HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-10, Page 5t THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, FEB. Pk I'"2. Woodpeckers wen about la t w:s! . Rather early. I Mr. Joseph Walter will perf•n,u t12 duties of foreman and y:ud brow •{ ;i Sheppardtoo saw mill. ilam11182. The folshow wl orf s the standing,. , i the pupils of S.Va. No. 2, Colborue, fora the month of weary. This rrec.!'• lysed on a writexamination held i.i the.nd of the mouth:—Senior Div.- Fourth Class -1 Mary J. Morrish, Louts« Mandel, 3 Emily St. rens. �, nior Third --1 Wm. Stows,' . 2 J.j.,.,1' Fisher, 3 Chas. Oke. Junior T.ur.io:1 1 Mary Moore, 2 Ida Asbtu, :11he. t Gledhill. Junior Div. --Soot. Soc. .1.1 . 1 Charlotte Moore, 2 Hurry LIT „u,' 3 Maggie noddle. Juni.. S It 1, 1.1 ' Joules Morrish, 2 Lizzie R•.Lert ...,•, :' Emerson Church. l Mr. P. Kelly i=si«h tlu,t��ngain, ,..,t n.te cheery and goad -natured. Flan or Tile Nitasox. - .t ea•.. :awl.) belonging to Mr. Jauset Tayi..r. of ;.:,.1 par'dton, dropped • pair ,.1 I„ohs o i the 18th of last mouth, and they are now a% frisky and vig..rous Iso au April .or. Your town butchers will likey call aruuiul here about Easter. HlmaNRaL—Uu Tuesday afteru..nt, the 31st inst., a large number of frisuda of the interested parties, amongst whom were a nember of well-known bachelors, met at the house of Mr. James Cousins, To witness the nuptials of his daughter Mary and Mr. Joseph Thompson. The groomsman 'Iry Mr. Thiimpw.u, and the bridesmaid Mia E. Cousins. R•tv. J. A. Turnbull, B. A., tied the ntatrinio- uial knot (hie first marriage in Colborne) aud.the happy affair was much enjoyed by all present. I. 0. G. T. - At the last regular meet- ing of the Leeburn Lodge, No. 213, I. U. G. T., the following officers were in stalled for the ensuing yu.rter:—tV. C. T., Bm. W. McManu'; W. V. T., Si.. M. McManus; W. Sec., Br',..1. 0. Clut- ton; W. F. S., Bro. 1'. $tew,ttt; W.. C., kin.. S. B. Williams; V. Tre,o., R. 1'. Stewart, W. M., Bra.: J. MeA• •'••r: W. M., Sis. E. Burke; W. I. N Bis t , r J. T. m.h; W. U. 8. 0 , fl, •.. • .genes Strong; w. R. H. 8., Se. 8. Iver.: W. L. If. S., Sia M. McMauua; P. W. C. T., Bowes; Ledge Deputy, Brt.. D. Cumming. The lodge is in a flourishing condition and is doing a noble work in the ootnmunity, many having joined during the last quarter."1 An entertain - trent will be helin the Hall, on Tues- day, Feb. 28th, under the auspices of the lodge. Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy, of Goderich, will deliver a lecture . nn " Backbone.” Several readings will also be given. and the choir will furnish music. No regular admiuion will be charged, but a silver oollection will be taken- un for the benefit of the lodge funds. The postoffice address of the lodge has been changed from Millburn to Dunlop. I=.L3slabi. 'ECM 3eIA_IL) The New Compound. its wort- darllll aiiinity to tic D:c'cstivl ittPparifun and the Liv9 ; 112C:0411 - int the di4solviae Juices. miter- ing aimc7t instantly the dreadful n.sults ctrverpepsla, Indigestion. and the TORPID LIVER. makes Zopez s an every day nocessity in eery house. It acts gentlyand .--veedilr in Biliousness, t stivesst -. Head- ache. Sick Headache, P: - • -.7 aF ter Sating, Wind on th l : -ch. Heartburn, Pains in tho end Back, Want of Appetite. Want W Energy, Low ltpirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liter car- ries oifall surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to you: Druggist mAC get *10 coat Sample or a WNW bottle for 76 cents, and tell your nei!hborabout it. 1862—MAN! 1 OBA--1832. SPECIAL'EICURSIONS. I,THE GRAND TR- UNK RAILWAY has arrn,g •d f.,' a series of excursion trains. in a•har,;c of •t,e.ial &gin's. to run through to Deluca „t.