchased, no Commission -charged. Conveyancing Faroe reeeonable. N. B. -Borrowers oan obtain mosey in one da If title V atlsasotory.-DAVISON & JOHN - ETON. Barristers. Ata. Ooderioh. 1'781 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Lite and Aecidest insomnia Agent Representing ilretal•.sConipaeies. Aboagent fbr {tie CANADA ilia 9'eoost IIAVLXem CO. M•smy to lend es Metetgge. either Is Tows or Farm Property, in any way to salt the borrow- er. Oto•-moet•trel Ears block. GodMoh Riettical. DR HUTCHISON, DUAGANNON, Ou& lt1 GR. MoDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC - . IAN, SURGEON. to.. Graduate of 'rer- oute oronto University, i.leantlate of the Royal Col- lage of Physicians. l •s. London. Eagad, Ike. to.. M. C. P. b., Ontario. (Aloe and residence Opposite Hailey's Hotel, Hamilton sired, Ded- erick. 17lase DR. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GE(1N. Oersosr. tc. fie• and rsedsnee os Brace Serest, wooed der west of VltMewL tier..& nu. U G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- 11. elan Smrweos and Aemesebse Gadgets et Torwso UalverMty. Ote•eppsrte Camel, res It C•meroi s Bask. Lgehsew. it set la ogee. merlin lin d the Damk. 171111-y. 1 IRE SHANNON ! HAMILTON, Mumma's, Ogresses. Aertosabwn. Its. Ogee at Dr. Obmases's resrdeaes, afar the Jell. Oederleb. G. C. SWANSON. J. C. Manse - 1100. 1131. J Ai[EPIHEAD V S , (8UCCFASOR 9 . to i,'. �uae. 1 Graduate •f Coterie �ashlar Te- oe He Munn east srw se•ad 81104R. sssmiasd se a ,Dual wses MI. Auctlonsering. c. C LIE, TOL PE PL A i o 110731ER Onterteh. net 1411. Zhe "a Itolumn. P1 O L$T. -A STORE ON VICTORIA n. Street. oppun+te the .Agricultural Grounds at present owupltd by Mr. Pnilups ar a tire. terry and provision mets, will be let on remos- aline teeata trues dtau eassawinn can ha given. Apply 10 1). V. irKAcifae, proprietor 1tL llVCOMFORTABLI3 HOUSE TO RENT. J For further partfoulars apply to MRA. Oa1TLs, corner of Stanley and Figtn Streets, lladetiub. 1815-8t. HG°ag FOR AI.$ OR to LENT. - A frame house. ea Palmerston street. bnear the Rayfield road) containing ex rooms esides patttrip, sad twoflfihs eau ewe or land. Goatorsoh�ur.( and good stabling. For swig pan -looters -T lu Y. It. veers**. painter. 1818-tt jILACKBMITH tiHOP TO RENT. - "Lee Tire promises are 30:$3. with wowl shop attached, and are shunted on the Lake Shun Rued. Aandeld, half a mile fru Kflt;tbridge and one and • halt mans from Metall. A era class opening 1s here offered for • geseral. blacksmith. Irellcate health 1s the sole reason for the owner giving up business. Terms reasonable. For further parttcelars apply to PATRICK HooaN, £tngsbridge, P. 0. 1954111, Legal. IEWIS .ti MIMS, BARRISTERS, Attorney,. Sotlottors 1n Chancery 'Re. • la Um Curt 14ouae, (iydet h. sA Lawut. M.A., B.C.L.F.. N. Lxwir. 1826. • GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR RIS fetid. Attoeaey., folicitors, etc (iodertch. J. T. Darrow. W. Proudtoot. 1751 L DOYLE, BARRISTER A.N D llod..4ek ttorneyOnt. SolloYor fa t%h•noerlI7S o•' SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I 8- TERH, te.. Ra. 0c/deficit sad Wtngbem. C. S.Ager. Jr.. Ooderlch. J. A. Motion.1Wbtg- hamL 1711. S. MALOOMSON, BARRISTER AND SoUdtor. Otaoe-Corner of West Street S4; 1larket 13quiaee over Oeoege Achasm's, Godertoh. 1751. ECAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- . LAW. Solicitor in Chancery Convey- •ooer, &c. Office over Sheppard** bookstore. Goderioh. Ont. Any amount of mood to loan •t lowest rete of lateral& 1761-7. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, V Barristers, Bolietton in Chancery, Ate.. Ootierlch and M. C. Cameron, Q. C.; P. Rotit,, M. O. Cameron. Oodertdk. W. E. Macara. Wingham. 1751. Sonsorial. rr KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- • BER and Hairdresser, begs to return thanks to the public for port patronage, sad s,llclts • continuance of custom. fiecan always be found at his Shaving Parlor, near the Poet Office Godericb. 1753 Miscellaneous garbs, JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, Ac. Office, Crabb'& Block, Kingston .t., Godes rich. Plans and spectfleatlon. drawn correct- ly. Carpenter's'' asters?, and mason's work measured and v ued. '( 'L -1Y/ SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND.,. COUNTY Ur IiCItp9, I fly virtue of a :Writ of To wiz': (Fieri Facies, issued out of Hor Maiest s Court ut Queen's Bench and to me directed against the Lands and Tene- ments of EDWARD MARLTON. at the snit of FRANCIS SMELTR. i have seised and taken in Execution. all the right, title and interest and ulty of (redemption of the above named defendant to and to the following property :-- Situate. lying and being In the Town of Gode- rich. In the County of Huron, known as the Summer Hotel property, particularly described as follows : Commencing at a point on the North limit of West street. ane point beta` due west one hundred and fifteen and one ball feet Ii15 ) from the South East angle of Lot number five (5) in Goderioh office resew thence Easterly along the Northern limit of Went street one hundred and fifteen and one halt feet (1151) to the South Bast angle of the ald Lot number Ave 151, thence due North two (*chain's, w chain, more or lo, to the North East angle ofthst twat, thence due East twenty nine end • hall links. Oil more or less, to the South West tanngglfe of Lot twenty one (111) In the Ooderich oloe reserve thence des North along the West limit of lou twenty one (11). twenty ((2a, nineteen 119). and eighteen (181. In the (lodes Ich ofnce reserve two pl chatna, more or lams, to the Southerly angle of lot thirteen 1131, God - midi office reserve thence North thirty two (3p degrees. West ave 151 chain*, seventy eve (751 Bee, more or lees. to a point one hundred and three 110 feet from the centre line of the track of the Grand Trunk Railway, where • post has bees planted the said dlataas's Kone hundred and three Oft test being measured at richt •molesto the said centro tine, thanes South sixty ane )81) degree., Wed to a &Wet Isar kindred sad @sweaty two (47!1 feet, i d. erty team the North Westerly limit of Goderioh oaoe meerre to the easterly boundary of the amid o.avyed by the Ooder(cb Summer Hotel pan to the corporation of the Town of as •MreseM. Theses south easterly Mese o of the town the aid easterly Ito pp rt and parallel to the wyesterly brand tory of the Milder property ems hundred sail sgty dx (17q feet mon or sus to the Cr locust DM on the top of the yak. south tart ome and • half Nl{1 d.Mree west still along the easterly limit of the:112 tows property. one hundred and thirty Mx I1811 feet Theses smith thirty seven 07) de- g rees, east fist*$ mow the IOW enderty 1101st o f the add tows property. two hundred and sixty MIR fest to the place of beginning.. the said property above denwthed. rmprlsleglets numbered hes M to twelve lnelaN,, of the (ioder•leb edam Marrs sad patrons er kl•ehs A and B Whish steeds sad T i shell efl(.r for stana at my allot, let • (Inert House. In the Town of (nderlch, on Thursday the twentieth day of April pest. at the hoar of 12 of the elnck. soew. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sherif of Huron. /Merits Otos, Goderick. Jesuitry Mab. ISM 1lr. >1fa sUler. Res (' N Voli.k has been laid up wit1diphtheria,bsimg unable toatteed b his idiareei Mr .beho• Alien of Colborne, is in a entioal *sane of hesklt. He is not en - period to live. Mr. Jet. Maxwell has been paying a visit to the village again. The 1 erweiller salver menet bend have got unwed eat Pith the recent mild wether, sad a,0 wow Rllist then* with delirious mime NEWS ABOUT HOME.I "A spiel's &slang ye, takin' notes. An Aaith hell prom It." TOWN TOJWL Tinware and hardware are nuw wiling at panicrices. at F. Perrine's. Mee advt. for price list. Rem -mbar that RALJ 5 Cu -niters trust be either •old or gives away before the end of March. ('all early and secure bargains. .1. 