•i NIA otulma without change of tars. Mem:r:un. R:il .oInmet.oe to run about the Ona o: `.t., r 2.. I'ar u•e who intend going to the Nor raw. y: attasl.I bear in mind that the Grand 1't or,,; is the shortest sad best route, having sat u.de,eadeot line to Chicago. thus avoldtn.t s:' .;n:tecesea.y bus transfers and section -.:I... ,, and this year offer facilities to the tows Uug Debts nnequsltd by sa ether r.id t'b . stademigned will have pleaen-,• : n tu.-..ablate every information sate res, t•rke... eutusarfreight and live week to ail parts of I inaota and Manitoba, aid do- ttambie)hl•ts maps S•c.. free on ap moon. gooetr ebeeked through Lidestination. Pa J. L M RTON, Agent G. T. R.. or H.ARMSTRONG.. Ezuarelon sad ticket agent G. T. R. Ooderida. Mack's Magneti.; Medicine ! Oolbora4. CoL NCIL Marxism. -- The Municipal Council of Colborne met in tho Town ship Hall, on Wednesday, 1st February, 1882. Members all present—Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read And adopted. The following accounts were ordered to be paid, vii: John •Mc intyre, for repairs, 21; F. Perin, stove l,ipes for hall, 111.40; Mr. Hardy, for gravel, 31.40; McDonald estate, gravel. 211.75; Thos. Gilden, for work, 50c: Kerr & McKenzie, fur spikes, 40c. T. Burns presented an account for gravel, • which the Council considered an exos- hitent charge, and, therefore, ordered that it be not paid. Mr. Carroll w.is paid 313, for erecting 52 rods of wiry fence. J. 0. Stewart was renitttd 111 for dog tax he having certified that he had no dog during the year. Commuur- cation from Peter McEwen, caking the Council to grant him exe:r. tion from taxa for 10 years on the old salt well property, in Maitlandville, as he prop. sea to repair the ,property and commence the manufacture of alt. Deferred next meeting. The following !Artie. were appointed pathmaster for their respective divisions, riz : --- Ns. 1, D. Bear, pathmaster; No. 2, Valentine Fisher; No. 8, Wm. Ohler; No. 4, 'so .b Switzer; No , E. Mitchell; No. 5. Conrad Peffer; No. 6, Amos Fisher, N... 7, T. Ole; No. 8, John Stewart; No. 9 Lau Fisher; No. 10, Jas. Jenkins; No, 11. A. Studs' No. 12, Joseph Nagle; No. 13, Wm. Oullinsow; No. 13e, Sa u. Vandalise; No. 14, Rioh•d Walters; N... 15, Tiro. Clews; No. 16; W. Long; No 17, N. Nott: No. 18; R. Rtrachan; No. 19, E. t,traclan; No. 90, J. Kerr; No 21, J. Stephens; No. 22, R. Allen; No. 23, A. Bogie; No. 24, Wm. Symington; No. 25, J. Symington; No. 26, las Syt„• ingtnn; No. 27, T. Morriah; Nn. 28, .1 Tewsley: No. 29, W. Barkerell; No. 30, P. Carroll, No. 31, J. Bechanan!'N,• 32, W. Young; No. 33, Jon Harris; No 34, J. Goldthorpe; No. 35, (1.. Evws; No. 85, J. McPhee; No. 864, R Hin- ton; No, 37, A. Glen, No. 3e, J. Olen; No. 38, J. Ilia; No. 0, H. Morris, No. 41, D. Sterling; Na 44, L. Sat iw; No. 43, R Rrya.; No. 44, W. (Nark; No. 45, T. etenthews; No. 4e, T. Boyd; No. 47, A. Cowan; No. 48, 11. F�edepp No. 4e, J. Brown; No. 50, J. lieL•od; No. 51. T. Aridity; No. it, G. Doesh- orty; No. 53, K Johnston; No. 54, R. Quaid, No. 55, A. Orson; No. IN. 11. Martie; No. W, P. H.gan; Na M. 3. Edwards; No. 53. J. Chisholm; No. e0, O. )siseett, No. 151, 11. O'Mara. Posed hoopoes, P. Fisher, Jos Nnerie John Jewry Zwoia.d.rF Gee. Morris sal*, � sod And'w Beaw.t& Penes Viewer., Joe. Ooldthorpho, Jahn Morris, Jew* McOefiekew, C. wearily, A. Siwe, Jae. Tyler. John Shaw, R Quail, Jae. Hewett, Thew Rm2M st* sad fiefdom Two. The eaditrta. repeated trek when it was moved d seeded. Ma. that said report b. accepted by the Oovneil as mosso—(tinted. It was lwoval sad seoo.dd, that the meters restive seep 38 fee std_ diwg the s. -)ta eeeet.