0. HALL.. Cord wood and baawooI. cherry. hemlo.k and birch lumber takes a exchaoge fur fur- niture and pMetere lwt[siag and repairing at 0. 1'. Robertson's variety store. East SL Mr. F. O. Widdows, ex -monk. will deliver a lecture la the M. E. Church. Goderlch, on Thursday evcalmg, Feb. tend. 1532, uueot -Roadie Miracles, Anolebt sad Mblodern " Doors upon at 7. lectors at 8. Who makes a picture fair to view, And photos brtght and clear can der And makes the smile upon the face To alt thereon with eourtiy grace And digntty. R. Mellows. His prices. too. are hard to heat - Hell not be cheated nor will cheat - Hut when his work is dons. why then, He want's his pay from honest men, And gets it, too. R. Sallow*. Mr. Thos McGillicuddy was shaking OT care, eta at the Provincial capitaldur- ing the week. The regular fortnightly entertain- ment t.f the Goderioh High School Lit- erary Society will be held this even - Rev. Dr. Williams will preach a ser- mon to young women on Sunday even- ing nett. There win of course be a good attendanoe. Fos MANITOBA. - Mears. Horace Newton, Archie McKay and F. S. Hick, left on the noon trin on Wednesday for the North-West. Success attend thein. Mr. John Grierson, of Middlesex ooanty has purchased the Ileum and lot belonging to Mr. F. S. Hiek un Brock, ✓ t., for $800 cash, and intends tri reside in our town. COURT SITTINGS. --Chancery at Gods- rioh, before the Hon. Mr. Justioe Fer- guson, on the 17th of March, Assizes, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Burton, on the 24th of Aprils ' Mr. W. Lee returned recently from a trip to Manitoba. He says that the real estate excitement beats anything he e ver witnessed in California, Pike's Peak or Montana in their palmiest days. •'No &russuna&" - Rev. Dr. Wil- liams will deliver a lecture in North St. Methodist Church on Monday evening next, on "The Life add Tunes of Wil- liam, Prince of Orangs." From what we know of the lecturer, we have every reason to believe the subject will be ably handled. Admission 20eta. • At a meeting of the vestry and ad- herents of 8t. George's Church on Wed- nesday evening a letter was read from Rev. R. Hicks, resigning the curacy at Guderich. The announcement was re- ceived with regret by all present, for rev. Mr. Hicks is a generalfavorite with the congr'efteMon. A committee was unanimously chosen to wait upon the rev. gentleman, and endeavor to induce him to withdraw his resignation. It is to be hoped the efforts of the committee will be of avail. CLEARING SALL.--In another celuntn will be found the mammoth advertise- ment of J. C. Detlor & Co. A clearing sale ie announced, and we understand gonitine bargains will be given. By call- ing at the store you can also obtain full information concerning the great north west from the seniormemberof the firm, who has just returned from that section. The ries of real estate there will beju- diciously interwoven with the fall is dry goods here, and full satisfaction will be given in each case. Dou't fail to call at Detlor's during the clearing ale. Mr. Archie McKay, who was for • number of years a student in Mr Gar - row's law Aloe, and who recently paned creditable examinations for attorney and barrister in Ontario, was banquet - ted by a number of his friends on Mon- day evening last, preparatory to his leaving for the North-West The chair was ably filled by Mr. A. Dickson, post- master of Uoderich, and toast, song and sentiment prevailed during the miter- toinment. Mr. McKay u a young man of studious habits, and great capability, and we look for his tepid edvsnoemest in the new land in which he has cast his lot. The annual meeting of the North Heron L O. L was hell in the Orange Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday of last week. The following officers were elected for the press a years --C. M. Ben. Henry Perkins, Gerrie: C. D. M. Bre. remodel Motherly,. Blyth; 0. C. Bro. Rev. F. Ry.a Rrueeels; 0. %., Aro. W. lAidlaw, 1l ly1h; C. T. Bir. W. Magill, Relgnvs; C. D. of