—rried. tit. Comate then .d. joeured to tweet again on the olid Fur.. M tis Dose of t e'alosh p. at. J. A. MkfowsRa, Agrk le a Sure, Prompt and Effectual Remedy for Nervousness in all It..topra. Week Afewwry, loss of Brain Power. Sexual Prostration, .Night Synge, Spe•tnator•rkaa, Seminal Weak - nem and General Loss of Power. it regpaain Nerrows Waste. Rdatxwal a the Jaded F,tel Ieci, strengtkn s the Enfeebkd grain, and Re- stores Surprising Tone and Viper to the Ra- Aaeated Venerate Organs. The experience of thousands proves it an TriVALt1Ants Rem CDT. The medicine is pleasant to the taste, and each box contain sufficient fur two week's medication. ankle the cheapest and best. &PPM! particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to mail tree M any address. Mash's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Drug- gists at se cte. per box, or it boars for 30, or will be mailed tree of postage. on receipt of the money. by addressltat�g IMAMS MACRRf7C MMMUS Vs., Windsor. Ont.. Canada. sol.: in Goderich. by JAMES mune and ail Druggists everywhere 181;-1y At Laurel Springs, If. O., ofteoodie who was r.e6.ily married, abet HM dead Messes his bride t'sf6sed M pea Mit Dere ni VICK'S Illustrated Floral Guide! Per tanto Is an Rlrgaat Rosh of IM Passes. two 4 dosed elates N flowers. and Name than test Ills. Iranians of the choicest Flow - em. Plants and Vrgrtsbles, an 1 iNroetioosfar growing. It is handsome enough for the (Mai- tre ostre Table or a Rettday Present Need on your name and Post Oce address, with 10 cents. and 1 will s nd you a Dopy. postage paid. Thal is not a quar.er of its coin. it is printed an both Engue and German. If you afterwards order suds 'educt the 10 eta. t'N'R'n Sagas are the beat le the world. The P1e,RA. (WIDE tete tell you bow to get and grow t,,em TIeOc's Viewer and Vegetable Gerdes. � Peer., 6 Colored Plates, se. s0 cents in paper covers; 81.10 in Mean,/ dAAIL In tterman or Neeliah. Views litestrated ■ans•ly ■egastae- M Paseo, *colored Plate la •req camber and many nae Engravings. Prise 51.16 a year; Flee Coni.•, for 16.00 Illiecinsen Number sent for es 110 .Dent: i trial eagles for IS tents. JANRS Tit. Reebeeler. R. T The Great Cleansing Midi MRS. WARNOCK Nae great Diemen In asnouaelaa to bar many Mends and patrons Is Ooi.Ash sod vicinity, that she has secured the sole right and privilege is Essen whore and sell I ►It. I,UCYA QT'S CLEANSING & INNOVATING PLUID, Roe removing greens sad sell from anything and everything. from the tleeet fabric to see eastesst unseen were. No meager If the seeds have bum saturated with oil, grease or dirt of any kind, N can. for a trifling oust, be anode to link aoa taw. It dents all .rticlpt without ties ander. tot weeld be destre M by the use of water. No need to sand to Toronto or r. where *eft hove your an Aagber.eleased sod Iees than half reeled when It rhe gess for the soot, is owe tows. Call at MRIs. WARN0CEw >Illidsery Retablbhwnrat as Elaisales et and see for yourself. 11fIL(f. WILSON'S PRERCRIPTiON DRUG STORE. ■sabres ■sensors( 1311111111 11,11, atw�eca MMM Min s. 67RYALMNt — OMENS, .wR■eas.ts. eNMeM7 —*�, M IAeM R est, entre c s enum. s■1 emosfi. rsiama/, Aed.8.tiler WM. meet at.Ahl.ea 1 HA'I'AHG. NS 1I IN BOOTS 'AND FgpEir (lltkIID CLEARIIM SALE P01130 DAYS Previous to Mock taking at CAMPRELL'S BOOT ANI) SHOK EMPORIUMI Parties weather cheep se ads dw�is at slierslierfuroordlongar. sesnrei Int erase war::mcn 7 as+ McMsed �aan6ctare t Nothing but First Claes Material Weed, AND A C+ooc. Fit C .gee setx .teed. WM CAMPBELL Godsrtob. Feby. Nth. 15162. Ifyan want to see /be Largest .t.sert. mesa K i.1613I3.0ZWV.V.1� Rear eatrsed to a;Merieb. fall es CiAbovne •B?o%. BANKRUPT STOCK STILL CONTINUED. The s, reerlber having enlarged his stork to make u emoettttret wi'l continue nest until sold out, at the fuller ng pi ..41411: scally U.,illcat p,,,, Fire 45....