C., Rm. J. H. Young, Remade; C. L, T. Wat- son, Brussels; L P. M., E. Gerry, Rene - mils. There were present about 150 delegates and visitors. The 12th of July, 114012, celebration will be held in the town of Wines*. A letter received Monday from s World correspondent in Winnipeg de- scribee the situation there as follows '11 is ending tae $11 a week for hoard, and that the poorest you ever saw, but one meal a day will do you of you ran live nn excitement The sttuetinn may be best described as follows You have hems at a hotel where they sell pools sad where the •teitemo nt 11 manning well vas ages favorite horse Tbat is • fair simile of Winnipeg at the present day. in every hotel and in every real estate ogee and yen must tnndwretanl every betel has eta real Petite Mies, if not twe -there u the wildest exeitesoont But it strikes me that the hnttom mutt anon •fall out of it " WEDDING BELLS. ■r. W. T. Web! and RIW Llale ■rids Berme with t:•1d•a icemen. On Wednesday morning last, the ladies of Goderich were early astir to get ready to view the matrimonial alli- ance of Mr. W. T. Welsh, jeweller, of this town and Lizzie, only daughter of the late Henry Hands. The ceresooey, which took place at 3t. George's church, was witnessed by a large and interested concourse of spectators-pnneipally of the milder sex. The body of the ohurch was literally crowded with misses, maids and married ladies, while oocauonally could be seen the radiant countenance of a benedict with mind carried back to the halcyon day' when he was • groom; and ever and anon could be observed Bachelors of all grades, ages and stations with eager, anxious expectant looks upon their faces, as if longing for the "sweet by -and -bye" when the happy lot of W. T. Welsh would be their portion. Punctually at 10 a. m., Mir. Bertha Traiuor, the talented organist of Sr. George's, caused the organ to peal forth the "Wedding March" from Loghrin, by" Wagner, and at the same time the bridal pnrty entered the church, the bride ton the aria of Mr. F. F. Lawrence, who gracefully performed the duty of guardi- an 00 the occasion. Immediately be- hind walked the bridesmaids, and at the chancel they were joined by the groom and his two assistants, Mr. Ed. Van - Every and Mr. Chas. A. Nairn. The bride wore a dress et bronze green camel's her cloth, and beaver hat with ombrs plume. Mis Clan Dark, the first 'bridesmaid was arrayed in a light silk, trimmed with point lace, with s cap of blue satin and white plume. Mixt Hat- tisAndrews, the other bridesmaid els., wore a light silk, trimmed with lace, but lased a cardinal satin cap and :Annie to 'match. The ceremony was celebrated before the communion ta't!e. and wag perfo'rraed by the Ven. Archdeacon Elwond, as- suted by Rev. R. Hicks. At its con- clusion, and after the interested parties had silted their signatures to the rr''%ester, the organist played Mendela- s.ihn's Wedding March. The bridal party and friends then pro- ceeded to the residence • of Mn. An- drew's, where a sumptuous wedding b'eaktast had been prepared, and par- took ofi'efreshrnente. In Mrs. Andrew's parlors were spread the handsome pres- ents to the happy pair, amort;; which we noticed the following: Silver cake basket, Mr. and Mrs. Holt; silver cake basket, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Savage; silver mounted pickle stand, Miss Clan Dark; silver napkin ring, Mia E. Andrews; salt cellars sot in silver, Mr. Deacon; silver Nutter cooler, Mee H. Cooke; silver pickle stand, Mr. D. McDonald; fruit dish, Mrs. Geo. Parsons; cheese dish, Mrs. Wells; set ofjewelry, tho groom's broth- er, Mr. Welsh of Stratford; gold locket and chain from the groom; china fruit service, from the groomsmen; china tea set, Mears. Charlie Andrews, Rothwell, Rhynes, and J. Robinson; gloss lemon- ade *arena, Mr. W. Horton; three majolica pitchers and carving knife, Mr. W. H. Ridley; three majolica pitchers, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, tot. Thomaa; hand- some album, Mn. F. F. Lawrence;lwork box lined with blue and white satin, Mrs. Black; satin and lace pincushion, Miss B. Trainor; toilet set, Miss Lizzie Dark; toilet mats, Mn, Clueaa; cord bracket, Mies M. Dark; toilet hot- t1es, Mrs. Slack; tidy and mats, Misses Login; table lamps, Mia and Mr. W. Davie. There were also a large number of other pretty presents. The happy ample were eacortod to the station by a large number of friends and acquaintances, and went east on their tour to Toronto, Stratford, Brantford and other points by the noon train. Our hest wuhes attend them. Literary Mestere. HAarusa MONTHLY for March is to hand, and is equal to any of its prods, comers. The contents are :-Old New York Coffee Houses; Missing- a poem; Upon Cluun-a poem; A Canadian Pil- Rnmage; The Song of Roland; Washing- ton's acceptance of the First Presidency; A Snell Telescope and what to see with it; Typical Journeying. and Country iefe in Mettioo; An American King; The New French Minister of Public Inatruc- tion; Shadows- a poem; Last Wards from George Eliot; A Highly Reeets- ble Fernil ; The Mendelsoepn Family; Dream -folk -a poem; A Cock -Horse; A Farewell --4 poem; Annie; The Pawn Shop; A Dimple --a poom; Prudence; liditior's Easy Chair; Literary Reoord; Historical Record; Editor's Drawer. Ti. Wnenurras Review. -- W have reoei.d from the publisher., the Leon- ard Scott Publishing Co., 41 Barclay street, New York, the American clition of the Westwtinetr Review for January, 1882; The contents are• The Early Pro- gress of Christianity; The Bin. of Eng- land's Power in India, The Steles; (leery Eliot as a Mon! Teacher Week - i las Insurance M It is, Richard Carden, Tnwn lemoke and Town Fog, The Coronation Oath ao ear to Legisla- tion. India and oar Calmest Empire; Contemporary Literature. 8. 8. CONVENTION. 4 helmg resales •R Thersday Last. Meetings are still •ontMssil in Zion The last session of the aitch &usual couyentiuu of the Cou;uy of heron Sun- day School Association washeld in Knox church, on Thursday evening ot last week, after we had gene to press. The chair was taken by the reiigieg. president, Peter Fisher, of Winghamu, who, after the formal opening of the session, introduced the President elect, Thos. McGillicuddy, of Uoderioh. Mr. McGillicuddy took the chair amidst applause, and after therinks of a hymn, he arose and thankethe con- vention for the honor which they had bestowed upon him by appointing him to the position. He alluded to the im- portance 9f Sunday =hood work, and its nobility, lkpd counselled faithfulness to the Master and His work. Ret,. It Thomas, of Climen, then de- livered an eloquent and practical ad- dress entitled "'The olaims of the Lord Jesus upon us." An epitome would not do justice to this excellent and practise! derrieres, the leading thotrehta of which were that the Lord chained our hearts, our life, and our labor. A solo. "Where is my Wandering Boy to -night 1" was beautifully rendered by Mr. B. Armstrong, assisted by the choir. in the chorus Rev. Dr. Willison' then made a stir- ring speech on "What means shall' be adopted to interest those indifferent to Sunday school work 1" witch was well reoeived. The following rerilytions, sent in by the oommtttse on resoluttoaa, were Unita imously carriedReoolred:-That the unanimous thanks of this meeting be tendered to the retiring Preeident, Mr. Peter Fisher, for the edam* and happy nnanner 10 welch he has presided over the several sessions of the convention. Also to Mr. Badge, for the n ery efficient manner in which he has so ably filled the ot)ics of reoordtng sieretary for the past five years, in connectins with this Ae- soci•tioa Also to the trustees of the several churches of Goderioh, who have so kindly permitted us the use of their edifices during Ihis our ninth annual county S. S. Convention. Also to the seveed choirs for their kind efforts in the conducting of the singing under the able management of Mr. Ben. Arm- strong. Also to the Ladies of