- k ........ ... • lee. at Ise. f • . 2fc. at Wash Use • u ate. at :Sr. Ilk pant, t jsold w ... .. 23r. At lie. pper I Iron halo• Hems IA. at :Sr. i+t ash I t . .... ..... 1 - 1 •. at lla . �i`in Ten feta -Sc. at . I I:Iw. . .. alt.. at 111. Len .• 53100 at 1 . s talion • .I .sew.. i Yu at rev. tamp:lasses................ 10e. at 3e. 1 t oo5.4ug,•,«vle... 1100 .l D W Nurners 20o. at ler. Mario'. st.,t,w ..11:45t 9M al Stel Rnrmtrre Ole. at tie. • Ind rw,1.. acts . t Oe ata s 10 qt. galvanised iron pails. 100 at este. l.r::uilr . asp at 200 Straits- palls .. 101 at Me. I Coal oil ......... :C' per gal. All Roods to be sold al sante rate an ase. I r10 . to aril al F. PERRINE, success gfnrV. GENUINE BARGANS. For the next three months 1 will sell furniture ar the f. wing proles, for rash: Direr Cupboards at i 4 .10 U un Cppboarda,...... ... l2 W LouoRes from .. , .: 01 ep. �y, c�Is from . 1 76 np. alM I leaf Tables at. . 2 :•0 Washstands fnuu .. *lets up. Sidebboard s trona 6 505up. Pverythln,t Hu at ' molar ins. Tilrye primp reset be beaten in town. ! in, ire 'nivel., I tin bound to .«dl, i. 1 Intend rslrtaeing to Dakota in the a}ala r. 1 have also A Inc of , ...Murry ,i.•.1 :a rabinct• ntakit it which i will 'ell ala ,.:.) I .•e. ACCOUN . All aceountsdae Joint A. Hall and i. G. lull mud Se settled at once. 3-_ .1t the Barka GrandClear ngSale REID & PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND. DESPATCH, AND AT LOW RATES, AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE." Nolicc 10 Coll1r11Ms, !WALED TaxoRns addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "TaNDKRS ,OR PARLIA- maser Holub' mos." wUl be received at this De - ointment until 12 of the clock, noon. m ler. tr.tnAT, tees Nth day of FEBRUARY nett, for the LSrc9.ion and Completion of New Par- liament Buildings for Ontario, and certain works I-1 connection therewith, according to Il) "Me Plana and specifications prepared by Messrs. Gordon & Helliwell. of Toronto, or 141 'rhe flans and Specifications prepared by Meares. Darling !Corry. of the same city. Printed forms of Tender can be obtained at this Department, and- pesos tendering are iiWly notified that they will not be eatl- t(ed to have their Tenders considered unless the name are made on and in compliance with these printed het me, signed with the actual signature of every person tendering (including each member of a drool. followed by his post oilier adders', and with W blanks in the forms properly filled up. Each Tender mast be accompanied by an ptsd bank cheque, payable to the order of the Commisdonerof Public W orks for Ontario, for the nom of 86.000.00. which will be for- feited if the party tendering declines or fails to enter into a Contract based upon such Ten- der, when called upon to do so. Where the pony s Tender Is not accepted. the chepne will be returned. Where two Tenders li. e., nae based on each set of sold Plans and Npecn- ieatlons+are made ander the same Dover by the some person or firm, only one such acre$ d bank cheque need accompany said two Tenders. for the due fetfilment of the Contract, satis- factory necerity will be required on real estate, or by the deposit of money, public or munici- pal securities or Mutt stool*, to the, amount of five per cent. on the bulk sum, to become pay- able under the Contract, of whtcb five per teat., the account of the accepted cheque sc- companylag the Tender. will be considered a pert. each Tender mull he &Hoehod the actual slgrstnres of at least two responsible and sol- vent peewee. residents of (Tommie. wilting to beonste sureties for the carrying out of these coedit lone, and the due fnllment and perfor- mance of the Contract in aU particular. Printed Copies of the respective time can be obtained on avocation a the D - paThla rtmenL notsept the or any Tender.will board to so - By order, WM. MAYA Rm. iDeportment of Pabttc Wale for Gel(ar 4, Toros*. ted Jan. 11/1. ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY. GLA& 0OW. SHORTEST SEA ROUTE. Calla. Intermediate ad Steerage Ticket wwesr RMS. 8tee Pa*.iaors ase hooked to Landon. Cerdlt r is605,QaeesMwra. Derry. Ye1M*1. Galway and w• at sash MAP M 10 WINTER ARRA NGEMEI.T. NAILING imOM HALIFAX EVERY SAT- URDAY.UWAY. Prat�AA �CALLOGT HALIFAX, JAN. Met. RAOONiMONPORJND. With, eN, ANJA Patine 4N. mom IUaITON. FERRI'ARY lad. CALLING AT HALIFAX FVR.(tb. IIIRK 1s1AM. FROM PORTLAi.1D PER. Ws rALLINO AT CALLING A AI tF� TEAX S I it 1 AMMAN. PROM PORTLAND IL (:A LLANO AT HALIFAX. R�1. FM glob. LT N Intl AN. FROM li(NKTON. I1V1 .AX MAjO.. gold 'Altpl"IiAiatAt lRRlyNXf�Pi MMtA:�LIYAX YAR IStk. iee Ilalel. sat overs i.1 wsslles apply le N. A RIIQTl ati 21M -Sia. Ones ilanflei. If you wish to have your SEWING MACHINE, ORGAN OR aT Will. during the Next Four tV eeks, utter their of Win or Guo4s at Clear:ng Prices To Save Time or Harking Down (:.,ods we 1.111 take ,'re ('est M .K- for the Selling Trice, and Commence at once On SeU at Cost in Eve: y hepar* merit. OVR- REASONS FOR DOING THIS. We want to Idako Room for a Lezge Coo -k of Spring (;o.•d,, We never carry Good. ov;•r from one eesaun to another. We never bold Goods until they become (Id and out of date. THE GOODS, MUS .. RE SOLD ! Our Customers and the Puble will trap the benefit.. REID & SNEYD, ManchesterRouse, C odericht SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE Previous to Stock -Taking wi. .:ontinue SELLIN(-.t OFF For lite Mature at Ras month, the entire stark of rat r. and Tinware. Malt roper sad Base" Coeds. AT The Present LOW PRICES. The Cheapest House Uniiec The San. JUST RECEIVED! MELODEON, work tw w n e �� see what new, bring them to the undtnwlgnrd, he has Aad 18 years experlenoe In the rA RA l. D. FERGUON'S Irm SATIBFACCION GI;ARrIvineTEED.r A few good crewed -hand machines for sale cheap, ib. j10 and 11 GEO. W9. THOMPSON, Yuantaaaarrrr Ooderk h ArtlSctat Noone Works. Residence, Ne2on SI..1t.05 Ooderlch. Ont. S. SLG? A1`TEI 1)FALIR IX GRAIN, PRODUCE. SEED8, WOOL, HIDER, QLC _, tett._ TWD HOUSKS TO LFT O. N.w Se t7treat, at blr Less.. That' ares h a good Nate, d repair. 8. SLOANF. Oeitgleb Des WNW ISIS =Col I3oI MANITOBA Raving been appointedExcur- slon Agent for-LW:treat West- ern Railway between Kincar- dine and London, I will have muob pleasure to furnishing every information either fn per - n on or by letter, to all perso,ps wishing .alae, as to thres tick- . , bade, *eight and live stock, to al parts & Dakota..aaoffeMani ba dut- iable goods Baggage through. 'sire'' OO.8,JOHNSTON oe.«NAeagm a W swift tire rest eOia�ttei►a . jr 0. — Maw A SPLENDID ASSORT/49;NT ' 1 FRESH GROCERIES, SUITABLE FOR THE RE Specia Bargains in Teas at Very Low Prices 25c. per 1b and upwards. If you want a really fi io Tea t ,' mug 50:. Youn4 Hymen, i is a splendid article and worth more money. I hitve -u ,, just o .une,f out n com- plete aaworirneot of Crockery&G lassware Including Stens and China Tea Seta. Children' Toy Toa Setts, Lilies ail Dente Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable fcr Christina. and New Yom's Gifts. Lampe&Lamp Goods in Grat AND AT VERY IJ iOW PRI0514. Call and be Convinced • 5 V 1 ■ 5 t UU Tu J C DETLOR & CO'S LADIES' MANTLES CUT FREE OF C 11.i ROE. alit Received a Choice Stock ' Jest Of WO TiiMSor ad Oorcoarnigs 31. Mo 00R.MA..0 OtTriwr1B14.- JOHN C.DETLOR & CO. .illisr.ifinj ;y;