Gederieb, for their kind hospitality to the several delegates attending this oonveutios. Brief "farewell" addresses were they delivered by Rev. C. A. Francis, D.; Duncan, J. C. Stephenson and Rev. DV. Ure. Tho fivancial statement road by Mr. E. F. Moore, allowed that the sum of $:;.07 had been left in the treasury from last year. The collections amounted to $42.30; the expenses were 137.36; leav- ing a surplus in the teasurer'e hands of $8.21-a very favorable showing. After the singing of "Blest be the Tie that Binds" by the entire assembly, the benediction was • pronounced by Rev. Dr. Williams, and the convection be- came a thing of the past. We ommitted to state in our report of Thursday ntternoon'a proceedings that a motion was carried makine the minis - tore of the town in which the executive committee may meet for tee transaction of business er officio members of that cornmittee( Neteereiegtoal Lepers. State of the weather for the two weeks ending Feb. 13th, 1882 Feb 1st -Wind: at 10 p. w, S. W., fresh, frost. cloudy. , Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 660. Snow flurries during the day. 2nd -Wind at 10 p. m. N. IV., mode- rate gale, cloudy, frost. Number of miles wind travelled during 24 hours 720. Snow flurries during the day. 312 -Wind at 10 p. m. fi. L, fresh, cloudy, frost. Number of miles wind travelled in '24 hours 620. Snow flur- ries during the diiy. 4th -Wind at 10 p. m. N. W., brisk gale, cloudy, Eros. Number of mils wind travelled in 24 hours 420. Snow flurries during the day. Amount ot snowfall 2 inches 5th -Wind at 10 p, m. N. W., Tight, cloudy frost. Number of nudes wind travelled in 24 hours 1.00. eves Sur ries during the day. Amount of snow l inch. dth-Wind at 10 p. in. beat, Iigkt, cloud] frost. Number of miles wind travelled in 14 hours 284. 7th -Wind at 10 p. m. N. W , fresh, cloudy, been tbowiog all day --logit rain monies during the day, Number of nuls wind travelled in 94 hours 460. 01th-biVind .t 10 p. m. Routh. light, clear, frost Number "1 Roles wind travelled in 24 hours 440 9t► -Wind at 10 p. m. West, freak, clear, frost Number of miler wind travelled in 24 hours 260. 10th -Wind at 10 p. m. N E., light, clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 knurl 8)70 Snow tlurrwe during, the day lith- Win t at 10 p. tri. R. E., fresh, cloudy, thawing Numberef mileswine travelled in 24 h,turs 464. 12th Wind at 10 p iu. 14 , fresh, cloudy Number of mules wind travelled in 14 hours 736 element of rain der leg the night. 13th- Wind at 10 ), nt. N 1V , fresh. elem. frost. Number of miles wind tr*ve11ed during 24 boon 7 Q. Amount of rainfall '2 shine inches. 1411 - W1nd at 10 p. m. South, fresh, cbwd, friar Plumber ..f mile* wind travelled in 24 hours 110 G. N Mscnnvu.n, 1►leerver. G.,derich, Feb.,1;4h, 1%82 A ride maceattnw was f.sresed on the evening of thin 4th Feb in the sample roast of the Albion Hotel. with Mr E. eIsiapses ea president and .I B M.•nve , •sat treasurer, to hold °(hies lintel the anneal xis tii(l�g which u to take plane I thin Brut Ts sada • in April 18821 .sere "s.s-wrrrplssom, e.smn►w►wlenrtg111lis Il. C. Church, with good Iuece,a. Wm. Straughan, of the 5th ours., IAelt a horse which died one night last week • - one of tho team. Mr. Matthew Levy, et the 4th con:, sold a fine snare to John Rodgers lase • wink; prise $90. As Mr. John Stevens, jonr., sad wife were going to Zion Chuech tho other evening, tneirli•,rse, which was $ colt, became unmanageable, and they were thrown out, but were not eenuudy hurt. The cutter wag broken. Sidon PLow1N.i.-Yesterday, Feb. 16th, Mr. Henry Campbell, who liras near Saltford, plowed a field with a single hone plow. Mr. Campbell re - pores the soil in splendid oondition, and perfectly free from trust. This ra the earliest plowing observed in this section this season. Goda da3 Township. - Special services aro being held in the Methodist Church, on the Maitland Concession. The Porter's Hill Debating Club is to discuss on Wednesday, which, war or intemperance, causes moat misery bo the human ram- Oseme Pua(;HAaou. -Tho cong�rr•eeggoa tion of the Methodist Church at Wilkin - son's Corner, have bought an organ, and' held a tesene.ting to -night to raise funds W pay for it Rsoovaanio.-The friegde of Mr. W. Elliott, formerly of the 8th son., but now of Aberdeen, Dakota, will be pleas- ed to hear that he has recovered from a recent severe illness. RRniRNaD.-Mr. John Oahe, (eon of Mr. H. (Aaks, of the Maitland Memos - ton) has returned from Dakota, having rooted hu claim there. Mr. W. Tib - butt's son is also back from Manitoba, while he thinks it a fire country, he is not so much in love with it as many others. Rwrua aD. -Mr. Thos. Elliott, (son of Widow Elliott, of the 7th con.) re- turned last week from Quincy, Dakota, where he has been residing. He bought there 420 berm of land at $6 an mem and last year gathered 2,600 bushel' el wheat from 100 acres. He is so well pleased with the west that he says "you could not induce him to come back here to term. " Sir. John Torrance of Kansas, who formerly lived in this township, is on a visit to his brother, Mr. James Tor- rance. He carries three scan on him which he received in the late American war, and his exeunt of the hardships and sufferings he and his comrades suf- fered in Southern prisons, and while marching through the South fighting and foraging, is listened to with great interest. He says he has neither used liquor ..r tobacco for the last fourteen years till met in Ooderich by his hroth- er,-(New Ern. West Wswsaosh. February 11th 1882. Oouucil met according to adjourn- ment, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair; minutes of last meet- ing read and adopted. Mr. A. Scrine; our complained against parties having their fences on the road • allowances. Moved by Gaunt, seconded, by Lock hart, that .John Moes, Alexander Scring- our and Walter Taylor, be notified that a by-law will be passed by the municipal council of this Township on the eleventh day of March next, to open up thu ori- ginal road allowance for public travel on side line between lots 24 and 25 ono. 4 and an the 4 and6 con. lime opposite lots 24 and 25-0arried. The Auditors pre- sented their reports to the Council. Moved by C. Durnin, seconded by Wash- ington, that auditors report as now read he adopted -Carried. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: Gee. White, culvert 8 and 9 con. 386; T. Ne - Roberts. graveling 8 and 9, $18.25; Bel- em* of hill witting, $3.75; Mn. Gilpin, charity, $26.00; Hones Stowed, printing. $3.00; Jnn. Gorden, nails 33c, T. Niehel- son, gravel $906; Mn. Cartwright grsv01, $6.06; A. Akam, graveling E. B. $9.00 J. Bell, graveling 6 and 7 000. $10.130; Wm. Dow, gnvehng, 23--12 $66.10; 3- M. Roberts, Dungannon • hada Society, $26.00; A. audible $8.00; J. H. Taylor auditor. $8.00. The Council adjourned until 11th *1 March. Rosy. Mrniav, Clerk. A steam tug, .cow, snit shout a million feet of umber have been lately purchased by Mr. Joe. Kidd. lie already owned a steam saw mill on Celp,p'm Bay. This will no doubt turn nut stxrorwful, as m•,.t 01 Mr. KArta venture. have peeve/ NLM. Helw(R In Manchester. on the 2nd Inst., the vette of Mr. C. HNwis, M • d•urhter. McPbee In Colborne, on the nth inst., the wife of Mr timely* McPhwe. of •daugtw. t A Mt18a. W eN4•tt Hands - •t St George 'church. Drie- r, b, on tl'• lath loot by fee V. . ARhdes- con Etwnod. •*•leteel 6 Rer. tu., Bir. W T Welsh. Jeweltome Jeweler. to IJwle. o•ty Mughur of t.• boa Hoer! Hands. of 0ode- rir.h ti.t'vt,nnq a 'm1w1.w*• Al r.be resume('. of use bride's father, on the es troths of tb• ISO, lad.. by the P., Dr 1're Aleraadw issesders, Ills) an 1i•raJlN, Ottto. 4•ug3t•r of Mr ai ('roe nonan. of linter ice. twill II Br.m Ken r;.iggee At 121 Gernsret street, (I'a. 1 ` w t1,011ha64, un tae ler AI of Jv. IML John Iers, kepredgr. nowt 71 r.'sre, Th. Misner., wen lather of nor Pennines. Messes Jobe end James illsaelisor$4114.